Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1895, p. 8

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THE FLI8HIRTOM ADTAHCI Time Table. . .M NO MOUTH. M irkdiiV (i 40 a. in. 4.40 p. m. rintli!rtoii0.63a.ni. 4.53p.m. I:IHM: NORTH. KU-itherrnn 11.48 ft. m. 0.17 p. m. Maikd*le-l!2.04 p. m. 9.30 p. m. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is- r riie Very I3e*t PLACE IN CANADA TO OET A Thaionjh BosiDBss Education, Take a |> v ound Trip S^ftlin^ Colleges and I'.nn uorcikl l)nprtin'it in Cau&dt, then vn.il tli.- S.irilirru Itu'tunM Cullegi' ; nxauiille every- t .n.; tli n i.ii^til v. If we fail to produce the Ui.iHt thuroilRli, cutupl^le. prftcti.'*! ftiu) elti-n- iv euureeof tuJv ; the b*t colleae premliira -i I tin l...t %u.| mos .'iini'l.-te end in.ist suit- - iruitiirn and >i | limicee, we will gir you t lull oourto FRKo,. Kor Annual Anuouuce uuut, giving full particuUri ,f r, address C. A. FLEMING,' rrinripal. Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. -I ages mado and Repaired ing and Matching, Baud Saw- Ing, Wood Turning of every des- nptlon. Planing and Gram Chop urns cloae wliilo you wait, tor" Beaver turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED AT THE Woollen Mills For whir'i thf lii-lirst |M<iiliL> ].ii.-r will I [i.i.i in i -i h in Hade ill all kimli "f .i. dii n or union L'.mJs Much as t II. until*, full cl'.th, hlaiiLt-ts and all of yams, CUSTOM WOSK \Vill W promptly all ended to in all its )>raiirlii-4. S;. inning, ndl t-nrding, weav- iii-', f.illin,', dyeing, cto., t-ti-. <;IVK IS A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! If Y m want pliut. taken go to the FLESH EBTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, wliure nothing but first class wurk in turned oul, mid (iricei low.-i thsn charged for city *ork. Careful attention fiveii to uthnr pictures. Babim' photos a l*ictui'o I^ tn all ita branuheii promprly and neatly ll"ll. His. BnliDBr SyUo St. ISOOTS 'MUSTBESOLD ; of) at reduced rales to make room for new stock. Overiboci, Rubber! and Mocoasiui ul inarvlouly low prices. This is A. Genuine I^icnic For purohaiters, and will only last for short time. Call in and Ut me con- vince you of ita truth. et All rip* in boots purchased from me after tbit notio* appears will be sewod up fre of charge. Tin- is an extrft. JOS. SMITHS DOT'S CORNER. A Studio Tea. \Vli.-n Vandyke Brown fint conceived tin- idea of giving a toa in her studio to the dupeming claM of '%, in honor of Liuaie D'Ojrle, who wan going away, the thought '': would call it a Trilby tea. And what, indeed, could hare ben more appropriate ? For lince the day* when Iliat dvlixhtful crenturu made the lea in tin' Ktudio of the trvit A>iylnue her name haa been lagged on to every conceivable novelty, 1 ut to u.me so aptly an to that which Vandyke Brown now proposed to iipi'ly it -not ovrii shoe*. Tlmt Miss Drown ultimately refrained from tai;|{in^ it on to her ttudio tea the whole class admitted wan a singular in- stanco of admirable self control, for in Kj'ito <>f it* gout-nil a|>]>roniiatcnesa, and In apite of the beautiful alliteration of the tiflr, which |>(irali-d strongly to her st-nse of euphony, ho refused to rescue it tioiu the limbo of neck-lien, haU.shoes, c .iicertH, flower* and what-not, to which it h ul hitherto been so vilely conaigned. Fur he felt that to use the pretty name, however aptly now, smacked of the fadd- ist ; and being, above all things, a serious minded young person artist though she as sho di-lralttd a pone of any kind. So the invitatioim went ivued to K se .M->.|.K-i, a diiii|>liii!>, lauuliing, pinky ci cat tire ; to Antwerp B'uo, who it was Nlirundly nu|>ccted by the clM wax not t.' i < ;.i ,<4uliinx' ln-i chevk :in>l ear with tlnit r '1'ir liimuse of the lovely contrast it made \nili her abundant golden ocLt ; then tlinu was Ivory lll.ick. Terra Verte, and ('..!. .ill ; Kluku White, Raw Sier.na mid Emrialil Un-tn, Palo Vi-llow,('hioiiie \'rni:illi"ii and liituinen, who each re- r.ni-.l ihf fiiiluwini; invitation : Yuadyko Brown (irfscuts h,-r com- pliiiiuntt nnd dfHiren tin, h-ht of your ciniiiteiiuiioi' in In r ntndio ut tlie new of 'In- mo. ii, wliiii- a trillniK i-nu ituiiiiin in await* Jim. IN HoNdK OK LlNME l)'(l\l.f.. Having thrown the ditoirlcd |.;nni m^K iiitu the moat , l,H<-urii oilier and *ut the jut; cniititiiiiiiL' lu-r | 'Hint In M li, -H wliKro it could riot be lii>|n:il nvi r, Vainly ka Itiown i in! nhii l.ad got tliiiijjn in riaidi- iic'bH f,>r the arrival of the Ml. IT Paints, wl.o i in Ii mine |irt .scn'.lv , bearing her mi i>t prt-cii.UH fhffd'art ioi[ia<v (ho fr.i.st. Nil one was 8ui].ri.<rd that lt-i.su M.i.l- i!. i sLonlil have tn.tiglit her Bowl of , imr timt Terra Verio's choice should have Uon her Notro DJIIK-. K.iry liliick as ruily on hand that nhe nn^lit find n good liulit in which to hang iier Fifttuiilh Century (iuntluinan, and 1 'i. n li>- lo.il.ril don u upon tho company with the tender, roniiniacfiil li^hl in his i" one who barely tolerate* the queer dimigs of thesu I'.Hh century women and HI^!IH for the good old timea. Soun. hnwitvor, lu attention became fixed upon Vandyke Brown's water color Arab, who haughty sheik as ho was-had turned hi l.:ii-k upon thn company, taking C.MK! I'M !. however, to look over ln K-ft shoul- der to nee fn'in thu lull of hia eye what w;is K"i"g on. And much waa goinu on, if one mi.'ht judge from the Bound of Imniniering, climbing of step ladders and adjusting of easela, good natured " acrap- I'li't " fur desirable positiona, and the laughiiix and constant chatter which the most oidfily women will indulge in at i in, en. Antweip liluo and Cobalt had at lust come to an understanding ahout wheru to hang their Fairy Tale and Afterglow n'Spectively, when there wsa a crash followed l.y many screams, slid there lay poor I'ale Yollow Chrome amid the debru f bruken step laddor and her gigantic- canvas of the Camplire by Moon- light, mixed up with hammer and nails. llnving discovered that there waa nothing broken but the lega of the BttpUdder.and placed P. Y. C. in an easy chair with a , I .tli around her head and a bottle of smelling salts in her hand, the prepara- tions went on with unabater) rigor until all the pictures, from Flak* WhiU's cray- on* and sepiss. Raw Sienna'a Chrysau- theoiums and Emerald Qreen'a Swiu-n River had each been accorded a auitable place. Vermillion and Bitumen could not be present, having sent regrets, to the effect thst they had something more im- porUnt on hand, but had uauh sent a picture Th Doer's Head and A Cosy Cup of Tea, repetitively-- which were forthwith accorded a place of honor on an easel. The wind of the summer night ble* soft I v in f MIUI the maple shaded street through windows whoso blinda Vandyke Brown had f r*ofuUy pinned up with a two in.: h nail and a oarpet uok. The time for the toa,t> had eome. It was V.i.dyke lirown'e voice that broke the ttillnem. ' I'siiiii ladies, it in now my pleasant duty to ask you to tat in ice cream the tout to the health and prosperity of Liueie D'Oyle, who, for the last I wn years, has mingled with and en- tered into the composition of every pic- ture we have produced, and hai, indeed, proved herself auch a ' happy medium ' that it may well be doubted if it were possible for us at paintt to do without her." Linsie D'Oyle, after gulping down son.* natural emotion, modestly responded, referring to hermit as having been ex- ceedingly raw when first she started out as their itmtruclrrsa, but having been frequently " rotated " since ihon, partic- ularly on hot nuinmer days with the Iher- mometer at 100* in the studio, nha could hardly be called Raw Linsoed Oil any longer. Tli.-n she branched off into a profound dissertation upon Art, warning the paints to boware of tho tendency of the Philistine, who judges a picture by ita oulwitrd nnd material attractions, of color and form, having no eyes to discern the inner and spiritual beauty Keeking expression through form and color. Sbe clooed by saying that though they might not see her, she muni continue tu mingle with them, aa no better medium had yet boen discoverod for mixing paiuta than Raw Linseed Oil. Time and space fail me to tell how they toasted ' Ourselvra," the " Philis- tines "and Mr and Mrs. 11,-nl," referr- ing to the last aa "^he old masters,'' until the Fifteenth Century Gentleman could Rtand it no longer but shook the plume in hi* hat at Th Arab, as much au to Bay, " Little they know about it," ni tun. I. led off bin nsil. Dor. IN-llcT in (I BMTIV DMnisJaij KiJ ey ai.d l!Uil.l>-r di>-Kex lelicvcd III hours by the " (ireat South American Kidney Cure. " Tins new remedy is a ijrnil MirpfMi' and drl^'hl on :..> nut of lt excuedin^' Jin.iiiptneu ill rehevin^' j.tin in thu I'l.i.lil -i, kiiini'v*. 1-ni-k and every part of the urinary fmuajji-H in m;i : -or fe- lt ii- i,-ve r,-li-ntioii of pain iii I U-MIIC it almost inunmiuitely. If you w.-iut ijuirk ri'lief and c'.ii'-t this m your y. S iM by \V. E. llicliardHOn, llrnrl !>i-, .i>e Krlirvrd In : >linilt<-> l'i. A fc -u'a wr C'un-of the Homt give.< perfect relief in all CUSBH of < ;.IIL: "inc or Syi-i|uthetic Heart Dmeaite in .'<) iniiiiiteM. atnl |>eedily etfectn a cure It i> :x pen! -. iiinrdy for 1'ulpitation, Slioiiiii-f." of llrciith, Sinotliertn^ Spells, 1'ain in Left Side and all sy ii'p'"in of a I>i>. i-..! I!, u. One doou conrinces. S.,!d l,y \V. E Itichardsou. ir. jr. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Ooo*h. Wo Re.t N:ht nor Day. Olren p by Doctor*. A LIFtTSAVED BT TA.KIKQ urn'O CHERRY AY En SPECTORAL Several years ago, I caught a Mvereeold. attomleil with a terrible cough that allowed nia DO rest, either dav or night. The doc- tors, alter working over me to the best of their ability, pronounced By ease hopeless, anil said they could do no nor* (or BM. A friend, learning ol my troubls, seat me bottle of AVer's Cherry Pectoral, which I brgaa to take, and very soon I was greatly relieved. By the time I bad used the whole t ><n tic. I was completely cured. 1 have never had much of a cough lnc that time, and I Brmly believe that Ayer-s Cherry Pectoral saved my life."-*. U. WAJU>, I Quunbv A vs., Lowell, Maas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HMKIT AWJUtM a fOULO t FAfU Jyer's FUU i*. Mut Kl^ K W II K 1 < TO IS ROLLER KILLS Are now couplet and are ruuuing regular. CSHOPP1NQ s usual. P. LOUCKS. Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON HOIISESHOER AND(JKNKKAL I!I.A( 'KSMI'I H, KKKI'S OX HANI) Repairs for Muascy rri. und .\oxon. Fleur.v anil Wilkinaen Farm Implements PloirYSt l-'leury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repai 1-8 for the same. We manufacture Wagon*, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Iloraesiioeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender oatracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly uu hand. t *fe =Slfefe ) W : Jlfclf-- A 5oft Thing f \Vhen you aro ririvii.g is always enjoyable. Our bu. are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, atrong nnd durable. Call und examine our stock. Cartn.i'i.l .i'-^i M^it.s on easy terms. Puiotin /. triiiiniinv and riir'nhing done >.n crdcr. I claim to sell aa durablu and good a vehicle as there is mi the market. * | * V.iO ...-..."-...-.. .-?,{' R. T. WHITTEN. -.rf'ttf "I TELL ALL MY FRIENDS." A. Lady of Shelburne, Ont., Permanently Cured of Indigestion After Using Two Bottles of South American Nervine Glad to Let Everyone Know It, GALBRAITH. With indigeation it ii not only that one suffer! ail imaginable torments., physical and mental, but more, per- haps, than anything else, an impaired digestion is the forerunner of count- leu ailment! that in their course lead to the mott Krioua consequences. Let the itomach get out of order and it may be laid the whole ijitem is dii- eaaed. When the digestive organ! fail in their important functional duties, bead and heart, mind and body are aiek. These were the feeling! of Mr. Oalbraith, wife of Mr. A. V. Oarbraith, the well-known jeweller of Bbelbnrne, Ont., before ihe bad learn- ed of the beneficent result! to be gain- ed by the use of South American Nerrine Tonic. In so many wordi sbe aaid : " Life was becoming un- bearable. I waa to cranky I was reallj ashamed ef myself. Nothing that I ate would agree with me ; new it does not matter what I eat. I take enjoyment out of all my meals." Here are Mrs. Galbnuth'i words of testi- mony to South American Nervine, given over her own signature : " Shelburne, Ont., March 27, 1894. " 1 was for considerable time a raf- Isrer from indigeation, experiencing al the misery and annoyance so common to this complaint. South American Nervine was recommended to me aa a safe and effective remedy for all such cases. I used only two bottles, and am pleased to testify that these fully cured me, and I have had no indication of a return of the trouble since. I never fail to recommend the Nervine to all my friends trouble*'. with indigestion or nervousness. " MM. A. V. testimony of this lady, given freely and voluntarily out of a full heart because of the benefit! she ex- perienced in her own person, hare aa echo in thousands of hearts all over the country. South American Nerv- ine must cure, because it operates at once on the nerve centres. These nerve centres are the source from which emanates the life fluid that keeps all organs of the body in proper repair. Keep these nerve centres sound and disease U unknown. There ii no trick in the business. Every- thing is very simple and common sense like. South American Nervine strengthens the digestive organs, tones up the liver, enriches the blood, ii*peouliarly efficacious in building ap shattered and nervous constitutions. It never fails to give relief in one day. M I. ' . > .1 ;>

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