Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1895, p. 6

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.I.V/< COM MUSTS. N' i tatitfacMon ha* yet been given by ey for th mnrd*rnrn ata"k OB- oe foreign onneula at .! d.ih, nor ha* any one t* pi.niab.il (or i*. The ivory u brief : k parly of oeoiular or?icr* *re attacked arhlla ruiu.^ outaiiie '.lie town, preaumably t>y Bedoain* the Hritxh vlce-coneul being ihot d**x1, and the Brituh, Preach and Kuaaiau oltici<kl* coverely wouudoel. The Porte ha* orcered tb* arreit and trial ol the offender* by court-martial, but a* at !a*t report* they had no: been identified, and amid the man of rulfiaui that congre- gate there, are not likely to be, M>* order iee* not oojnt for muoh. Somebody will, W courte, be executed for the crime, whetiier they ar* guilty partieior not, and aliWaotion be given by Turkey for ibe outrage, for uolea* u i* done, the Britub and French warihip* in the harbor will doubrlea* inflict the needed cha*ti*emeut themaelve*. Thi* wa* the courae purtued in I MM when Chridiau* were maaiacred there, including the Britieh vice coniul and th* French con*ul, a Briliib ship promptly (belling th* town ; and unle** puoiihmeut kiipeedily meted out in the pre*ent loitauce, the lame thing will be done, if for nothing el* than to miure tb* aafety of foreign representative* eliewhere. U would prob- ably b* done in any event wero it ijuite certain mat the murder* were thu tint *tep in a freih outbreak of Muileni rellgiou* 'anaticiam, a* they may well be, the em- pna*i* which the S*ltan hai for many yean placed on hi* religiou* character a* caliph, having tended to stimulate the anti-Oiru- tian feeling of Moslems. It appear*, however, that th* assault wai nainly du* to the irritation of the Bedouin* it the sanitary improvement* which th* power* have compelled the Porte to intro- duce into the port* arnl cities of the Hed jaz, or holy district of Arabia, in order lo prevent the spread of cholera from India by way of the Red sra and Snei canal to the Mediterranean. Theae include the hsinir -UIMI of all place* frequented by tin pilgrim*, the (election and unitary super* vuioo of camp* and food (uppliei, new and mcrneied lupphe* of pare water, the erection of hospitals an 1 barraoc*, and the employment of an amp'e force of men in general sanitary work. It i* in .leddah and Mecca that theae improvement* are most needed, if the march of the cholera i* to b* ellertnally armted ; and a* Jnldab : tne port of me Holy City, and it* population i* largely made up of faua'i:ai Msem* whu live by plundering the pilgrims, they naturally fear leet the urw nanitary in. t*. lire* will interfere with their privilege* and profit*. The destruction ol the new sanitary barrack* erect* 1 by the Turkwh gov rnment for ihe u*e of ptlgtim* an i .if the ueir chulvra hoipital now* at oiidi their ignoraace and r^ni'ioiis fatiHttcism, cucb device* iw:iii; regarded a* a mere cover ior Kur"|H an mtnrfereui:e wi h their reli^iu< custom*. It Uai at uo time Mrmed proiiable that the pro|er inni'ati'in of ihe Hedjiz could l>e THE NEWS IN A NUTSEELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALJ- OVER THE WORLD. (lerrtilu*; Hens* bent war owBran*jtrr. '.i.l ItrllMle. lli<- I nllr.l St.lf. ami til Piirl. .r Mi' tl.lM-. I ndrn> a.l ...I K-U r*r .- ? K.-...IIII4 MMMs O.P. R. lend ilei arc looking op. Btuh tire- are reported on Maaitoulm (land. There were heavy decline* in the Anglo- Canadian trade in June. The Globe hotel, Winnipeg, wai d**- troyeil by fire on Saturday. Mr. Warden King, a prominent buiineM man of Muu mal, 11 )eal. A subscription in aid of Irilb Home Rule ha* itarteJ in Montreal. A oar load of ihow hor* and cattle from Ontario hae reached Winnipeg. The Government ha* made important change* in th* tisnenea regulation*. Kor the half year ending June 3'>th -,.(--' immigrant* am red at Winnipeg. The Ma cerpent exhibited himself to two fiihermen Dear Hann'.tou Beach. The tint carload of ohee* ever exported from Winnipeg wai inippexi to Montreal. The lat*d crop report* gire aanuracce of a bountiful harvest all over the North- Watt. Wentworlh County Council u taking legal utrpe to icparate from II >nnlt> n in regard to ibe adminiitration of justice. Piisidtut Sir Chaile* River* WiUon will arrive in Montreal about Augait 17 to invii Mate the GrMid Trunk affair*. Archui(hop Cleary has iHued a circular to Ihe ciergy ol Kingitoo Dioce.e aeking for aiil for the Irish Parlumentry party in the forthcoming election*. A four-year-old boy named I'aulson was run over by ao electrK car in Winnipeg on Saturday and died a few hour* after ol hi* illJUilM. The City Kiitfineer of Toronto hai re i-iiinti - ,i-.i improvement* in the water works system the coil of which will ex- ct-e-i -:i huii'tred and veventy thousand dollar*. Mr. William Smith, iJoputy Minister of Marine, bring* with him from Knglend propoials from the Allan LVnpany for the eaval'.uhnnriil uf a (even teen-knot Atlantic teanuhip at,rvicr. The kit ler- Dempster Line steamer Mexi- co, hauui; un board the tint cold-itorage eliiiiineut uf Canadian butttr fur England, wa* wrecked ID the Strait* of He le Isle. Tin- crew are *afe. < '(.i . I*. Lamovhe, of Alton, III., hai coniiiifncdj proceeding* t> recover *ix thouiau'l a. rca a; land in Ontario, which it .* c.aimtii will re\ert to bun in 1*9? on the expiry of a ninety nine year*' leaae. Tim city of London i* located on part of the land. i-.HIAT HICITAIV i lx>i'i Robert* ha* tie lined the po*- illou ot i' mmunder-in-chief of the Hriuan army, according to the Manchtiter i.uanl- inn. Tne ',' i n i* inuj a keen int. rest in the "lection*, and will he oupplied with a'.l on* of her firemen, and the crew had an all-Light, balll* with a tire in the fvret.onl. All employe* ol the ho*to and .Uainr railroal have been forbid (CD, by an .jual i.suoU, iruiu U*UM UtbaucouUt <u> while on duly, aa<l wuen ofl duty if wearing uniform or railroad Hedge, The < n> i^untfii of Rockfort ha* reduced the nay oil all etnors on the poll- -e tore* who havt not served two y*ar* $'J0 per yeac, making it t0O>. Thi* follow* ti>* out made in the laiarie* of the principal* ID the Public ec/i'ioli. The bo* barber* of St. Loui* have decided te> ten the validity of the Sunday WHAT [M SAM IS AT, or'fTr 'ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE the rcmiti b) a p.';al wire W:n l.-nr ca. le 'r m London. running to riimg to I/ mlon Vanity Fair, the '.'in .i. i * stron.' .Hi i, T, . t- r\ liutf t ! i.. l,..<l New \V i >n. oap* uily ai tn tie *tyl* ot in r I! <. The V urn .. ,r.ler I 'hat rxteniioni b niaoe to Krogmore lodge, which will ne the residence of Prmoe an. I aooompiiihed without bloodine.l, hut it |' r , ,,,.,., Hrnry of Ba:tenbrg in the event had be^n r oped that Turkey ml tli cvaapool. at.leidah without unduly in r.-amng ;h tietrr 1 ..( the faithful fortho (tiaour. A* iluppardi'.ly i aiinot )HI IKII.., an I a* the cholera ha* alreaity appeared at Mecca, and with Hie thouian<Uof pilgrim* thronging the holy place* 'luring the ureieut mouth i* certain to tpread, the only c >ur*e remaining lo tn power", chould the I'mt* henlate in IM taik, i* a pronipl application of fun e. Of th three route* by which cholera enter* I >ini|i that through I'erma to KUMI*, by I l'er*un gulf hrough Ada Minor, and. iiy ih Hed tea, the laat ,* by far th. molt iungerou*. Marquis of Salisbury. BY vim icw imirtsn MKIt I . AI>l>Hir!<-INl. TIIK lllll'SK or i.. nii~i How to Enjoy Life. itt John What rxrc you H'nng to be f !.. r u you grow up. (.it tie J.fk I want to be a railroad brtkeman Humph ' Why? Don't v..n know ' Kailroad hraketmeo* put itruat hit; iorp*<ln* on the track, runl when lh next tram come* along they joe* oil ami make* a aw ul none. \ i '>it the hrakearoan by that liino it tmtr* l.eait on hi* own train u I doei not hr tlim 50 itf. 1 in. *. > it muit be great fun to duw . arfd tlie i-ugmeer will b*. OF INTEREST ABOUT BUSY YANKEE. J. Sidney Villeve. a Chicago arMt*t, ha* receiver from tne l>e Rank* brother*, the well-known opera linger, a communion to build them a princely lodge at 'hir country **at in Poland. Every part of ll ' .tru^ture I. to be completed in Chicago, and aenl to Poland in .ecuoos. Tbi* it believed to be the first instance in which western idea* of architecture and comfort have been adopted by aay foreigner of 90,000,000 ponndi of tea artntic tastes. th* M ,' lalhare.l cloung law. They tiud it n a great damage to their baiineei, a* well a* a great incon- venience to the public. Their counu are confident of winning their ea*e. Atet linrman, of Cadillac, AJich., while than halt 548, H32 milee. tuning 8wedeB,bi* native oun try, reached | Member* of th Chicago Board of Edu- age ol enrolmeni in the army, and , cation do not object to teacher* riding to *rl*liti*rir lB-r.i tx HI* ien ef w.ui-iii and Hlrik from HU o.ii, Heeerel. American* a yr. There were 13.HS5 batiue** failure* in tb* State. Un year. The young daughter of Valentine Wolf, of M..illon, O., died from the effect* ol a aplder bite in the iar. The telegraph line* of the world aggre- gate 1,069,1-23 nuk*. America ha* more the fai'iog to present a paanport, wa drafted. Hi* rather, Axel O. Burmau, after two yean, ha* brought about Ui* relea**. and from school on bicycle*. It has be*n proved, in Hu.too, that cat* Report, from th. commercial ag.Bc,.. of i'.*"'* Anther,, from hou*. to DOOM, by Me,.r*. Br.d.tr..t and Dun agree that | ''n u ""g '<* r~"n* ih* buiine** for tbe tint hall of July ha* ' Tn Dv cmii*ad tribe* are the Chero- been fairly good. Price* generally continue Wlth r"P ul t' OD ' 29,599 ; Chick- trong, though valne* have decl.ned >n a i **. IMS ; Choctaw., 14,397 ; Creek*, few minor line*. Iron and steel ar* higher, 14,832 : Semiuole*, 2,541. acd print cloth* and cotton are firm. ' Mr. Turft, a philanthropist of Bo. too, Wooleu* are a. so firm, but dry good* are has taught 5,000 acre, of land in South quiet. Ciairmg bou** exchange* for tne Carolina on whun h* intend* to build 500 pail fortnight i.av* b*n 35 per cent, in cottagel for consumptive*, advance ol tb. return, ior it,. corr.*peua- \ v |liitm A Stanley, of Attleboro', ha. A jury comp aed of tb* best men m town of Perry, O. T., ha* just rendered a novel verdict. It wa* a caae of drunkenuet* and ...-orderly conduct, and th* verdict read a* lolluw* "We find the defendant not guilty as charged, but we find the judge of thu court guilty *f the offeno* charged again*t the defendant, and that tbe oo*t* in mi* ca*e u* a*ee*id again** him." Since mis verdict wai tendered th* judge ha* been arreateu for >nu>iicauon. The di*oov*ry of a lubterranean cavern near jtarruca. Pa., a little village upon th* Car.londale hue of tbe New York, Lake Erie and Western railway, ba* Dean re- ported. \Vne:i quarrying fiag-*tone* aome workmen removed a layer of (tone, and opened up a cavern through which flow* a a itream of greenilh water containing peckled green tube*. Toe** have no ey**, propel themaelve* by thtir taill.and alwayi :m backward with a motion similar to thai of th* freih water crab. Tb* wal.s of tne cavern wore found to be lined with imperfectly formed tranilncent italactite* and stalagmites, and cipioration* probably ing neriod of last year. Leather and bid*! nif( j up ufl ik , m . ot tj | k em broid*nng a will DSU* to confirm th* pOMibility ef tbe are firm. "Labour trouble*" are becommg ac inportant factor in th* tra<te wlaatiou, and wage* show in many line* a tteady advance. In the South trade U qufet, b.it at Crucago u i* above the average, and at Sr. Luun, Kau*** City, and Omaha prioei are firmer and toe uiovemt.ut go O. table 'icrtad with much ikill. He'*" 80 , cav*rn being ano'.har M ammo tn Cave, year* old and can't do heavy work. The An ti -Cigarette League, of New I York city, now numler* 40,000 public chool boys, and ha* been **tabli*h*a in all ' 'he y.'i grammar school* of the city. Jacob Seeling, who wa* appcinted re- cently captain of the life aaviug for*** at Hell <iate, ha* a record of having rescued fourteen human being* from a watery grav.. The foreman of th. work on a tunnel near English, Ind., ha* forbidden the ate of in- toxicant* or th* telling of scurnllous *torie* Severe earthquake *hock( have been experience.! in the Caspian and Ural dinricta of Russia. Thenewly.e.tabliibcd Mail at Frankfort- ju-the- Main i* th* oniy Kug.ian n*w. paper n Germany. An unknown man .ncceeded in penetraf Ing into the Boyal palace in Madrii,where he shot him*elf in the breasu ' The Knight* of I'yUii**, of Ellwood, III, have taken step* to expel all aaloon keeper. Ship-owner* are compiainiog of tne higb . taritf charged in the caee of ve**el* pauing tli rough the Ktiier Wilnelm c'anal. SURGERY BY A BLIND MAN. ! Drllrale add a (*!* eralUn* * vi nb Verve aa.l Skill. When Dr. Jam** R. Cock* of Boaton, w** two month* old both of hi* eye* were rained by a blundering doctor, who administered a wrong medicine. Since then h* ha* been totally blind. He i* now 32 yean of age, and be U consulted in difficult caie* by th* by hi* men while engaged in their danger- ">* eminent of the regular phyiician* of ork H h " Prior.td th. pre^nt week two very delicate and difficult targi- ., ofttMoat ,^ ln bothoaiei tb. pat.enU Foreign paper* aaid that Prof, the famoui German phyncian. Leyden* received fJ.'i.OfK) for attending the late Ciar in hi* last illne**. Mr. graaieat need just now is a railway through Africa from the Mediterranean to the Cape. The Japanese have learned the art of nuki-g Incifer match** and nave taken away the vail trade of India in tni* artioi* Ke , hil sensitive touch, and be tell* tb* colon A. Vi, Cookerton. the confidential clerk ' of good* in the same way,.ingular a* it may of Major K. A. Burke, tb* defaulting appear. A lady who had eight or ten ample* cf dr*** good*, each about three mch***quare, and of different color*, and th< shade* of color*, banded them to Dr. Cock. tr K A urer of Louisiana, who ha* IP. tutfi'ive since IhS'J. ha* returned Henry M. Mauley sys the world l , ./. .1 .1 w Orlean* and given himself up. Mill Sarab Norcross, who worked in been to New might -kan u- ' er and Mecca' The ottut r* of tn Italian fleet last week weru feted in the most hearty manner, tiotti at I'or'.inuuih au>i in Lua Ion. I in- Iluke o( ii.'iioa and other Ital an ' weie prevented to ihe Cjueen at \\imUor un Saturday. I'ne general election* in Great Britain practically commenced on Kr day, with ihe return of thirty six unoppoeed candi- late*, including thirty Con>ervelive*,lhree I.Hirrals.aiid three I'aruellit**. A newt paper ba. juit IK.-I-H darted in London which is ptmt.'it on a postal oar I. The tint tuiinber na* four illustrationa, a MI tragedy, a few joke* and puzzle*, and Kime aivertiiemi-nts. Walnut ahell* are in demand in London for the |nirpoa<* ol adulterating ground cinuain and i.nn.; more than whole wal- nuts I iir powiiered shelli are not dmtin- guishab.e iinlc.i ihe micr<>cop,c exaruiuv t .I'll l* au unuaually oateful one. I NITD ^TATkS, The Washington Marine Ho*pital u advisi-d that yeliow fetor ii epidemic al I'nrto Rico. l-'.ires 1 ore. have lieen raging in the vicinity of Alpoua, Mien., (or the la*t ten .iays, ami muoli vaiuablo under ha* beu iletroyed. In Logan county, Kama*, the farmer, have what they call "thistle <<*," at vhicli time all n..nd* turn out and light the Russian thi. tie. Ii e Nnw Kiigland Magazine think* that Hoiton oui;bt to have a monumeui to either ( iiimweli or ( alvm lo represent the .pint uf P.iritaiiism. Kawhide piniiius ar. l-eiug placet! in ome of the electric oar* at Ku.amazoo. It will render them a. near noiieltu ai it u possible to make them. Five person* were drowned in Lak. lieinvit, U'i.'tinsin, by th* iwamping of Ihe .team launch Despatch iu the tornado which swept over the Motion. Rev. Dr. MoAualiy of Si. LOUII, nun editor uf The Chrintiau Advocate, and one nf the moet piorr.inent men in the southoin Meihodtit Church, is dead, aged 78. A firmer near Sand wi oh, III., ploughing the .11 lii r lay io a Held, unearthed a deer', rib. An Indian'* arrowhead wa* faltered in the rib io light that it oould not removed. Within a few day* oi first tiling scale. trom The iteani cut'er of the British cruller Speedy foundered wnile on it* way from Southampton lo Spiibead. Three peraon* were drowned. Ki/r.st lire* burned over so mile* of va ual .e timber in Newf-mudland, and Irs myed a niiiniier of building*. The riven rain* eniinguiahe I the tir**. Kmperor Wnliara last week had a good fin.- in >w-l. n, when K.\at Oacar aud nil lainny look _ret pain* to ugualixe their friendship for thu tiarnian Kmperor. Kire ha* destroyed two hundred and th rty IIOIKO* in the town ot Sambrew, Ii Und. Two thousand p-rsons are ren- dered homelee* by the conflagration. It l. ueneiaMy believed ti.at Japan will ue a large part of tti- war indemnity which China i. to pay her tor 'he purpose of materially increasing her navy. ll i* estimated .hat while the annual i - nue* of all the countries of Kurope are .'i 0,'HiK, their expenditure* ar* A cloudburit deelroyed recently half of the village of Olauesoi, ir. Roumama, Many person* pen.hed. Older village* suilered (llo. Intense heat prevail* throughout Italy, and several death* caused thereby have i i'i-ii reported. At Palermo tbe mercury registered 1 1 1 degree* tn ihe (hade. A French paper reporu tho Prime Min- ister of Span a* (yint{ there will be ao decisive operation* in I'u'i* tor the pre.ent owing to the exaction* of the clima'e. German war*hipe have arrived at Tan* cotton mill* of Lowell, Mae*., for 52 year* and recently died wa* di.Ungui.bed for her generosity, giving freely of h*r small earn- ing to help the poor. Probably the youngeat tramp on record U a -ar-i l.i girl who toddled from Astorio, Or.., to Wood.ide the other day. j She nad walked for five day*, picking up eatable* on the way and sleeping in the ' brush. Mr. Murphy'* temperance work at Lewi*- ton, Me., ha* continued with marked success. More than three tboutaud perauns (igued the pledge, ar.d it i* aai ; that no- where in th* country ha* Mr. Murphy accomplished to much in *o abort Twin* are uaually thought to bear a trong resemblance to each other, bat the ' " onnraAM . .f two fourte*n-year-old ion* of Andnw But- ler, of Warren, Maine, are an exception. One weigh* 1.1" pound* and the other 86 ; one l* a foot taller than hi* twin, and one l* light complexioned, white me other i* lark. Wilberforc* Univereily, the oldeet in* dilution in the country for the education of negroee, a few day* ago conferred the decree of LU1>. upon President Cleveland. The President ha* sent an autograph letter to I'resid.nt Mitchell.of Wilherforce, declining the honour, not being a college graduate. Joaqnm Miller pas if* a great daal of hi* the other day, and he at once told accurately the color, and even the shade of color, ef each, and (elected tb* samples of belt quality. When handed aeveral national bank and Government currency bill*, he at one* told tb* denomination of *acfa, and the jolor, whether green or black. He tell* th* oompleiion of a peraun by touching th* *kin. It U difficult to believe that a blind man could do tbi*. but b* i( (een to do it, and accurately, too. Dr. Cocke went among Buffalo Bill'i Indian* th* other day, and designated then character by th'ir voice*, spoken in thi Indian dialect. He haa thr** >nploma* fron m ,. ! college* of thi* and foreign couuirie*. acd four rerti6cat* of con, mentation from here he ha* taken ipecial course* of study. He went through a course of itudy under the famou* Weir Mitchell Before Dr. Cocke we* 21 yean of age, be wa* employed by a large lobacco I CUM to (elect the raw tobacco for them. He n.vet failed in getting tbe beet quality and tb* moet deeirable color all by the touch. From thi* source he earned over (3,000, which paid hi* expenie* at a univ.r.ity in T*nne*ee, where be itood al th. head of hi* al***. From ih* Teon***ee I'oivemty be entered a mdical chool, where he wa* "to the fore" alt through the da**. H* ha* taken ipecial studie* in five other inatitu,- * . fn _ _ lion*, a part of ihetn in Kurope. To attain time in th* wild canon of I>ry Kerns, which 1 ,]| that thi* r.markabl. man ha* accom- i* near hi* mountain horn* in California. p|i*ned inth*hit!h*r2la*ic*udprofe**ional for weighing gold i-om, loatead of counting it, as heretofore, tbe Seattle ( u.toinhou.e hai rejected more than t'i.OiKi of under weight coin. The French liner La Nnrmandie, which ha* arrived at New York, had an eventful paaaai<e. An *iuluiiot, ul coal ga. killed It i. hii aome tin time. At of bay tree branch**, with nothing but blanket for a covering. CapU Franci* Mar'm, of Detroit, who ha. ju.t paMxl his 9.">th bir'.hd\y, wa* pr**ent at the burial of (Jen. Boua|arte in lv_'|. Martin wa*ooming from the Ka.t ii playground, ao to ipeak, and | .tudi*. of the college*, required a large and i* he spend* a week there at a i fi rm | y Eu it brain, penev.rence and arlf- night he lie. down on a couch j reliance to an uuuiual degree. The two women patient! that beoperated upon laat week are both doing well, io one caae a large tumor wai removed : the other wai a still more difficult and delicate case. When lif'iig out the tumor 1'r. Cocke found that be had twenty-lour for- tier* with order, to m.ist upon the payment i ujl() , on . trader, and the .hip (topped 1 oep* holding vein* and artene*. H* ti*d by the (.overnment of Morocco ol an at thelsle of 3t. Uelna. Th* e-Kmpior blood vessel* quickly and removed the iudemnity of eight thouiand mark, for the o f Krano* ha'd jn.t pawedaway.and Martin : (orcep*. He lace* up and lie* **vered "" wa* on* of th* little group that witneaeed ' artenea in difficult case* more r*pidly than the interment. I any of th* clear-seeing lurgeon*. He ba* ' d ~ cf lh PPrance of the moon and Dr. Toma>MW*ki, th* regimental *urgeon t>*longiug to the Landwenr, ieidm^ at .. s .l, irnmi\, ha* been diinuued froni the army on account of IMS refu.al to light a duel with an apothecary of the ...up town. The plan for erecting a gigantic Ria- marck monument at Blankeiiaoe, near Hamburg, on the ite.p shore overlooking the K.bo, ii taking nhape. It is proposed to collect a million mark, for the purpoae by public *ub*criptloD. Ithait>eeu diti-overed that the Luxor obeluk in the Place d la Concorde, m Par i*, ii rumblinii away under the influ euceof the almosphere. t< The obelisk wa. Paria in Loan taken from Kgvpt Philippe'* reign. Prinoe Henry of Piuiiia ha* cent a num- ber ol bottle* tilled with water from the Kivr K.rdan to the Minis'.er itationed on Heligolaml, to b* a*vd for baptumal pur- po*e*. The Hohenr.o.lern* are alway* baptired with water of the Jordan. Since IsKKthe 1 foreign trade of Japan ha* increased Un-fold, and amounted m I- I to 'i^i.T'iS.^'J -ilver dollar*. It* chivf import! are kerniene, Italian cloth, ugar, raw oottou, colt, n yarn, ihirting., arm*, machinery, inalrumei.U, and selme ti Mr. John Wannamaker ha* mcreaaed hi* life miuranc* to the remarkable aggre- P 1 *""* '' tl *". no , r IBC tnn : nd gat* of $-J.UUl>,000. He ll certainl/ the, nl * ht * nd d > re '" th " nmt l moel heavily m.ured man in America, and p.iKi!ily in '.he world. John B. Steleou, if l'ir adelphia, ha* policiea on his lit* tor $750,(MV>), Allt | Hamilton Dmton for ftiiM (INI. ( hauncey M. Depew i* laid to be insured for J.VM.tMKi. A Chinaman's Oath. A Chine*, tailor in London accused a damsel of having taken a half sovereign that h* carried, on tne end of a chain and regard- ed highly. In court he told the Justice, planet* nighl and day ar* ill excepl that the stilln*** ot the night not eacape hi* attention. He i* a hard worker and unflagging *tudent. H* ba* a typewriter, to whom he dictate* Hi* wife writ** medical pre*criptioni in Latin. Corneliu* Vaudtrbilt, Jr., ba* aucouuced I hi* intention of living and dying a bache- lor like hit uncle) U*org*. He is very fond ol coaching, and, with hi* sister, ii fre- quently seen tocling through New York on faah lonable rig*. But the relation* be tween himielt and hi* oou*in, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., one* cordial, are new omewhal .trained. .Inn Fi.k wa* worth about $3,i>OO,O< when he wa* killed by Kit. Stokes, To-day Kisk's widow ii living in an humble frame when instructed to iwear to Ihe cbarg*, that the only oath he considered bindiug wa* one upon a saucer. Tbe houiekeeper of the police court wai appealed to, ai m r i*a s wmow i* living in AO numoie irame .L . i .L L . u j the t' ( ,,. ( n, ; 8 n t diitric, of lfa . tai ^f '.* . *~ % - ( ^ on an income of N>0 a month. And oven ,, saucer belon*Tinfl to her (late **rvioo. It that btvjarly itipond i* derived, not from hur buiband'i i state, but from properly owned by her family io Brattleboro', Vt. Fisk'i e.late hai vauiahed utterly. Mm Mary llarrett, of Baltimore, daugh- ter ot the late President John VV. . . . ' . ii , i vwl " .""iwiw x tvai.ivnt t/unu w . .'nirvit, e awe. The leading article, of : o( the ,,ltimore and Ohio railroad, while export include cotton goodi. copper, ana ! gen . rB ,, y uonc ede<i to be the weallhie.t coal. San Pelayo ll the patron ifciut of th* village of San Mateo.m ai Kerrol, in Spain. Hi* image wa* to have >>eeii oarrieit about in a prooeiiion the other day, buV adisput* that aroie a* to who (hould carry it caused knivei, revolver*, and stick* to be u*ed, so that forty imnoi-.i, including the prieet*, were wounded before onler wa* re*tor*d. The Deadly Ctgarett. He (Smoking) And whit r* yor opinon of th* deadly cigarette T She (looking him over) -They are nut half a* dedly a* they ought to be. unmarried woman in the United State*, i* plain and uno*tntatiou* io her way of living, and oar** for little el** but th* development of the philanthropic and educational project* in which ihe i* engaged. The flr*t Japan*** Christian ohirch in America WM dedicated in San Francisco last wi-ik. It belong* to the Metbodnt denomination, and ha* about three hundred member*, who contributed largely toward lint ot tbe edifice. The aaaiatant ana the orgaciit ar* Japan**., and the nhuroh organization will b* niana- i Red by the Japan*** member*, with very I lull* help or interference by Oauoaatan*. | belonging to her wa* handed to th* Chinamen, who raiaed the dainty hit, rolled hi* ey** at th* ceiling and broke the iauc*r on the edge of tbe witne** box, with theie words: "Ifido not ipeak th e truth, my soul will be crack- ed like Ihe lancer. ' The houieke*(*r (creamed, and i* now di(oon*olate, for her let i* broken, but th* Chinaman'* oath wai regarded by thecourt a* an exceedingly binding one. What They Get. Teach.r If sixty men work nxty day* at nxty cent! a day , what do they get ' Boy- (let mad 'nough to str.ke, I the minuter Excusable New Minuter I law you going iuto * saloon ye*trday, Mr. DcUood. Mr. DeBood Ye* ; my wife wa* off to e church aooiety meeting and I dropped in there for something to tat.

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