Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1895, p. 4

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THI FL1SHI1T0H ADYAHCI TABLI8HRD 1881 rususnao WBBKLV AT THB omca. vi> *HAM STBBBT, rLBHHBBToM, OMT , T w. H. Tuusjrrov. I per unnu m.-i r inly In advance Advertising Rates: l Culumo. 1 T.sr. SJO ; half cul . 1 >c.r. S qutrtoi cot.. OB. yew*, 9l->. Trsail.nl J.rtluienl charged at tb. rat* ' * c.aU pr has for flnt Insertion n J 3 cants each subsequ.nl Insertion. MUIKET YOUR EOUS. Canada'! egx trade with Great Britain is growing in importance year by year. In three years the trade lias increased from I8B.090 to $503.- "). There are certain points, however, which prevent the business from grow- MX as it should, and the greatest hawback is that tanners do not market their egg* iu a fresh condition. *. tetter received from a Toronto wholesale firm says : "Iu this city last summer thousands of dozens of ,-ggs weie sent 10 the dump, and tens of thousands of dozeui wen- almost iselesu because they reached market (90 old." It is this fact which tends '.0 keep down prices and to discredit .he tuaikct. The circular goes on to *ay."O.ir chief market now foi eggs is IN at Biilain, and it requites care iiid skill to overcome the distance and land the eggs in good order ; but all ait aud skill is vain if the egg is not fresh when it reaches the packer. The volume ol the business is now trge, aud with the co-operation of producers, local dealers aud exporters, it may be indefinitely increased." r'armeis, merchants and shippers liould aeiiouitly consider and profit by these facts, and thus assist in building np and maintaining a solid aarket for this class of exports. In liiis section the egg business is quite Lttnkive aud the above remarks will . v I'ouuJ timely. It ii not known for certain where the Manitoba minority, as they are called, secured the funds to fight their cases through the courts, but there is a suspicion that the source may be found in the revenues derived from the Jesuits' estates iu Quebec, so liberally returned by the Quebec government and sanctioned by the Dominion. Sir Mackenzie Bowell made an im- portant speech in the SenaU on Mon- day, in the course of which he dealt extensively with the Manitoba school question, and wound np his remarks by saying : "I can only say that when the time comes, if it should come, for action by this Government, the people of Canada will find that the present administration are quite piepared to ansnme the responsibility which may fall upon them no matter what the results may be." The Dominion Parliament met on Thursday of last week with the usual formalities, and the debate on the ad- dress has since been the sole order of business. Hon. Mr. Foster is lead- er of the llouse. It is believed that nothing definite will be done on the Manitoba school question until after Manitoba is officially heard from. Nor do we believe that even then the country has anything to fear from this parliament as at present constituted Individual Conservative members throughout tbe country are declaring themselves as opposed to remedial legislation. Dr. Hproule led tbe way, and the three Toronto members have also been heard from to the same effect. THE LATE ELECTIONS. The four elections of last week re- sulted in a heavy blow for McCaithy- lu as tlio special ism of D'Alton Mc- i aitl.y. Many friends of Dr. alouta- no could have wen him defeated u!i pleabiire, hut they could not pi o- , ounce a censure upon him at the -xiat of electing a political puppet nf'er .he stamp of Mr. Jeffrey McCarthy, ml adding an encouraging victory for (he already over-important, Dulton. :'lte result ii> llaldimand was a most ringing rebuke far the latter, and will inobably impress the fact upon his uinJ that he is not the political Na- poleon whiwh he has hitherto imagiu- .1 himself to be. The lessons of last week were, however, not all on one >;dc. Mi Ouimet, who apparently i H n the Conservative show in Ver- lieres, aud Sir. Hibbert Tapper in Auligouish, suffered the defeat of their candidates, but this had no direct bearing on the remedial order, aicau- n, luted on both sides were somniitu-d . it. In Quebec West Mr. Dubell, .udcpcudvut Conservative, defeated Tbtts. MoOreevy by a small majority. A itcouut will be bsld. has now got four news papers two McCarthy ituii, a Conasr vative aud a Reform. The electors of Mr. McCarthy's riding ought to be thoroughly versed in ftU political ques- tions of the day. Tlio annual report of the D*part nenl of Indian Affailf, jul issued laci n the i mm bat of Indians under .anadiBii jurisdiction at 10Q,?27. Of this number Diiiifli Columbia lias -5.807, Outario 17,273, Quebec 11, 469, Manitoba ::<>. aud t'.e other province* from 280 to 6000. T.HIIL OUR ILLINERY D EPARTMENT, is now open to the inspection of the public. Ladies, call early and see our elegant new spring styles while the selection is complete. Vfe ai" showing a nice lot of new Wall Papers at 5 eenta ami upwards per roll. Window Shades 35:. aud upward. Lace Curtains 50c. and upward. Dress Goods, Prints, Ciepons, llnsliiirf. etc. Gent's Hats am) Caps. Tweed and Worsted Paniiugs for spring. A Hint to School Teachers.. "After all that !iiu bcn Mid, it muni nut be forgotten that the teachur hiu more to do with the auocee* or failure of hi* pupil* than any other. It is hu to ahow to the parents in a courteous manner iho hindrances to progrrs* in their child- ren's way. It ii his to point out faith- ully what is required for success. It is ii* to work up an enthusiasm for know- edge in the homos of the children as well as in school. It ia his lo mike students of his pupils, primarily by buing a student n the true sense hminelf, and secondarily ny holding before them a noblo estimate of life .ui.I it* duties. It ia to show a 'concrited' pupil the ahallownesa of hi* knowledge and the necessity uf hsrd >n *ri > ' i .ni: work. It ia hia alao to de- vole hiinii-lf earnestly to work to pre .iarr for each day's lessons, ao that preci- us time be not wasted in vague generali- ties or empty Ulk, to plan out before lianil hi* work so that dead uuiutcresliug Tacts be clothed io living reality and the interest of hia pupils thereby necurud. It ia his supreme duty and pririlege to teach pupil* to think to think logically, mi tinuously and persistently on any subject. In so far aa he can do this, and only so, in he succeasfnl. If be cannot, or will not at leaat try to develop the thought power i-i hia pupils, then in the uame of common humanity ho ahould seek soiue other employment where the results of incapacity or indifference are lint > diiiaitri.ii* This i* the teacher's chief work and it i* not saving too much or putting it too strongly to assert emphati- cally that anything abort of this should be considered Failure. If the day should come in which all teacher* recoimu* the importance of their miasion and fit them- selves adequately to discharge their sacred trust there wouLi be fewer schools la msnliiig lost time, fewrr failure* at ex- aininationH, fewer pupil* leaving our school* without sufficient education to c.in|M-te luccesafully in the ordinary call- ing of life, fewer danger* threatening the social structure and rveu th* very life of tlie stale through movements born of igoranoe, prejudice and selfishness ; there would indeed be auoh sn upward impetus given to the race that the progress of civilised humanity at leait, would be ' ruly phenomenal. Tun many teacher* ar* autished with the perfunctory perfor- mance of : V.mr daily duties. They do not take time to. (U*lp the Int.-nt rnergie* of their pupils aCoxaininations, the jtidg- nieut must uf noqeatitr be harsh. Tbe work sbowH suuh u exceedingly low standard in tu.. q^lity and torm of (he aiuwera, that exmin-r ofU-n wonder how such pUftjU were, allowed ( to wri.e. In some casus eianunur* obaritsbly be- lieve that the caridida^pa oone to the as- aiiinmtvnis without tlm consent of the ta*<?ir. But when a uuuilurr . uf pupil* from the aamn achovl *-rrtf. tann . unpre uaixd, even thia puor refisi* of chanty is drnu-d " N. W. Campbell iu. bury Suudard. Highest Prices for all Kinds of Prodice. T. HILL FLESHERTON. THE NEW Planing Mill Klesherton. Having purchased the planing fac- tory business of J. E. Moore, we are prepared lo do all work in that line ou short notice. Our new factory on Flasher's mill site will be in operation in a few weeks. Orders solicited for sash, doors, floorings, sidings, and gnneral house trimmings. Lumber taken in exchange. Get figures before dealing elsewhere. Beecroft & Sloan. BUY YOUR Harness NOW tOOI> STO< k WOKEVAN8BIP LOW r it n t:s Curry Combs, Brushes, Harnese Dreaing, 81eii(h Bells, Goat and Cowhide Robre, Axle Greaae, Blanketa, and everything in my line constantly on hand. To the Public. Having rented Whitten'* blackamith ahop f. r a term of years, I am now in a position to catnrto all wania iu my line). Horseshoeing: a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For a.iythin^' in the bUokmnfthiiy line call on I A. BINT Ol'POHlTR HIOHABMOMf UARDWAHB KI'CKK l-'L, KS II K K TON ROLLER HULLS Are now eomplet and are running regular. CHOPPING Time Table. ooiHo aovra. Markdale 42 a. n. Kli-slicrton .Sft s m oo ISO HoBTI. KUsherton U.50 a. .. IfarkdaU 1S.OS p. n, 4 32 p. 446p. m. Leave orders early a* w* are always in the fall aeaaon. Hirnessmaker W. Moon FLESMERTON. To Smokers The Ose. B. Tswkett A SM Co . Owl., have etacetf ** the m, A C<jmbinatiin Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO This aupplies a long felt want, gir ing th couiumer on* 20 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or a ft cent piece of the famous "TAB" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tig "T A B" is an inry piece. Notice to Trespassers Moil** l tMr.kr (!* laias sit pejrtles found fiskluc or rssp>si>g OBI lot If. con II. Art* ' will b. nrossculeS acemdleg lo taw. J J Binder Twine for Sale. Th. Varaaets' Ma4er Twl o>.. BraatJerd, r4Vto. rad>Ur. Tt and M<M t tO p. m, * 9.33 p. .. , Mr. Thorp WrksM. ' ~ 1 STK4l>uae, Prti. Our Millinery Department is now in full swinx again an 1 th t stream <>f ordoi s coming in is a proof of the confidence onr patron* have in our selections, styles and prices and our ciU-usive stock of millinery mi ti i ial in silks, ribbon*, fljwers, featlter and the hundred other things required to get up artistic millinery, is a s>ire guarantee that the most tistidiou^ taste can find here whatever is re- quired. Laces We have tlie rargest sUrik of lai * goods of every description ever shown Klesherton, and prices will be iu found surprisingly low. Curtains Lace curtains at 25 cts.. 40 ct* and 00 cts. per pair, aud eitra wide curtains 3f yds. long, all taped, at 7; eta. per pair. Carpets New spring stock of carpets in tapestry, Diussels, velvet and other makes afford a nice range to select from and at prices which aie favour- able to economic Lnying. We have a Urge variety of hemp carpets, also of wool and union carpel* yard wide. New Worsteds ia both black and colors for p iu'. ings aud suitings. These are impor;- ed direct and our prices bring our cus> tomers closer to the firt cost of pro - duction than they have ever been be fore. Our tweed stock is immense and unequalled in values. Boots A snap in this line tins week. A splendid loC of men's Balmorals who!- foxed and bellows tongued for $1.26. and women's genuine dongola buttou- ed tipped for $1.CO. Extra fine valuo but they will go quick. Couie Ki!o sizes are assorted. Onr prints are going as fast a* the snow. kirn's new spring suits at $0 9<\ are too good and too cheap to keep in stock. We have them but canuot lepeat this line when sold out. Bargains iu every department at M. R. & CO'S. Hardware { Dep't. Load of Hardware JUST ARRIVED, INCLUDING Bra** Spray Pump* Hone Clipper* Pruning Saw* L. H. Shovel* Building Paprr B D. Hinges (hied 1 Ai.nr.l ed Fence wire Hay Fork R*> o a Barb Wire Daisy Churn* Trace Clisin* Plough L:na Cut Mail* Wire Nails Cable Truta Fence Wu e Bras* Oardea Byriages. Mew Wall Papers, VTineWw SkadeaauJ CnrUm Pole* jusi nuniicd. Call sad *t taxaiat.

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