Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MKN.' ?OL, XV. NO. 725 FLBSHERTON,ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 25 1895. W. H THURSTON Solid Gold AND ROLL PLATE Gem and Brooches Ladies' P Gents' ROLL PLATE Fobs Prirrville. Fnim wr ejini We have b-eii holidaying lately, hence the non-appearance of a budget from this burg fi>r th lat two weeks. Tlie rain last Sunday was a v ry wel- omte visitor. The good it did cannot 1- estimated in dx Hare ami cent*. Mr. Malcolm Cameron and family, of Bruce, have beeo<n permanent resident! of our village. We extend ilium a hearty welcom. The fulloaiair candidates succeeded in paaainu tlw entrance examination* frin Priotville P. S,, viz.:- Edith James, William Wattera, Donald MrLeod, JameB McLeod, Filter M. -Arthur, the Utter be- ins; fcnmnieiided. Jvaaie McLean and FVank Rieli-y alw> obtained the required in-rci-ntage, but thi-y passed the entrance l.utt. yuar. I>oalh i< still continuing its ravages in this ouoiinunily, taking the old and young. List w*ek Mr. Colin McMillan ]at the ripe afeof 87 was laid to rest in the village uravcyurd and thm week the rcmaim of Samh Beetun, aged 24, were carried to the aiu<; |Jace. Thus hardly a wock |utaM* without a mournful proem sum pawing by or through our village. Our Business Directory t>vT*haia. Card*. M AKIU.UiE UCSSiSKB. day or jinjhl at the Jewelury S*or and at the reiidauce at tke iiadrisea, CounnlieloneT Ui U C J. Coavyancr. Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. Ai. V A XDUSIlt, Clerk im Di* ComrV Co.Orey, iHMier at Marriage UtDe<, Comniiiwioner In H.C.J, Cvuveyuwtr, Auetlounr, lc. Agent for tli Mijv-HiTt Agrieultaral Iinple- uieuU Clayton'i Bhuk, Flhron, oppoil IticbsnlMin'H harrtwarsstor*. Mri I LLOCB H It TOCSQ, naii\er. Ma.i*'lle. * a nn*rl bwiktng bu- lnM Mo*.y loud a*onal raw. Call TJKKTS COl.LKCTEB. Tho und U rep ro<1 o twua-ht. accounts ooMetd, etc K N HENDKB80N - Fi.siimmTON R. J.SPHOULB. rotinMtr, Flhrtoa. Coa)niiiionr in B K. Lie m^l >ucttoDr, Comtjrmesr, A prainur aad UotMy Li<Ur, Be.) Kntat* airl iDWiranco Aent. Dr*d. Mort. Laasw. and Will* drawn up uid Valuation* miule on Imrtwt notlca. Auction Haloa auvudwl u> H- ay |'rt ol the County. Mouy to loan at low wot rate* of intxrnt. Colloutioai >tta<la<l to with prom 'tnH ami ciratch rhufies low A*M (<T il\.- IK.-u.nion Stoanwhipl'oinpaiiv r<M|i tuk.-ts fiowi FkuhBrtou to Livt<r|i,.ul. lag",!-"iaoii or ny of the Hritish |i.rt. rartliiii<->iili"t(toiit KiiRlnml, Hcolland or Irolaml.witl P <<aw k rates feMfon p'ircliaini; UMlr ticket* elacwbsra. Y| ISS KDITH BICHAKD80N. I 'l|-ll Of Kobt. ilalir, of Brliu. (rmanr. {iolln); Mrs. Hra4tUy. of Torouto Coosorvatory Munc I Voica culturvi . Prof. Krrinou, late of Toronto, (Piano) will rweivo puuiU iu blM.lNU. VIOLIN. PI- AMU anil UHQA.X. J P MAHSHM.L, L. D. S.. M D. 8 . DmtUt. Vtmt, Ifarkdal* tin- lit and Srd WedneMlajr of ach month, riosUrton-Kacbtripon the da r tc..^wm. W. FK08T, r. Solicitor, Conwyaitem-. Rtc. Flinhartouofflcv- Nvtt Uie fvnoOr.f SprotiU on TUunOar*. Owen guuuj ufflcu 1 UCAS* WHIUHT, Karristers. Ho'icitora, Convcyaaceni, etc.. Ow.n iioun,l, On. - - Hara.lal, Out. W H. WHIOHT. I. B. Li-rAi. R. B.-Klolmrton offlca, Milchcll's Bauk. rry Wedliewlay. rvK. MUTTON. M. D.C. M.. M.C.P.* S,Ont.. Prieeille. Ki-Mldenu auil orBce un door we of th Ueth cxli.t Church, Kiurow St. OBIo4ay,Tuda.v ruid Uaturrtays. JU. OAKTKK. U. C. T. * 8.. Ont. Physician. nrseoa, etc., Klvahutou offloo Strmiui b'ouk. llesiden klunibaw'sbotal. | JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Meinlxir C'ollt>(iPhyic. A Surgeon. Ontario^! (lrailiite in M.Mlicint ol Toronto Uuiormity, j Fullow<il'i|> Hi|>li>ina, Fot Graduate Medical , Sc-hoolnat>|>itl.fhleai;o. UitoaMaof evu, i ar, niwi- si.d throat tpecially tr-le<l Kei laxwrll, vUitsKsvriOiainTburi>da>s 1- | AO.U.W -rowtnovery flrt wi.l thint Mon la. i :, each month, In th.'ir lo.lva room Ctirwoe's Hiock, KlhnrU)U, at p. m . A. M I-. ,,M \V U I Hollan.y.fl,,,,.^,,; W InrH K<-coi.lr. VlKitiii Itietbuiu luvitod. R'lY.M, TKVI'l.MiH OF TFMI'KU \NfK U|ular Coun.-il nieti every n rut ami th'M Tuvlav swniim in ah nn.iiili in KpioulB'm blocks! H p. ui. Select iletiree iiniirancei meU monthly, the precmlinii the 22uil or each month. SOS8 Of TKMl'KRANCE.-This WKIetv m*A* in Dr. Chi-Utou' Hall Smt We.l iKiwlay in tac'i month at H p.m. Vliitii... brcthi ran invited. Inkurance in conuaciiun UP. B. A., meet Iu their hall, Chrintoe'i Hloc-k i-vi-rv nucontl Tbtir*da> in each in. nth. V\ui. SJurp, Master. T. Clayton, 8c- letury. IJhlNO--. AKTHI K I.ODOK. Xo. :, A. K A A. M . niovl inthfl Masonic Hall. Htrain'H Block, Klthrtii, every Kn.lav on or bam* th full mouu. Ur Carter W M H. J. gproula, Swretar v. J P. OTTKVVELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Qrailuate of Ontario Vtr-'-ry IVIIuRe. ll> itettda Nut door \ Houir- of Moon-'* pianinu factory. I) MB. 1 o'o K ineeu iii I'lay ton'* hall every Tueti- 'lay t-vi-niriK at S o'clock. brolhrouco dlally A. K. V*Mirf F.N.N. (i. \Vu MOUHK, Sec. J F/HALSTKAD. M. P.M. O. A S . (hit . prai-ti. .-< Hi Kiin- Lurley. Uhuumatiu dluwaw i upwtality. D R UAUV M. HRANDKR M. I). C. M.. al.f. P. * s.. Ont; Pricey i lie. (iflhce ami rcmit'H;e at MwthoiliKt panumaK*. 'lli> niaht ur day, pronjitlv attended. VlsiU rimtirtr 8ttiua 10 Iu 11. (ash For Uides! Sheepskins anil all kinds of furs pur- ell-is- il, fur winch liiglioni. utarkut jnico i.l be paid. Homemade sauiMges on hand, also all kinds of mi *IN. M. WILSOM, FLEbHEttTON MEAT KM1VKU M From our turn, (.'urrrspnulrnt. Miss Craford and nittce of Philadelphia are visiting with Mrs. Paul here at pre- sent. Mm* Uail au. I Mr. T. Hall of Toronto are visiting friend.* in aud around Fever- haul at present. Mr*. Octnui of Quebec is visiting at br father's, Mr. Julian. W. Alexander la puahiut; thing* with his now hotuw. It will be ready to occupy in a short tii..e. Mm. A. M.'Inr is visiting friends in Flesherton f-.r a rune. Fi-veraham ba-s <t a Dr. of it* own. Dr. McKechnie of Collmgwood having opened out lure. Mm. <ie... Alexjuider met with a severe accident last week. She slipped and fell .11 tho floor, striking a chair in the fall but at last account she WM some bettor. The gloriou* twelfth was duly observed by the- loilgo here going t.. Fieslier- ton Station, liut Homo went to Coiliuii- wooil, sonic to l>innl.i!k, ulhers stayed ut bonie. The road work iit done but ax yet there in uo cleaning up of the street*. We hope the puthmantcr will see to it that the straits an- cleaned up and kept clean, and turf have sawlogn and wood pilex and lumber and brush and all kinds of refuse dumped on tint slreots in future. Mrlutyrr. frommir me i nirrnwnuUnt. The dry st-anon has at last buen change'] by tht most delightful shower <>n Sun- day and I am ijintu xure that all farmers as well w myse.'f feel encouraged In think ; that they may yot havo something for IlK-ir hard UlN-r. i \Ve expect to be kept buoy raising , barns this weik an Mr. .'Sinclair's comes o II' on WediifSilay and Mr. Ltinont s on Thurday. MIHS Flora Mi-I>iin.i]-l returned home on Saturday after an eitended visit (AJ frietulH in the cry. Mr. Hector McDonald, >r., and Mis- Turnliiill visited fricnda in Hncu\ ille Im-t week. Misa Sinners, a teacher of Mardnle public school, rpent Sumlay with fiiemlx here, also her ister and brolhvr of Max- well. Quite a number fr.-ni here took in the excurxion to Pany Sound via steamer Majestic from Collintfwood and thime who stayed at h-.m intend. K"ini< to Xm^aia mi I'll in siliiy next. Mr. Noil McLean in tearing hlack.sini'li in,' with Mi. llolwiU. That'* ii^hi, better Ute than lu-ver. I Blaclisiniili Joe sa>s the Mail Uivcr is ; a line placti for Wouur u visiting with her siatr, Mrs Jamt* Cornfield, jr. Mias Lou Cornfield and die Misses Wil- onn, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. lainen Cornfield, sr., aa are alm> Mm Rutherford and children, of Shelburne. Mrs. A. Smith and daughter, of t '<41mg- w'Mid. are fluting their numerous frienils here. Mias Tiliie White, of Markdale, is vinit- ini> her sister, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, jr. One of those pleasant events which make lifu happy tunk place at the resi- ilence of Mr. Georve Thompson, si- , on' Monday, the 15th, when his daughter, Susan, was united in marriage to Mr. Benjamin il.uxrave, of Maxwell. We wish the young couple a pleasant and prosperous voyage through life. Master Willie On and his little sister, Polly, ure viniting with their rAodiuother, Mrs. Morton. Tliu twelfth passed off very t^uietly here. Our people vacated Mt. Zion for either FlMsherton Station or Oundaik. The crops are no exception here U> the ueneral ru'e ; hay _-rop is light, and uu U-s rain comes S<MHI the harvest will be light also, while the late frost damaged the gardens and potatoes ; so, altogether, tlu- farmer H prospect is poor. Park. From unn/wn CorrmpondeHt. Thi- ijrain crops look well hum owing to the refreshing tthowen of rain we have had. A garden party in connection with the M< -rhotliHt church will h haM in the grounds round Mr. R. Itlack N hnuxe oil ThuisiUy evening, Au. 1. Mr-.. R. Black is able to be up and around again. We are sorry to U-arn that Mr. James Kerns IN ill at prenent. Mis. T. l>. Broughton i also ill at the ' time of writing. Mi.v Haney Haw, of Toronto, ia the guest of Mr. Wm. Haw. Mallei Will Wright, of Toronto, i* , |iri<u'iug a few weeks with fi-iundH here. \ Mm. Blakeston, of 1'ricvville, WOH tin- yuost of Mr. K. Parslow hint werk. MIM Minnie MciUv, i-f Warehani, is renewing old acquaintance* in and around herv. Mis* Nettie McMillan and Bessie Km- n. 1 are li.'iu! for vacation, after which Nettie intends to teach achuul PAINTS! t-^^i ALL KINDS OF PA1 NTS -FROM W. Richardson, - Fteshcrton. M<-.it or.l Road. unr utrn orrttpundriit. The light showers of the piutt week have greatly improved the appearance .-I the cro|. Haying ia about over. It is a rery li|(ht crop. Mm. Thulium KelUt, who lias been VLM- iling at lnguriol and Ctledii,hus irturii l li- inf. Mr. and Mrs. JOH. Rut:haii.i;i H.ive ro- , turneil nftui 8l>viiding ,-t few weeks with MI-N. H's relatives in Vich.riu ('.unity. M.iori-. .-f Victoria C'ontiiy, is via at. Mr. Jos. Bucliannn'a. Mr. P McCulluugh visiteJ at Mr. J. BoUnd'a hint Sunday. Miss Mary Bri-die ami Mm* H.L-lnird- , ,1-M, *lio ii.ivi- l).-i ii dr,it.iiiiakii>g .-it I'M. ville, are home for their lioliilays. Mrs. J. M. Davis, who haa been spend in-.: tliu last inonili with her s-.ntcr at the S<x.. rftnrned on Saturduy. Mr \\lnto Andeiton and his nster, Lizzie, vUited thfir.siskir, Mrs. G. tlutch- innini, jr., ou Sninl.-iy lant. Miss Sarnh Joliurtoii ami Mr. Will Sin- clair are home ficnn O. S. ('. I. for their Irkluluys Th- V.\iuk-leiir base ball temn played the mi. tli line of K'i| ]ii:iM i toain on the grounds of the Inter wi-k before l.-wt, VandnKur buinu the wini.oia. Scora ViiiiduUur 50, Ninth Liue HI. Mr. Mahuii, lite new uHslr.r, h.vi Ji-liv- i-n J tliu-o very excrllent Herinonii in tli-A (ilacu and suoina to have nmtlo n vry fuv- uralile inipiuwii<>u. W predict for h:iu a vt-ry nucct-K.sful pa3iorl. FOR FRCSM QIVE- TI^IAL. FlESHEBTBi STEM Li31D3y, I h*v < |..'iic-il up a voinpluh! HII'III laiimlrv In FlMhcrton. ana an |.r.-;>n..i tn )(,. ..i n* i|iin.tit> nf In-ill Irv woik nt lownr i nnn.-lli.i i i-lH.-whuri-. I iMf* pal m Ml* laMM mid moftt iiiipi-<iVMl maclilnery in tli.it .-".I. Kn-llv Rivo m % call. Kntnn tir.liiotioB l, and pi iced low MIU-. (JEX>. MimiiKuoua*. and Lot Fir Sals. For ealo cheap anil nn oa*T tin ni in * too. Hplmi.li.l larce. w.li.l l>rt<-k .lr,.i iiu . ith KOI i . I i.t 'ii.- collar, Hiimni-^r MtobeU nn.l w - hoime. al> K<ixl frami- tnii!-.. brl ^ im-xl. r eml*e* contains two larRalote ami ROO ....m; orcliir-l. ItuariiiK. HOUMJ an.l nu'ltumlini-x ar , .imliy wnll Auiihod and vury cuiivein- tutl> laid out. Apply to K.J ai-i"f-.';.K. l-i- . .ion Ft lim Illir "II H Miaa Moggie Mo.Murray, f lirainu!<u, A aon of Mr. W. M.Citt.gof Head wan kilktl by a huiass RhcumntiHm ur-l in a S. nth Aiu.-rMM.i Khruniilt KIH I'.nv, tor KimHiii.it-N'ii and Ni-nral^in. I-I-.I..-H|| cures in 1 tti 3 days, lie action iii-u tho svhU-in m reuiarkalile an>l mts-.i-ioUK. It rrin<-v. a >! once the cauw Hil'l 1 1,.- .ii- i-iUa iiiiino iMtcly cli*i[i|Mr. Tli hr-.t d<xwi ureat.ly ueilvhia. 75 ci-i.i.s. by W. E.

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