Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL, XV. NO. 723 FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 11 1895. W.fl TEURSTON E3ITCR* PROPRIETOR Gem and WEDDING Rings Ladies' / Gents' ROLL PLATE Chains? Fobs ^f=3r=ur=lr=Jl=;,=. . Silver- I ware OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS | Our Business Directory itKss Cat**. Issuo.l i.-v ,ir nihtatth* Jewelery Store and at the ri'ii toiictt of tliu uiiilrii;uJ. C, MOI ..,-iiMier To H C ./. Convyyancer. 4o. JOHN W. AUMSTROSO, FLMEaTOIi. AM.r-i N . * :.tli l)iv. Court, Co. Ory. . CoiDiuinitioner iu jl I' I (\.:in.yuri'r. Aiictiiin- r. tc. A(tnt l,,r tl.o >:..v-Hmrrii Ai icultiiral Im|)le- uieiiu. I'liywu'* block. Klenhorton, oi-ponte Hlvharilwira hanlwaru Dior*. _ mjr,-CL l.l.OCOH 4 YOUN(i, linuH-m. Mrk.lle. -lo a Knrl baukluj bun- lnc. Mouoy loaned at arwwuabU raU. Call TVKBTS COLLKCl-KD. Tbo uu.lxraignad i prepared to undertake the collection of all kind* of d.bta. Notoi taught. aocounU collected, etc R. N. HBNDBBBON FMmBTOll. T J. 8FUOCLE, I'oetinaiUr. Flehorton. Commlnlonr In B. R., Lie nl Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - prai*er and Money Lender. Real Ratal* and Inniranco Agent. Deeda, Mortgage*. LMaM. and Wills drawn up and Valuation* mad* on hortent notice. Auction 8ale attended to In n v part of the County. Money to loan at low ...t rate* of intert. Collection* attended to with tironintnew and despatch CbargM low. Aitunt for Hi* Dominion hte*m*hipComp*ny. ju-|i tlckt from Flbertou to Liverpool, Cil**ow, London or any ofth* Brltlah port*. Partie* intending to vl*lt BnRland. Bootlaud or Ireland, will pleaae aok rate* before purchasing their tlckot* *l**wh*r*> T-vR BUTTON. M. D. C. M.. M.C. P. * 8.,On.. Prlcevllle. Kusidance aud offloe one door w*e of the Metb- odlalC!)ureb,Kiaro**Bt. Offlo* day*, Tuesdays aud Saturday*. \ IISS KDITH BICHAKDHON. Pupil of Bulit. Mulir of Huihn. (iurmsnv. (violin); Mrs. Hrmlhiv. of Toruuto oiiMirraiorv Music vole* oultare); I'nif. Karrlsou, 1st.- of Toronto. (Piano) will rveiiivM pupils lu 81NU1XO. VIOLIN. PI. J P. MARSHALL, L. D. 8..M.D. 8. Douti.t. Visits Uarkdalo liu 1st and :ird Wo.liiws.lay of *acb moutb, Flusburtoo Kaob trip on tbe dav fci.winn J W KR08T, Harrlnter. Solicitor. Conveyancer. Rto. Fleshartou ofllce Next tbe post office Hproule's buililinii, .in Thursday*. Uweu Bound offlce Frost's building. J^UCAS * WRIGHT. Barrister*. Solicitor*, Conveyancer*, etc., Owu s.,,1,1.1. On.t - Markdale, Ont. W. H. WUOHT. I. B. LDCA*. M. B. Flesherton office. Mitchell s Bank, very Wednceday. AO.U.W. meet* erery first and third Mon- day lu each mouth. In their lodge room fhn -UMI s Hlouk. Fleshurton, at H .p. m. A. M.Oibson, M.W.; W.J. Kellaoiy, flnsno'or ; W. Irwin Kooorder. Visitiuii liretberu invited. ROTAL TKMPLAR8 OP TEMPRRANCB. Kgular Council meet* every first and third Tuesday evening In each month, in Sproule'* block at H p. ui. Select dvgrce (insurance) uinets montlilv, tbe Wednesday preoedinf the Hgnd of ach moutb. SONS OF TKMPRRANCE.-Thi* *oclety meets In Dr. Cbristoe' Ball drat Wed- nesday in caob mouth at 8 p.m. Visiting brelbiren Invited. Insurance in connection. D ,R. CARTKB. M. C. P. * 8., Ont. Physician, surgeon, *t., l-i U i.bTti.ii office Strains b'.ock. lUaldeoo* Munshaw's hotel. JOHN A. 8COTT, M. B. Member Colleg*Pbysic. 4 Surgeon*. Ontario liraduate lu Medicine of Toronto University, fellowship Diploma, Post Graduate Medical tfubool anil Hospital. Chicago. DlaeaMS of *v*. ar, nose and tbioat specially treated. Resl- duc* Maxwell, vl*it* Fvvorsnam Thursday* I- J P. OT rUWKLL, Veterinary Stirgooa. (IriuluaU of Ontario Vet*r : -s,iy Ollece. Ros'dence Nsxt door outfc of Moor*'* pianlnf factory. J F. HALSTEAD, M. D , M. C. * H.. Ow., praetleM at Klm- bsiley Rheunati* aaaas i stieelallty. T\R MART M. BHANDRB M. D. C. M.. M. C. p. * n.. Ont ; Prlcevllle. OfBo* and rMl/eoe* at Uethodiat parsonage. Call* nlijlit or day, prompt] f att*ad*d. Vlait* to n, w*oMda}*. UP. B. A., uitmt In their hall, Chrletoe's Block every second Tbnr*da> in eaoh month. Wm. Sharp. Ma*Ur. T.Clayton, 8ec- reUry. TJRiNCR ARTHUR LODaB, No. 388, A. F. 4 I \. M ., meet In the Masonic Hal). Strain's Block. Flesberton, every Friday on or before the full moon. Dr. Carter W M B. J. Sproule, Secretary. nUKFRRIN LODOR. No. I 1. I O F. .H....IS In Clayton's ball every TIII-H. rtay evening nt 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren coi dlally luvit^l A. B. \ANI>I SK ji.> . O. W MOOKB. Sec, EtiKVnia. From uitr UICH Curreipumlent. The members of L. O. L. No. 1118 turned out in their regalia cm last Sun- day evening to hear an addiea* from thu Rtv. Mr. Huun'hries. The church w^a tilled to it* utmost capacity. The rev. gentleman, in a few word*, explained that although he had not a *ermon Hptc- ially prepared for thtoccaaion yet he wa in sympathy with the Orajige organization ur any othur orfrjinizati. .n that had for its object the (jriipagntion of truth and of good will to their fullow men. Hu win ahio glad to aee tliu good sense manifested by tha repreaentativi-n of the ordtT. who, when they fouud that they were not to have an Orange .sermon, anid ''A |{ood gospel .serin. .n will do just an well. " The text waa luk.'ii from Mutt. l.'S. tin- parable of thu s.iwer, the chief topii- tin- siir itstiea ;uid tlie f.ulurus of tho harvent of truth The mutter .-m Imntllud ao logically and forcibly that tho congri!a- tion wax, for thu tiino, s|M-lll><.uiiil. Mr. Walkrr Sloan intends building a new ilwelltiighouxo on the lot ruljoininu hi* father'*. Thu lumber is on the ground. Tho material fur tlw nuw Prokbyterian church will :ill be on the lot about Tues- day evening. It ia generally iinilerstoi.il in this iinijii- borhond that Mr. I*. M.umlmw ia I to build a hotel on tliu promises wlieru tho late tire took p'un-e. Sevural funners here huvu their hiiy all iu thu barn. Ho rain yet. Swiuloa Park. Cash For Hides! Shi-epskina ami all Uimls of fnnt pur- chased, for which highet market price will be paid. Homemade aauaagve on hand, also all kinds of meat*. M. W I LSON, FLKSHKHTON MK.VT BMFURU M ''</rrrp>i1ulttit, Quite a iiumlior of the young people in and around liere ;i!i i-iineil tho convunti. n in I'noevillu Innt week. Mr. Jacob Purnlow, who has been iuf- ferint; from a seveic attack of aunatroitu for the past week, is now ublu to be uroiinii again. Mrs. D. MoNYili .iinn nnd Mi- K. Black ar Hpundinu this week with friends in Knphrasta. Mr. Kuhiird Parslow m spending a couple of month* with friends m Uiitmh Columbia and Manitoba. Mr. James Pttrtdow is spumling a few weeks with friends in Pott Hope. Mr. and Mrs. George black are visit- ing in Uulph. Miaees Mary and Adeline Ferguson of Orangeville are home on a vinit. Mr. John Haw returned home last week after a two weeks' visit with friends in I'm t Hope and Toronto. Honor Rolls. MAXWKLL. Following is the standing of Maxwell public school for the past three mouths : ClatM V. Win. Fainy.Wm. Coulthard Closa IV., best 4 Elleu Muddon, La- vini* Brownndge, Win. Svhenniinan, Mabel Strachan. t'laM HI., best 3 James Long, Win. Wright. Edith Morrison. Claaa H., beat three- Lizzie Moore, Edwin Maxwell, Robert Kinner. Class 2nd part, best 5 George Small, James Ouy, Chester Long, Harry Guy. Adam Deavitt. Pt I. sr, bert 3 James Heroii.Maudy Kinner, Wm. Hamblio. Pt. 1, jr., beat 3--Ru*sel Morriaon, Eva Uamblin, Jessie atock. The following promotions were made at the June examinations : KOI tn '2nd part to II. Geoige Small, Jain on <!uy, Chester Long, Harry <<uy, Adam Deavitt, Milton Woodgcr, (.'has. M. KH..-IIIIIC, George Birnaide. Form II. to III. Lizzie Moore, Rubt. Kinnuar. Kdward Maxwell. Form III to IV.- James Long, Win. Wriuh'.. Edith Morriaon, Win. Deavitt, CliM Fen wick. J. L. Wixui, Teacher. Canada's Favorite Fair. TUB ol.i)ET LN THB DUMI5IUK. We are in receipt of the Went em Kin- Price Lint, reminding UH of the dates, pu-nilier 1-th to J.lm, nnd nhowing the London nmiiH..>eineut are still alive to the country's in' mats. Some people have a very wrong . oiiouptiou of fairs and their objects, tliiiui;iii; that the directors of these associations run them for personal .;;iii. this is not the fuct however, fairs belong lo the people, tu>d whatever good tin-re is in tin-in or accrues from thorn is for tliu 1 em ol the community as a whole. The \\ OSUTII K.ur him mitrrhed 8tetulily forward since its ince| tu.n in I -<>^ until the present, and bears the stamp .if intelligence, industry, invention, wealth and fashion, ami largely indicates the liiiiinuial prospi-nty of the proviace. It has progressetl and will still become uioru aud mure popular (as it justly mental no long ss the duvctiirx coniinue to muki* it a live, pr.itiri'saivn exhibition. Every .ne sh..iiiil aid in Mime way. either by beiiii- u exinbitur or as a visit- >r, for tin- . .. -ni-'cess of the lair ihu uruater tho benefit to llie people. W, .stroiiL'ly ml vise helping it almu;. M.iuy mi" i "uit cliaiiu'es have been nade in the Prize List which adds to ita usffiilneits. am! *ill be I'.ppruciated by the chibitor. By reijueat we itay that a copy will be sent any applicant by addiv>Miii: Mr. I'll, inns A. Browne, the sui-retary, Lun- Seeds ! Field Mangel, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds III largo <|iialillUea at W. Richardson, FOR FRESH .lien. Turner, of Kimberley, was driving almij; the 4th line..n Tuesday nfteiiHH.il the hugKy upset in turning a corner near the driving park, throwin|{ Mis. 'I'm HIT out ami hreak'ng ouu of her arms, bi-siil,-, -i lairhing her face very 'ly. Dr. Hemming is attending '> In r injuries, ami the l.iily is now doing a* well iw might be expected Mirror. On Tlmnihiy evening "I" lust wiiek while. MM i HI; at ,i liarn ritising for Mr. .lohn Hewitt, ill Holland, north of Berkley, Mr. K:. liai'l Lyons met wall an accident from which lie is not expected to rer .v. i The frame wtw up ami tliu rafters bemi; put in position. Mr. Lyons stood "ii the ground aHsisting to shove up the rafters, and after piishint; one lu far an he could reach with a piece of hoard and while still looking up, the rafter slipped from the grasp of those abo\e and liropped itrikiltg him on the forehead ami injuring Ins Hpine so iliai he is since lying at Mr. Hewitt's, fully comtuious but otherwise in i paralyzed condition. Drs. Ego aud Bull were summoned and did all that medical aid could for his relief but the chances for recovery, are we regret to say, m it encouraging. Standard. James Grant, a laborer, has been com- united to gaol by Messrs. Thus. ;mry. .M. P. P., ex-reeve of Osprey, and D. K. I'M -.1. .11. reeve of the township, acting in heir magisterial capacity Grant arrived at the unoi yesterday in a truly deplorable i-onditioii. He ia sick and poor, Hutfcring from a bailly swollen leg, i|iu!e unable to walk, and iu n filthy condiiiiin. He had to be carried into tlm building, being ut- terly unable to navigate by himself. The representatives of the township of Osprey have always opposed tho founda- tion of a house of refuge. Mr. Gnmey, who wax reeve of tiiu townahip for years, watt OHM of the 111111*1 uncompromising op- ponenta of the scheme ; and at the recent June HCHsion, when a divmion was taken on Mr. Palmer's motion, dnclnring that the tune had Come to establish tmch an institution, Mr. Preston and both his deputies voted nay. Mr. Preston there- upon returns home and commiU a person Ijuarahteea.andprice^low^^ to jail for aix months, who is certainly a tit subject, if there ever was one, for a houseof refuge with an infirmary attached. The position of thone who uncompromis- ingly oppose any action in the direction of establishing a home for tho infirm and old, whose only crime is their poverty, seems to IHI becoming more inconsistent and illogical every day. O. S. Times. I'lslicrton . w- ; Potatoes, -OIVE- A TI^IAL. FLESBEBIOI STEM L1IIIIT, I hftva opnad up ft coiupleio -to* in laundry in Flt'rthorton, ami am prvfMT**! iu takti in aoy >liiuiit it y of laundry work at lower uriotw than m M rtiiUM") vtlitwht-r*'. I have put iu thu 'atunt ainl inont iiuprovod maohiiierj to that und. Kindly H.V uiu a nail. Uutim Baliafactioa Lot For Sale. Farmers' Binder Twine. K...l st oase, For sale cheap and ou ea*r Urms tn Flexlier- on. Hplundiil large, solid brii k dwelling, with stone cellar, summer kitchen aud wood- also good frauie stable, hriuk lined. P. . ,'in- .-r contains two large louandcood young orchard, l>earing. Houso and outbuildings are. mceptioually well finished aud very conviui- ntiy laul out. Apply to H. J. t . tiruoULJi, FlMbortua. 'ford, and more following, I mn prcpured I to supply the wants of all wlm ue uinilvr The village of Orcemore hnn purcliawd a road machine and U much pleased with tbo work it dues. Having received 6,000 (Hiundanf l>in<lor RhcuOMUUlM Cured in a !> twine unv tirst uoiiNigiiineiit) from the South American KhuuinatiBia Cure, fur K:i. iiii-i- I'.ui.l.-i Twine Co., of Hninr- Rhuuraatitm and N.-urali(i, radically curea in 1 to 3 days. li aolion upon th aystom ia remarkable and wyateriuu*. twine. Come nlonif and patronize the i U reiuuvesat one* the oaua* and the >ii hrin that han been thu meaiis o( you get eaae iwraediatoly diaapp*n. The ting twine at .1 raiiiahle prioe. Ke- do*e greatly bencfiu. 76 Ciruta. pectfully yoiiis, Thorpe Wright, agent. by W. K. liiatutrdiuu

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