Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1895, p. 5

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FL18HIRTOR 1D7A.1C! Office of GEO. MITCHELL " H.KSIIKK i o> A general banking buina trantacteil Dra(t< ia<l and 3he*|ueb cubed at unual ratea. Mouay alwy available for Uglinati buiineM eutarprla*. UffiiM two doom uoi Ml of Rjv.h*.-!- MA Col. Vicinity Chips. li;ir.-irerlMlc of the PSt < ar.-rullv Tolled for the Canon*. H-iritus* tiotir.'* among liirult icill bf. rhiir.jnl ai the rut* uf We per line for enek tnwrtto*. .1 reductive vrill be UM contract* for 100 Una or over. Stam thrahr for sale maul elaewhsr*. adva r< U- Measrs. Damutle and Wright com- pleted their eeawm's cut of tves on Friday of last week. The annual Methodist Sunday school picnic will be held at t ha bearerraeadow on Wednesday of next week. The Advance id indebted to the Orange- v He Turf Association for a ticket to their race* on July 31 and A u". 1. Mr. Hrominn and family are removing to Toronto thi week. Wo believe Mr. Hemming will retire from partnership in the hoop and tenser concern t Eugenia. The I. O. F. of Owen Sound will run a cheap excursion to Niagara Falls n Thursday and Friday of next week. ? vlrrtisement iu this issue for full infor- mation and rates. To make your h'isinoi pay, (food health is a prime factor. To secure good health, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous by the uw uf Ayer's Sarna- parilla. When the vital fluid is. impure and sluggish, there can be neither health, K're'tgth nr ambition. The following party of younn people r campinif this week at Bell's Lake, C'enelg: Mimes Maud Richardson, Millie Vandiinen, Francos Beecmft.Mary S'rnin. nd Mews. Dr. E. K Rirlian'- ft.io, R. IUkfrville, Dr. Mahan, Frank If you would have an abiindanca of ilaV, (tliHwy hair, if you would have a rlcnn alp. free frmi dandruff and irri- tntintf humors. r if your hair is faded !\nd gray, and you would have it* natural mlor restored, n*e Ayer's Hair \ijr. It in unquestionably t ha bent dressing- Comiio Dr. Sinclair, specialist in the f-eatment of lun^, heart, kidney and tiladder diseases, dis"ss of women ami privste diseases. Will be at White's hotel. Fl.>herron Station, on Tuesday. July 30, from 4 rui iu the afternoon until 9 o clock at ni-jhf. Consultation free. Rev. Mr. Mjhan will preach a special sermon in the Methodist church on Sali- bath morning wxt, the subject of whicii will be, "The attribute* essential to sue cossful church work." Mr. Mah*n is a forceful and energetic speaker, 4ml his nut 'or instructive. A large audience listened to an excellnt sermon faun Ins 1 P on S:ili'-ith evening laat from the text : "And He must needs g-i through Samaria." J. Artley's pump, Markdab are giving or satisfaction thin year than CUT, since using the improvements he made in them list winter It Las added to the cogt, but! hare added nothing to the price. But in consequence of the finun- cul depression and gloomy i>ut!ook lhare rednc-d the price away down, for (he present at least. Tltt-re will b no e rime now for anyone buying a cheap, in- ferior pump. Caution Be sure you do net buy s pump *i h bnswood <>r hite wood head or you will need a now Lead in about three years. Rmeaibrr, I use the best pine I can pncure, regardless. Old Stamps Wanted. Boys and girls, get your parents to al- low you the privileue of tt*>i"K through their old letters ; take uff thu stamps and bring them to this urtW Wu will buy all old issues from you, paying according to their value. Mr. David Wnxht, at ne tiuie black smith at Eugenia, and who left this part for the Northweftt some years ago. is at preaeut the " Reoeivc-r of the Town of Kuierson." Tlu office carries with it the Ijtiesof S8n-s,'or, collector, mayor, si- d-rman. police roauUtmte, town clerk, treasurer and geiieral peacemaker^ Mr. Wright surely has Ins hands full, a:id if tii? remuneration is in accordance wrtK. the number of <>0lcei itnd duties per formed he should! coon bo iu, a position to retire from the turmoils uf bwiuess. Emerson is the 01 ly town on tl is couti ncnt where all of th*e offices an- coin in one Light spring democrat, second hand, newly painted and in good repair, for sale cheap, or will eschange for a buggy. J. E. Baekerville, Flesherton. PERSONALS. M ins Lizzie Strain left on Thursday last to take up her residence with her brother at Great Falls, Montana. She took th C. P. R. to the S*ult, goinir thence by St. Paul and the Northern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Armstrong spent a few days of the past week with their son, Mr. Wesley Armstrong of Lucknow. Mr. W. Whelan and Miss Whelan uf Durham were the guest* "f Mr. P. Mun haw oue day laat week. Mr*. James Beecroft attended the fu neral of her uncle, Mr. Cowley, at llorn- iiiKx mills last week . Maaters Frank Cnpeland and Charles: Stephens of Collingwood have been the guesta of friends in town during ih j past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark and children of London are the gueatt of Mr J. W. Armstrong. Miss Christoe Icarus this week fur a prolonged risit with friends in Michigan. Miss Stewart of Gait and Maetar Scott Innes of Toronto are Timing at Mr. Uno. Stewart's. R. J. Sproule. poet master, of Prince Arthur Lodge, No. <3, A. F. and A. M., FleshertoD, is attending the Grand Lodge nf Masons held in Toronto thia week as the representative of Prince Arthur Lodge. A very aad accident which proved fatal .-(riirred to a youni; child of Mr. Thos. HewtiiH'ii on Saturday last. It appears the child was standing on a chair and was playing with soinu beans when it full liaok wards, striking its head on tho Huor, injuring the nerve going to the lun.-s and thrust, causing paralysis uf I'ri'ithinii and swallowing. The child <lied shortly afterward. The remains were interred in Union cuinetery on Mon- day. Tho x rll;l stricken parents have the sympathy of their many friends. Thorn- bury Herald. A BMn to Horsrmr.-0ne b.tti* of Kinjlish Sjiai IM LiuuiKMit completely removed a curb from my hone. I take pleasure ii. recommending tu remedy, an it acM with mysterious promptness in the removal from homes of hard, soft or csl loused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and spraing. (jEOHiiB ROBB. Farmer, Markharn, Ont Sold by W. E. Richardson, Druggist The Glorious Twelfth I KLIBKATKD IN riTTINIi 8TVLB AT FLESH RTON BTATION. The glorious Twelfth, of immortn! memory, was ct-lehrati d at Fleaherlon station by the lodueH of Artemeaia dm trict, joined by Kimtarluy and Ftjver ham. The good people of the station had made excellent preparation for a large crowd. There were several mag nincenl arches erected, two of which were especially fine double arches. Ono of these waa erectod between Uemphii I l.ulismith shop and Mr. Egsn's store, and the other between Boitz' hotul nud \V, n l'i store. The procession started from the Orange Hull ami consis'ed of the following lodges, marshalled by Mr. T B. Carruthers uf tvimWilry uii a milk wh te wr liorso Kmiherley, Eug'-nia, Markdsle, Kells', Fourth Lino, Orsnge Valley, Feversham, Kleshecton L.O.L and Y M P.B.A , and Flelirton Statiuti. The proccaBi in xrched to Mackenzie's grove, just west of the Station, where short speecha* were delivered by Messrs. F. T. Carr, Join Lyons Slid Dr. Chrirtoe. The speeches wore interspersed with sonitt excnllent musio l.y Flesherton lutnd, which altv headed the Y.M.P B.A'it in the proca sinii. The day thraatcu<.d rain, which, howerer, did not snunint to much, more than to make the atmosphere cool a plcasaut. Ab.iut lix or sovon huitdrec p. -i. pie wete present Tfco crowd dis perstd early after spending a vert pleas- ant day. Bora. DMOWM-In T saby on Batunla> 13:h init. to Mr. m i Vu K J. Brown, a daughter n irrle4. OADDW-YOO*S> At Norway House, S. W. T., OD Jons ttnd, by Blihup Newuham, I Mout- rea', air istad by KY Juaa .nuns, of WlDBlp*!, B^v. S. D. Gaodln. of NiUon River Mission, to Miss Anoa J. YOUUR. ol Cross Point. QM. Headache CURED PERMANENTLY Pills I was tnmbled a lone time with sick osedaehe. It was usually aeeompaoled wlUi serere pains In tha tempta, a xtnae 'tf fullness and tenderness In on* eye, a taste In my mouth, tonjrue coated, aandt and feet cold, and slckneu at the stomach, t trlrd a ECKMI many remedies recommended tor this complaint: but it WM not until I Began Taking Ayer's Pills that I received anything Ilk* p*rma> nent benefit. A single box ol Uieni- pills did the work for mr. and I an now tree from headache*, and a well nan." C. U. HUTCHIXOS, Kast Auburn, Me AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World'* Fair tm the THIRD .i: iM Excursion To Toronto AND NIAGARA FALLS The I. 0. F. of Own Sound Ami the vtrioufl U wni south to Bbelhurne, will uivn a Kfti<) eirurmon to Toronto an<1 Niagara KJ1, |.r ('. I'. K. ami SU-aiuom. Cliipp^w^ Cliicura and Cibola. Thursday Afternoon, July 25 AND- FRIDAY, JULY fi6TH, 1895 Ticket* on Steamer oo'l for one day only, llu sura and aak fur 1. O. K. cxrui mo.i tlukot. TO TO PHull TOBONTO KIJOAIIA F41.LS Owon S.Miml 4'1'B MM Chataworth i 1130 Holland Centre I it 8.10 Herkeloy 190 Mark.lalo S 00 < Kl<aherton 100 193 Proton S 00 193 UuiKlalk 800 J Cor bet ton 179 t 00 Mtilam-tlion .... 175 I 00 Slu>lbun:o 175... UUO CBILDRKit I1AI.K i-nifK Do i.ot utita tho opportunity of eoinii one of the greatest wumlwra of the world, and the hiatorii- qrnuuil of (jneouiton Heights, Nlagura and Hroclt'a Monument. Toronto tiokxU Rood un to Saturday . I ulr27tri. NlatfAxa Kalli tickets guod to return up to Monday. July iaHh. J. H. M-QL'KRN. W. WILSON 8. EDGAR Voters' List. MUNICIPALITY'OF OSPREY Nntii-ti la hereby Riven that I hum trantialtitd or rtehverml to thn persons mvntiaaofl in MO< tloim 9 and of I tin Ontario Voter* 1 Lint Ant. 1N8U, the collier n qtliretl by laid nee iO'm to lie sn transmitted or dllTerd of thu lUt miulr. mirmiant to fti<l *r t, of all pentona appea.iin0 bv the laet revlaeil aae*mnut ro.l of the Min niunicil-aJity to be entitled to Tota In the uiil mmiic. parity at elHctionit for niembflrn nf the LeKiltlve Auomblr and at Mniilnipal Kloc- tlona, And IhatiaM Llet wa- Art poi-tod npat invofDce at Molntyre on the IDth Day nf July, SOi, and renmln- tli-irn fur luspootiuu. Rlectnri* are caUn-l upon to examine the Raid Lilt and if anr nmminiou* ur any othnr erroni ate found there Iti to take iinii.i'.liat** proce <!< lnun to have the aaiil errorn oorroot<i accord- ing to law. THOU** SCOTT. Clerk Munlci|>aJlty uf Ouprey Dated July 17th. 18M. Mail Contract. Rnalii'l ti-ndnrt, (ulilressed to the Poetniuter Oeneral, will be reaoiTl at <Htaa until noon on Friday. Ail Augunt. 1SU, for the oonvoyame of Her >lajly Mll. o.a proponed contract for four yeern. three lii^e-ix>r waek <!-h *av, b, tw.wii Ple8hgra>u au>V Vaudelear from the Ut October next. The oonroyaiice lobe matleln a rebicle or or otherwise. Prlutud notlo ccuitalnlnK further informa- tion aa to vondltioM of pruii wd contract mar be teen and blain forms of TenHer may be ob- talDed at the J*oM nffloea at Fluahuitou ad Vau.lelcvir and st this offloe. H. O Horaiaa, Poet Offle* I nni-eator i Poel ofBee InsiHwtot i Office, Stratford, tth July IOA Get- ,,.riie Best.. For Your floney We aiui ! offmu well wleetad asuortreent of Ladies' and Oenta' Vine FoKnu'i* *riuJWi>rxds, Balmoral and Button Beou and Slippers, Jso the tor^'*'W !* -hick we sre offering at bottum HriocM notwirh- ataodingllmcaxiiweiitniican price of boo U and leather. Call and gtvn us a trial. CMI ." noni WoiUit Ktaptirinn >ktendad to promptly st eiH-AYTON'S puffl OKIES If)iiJ<innotim K Jieh' road cm*-t or nood Mrviceablu buggy we caiinl>ffilr yeintba it All cu. torn work in our line done in first B* notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. MM*M * Every dajite.iw y ,in smtl jet we w-o offering Borne very special iuducementniPlivll ^sliPiilaB r Suiles, and an exceptionally fine assort- ment of parlotilli-il 1 '*' 11 ' 11 ? odd pieces in plush, rtigg, ailk, ramie and other lovtrif. O - CamttTi *b lei at very low prices iu solid oak as albo in walnut wnlmi^ilnwliiuetti . . Oar line olhis-X'"' itiug Btn I F" urniturc ^as never more complete, show- ing a large viiiitj o \Ml of djiu=asi inEitansion Tables, as well aa Fall Leaf and Side Tabk (M> Our vtp**a Clem Dining chairs aro at once clu-ap, comfortable nip") b d plein|; UAo Ibecyo. A gpccial line ofpictui-cB uud picture framnililBlit>tilaugliiix->riceB Also some very pretty VVituluw Shades and CM unite) P'M> he cleared out at cost. Our uuJurUk.ni,; department ijuiiDDHiiisutllrit c lui, aud prices well ask those we liave served. J, ,Ui EiT 1 I CORE, and Undertaker. Hear tHilie -Cry Hamrd times, hard times. But no such wordnt*i"w"l frotl - l> DUNDALlCflK : E^ AT T^ ON : STORK. And why not fromlto BmMll a. a from other places of business, becaiido they are sellii.g tifitta* 1 tliilbrikiuic tlie custom for many njiits around. The S and eta. uhDil Itndtiuii itlitlione tlmt have buying to do thiaguasou. It would be qniuw "uwforvto <io\ 6 pr. ladica' boa for 25 eta , 30 y.ls. G. cotton for 11.00, 2SJ&rgesizo handkerchiefs $l,etc., but our aim is nottpO'ijP yih>t of cheap goods for $1, lut to give von Kood goods whicliiti w* 01 Mll ' ** ktJ? iu other stores for tlie same ainouut of money. Although Boots ulSU "18 Slioeilm &ivinecd WeMWM 25w/o we stil! sell them at the old patron pm, * w ' mblod to do this owing to a lure slock being bonght bcfoiiti*" 191 -' 11 ^*'"' Vm would do well to get your su^iy be- fore tho aasortniwli! '' br b, Vfomlurful low prices for readymaJt! auJ ordered clething. In'i I'mu'iilhiol a*niUfor5.1i2, its., etc. The highest caihic*> 9n KC8 '""" Iciuda ut i^roijuee. Sitvt' your li'illm-s liv buying at HardwareW Hou Harvest Tools, Our prices on mli, A hinges aro as lo*iioy*in " house north of Toioolt lust IrriTi. 60,000 Ibs. Ribbon, 7Jc., ( Son -i-, lie. land te 8GYTBBS,-, SNATHS. Kary Fotk Bopt, W Tndta, The fioABt XXX oil ou tuu niiiiu. u,tKJ KE: EP Y nir laorapi (re unil ,-K h> goUiug Ihouiiitet uflsalli- k By iso doing Yeu will WTO m.Hi.T. Ynur honmi !- nut in pl t4> run swav wijeu the; aro not irritated by tUn Hum. COMBS AN!) BRUSHES (X- tha bttt kinds, that *ill Mint T, n Krtl v in keeping yu\u hur look- ing "lick. tsei Cas-a-iaf* Uil. \V*g,, (Vrexa. Honf On, tin. nt, Harncso Oil, Hrui<w Ra, I'oMwh, .wil e*rvtrMD|{ tbl will pro- wr your I F.'.i, InU i I. Uw t , *V*> i*, and Whip* of i)aftriiAion ml priera the name, all Ikiuui'vl light atuil Uvaty LIMIUHM. L QOUE. . .

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