Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FL18HIITO N ADVANCB I Jji n !. in x: Office -l QEO. MITCHELL - * FLESH EKTOM A general bulking busineaH transactor Draft! U-nieil and cheij.iei. ca^lufl At tiBual mte. Money alwayH available for Ivgimato buMiiuHB viitHrpriw. Otflcu two doors north of Hiclir<l- un * Co'i. Vicinity Chips. of the Past Week Carefully Tolled for the rnrioiis. /.' nonet* a>non// lutals ictil lit at the rate of lOc per line fr e<tch insertion. A rutm-tiim \rill > iiuulc H cut tract* far 1VO tint* or aver. Machine oil, Peeiles. You can av 1 )j. a gallon by getting it at T. Hill'*. Mr. A Munshaw has d..ne a big job of rriioViitiiig piiiiiiiiit an-l pr.iining .-iround the hotel 'his siTinir, "J every- -in- IK'W look* clean and new. He h:in nlo built extra tall accommodation. To prevent [ule and delicate children lYmn lap h> into chronic invalids later in 1 ft), lhej- tihotiM taki! Ayer's S-irsaparilla t 'gcther with plenty <>f wholesome f<'d ;mil outdoor exerci e. What they n-i-il to build up the system is K'"*! red blood. A fire started nu.Tu.)ndiiy morning in Mi p . Munshaw's * '. tl.iheil ami ttoreixioiii. next Sproule's Uock, hut was discov.-n-il in time by the hostler, Mr. Fields. There. was coal oil stored in the room and had the tire got a little more headway the n-- - i!t wouM have been disastrous. The cauno of the fire is a mystery. Few medicine* have heltl their ground o successfully as Ayer's Cheny IV.-t ril. During the past fifty years it ha been the must [...], ular of all cough cures, and the demand f"r it to day n re,irer thau ever before. I'p-mpt to act anii sure to cure. Mr. R. Swauton ot a bad shaking up one day last wick while doing road wi.rk. ills team ran away, the wagon r.-a.-h broke anil oi-e of the tide boards struck tho younit nian in llie head, lit was C'lUsiileraUy bruised by oeinn dn alum? thti roml, but he cluntf manfully to t'.ie team and tin-xlly oi them stopped. Mri. Win. White, of Tyrone, met, with H sevi rr ici-ulelit on Thursday of hint k. Mr. and Mrs. White werodnv- ing to town in a lumber waitoti when the team ran away. Mis. White attempts.! U. jump nut, when sho WHS thrown to the ground and struck by one wheel, sustain- ing a severe scalp wound and cuts on the face. Prt. Mitchell of Dundalk and Uichardsou of Klutherton attended the cMe, putting in fourteen sLi'.ehen to do up the woumU, and she i recovering nicely. J. Artley'* pumps Markdalo are giving better satisfaction thin year than over, since using the improvements he made in them last winter. It has added to the cost, but I have adued nothing to the price. But in conse<|ueiio of the finiiii cUl deprensioii and gloomy outlook 1 have reduced the price awny down, for the present at least. Tht-re will be no ex- cuse now for anyone buying a cheap, in- to; ior pump. Caution. Be sure you do i<t buy a pump with a bnswootl or white wood head or you will need a new head I i about three years. Remember, I use t;.c best pine I can pricure, regardless. While a couple of Toronto young mou were tithing iu Ueattie's creek one day l.iftt week they were surprised in the act bv vicious bull, who ran them off the premises, treeing one and starting the other on a run through tho woods which lie has nut yet recovered from. The one that shiMiied r.p the tree clung to a rotten limb which gave way, precipitating him to the ground, but he succeeded in mount- ing the tree aai just as the bull hit it head first with full force. The animal inarched around and around the tree for some time but finally decided that the name was beyond his roach and walked off. The bo> s say it was an awfully ex- citing adventure. Any person desiring to adopt a Cana dian child can hear of some very suitable case* by writing Rev. C. W. Watch, llrightou, Out., who has several children placed in his care for adoption into good Christian homes. He has some bright little, boys of three and under. They are Canadian children and are deserting of good hornet. Persons applying will please tend name and address of their pastor. Ministers and otunt knowing of orphan and destitute children in need of sxistai.ee Mr. Watch will be pleased to eorrsopond with, and advue in lh mut- ter. Financial aid and clothing in behalf of orphan and destitute children will be appreciated and applied as donor desires. Mr. 8. Kingston moved into his hand- some new residence oil Monday. Mr. Kingston has erected a building of which he may be proud, and the contractor, Mr. Glias. Bellamy, did tho work iu Srst class stylo. Couiso Dr. Sinclair, specialist in the treatment of iungn, heart, kidney and bladder diseases, diseases of women and private diseases. Will be at White's hotel, Flesherton Station, on Tuesday, July 30, froiu 4.30 in the afternoon until 9 o- clock at ni'-hr. Consultation free. At the regular communications of Prii.ce Arthur Lod^e No. 333, A. F. & A. M , held in their Masonic Hall.Fleah erton. Friday evening, 6th mat, the fol- lowing officers were installed for the en- suiii!! year, viz: W. B. Thomas Carter I' M. ; Bro. Ueo. Mitchell, W. M.; Bro. R. Mc(JiII, S. W. ; Bro. John A. Boyd, J. W. ; P. M. , W. B. Rev. John Wells, Chaplain; W. Bro. W. J. Belhuny.Treas.; '.V. Bro. U. .1. S|.r..ule, Sec : Bro. Alex. M. (Jil.M.n. S. D. ; Bro. J. F. Vanduacn, .1. D ; Bro. R. X. Henderson, I. O. ; Bro. Ja.s. Sullivan, Tyler ; P. M. W. Bro. M. Richardson and Bro. Wrn. E. Rich ardsoii. Stewards. The country newspaper is an important ageney in the cultivation of public spirit, and however humble it may seem beside the metropolitan daily, it has a place in popular education which in too little re- :;-irded. While the editor U often not above the rank of a practical printer, there aru many persons in most of the suburban towns, clergymen, lawyers, teachers and others, who have the leisure and the ability to uso the paper as the vehicle of influence over their fellow- citizens. The country newspaper is usu- ally local iu its news, and the very people who inii>ht make tt frosh and sus<gettive arr those who complain most loudly of its meagre character Short articles per- taining to local interest are always wel- come in its columns, and the men and women who most desire to make home life in tho country rich and influential can best do so by contributing freely to IIH columns of what they have in mind. Iu some places this hat been done, and the result in the quickened life of the community lias been gratifying. ex. The anniversary service* and festival if t'haini-r's Presbyterian chuich, Flether- 'ii. were he'd last Sunday anil Monday evening. They could .hardly Le tern: <! Huccisufiil in comparison with those of former }t:ars. 'he disinterestedness being caused, no doubt, by disappointment in the speakers expected to be present, as neither Mr. t'.inuiharsnn or Mr Me Vicar found it possible to come. The sermon Sip.iiay evening was delivered by Dr. M. I;.. Mm' of Shelburne, taking for his theme .John 17 '.'4. He was listened to by a fair sized congregation, and special music by the choir was enjoyed. The slrawlwrry festival Monday evening wag everything that could be desired that is, the strawberry part of it the only draw back to a thoroughly enjoyable evening being the very slim attendance. The program iu tho body of the church was short, but good. Addresses wore deliv ered by Rev. Mr. Gardiner of the Baptist church, and Rev. Mr. Mahan, the new pastor of the Methodist congregation. The musical portion of the program was given by tha choir with a duett by Miss Euith and Dr. K. K Richardson, and a solo by Dr. Richardson. Rev. Mr. Wells, the pastor, occupied the chair. A social was held last (Wednesday) evening to dis- pose of tin- surplus viands and add to the funds of the church. Flesherton's Lady Elocutionist. The Toronto Saturday Night has the following kindly words to say of Mist Annie Richardson's elocution : "At the recent closing exercises of the Toronto College of Music the elocution department, which is under the direction of Mr. Grenville P. Kleiser, was ably re- presented by Mits Annie A. Richardson of Flesherton, who gave an excellent reading of tho Painter of Seville, by Wil- son. Miss Richardson is decidedly clever looking, and the warm reception accorded her by the audience was greatly enhanced by her refined face, which lent an added charm to the interesting story, in which the painter Murillo discovers in his slave a greater even than himself. The young reader made a natural transition from the auger of the one at first real, anon attuined to the abject misery and -ins pair of the other when he is threatened with a dungeon cell should ha not pro duce the midnight iiiliuder who had in liis ntaster't studio idealized, uponcanvar, the face of the Madonna. She lent a delicate forccfulness to the words of the slave, ''Give to my father his freedom ! " and the generous painter's reply. " 1 give both thee and thy father thy freedom, my noble Sebastian ! " Mist RichardHon's appearance does not belie her, for she made exceptional 'piogrest daring the hort timo she bat attended the Collegfi, laving only entered iu January l*>t, and -ia* during that time be.'n to persistent and con cientious a student that she will neit year be appointed associate teacher on the regular staff of the College. Snakes Catch Fish AND XOMKTIME.S CHOKC IN THK PROCIS* OF SWALLOWING THIM. A friend of The Advance informs us hat one day last week, while down along; the river below Kiutberley, he noticed two foot tnake making somo peculiar movements, and on closer ntpection discovered that tha rep- ile had a fish measuring about five inches it its mouth and was endeavorini; to swallow it. Ho has evidently not well up on eating fish, however, as he had }egun to swallow it tail first, and suc- ceeded all right up to tho point where IB encountered the dorsal fin, which spread out and arrested the fish in its downward course. The peculiar con- struction of a make's teeth will not al- ow of the- escape of anythim? when once well seized, nor can a snake hack out of a swallowing contract when well entered upon. In this case the reptile rued the job when too late and actually choked to lea: h before the observer's eyes. Would it not be nice if all the snakes in the country would go fishing and catch 'eui by the tail I PERSONAL*. [' you are visiting away from homo lot us know it. If you have visitors from a tltatauce at yo-ir plao* tell ua of it. It it a mistake to be hjr about doiniilnii because irunuliftrealwayi anxious to know of aucb movomeiitii. ami tha parsoual oorner in now oue of tlio ruco^niri-J departments of every well rngulatecl UL-WII- papor. Misses MagL'ie and Mmniu McArthur if Pnceville were the guests of Miss Ida Taylor last week. Mr. Win. Taylor visited his brother, Mr. David Taylor, of C>>lliii^wuod, last week. Mis. Momer hat returned to take up her residence in Flesherton after a couple years' residence in Miehi'.'an. Mrs. D Monroe of Detroit is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Win. \Vr:glit. Mr. Bert ArniNtronu of O. S. collegiate has returned home for vacation. Air G. Bruce, lawyer, of Collingwood, and Dr. \Tebsterof Creemore, spent Sun- day with the family of Mr. M. Richard- son. Both ijentlemen wheeled over on iheir bikes. Get- Dr. tt. f. MtrrUI. Results Astonish MEM OF SCIENCE. AYERS A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Well Known Doctor " Ayer's Sartaparllla U wltliont an equal at a blooil-puritler an<l Spring medicine, and cannot bare praise enough. I have watched Its. effects In chronic casts, where other treatment wot of no avail, and have been astonlthed at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever uted, and I hate trltd them all, Is so thorough In Its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sanaparlll*." Dr. U. F. MKHUILI., Augusta, Me. Avar's oSS-Sarsaparilla . . . The Best . . . For Your Honey We are now offering a well selected assortment of Ladies' and Genu Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, ltalmoi.il and Button Boots and Slippers, also the heavier grades which we are offering at bottom Prices notwith- standing the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give us a trial. Custom Work and Kepainn,- attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S jruinn nnsTj\r\r\j\nr\r\nnj3 fiUGQIES& CARTS. If you want a nice light road cart or a ood serviceable buggy we ,| cau supply you with it. All custom work in our line done in first i class ttyle on shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. juuui muxmuTJi/uuvrLnjutrLrLTUT. LTU 1 WKS] Ilii' EXTRAORDINARY > *ito>/f///tf/, INDUCEnENTS JO BUY Admitted t tli* World's A*r' Pill* for M FURNITURE Are being offered this month, June 15, at the K!eliertoii Furniture Wnrernonis. Having puichastd the whole of that lanru and well *- stock lately carried by J. K. li.txki-rville A < '> , our store, although e-'in- moilious.is now over crowded. We mum clour out i|iuto a lot at once and in order to help you buy and us to sell, prices fur ttie meantime are o.-m^ cut nearly in two. We have still another or^au left. It is snap for someone. ; Also one small engine and hoiler in aood condition which we will sell very chuiip, having no further use for it. FURNITURE DEALER 5 /jj AND UNDERTAKER % J. E. Moore, STRAIN'S BLOCK K SI IICKTC >X >"vi> C -<|. :r /lOV|> : ~.|<-'/l>~Vi?Vr? ~<Q$^t? V ll?^Mf^nf^llf~li y <lff^ilf~{f? A Letter to the Public Owing to a rush of business during tho day Uu- ^nods in our two stores are thrown in Leaps of confusion. Having a lar^i/ staff of salesmen in our store we are able to handle a large amount of business. \. owitii? to the tremendoua trade from -i distance mauy have to \v;iit. and while doing so wonder how each in turn is waited upon in such a satisfactory manner. We sell our customers goods Iqnality taken into consideration i at pi u-i-ri that these goods canuot be procured at in other stores. Many ms clairr to sell cheap and they may consider tlioy are doing so, but it in only cheap in comparison to tho pi-ice they once received for th .-iniu class of goods, uot cheap wheu our prices for the sarne<|uuiuic* aic< taken inu. account. Some may think Patrons and Patron stores are things of the past 1m: tin y have only to come to Calhoun's to be convinced that llioy an; inistukcii, ibcu tbey will see the largest number of people composed of our best and wealth- iest class as well as many uot so fortunate iu worldly goods, hut with just as much brain power, all mingling together saving dollars and cents by dealing ia the PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE. All are welcome. We invite yen to call and know that we are classed with the foremost stores in the province. The highest pi-icui i; :.<l for all kinds of produce. CALHOUX'S, - - DUX DA IK Flesherton. Hardware House. Hamsl Tools, Our prices ou nail?, locks and hinges are as low as any hardware house north of Torouto. Just Irriveii fiO.OOO Ibs. binder twine. Bine Ribbou, 7^0.; Red Cap, 6Jc., Common tienac, 6c. Harvest Tools SCYTHES, FORKS, BNATU8, BAKES. Hay Fork Eope, Puileya aud Tracks. The finest XXX lubricated lardiue machine oil ou the market. F, S. larsUti - Proo, Your horse* fre from flies by guttiuy tliouiaiiel of lotli- or. so doing V in will stive iiiniifcy. Ymir liort ore not to apt to run aw.iv whim they ure uot irritate.il by tku iln's. COMBS AND BRUSHES of thn t>ct kinds, that will R8ait von ( Krdttlv 'ii km-piii^' yon hornet look- ing slick. Greases Carriage Oil, Wagon Grn, Hoof Ointment, II inn's* Oil, llurntim Snap, 1'oliHli, unit ov.irv tiling tht will pre- set va jciiir hnrnost. Whips I .OHK Bm-lei- \Vli'i,. and Wbipt of every dsnorlptinn snd priO the taoie Ail kipu&of ligut sud hvv Imru.'iii. WIIL MOOFE,

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