Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1895, p. 4

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THI FLESHIRTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 M.ISIIKK WEKKt V \T THE OFFICE. 8YI>- EXBIM STKFKT, KI.KNHKKToN, ONT., BY W. H. THI'RKTOH. *l i> r nnnnm.slrlrllv In advance Advertising Hates: On* Column. 1 year, f ; half col.. 1 year, f 87 quarter col., oue you, !.'. Transient advertisement charged at the "rate f ceou per line for flmt Insertion anJ I ceuti Mcb aubiequent liinortlon. THE CROPS. The cry goes up from Ontario for rain 1 rain ! While Manitoba and the Northwest are luxuriating in the greatest crops ever seen there, there is a fair prospect now that the crops in Ontario will be an almost total failure. We have had no rain to ppcak of this spring, and if rain does not fall this week it is thought many cf the crops will be utterly burned up and useless. This, coming on top of the destructive frost which killed nearly all our fruit, is a blow that many people will stagger un- der. Hay will have to be imported as moat farmers will have very little for their own use. Potatoes are not much affected by the drouth an yet In this connection it may be some consolation to look upon a brighter lecture and to learn that our brethren C'f tin- prairie provinces are experienc- ing a bountiful yield. The following extract from a letter written to a gentleman in town fn>i>i K:ncrsou, Man., will prove interesting reading. lie eny s : 'A kind 1'rovidencv hi* favornd u* with* remarkable aeaaoii. The apting .1 up in the l-j{iiiiiiii>,' "f April. :u,<l liax ) II t VII Mtu xueh WfHlluT II admirably adapted for all era HIM grown on the li.-lil nr /arm. \Vitlim tlio ri-iiirin brain e "f nur i.l I.-.I acttler, no MI.-|I p|. e- IIIK proapfd in tin* country ha* ecr U-.-H v> itnesicd. 1 wi h I i-.iu!iltraii*p >rl N nf ymir farmeis, lin are Mrux'-'lnif,' with tuingm and Htmie* nnil n pi-nein.j mill. In our fiuldi of waving graii,. I verily I* - liove they W'HiM ln--n.-ile no lunger an to th ir fu'.uro coil me in agriculture. 1 nin in ipiiiinn that, if f.-ivur.i'ile weather coir.iuuvi for thu tilling anil ri|> cum.' .if tli.' ifiain, wu may reawinably < \pi-<t in thin vicinity an :>% n . t i rty bunhult to tlio acre. Wheat, oalu, tarley aii'l in * inn; caw* tliii an- In- >.l.-i luno 4), " thiit harvvit oppr.-ili"ii may eip-ct tu I-L;III tin* lut of the pn-ii- cut niiMith. All over the province the i -|M.it , arc nearly aimdnr New potatnei an- in the market already, tin- plated of our Maiiit"ha toll, anil men our pi.m-rl>- i .1 iii'i.tijiiitn fnih-d to put ill an appear- mief until June 1 ; anil not leant atartlmi; it tli.s Infer fact, that all or a!iii<>nt all of the Iri-thmaii'i vnemiei, namely the pet* to liiiit. ha< du;i|'|x-are'l, not one remain in^ f >r ten th'iuHand tlat.- were preiunl at thii time lut year." Q'ttbcc, too, has fairly good crops, t .. u hay crop being fully up tj the average. It will repine the olhei |.:ovinces to feed Ontario thin year s'muld matter! get much worso. ion parliament will be held not lat- er than the first Thursday in January next to "press to a conclusion such legislation as will afford an adequate measure of relief to the faid minor- ity." This is the position of affairs at present. Our representatives will liave six months in which to consult their constituents ; six mouths of an extended least) of life, there will bo aix months of tnanoeavering, laying of mines, strategy, secret overtures, posmble biibery wholesale by the power of money, and crafty general- ship by an unscrupulous enemy It were better had the government fallen now and its own works been its undo- ing, than to prolong the tension in the face of the clear and explicit re- fusal of Manitoba to allow herself to be coerced. The goYernment could not pass this remedial legulation now and no more will it be iu a position to do so next January. It has simply surrendered to the Catholic church *nd formally taken over the fight upon its nwu shoulders, pledging itself to make the grand cof> tie gnict in Janu- ary next if Manitoba does not sooner surrender. In this it appears to be counting without its hosts, unless, as we have said, craft does not sooner work tln> miracle. While this section of country is H'lfl'enng from drouth at) it never has |.'-f lie it is wonderfully i.-IVeshiiiL,', if j.ot satisfactory to learn of water Rpouts, tornadoes, Hoods, etc , in the r Hint) bordering us on tho cast. The le of Htayuer and Hunnidalc township were pearly drowned out f.ne day recently, while we, 30 inileH t) the westward, have inly seen some nxU'en drop* of rain fur tho laet two Tin: MANITOHA grr.sTioN. The Manitoba school question has reached an acute stage nt Ottawa, and id reported three of the I-'n neh Members of the cabinet have resigned, .11 owing to tho goTernmcnt'ri refusal to introduce remedial legislation this session. Mr. Foster has MID ounce J that Manitoba will bo given one morn chance to make some conciliatory ar laugemerit, and in the event of her not doing 10 a Ressiou of the Doiniu Swimming. To the K<liior of The Advance. DEAR SIR, "C all B 4 I Irapalway." Th.-it it all very well, my friend who wrote in the W iiuue of Tho Adv.n. .-. an far ;is it p,e, but that will not aavw a Lather'* nuck from the Mumps and rock* that link in tho deep watn, and it 11 the deep water wherr tint KM iinnier loveH to dive, but in it after dark ; that ii the iluii^vr lie*. Tlu-refore, IH.J-M, don't IKI belmi.l tin- tiiiu-v learn to swim, oven if you have to travel tho dusty road inn-- mi!. -. from your own home or *end to Tor-iito to obtain a bathing suit, for by *odoin)r the opportunity may .-. m. -. aa it haM to mo, to n,,i only nve y,,ur iwn lifo bin that of >IIH- niher'it ho did ii' 'I have tin aaine chance to le-irn that you hid. "Mother, may I KU "ut to wiin ' Ye-, my darling daughter." ,i,-, M a very pretty rhyme, bill it n out of lile |i., H liny do in all watering and don't I..M. %ny opportunity to learn the art which nature In- i-i-n you i he |,,,w,-r to ;i,-i|inre, for it is iin art that you may Hud i worth dollar* to y.,u -l.-iy ivh.-n you Kiand <>n (he bank powerless l,i nan- and allow lh<- poor little iinl nr l.y, or perliHpK tho dearemt friend thht y u li.-ive, t-> ,| r ..ii hecauie you did not learn t.. awim when (lie time ,nd pl:et! arrived in tho ooiirnr of your life ; f n- who kiiuwg when you can lave, in-t.-.ul of having the remorae of heeun- -n. -h an incident aa deacrihe-i I CI.AI I.K K. J. HEMMIMI. ia, July 1, I -'. Old Stamps Wanted. B..y and girli, et your parent* to al- I >w )uu the pnvil-L-e of ){oiii({ through their old letter* ; t.-vke off the itamp* and I. iin- 'in 111 to tint office. Wo will buy ull old iiiuea from yuu, paying according tu their MI! iii-. Going out of Business . . . On Tuenuaj- of lust wuuk a trump iu tin- nriijlilioihoiid of ll.iywixrd* Fll Jlenel^, a few niilei from Durham, call* "ii Mr. Falkin^hani and reipinated pr n.irsi .:i to remain over nixht. SatigKec with Mr. I'.ilkin^li.-iii.'ii lini|.it.-ilit\ , h ieiii.iiiii-1 next day nnd during thu fl liiHine nil-lit he touk Krem-h leave, <arry iii^ with him :tli..ut forty dollars in ca*l and notOH, amounting in all to abou seventy. live -iollar*. \\ hen last *eei Mr. trump was Koing *outh in the neigh l.ihii id uf Ciil.ii Mile, but Mr. V. In not been able to light him. Hum. Mm IIKI.I. -In Flenherton. on Wedn>da)r,3r lint., the wife of Mr. Cloo. Mitchell, bauker, of daughter, iHnrrled. aliHN* IleTTos- At the Raptltt |iaronae Flfihvrtnii, ou Tuotday, Dud ini.. by liev J. 1 Oarrilner, Thoi. Media, of Durham, to alai June llutlou, of Vilcevillc. A Bioa to llorx-inrii. O i" h.ttl of KngliHh Spin in liininieiit completel removeil a curb from my In.i-e I tak pleuHin u in recommvndiiig the remedy, a It actn with myaturioiiB promplneM in th removal from hnrai of hard, aoft or cal l..iis,-ii liiinpH, bl<KKl Hp.iMii.Hpliuu. curb*, wouuy, uiles and (prain*. til. i in. ic lion n, Farmer, Markham, Out Sold by W. K. Richarddou, Having arranged to go oat of business I will offer my whole Block of Dry Ooodi, Millinery, Ready Blade Clothing, Flats and Cape, Hoots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, etc., at cost and under, commencing Monday ueit. This will afford cash buy- ers the privilege of baying cheap goods. Come in early and get tho choice of stock. This is no humbng to get your trade but a genuine sale. Butter eggs and wool wanted. T. HILL, FLESH ERTON. 1'lrKhrrlon Ktatlen Fitn "in "I'-u ( 'nrrr>i>onJtut. Great preparation u bein|{ made for he celebration of the twelfth here. Mr. A. McAuly and Mrs. licitz, who have been very ill, are able to bo up a^ain. Mr. nnd Mint Wilmtii of Crcemore pent a few day* with their inter, Mrn. W. M.Milien. Mr. N. Lawranco has been tick fur the pant few day*. MaKtera Kane and Eddie Sergeant have u-.-n s|,iMiding a fuw dayt with friundt in II. .ll.in.l Ceiille. Mitt .lohnitun it hpending her vaca- tion at her home in Tiuswatcr. Mr. nd Air*. Kwen of Ferpit are visiting the latter'* bitter, Mr*. \Vaim- Iwro. Mr. IVirnli .it of Hutfalo, Mr. Morgan tnd Mr. lloune i-pi-nt a fuw day* here kuii; after poles. Mr. and Mr*. T. I'u.in of Collingwo<xi and Mix* \Volseley of llamiliou, viaited Mrs. J. Euan lant week. A number of cattle were impounded liero thii week. i 'nlarrh IN-llrvrd In IO lo O To Smokers To meet the wlihei ot th<ir cuttomeri The U*o. E. Tuckett * Son Co., Ltd.. Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO breath each >liritlli l > (iiienhort pnfT of ti iliroii^li tin- lil..er, uppli-i with Lottie ..f Dr Annex's Catarrlial Powder. liffn.si-< tins powder mei the tnrface of the II.IHH! pwNi-ji'K I'.c.iilehsiurl deli^htfu- .. it leln-ve- iii-il.inlly, ft'itl permaiil enlly riin-> ('.ii.ni !,, Hi;. I !.', Colds, He (d .!;-, S- re 'lh rout, Tons'litm and ti'i.-i-nta. At W. K Kichard- The Markets. Hour Fall Wheat Sprint- \\ lie.-it llnrlry Oat* IVa* Butler Kcu*. fresh 1'. .t.-itoei bag . Pork Hay per ton Hide* Sheepnkili* . Turkey* Chickens |HT pair Iiin-Us U>r pair Wool I ... !i 5 (>0 t.. to to ::i to 35 to to 10 to 9 to Ml to 500 to UOO to 300 to 25 to f, to 8 to 25 to 40 to 17 to M, i I, $500 31 36 12 9 50 B 16 1000 300 26 6 8 40 60 20 Cattle Came Astray Came to the |irrmiMi of the undersigned, ( narlilag alvtv* oa or ahout the 94th of Mat (9 iteer> and 4 Imifcrni. The ownor U requentotl t I'o.vu |>ru|iit>, pay mptiuno aiid take them ROUT. rt.ANTT, Rugeula. Cattle Came Astray Notice of Dissolution. N.'ti.-ii is hereliy eiven that tho partnenhi] hi u-i f.-ii- HulixisiTng betweeu ui the under Hi^neil a woolli.ii nniiiiifarlurorii In thn Villa^i of FirMhttrton, iu the Couuty of Urey, and l'u> viuce of untai io. IIAM ln-i-n thia day dintolved hv nuitunl i'i'iini-nt. All debt* owlnu to the eaid partnership are to be paid to John Nuhn at the Mul lMiniiini.il In the said Village of Fleohortt and all flallim aualimt the l.l plrtnoruh.p to l>u pruHi'iiti'.! t.i ttii unit) John Nuhn by whom the name will b Buttled. linti..iAt 1' U.ihrrlou thin teooDd Day of July, A.I' 1HU.V Higned: \M(ne: JOHN NrHN, UuiianT J. BraoDM. OaowiK Horse Carnw Astray. Cuinu to the |>remiiwi of Cbaa. H. Hopr-a, lot 10, KiiKunia. one gray inare. The owuer 1> aotl fle<l to prove property, pay eii>xn>i and take the came away. ( n i H. Horn. plll( KVI1.1.B AND DfllHAU STAIIK. Darhara itage leave* Kletherton Station at f .16 a in., returoi 4.i p.m. I'rteevllte ttae ieave* the taiuv place at liiSU, retuiuiuu at i 16 Fare to I'rloeville and return, W cent* ; Durham l.BO for return, 7'o linicle fare. Livery In eott Urdern way be left at cither hotel. A.MoCAULBT, Prop. This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the c'UHutnrr one 20 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or a 5 cent ( iece of the famous "T&B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. PERSONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED-Several faithful gentlemen and hulled to travel foreHlahlinhed house. SALARY $780.08 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited ; also in- - ' "Vile It-li lem-e ;tlnl i-l.l -lo-e self addre>(] lUmped envelope. THE NATIONAL Ji6.Ji7.JiS Omaha BWg. . CHICAUO. BICYCLE REPAIRS When your bicycle ii out of order send it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY. OWEIM SOUND, U ln-rr you can hare it put in guod *hape. All kind* of repair work attended tu at reaauuabU rate*. JAM. M. II so V Poles Wanted. Wanted 1000 .W ft. |>O|M (or which I will pay 110 narli. For particular! call on J. B. EK Flmuerton Station. J. D. UOMO.UI. 117 i XT rii [> |\ A good r n in your district to II A .1 I ft\l ruprt-eent the Fonthill Nnner !* of Canada. Over 7(10 acret . The largeet I the Dominion. I'oaitlon permanent. Salary or cotiimisaion to right uian. With tho nii'i eaiio.K deiuaud for fruit a poei tlon with us ai naleeinan will |>ny >. u Ii. K.-r than enKaiufi In farm work Heinl u >. nr applicatlou and we will Hhow you bow Ui earu good uiooey. Hehool tarhbr*l it" Jnit the thing for you 'ne thetuminur. Write for particular*. nOMB ft WELXtNaTO.N, Torouto. Ont. Flesherton Planing Ii now in active operation and prepar ed to turn out any quantity of firnt clan work, inch * door*, mouldings, flooring! huxtinga, etc. Bo ndsa/wing, Scrollsa/wiiig ivnci Turning Done to order. We alao manufactur Beehives, (live ua your order for any thing in uur line. Beecroft & Sloan. Public* Notice. Notlc ii hereby given that the nnderili,-n ha* made applicmtlou for the trannfur of th heeoae for tlie muialader of the llcunw year mu.viie. now held by 1'eter Munihaw for th iirumieee known a> the rie*h..rtou Hotel In th Village of KlMhurton in the County of of Urey from tbi- uld 1'eter Muoibaw to him atetl JuuelU, 1W. A. MVMIBAW NO DULL TIMES WITH Richardson & Co. We keep things moving, that's what we are here for, to do business with srofit when we can but to ke<-p doing. We do not sit and watch stock grow old and out of fashion but soil it in season at some price. Our big PILES if PBIITS 111 ISTTIIS Melted away under the peiiial influ- ence of cut prices and we have put iu their place a big stock of DRESS GOODS To be subjected to the same process. We are determined to make a lan."> reduction in tliis stock during this month and iu many lines will cut the prices iu half to clear them off the tables. Come and see what we lm\v to offer. MILLINERY SEASON Will close this week and we have bargains iu that department while the stock lasts. We ha%e Hats and Bon* nets to give away somewhut out of fashion of no value to us but better than some we see worn by some of our customers. /// capes and mantles We propose to give two for price of one, or if you only want one ccme and see what we can do for you We are not sticking for prices iu these R xxls Did that boy of yours get a suit yet? No ? Well you are not too late to get it; we have t big range of Hoys' and Youths' Clothing and when yon see the prices you will admit you cannot afford to make them up at home come along and bring the boy. Have we anything new this w. Well yes, we have lots of thing?. New Gingham, New Dress Goods, New Laces, New Blouse Materials. New Boots, New Gloves Our Tailoring Department has betu overcrowded with orders Lut we aie getting the boards clear again and are ready to take full orders again at our usual close prices. H. RICHARDSON &Co. Harci\vure J Dcp't, AT Richardson's Hardware You will alway* find all the newest good*. Tho latent roceived ii aihipnient of Ontario'* brat make of granite on steel ware, iu PRESEUVE KKTTES, SAUCE PANS, TEA KETTLES, JELLY PANS PUDDING DISHES, TEA POT, BASTINO SPOONS, 1'IK PLATES. Expected A carload of nne barrel salt. Binder Twine Banner Brand, at 6$c. lb., Pure Sinai at tt^c. lb., Standard'Manilhi, at 7c. II..' Beaver Brand, at 7Jc. lb. They are the cheapen and beat twine* on the market. Lnweat price* on *oyth<M, rake*, fork*, ho* and all kind* of building haidwaitv M. Richardson 4

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