A HELLISH PLOT EXPOSED DARK SECRET GANGS OP FIREBUGS EXPOSED IN NEW YORK Haij laeorrai Live* Es*se4 stable* r.rd I. Of, it, ..4 4r*l> Me4e iar < a.plrala.n r* . l*>anraee* Neaer u l vM* tmcus Them Haai'quaitert their plao* al read*tv*u*. On OL ooeaaioo, when Loun Gordon thirl mai*)f*>ciory, at No. 21 Walker street, WM fired, U.i July, Milch aad tunic of hit gang DM; there and calmly waned for the aUrrn lo oeme in. Then they walked leu- nrely to the tcene oi th* conflagration, where they found Gordon ru*hing about like a crazy man, even if be we* in th* eon- Praojr. 1 1 woe a big job, and " Mrcnanie" Glaenktttn, who started tti blaze, wa congratulated for hn " good work." The intnraaoe IB all amounted to $63.000, and Oo of the moet gigantic, cold-blooded, , wae divided between ten or twelre oi the unlawful plot* to make money whion ha* xitled for tn* la* I few c*nluri*e in a civ. lined commnaitjr wa* nn*arto*d in New York Of-y wnen th* " Dark Secret" gang of firebug* wai finally broken up through the exertion* of the D.ttrict-Aliorney's otfi and Fir* Marshal Uitcnel. It i* **timaid that th* profit* of the** firebug* amounted to fl.UU'j.uOO in on* year. Los* of lif* waa considered a* a minor detail, while intauity and suicide were accepted a* natural results of the infernal plot. It >** only natural, they PETBOLEUM WOH A RACE. BEAT STEAM AND ELECTRICITY IN THE CONTEST IH FRANCE. llsdr a* Avemee ef rin*e ! !* r A lew Hnk,,4 r rr.ulla Wklrh r oiuaUr all Travel * u*. 4 Mr*eu O*erltteB ' ike aseter. Tke Kcoud annual race for motor vehicle* daubed at Parit on June 13 and 11, wae an Eleo- A STORY F Which May Save the L. ,<.., Daughters. *.ei a iBB^ez, III I UI1UIUK UlIlVl, 19 d<MlU L 1 , -#*J the ehancee of tricily, *can. and petroleum contended for pound* ; of a two-aeated on*, l,70i> ponuds. r >o;enu 01 ", the .upremaoy. and petroleum .oor.d a The power of th.arat it 1740 foot pound* Mern entCo. t.hlrt per eecond, and that of the etcond from *' argued, that the menial preraure at the j UM <i. *o a* not to giv* any honeet per*on unlawful tautioeet would prove too much j V Poertunit.; to ditcover it and apoil for *om* oi the oonipirttor*, while the innocent victim* of the incendiary fire* conspirator*. (ilueckmen only received 1750 (or bit share, although ne protected, ' event of isilernatiooal importance. saying h* kad taken al! being caught. The destruction of L Coh*i_ _ manufactory wa* another big job in which trin mpn, *xo*edmg the mo*t aanguin* M;lch and nit gang were interested. They ' expectation* jf it* adherent*. Every one realized f2M,UOO from ihe in*uranc* com { of ife* prize winner* uted thit type of pamea. and divided th. proce.d. a. u.u.,1. motof whu- ^ le4m ^ aiectrio OMrlEg<w were compelled to abandon th* race soon alter th* atari, or oeme limping in, vainly trying to overtake their fleeter rival. Latt year's raot, from Parit to Rouen and rat urn, baldly afforded a satisfactory teet. The distance, sixty mile*, waa not per minute, and aetuslea it* hud wneels through a friction gemrsnf and t ! *f wheels that pern-it* of running at four different normal speed* ef 3, J, 7 aod 10.S miles an boor. Intermediate speed* are obtained tatoufk the eliding of t (notion socket irann-uvred ' by the iriver by a pedal In O**M* ef i emergency or ou sUx-p elope* the wheel* ar* acted open directly by mean of a block brake within reach of the driver'* baud. A 12 per cant, grade oan b* surmnnnwd without difficulty, and th* vehicle oan go _ ' ' forw^d or bac.it picture. rretn U.e OtUwa CJtin. Th* weight of a one-seated petroleum ' f**"P U>- * a no ktnJtkwr . carnage, m running ord*r, u about 1,540 ihe c nunnt of An*rio* to-day tkaa a** '- of the pitur**qu* Tillage of ill*, ntuated on th* Rideau river, reason i* net so muun in it* salub- 2,030 to 2,17.1 foot pound*. Mott of in*** rlou " olimau at in tn* wit* preoautiun* leeiet lady ml Nrrrlrk > IMr ir.< ! Wa:e *>ar t>r*<b< ur- lt>r .1 .. rsntjta AtMiii lit tiliu. i~ Prmirur le Her i -*>ly war War ! Tfcey tmm m* ere.HMlly TWENTY MINUTE!! LEEWAT. Uinally ihe candle uied waa long (lough to born about twenty minute* in for* th* bla/e would spread to th* stock and wood- work, although in starting tenement house fire* a much ckorter piece wa* g*n*rany vehicle* are filled with ball bearing* and . Over five been *old in Paris by lu mhabitanl* in wording en* rubber ttr*i like bicycle*. Over nve Jui ee by a umely oe* of proeer itw.iwina, ~aru ' 1 a gratr*t tavenM u Dr. Wiliiamt" hundred of them had previuut to the race. gr Pill CUBAN HATE OF SPANISH RULE. they *trt*d thould hav* tnown enough to dangerou*, although frequently retorted to in order to ttart the tire. They were oon (idered dangeroua not beoaua* they endang- escape in lime. BACKBONE BROKE*. Th* back hone of tne "Dark Secret," however, is broken. A number of th* ! Outbreaks *>v Ike Peeple Last Hair . umrf great enough, nor were the condition! of ' In tbe preseni revolt, at m the tix con. road and grade a* varied and difficult at a uderable uprisings that nave, attain aad motor veh.cle in general service would ' a^am lung*d Cuua into turmoil since H J .".(, it is to he so near tin portal* and feel u..< ccounter. Staam and petroleum were the I tbe Cuban* aod th* Spaniard* ar* arrayed everything in life's futur* is about la slip chief competitors then, and th* honors were against ons another Many peepie hare The Pine Pilit, and many ar* ih* teelimoniai* in regard to iheir virtue*. Your uorrespon- \ dent on Monday laetcalitd at th* reudeno* of Mr. and Mrs H. Kaston.and interviewed I their daughter, Mu* Haiti* bast j, a I nandsome young lady ef ju years, wko la ' known to have iieeei very low aod nee been i realored to nealto ny th* use of Pink Pill*. " Vei-," sne said, " I suffered a greet deal, i but I am so thankful that I am one* more restored to healt n. Y ou nave no idea what ered th* lives of the unfortunate who happened to be in the vicinity, but because ' divided about equally between them. The I very hazy notion* u to tne dustiuotion a Ore resulting froman explosion wae liable ; to cause tns Fire Marshal lo make a more P<><ioiii tUam wagon of Count le Dion I between tn. Cuban, and tne Spaniard, in i thorough investigation, which might result Arrived first al the destination, while th* Cuba. Th* terms are by no mean* inter- j in a report which would stake the insorauc* ! petroleum motors, though second in point changeable. When a Cuban (peaks of a ir way to prtson, andinaen' , companies n.sitat. .bout paying th. policy of tlm M0llred tha firit ^^ of S(jwll . rd on hl allat<i n . m . mn . % m . o of in all probability not b* holder*. tierv fi r ** will heard of here for a time, at least, to fre- quently. Y*t>n ago, say twenty-five or thirty, in- eendiary fir** were not th* exception, but th*ir authon wh*n caught war* invariably found to have committed in* crime for tpite or on Uuir own preimtet, m order to oov*r a financial difficulty. It wa* differ- ent with th* firebug* recently unmasked. They wen thoroughly organized, and burned up property a* systematically at th* big mturance companiet protected the owner* of the property against lost. Tb*y went to far at to drum up trad* by snowing weakminded busineet men tne advantage oi bettig burned out in order to gel tne insurance money, and then talking them into ugning the contract for tb* work, jutl a* a reputable commercial drummer would talk t* a poeeibl* cu*tom*r. MADE MO!"EY AT. Thit tort ot thing hat been going on for th* paat Dve or tix yean, and the members of the gang made money hand over fiat. The "Dark > **cret" wu mad* up of insur- ance adjuster*, fire a-ijusurs, a policeman, aod, it u taid, employ*** and official* of insurance companies, a man in th* District- Attorney's eibce, a woman and a few out- siders known a* mecnaaica," who did the dirty work, such a* actually starting tb* fires. For month* Fire Marshal Mitch*! ha* b**n potuiv* that '.he gang wai doing a lau i-omoe busiaeae, but until the arrest WANTED A WIDIE PII1.O. The** firebug* did uol confine tnemselve* to New York City a* ri*ld of labour, but extended their operatioci all over th* country. New York wa* merely th* head their superiority for light pleasure use. Tb* race of this year wat over a much longerand more difficult courae, tne distance from Parit to Bordtanx and return being 750 miiee. Th* grade* and otbar obstacles 3paniah blood who wa* bora in Spam. If hu ion* are burn in Cube they are Cuban*. In toe court* of one or two |(enraiioDi they become inorougn CuOant in aenli- mem, and bat* th* Spaniard* at bitterly from yoar gra*p and an early grav* your doom. I wa* taken ill four year* age with trouble* peculiar to my tex, and wnion oav* burned many a young woman to b*r doom an early grave. 1 bav* taken in all about tweity box** of Pink Pill*, and I an only too glad to let the world know what thee* wonderful little pellet* have dour for me, hoping lhal aome other unfortunate young woman may be b*u*fiit*d a* I was. When >ix teen yean of age I negau to grow pale, and weak and many thought i wa* going into decline. I became subject to taint- ing tpell* and at time* would become quarter*, from which member* of the gang ' to b* lurmountta were *uah at to eubjeot a M though their aoceetors bad lived on in* uncouttious. My ttrcnctb grexiuelly <ie- ; ttarted out on regular tripe to drum up * "~ '" *" trade. They located mercnantt who were not doing a very lively biiain***, and ex- plained to them the advantage of having a " real nice" fir*. A* yet these out-of-town fire* nave not been fattened on th* member* of tne "Dark Secret" to an extent whion would warrant the publication of the detail*, but itM taid motor veniole to THE HIVIKF.-T TEdT. Ther* were forty-three entries in all, clauified a* follow* : Thirteen steam vehic- le*, nineteen petroleum vehiclee two electric carriage*, ouesleain bicyciett*, six ptlroieum bicycieltee, one petroleum tircycle and on* steam quadricyole. Of the** only about twenty actually took part in the race, including two bicyciett* that in tim* th* entir* system will he ex- poted.and mor*^liegedhonorable,Cbri*tiaa cituent will be tinged by incendiary fire*. I e*. cauaed by their own desire to make money The heaviest vehicle en tered wa* the pond- quick, erou* steam omnibus Bollee, which weigh* At laatt two-thirds of tht fire* in New five ton* and hat been in ut* in and around York tor th* paat f*w yean hav* been the Parit since 1SHO. The lighteet wat tht work of greedy firebug*, iccording to in- petroleum tricycle of Count d* Dion, which uraece expert*. In conclusion of th* weigh* leu than ont hundred pouuj* and conclusion* arrived at by the** expert* the wai regarded at a mechanic* wonder by created and I become so emaciated that 1 wa* limply % lit ing skeleton. My bloed teemed to turn to water and my face wa* these two people* regard one n- ' the joior of a cor pee, I had tried differont Auociated in busmen, (peaking ' >n>U of me<licmee, bat they did me no good. I wa* at la*t confined to my room for Mveral monihi and hop* of my re- covery was given up. At laet a friend strongly urged the use ol Dr. William*' Pink Pill* and after oawng a few ea- u goM boxea I b*uan to grow aliihtly lU-onger. I continued their ute until I nau uaeti aboat twelve boxee, when 1 round raysaif rettored to health. 1 DOW quit using t-de pills and for tix montb* I never leu oeaaer in my life. Then 1 began to leel that 1 wa* net uland a coup.* of centime*. We can nardly realize the cordia. batreci with whico other. the tame language, attending th* uQurciiea, meeting a Hundred time* a day, they never oumiiungie a* one people. Tny tcaroeiy ever lorm mutual Iriendshipt, ami in society, if uot in businei nit own way. It * a dttgrac* for a L'uoaa girl lo marry a Spaniard. Her mother will not invue a Spau.sh youin lo ner houe* unless sue u certain tn na* becom* a Cuban in etnumenU rate* of fir* insurance bav* been raised a* a matter of self -protection, while in tome section* of th* city tn* companies refute to accept any rwka. Iheirnfuaeli an not only limited lo pereon* wnoee hon**ty might b* doubted, but to reputaol* men, simply because th*y r*tide or do bu*ine* in a neighborhood which the firebugs hav* picked oat at a aafe ground for their fiend - lah open lion*. -lOt ALL rl'BUC TBT. Only a portion of Milch's confession ha* been mad* public, and it it said that th* and confusion of Samuel Milch, a fir* in- portion retained include* th* names of a suraooe agent, the real method of doing i number of other "honest" men, wno would busiuee* was not known. spend a whole wagon load of money to at- th* spectators. It waa said that thit tricycle had been driven ten thousand milrt without mowing signs of wear. Special price* amounting to 6,000 francs were offered for bicycl*tt*s on condition that they accomplished the distance of 7"x) mil** in ies* than one hundred hour*. They attracted a good deal of at ten lino and it waa though i by many that they would be formidable rivait oi the petroleum carriages. The** expectations war* not nalized. I'ht pace was too hot for them. Hot Doles aod the grinding dost of th* road made short work of them. Parisian engmeen have with few exoep- Th* worla doe* not present a ttrauger M r9gu [ tc *t I should be and to feel the anomaly than tne relations between the** . o ja Mrei , ,.i,ngonoe more oomaig on. One. two kindred Copley. | mor* 1 re*orted to Pin Pills, aod i,y in* TUB EXM.ANATIO* | time I had used six beie* I founn my U u found m tn. ab- 1 hei " lh '" """"d .1>-P "" i net tar to seek. normal political relationaof to* two ol Th. Spaniard goe. to Cuba le make wbat d ,_ he oan oulot in* isleuU, ana ihtn, a* a nil* n* go** bom*. Cuba hat been Spun s oyster for ceutune*. Molt of tin ihou*endi ot apanian incomrn an Government olhciais, empleyes, and (oldlen, WLOte business i* to make all possible picking* tor >uelu, and m laentai.y to .me tneir own pookeia well. The Cuuan siu>i* uo unaac* sxcept in the industrial aud commercial line*. Ttisre lino fiald lor him .11 ins Mllch't conleeeion is a vary lengthy affair, and a* tenaationaJ a* it it long. It confirm* in* evidence previously obtained against th* m*mb*n of the "Dark Secret,' and add* many more itartling facts, impli- cating men of previous unbleinubed char- acter and detailing ev*nu which, if tten on tb* (tag*, would hav* been oriticiaed a* interesting, but quite impoetibi*. * ATTIK1NO or KIKKll: ..-. When Informer Milch wat arreeted lev- eral week* ago there waa a general scatter ing of firebug*. A number wnoee name* have not yet D**n diecli* HI hav* ditappear- ed. Gloeckman fied to Berlin, but wa* Hinchkopf .and cape being even tuggetted a* havma had dealing* with th* firebugs now under arreeu It it taid ihat the Fir* Marshal will not top until h* ha* landed every guilty per* ton behind prison bart.eveo if tot eftendcn happen to be menof great wealth, merchant*, or high insurance official*. by Ui*trict>Atior*jey'* trapped into returning b Detective Frank, ef the ' office. Holt trieii to get away, but Detect- ive Sergeant* Reilly, Trainer and Von Genonten w*n too quick for him, and than whan he found kimeeli a prisoner h* attempted to throw a pious cloak aboat hi* deed*, but it failed to cover them up. A down or more of the minor conspirator, th . M a d , mp tn(k , ,. imok . an being oloeely watched, and will be ' HOME MADE BAROMETER. *le*l>le a.l hr.p < ...irl.aur, h. Wklek taibodr Van Wrih Air. Thtre is one atmotpherie phenomenon aboat which there it a wide vittooncepuon. When tbe smoke lie* aloe* to th* surface of the earth, inttea i of moving upward, a* it generally doee, many people think it it beoaua* th* air it heavy. Tbe tame people will tell you, perhapt, that damp air it heavier than dry air, for it it on day* that rally aiu ouraged the invenior'* eifortt, Thsy pinned their faiui to steam and believed that the big roa.1 wagon of Count d* Dion, which finished first ia*t year, would .now A CLEAN PAIR or i It b* I* *br*wd and iucy ne may grow ncn , in commerce or planting, but ue caoi teas j no part in pnnlic affair*, tae cannot wonhip a* h* pleases, h* hae tew right* worm mentioning, and h* is taxed to de*tn. It he own* real estate h* pa\s 3U per caul, of lat. to the lighter petroleum motors. In ei penmenuvl test it bat mad* forty.five miles ' "* or * <**< an bour, and it* powerful boiler waa ca- , > *>* Mrt ' busmeei paole of developing twenty horse power, *oiai permii.ion. wli*r*at the maximum capacity of the pe- troleum motors wai three hor**- power. The vebiclee were started off at interval* of two minutes. Each veni ie wat required to carry it* full sealing capacity, or dead weight sufficient to make up th* difference. In other wordt, a two-seated carriage wa* h* kin" an ox n* mutt pay a do!* ' It ootis him (I j a year lo own a oar- I He cannot engage witnoul buying tie cannot eeii a hone or build a wharf witnoul paying tor * Government permit. The Spanish agents, from captain-general down, have a. most abeoiute aulhoriiy. Soino of them hav* been honeet men who hav* tried to deal justly. Toe name* of many of them have been loaded with lufamy. They ban xpected to convey four patt*ng*rt from , bought tnsir office* with ihedittmcl undr tart to finish, or, if only on* person rode ' 'landing mat they were to use official place betide, tbe conductor, a quantity of iron, men* of acquiring wealth. No wonder lead torn* olher heavy substance, *qual , deadly hatred exist* between th* native arr*t*d just at soon a* tbe evidence against them it sufficiently strong to insure their being heii when arraigned la court. Th* firs' incendiary fire ID which Milch wa* interested wa* in th* big tenement house of No. 98 Willett street, li wa* crowded with men, women and children, and wai fired in the dead ot night when all were asleep. It had been fired by U>ueck man, and although no one wa* killed a panic followed ike discovery of in* tiamea, and a number of women and ehildnn wen injured. Several famine* were mad* homeleee, bat the firebug* reaped the her veet wn*n the insurance compame* paid up. LEADER Or THE I1A.1G. Thi* encouraged tbe gaag and they set fin to buildiugs right and left, one of the most heartless job* being the burning of the tenement No. 129 Suffolk street at 3 o'clock on the morning of May 31, 1894. The building wa* simply packed with human being*. With coenbly two excep- tion* all were asleep. The firebug* darted th* fin with an explosion in the liquor ton on th* ground floor. Wh*n tb* tinmen arrived the flame* were thootin 5 out of the store window* half way acrots th* street, and before they could be controlled had crept up th* air shaft* to tn* floon above, bringing th* pan- ic stricken tenant* down the ttain clad only in tneir night robes, which in many instance* amounted to nothing at all. It was a meet tucueuful piece of work from the firebug standpoint, at the firemen wen unable to control the Hime until th* en- tin building wai gutted. BABY BURXEI) T<> DEATH. When it wa* all over, on* of th* child- ren living on the third floor wa* miating, and an hoar or so inter th* charred body the earth. On th* contrary, damp air is lighter than dry air, aod it is becaua* the air it damp last the unoke^doe* not ascend. U i* purely a queation of gravity, of weight. If the lower stratum of air is heavier than th* smoke toe latter will go up ; if it be lighter than th* smote th* smoke will not go up to readily. Tne barometer 11 th* instrument u**d by th* scientitte lo datsr- mine the relative, weight of the air. Al utoally madt, it connttt ef a cup of mer- cury, with which is connected a graduated glass tub*. From th* upper part of this tube the air hat been *xhau*ted, thus form- ing a vacuum, and the height of the column in weight to two average person*, was loa.led into th* vehicle. Contestant* were permitted to change conductor*, but all repair* moiden*. lo the journey wen to be made by the conductor of each vehicle, witnoul outside as*. stance, and witn tools and material kept in the npair kit of the vehicle. The carriage first to arrive at the storting point, winning th* time prize, wa* the on* seated petroleum motor of Panhard & L*- varaor, which mad* th* round trip in forty- eight hour* and fifty-three minute*, scoring an avtrage of about fifteen mile* an bour, notwithstanding the stops which were found three Cuban* and tho mat* of Spanish incomers ; all ol whom are regarded a. being, directly or indirectly, ihe agent* ot Spain for their impovertenmeol and abaaemeuu and occasionally when I feel any symptoms of a return of th* old trouble, I uike a f*w 1 canuot fiod word. of eutfisieni weight t*> eipreee my apprecia- tion of the wonderiui curative qualities of Dr. William*' Pin* I'nls and smooriy hop* tnet all who an atflicied as I wa* will g'.v* tnem a trial and I am csrtain they will find renewed health." The fact* above related ar* important to parents at there are many young girls jutt budding into womanhood whnee coalition us. to say th* least, mon critical tnea their pareute imagine. Their i mp.rxioo is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled with heart paipitaiioo, neatiecnee, aoorlue** of breath, on tu* slighted exercise, faialuees and other distressing symptoms which in- variably l*ad t* a premature gr*>ve unlesf prompt itepe an taken to bring about i of health In this emer remedy yet discovered Oka lupply ot Dr Williams' Pink Pilit, uid anew the blood, strengthen the nerves ami r**u>n the glow of health to pal* and sallow cheeks. They an cer- tain cure for all troubles peculiar to the female sys'.em, young or old. A Liberal Education The lat* Prof. Huxl*y b*ld thi* opinion a* to what constitute* a liberal education : Tbe man hat a liberal education who hie been M trained in youth that hi* body M tb* ready servant of his will, and doe* with *a*e and pleasure all the work that, at a mechanism, u it -*pbl* of ; whoee intellect u a cieir, cold logic-engine, with all it* part* of equal strength and in smooth working order, ready, Ilk* the steam engine, to be turned to any kind of work, and spin the goetamen at wall a* forge th* anchors of th* mind ; whoee mind is stored with a knowledg* of the greet and fundamental trutk* of naiun aad of th* lawa of her Back Yards Are Wasted. An old gardener says thai tne moet won- derful thing about city folks it their ignorance of wnat ihev coui<i do with th* little strips of ground surrounding tneir I operation* : on* who, ao stunted aeoetic, is hou.es and especially with their back yards. '"" "'' M><i fi ~- but wo " ?*'" " " They an not big enough for lawn*," laid 'y. Kleveo houn afterward, be, " so most p*opl* ju*t us* them to walk olher oelrolsum motor* cam* in, on, but if they ha I aome gumption _ having met with nc unusual delay or acci- could en joy many a garden delicacy of their of mercury in tbe tube denote* the weight denk Tho other three petroleum motors, own raising. A strip twenty feel long and of the atmosphere. which uted the same system as the winnen, a foot wide against '.he wall woald furnish The explanation of this is quile simple. ' diew up to the judges stand later, but enough grape, for two people to eat. The The pretsure of the atmosphere upon the lo tn * C * M "' tn * other entries, steam, next foot would supply them with pea. m*rcury in th* cup forces the mercury up petroleum fnll of life aod fin, but trained to come to a halt by a vigorou* will, the servant of a lender oenscienoe ; who ha* learned to iov* all beauty, whether of na- they i lure or of art, to hate all vileneee. and to " respect others at himteif. Such a one.aod uo other, hat bad a liberal education. into tbe tube, where it meet* no resistance, because the empty part of the tube is a vacuum. Hence the column of mercury will ria* or fall in th* tube at tht pressure is greater or lea*. Everybody i* familiar enough with weather report* to know that we have "high barometer" on clear, dry days, and "low barometer" on damp daye ; that the first indicates good weather, and the last stormy weather. But " high barometer " means that the column of mercury 11 well up in the tube, and "icw barometer" ti at is down. We know, therefore, that at dry air bean down more heavily upon the mer- cury in the cup than damp air, it must be heavier than damp air. A very simple and serviceable barometer may be made at home, without ooet. Tb* only thing* neede i an a wide-mouthed glass jar a pickle bottle will do a clean Venetian oil Beak, and half a pint of plain water. Pour the water into the jar, letting it oome to th* and electric breakdown*, hot! th* next wuh beans ; then, it with r%dish boxe*, broken axle*, lack of fuel, and too I at and turnip* and let tuc* ; one buih in heavy cargoes teil th* ttory. It wa* a each of th* four corner* would produce long distance race between mattifft and plenty of goosebemee ; another foot ID greyhound*. Th* heavier vahicl** wen width would supply all the strawberries ; unfitted for the ordeal, and their inherent! anot'ier foot rupberne* ; mother, black- berrie* : another, a montn's supply of potato** ; another, sweet potatoes ; another with several tine mease* of jorn, and ao on. There ar* t*n fret planted, but give what I nave named twenty lee', a* a. most any oily backyard could do, and they would grow nnderfully. A back yard im-uty by _a* found in th* ruin*. Another child had I withm on* third of the top, and masrt the been so badly burned that it died the tame I oil flask upside down in lhe)*r, to that th C i__iii._a L. __. 1 1 :.. day. But the firebug* hardly gave thi* detail of th* *ucce**ful fin a thought. They were too buy figuring out th* di- vision of th* mturano* money. aECAMP T0<> BOLD. Finally th* members oi tn* gang beoatn* to bold that they frequently made Police neck of th* flask will jutt *nt*r the water. That is all. If th atmocpheric condition* an favour* abl* to ol**r. fine weather, the water will ria* in the flask : if, on the contrary, a torm i. in pro.pect, the water will fall. The air affect* ibe water jutt it it du* tbe uitrcury in the tub*. weakness** wen soon apparent. THE CB1KP PRIZE of 40,1)00 franc* was awarded to the four- pMsenger petroleum carnage of Peugeot Frcree, which accomplished the distance in a little U** than sixty hoars. Panhard A L*va-to*r'*on*-s*at*d petroleum carriage, though ti nun ing first, received the second prze. The victory of tbe four petroleum oar* riage* wai due entirely to the compactness and power of the motor, to a new and improved cooling device which pnv*nt* j overheating of the cylinder, and to th* I small supply of fuel nquired. The motor is constructed in three part*, a reservoir containing ornmary petroleum, a carburet- or, and an engine with one or two cylmden. The reservoir will carry petroleum enough fur a journey of nearly two hundred mile*. In th* carburtoro the air is drawn though petroleum and then passes through a sort of filter which prevent* th* Trunifp of any liquid. The gate* from the air and the petroleum are then rapidly compressed aud exploded in a capsuie and made red twenty would raise pleuly of small for two people, yet ho* many back r* w .!*.! ' ' are truok yard* The Poet. The poat't crown of sorrow I* remembering happier thing*. : And hi. solace, when he borrow* .Small amount* on what h* tinge. One Drawback- Jimion How are price* at that reetaur- an' you patronize ? Jameeon Everything is cheap excepting the waiters, the Veranda. thai gentleman Carrie u Where Mamma Was. Papa Where is your mamma ' Little daughter I fink she ha* gon* to | Mrs. l>e Fashion . four-o'clock tea. Did she say so ' No, but I heard her lay she wuhed Mrs. D* Kashion waa in Halifax, an .he weot out about five. A Close Observer. she It can never be. All I can promise yon it a mere a:quaint*>no*thip. H* Then aco*pt my offer of marrrage. On Dora Who wuh r Clara I don't know, but 1 presume, ir im her actions, that ne it on* of th* men in* 1* engaged to. hot by name. The motor workt smoothly It wili drift into mere acqniintaao**hip I For twenty-five years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBFSTFRiEND at a oon*te.Dt velocity of 700 nvolut/oui I fait enough. ( I \ l-r s I x M IN