Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1895, p. 4

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THI FL18HIITOH ADY1HCI ESTABLISHED 1881 3P 1 * 1 11 HIIP WCIKLT AT THI orrirc. KYI' IN a AM ntlBT, rLMBIKTOM. "M , BY W. H. THDMTOS. l prr annum.*! rtrtlv In nd> nnrr - Advertising Rates: tee I'olumci. 1 year. SAO ; naif col.. 1 year. ttT quarter col., one year, S16. Tronaumt at)T*rtluM!Ul chare<1 a>t the rat* fteente pevllnefor Oral insertion and J coU ftcb subsequent lunertlon. Of the three French members of the cabinet who were said to have re- signed last week, two are still in the fold Mr. Oaimet and Uaron while Mr. Angets is gone for good. Mr. Anger's resignation will necessitate a rrconstrnctioa of the cabinet, and we hope the. government will find the time opportune to grant- the petition of Dr. Bpronle's constituents and gracefully do the correct thing by giving him the portfolio of Minister of Agricnltore, for which he is so admir- ably, fitted. iugs." There have been a couple of instances ibis summer one in the London conference and one in the Toronto which appear to indicate a desire to set this matter right before it goes any farther. A London charch raised a groat hubbub because the man whom they wanted was not sent there, and now the Davenport Metho- dists, near Toronto, utterly refuse to accept the pastor assigned to them. The Davenport Methodists ought to go without a pastor for the present year, and it will be very nnwige to submit to thoir demands. Dut then, as we Lave before pointed out, this is tin- only outcome that could possibly be expected from tbo fish and flesh policy pursued by to Methodist church for the past few years. The thin edge of tbo wedge has been in- serted, and it must either be removed very suddenly or driven in up to the head. Going out of Business . . . The Grant Case. Should the drouth which we have suffered from this summer continue to be a feature of this country farmers will have to look around fur some mean* of irrigation. The Valley from Fjecherton to Kimberley is pecnliary adapted to this, mountain springs and streams taking their course through ncurl) every farm. The Advance had the pleasure on Tuesday evening of examining two fields of grain and hay belonging to Mr. J. I. Oraham of Vandeleur which have been irrigated llii summer, and we venture to say that nothing finer ever grew in this country. The oat field is up to one's waist with robust stalks but not yet beaded out. It is a very heavy crop and will be wlieu 'full grown as high as a man'* bead. The same gentle- man has five acres of hay that will yield a ton to the aero. In this time of Htuntfd and sickly growth it is a pVamire to the oye to ret upon green and luxuriant, fields such as these, which show the possibilitk's where streams aud springs can be utilized The back of the drouth has at last been broken, and we have enjoyed a c xiple of fine showers which wen- general over the couuty.hut it came too late to save the hay crop. The othci crops will not be much injured by UK- dioulh. In Otipr-y township, it if gratifying to leurn that all kinds of grain is an excellent crop ; hay it about half a crop. Oiie gr nth man livinj in \itcuic*.*. iufornu us that bu cut ten acres of hay and did not have a ton to stow away. Fgrtbci north, in Holland and Sullivan town- ships, farmers have turned their cattle into the grain fields, aud other* have ben jutting underbrush in tin- buNli to feud them on It is gratifying to know that this dn.aijr dryness ha* not Jone very serioiiM damage '.lu-pngli out all of Ontario and that thero will yet be sufficient in the Iai\d .01 man and beatt It will no doubt conu lr jli. but what is one nun'* jo*-? is another man's gam. The Methodist chinch is now reap- ing the frails of an innovation which should never have been countenanced by the conference board., unless it was intended to make it geiwa.1 and adopt it into the system of church polity. We refer to the "ctUim;" system. The larger and wealthier churches are allowed to state their wislii:>, and can ,'eneialljr rest assured thai Ihry will be attended to by Uie statiqnjug committee, while poorer churches are not yet supposed to, bave arrived at yuan of discretion, a*d must bow to the jndgmsut of the committee as tu who shall preach to tlsm. At To tke Editor of Tkt Advance. I)KAR SIR : I notice in the lait week's issue of The Advance a clipping from the Owen Sound Time* in reference to one Jaoien Grant who ha* been committed to jail an a vagrant by Messrs. Tho*. Ganmy and D. K. Pre*ton, J. P'*. of the Town v chip of Ouprcy. And a* I oomider the itatetnent made by the O. 8. Time* misleading and far (ruin the truth, I take this opportunity of informing your reader* of a few uf the fact* regarding tho matter. The Time* *ay* Onnt i* a Uborer, which is incorrect, a* he cannot be con- Kidurctl anything but an imbecile tramp who stray t*l into Oaprcy Ut winter anil g<it but leg brokun a fow days after arriv- ing, and the Township of Oaprey paid fur hi* board, care and attendance for sevn- teoti w.-rk-t, until he was able to liobhle around on crutche* and then bad him committed to jail tut a vagrant a* he wo* not a resident of Oaprtty. The Times alo state* he wan ick.|M.r, unable t walk and in a tilihy condition. I do not deny that he WHS p<r but the other statement* are aUu wrung, Hiid an tu hi* being in a filthy condition I consid- er it unjuit to make vuch a statement, as the family keeping (Irani for tin- seven- if-ii weoki are above reproach in thai MSMSt, Tlie timo* Ky Es-reetc Ganioy aud Keevo I'rcston and his deputies uncom- pniiiiirinxly opposed any action in the direction oftHUhlishitiKa houne of refuge, and I venture to nay that their opinion* are endorsed by a large majority of i '< prey's ratepayers ; in fsct Mr. (iamny hs been heart) to nay when |rtii.n.-<l in re- gard to entsMinhing a poor house that he thought fii re was already enough poor houses in Osprey without nmkini( them my pr>rrr I')' burdening tin m with xuch acu-s'ly institution and staff of unions at our county town. I remain OKI or (JarKsv'a Having arranged to go oat of business I will offer my whole stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Beady Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, etc.. at cost and under, commencing Monday next. This will afford cash buy- ers the privilege of buying cheap goods. Come in early and get the choice of stock. This is no bnrobng to get yonr trade but a genuine sale. Batter eggs and wool wanted. T. HILL, FLESHERTON. the bmsini KS if all such patrons would come to the same conclusion As a rule, in the older dkiry district* partie* who tamper with th milk are among thote whu don't understand the first principle* of successful dairying. They ket- pa few scrubby cowi that are badly fed and cared for, and because they Jo not milk a* well a* their neighbors' cows, are tempted to make up for (heir own neglect by adding water or taking off the cream. Sometime* when a patron of a new c-heoie factory in lined fur tampering with milk, ignorance of the law in pleaded a* an excuse f >r so doing. In this age of Christian enlightenment and ethical cul- ture it should not b* ueccaoary to compl a man to be honest. He ihould surely know that whun the milk sent to a fac- tory ii "po-ile-1 " together it is ss dishon- t tu iup|ily deteriorated milk to that factory, an to take, uiidur cover uf night, gram from a neighbor'* granary. On July 2nd Inspector Miller viaited the Holincsville factory in Huron county and prosecuted three patrons for supply- ing drteriorated nvlle. K'-|'l'rl Diat>ey and John Marqui* of i . '! rich township plea-lid guilty befoie Mayor Molmoa nf Clinton and were fined, the former f 10 and the latter 95. Wm. McLoocl, also t.f ()<xleriuh town- )ii|i, was summoned to appear before I'olicii Magiatritte Meager of (iodurich, where he pleH>U-d guilty and was fined 05 and *T> 05 coats. To 5mokers Te mtt the wtohc* ! thlr cm Oo. E. TiKk.tt A SM Co.. IM. )ni . . h slaod uputi UM aurkt Dairy Notes. or Catarrh Krllrvrd In IO to CO Yl in II Irs.- One short puff of the bnitth I In nii^h tlie blower, supplied with each IN .t i le of Dr. Agnew's CalHrrhal Powder, diffuses thin powder ovei the surfaxe of tin- nasal pasMAifeH PainU-ktmul deli^htfu (> ii. r, it lulieveit iniUntly, a'iU pcnuanl etitly cures Catarrh, Hay Keier, Co Headache, Sore Throat, Tonx-litin and Deafness. CO cents. At \V. K Richard son's. HY THE HW. HAIHYMEK AftMH I AT1ON WESTERN ONTARIO. Di npito the fact that thu law to protect jlioune and butter manufacturers in pretty r L '', and that liie instruments fr do- t e'iiiK thu adulteration of milk are almost pcrffi-t, yi-l there are quite a few 1*1 run* of our ohseHe factories who sre willing to r m the risk and yield to tliu teinptntioii to mlil a liltiu water to, or to take a little IMMI off, th milk iH-fo-v -n.hii,/ it tn i liu factory. The majority of these de- !iiii|in nis, however, are p.iiioim of the newer factorie* or of factonra where dairying baa not boen madu a specialty. Ai a rule- in tl.ose sections where the farmer ninkt-s a business of dairying theie i* not so much ilittkulty in securing the milk just a* it OOIIH-M from tliu cow. The l<.iii.ii who understands the dairy bust ness i* not going to run any risks by tampering with th milk. He realize* that thu inspector i* liable to be called in at any time, and that if he is linod a time or two the profit*, from the buainuaa will aoon be eaten up. Not M> with the patron win, is aupp'y- ing milk for the first tirna Jf bo is inr.liin-d to iliitli. -mitty . Ht HiMiiiiiH (hat he ia a bttle ton smart to be caught anil contiu aw to add a little water aud to dy a little skimming, till the inspector suddenly looms up at the factory, witb tlm r|iult that lh diahonest patron is tuuununed, found guilty and fined. Very oftoo Huch ^ a uat^uii will ooncluda , tbt, tlj* ^*)v*e factory dt>s not pay and wjl nut patron The Markets. rarrfully <'urrrrtrd Earh Wrrk Klt.ur ....... - ........ 9 5 00 to f 6 00 Fall Whrat ..... . . to Spring Wheat. ..... t.i IJnrli-y ............. 31 to 31 Oa,ta ............. 36 to 36 Peas ............ to Butu-r ........... 12 tu 12 KXKV fresh ........ 9 to U Potatoes Ui< ....... W) to 60 Pork ........ . . f> 00 to 515 tiny per ton ....... 9 00 to 1000 300 to 300 25 to -'.'. to f ... ........ 8 to 8 per pair ..... 25 to 40 Duckn berpair . . ^ . 40 to 60 Wcx.l ............. 17 lo 20 Th A Combinition Plug of SMOKING TOBACCO This snpplies a long fell want, giv ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or a 5 cent f iece of the famous "T&B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. NO DULL TIMES WITH Richardson It Co. We keep thing! moving, that'* wlwt we are here for, to do bwmeM with profit when we can bnt to keep doing. We do not sit and watch stock grow old and oat of fashion bat sell it in season at some price. Oar big PILES if PIIITS ill CITTIIS Melted away tinder the gnial influ- ence of cat price* and we have pnt in tbeir place a brg stock of DRESS GOODS To be subjected to tho mmc proee*". We arc determined to make a larjr* redaction in this stock during this month and in many line* will eirt tire prices in half to clear them off the tables. Come and see what we have to offer. I PERSONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED -Several faithful gentlemen and huhe* to travel for establiiihed house. SALARY J780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited ; also in- crease. State reference and enclose nelf- addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL Jio-Ji 7-Ji Oauba BU(., CHICAOO. BICYCLE REPAIRS tiny HUM Shee jinkins i :,-.- Turkeys. Cattle Came Astray Came to the premlsrs of tli unflAriKnM. lot SO. e-.>ii. 11, on or about h Uilt n( Jn. ou S- vrai -nlfl tr. Ownarosn have tlio smmt by uraviuu |>rui>rtv and |>arlDi J. W. CBOllBJK, KugMria P.O. Notice of Dissolution. Notic In hcrchy aiven thai th partnnlil|i lii>ti>foro >utMlKting liiitvmin us tliuun.ler- igiio<1 IMI WIMHCD luanutacturar* ia the Village of Kins burton, In the I'outily of Orny, n 1 Pro- viuctf of Oiitsrlo, has txittn Ihlt ttay diMolvod by mutual fuiiMnt. All rtelitu uwliiR to the win partnenthip are to be paM to John Nuhn at the aid buiiiBM In th uld Viliue of Klei-harton. ami all clairui axaiimk the lalit partnership to be |ire*nte<l to the eatd JoUu Nunu by whoiu the knie will b* settled. I in t.-. i at KlMberton thin leooni] Day of July, A. I > 1KB. S.BH...I Mltu**s: JUBN Ni HN. . flraocLii. Gsunoa- luast this is the idea U.s4Jargeljr ( f v , i ^, f . out in these barkwoodl "liv < ise it any lon^r It would bs bettor for [ FARil FOR SALE. 100 a. res In the town* IP of Artem !. Ii mllue from the village. of Fleelierto i. Goto luiil In K" water In every held. Small orchard TerniH . -i Apply to ritli> ton, inly IV 4. I. D. LAOIIID. THIIBSHEIVJPPR SALE. Btain thiethsr ID good repair MoPliersob i "Advano*" sspsrator and Nmnwuiihv enulu. \Vlu-n your bicycle is out of order aend it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OWEN SOUND. Where you can have it put in good shape. All kinds of repair work attended to at reasonable rate*. JAM. . WILMOX. MILLINERY SEASON Will close this week and we have bargains in thai department while the stock lasts. We haw Hats and Bon- nets to give away somewhat ont of fashion of no value to us bnt better than some we see worn by some of onr customers. /// capes and mantles We propose to give two for price of one, or if you only want one come arH see what we can do for yon We are not sticking for prices in these good*. Did thai boy of yonrs get a sail yet? No f Well yon are not too late to get it; we have % big range of Boys' and Youths' Clothing and when yon see the prices you will admit you cannot afford to make them tip at borne come along and bring Ihe boy. Have we anything new this we k Well yes, we have lots of thing*. New Gingham, New Press Goods, New I, acts. New Blouse Materials, New Boots, New Gloves W i V'T P r\ * * 00<1 m n 'nyon"- dl.trict to If All I fill rupraeeol the Foothill Nnrier ie> uf Canada. Over TOO acre*. The largest In the I 'mi 1 1 in. MI Poaitiou permanent. Kalaiy or rnuiml'Hlon to ri^ht man. Witt the lucra>ing douiaud for fruit a posi- tion with us ai !oiuii will pay yen but.or than ougaKluR In farm work. JunO us yonr applli atiuii anil wo will show you how to earu KO<X| inuiiey Soli. .l leachtrt ! Us Just the thing for yon durin* the uiiinit.r Write for iiartirnlai* TONKAWKLLlUOTO.N.Urouto Ont Our Tailoring Department has been overcrowded with orders but we aie gelling the boards clear again and are ready to take full orders tgaiu at our usual close prices. fl. RICHARDSON & Co. Flesherton Planing Is now in active nporatinn and prppar ed to turn out any quantity of f)rt class work, such a* doom, uiouldiiiga.n'oorings, shut-tings, *tc. Bn IT cl sjv vv i iij^, ivnci Turning Done tu <>rder. We also manufacture Rerhiyes. (Jive ua your osder for any- thing iu our line. Beecroft c5c Sloan. Cattle Came Astray Came to the prrmJHea of the nsitenlcoed a yearlibicalvtis.on or about the Hth of M', (9 "Ur .n.l 4 lielfon,). The ownet k r.H|MKt,-,l to prore |nuy*U>, pay expeuses abd take them HPUT. PLANTT, Buceula. away. CATTLB CAKE ASTRAY Came to the premt.es of the uuderliuil lot ly. e>iu. 4. Ueprcy on rn about July [ .'y. yearllui gattlt). Owuei oaa have the eaiae br B> uviu prupertv aad paj liuj expeuMe. WM. BCUTT. Maxwell f. O, Hardware J Dep't. _ ^ip _ Richardson's Hardware You will aUay* find all the newest good*. Tho latest received i* a shipment of Ontario's first make of granite on sleul ware, iu PRESEUVE KETTES, tfAUCE PANS, TEA KETTLES, JELLY PANS PUDDING DISHES, TEA K>T, BASTING SPOONS, PIK PLATES. Expected A carload of Gne barrel salt. Binder Twine Itanner Brand, at 5jc. lb., Pur S.l t 6 4 o. lb., Sudard"Manilla, at 7c. I). * Heaver Brai.d, at TJo. >. Tliey are the cheapest and (MM twioe* u MM> atarkel. L-weat price* ou tcyilioa. rakes, fork;*., bor* M,d all km.U oi buildup bardwsrt- M. Richardson |Q/

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