Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' TOL,XV.N0.724 PLESHKRTON, ONT. THDRSDAY, JULY 18 1895. W. H. THDBSTOH EDITORS) PROPRIETOR Ladies' / Gents' ware OP BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS Maxwell. Our Business Directory \M ARIUAOE LICENSES. Usued <Uv or night at Ui Jewelery Star* and at th ratidease of Ue itadersigned. Co<uilMtoMr ! H C.J. Conveyancer. *. Notary public. JOHN W. ABM8TBOMO. FlBSMawo. AS. VANDU8F.N, Clerk 6th Dir. Court, Co. Grey, Issuer of Marria Llctoees, Commissioner iu H. C. J., Conveyancer, Auctioneer. stc. Agent for the Ueseef-Hanrls Agricultural Imple- ment Clayton's Block. FUsherton. opposite Richardion's hardware stole, ri. Uarkdale. do a general banking bus- Money tosatil a* a reasonable rale. Call T\KBT8 COLLECTED. Tbe undemlgned In prepared to nadertafce the collectlen o all klndi of dbU. Noes bought. accounts collected, etc . V. HKNDKB8OM FusMBaTOit p~"j. SPKOULE, Postmaster, Flesherton. Commissioner In B B. Lie nsed *uotlonter, Conveyancer, A - praiser and Money Lender. Beat Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds. Morlofles. Leases, andWIllB drawn up and Vsjoatlons made on hortet notice. Auction Bales attended to ID auy part of the County. Money to loan at low et rates of interest. Collections atton.lod to with promntuess and deepatob Cbarges low. Agent for the Dominion Steamship Company, cheap ticket* from Flesbertou to Liverpool, r.laegow, London or any of the British porte. rartlM intending to viiit England. Scotland or Ireland, will pleaee aak rates before purchasing their tickets elsewhere. HUTTON. M.D.C. M., M.C.P.* S..Ont.. Prlesvllle. Besidont-e and offlc* one door west of the Metb odlstChurob.KinrossSt. Offloe days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. D B CAHTEB. M. C. P. A ., Out. Physician, surgeon, etc., Flosherton offlce Strata* b'ock. Residence Munthaw's hotel. JOHN' A. SCOTT. M. B. Member College Phynic. A Burgeon*. Ontario Graduate In Medicine ol Toronto University, FellowuMp Diploma, Pout Graduate Medieal School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear. n.jH.i ud throat specially treated. Bei deuce MaxwMl. tlBits FeverBham Thursdays 1- J P OTTEWBLL, Vstarluary Surgron. Graduate of Ontario Veteri'iary College. Kw'dence Next door out* of Moore's pianing factory. J F II.U.STKAD, M. D, M. C. *8., Ont.,practlcosst Klm- berlay. Ulienmatlu diseases t ipnclallty. r\K MAKY M.ItRANDF.R M.n. C.M.. M. r. r. & s.. ont ; i-. Offlco and rcn nce at Mclh>ntit |>nnionaKn. Calls niitht or day, promptly ntn>n h- 1. Visits rieaberton Station 10 to 11, Wednesdays. \t 188 EDITH KICHABDBON. Hum] of Bobt. If ahr, of Berlin, (inrtaanr. (rlolln) M. Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Mnsio, {Vnlce culture); Prof. Kerrison, late of Toronto. (Piano) ' " 8U)OINO - VIOU5i - PI - Jrntijitnj. J P. MAR8HALL, L. D.B.M. D. 8, Dentlt. Vi.it. liarkdale the let and Srd Wednesday of each month. riesherton-Eaoh trip on the dav flawing. J W. FK08T, Harriiter. Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc. Flneberton office- Next the poet office Spronle'i building, on Thurulayi. Owen Sound Krosf* baUdlng. T UCA8 A WBiOHT. Barrister*. Solicitors, Conveyancer., etc.. Owen Sound. On. - - Markrtale, Ont. W. H. WMOHT. I. n. LrcAi. N. B.-rieeberDB office. Mltchell'i Baok. every Wedneeday. AO.O.W. meets eery flmt and third Mon - day In each month, in thsir lodge room Chrito- Klouk. Flonharlon. at H p. m. A. M. (libw>n, M. W. ; W.J. Bellamy, nnsnc'er ; W. Irwln Recorder. Vimtiiiit llrcthuru Invited. ROTAL TKMPLAHS OK TEMI'EKANCB. -H^ular Council nitett every flrat and thirT Tim* Inv evenlnx In aach month in tproule's block at H p. m. Select degree ilniuraucei nineti monthly. th WeduumlaT preceding the ttnd of each month. SONS Of TEMPEBANCK.-Thi!i society meet* in Dr. Ckristoe' Hall Hint Wed- neoday in tacli month at 8p.m. Vlnltiug bretbi-rea invited. Insurance In connection From our men Corrttpondait. Mr. J. L. Wood is home for vacation. The two MIM HaiiultoiiH of (.'oiling- wood were TJBtting a few days with their friundH in this vicinity. Mr. Linley shingled the roof of Mrs. Sterling's hotuu last week. A number of our ladies and gentlemen went up to the Methodist parsonage two weeks ago last Wednesday evening to re- ceive their new minister. Rev. Mr. Le- gate. Mrs. Thomas liemn of Dutfalo is spend- ing a few weeks with her friend* in this vieimty Mr. Thomas Madden has been drawing the sand for the foundation for his new barn. Mr. Culleo of Aitemesia gave us a call two weelu ug<> last Friday. Miss Katie Scheniman is home after visiting with liur sister, Mrs. Cousins of Smghamrjion. Mr. Adam Kmnoar had a raising two weeks lane Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Halestone of Parry Siiund spent a few days with their friends i iu this vicinity. Mim Lizaie Guy has returned home ' after spending a few days with Mrs. Albert Heron of Flesherton. Mrs, Crawford and family of Paris are spending a few weeks with the Rev. Hudson. The Rev. Mr. Legate preached the Orange sermon last Sabbath in Mrs. LOIIK'S urove and it was well attended . Mr. C. M. Field and family are visit- ing friends iu Aurora. Miss Eliza Inkster of Rat Portage is home for her vacation. The Orangemen celebrated the twelfth at Uundalk Mr. Chant of Toronto spent* few days in town last week. Mrs. Hull and daughter uf Owen Sound were visiting at Mr. Thomas (Limey's. Mr. Bnt"ii of Toronto was risitmg at Mr. John Kortun's last week. Mr. Edmund Psllister and his sister, Sara, spent Sunday in Staym-r. The Rev. Mr. Legate is holding prayer meeting in the Methodist church every Tuesday evening. The Moth'xlwt Sabbath school is go- ing to have % picnic a week from Wmines- day in Mr. Scutt s grove. Miss Saia Furguson is home fur her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Guy of Redwing spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Ssm. Arnott, of the tniri) line, had his barn burned last Friday. The contents of the burn, consisting of a seed drill and other implements, a qimDlity of oats, one pig, one calf and a number of hens, were also burned. Insured for $600. The tiro is supposed to bo the work of an incendiary. A number from here went to Coll ing- wood on the twulfth. Flesherton Stathm UP. B. A., meet in their hall. Chrlntoe'. Block every nocon.l Thursda> in each month. Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PBlNCF ARTHUB LODGE. No. Sfl, A. F. A ii M i "I? 8 ' ' the **nic Ball. Strain's 'i c ' f ,'i" h " rt011 ' *" r y Friday on or beror* the full moon. Dr. Carter W M K. J. Spronle, Secretary DUPFKIUN LODGR. No. ISC. I O F. meets In I'layton'k halt evory Tues- day uvoninif nt 8 o'clock. Visiting brathrouco.dlally invited. A. P. VA.MirjfKN.X. (',. WM MOOHK, Hoc. Cash For Hihs! R nnd nil kindu of furs pur- , fur which highont. market nnou will be paid. JI"Hi'-ina4lc aauasge* on hand, alao all kiml* nf 1VI. WI I-SON, FLBSHKKTOM MKAT KMJ'OKIUM- frum oui otrn Notwithstanding the unfavorable wea- ther on Friday a large crowd assembled for the purpose "f celebrating the twelfth there being ton lodges present. The town was beautifully decoiated with arches, etc., and everything made con- venient for all. It is said that thw wag one i'f the nu'st orderly crowds that have ever assembled on this occasion. The I Klesherton brass band gave tome very choice selections which were appreciated by all. Quite a largo congregation auwmibled i on Sunday to hear 'lie Huv. Mr. Mahan's timt sen ion li'-i 1 --. Tlni Itev. ventleman preached a very interesting sermon whn-li was appreciated by all. We uxtend a hearty welcome to our new pastor, Mr. Daley of Chenley is visiting at, Mr. K Sergeant's. Mrs. White and daughter of Tliorn- 1 bury iiru vmiting her lirolhoi, Mr. H. Pi ptr. Mr. VV. Wood is spending a few weeks i at. dm parental h"lne in Kum. Mr. and and Mis. W. \VbaJen of Dur- ham spent a few days with Mr. W. Mc- Millan. Master The*. Lawrence spent a fe* days at his parental home. i is* i i - kimb.Tl.-v From our own Currnpvndent. The crops are looking better since they were refreshed by two light showers last week. We are pleaaed to see little Bella Bradbury back from the hospital, Toronto, where she has been undergoing treatment for spinal disease. Mr. Bradbury, teacher, Tehkummah, Manitoulin Island, is visiting at hut brother's, Mr. T. Bradbury's. Mies C. Richardson of Flesherton vis- ited friends in town last week. Mr. T. Cook aud Master Gordon Cook of Toronto are guests at the Travellers' Home. W are glad to state that Mrs. W. Scott, is recovering from her illness. Mr*. G. H. Walter visited friends in Owen Sound Uwt week. Mrs. li Turner, who bad her arm broken while driving to Meaford, was ' brought home last Thursday. Mr. A. Thurston, who has been spend- ing lus vacation at his home, returned to ronto Junction on Saturday. Miss Brisa McUee is home from To- ronto. Mr. N. Walter, of Scarboro Junction, is spending his va^attuu with friends here. Miss Thurston, champion angler, land- ed two trout last Thursday, one weighing -i pounds and the other nearly 2 pounds. Swiat.a Park. our men 'Jorretpmutent. Haying i> the order uf the day, bat in MI-I l the crop is very light. The frost again visited riir MCtion last week. Potatoes and garden ruoU were badly injured. Mim Flossie Hartley has organized a music claM hem. A garden party is talked of in connec- tion with the Methodist church. Mrs. K. Black is ill ,.t present. Dr. Brander is in attendance. A goodly number of uur citizens took in tliu Sunday school picnic held in D. K. McArthut's bush, near HopeviUe, last week. Mont of the people in and around here celebrated tlio Twelfth in Duudalk, snd ail seemed tu have a very pleaaant time. PAINTS! ALL KINDS OF PA I NTS -FROM W. Richardson, - Fleahcrton. FOR FRESH l.u- PII i. From our otrn CorrrnpontUnt. The steady heat of the summer 1ms lately abated somewhat and we havo had two light showers uf rain, the lirst of winch lasted two hours on Friday last and the other on Monday. In tlie infant line two nights of fm.it occurred, doing much daman.) u> tue I H1 - tato crop. Garden stuff suffered severely too. Ovrina; te the scarcity of food for cattle many farmers are feeding their cows bran and shirts in order bo supplement the rations obtained on the road or iu the bush. Mr. B. Allen and family wore the ' gueMs uf Mr. J. lliimm last week. Mrs. A. Smith is visiting friends in Lindsay. UD* W Bananas* Orangres, Lemons, Flour, Feed and Potatoes, GIVE Farmers' Binder Twine. Having recuivod 5,000 pounds of bin-In- twine (my tint consignment) from tho K.irniiTi' Binder Twine Co,, of Brant- ford, and more following, 1 sin ;>r>-iiri-il 1 to Hiippiy the wants of all who une mnoVr twine. Coma along and patronize the Hrin tbat him been the me.aiiH of you get- ting twine nt ft riMinuiial-lo price. Us- pvcifully yours, Thorpe Wriglit, agont. FIESBEETOI STHI LimiT. I have opened up a oompleto K.-am lanndry in Kleherton. anil am prepared to lake in any quautitrof lamulry work at lower nrliiin thxn are c<liaiK<l olwwhare. I have put In the latent ami inimt iuiprovod machinnty to that enl. Kindly nlve ma a call. Kntire (atinfaction Biiiu-anteed, and price* low. MRS. OBO. MooHKBoou). aod Lot For Sab, For Hale cheap and on eaay terms in '" >|il.ui.|til fanjo, solid brlrk ilwnlliim, wu'i Rood Htuno cellar, Buuimar kiti-Mun AH. I woo i- nonse. alvo gootl frame wtnblo, brick 1m. > rittMiixm contain* twolai'ije lut Aiidaood yon IK Di-c-iiiixi. ii>ianii; BOBSS and ou'bmldlrgi are sxoeptionslly well nniHhed and very coovsjii- sntly laid out. Apuly to H, J. Srnori.K, Flejberton A \Vinni|iB butcher is abused uf niHiiufac-tiirin K uat into sausage*. Tim Ameer of Afghanistan sout as a present to the (Juuen a cuikot cruatod preoiouH <<ti>ne8 of tlm value of rnr-<i tn a Dny South Atiii-fioan RliiMuiiat.stn Corn. f. r Hhoumatism and Ni'iintlgin, rndicnl.v curi-w in I to .'J rlays. li ncti'Mi upon the sv-i'in IK ri-mnrkiible and n>T*>wHuwa, It removes at once thecnumi mvl tliu >i. wane inimcilintfly din|i|i. n--.. The di> L"'c,it!y henefita. 7^ cerita. l>) \V. E. Kicliurdsoii

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