THI FLI8HUTO ADVANC1 Unnltinf? Office of GEO. MITCHELL -^ FLESHERrO* A gn-rl binning balnentri;Mu:t<l Drafts iut><! lint -boqj. r, ciMitxl at uiu*l rate*. Uuney alwayiavttiUble for ltflaMto burinvsi MMstyrtss. Office two <ioor uortb of Kictei'l- oo A Co . Vicinity Chips. t'bnracteristics of tin- Pa-t Week Carefully fulled for the < nrioiix. anton; (ncak trill \* tit the rate nf lOc per littr fur imrrtum. A rwiWfioH iritf be mid* .) eontrttett for 100 lint* or oter. Division Court will ho he Id in DunJalk mi Friday of next wMsk, 21st inst. F r hot weather dnss fabrics tee M. RiclmnUon & Cu's stock. Communion services were held in the Presbyterian church Sabbath last. The vender null at Eugenia renmiied <i|>eratioii!i on Tuesday after a couple of weeks' idleness. For cabbsga, cauliflower, c -llary and tomato plant* tee Win. Barnhouse. Mr. R. KuetVr i ccupieJ the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Mr Waters coiid acted the services iu the 111 XotwnJ Resist- r uotr* a case whore a mn in Otoimby l.wt seven cows I y iM'ini biiuliiij} twine. It also mentions seven! tbcr cattrs. LOMT- Oil cloth cape, black and brown check, ou Sunday evening. Finder will kindly leava it at this office or with Miss L r..:ie" Stewart, Fleaherton. Tliu Toronto conference of the Bleth- odist church is in session in Toronto this week. Bennies the piutor, Messrs. .J. W. Armstrong and W. Clayton are present ai lay delexate. Th> <V,>rey Farmers' Milling Company met at Fevershatn ou Saturday and aJ- j anted the difficulty to the apparent satis- ftcti.'n of all. The meeting "f sharehold- ers w.\x the larjjcat ever held. It may be interesting for our readers, wh > have' lioen suffering from the oppres- uvo heat of the paat week, to learn tliixt in Leadville, Col., there was a depth of two feet of snow on MayJOih, as we learu from a correspondent. Mr. W. 11. Dys. n, of the 4th line, this t iwnship, liad nineteen fleece* of wool tMeii fromh is barn during the past week. Mr. DVKOU will pay a substantial reward fur such information as will lead to the c itivivtiou of the thief. A circus visited town on Wednesday of l:ut week. The procession wi.s not a thrilling spectacle, but tlie jwrformauce WAI, we underUMid, very fair. The party appeared to be very orderly and gtntlo uuuly. They were in Durham on Thurs- day. A baseball club was organized in town < n Moiiday with the following officers : 1'res., A. Munahaw ; Manager, N. Hend- erson ; Field Caotain, Ceo. MiU-bell ; Seo.-Treaj'., W. Moore ; committee, Messrs. C. Leiich, F. Tucker, tt. \>ri^ht. The club ia putting in nightly practices aud is open for challenge*. The cow advertised for in last week's Advance by Mr. Armstrong, and thought to hare been stolen, has I ecu found ; in f.ct she cam* home of her own accord al- most before the paper had been distribut- ed. She wa uppot.nd to l>e farrow, as the advertisement saio, but all the same brought home with her a miniature but fiiky calf. This is looked upou an a rather remarkable incident. Why must cattle, horne* and pis be allowed to run at large in this town T They are a continual numnce to the pub- lic, uioat destructive to sidewalks aud a tertvr in general. The nuisance is more pronounced at night, when the animals sppmr to t*ku a pucu.iar delight in keep- ing people awake by m.irchiiii! to and fro over the sidewalks, aud if they have a beil shaking it vigoroualy. Their owners should take utht r people's feelings into consideration and at least keep them cl >sed up duiing the nutii time. We do not kuow wLo the owners of the mid- night marauders are, but we have made the acquaintance* of these bovine* during tlio "sully hours of nitwit," as have also many other village! s. Horse Wanted. Horse wanted in exchange for village property. Must bo quite ijood driver aud worker and sound. A l>u-'ny and harness limy be taken also. Apply to J. Whitten, Fleahorton. Well and Truly Laid. Dundalk Methodists toyed the corner stone of a handwine no* church on Fii day aftern H.n ll. The act was por- foruied by Mayor Keni.edy, of Toronto Bro. Cllendii.niug has kindly supplied The Advance with thu following report of the affair : Preparatory to the- oere- inoi.y the CitUuna' Band favored the v.sitors with some ch. ice music. The *rmuny iu ite!f was vary simple but impressive. Dr. Galbraith delivered the oration, after which the M*yor, with a few raps of che silver trowel, previously presented to him by Dr. Campbell, de- clared tbe stone well aud truly told. A very liberal rvsuonae was made by the friends present towards asaisting the managers of tli new church, Mayor Kennedy himself contributing a check for ftf. The visitor* and friend* then repaired to tlie Muthodipt church grounds to partake '( a spread prepared by the Indies of the church. In tho evening able addresses were delivered l>y Kev. Mr. Rupert. Mayor Kennedy and Dr. Galbraitb. The hr\t spoke very appropriately and impress- ively from the title of the hymn .sang by the choir, "Peace be within thy wall*, etc." He emphasised particularly the gravity of doin^ anything to mar the House of Go J. After a very beautiful and well rendered solo by Mi? Chris'ou if K'.esh. rti.n. Dr. Campbell mtruduced the speaker of the evening, Major Ken- nedy. H'.s address, mainly a hiiitry of Methodism, was very interetiiijr, enpeci- ally so to those aiwociiited with the Metllodiot church. He spoke at conniU- eralde length i t \i<:: own connection with the church and deprecated the day when bis name should be severed. His re- m n k< ncre stnkintly illustrated by a rrfer.iice to the Sieao of Derry wskich, t the very last extremity, was so *)ppi r- tunrly r-liuv.d. He reminded the ntaru- btrs of the DuniUlk church that the great Meih'Kiiat body was not the result nf fact i in 01 party- He claimed for the .Methodist ci.urcli the establishment of the trst BiMe Society, the tirnt Mission- ary attempts, the first Tract Society, and tlie first L'lapeuiary. Mayor Kennedy is a self-made man and not tl.e leant inter- esting part of hi* address was his refer- ence to hinmelf. A it wav late when the Mayor con- cluded his address the* Rev. Dr. (jial- braith was limited to a few minutes. It is DO secret that this church is at present experiencing a crisis. We are ul.ul to hear that the difficulties have been smoothed over and that Dr. Camp- bell ha* beau invited to remain for next year. PERSON A US. II you are visiting svsy from lioiua lot us know It. U you have vuiton from t distance at yo'ir place tell us of it. It i> a " l "t^ l 'n to be shy about domic thi< because friends are al ways anxioiu to know ot tuoh movement*, an J the penoual corner is now oue^ef tbe reeotfuued departments of every well reguUtod aewe- Mr. A. and Mrs. Ceo. Stewart are vis- i'.iiig at Parry Sound fur a few weeks. Mr. P. McKee of Nottawa U visiting hi parents iu towu for a few days. Mrs. Thompson, of Dobbiuton, was the guest of Mrs. \V. B^riihouso. Mis. Parliament <>f Paisley visited relatives iu rliu ricmitjr last week. Master Charley Richardson is hone from \Voudatock baptist College. Mus Myrtle Thurstuii, of Kimberley, vuited with frivnds in Fleshertuii Lut week. Mr. A. T. WiUzwss, la'e of the CUrks- burg Reflector, has taken a position on The World. Messrs. S. and .1. Brown, of Owen Srund, were gueuts of The Advance for a couple of d*ys last wek. Mr. R. B. Riley. Piiceville, who has been attending the Owen Sound business college, was a caller on Muliday. Miss Armstrong retained home on Sat- urday fnnu aprolonge I visit with relatives iu Toronto and Loudon. Dr. E. K. Richardson and Mias Maud Richardson attended convocation in To- ronto this week. The Dr. also attended the Medical Council last week. We enjoyed a sociable visit from Mr. Roniage, of the Grey Review, on Friday lost, also from Mr. Gleudmninv, of the Dundalk Herald. Both gentlemen being ex|Ktriencxl members of the tuachiuti profession, the latter still iu the harness, ere visiting the teachers' convention They were and are both still alive to the interests and welfare of the profession. Mr. R. Keefr has returned to his home after a lengthy trip to Winnipeg. Duluth, C'hioigo and Sault Ste Marie. He is in the Hamilton conference and will he sta- tioned this year at Preaton. Mr. Keefrr says his trip has m.tde him appreciate Canada aud Canadian Methodism more fully than ever before. ro nut j and District. Walter Mi lire, a hui, ot hi* left h.vid caught iii a roller mill gear, at Moafutd, sniiwliiiig all the buyers. It is feaiud the hand may have to be amputated. Samual McKee, of lot 4, con. 6, Mul- niur, had fall wheat headed out in May tins season. Mr. McKee says he hat lived iu Mulmur over forty years and this is tho tint season that the full wheat was headed out so early. Free Press. Benjamin Chambers, Uridgviionh, 11 the father of a baby whose abnormal growth ia a milter of comuieut through- out the whole country side, and visito s eouie in from fur and near to see it. The little ii 1 i* only a year old but already weigbs 52 puuud*. Her waist Is 32 incite* in girth mid her wrist seven. When born the child wai no larger than other children, but when six months (.Id it weighed 40 pounds, and it ia stilt getting heavier. The baby ia now so fat that great care has to bu tnkuu of it that it does not smothvr itavlf. I to flesh is not at all flabby but beautifully tinn. The parents are very fond indeed v>I their progeny. KorwguU Register. X't long tan ** meddling scientist discovered that the mturorwa of disease were disseminated by kitting. The dis- covery of course made nn particular chanse in 'he established custom except that it gave a man an excellent excuse for refusing to salute his mother-in law, hut the lover simply read the mild warning with scorn and called for another microbe. It i* encourngii.g, however, that science hits found an antidote that will make kiss- in',' not only harmless, but healthful. Chemistry ha* demonstrated that tobacco smoke ia the most perfect germicide ever used, so that the young man wh > smokes curnrs is not only himself arm^d against the deadly bacillus, but carries on his breath aud in his n-.ustache a never fail- ing health restorer for hia sweetheart. "Yon look pale this evtning, dear," says th* sly Komeo. "I think you ne<l a germicide. " ' And the quick-witted Juliet catches on and says, "Yes, Romeo, dear, I think I do." And Romeo remain* aud kill* gurms until the old man appears at the dm.r in slippers and says : "Oh, murdering microbes. Come to break- fast." Tho county council of the county of Grey will meet for the despatch of busi- ness at 7.30 o'clock on Tuesday, June 18th, at tho Court House. The usual routine work, such as equalization of tlie assessment of the various local municipalities, striking rate for IS'.ttl, etc., will engross the attention ..f ihe council. It should also settle down to the serious consideration of ihe building the House of Rffugti fur tbe aged and indigent of the couuty. Nearly every grand jury nfjate years has recommended the erection of such a homie in our county The Ontario government has provided for assisting of county council* in this work t*t the extent of $400. to be expended on the buildings. The local municipalities f the Ci uit} everyone "I them -are an- nually doling out pittance* to tbe aged and bulpUna within th'nr I orders. It ruins to us that if tbe sums paid out in this way were contributed toward the maintenance of a home, that a leas sum from each would afford much greater comfort when aggregated ; and if pro- perly managed, we (irmly believe it *uul<l be made self supporting in a very short time. The county council of Cirey at it* January session ordered a memorial to be presented to the Ontario Legislature, asking that the quantity ot land required in order to secure the government grant be reduced from forty-five to ten acrvH. Tins, however, did not carry, but it looks if our couuty council was inclined to look favorably nn the establishing oi a home. We shall await wich interest the action of the council. 0. S. Times. Moonlighters. Ow SOVSD, May -".'.Inland Rev- enue Inspector YV. R. tir.ibain made an important seizure of an illicit still on Monday laet on lot 7. con. 2, Derby. The spot selected by the Moonlighters" for the manufacture of the intoxicant, upou which the government had no as- sessment or inspection, is a romantic one and was situated in the depths of a cedar swamp ou the banks of the River Syden- haw . To reach the point the illicit di- tillcni evidently took a boat above the bridge at tierr.inian's mill* and rowed up the stream. The still n a very good cop- per one and had evidently done long ser- vice. It was also evident that it had not been used for some time. The material out of which the liouor was made wa probably molasses. Tlie Inspector i* at most positive as to the ownership, but the party suspected Una left the country. The property upon which it wa* found belongs to our rupected townsman, Mr. Richard Trotter, but the individual's trcaptas wag uukuown to him. This is the first capture since the Bryant still was seized in the old Clifton Uuiue. NOTICE TOJIHE PUBLIC. Tue public is prohibited from Ashing on lot* K| 4. con 4, u,l wf 4, ou. I. Euphruia. Any I'm -. !! fouuil lri>*Miu( on tboav lota fur Ibis purpose will bw prooecul*! i OM>rdiUf{ to law. UN Jam* SMITI, owner. BULL CAME ASTRAY. Strayed to lot 7. con. S, Otpray. ab ut tb* lith May. (.at \tiliiiK (iradu bull, r> J and wbis*. Owiiwr IN rtHjuiMMd to pruvu propurtr. pay x- MMSM* and take him wv W. Q. MorVAT, alaxwull P.O. Flesherton Planing Is now in active operation and premr- i-U to turn out any iju.-vntity of rir-.t Ui work, such a* douis, iuouldinga,duoriug*, tC. ScvollsawinsJ and IX .i,u to order. We also luanuiictur* llovhivva. (live u.s jour urdcr fur any- tliiiiK in i ui line. Beecroft & Sloan. pl Ct\ U.LK A>O DLUUAM STAGS. Durham iU< IMVM K)mhor*on Station at T.I5 a.m., r*turiin 4 A p.m. Prioavlllv Ata^ !>* the uui place tt 14JO. ii<tui UIIIK kt 4 is Fr toPrlccvtlli uJ roturu. 5O oenu Duih^in, 1 i f*r return. 7%). ilniil* fare. Uvwy in owo- f * * t> <> < <> <> I I' <> (I < V t 1 # t 1 I 1 <> BOOTS & SHOES Ju3t received at Clayton's. A large stock of Women's Men's and Children s Light Summer Foot w< Also the heanier grades in Men H aud By'.i woar. Call and ex- amine our stock. Price and i(uality do the rest work and repairing rwceivu prompt atteation at to CLAYTON'S Get Buggies and Carts . D. BLAIR. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEHENTS TO BUY . . FURNITURE Are being offered this month, June 1896, at the Fleaherton Furnitt Warerooms. Having purchased the .< 'iol of that latye and Well asuorta stock lately carried by J. K. Basker> !c Jc Co , our store, although o-ii now over crowded. . Wje most clear out quite a lot at once and in order to help you buy aud Us to null, price* for the meantime are being cut nearly in two. We h ke stiJ another organ left. It is a snap for someone. Also one small engine and boiler in good condition which we wiU sell very cheap, havii.g no further use for it. FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER J. E. Moore, STRAIN'S BLOCK FLESH BRTON M A Letter to the Public Owing to a rush of business during the day the goods in our two stores are thrown in Leaps of -confusion. Having a large staff of cxpcnebetu ' saleftmkii iu our store we are able to handle a large auiouut of business, yet owing to the tremendous trade from a distance many have to waif, and while doing so wonder how each iu tuft is waited upou in such a satisfactory manner. We bell our customers goods (quality taken iutc consideration) at prices that these goods cannot be procured at in other stores. Many may olaiu* to sell cheap and they uiay eousider they are Jomg so, but it is only cheap iu comparison to (bo price tliey once received for the Main class of goods, uot cheap wheu our puces for the same ^aalitiei are takeii iuto - account. Some may think Patrons and Patron stores are things of the past but they have only to come to Calhoun's to be convinced that they are mistaken, then they will we the largest number of people composed of our best aud wealth- iest class as well as many uot so fortunate iu worldly goods, but with juat as much brain power, all iniugliug togetuer saving dollars aud cents by dealing in tho PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE. All are welcome. We iuvite you to call aud kuow that we are classed will: , the foremost stores iu the province. The highest prices paid for all kinds of produce. CALHOUN'S, DUNDALK ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and are ruuniug regular. CHOPPING P. LOUCKS. Time Table. OOLNO SOI Til. Mark dale T, 40 a. m. 4 40 p. in. u d. 53 a. in. 4.63 p. ni. QOIMU NORTH. Fh-sharton 11. 48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Markdale U.04 p. w. 9.30 p. a. SHOP TO LET. That (bop Dar Mw Town Hkll, Kl*bi ton. ltl v oooupivd by K A. RaJker a* a tailor *hup. iuiM*D) foe tai^gf BBop, drMMuaaibK Of uthvr biuiiisss, Applv to JuiUi \VMJOHT. Sa.. 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED - AT THE Flesherton Woollen For wliicli th hixhost p<wsiblo prica will bo p.tid in ca*h or trnviw iu all kinds of wiH^tlfit i>r union goods siK-h AS twoid-, Hanncll*, full cloth, UaiikoU aud al. v yarns, tc. CUSTOM WORK be |in>iii|iiU allndd t<i in all i' brancho*. S|iinuing, ruU carding, weav- ing, GIVE US A CALL. Nuhn 5c Hermann: