Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1895, p. 4

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THI ABfiHCf EBT.UILISIIEB 1881 WIKKLV . TW OFTICE. C.XHAM ITMEF.T, KI.K.sHKKTi iX, ONT , BV V. K. THTK-STOM. $1 per uiiintm.il rirth In advance Advertising Rates: Oae Column. I year. .V> ; half col.. 1 year, -J7 quarter col., one year, *Ho. Tran*lm* arirartlitatnent charged a', the rat* IHt cent* pr Hno '<" flrt Intertiou u 1 J eeuta oh >ui tixiuriit luwrtion. lii-n delivered an inter- .tddrvan in whit-li he took tivMU.f the origin, uniwth ' j,;. i.ent of tlie Institute. There Millies at fintt in (tutting teach- ittend and many meetinga were . *ly represented. To day. how- iMg to change* iatl<- in thu . .ii,erery ttachr in legally ohlived ..- attendance. In referring to tin- that trustee* thould have, but r*jl 'i *h'>w, in attending Umchem' uiw- .:, Mi. Dixon thought thai guod inijilr foe dune liy uaiug |Kirt of the fund* ..( tli. ; k-ititute t<> gie a* price* to trtiN- teea ?* euayi, <rtc. The adtlrewt waa diKciix- -d *nd favorably coinninted on liy in i y uf tlie teacher* present. Tho af'eiiii">ii wmiuii opened with a |ia|>ei in Vocal Muaic reati 'y Mr I (right, the p ii-ijul i 'f Maikdale poblic achooU. The naayitt, like other advocate* of auu*.i tl culture, claim* that only tlnwe boa vocal itruuna arv in H"ine iy do- Ux-tivo *r inc*|>abie of learning Ui ing. The tunic mil f. MDteni came in foi it t.ir^f nn-aui,i of pru-i- and thu :u i .-Uuo of muaie i* nufficient to cn.itle n tn u pUc.j in ' iji prhooli. Tliu lUv. .'-Jin >Vr'ln, M. A., adilraaaed In o ii.. iiCi'Mi for inorv than an hour IK Out 1'ulil.c School* " Thu mldntsh wm> limn full uf u' -I linn-!", and th ni/wter fyl atyle, eloquent lanxUACc, f.uilil"M )Ult, M well .-n hii eariientimu, ihoinikgh anpr.-i i.iMii', of thu iin 1 1 th dl ji-ct witli which he hi nut lail to iiui'im* any impri-s mil lea viler with n highvr e*t iiiiaie nt tin iiolii.lt/ uf In* Wi.rk. Kiln. -i' Mil wan klmMii lii bu many Killed, i1u.il ng .villi the iiiMliiclii.il, ph).ril Hiul un. i.. a* iMitt* uf tht; hum in living, cultiv.itini, tin dilution and volition. The r uiuat huvi! n higher idi-al uf hi. Mull tlmn inertly to cram the. mind witl nj"iii i i'l tn il i In* duty In nun at tip- iluiuh-p uf >ll tli.it i* lrf-.il ami iii.lili-ii u man. Thu tracht-r nUnd* in the rt'lation uf a | .m mi i II.M |iii|iilii and Hlmulil ! Vi.pitlir i . ill l.i- ile.diiit!* ton .itd< (hem. TIIU i lull! In I-.|II.-K'I- belongs to nil, thu I'.ii m!, thu tit, and the church, nnd it u tlio rii(lil and duty uf the niatu l<> make pn.ll lull iof ill.- villU-utloll of 1(4 rltl/.UIlH; tu hun i 1 toachurH, tu cmii|it 1 pir.'iit* to i.| i.-itu tin- r . iiililii-n, to ]iintili< a iini.iiii'iiii i'- tin- kind of iin'iu. U.M. (U-eiiii.1 m a*ary by the inajoiity of ita nil/. 'iix, !... hut ing furiiMlieif (Ii* tuoli, u i.. auch iiini ruction a* may enabl* u* to > ilium in the moat efficient inannor. Oui public HchiHiU luilitatu u^Hinst cu*te, in* niiiitli MH tho ( .HI-.I Cuiiiidian may In- ti.iin.il to 611 any uoaition in li(.-, in t. t il.t-y .-tiil'lt .m mi" with nrdinaiy ability I.. Ix- wluit Oud inlfiiilid lluit he .mild Iw. Mr. Wi-Uihad tliu mpi alten- ii MI i.f thu audience thuKiulu'ut and it ia i. IK-, .-1 that many ol liin tiaufnl hint* will griiimai ii.i.l take rout in thu In-.-uta of i e ii-.ii In in itnd tin-in . Bund t i Ii auch i Hiniiii.iiiuiiH thnt tint kK- community Mill ii Ii in tilt il l'-)rl.u.i>ny of >ui*)rSar" wa* next l.kuii up by IV. McT^Uan, wliu, we i .1 null) Iwlu-Vi-, baa douM lu/.ru |u*auU tei<>)uiiiMiiy.in eJugahmml in.ulii.iU than anj uliiiii in tn in t'mi..a. No HMLB) with anything U.. than a xoulleHM aoul in, him ..in HUlid ill thu |'ie.irm-.u of till) DoutW, ni.iifH* HID uvidunuea of hit profound kiiowUxlg , In* prufuund n'Veience for ..tt.iiti thingM and Inn iini>r.illh-ii abilny lit UIIIK liiimtolf itilu aymimtliy with the un I'.iiril iniii.l uf the littlu cluM, with mil f ulliu a lovit and revrunc fu> thu ....I . Wllll llHH, lij ( llli Ill'luJUIt ibl i. ..i'ii fr... i limiil.' Ui- In ofi-iipy .iiu- nf (h.i lii.boMl iii-ailfnnt ill tho uilunntioiial Monil. U ii irtnn.it fail to hi -lievu that ln IIIUM-IM i j.n.iui u* will at K-int in -,'.i. m. ny of '... i 'iniiiiiinii y t rii>e Iu a L.^l.tn inlelluctintl oiii! aiiiriuntl h f. In iii'ilini/ oilh IIIK -unjuct, 'I'll.' Pay clml'uy ol Nmuiwi," lid tn^i il. -till, tit iu Iw ' au uiduily at-cuunl of ih.ntiini iium- la>*' and iut.iiuktcatli.it ury*ulij ct h .a iU psychology. Kumher i* not (1) a aenae fact, (2) thiiiK or object or a col- lection of object*, (3) a property of thing, (4) a per <"(Jt ion of thing*, (5) an imprewon mr 'e ou the mind by external oncrgiea. Number ia a rational pn>ceu, not from thing* but put into things. Numbvr come* fr>in meamirenieiit, the two factor* in the proccs* being di*crirninalion and relation ana'ym* and syotheaU. The aubject, though new aud difficult was rendered most hi foresting by thi- skilful manner in which it was prciented by Dr. UcLellan. "Tum]icrttncc in Schoula" was next in- troduced by the Rev. Mr. Mr Vicar, of Dromoie. The temperance outlined in the tvxt-Uink dealt chieriy with the ue of apirituou* liiumniaiid narcotics. Tem- perance in it broadoat aeone teache* rational If ccntuil. Huskiii'* definition ia, "Tfinpfrance * tlie pwwer of gvvering intensvHt t-nerc)'- We should teiich the evils of aciiuirmg any unnat ur&l api'vtite. Show how to control and lubjeel the desiri' of tho iiiind ambitious dt'-iirf, wealth, p'uauic, honor and power, may be inteni|iprntv in character iiiiJ tht-iefore evil. Vi . should make UKU uf history and lit. rnture in pointing out the evil* reHulting from alm.unml mental deairu*. In it* n-n'rictt-d enu tfinp.'nuice in iy be regiir<li-<l us abatinence fioiu utr.-n^; ilrink, and nhuuld have a place in the public (chool curriculum. EducntitJi ilricli'i tlie | lower* ; Temperunce iit one of the powers, lieticu temperance aliotild be taught in <-ur cchouU. Ag:iin, teni- it- rant i- .-.liould be t.iujht bevaivyj w( fliu ravagus cf inti-uiperawo'in'thi' huuian ainily. TJHJ |^v.*lii s precribetl Were, 1) nrwhtViition, (2) education, Eiliu'-i mo i* nucosaary even if we have prohibi- bitii-n, hence through teaching temper- ance children should he fortified againit the evil* of 'n'einporance. Tlie nerrs- sary ri'iiuuiti-M are (1) a th. r- u^-li know- edge on the part of the teacher regHrding he evil effectH of intemperance no the luman aytaiii,(2) the. tuncherkhuuU him- elf be temperate, (3) the tcarhur Hhonld dare originality iu niethodaof I'rtHentutiun if tho MlTijr'-t an well ax a knowledge uf how other* tuicli. The adJicrH thiough jut wa* practical and g""d and allowed evidence of a thoughtful |irv|>aralioB ul the tubjuct. The 1. eurty thanks of the asaociatiun were (endured Moaars. \VelU and Me- Vicar when the uifuiing adjnurned. In the evening crowd* of teacher* and citizen* wi-ie ami wending tin -.r way to the Twn Hull lo enjoy the beautiful reci- tation by Mian Lou Armstrong, a iua 80UX by Mien Richardaon, two excel- lent vocal arlectioua by Mra |ll( kburn and an nniiHiially intcrentii'K addreaa by Dr. % HcLellan, who uf courw, wa* the groat attraction of the evening. Tin li-ctuie on ".Mural culture through lilera ture" iwcupiixl about an hour and a half yet iiu onu grew wrary. The Dr. in well known in tliit vilUi(e and thuiiyh he de livcred excellent addrtitte* on previoii* .ii-,a.-n.ii-i.liis lepinaiion an a public Hpuak- er on thia noenii'.n atreni(tneiu hiit pre- 10111 nnutterly etfurtinnd further endears Iiini in thu huarU of the cili/.ena if Hush- .'Hun. Our much ucteeuu-d tuwnainan, Mr. Joseph Blackburn. who, we rogrut d ay, ha* f..r nun.- than five year* l.eeu an invalid, wa* carried un hi* atretchvr t' the hall and thoroughly enjuytd thu en ti'rt.rnuient of tin- i-voning. Tina Hjieak* viiliiiiie-t for Mr lUackburn'ihigh opinion ..f Dr. M, l.,-IUti. Dr. C'briatoe ucciipie'l the chair in hi* usually hiippy ityle and Miss Chrutoe. ever willini' tu auint in every g>KMl ctuae, JIM ruled at tl.r nrgitn. The I .mil. |IM>. n frue in i;ii imj their aervice* mi all *iu>iUr iM-i'ii-ion, diacouraed their aweet muaical atraina at the hall. Mr. Uiclmrd*on moved a highly C"m |ili,iicii';trjr vohtof thanka to Ur.McLvllan which wail ably arcotnled by tho liev.Mr. Wfllr.. l.i.t'i vfentlenii'ii M^ietking in un I i ill!.. .1 term* of PIIIIM- ri-gardin^ the noral excellence of the lecture. \ otea >f thanks were aUn londered all who aid il in the prutfram and the meeting wax cluaed ul. "ill eleven u'clm'k wl.en tin whule aodiunce entuied heartily into th ainuini; of tho Nntiona) Anthem. After I ho niei-tini; opentd on Kndai IIIOIIIMI.' the. financial r.'i-.if of the necre tary nvikturer WM read nnd ndopted, th fund* on hand at the. heginniiiK of th ! literature in prose and poetry, giving err many valuable hiut* on how to deal ith the hjaft. Mr. liUtkrsinn. of Fricevillp.Karesnnie ood hinU on the teaching of boiany and ow to tench it. !! retfrette4. however, lat the true rducatiotml and esthetic alue of boiany a* a subject had, in the ery nature of thing*, to be made ub- servient to its ciamii.ation value. Mr. Glendiniiine, of Dundalk, very lily criticised tho proponed changes iu ie iii-liiM.I tc%'ulati<iu* relating to the tudit-sto be pursued {sirticularly in the nlnl t'Xitiniiiuiioni. Mr. Camp- >eil cmitinutd tlie oi)c'i v itioiu of Mr. lleiidinning after which aoveral rcolu- IOIM,IIU tiior:r.liz : ii(; the Minister of Kdu ation, were ]Nwsed. Dr. McLellan continued th lubject of terature. Mr. MilN, "f Durham, illustrated hi* let h'nl of suit ing prubFeins in comuierc a) rillitnetie. The otricei* elected were * follows, ix : President, Mr. J. A. Graham; tirst ice president, MIHM Slack ; second vice jresidfiit, Mi' Minnie Johnston ; sncre- ary-treasurer, Mr. \V. Iirin. Mannpe- iietit, We'sr*. Klnkcatoti, Mills, Hanna nd the M:nses Coleritl^e and Ford. It WJM decided to hold a meeting in )iirham dniiiijj the nutumn, after which Ue emi\ entiou cloated with the National \nthrin. iN XOTB8. |ire. nt yearV'ing |18.t.!r1i, nfter which ren.iluii.iii waiailiipted ulluwing rubatea of about forty por n-tit. on nereral educn tiunal |'.'ipi-i- nii'l pe.-iytlicali. Mr. J. A. (Irnlmni next read an excel lent ecMwy on "Thi> to*clior in un I out o achuol," showing the eaaential moral t|ii in. - of tin ti'Hcher to be patienef, horw fullfrHH, c!.t'or|iillne, ^yni|*tby and al fuctiuli, nnd kindlicMtf- At Hi" i-ariie* aolicitatioii nf llu> M .nuiiimi Mr (iiitl'.nv the publication nl >'.e eaaay il "The Educational Journal," a pnpwr ver extenaicely luad by thu leachur* uf th inH|iectorBte. Mii* Johniton, of Kieili' t. .n Ktalioii next read mi admirable ea*nyi>u"Kathi-ti cultnru" which wnt highly npnieciutud I tin 1 a-ioeirtlion. The wilier lm* nil ability an an rwiayiat, and thit pttiity diet ion. and lofty nelil iinunt expreae in her (Mtper iro hut extei n'il ttnutonce. of ili.- interiml lovu of thri I'l-.nn if ill tt. by bur teaching, will peinirAie tliu Miii.tl ul i I.e little i.i.i -ii-. mi.. i, te.l tu her t '.<ar t Mi* .l.ilinsti.n waa highly oomplwuMJti Mr. 1) ouyh, of Uwen Suiuui ('-ille^ij IitiUilu^u, le'iil an Hiliniral.ltf r'l^'f * "Vurtii-ail wiilmu," claiming fi'k- ii ijir f .1 lnvtioK point of excellence. (1). More BULL FORJ3ERVICE The unilertignM ha* a Ont clan thoronch- bre.1 Durham bull lor aerrlM on lots UT-1U*. T. AH It , ArtcOMoU. Thin ia a tlrt claaulmal M1 the psdiKiee can be een on application Tamil *1 A reilnctiou wiil U> iuad for auy- tuinij over ui cowa. rrc.pi-towr. BOAR FORJ3ERVICE Thoroug librcd Borinhlre Roar lor nerrlw on lot HI. 3rd con went. ArtcniotU. Term* *l. e can b eu b applying to the pro- THOU. SXKLI.. Flwuurtou fetation. prietor STRAYED. Mr. P i . i-.-e. if the "Crry leview, " for nany ye.irs a racher in S. i'iili Jrvy, w* pru- nit at the i 11 rent ion. No umbrella* were it-quired. BBO OLEMilNMNi; of the Dundulk Hi-rnld, Mr. Dixon uf iniieMaaii, and Mr. >Vlntefurd of No. I, Artemoiia, nheelod in un their bike*. Mr. Gilray, uf lipping, and Meurs. (iiahain and Julmaton, uf Vandeleur, . re also in rti'idu-e. The citir.en.i nf Fleaberton were largely repreienteil during Miv lit at day. Tliu children of Kle*heitn acho >l gave a few aongi and rvcitatiuii* on Tliunduy afteriiuon. One yetniK lady raid *he wouU not mia* Dr. Mcfxtllan'a lecture for a dollar, and a cilinuii wna heard to say that he ould willinuly give two dollar* tu hnr lis daughter present. Edittir Thuraloii, nf The Advance, wa* not prevent mi the firat day. We noticed .mi at tht i vi'iiuio lecture and during the foit-r n uf tin- Mi-t-ond day he, Wing called liy Editor Ulendinning made a few remarks on i vrtidtl writiiiit. It ia we'l known tln.t bnih editor* are aitiatic pen- in t hou.;h ilii-y are too modutt tn aay Mr. J. W. Fruat ul Uweii Sound, waa |ireent Tht roadi were good and the weather tlMe Mr. lll.il.i-st. in ia derelupin^ rapidly into an iiitrnctiiiK public lueaker. 'A' a li"pe In* ninliitioii will nut lead him into iiliiii-H ; he 11 needed at a teacher. Mr. Itrouvli, of Owen Smind, c<>naider- ed thia the lieat conrentiun he had ever attended. fitravcti from lot No. i. on. 4 F.oi))irala. on or about HKh of May, one mall tltuA. crsy Hoar, three yoar> old. Am inforiimti .n leail- inn t hi* wUeruabouts will Ixi^tliankfully re- Jjttirs STCABT. Uatiwrlev f O. nf i VT l> n A cooil man iu tour dlntrict to If All I Ell rt.preut the Koiithlll Nur it-> of Caiiaila. Over 7UO acrw. The largent i the Doiiiinion. 1'iMitian pcnuauent. Salary or comniiiu>lon to rieht man. \\itt. the iiicn-aiiii! ilcinauil for fruit a poii- tlou with us M a)mmau will pay vi u l/et.i-r than enaitiilnit In farm work hunil u your ap|>licatioa iJ wa will ho* you how to earn gix'il tiiiiu^iv. 10! \aaskwn ! it Jmt the thiug for yon .lurini; tlic nuiiiiiior. Wi it.' tor |>artic-ular. bTCNi; A \VKl.I.lN<lTON,Toiouto,Ont. Nails Away Down The building t*-on is at hnnd. and I hive decided tu i>p|'Iy ny -juantity of nails at the lowest prices ever seen. Read the following qin.t I'ioin : II in-h cut luils, ?-'.'J."> per 100 pounds. 4 I-V2C 6 M ii 'i fcJ. 15 o M n 6 n n ii - I 1 ' " " " Shingle nails 82.U4 n n n Wire uaiU, 3 in. f-1 00 n o n Garden Tools. Hoes 25 cts. aud up. Spades . "0 cts. Shovels, square and round IJU ;ts. lUkes garden . . 40 cH. and up. Manure forks, 4 prong . 60 cts. Miscellaneous. Annealed wire, No. 11, 2.40 per iOQ Ib. No. 18, iW Barb wire . . . $3 40 Cable truss wire . $4.75 M Fencing p'yer* . Daiy churm, No. 3 . #3.50 Creamery can* . 73 factory cat's, 25 gnl., broad hoop . $3 75 Milk pans, pails, fly screen*, window cnrUiiiH, anil i-t eiyilunx' in the hardware line at equally low i)ii .titioiii to rush buaincH*. Call in and tee inc. I want to make your acquaintance. Flesherton Hardware Emporium. Something New. F, G, tatd The Markets. arcl ulh t oriM-rtril I nrli rrk Kl.nir 9 & 00 to Full Wheat . Spring Wheat U 11 ley I'eas Butter 31 36 to to to to I'otntoe* Pork 11 to t> to 60 to BOO to Hay per ton ....... 900 BUM ( leeso Turkey* ............ ChickeiiH per pair ..... Duck* her pair ....'. Wool .............. 300 L'.'i to ti to 8 to 25 to 40 to 17 to 31 19 I Mi 1000 3(10 :: I 8 40 60 20 To Smokers To meet thf * lahr nt thtlr c*toanr* TIM UM. E. TiKkelt * Son Co.. 1 1 J . Hamilton, iint . kav< placed upon tht aiarkot A Combination Plug of JDDICU lOTlft TO [BEDITOBS Re Walsh, Butler T. Walsh. I'm unit to a jii'luiiit-nt of the High Court of Juttc. I'liaiicrry Lhviaiou. uiaiin in thw taatun uf the eUtuf THUHA* WAI.KH. <i<:M*d. aud in a caun Hutl.r v. \VaN)i, th crwditort uf Thciua* WUI>. Uto of tkw lowmhip of Art*- u.>m, in the county uf l>ry. (m ou-r. dweaaed. wliu di-d ou or about thu third Jay of May, A.D. !*! ro. u or before the Ik D4V Of JI LT. A.D. IM>5, to MDd by po v prr*id to lleMrm. LUCAH A \Vt i^lit. Owi-ii So*BMJ. Got., ftolicitom for tbw I'tMtulilI lutirtH. Un>ir ckvi-tiftu and nurnminen wtili . n I il*>>rri) k tiiiiH, tht* f ull |'i t K nlm ^ ul Ihoir c.*\lm v t% *t*ieuieut uf tlu-ir accuuutn atttt the nature of tlieir vcurfty (if auy) hvlj by tin-in . or iu default khvrvof they will b |r *MI l>ti u ily eftcludtxl from th bm fit ol tU* MU) Kv*jry creditor lioMinx iiy wcurity U to pro- due** tliu Muiu byfure DIM t uiy ca*\u*brH at th Court House, in the towu of Owu iiouod. ou Saturday, the 13th day of July, A.D. 1805, at tlio hour of ten o'clock in thu forenoon, b mi tlie liiue HHHJ u'.ujl 'an, atl;uditLuiu ou the clatuu. \-V sr VN MOUU1HON Local Manter %t Owen Hound. (> .I..I lh! :iM day of Uav. A.D. 1MU ;ju :,|u "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO I J) ni. ie easily *ii|inird, (II) ru inure* no nhntling, (4) inoui i-:ily tttM<{H', (6) l.i'Ui-r for buaim M. (ti) tiaiinni; f.iror wnh LooukeejiviH and lumnetkiiun xen- eiahy. 'I I..- n-iii uk< weie poi..ti'd and will no doiilit find nmny to adopt lUia pinely litXible ayalitiu of pniuani>)ii|'. Dr. McLeiUu uuxt t-juk un tlie itubject i This supplies a long lYIt want, giv- ing the cuu tumor one '20 cent plug, or a ttu cent pii'fp or a 5 cent | in-i- of tliH fiimr>M ! All" brand of Virginia Tobacco. BUY YOUR Harness NOW COOD STOCK WOKKM.MSHIP LOW PK1CES Curry Comb*, BnMhc*, HanieM I)re>in BU*, Guat atitl Cuwhid* It. .!, Axle Ctcaac, IllanVe'-i, and everything in my hue ctmslniuly ou hunJ. order* early as we iu thu fall Ha*. n. ar linliarilsoe's Sfliniaer Sah o! SJN-X IEEE. W. Moore - Harnesamaker FLESHKRTON. The tn tag "T <i B".is..oa eiery pica Bluttcr Twine for Sale, Tim rarnron' Hiiiilvi I wlu* Co., Hraatfonl, will mi|i|n) imJjr i wiu,rd iiar. T anil biu.i I r A{ i:int i*r |Hiuud. jut. i-.ui t por IMIIII J lim-*niiit fin i hii. I^MVO your ortlvr witu our wi afMt, ^li Tliorp Wriulit J u*ura ttiKA i row PrM. Rrllrfln Hour* ey anil HUUdvr UiavuMv* rulivved iu *ix hiiun by tliu " Orttat Suuth AHK-IH.H K ul nuy Cum. " Ttu* new numtly i* j-rcHt Mirinuo ami dolighl uu acoiunt It* exctting III-OIII|>IIU;M in ruliuvin iu lliu bladder, kiUueya, buck and . >,-i; (tatit uf the uiiuary ija>ai(< a in iualer fe inalo. It ruhuvua rutttiitinii uf |>ain n txuamg il aliuuct iiiuuoUialely. If y ut want i|uick rvlief and euro tliia U >uu reniudy. Suld by W. E. UicharUson I Druggiat. (00 yds. Dark Prints, Fast Colors or 4 1 cents per yard. 500 Men's Cotton Seamless Soek?. 8 pahs for 25 cents. SCO Full Sized Ladies' Black Cotton lose, 4 pairs for 25 cents. Piles of ends of Prints and Dress- goods dealing at Lalf piicv <. A Grand Bargain Lot of TWEED PANTS $1.25 Per Pair. . RICHARDSON & Co. Hardware J Dep't. ROAD WORE la storting. How are you fixed for a good ahowl f We have the U>* values ever offered in solid steel shov- els at 50, 60 aud 75 cents. It will pay you to see them. tot Is Rut our pi iocs ou cut aud wire naila and other hardware art) getting lower Don't fail to gt them before buying. list Irmei 1000 Ibs. oild aud annt-alled fence win-. Uaib wire aud cable tru^a al- ways ou hand at low**t prices. ' Your order tor binder twine until you have seta ours as w have t.i<* ixni aud cliau.n iwiue* ou the kit \l. Kichardson

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