Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1895, p. 5

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TH1 HI8HIITON 1DT1KCI 13 unking- Office of GEO. MITCHELL TLESHCBT4MI. (iiiMrl banking business transacted Draft* -,... I and oJUHj.icl eiKln-d at unual rates. MOBCJT sl*tjrs trailubU (or luginiati nuiinoss utor^rix Office two doontuorth of iciebard- 00 * Co'l. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully iilUH for the iiriouv wotic-w ainimj leuU teill be at the rate of lOc per lit* far eaen insertion. A ro'ur.tmn v<l' be made ON eon/racb for 100 line* or over. Or. K'l.clttr. ipecialist, Toronto, will >>- at \vhlta*! hotel, rieaherton Station, on Thur.1ay May tad, from 7 o'clock ID the n.omiue until n.-on of Ihe ume <la. Lang dloais>. heart. k.Jncyn >ixl bisddar dlsruas and duaasas of .men and prlTate dUeasM treated witb great tircms. Consultation free. Pow in calf for sale. Apply t<> T Hill. Kine kilsniiiiiiiiii: dona. F. Defoe, Flehrton, A !..- l<>t of TMiting card* f->r tbo Utlira lit tbu office. Artemeia township council will m*et .11 Tuesday next, April 30. Mensrt. Bancroft A Sloan's planing fac f ry is no* in running order. liot private p-atal cirds at tlr.a office. < ;.>.! st nk, ne it pi in ting, low prim. Ur. Thorp Wright eipoct* to start op -iviisu at the ntare factory tins wk. Wanted immediately smart ^irl tu learn talonni;. *|>ecial inducement* will n. C. J l*itch. Mr. W. P. On naley is nnoe more pilot nitf the 'bus to and from the ttatieu after a winter off. Mr. B. Colenmn, of Harkdale, was the ituest f Mr. Win. Strain un Sunday and Monday. Hay for aale Several ton* of good hay for sale. Apply tu Claudia Ekins, Flush - rrton. Warn weather, hih winds, cold rain and hail have heein the prevailing feature* during the past week. The librarian of the Mi-cliatuc i Insti- tute r<r<|aest* that all book* shall bo tu ought in on or before Saturday. Apr 27. Veterinary Surgeon Ultewell list been laid off work for a week or so with sorae- rlnng like blood poisoning in both hinds. There ha* been great mortality among early lamb* in thi* district. Mr. John A Jams l>*t eighteen out of twenty-one. .The trout fishing season open* on Wed- i.usday i.eit, May 1. Treapuwr* before that daU will be procecuted according to law. W* will print 1000 good white envw- l * for $1.60 while the present stock lasts. This i* a awvp for business mu. f 'lily a fw thottaawid left. The annual meeting of FIeahertn M --chariics' Institute will be held on Mon i iv evening, May 6. A full attendance t>f member* in requested. Miae Edith Rupert's SunJay school -lass of boy* prvwnted her with a gold tn-ooch at a token of their regard oa M. n- *( Many of our regular correspondents are too busy making suyar to send in their budget* for this iaaoe. We expect they w ill be rather awewt on our raadvri next wek. Sugar making ha* been very poor this spring. Good "rum" were fww. It is thought the maple tree* have pronounced a boycott oo the sugar refiner*. Sugar is too cheap for acer lacharioumtj com- pete. The band boy* began laaa wk a ero nade of the town with the object of dia- iirnnj how much encouragement they would receive toward* furuisuin muaic (luring the aurnmcr. Their " ereiutonga" will be continual tbi* week. meetings will be eonducted in the Baptist churoh, K lasher ton. every evening next wvek, Saturday eiorpted. K..v. \V. H. PaJmer, *vaafrli*t, will preach on Sunday the 28th iuftt., morning and *euiiig, aud will c< nduct the meet- ing* throughout the wok. Mr Wm. Sprrnil* lad taawly, of 0- p- *y , left on Tueaday mom ing fr Winui- |.i;. wher* they intend to r*sd. Mr. .-V. .uls has rented hi. Oapcey fckna. Hr is a iteii th-aian very widely esteemed and bi* rery many friend* wish that pro*- perity may at tend hiinawlf and family in their prairie home. Th agent of th C. P. R. state* that the arm of M. Richardson St C.>. receive* more gix d at their station than all the other stores in Flunherton, Pricevillu and FluHhertun Station combined. This is an evidence of the volume of business done by this 6rin. Mr. Fish has told his butter and egg business at Flesherton to Messrs. Lord A Hcully, of Owen Sound. Mr. Run- stadtlcr remains with the new firm and will he on the r <d most of ihe ime. The i.ew linn do s not purpose picklinu e^'gx, but will ship freuli every day. Mfgar*. W. & J. Brocklebank wont to Fli-nlinr.il t<> purchase their hardwMe re- quired for their born and house in the Course of erection. They report a big cut in p:ics and are well satisfied they dealt with M. Richardson A Co. Duncan cor., CUiksburx Reflector, Mr Will Clayton, who ha* been spend- iiiK the winter at home since kin conriue- uient in the Montreal hoapital, nan ae- cured a position M jeweller in Tlieana Ion, and will leave for that town on Mon- day n. it. The well wishea of thi* town will scc<)in|iany Mr. Claytoo to hi* new place nf busitraas. Two full-Brown bemuatachcd villager* were obe -rved unuing themaelvo* Mon- day afternoon on the bunk of Flesber's mill pond. They manipulated bamboo pods ami holihvd for nucken. It is aaid that nn occsiaional trtiut i* caui>ht in thin spot in the early pri|ii:. but of courae none wen* captured mi this occasion. Hay for Sale. A i| lantity of hay for aale on my farm. Apply ;. > Andrew Carr, ou the premise*, at Flesh-rton, or \T. Q. Pickell, Maik- dale. The Advance ha* received an invitation to be present at the commencement ezerciaos of the dental department of the North Western University, Chicago, on Wednesday, April 24. Among the gradu- ating class we notice the name of Mr. F. A. Thumtoi>, whose name stand* fifth in a class of thirty. Fred, is a brother of the editor of this paper. Of course our felicitation* are extended on this hapvy outcome of an arduous course of study. Chatham town council voted each of the newspaper* of (hat town $100 fur re portinx their proceedings duting the pant year. The majority of council* are :u>t so K*nerou<, in fact we know of one that gets foreign estimates of printing and then obliges their local printer to come down to foreign tiguies. In one instance we know of a council that naved the enor- mous sum of n.ne J< MHI-S in a year'* print- ing by picayune buaines* of this kind. And yut if their work in council wa* not faithfully reported there would be a howl around the local editor ' ear*. Council- lot* have very much to thank the local press fur, but at certain times of mental abberation they arc apt to f irget the fact. The Egotist Sings I A. T. Wilgress.editorof the Claiksbu.ru Redactor, expert hone jockey, banker, humorist, and billy goat philosopher, lias taken to sinying! He sang at an audience in Meitfi.rd U-t week. The Ml for -wiys "A Mmtnku" was cupitally reuiiuwd by him. This U not 'he tirkl mistake tho EgotiHt has rendered in gmid tiniu to the music. His lifu has been full of them yjf late, ainl his recent attack, of "language, drugs ikud drinks," af pears tq have left him in a sad abate, mentally, loaving with him the strange illusion thatlio wtt-made to captivate humanity witb the dulcet tones of his capacious throat^ UK Large, of Clarkuburg, solemnly assart* in the Thoi nl.ury Standard that the Bgotiat caino into hi* oflio th, oUttr day and wanted to sing, ami, notwithstanding all protests did sinu. The office cat suddenly bristled up its bock t and with an awful, bioodcurdjing howl, , apraog. throogh a Sty dollar plate glas* window sad started up tho tenth concesaioii for Paradiao. When the Kgotist's cachi nations are not appreciated by the lower t ordr nfanimatl* hq surely cannot txpeot eiilijjhtenwl hu- niainty to extend >U carf and feel tickle) all over when he start* his aiugiug machine boshing. W wish solemnly and with ,>ati:rii! cre to wro th Kgi>tit againat hugging the Mirn>r's t*4fy tuu clone to hi* vest. It i* struky. Tha* Mirror man don't k M..W music frons s) nora* atill,*ny way. . sB ID Flsttaiwja).. oa frtaay, tnt , Uri . Infast noo of Mr. * Mil W, heues. *i IS lay*. __ T* SUrt a Balky Hora*. An officer of the police detail aaid re- cently : "When I waa a mounted police- man I learned of a most humane and kind method of curing a balky hone. It not only never fails, but it doe* not give the slightest pain to the animal. When the hor*e refusua to go take the front font at the fetlock, and bend the leg st the knee joint. Hold it thu* for three minute*, airl let it down, and the. horse will go. The only way in which I can account for this effective mastery of the horse i* that he can think f only one thing at a time, and having mod* up hi* mind not to gn my theory i* that the bending of the leg lakes his mind from the original thought. Farm and Field. Floaaie ia *ix yean old. she called one day, "if I cut married will I have to have a husband liko pa 7" " Tea," replied the mother, with an amused smile. "And if I dou't get married will I have to be an old maid like Aunt Kate?' 1 "Yea." 'Mamma," after a pause "it* a tough world for us women, ain't it T The Ontario estimates make provision* for a new departure of the Agricultural Department, which will be hailed with great satisfaction by fruit grower*. It ia a fruit apnyiux expedition, designed to visit various parts of the country and by practical example show fruit growen how to prepare and apply the preparation* u*ed to destroy the fungus growth. There are, it ia understood, to he three of these expedition* sent out aa soon u possible under experienced and thoroughly com- petent men, and these will cover as much of the provinc* a* possible, giving practi- cal exhibitions nf their work. On Saturday morning when the tnin from Toronto to Owen Sound reached Orangevilla Junction the dead body of a man wa* seen lying on the platform, hav- ing just been brought into the station from about half a mile distant, where it wa* found lying on the track. There were several cut* visible on the face of the corpse, and it ia thought that the roan had been walking on the track the night before and been struck by the train coming south. Hi* age would teem to be about 32, and he appeared to be of medi- um height and build, and rnther dark complexion. Late on Saturday ii!t.t the body had nt been iec->gnized. An in- quest will probably b held at Oiangc- ville. Wildcat* have been creating havoc for .some month* past in tlit vicinity of the great marsh in East Luther. The depre- dations of tw( of them wore very sud- denly stopped on Wttdneadfty night of last week, when .1 neighboring fanner placed a couple of trapa on the carcass of a dead horse, and some hour* later found them occupied by two wildcats, a nmle and a female. The male was of extra- ordinary si/e, measuring about 5A feet from tip U> tip, but wai so ferori. in that he could not be taken alive. The other was secured in a box, and was uninjured, except where the jnws of the trap had closed on her leg. - Orancp>ville Adver- itao;..- The Markets. Vorre< U-d Bark Week Flour ............... f 3.70 to f 44Q Fall Wheat ..... 66 to 69 Spring Wheat ..... 56 to 56 Barley ............. 31 to 31 Oat*, , ........... 32 * 32 Pea* ... . . 54 to 64 Butter ........... 12 tu 12 EKK*. fresh ....... 9 lo 9 Potato** b*d .... ..... 60 to 60 Pork ........... SOB to 5 18 Hay per too ....... 9 00 to 1000 Hide* ............ 300to 300 Khm-pBkin*) ........ 25 to 26 G*M ........... 6 to ft Turkojra ............ 8 u. 8 Chicken* per pair ..... 56 tn 40 Duck* bar pair ..... 40 to 60 Wool ........... 15 to 16 SMALL FARM FOR SALE. Containing forty-two aoras of ffoori hmd part o^apl* bush, witb e mfortahln brick hon ami jpm.l farm fr*m barn. >ltuat*d i of s mil* toiAn of FIsstiartoL. Tsrms rsasonsbl*. Apply at this offlef or sV J. 1. Rasju> vii.: * i'o'o k urnilnM Rtor*. Plmbarton Berkshire Boar for Service A thoraiMitatW Hr.hir boar, brad by J. C. RneM, of Brfmoaton. for sarrlMoa: lot lsv-lT. T A 3. H A msgulHocDt animal. Tvrms I 1'iidlNi aan B* ssso on avplieation. 4 * W. r. OHian Bull for Seryico. A w-il btsd Durham ball for wr.ic* oa ths rmiMM of th. SBdw*ind. lot 1M-1M. T. * K. Aru>mMl%. Tsrms 7S c>*ut*.)>y>bl<> 1ft Jan. tit. 8 U. { ( ^ (I t $ |i (I < f (I (I ( + C (> BOOTS & SHOES Juet received at Clayton's. A large stock of Women's Men's and Children's Surnxnei* Footwear AU" th lirRiuer tgraueii in Men's aud Buy's wear. Call and ex- amine our *tok. Pricu and quality do the rest. Custom work and repairing roceive prompt atteiitmn at CLAYTON'S I 1 I' (I ( I (I (I (I (I (I (I (I \\ I , In Style, Quality and Prices. \ Now that the cutter and sleigh season ha* arrived, we wish to draw tin at j tendon of the public Ui the fact that we liar* on hand a larye stock which we- I are offering rery cheap. We do not believe in boasting but we helii-r* thai i I we can give you a bettor article at less money than you can get anywhere due. j j Wa havs no drone* in our hive, we are all worker*. Then again our large ex jperience and thorough knowledge of the liusiiuas enables us to give you a brt jter article at less money than those of less experience can do. A hint to the f jwiae i* sufficient. Remember we t-iok nrst prize for the best exhibit of ear- !] riaj-es .-it the Kast Orey Exhibition. 8hop oppoaite J. Smith'* ahoe shop. I>. Itl, \II< The Leading Carriage Builder. B ASKERVILLB & CO. A NOTED FOR THB *~ S I Finest, Cheapest and best EM E ASSORTMENT TO BE FOUND. R V I L L E O z. In every line of our Business We Carry COMPLETE AND CHOICE STOCK & C WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK TO, BE CLEARED OUT FOR NEW SPRING (JWD8. AND SNAPS ARE PLENTIFUL UNDERTAKING ^^ RECEIVES OUR BEST ATTENTION 8 FURNITURE 5 E. MOORE, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Fleskion Fornitare Vamoonis Strain's Hock, cleaning suggests changes and improveipents in the bouse- h lil arrangements., yve bavtailupted the up to date metbod oi bundling furniture which enables you tu buy from us at a saving of from 10 o/o to 25 o/o better tban ever before. Our present cash system meaua no more bad debts for good buyers to pay. For auy odd piece or sett of pieces you may fancy come in aud tee bow cheap we can supply you. It is really surprising bow close business can be done on the cash basis. Our specjAltj ,6>r April r Bedroom Suites, in elm, ash aud oak, in gra var.otj gi" dtsigu* , mattresses and woven ,wire springs ot good quality and low price. 1'icture framing aud repairing promptly attend- ed to. Undertaking as usual J. E. HOORE. Ci nTUiaMP LUInlNU, READY MADK AFD ORDERED our piig> trade to ba largo in tbe above line* all precautions haVu beea Uken to kata an aftaacUnout that will. stand, inapecliou in quality, qaaa^ tity And price. You will but da yourselves justice a wtll as us to call and see these good* before buying. No line of goods take o much money from you.tlterti/oiv, you should be careful and get yur wants vupplied from the best market.. LADIES: We woujd be pjeaaed to gire yo Muse idee, oC what wt hae been doing be TOIV in Dr^as Goods, Print*,. Ho., but time will aot permii. We will be pin** ad la have you call a any Una, knowing you will be. .urpnawd aad Mtia4*)4 I witb th goods shown you. , Cal houn's Patron Store; Dundalk. .

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