Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1895, p. 2

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THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL ^r""" 1 ""- w """ llpo " Ih* proposed cai. el coul ly discussed. ! ! ARE HOPELESS WRETCHES. THh VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. lirm h..m Oar Ow * Iff. Crr.il HI-II.IIII ikr iMlleil Mat**, .tl.l III I-1M. ,,l III* I.I..I., . I ..II I- .' I .r I... CANADA. crop reports .. .'.,< i. continue en Manitoba eoiragmg. The Manitoba Legislature has passed a 'aw agtinut Sunday street can. Root beer is proscribed by thn Simcos ounty W. C. T. U. as containing more than 2 per cent, of alcohol Kx-Treasurer Stock is one of the seven- teen applicants for the position of County Treasurer of Weiitworth. Three young men were fined an sggre- gale of $50 and costs at (ial*. for scratch- tag | late glass windows with a diamond. Montreal militia will petition the Gov- ernment to gn nt the utual twelve days' p*y insiead of cutting it dowu to eight. Mr. Angers has appointed Mr. F. K. Jodery, of Montreal, intpector of fresh- male creamery butler u, tended for the British market. Usotenan'-iiovernor Mackintosh has received permisiion to vi it St. I'aul.Minn., in connect on with the Nurlh-Weet Kxhibi- Uon. The Dominion Bridge Company of Mon- treal was awarded the contract for the new ori.lge on the London * Port .Stanley. Railway. 'lli.. mas Uayley ol Uuelph, was found beside liie railway track with a number of serious wounds in his head. His recovery u doutitfui. The lowering of the water leve'e by fie construction of me Chicago drainage canal will be brought to the attention of the Dominion Government by the K. & 0. Navi^al.ini Con.i.any. Mr. Holland hue resigned the position of liMieral Manager of the Ontario Kauk, and Mr. C. McGill, Minigei of the t'eterboro' branch of the bank fur fifteen years, ha* been appointed to the petition. The Dominion Custom* Department hat dec.ded to permit tourists lo bring their >' Its fr-e mlo Canada, requiring them to give an affidavit that they are their personal property, and are not lor sale, and will be taken out of the country. The committee in Utuwa to whom was rritrred the preparat.on of an address lo Lady Thompson havpprtpared n, an-I it has been engrossed in purple and gold. It wan signed by most of the Conservative, members in Parliament. The price of cherse ii adtanc.ng ID Ontario, and buyers now hevr lo piy more money tor tin- article owing to the ta k of dr. uth ud the poor condition of tn pail- urea, which, it is expecli-d, will make . material .lil.vrencp in ihe flow of milk. Judge Ma. him delivered judgment in the chirge* of b jo. I ing againil Mayor Aubrey, of H-ili, Oue. , disouaii'y tif hm, for -i-vi-n vi sr, ,.i ,1 i. n'i r.-ini; linn to i.ay a tii of f'.^:i ,,nd all costs of ihr court, which i"h. wil. rxtei-d J'J.IXKI. Tne C'.roii.-r' jury charged wild ihr duly o- iii.|uiring :nto the death of Char lotU: liiwhuj, .1,0 WM founil dead at TJ ->)ine pUc-- in Toiou'o on the lotl, ot .lun*, broLKht in ^ vrr.l . t U<: mgh' o: wilful mur.iir aifkiust Sttphrn \Vn u hland Maty Ami I'.IK. T HKITAIN. The Inieriialioual Railway a< op. m ..| u, l.,i,|,,, |, y ,|i \N airs. I HP Hon. Kmuy Jane Mercer, I>owaiier Mari-in<,iipis of l.aiixdowne, mother of thf lirpunit Marcus ol l.tusdowue, wl.o w. formerljf i.ov.-riMir-'.i i..-rl of Caiia.ia, i dea.l. She wai seventy nx yrare of ag '. The Hrrliiic<.rrir|i ndeiil of ihr I.,.;, i,,,, Si n i .rd iy thai tlietp is od r. <-on ,. i-ll.V.- that I...|.| .^Jiv.ury 1 . .,.., will lead to a<i rntrntp ln-;*^,,, l.<rinaiy, n I, and .la|iaii,an.l probably .\,,,< n.a Ial. r. I .. i^n.l.,11 I'nn-ii iy that the Iliike L*MroMMn w.ll pre idr ov^r tb. ...... iniitre :or thf .\..n,.i.*| Jn ,i I m ,, etl ,| DeleM* WBloh WM rr.ointni IM|.,I l,y the H^.iigto i i.n.in.t:e>-, and is now first forma > .1. ' r ir r.i. L ri Salisl.-iry h< di-tiinrly undertuki-n the ia-.li oi turn. n,. a iimnstiy. and Has u ..u.,ce.l several Cabin*! aBpsMBtm ii.il.idiug u,t ol Mr. (>smli.rl.un as ,,ii Secretary, a*dtbst el .su Micha-l Hicki-I'M-aoh as Cbai.c.-Lor of U,P Kxche- ijuei. \\ -dn^aday in t HP I hun-hofSt. |< 4 phael K.iiw-stun-oii I' ames, the II.IKP , Aotu .. W or thr K .!, of Italy, ,. lli r . e ,| ' ' - ii ...... i Orluaiis. The :eieinony was v^ry impiti.ivp, ami was alti n.!..: i y ri-pre-entaiiv*i..,f the iirn,, ii.al .-. urts .1 Kurupe. 1 i.e !ni|H.inl antlioiiiirs liavi: 'or* i.li-.i , '" ' <uvpinnir.it u ' ,' North P^c.li S, a; nt lull, which was read a niir.-T'ime in th- llour o; Lor is. Wrnlf , it tnakesmany con-vuians for which Cinada '..I'd, it fails in tw.i i i |i..r:ai, reepet ; M meet wi.st are tegar.leil ... U., jusl demands of ihp -P,I!,T. 1 .IT I. - TI-. The ten ol .' ...,, ,, ,. ar , tl . erii.p the I'mi, i ; a . -s liom Canada hits brei. <1 on red i legal. TUP loci la>:ksa' Niagara Kails, N. V,, will cnarge a discount of on. p.. r . .-nt. .,,', Canadian currency after llie first of July. Hie IIPII i-onventi. n o ihr Int. I national ]>.. |, Waterways Amo.-iati..ii w.ll l held in i l.n.-.aii I in Ihe Utter psrl of Septem. bsr. At hicago the Iste Secretary of plate's Will Wa llillltr.l to pr..hat. Il leaVSI everything to Mm. liresliam, who is sole lie -utru The estate is worth $ol,0i>0. The steamer Berlin, which left New York oil Thursday, lisi ou board oue huu.lrt.l Preaiiyienan piigiims, who will visit the scrnp of Iho early religioun strugglus in Oreat Britain an. I on the continent, of Europe. The Eitciitiv,. Committee ol the Deep rVaterviav Assoc alum, havu g .. loesn in. vua' i..i. M . leni-d in t hi. .ico i i I' . . i .y I I TSS tavniirril i. n u, !., eo: Australian trade declined i'M.UOOOOO last year Doctors report that the r/ar. witch is very low sud his recovery is .loubtful. Subscriptions to the Newfoundland loan in Londor amounted to neany double the sum required. The Spanish Chamber of Deputies reject- ed by/ a vote of 69 lo 53 a proposal to abolish the export duty on grain. The Belgian Government will send sn officer lo Canada thi* year to buy hones for re-mounts and for ths artillery. Ten Jews were elected to the Italian Parliament at thr first trial in the lait election, the most prominent being the Mn. later of Finance, Sonuino. Signer Cavallotti, whose charges in the Italian Chamber of I), puties against Pre- mier Crispi were voted down, now threat ens to prefer his charge* in a court of law. Details have been received of the ter- rible treatment of foreign missionaries in Chengtu, capital of the Province of Szchuen. r ranee threaieus to demand reparation. The police raided two Mussulman schools of theology IB Constantinople on Tuesday, and arrested many student- fwho were, found lo have arms in their poisesaioo. High official*, in Shanghai, who are well formed, express ihe opinion that war Ixttween Russia and Japan over Corea will break out before the end of the next three months. Newfoundland securities have dropped eight points in the London market since the failure of Confederation. The prospect of union with Canada advanced them that much. In hi* speech at the opening of Parlia- rrent 'hr (Jovfrnrr of Queensland lUfVPSt- that <>rest llnrain, Canada anil Queensland join in laviug the Pacific cable if the other colonies hesitate. ALL HIS AMBITIONS GRATIFIED. lord I!.... i.. r. l. . "iii|.n.h. . l.vrrjlhlsix Hr I > . p II. MI. . I i.. n., Ix>rd Rosebery was prune m Ulster of Kngland for on* year and four months When Mr. ...a litone, resigned on account of failing eyesight aud advance I year*, he ret-omniended as tin successor the libers) pet-r wno had been secretary of state for foreign '!nrs m his cabinet. In becoming the leader of the liberal party, Lord Rose- hery undertook, of course, the .arryiug out of liberal prm -.p.e<, commonly ..-ailed i h.- \ew.-astle programnip. The thirl anna of t Da. programme wpie : Home ru'e lor Ire n.d, willi home rule for other s.i-t ons of the Unite! Kingdom ai sequences ; reform of the house of Lords ; pay for membri* of parliament : one man one vote, and various other reforms of interest lo I'.mi-h subjects tuan lo outs -tiers. Ko-eierj s adi.iiiiiMraiion has been r.-i>t. table. It is hoi marked by any scaii.iais, nor by any noiahle political liiuropl.i. ll>- ht. I it -ni'tl, mtjoriiy in ihp house ol cxii.moiiM lo IHT^UI Hitb, and U k. pt ii .trowing until ou a tnap vott U d:sa|pearei ailogetl.tr. > '-.i. lorn. ing to i. unt. nn rither tb..n lo .t ^oliu.al necessity, hr >.f. h i...i. I IIP |.o- 'i..ii ot the h. n.. rule lull has iiol I,, .'ii m.i un< .1. Indie I, j the Ir h n.ca lire ha I h come imp ' .n I -O'IIP o ( oly drrlaie I that lhe bill lad beMi t>ra:iically shelved, ai.d tntt hrlaiul I. a.l ii'.tb.ng to h. p.- fr.mi the ll-s-ieiy t'-.. 1 1. IL. i.t. Il is oven said Hint A section of the ii-h parliamentary |aii> n.a IP iviinri with '.h.- conservatives n < lie promises of some measures of relief uiid. r a new government KAI.I AI N Ill-tl l.i Kli HIM. I'l < ij i. .'.on ol HIP al.< I. lion ol lhe noillp of lor.ii wae spring upon lx>r.l Ho-.. n l -' ns'fui .1 bun tioin . IIP l*;.i.iiuig. Beuiif a pp.-r hnn-rlt, tlipy suspected bun of loo ni'i. Ii syinp vthy for a lli*rl . lilt I wuri th. . Ma-iorr, which, through e-i.uiary pru. a.-.., o<y .n.i,ny any or all of the Ipgt-la 1 .. .,: ' - . , ,- r ci o>en by the |>.-O;UB. l..,r.t .-; . t Ii ry > i ..I u. "I tins .{in nil. n. He made -p in winch he BP.-IH. .1 lo 1. inuin. insiprm iplp of a heip.in.try houae of lords, and .|.|, .*!-. I Ui il.n .IPO an attack upon that I. o1>. But be 'i.. I noiluiiif I ht' pi in by which It.- pr.'p..sr.l to overcome tt.r peers us u. .il.slaclr In progressive legislation waa >p- clous .-iiuiijli lo kt-pp tb. iad .1- fn.iii ope. i revol', i.ol it did mil comfori tli. m. lit .:>. irrv -an w.-il all .rd to resign the j..i. 01 public orticp and spend tho i. main. I. r . I 1,1* days in peace and qirrt, for, ace. ir ling to hi* own stall in.-ir , lie h is o|d:shed all in life that .p ..I IVrTJ I for. Ills MI. lull .us hat.i tut. unly satlitled for hr. oocr taid tbitt all the amlii. lions IIP ti.i.l in n . ...<. -n,i;-, . n-.r, worn in, win the I ji^l N'I llpi by and ; r.coire premier of Kn^Und. His measure of success .as Ii. en rrore than full, for in addition lo I ul theie :huig* he has twice won the Derby last yrar with Lsdas and recently with Sir Visto. H.- wits born in London, May 7, 1*17, and is IPS. -ended from an ancient Scolusli f.un .ly that was ruined to Ihe bit oin-iaji- :n l>l and lo a peerage of Scotland in 1700, ibi- lirst earl hnving been a gent I. -in in of the ' atnlier of Prince (it-orgo of Deumark, i.'.i.-.-n Anno's luiibaiid. He took a promi- I ml in bringing about the union of Kngland and Scotland. Tim present earl, who is a nephew of Lord Mahon, the histor- ian, waeluoved at Kton and at Christ ii, Di .old, where he attracted the alie-ition of l.nih H.sra. Ii and (iladstone \>j hi* abilities, and lib assumed hii title* in Match, l-.hS. ibroiu-t. the death of hll grandfather, the fi.urth earl, his father , i ,|' died when he was 4 years old. At Kton > c Sid be. 'ii _-apt K n of thefooiball team, and at Oilord he had been a football cap- tain ant >n oarsman. I... rd Knnelierv'* wife, who died in 1H9U, was the ri.-henl heiress in Kngland she was Hannah, the only child of Baron Meyer de Koihsclnld, and had in her own right an .. of $:iKj,tKi a year. RUSSIAS POLITICAL EXILES THE WORST USED IN HER DOMAIN. When the stomach is satisfied the food is bitter, --iweiiish. Death ftersx rrrfrrable 1C Their Nlarr- itlilr Ixl.o . ll lr , I r..,.l. Mil. Ir i 111. i.l- is I u. I Their herrisw-NaB! M. i.. r m. in K. . . MI Irars m Ihr Trr il Ml. 1,1 ..fill Oil., r I I ..... | I r IM. n- ..I- Russia stands pre-eminent as ths most vast of all empires, modern or ancient. Yet in the mind* ol most persons there is a feeling that in spite of her large domains Russia is a country that has no wish for humane prison management, and thai ibroughout the empire prison reform is un- welcome. Russians do not dispute that there is much truth lurking behind this feeling, but they deny that the Russians as a race are a cruel people. Yet in tne same breath they practically admit that tiiere is muih in the Russian prison system which needs changing. Stripped of all thn sensational feature" which writers in the past have penned about Russian prisoners and prisons, it oan be set down as a fact thai Russia in dealing with her common, every-. lay prisoners is not at all inhuman as a rule. But when it c jmes to her political prisoners she isalmost as barbarous as the most barbarous and uncivilized nation on the globe. There has been but out man, aside from a Russian prisoner or official, to see the interior of the model prison of all Russia, aod that man is the great French- Russian priiologist \Vratkoy. He visited the prison in the V'iborg ijuarter in Si. I'efrnburg not long ago and gave a iiraphic description of it^o Mr. W.M.K. Round, of Ihe Prison As. oc.ation, when the International Prison Congress met m St. Petersburg a few yeirs ago. In fact, Russia, as an absolute em pire, is not apt lo give much informalioo about her priou system. HI .>IA 1^ M' ILtriV I. Students of penology know very little about whal Russia is actually doing in lh e way of pr son relor m, nut Ihey know wh'. she says she is doinir. According to M. Wrastoy tr.e Russian emp.rc bad seen lhe necessity for a prison 'o short-term convicts since IM.II, when a wine warehouse of lhe epocii I K.ii|.rm Ant a, in lhe Viborg quarter the Jip.ttl city of the empire had been built or the purpose. Hut in time inia pruon fell into a ataU- ot rntire disorgaui- / . .on, aud, U'.twilhitan ling improvements t:-a le apou it, it at last could be no longer maintali.nl. In proceeding with the preliminary stud- ies tor the lonsiruc'.ion ot a new prison in St. l'e:ersburg, in loulornuty to ihe scale of punishments of the uesr Russian cods, as '.old Ul the toiegotng, it wss necessary that In prison shuuid op limit on the cellular plan. Prison o h.-ials do not, as a rule, in otbei ii .nines, like the cellular, or solitary imprisonment plan, as it induces nervous- i.ese aud ma.li.ess. IvriLT BY OONVICTm, Ry a freak of Kuasian justice, eminently proper, lhe convicts of the empire were pui to wrk in demolishing the old building, wh.oh had been used as a prison, while they were also isrd to build lhe new struc- ture. Then ai' the other prison and cor- ectional in-'ltvit ions were pul in requisi- tion to make n ors, windows, locks, bells, iron hede, si', b.-n nMnsils, furnilure for I.. ..pIN slid Ibe | r son otbcr, as well as the mallrtases lor the u> of unfortunates . tollow in imprisonment the men who h.d built (be r prison IIOHIP. Tl.e prison usrlf consists of a large main bui.d.n.- i.f*ton and lion, which is HauKei by it iloM.ii .mailer buildings. As it is ituatiii on the river Neva, only a partial wall of sloi.e sutrouudsiU Ttie main or enirunce biiililu.-g ii two stones in hemhu In it i" the (|i> trtei t nl ih prison guards, " . IP . |iti..i. i. mils, and the rooms of the 'fticois of the institution. Tl.cn romps thr pri-on r.clf. Il is fivo stories m i ind contains live tiers ol cells, whi.-h arereaohed by lii^hliron ornamental stairways mid coiridora. Sol K III -.IHU l> IN A TIKK. Kacb Her of celU itumiiers 4UO. Prisoners are garbed in a yellow cloth costums, aud wear skull caus. they are alwayi kept at work, usually on public improvements, f i urn 7 a. m. lo M |i. m., wi'h ai> liour's oes- sal lou from labor for dinner. Their food is coarse in llie ex'.reme, and consists mostly of dry bread, meat, vegetables and milk. Prisoners do all the work of cleaning the institution, as wall as in the kitchen and the bakery. They also run Ihe prison's electric light syalrm. There are three bunding* connected with the prison which are known as hnpitsl diparlmeuts. While them is al-o a spjurute hospital building for those who are seized with infectious diseases. rlKl.li OF THK NCYf! I-T Next m the order of Russian prison system comes that of Nti.-na. that great nil for the novelist and the playwright Siberia, that is to asy, llie Ati<tu? portioii | of the Russian empire, is divrlid fur \ I- inmistrative purposes into tw-lv.- covrriv ments, or pruin.-. s, which form i'sttprn Si Ireria, Ocn'rul Siberia and the jir.i>.n-s of the Amour Kiver. The Kiisman penal M It* alicady been told, plunea the piioltlirr.cr'.s which are followed by civil a'l. i a <vo clssser. fre 'iclimi of these punishments are iisporied to Liberia with hard labor for t tt mis or lot lifH .Some ol the convict* i w . Vr.tral Siberia, where they are not oooriemued to obligatory labor. In the provinces of the Amour River, where all transportation is centralized, convicts are only sent to do forced labor. Those who have completed their punishment can re- main where they are sent as colonist*. gtyO^D I'l-ASS OOMVKTsX Kai'ern Central Silwria is used for second- class oonvtots. Bui this syslem of transportation should not be confounded With the French system. It is applied to criminal* at common law, and consists of en c without for -el lit bur, but a change of , - is prohibited. In the provinces of Eastern Siberia, which reach to the Ural Mountains, transportation is concen- trated. Bat this punishment is not pro- nounced by the courts. It is applied by the councils of the communes, wtuch form a fiscal union. 1'hm, when a member of the rural com- mune has been condemned to undergo a correctional punishmout, he ii placed at the disposal of the commune, which decidet whetner it will retake or exile him. In the latter case, he is transported to a province in Eastern Siberia for five years. At the end of that lime he has the right to seek permission from ai>y commune, and if granted, to re-enter Russia, But frequently he prefers lo remain in Kastern Liberia, because ihe country is very rich and agriculture ii extensive. Transportation has existed to Siberia nearly 1511 years. At first thise who had been condemned for capital offences w-,re pardoned and sent there, and Russia tranipnrled thither thoee condemned to hard labor, who went with their families after having undergone punishment with 'abor in European Russia. This transpor- ts lou took place principally 10 the Province of Trsuifarkal, because there were lands there rich in diver mines. Later gold mines were discovered. This tract is really whel was known as ancient Dahouris, which forms part of the steppes of Mongo- l:a, an I whose population confuted former- ly of bouriates, i nomadic race. When, in 1689, the Province of Dahouria, after a trrat;. with China, became a part of the Russian empire, the convicts were put to work in the mines. AM IM A*D COI.ONT. There is also a Russian penal colony on the Island of Saghalien, situated at Ihe extreme sast of Siberia, at the mouth of the Amour River. It has a ipeciai Uov ernor, who attends to the administration of the pruon. No liberated colonists exists on the island. Wr.e u a Rusiisn exile becomes a free prisoner he continues to receive food, ra lions, clothing, farming tooli, cattle and hones. His food rations and bis clothing are Allowed him for two years, or until the two and one-halt acres of land given him by the Government can be made to support him. At the end of ten years the colonist passes from the con ntiou of s transported colonist to the state of a free colonist lie can engage in commerce and all Indus trial pursuits, and can travsl all over Siberia. But he cannot return to Russia proper w.i rio it a pardon. MANY WOMIN THERE. All women ihers -r.nu n r.l to forced lab- or are int lo trie island of Saghalieu. Like tne men, the womeu nvisl undergo one- third of their punishment in prison, but the island is consijered as a prison surrounded by Homing walls, to that each pntoner, male or female, brought from Russia, is set at liberty in Sa^halisu, and nis or her punish rneut .-oiismts only in obligatory work. The male convict has the right to coo struct a small house upon a small tract of 'id, and lo work on his own account. The convict always receives a ration, and still furthsr, his family, if it comet with him, ROBBERS LOOT A Ml THE DARING WORK OF TWO MASK ED THIEVES. Krai ihr < a.hlrr l Kaln. I nkf I Mr Ini. I mrmtlm*mt* au.l Uraprtf with S3*. M0 TSu-.nih < r*4 *r (Ve vt lldr red CHIMB*. Ksmy Li City, Minn., is intensely icilad over a daring andsnccessful robbery of th* bank i*t Thursday evening by two mssked men, who, after a desperate strug- gl with th cashier, in which he was finally heaten into insensibility, secured $30,000 and escaped through a crowd of bewildered :i;uens who had ben attracted to the bank by the struggle and piitol shots. Sev- eral poeeet have taken up the learch, and tuere 11 eome hop of overtaking the des- perate robbers. Just before the hour of doling Caehier Johnson wai alone in th bank, when sud- denly t won asked men appeared upon the oene aod rushed behind the counter with revolver* in their bands. The cashier made a daeh /or tut revolver, but before be reach- ed it one of the robber* was upon him. Then followed a desperate itruggle, during which trie masked man shot twice at John- ion, who WM all the lime struggling to get where he could reach bn revolver. Just as he was within a foot of the drawer where it lay the eecoud robber came to the assist- ance of his companion and dealt the cashier 8IVEBAI. HEAVY BLOWS on the head with the butt end of his weapon. Mr. Johnson itruggled for a few minutes longer, and then, being weak from the lose of blood and teeing that it would only be courting death ti make any more tight, he gave up. As he sank to the floor one of the men struck him a heavy blow in the face, rendering him unconscious, and when he regained consciousness he found himietf bound hand and toot and lying un- tier the counter. The robbers, who still wore their masks, then locked the door, u leveral people had been attracted by the pistol shuts, and pro- ceeded to go through the vault, the inner door of whicn was locked. They demanded that Mr. Johnson po this. He refused, hoping to thus gain time in order thai the citi/rns might come to trie rescue. His re- fu<al angered the robbers, and one of tnem knocked him down and kicked him in ihe side several limes .is he lay on ihe floor. By this lime there w>s quite a crowd outside the bank. Tue two robbers hur- riedly till-d'tV front pan of the safe with powder ami touched it off, blowing the safe to piecei and scattering the silver all over ihe p.a.-s. THI PACKAtit* or BIT.L* were all wrapped in paper and for that reason were uninjured. These packages, the contents amounting in all to almost M> VN HI, the rubbers hurriedly stowed away rppivps a monthly paymeutlor its support. | , lh , Ir p^.t. mn ,i wltb drawn guns Nothing is g.ven to wome,, who have no j m . d . . daih , or the . tre . u The bo ., iutm children, bu- each child has ths n K ht .to | their movement staggered the .pec-aiors iklaa a m^nts, np*!ti,t l Rn . . moment no one wae capable of ,.... K m .nove. By Ihr island of =->-' ...-- -w- . and for a mating a move, had regained their thi) time the people nerve lhe robbers had nearly three rubles s month, or about swift island of Sschalien contain* about )V><> *MU*r.. kilometre*. Ibalis lo .ay. m . de fhe|r ._ .,, when ..^ WM ii is about the size of Greece. It is crossed | m .., e for lhem u(/ tr(w< oou , d h| , ound by mountain ranges, and there are now A , WM ^ ouce formed Mj u now about forty villages ou the island. There M . rcniog lor tne ,.. Telegrams n.v. s bulone mode of punishroaut and that is u . n .. [0 .. ,. m . .^ de by whipping. The knot is no longer used. I tlon iven j, i,.,,.,.., ln , t the ro but a director of a prison on the i.land has , ar . ht(kded fof th . Uke Saper , or the right to indict not more thau thirty jCOUD , ry m or j. r ^ t tome Mow* at any one time on a prisoner, with l(M mer an instrument which is a good deal like the j Mr j ohnion . who | e body is badly bruis- d. He is .lot dangerously hurt, but it was Ki .nisii naval cat.o -nine-tails. The idea that there i* much cruelty to ^, ^VoTthe r>( bbers. wno undouot- eJly miendeil to kill him. The Duke of Cambride. prisoners in Sn-eria is no locker true. A prison otli.-ial who should attempt to be unnecessarily cruel would be murdered in these day*. OH!* AIR W.iKK. Nearly all the work of Siberian convict* is performed in ths open air. They are engaged principally in the eitab]in.iicht of roads, In th- improvement of land*, the .Iran. a -e of the soil, and lhe oonslruction of buildinu*. Besides this there are the coal mines, where political prisoner* are compelled Ui labor. WnkiT nr ALL Thr political prisoner is th* wont used wretch nn the face of Uie earth. Chained to a comp tnion he is compelled to labor half-clad, in groups of five to twelve, with a half* shorn head, and clothes of igray cloth, and with ons leg of white, which i* his badge of hopeless doom. He has no right*. While there is sjrne hope or all other Siberian prisoners, there is none for him except in death It is little wonder that thr detection of a political conspirator in Kus.ia mean* usually the suicide of the victDr. Death is preferable to the lifeof a political prisoner in Siberia. rAKKIKH OS .INK Mill- All prisoners sre transporter! from Kur.ipe.n Russia lo Si beiia by the Russian The Story Of Waterloo. war team-tup, of .1,8110 ton* burden, the Th - Nisimi- Novgorod. The rout* ..from 1 -markabl. oelebraUon sv.l Odeasa through the Suez Canal snd around nel>l lu A 1 ' 1 *""'*. O.uo, was that of the Asia. The steamer carries G,")2 convict* at eightieth auuivrriary of the battle of a I rip. and she has a complement of *iit v - | Waterloo. Jamen K. l.reen was a mid- two men and eighty k'uards. The old horror ot a two year m,?ch from Kuropeau h| P n n on n Kn S'" h r '"' "> " Russ a to Siberia n thus obviated. i harbor of Antwerp eighty years ago. < >n the ship. .'. tn.l aft, on either side, ' Securing a furlough from his oaplain, h* on the upper and Uw-.r .locks nd '.wren iU rte,l acros. Belgium, and on .lune 18, deck* have hern bails long parallel . lines of .-ages or compartments. The. cages 1S|5> ito0 '' on " cm '"<"> two miles t, %rr of iui.|u.tl length, hut are seven and ths right of lhe plain of Waterloo, auv Comman.irr.in-Chief of the British Army, wnoip retirpinn is announced. a half '. t in l-.ight. K tch ron'ams a plain woo^m bench for s bed. At on* <-<dt> of the cage* are placed iron rin.'i, 'o which prisoners are ohmn.-.l. All w..r wrist and ankle jhaina. For fear of {> ru ,,. attempt* at auicirle nothing that can cut is given the prisoners on shipboard. When a prisoner want* a drink of water he oan take it through a soft rubber tube which hangs in his cell Once a day he is allowed to go on deck with a closely chained half dozen or so of companions, for exercise during thirty minutes or so. . through a sea glas* watched the fearful struggle that day for supremacy between the veteran soldiers of France under Na- leon and the British army, with their an allies, under ilia leadership of Mr. the Duke ot Wellington and Blucher. Ureen, who is now 97 years old, ly recounted his experience of* that day eighty years ago. Referring to Napoleon, h* said: "He was a grest military genius, but a more cruel tyrant never lived. He cause..! more sorrow and suffering during his career than any ten rulers in c.vilized history." BOILED To OKOBH. Kut it is in lhe manner of keeping him in subjeciion that Russia ha* outdone herself. In each cell is a pipe filled with little hole*. If a p'risouer is unruly all the commander madam, of a ship ha* to do is to turn on a flood of Madam (allusively) Uii, you poor man boiling water in th.. pipes, \iui ihe unruly Here's a qvatler lo buy you som*t.hing lo wretch is quietly brought to subjection. eat. Artistic Appreciation. Painter (wuh dignity) I am an artist,

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