Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1895, p. 4

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THI FLISBIITOR lOTARCf 1881 WYBSU.Y AT TUB omCK. aTID- vracvr, Ki-mna**,*, our., vr w. H. I per aiiniim.si rittlv in advance Advertising Hates : Column. 1 yeew. WO ; blr col., 1 yew. MT a, lisa Mr col . on* year, 15. Ttenilent Mtvertteeinent charted at th rat* H oentl per liu*tor drat luanrtiou anj > emu eh (ubevquent luMitloo. HE8ULT& OF THE DROUTH. A half a day's steady rain on dajr liaa placed the grain crvfm be- jjnd want and iixt kind* of grnin will be a rery hit nap. It has afso ufreslied the pasture fields, altbongh an many places the graw roots actually appear to hare been killed out aud it will require a great amount of rain to repair the exhausted roots. With f rain it is different because it makes iu -v. n bliade and the evaporation Iroui the soil is umall. The Advance bad the pleasure of a side through the townships of Usprey. Notlawasag* ard part of Bnuuidale last week and was inoeh nrprtl as well an pleased at the prospects tor a bountiful harvest iu those townships. In N jttawasaga tlio till wlteat. now being harvested, is a full crop, and I <ni" fields are even above the aver- age. While pasturage is somewhat a'i"Lt the hay has been a fair crop. Of Suuuidale the same may be said. It would appear, as a Durham concapondent of the Globe; points oat, that the tn ci of country chiefly af- fected unbraces the townships of IViitiiick, (ilenelg, Hollaud, Sullivan and | in N of Enphrania aud Ai it-im M i , in tins county, with Drain, Elderslie, banKctM and Bruce in the county of Bruce. Tin- writer abovj referred to, wlr) took a trip through these townships, \ '.us as follows : Ka'l wlini nill yitld about 00 per cd.t of mi m nup- cii'p : I, ay !?6 |>or ivnl , peaa <..!. npaily u|>t<> the aiernve ; oatt .'!.'> pjr cent .; mot UT'.p vury p-M ; fiuit none. '. ln'U^li llrnni itii'i Klderelie all cn>|* are in) |'uur, but it is. only when you come into the Un-y, Ujmi>hipa, wlieru a K>mHtlio|ipiT i>lnK ue hw been ailtlud to ih i- of float mid drouth, that *n>- person c .n form mi idea an to vtluu total ni.uiln lati. ii <>f tin- crop IIICMI * 1 called upon a iniiiilii-r of fniini-i.s tu-dty U"*- n-|.<>ri.s I Mtoj-iin. 1 may my that I wa caitful o.iou^h Iu call only on Hurciiwful, i-nrr ({lie ii.i-n. On all tlie farinn viU<l wrre ull i In' rviJrnce* of thrift (.tone <u drick I, .u -. l.irufr bnrtm, K"od uulhuildinit* a>i<i fi'iu i ; in fact .. tlirilty nnd auccuiu- fjll i i inn, iniity. PBC1MBN CADM. William OMma, lot I, on 1. K. C. B., <!lc-in lu:--T*-nty acien in l.ny, lotjil yiol 1 V\ lot N. Kifii-rn acn-H in nut*, t.. taJ \ield 4 londt, eitiniHlfd. Kii!in-ii. 1,1 |'ii*, loUl yield ii li>adi, t-HtiiiDttrd. lUiii ttnil fruit cn>|>, a total failure. Ki\ u 1...1-.. s, 1 1, lii uatilu, cutliiig liiuali fur two *. ks. Anliur Huuhr*. lot (4 29, cnu 3, Sulli- van, I.'l.'i acrm: Twenty live a<rm huy, t .t..l j ii-lil ^ ton. Niiivteen acivs oalH, t*u ; ii lii I- to Miu knn, <'-tiii>Hlil. KITH ui-|i.-4 I..-IIB, lialf H cr. p Tliirlen eatllu, ii.ii .- !i .i.-, i.in.-ii i-ii Mu i-|i H !IA* tul lun-li tor the laat tlinu wuoks. U ,1 ..in V..sy. I it NJ 21), con. n. 100 m-ii'R IVii m-ii-s Imy, yn-lil i ton. Fiva acrea f.ll wheat, .(iiarlui crop Ki|(htren acre* mi- i.uahvU to Uivarre, r>tiinated. i.klilc, four horaos, tlre ln-i-|i ; ralllc uttf rnnniiiK in tin- bmh. H >! have lired for thr laat Iliree vrek* on briinh. ltol,i-rt MilU, lot NJ ., ,-.,i,. 4, Si, II, > . 100 acia*: Ten acre* hay, aUolu- ti) uoilnng. Fivt acre* fall whoat, ,il. Miluirly nothing. Th*ee aorta KprinB wlirat, alnu'.utely notliin<{. Twolve arr u i. aliMilulely nutliing. Five acitu |MA, h U crop. Sixteen cuttle, thrm lion>e, i .- 1-1 1 r.i.rr| i t attic in the lipHh fr four w rka |iatt. Jolin Mil i, lut B) 29, euo. 4, Sullivan, 1 X) ncrt-ii 'I wwity acrta ka>, nhaolulely nutliiiif;. Fi o, icon acrea oata, ahuoluti ly i.oihiiiK. Five acre* |p-a, Imlf crop. Four HOIW fall wl.ant, half cr-ip. Teii- ly-iw>i . .itil,-, four h !>, twoly Khei-p. flnllip C..rl*t*..liX2, fi.ii f..N,,liu ,,, 100 . r. TWBI tj a. r luiy.JiOO |c-ui.J.-. i.-'al. Furty aciwiMtn. two l>ulit)l t, ..if. ealiuiatd. T<rt<ntr ncnm pa*, hall imp Twenty 'Wu oattU, an b 1-rriiiY t-iuhi khuep TI.e t'olliogwood Dulletiii gravely us itikdprs that "In Ark tola! HUH- tw> mesia cattle are starving ; there is no ;rass and some farmers are tnrning .In' 1 1 stock into the grain fields, othorii are oBering to give their stock away." Thrs n very incorrect so far as this ,i>wiihip is oonecrned. While it lolds good in some of the townships elsewhere enumerated we Lave nut leard of a single ease of the kind in Arteuieaia. Most farmers will have sufficient fodder of one kind and an- other to winter their stock without the necessity of giving them away, and should any readtr of the Bulletin pay a viait to tlii township with the expectation of getting a few head of cuttle, horses and sheep free gratis for nothing lit will t sanDy disap- pointed. An aunonorarneut made by Mr. Foster in the Hoose of Commons on Friday will mean something to the farsjwrs of this country. The un iwwtteement was to the effect that the Government were informed through Belgian Consul Van Brysell that his Government had decided to tempor- arily remove the embargo against Canadian cattle so as to allow experi- mental shipments daring October, No- vember and December, and would re- move the embargo permanently if no plenro-puenmouia was discovered dur- ing that period. rroloii < olinc il Proton Council met at Bell's Corners cm .Inly lfr?h, 1H95. KcKenzie Watsou That the reeve toe order* f T road jubs Div. 1 : II. my Cde. H>; Tbos. Ryan, 94 ; Henry \\u ner,|e;Eil. I'atterson, fl'.T.; W. J Fuiutop, 9,'t. fVO ; Janms McEckren, 50c. ; Win. (iille (iie, (o Wilson Watson The f.tllowing be [aid for work, div. 4: O. L> upaid. 9-"> 40 , JIBH-. Rohiaacm, jr., *11.:;<( , Arthur llobimn.ii, *-'!:: McKenzle -McAnlle The K.-cve U- atic orders l'r lniil|{e, div. I (gram; S. . for plank, 911 25 . D McKenzie, f.,r otk, 83. 7S McArdle Wilsoav The clerk l> paid Tor Imlf year's iioaUge. 93.34. \\il-n McKexsie t'uyinent to he nail" for road j.iln on town line, I'l.-ii n and Mflanclhon (j;nnt): Bonjaniin Arria, 9l."i; l'etr Mi-Gnth, 910. Wafson Wilaon The treasurer's Fin- ancial Settlement f..r hiklf yenr U- ret't-ivid and 1, -|. l. I .ir.il In- lyb',1 with clerk Wilson- McArdle The r<>l|..wiiix In- >nid for wurk, div. 4 : Michael Murphy, 912 ; K.I Dol.Uitheii. 94: Kit-hard lUth de, $7;Th", Moljiiun. 95 ; Anuua Munn'i, 910 40 : Peter Hnnili, IJ.80 ; Tint. W-uson, 9^.25. McKeii/.ie Watann The owner of lot 15, con. 1, to have ilitch cleared of rub- i. >h to ii former dc|>th within Uu ilatys, K-nif a townihip drum. McAnlle \Vilnnn The following ho >.iid for work div. 2 per i-i.ii.t : J. O. t.r. 94C26; D. C. McArdle and Hull, 91!>.72; C. K. Nobk, spikes, 9'-' .'2i>; Th,. McLnruii. 92. W); Mai. I^e, 95; Mickuel Murphy, 94. Wt; Win. Itiyc.-, Ki. Mackenzie Watnon A yrant of t"J."> to auppluineiit a like itiiiount by \Veit Luther ou lownline. McAnlle- Wilaon - The clerk notify \V. K. Tliomnon, C.P.Ry. to put crosmiv Hi I'n. l. 'ii Station in repair. Thiac paruus be |nul for ork div. 5: Thoa McAuk-y, 93 20; Jm>. (;.~.dfe!l.,, tfi'.l; (?hnitt>i|.hi'r .lulirs- n. $'.' :'<l, tiro. 1.1-pp.ird, (640; Jna Kobiinu.n, jr., 911. :<0; Anliur R ..binsnii. 9-M'-'; .'no. I|win, ?.").".*; Jnn. Allen, 9<*>; <)itcol> S. ..,!... 7 64); U,-.. Nesbit, fj. it. A. N. .1,1.11. fl.Kl Exitenwis of reev* re I'.rown v. town- ,!i'|i f '.' fid; expeuiMM .1' K. M. 'Anile re Hn>wii vs. townitliip. |vt MH. Ui i./-i -'iVilwui --The foil .winif be p. id foi'Hiipiil^intf uravel for Uiv. 1: Ilubt. Sti-eii, 92; .In, i. Ellin. 9H.W McArdlo- Wilson The followin.' he mid fr work, div -2 : Jua. Kllt*,^-! 70; ?o. Pryde. 97.1H). >Vatoii Wilaon-. The fijlowint! he |mid for work div 3: U. Purslow, &i I>0; 1). (Tilliex, 91.1'5; U. Caiiiphull,9.W; U. Keppard, 11.81.A McAuley, 910.0ft; R Yrr,s. 910; N. M. Kei.tie, 9A 25; J. MeNuliy, 9 25 ; Ju>. I'hil i|i, t!4t20; H. And. i--... n. 92A.&0; J Mi Millan, 910 20; Dan. Cmphell, 9:1::. T. McAuley. 915; Win. Al '... n, 91.40 ; R J. Pitti-r^ |10; P. McMunlo, 9&; W. A. Riuhardavn, 9&; Win. Mitchull, 9 25; Jas. HiMl|fii a, |7.M>; U. Neshit, 95. MacKunaie-- Wilaon A K 1 '" 1 ' "f 91''* to i.|.i-n .'U side r, J, ir f, coll. 2, and ItO to ,,, i n 37 li-li- r.. '. div. 1, c.in 2. McArdie Wibxwi V gntiil of 910 for 22 aide road, div. 9, ani 919 '..r 22 side mad, ill', I Tlie council.be anid for two day*' at council, 94raoh. Wataun- WiUoii--The r..un. il niiji.nin lo meet at Ho)eville on Tuasd^U AUJJ. 'Mill, fur township husiuew CAVANtUOH, Tp. clack. Klalnu* I. arr*,*ji Sunday Ito-m, M.II at 3 Vol'k \N e are ulad U ay thai Aulay i* able t j be *. u Air. A. Me- Going out of Business . . . Having arranged to go out of business I will offer mj whole stock of Dry Goods, Milliner?, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Cap*, Boot* and Si>oe*, Groceries, Crockery, etc., at coat and vnder, coraraeneing Monday neat. Tin* will afford cash buy- er* tlic privilege ef baying cheap goods. Come in early aud gel ibe elioue of atoek. TLi ia wo lianbng to get yonr trade but a grnnine Bale. Dntter eggs and wool wanted. T. HILL, FLE5HERTON. Mtm Chislott viiited her mother on the 4th la*t Sh)>ath. Mr. and Mr*. E^an apent Saturday and Sunday with friend* in Dundalk and Von try. Mr. 8. H nip hill spent Sunday with hi* niit.-r who u UV. Miaa Milhi and Mary ('.-K arr \ innir-j Mr*. U. Tucker, of K . r . tv.nr Mn. Urn iHiiti-r/'i Hamile<in. n spend- a few day* with Mm. .1. I) Egnn. Mi Hojifcin*, f Owen Sonrvl, nf>enf Mi, ml .y i.i.'la with Mi.- Co..k ( her way to Hamilton Mid othet pniati on her Taxation, alwi Mrs. liertnun ,f Markdale. Mr. E. ll.inl, v U-i't this atHtinak last week eu route for the old country. \\'t wiah him a pluaumt trip. Mr. and Mr*. ( i ..lfi-!low,..f Montrcnl, arrivetl laM week and intend to lire here. Our butchers ire making thiiitji quite lively. Krualt meat fi.ur tune* a week or three tiim-a a 'I.iy if you like. Nothing like Farmers' Binder Twine. rvci. ivud Ti.OOO pound* of binder twine Ciov lint coiiNigniiicnt) fru*n the Farmnn' Bnnl.-r Twtnp Co., of Brant- ford, and nii.ivf.illnwini!. I am prepared In Kupply the wants of all who UM binder twine. Coinu aloni and patronise the hi in tl.nt IIKA been the nieaim of you gel- ting twine at A reasonable piice. lien- pectfully yourit, Thorpe Wright, agent. ratnrrh i:. II.M ! In IO to CO lllUteH One short pnt of tS.- breath through tlie blower, sii[i|ilie<) wi.h rack I. .. til,' of Dr. Agnew'* Catarrhnl Powder, diffuses thia powder ovei thr mirfnce of the imsal iMHitacett Puinle>MiiMl dc'ixhlfa- to ue, it iflii'vcit HHtnutly. a<id perirmnl ently cures Catarrh, Hay Kevir, Coldx, II, "lulu, S iv Ihr.wt, Tiirs'lifiK ami IKufnoas. GO cents. At W. K Uichnrd- son's. The Markets. < ar. lulu 4 orrrrtrd Earh fl'rrk Kloiir Kail \Vhent ... . Spring Wheat lUrlry ........... Oats Peas .......... liutter .......... K','i;". fresh I'ulntoes I.../ Pork ........ Hay pur ton Hides I!.',-.- Turkeys Cliifkeiia per rmir.. Ducks U r iwir . . . Wool ... 5 t>0 t,, iu to :<i to 35 to to 13 to 10 10 50 to 500 to 900 to 3 (Ml to 2.1 to to 8 to .:. '.. 40 to 17 tu $ 500 31 36 14 10 60 i 15 1000 3 (Hi U 8 40 50 To Smokers I e SMet lav wbaw* ef dee. t. Terkett * v,. TlH * V,. C*.. f.M. . Hillti.n. ap MM amartct Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO This? snpplies a long felt want, giv- mg the eonxBiner one 29 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or a & cent | iece of the famous "TAB" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Th tin tag "T A B" is on every piece. PERSONS WANTED- Several faithful <-nt!emi-n and liuliex to travel for eMablmhed h<ium*. SALARY J780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position pcrnmncnt if nulled ; also in- crease. State reference and enclose self- nUUreaaed it.iinpecl envelope. THE NATIONAL Ji6-J,7-J,!l Omaha BMf.. CHICAQO. BICYCLE REPAIRS APOLOGY. I lien tn .:(< tlik! I ili'i'|.| > rKri>t havliin ben tli-j lnntiK*tur an. I originator of certain acan*- diilom atoilo^ roferrlnii i the iharartor of M,M, K. Wrliiht. M Klii-.J Tbuinpi>n and Mr .lulu i Crawfuril's family. It fi uuivartally ailtnittt-ij that an |>nM co:ifelnti U gx>oa (or the "aonl." Th.-i.-t,., , I i,,-, , in take t Iu- prlrl- lodlia of o|>nlv ami frankly ilniittniK that the rnriilKtt.il hy me arc entirely without foumlatloii. Hoping that thie apology Ii satli- faotory, I remain, Kio'l'llli K \\ I I LIU, KeTnmhain. July , IMU. Cattle Game Astray Came to the premier* of the nmlervigned, lot .Tt. r .11 14, on of alxtiit the ti'itli of Jue, one 8- *i'i ui.i ateer. Owner can hare the aame by provtiiK property and paying I'sponaea. 1. W. ckoKIKR, Kugeola P.O. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres in th* towni'.lp of Artrni -,. If* inline from the .llnr-_e of Klt**hrton. Uoua Lull. In m, water In every field. Small orchard. Term* only. Apply to Pltahoi tun. July IS. THi. R. D. l.roiHi.. THRESHE1VPOB SALE. " Steam threaher In good r|>Jr- WcPhcreon e "Advance" aepanttor and Noteworthy envine for sale cheap and o i reasonable lerma. Apply _ Ju Ixinita Wiwcll i',6 pXICK VIM.I AND DfHBAM 8TAOB. Durham ita(* leates Fleehertoo atalion at I.It a in . i.inrn. 4.t p.m. Prleeville Hare i.atee the laiue plaoe at U.M, returuinj at tl fare K> Prkieville aud retura. so cmrte . uurham I JO for return. T >. emcle fare. Liver/ Iu cuii- Oi J.i. Luay be left at elth.r l.ot.1 . When VOBT bicycka ii out of order send it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OTOEIV sounm, \\ lieie yon can hare it jwt in gx-d shape. All kinds "t repair work attended to at reasonable ntv*. J4S. .. II XON V '( r I \ A ftooil man in ronr district to ii I "ill r-|irent th Pontkiill Nuriwr les of Canada. Orer 700 acrof . The larReatTn the Dominion Pmitiun permanent. Salary or coin ruinHlou to i ij-ht maD. \v ill. tin- ini-ri-asitiii di-niand fur fruit a poar- li iu with 111 < Fklenuiau will pay yi n K t.i T than unKRiii|t In farm work H<.II,I nn your application and we will ihow you bow to earn good money. School tcachMrn > iu jiint the tliiiiR f.-r yen during th* nuaviuir. Write for partirulan BTl'NK A WKLL1NOTON. Toiouto. Ont. Flesherton Planing Is now in active operation and prrpnr fil to turn out any >|uantity of first dais work, such si ili M>I a, luunldings.rtuorings, Sorollsixwing D>n toorOec. We aJso mannfacture Hoi-hires. Oive iu jjtur order for any- in our Inn . Beecroft & Sloan. Cattle Came Astray Cairn to the prtmlnei of r.- nndr*iKned vvarlii.ioaUve. on ur about tke ttth ,.; Mar IH itoenaud 4 lii'if,,r> The UIMII ii nnii<>,<t-d to prove propm it , py eipM.**. ^,^1 take them ROUT CATTLE CAEE ASTRAY Came to the prulv of the onderauned lot IU, eon. 4. Uiprry.on or about July T M-THU eai Inn c.ttU Owner can have the aauie ei tr and NO DULL TIMES WITH Richardson t Co. We keep things lercrrrng. that's wear? Iwsre far, totfo fcfwmess with profit wfien we CUB btrt to keep (loins'. We do not sit aud watch stock grow old and oat of fashion bat sell it ii> season at some price. Our big PIUS of PRUTS ill tJTTOIS Melted away under the genial influ- ence of ent price* ami we liar* put in Ibeir place a big stock of DRE55 GOODS To be inbfeetrf? to trVe same prows*. We are determined to maftp a lanr* redaction in this stock daring month and in many lines will cnt prices in half to clear them off the table*. Come and see what we to offer. MILLINERY SEASON \\t\l elcwe this week and we hnv* baresnis in that department while tin- stork last*. We hate Hats and Bon- nets to give away somewhat oat of fashion of no value to us but better than some we see woru by some of our /// capes and mantles We propose to give two for price of one ..>r if you only want one come ati \ see what we can do for you. We are not stickini; for prices iu these good*. Did that boy of yours get a suit yet? No f Well yon are not too Into to get it; we have % big rang* of boys' and Youths' Clothing and when you s--- the prices you will sdioil ymt vaunol afford to make them rip at home CO3> aloD:,' anil bring the boy. - Have we anything uew tin.-, werk " Well yes, we have lots of tliMi^s. New Gingham. Now Press Goods, N.w I.ai-is. New Hlor.fe Materials, N\w Hoots. New Gloves br Onr Tailoring; Drpartmeut has been overcrowded with ordt-rs butweaie gelling the boards clear again and are ready to take foil oiilers again at tnr usual close prices. H. RICHARDSON & Co.. Hardware 5 Dep't. When you have A good thing . . PUSH IT . . That is the way witli our Binder Twine. It is Kood and we are push- ing it. It it sold from 5Ac. to 7$o. Our Oc. and 7c. twines, are the VH v cheapest made. Call and te them and yon will be convinced. and yon Harvest i nearly ready will prubably need a good . . . Grain Cradle We have a good assortment aud our prices are verj low. larvisl iitls Ton incli good sheepskin miit.18c. a pair ; in inch bBt alirepskin uiiu, 2Uc.; 10 inoii aM-aiiac Un, 23c.; U iiu'.li beat -iliceptluii. !llc ; , 40o. II. -Adn,' mi-tern for all kinds of Tiu- aud builder Hardw>*\

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