Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1895, p. 4

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TH1 FLK8H1RTOH T1D1HC1 E8TAHI.ISHKD 1881 &* vance ri'KU.SIIKIl WKKKLY AT THIS OFFIC K SYD- KMHAM STREET, FLBMUKTllM, OST., BY W. U. THCH810K. SI i" ' .m ii ii m. M t ui I) IB advance Advertising Rate*: Oua Column. 1 vaar, ; IwM aol., I year, 9T 4 mi lei tot . one year, *15. Traoaient aM refinement charged a'.^he rate t oeula pr liue (or drat Inavruon and 1 ceuta each aubeequvDt Insertion. THE CHINESE RIOTS. this year. Straw will be short, but the heads are well filled with heavy grain. There will be no hardship, as most farmers will have sufficient, or nearly sufficient bay to put them through, and those who have to buy will not be obliged to pay fancy prices. The great fright iu which the farm- ers of some districts fonnd themselves can now be looked back to with some- thing like grim humor. Even re- garding the district which appears to have been most affected, we are tohl that not twenty farmers would accept chanty from any source. Some of our politicians appear to have been attempting to tnaku capital out of the "scare" by playing good Samaritan when it was not necessary. The recent terribly fatal riots in China, by which ten people lost tin n h vis, will. scaicely have the effect that *hc rioteie so fondly hope for. It will t;iv the missionaries an opportu- nity of showing of what material their (liMstiuuity consists, and exhibiting to the benighted Chinaman the Chris- tian character in a new light that of the irartyr. He ban not known here- tofore what Fdcrilices the devout mid. siouary is really prepared to undergo HI oidur to carry tl>e Cilad Tidings to all tin- world, bat he will know now. Nor did th* curietian world itself careely understand the true value and bravery of the gallant missionar- ies ho have so fearlessly taken their lives in their hands and marched be- cath the banner of the crocs against the cohorts of darkness. We feel proud of them now. Their hands will undoubtedly be strengthened by this recent persecution, and foreign Uii;*iuns will attract more attention (rum -LI people than they have in the past. tie We btlievu such baptisms of to be direct interventions of . doiiigiied to open the eyes 1 1 our owu people as well as those of tin heathen. The massacre will not } -JL\,- ii iU-t. nvnl ufl&'fit ipon the mis- sionary npiiit. Only ou Monday of this wt-ek three people one male mid two females left Toronto for i'hiu.i to puitiully (ill the. brokoii rank*, ami > Dili. will follow. The one iiiiunt goes up all o;er chiistens L .in : China must be coii(}ucied. "Tlu- i-..n>l.it def|>tiii. On, ye brave V\ IM mall tu ulury or Ihu The Advaoce has received a long communication from Me. Robert Watt of Seftou complaining of indignities heaped upon him by his arrest for laboring on the Sabbath. Mr. Watt is a Seveutit Day AdveuiMrt aud be- lieves In keeping Saturday as Ins holyday, and the decision of Justice Forhan of Chatham was to tbe effect that there is no law to prevent farm- ers from working on Sunday. We have not the space to admit Mi. Wait's communication, and as he sus- tained no actual hardship, the magis- trate having dismissed the case, its publication would not be an act of chaiit}. If Mr. Watt believes in keeping 1 Saturday as his Sunday, let him k-ep it. The whole Christian world acceptM the first day of the week as the day on which to observe the command to do n work. Had it accepted or chosen the seventh day of the week we cannot see that it would have made any difference to the soul's sal /alien. Mr. Watt aud his com- patriots appear tt> hclievo that it would, aud hive undertaken the her- culean Ia.sk of changing the day. To our mind it is a email matter to pother about. Tbore are too many clu-istiaus in this age who Lick like mules at any deflection from the letter of Urn moral law while they unflinch- ingly break the spirit of it every day. Improve the Roads. Belief in 6 Uourt DUtrewin^ Kill ey and Bladder diaeaiwH relieved in ail h'liire by the " <irat Si.utli American Kidney Cure. " Thi new rumrdyxa a great Mirpriae and delight on account of itt uxceedilix promptiirM in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, Kack and every uart uf the urinary |>B<iiagra in nmle or fe- uialu. It relieves retention of (Mtiu in paning it alunxt immediately. If you want quick n-li--f auti core thia in your remedy. S-Ui by W. K, Uictmrdaon, in becoming general Wheat throughout The Markets. 4'arrrnlly C'orrccted Each Wrrk Fluur ................. ffiOOt.i $ 500 Fall \\hoat . Spring \Vhat N Barley Oata ... ..... Peaa Butter ____ f read bait ... Pork Hay per ton Hide* >he.-|.kiiia T. Turkeya Chiokeiiii |>er pair Ducks her pair . Wool to lo 31 to 3* to t l.'i t. 10 U> 60 lo 5 00 to 00 to 300 to 23 to * t.. * fc .0 . 40 to 17 to 31 36 M 10 60 5 15 1000 300 8 40 50 !iO FARM FOR SALE- 100 Frm in Ilia t..nhrr f A nmioaia. Ij mllea from th. viilaKe i>( Kl<-hru>n. Uuod buildliiitu wt..i in >-I.T> Held. Small orchard Tornil >-aT A|>|'ly to Kl>iirloo. July 15. "U4. E. I). UBOAan. leuse and Lot For Salt, For aJe cheap and ou eaijr t<irm Ion. Hplvndid lari;.- uod a* >n cellar, nouae. alfo R<MN! 1'iv'iiix-s loiiikiiu orclianl. Klelier aolld brl- k .twulllim. with uuiiner kiubvu au.l W..-.I- f'aiui* ttble. brick liDad two large IU an I uno<1 younn Huu<* and ou* ti ii dlniri are xeeptlooaU) *'.H ftuiHlied aU'i vwry conveui 1 mtlj lalJ out Ap|.l> t.i K.J HmofLB. Fluherton. CANADIAN What a uiee thing it is to bo able to slioot wull. There U Private lluy- huiHt ij( the 14lh, who captr.red the i,' n i n'rt iirin; at 1'iUlay,. being lioin/nl, fea.sied, addressed, escorted and (,-n.l i.iinwit what jiwt bt'caiiBC ho wax able to make a bnllsey . Thu crack of this towu arc ciiiihulm;; with '.liu rellfcliou tlmi lull many a llow^r ut born to blnt-h u i M i n and waste '3 twcttncsR," etc. "The Pisniiro and the \Vhcelhur row: An attempt at the Social 1'roh- I in, ' in. a hj-nrhiiri! just iiunietl by. Mr. I! Legato, of Dioiuore. NVo havu nut Hiiiilicd the question sulliciontly I 1 Mili-iiipt a thorough criticism of th piiiiri;'!' ^ laid (li>wn, but soino of the chapters are qniU iuterestijig and worthy of thought. bow of the prin- ciples which the writer iHiortains, however, arc worthy of ohajlengr. auch, for instance, us hi* decrying the v ihu- and utility of labor a\ii>>; nn elnnery, milking the astonishing stuto- in. nt tli.it these thing! "enforce. i<ll. i uas .in.l create want, and both these ei-uole uiidcliief." Tltut is an argn- :iiuul tliul jinght have luTii used a hiindiud year* ago but n not listennd In in this age. The hook is worth i. i hug by any who ate intM-CNted in tin HOC. 1. 1 1 problem, and is bold for 25 cunta. The rduoiii benitiouut iaus have wondfi fully rLMiovali-d the pastnres uii.l i|inukened growth of ull kii>ds, in- killing pleiit) for 111*11 and bast. The tear thai very great lon8 would re- Mill lu the Unuui b ' uouiuiuuiiy has now LUUII oaat aaed*. and the yraiu rout will etc 1 1 be a Urn. tht Ti< thr A'(/i/i>r of The IHU. Siu : S..IIID time agu \"u Wrre aii wiviiculu fur better roniU. Nu iluU the majority >< nt|niyeit np|n.-euti' tin-in, |/it in^ iu tlu-y do e< fry ace. t> inaiLi!', M-lioolautl church. Tliat wa* a UIMM! job uoooiiipUi'hed between tlie\il lagu nnd tin Main u m-mu tune i;i>. A weak |>ot on that runil m>w in at tlie "Imryo ahoi." lull, n t tni'ftr inipri>veii.rnt wuulil lie v e!liil. ll llini iatouex , ihvn to rai-nu tho road on the .11,1, uppr chua. Tin- hill near the villagu could, with a.h.mt.i^i- lo the road, lie biiriotl in the 'ii>k holt*.'* S.-M r.il I. ill.*, I iintiri', :ir.i luwjkt ill the nitre, a lillle U!HT would i;rwat'y im- |iioi- them. \Vitli mom rntt-rprine nnd cnra wo mity liava KIK| iiwdn oi^J loach tliu avurau* u( the count}' wlueh la naid lo be much (/) abnVH Ihnt f Aitoinex n. liiiprovrinunU iudicatml hcruin w uilil lu aeamnialdu and |ro|i, r, HIM) worth nil they w >ulil eutt iu labor is clivnp. A llATKrAYBR. OM Tuvtday.inurniiig Almiit 1 a. m a firiin r with a liuy.rnuU wlin liml imbilxd a little to frefly of fire water had au nn n ii.il i \|i. i i.'iuo with a !, nf flour, iiiifi<rtiin.iti-ly fur him rolleil <>ti ihu il. Tin. |ni.>r fullow C'iuliln'1 uiulur- it. \ftnr M.II nil,' in l>Unk anm?B nUit for alxuU ten minute* he i-i- rVanu\Hl, "Are you ti;lit t > ?" Huving that like (){ hid no iuluiitinn tu jump on aKain he 4iMM4ntal to gimita lift. Me waa.to^ iliunU to lift, u |iin. I That limn li<l nan.- |mr I-VI-I-HIH-,' tluu Bruce 'M .N|nd. r. Vl tiiK(;ail away f ,r |irhi I half nn hour l.| ut no i u IT the wa^ou wlit-ii IIM "itopju.l limn nhfii lie )M'|(IIII. rJU) took off IllH )*V, llll It llilDII III! tin- bi>g, Hf.iiiti lii-il Ilia liaj mil Innl to light Im |'|" . A linvUt iin middviily icuinud to alriki- him. Hv Would nal it laihiT than IIM. i- it. At >> Uu vrti.t b.it Iwloru hu had KOI awity wi'h moit- than a <|imt i liu niaile op liu iniiiil th*t lie iiiu.Ht liavoa drink liofniM ho cnulil In.iO. liu jnh. He h.iit jimt K 't tin* )IHI( iii>.i-l| iirtl, lii'wuvi i, when a um IU-r li|'|ii."l aloiiy*. '-II j-," In - .>., ()!) u. a hi,, I iu lii<ht." The >g w.ta plavuil nn i in' wa^oii but what l> . .in.i wf t .,! fli>ui wf ilo not know, aa hu i-ii i Lurk after tin- ill ink. Il tliu m-nilc Haan will a mill/ M ml ua hu uaiitv wi I i-tti U,U ii. - Uuudalk Hi-rald. PACIFIC RY. August 13 and 20 nil. I. i:i\ LABORERS' EXCURSIONS of Winnipeg TU uii rint* Mcostjtiw Estevctn Sa/tctats Upon proper Certification paaarnf<r> will be returned lu starting point on pavnMnt of SIM tin TAomai A. A Common Affliction AYERS Aei'siSSarsaparilla at the World'* >alr FOR FRESH Lemons, Flovir, Feed a*ncl Potatoes, QIVE- W.BARNHOUSE To Smokers PifUMitl) Cured by Taking Strta- narllla A CAB- DRIVER'S STORY "1 WM afflicted tor eight years with (Bait niieum. Imrlnn thnt tum-. 1 trleil s (rat nmny mrdlclnei which were highly reo- i^unt'iiai'il. but nuiM gave me icllel. 1 wai at l.iat adi|a(t lo try Ayvr's s.>ru inn u. hy n frlenil nh tola Me tbat I inii^i piirclia-io U bottles, and uia tbrni acoordliig t> <llrtlons. l*)-|Mml tohl ' pr!iual<>n, twuiht the six. bottles, mil look the content* uf tim . ( thrie Nit- tle* without noticing any direct lirnrflt. Bolore I hi. I flnliliea liu- fourth Umle, my band* were M Free from Eroptfons ai *rr they were. My hnilneM, which ts that o( a calMtrlver, rvqnlrei me to be out lu cold and wet weathrr. often without gloT, and the trouble hai never rrtnrneil." - TuoaLae A. Juuxs, atratford, Ont To WMC be wtobcs of their cuatomrr. The tico E. Texautt * 5ea< Ce., Ltd.. Mamllton. Oat., h*,c pfavcJ upoa the market A Comfcnalioa Plug of SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a ti-u cent piece or a 5 cent | u c< of tint famous "T& B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T A B" is on every piece. PLRSOM8 TO- TRAVEL. WANTED Several faithful and ladirs to travel for e^taMinhed IIOIM,-. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Poxitio" prniMkMeiit if siiitwl ; also in- Slate rvl<<rviic anil enclie celf- adUreMfd 8tni(>l envelope. THI- NATIONAL Ji6.Ji7-.iS Oauaa BWf , CHICAGO. BICYCLE REPAIRS n. R. & co. Oor prices for the following are eraclly the s/tuie a Simpson's of To- ronto advertise them to-day at their clearing nale : Bcotcli Zepbera t>r Uonecsor i>it- ings 17J cents. Tokio Pongees, small figures, clear- ing at 1'2J cents. Divas Ducks in pink and bias spots and figures 10 cent.". SEE DAILY MAIL. JULY 3oth. Tln-y advertise the first line as r value 25 cent*, our price '2e. want cheap goods lookaromxi vou near home befo.-e you send e'vay 1(K) ir.il.s or more for stuff tliat 1m* been rejected by tlronsan.ls of sboppei . \Ve buy from the aume sources on as favorable tuinu, though of'.cii 1.1 less quantities ts the bi- city stn All mu- imported goods have the cost >naikcd on tliera in plain sterling figurec; if it is any advantage to hnovr cost you can see it every time to satisfy cuiiosity, bin what you want is the OGEST HUE fir TOO! HOSE? and il at is just what we aim to K iv? you, but in cider to Jo lli.it we u.;i-i buy to be-t advantage, watch iiiai k-i.- clopely, anticipate by quick ae'.ion !iidicat.oiia uf num.; aiul filling mark- ets and get cash discounts ou pur- chases. Even with these mdvautages * often have to accept less tlian cost lor goods getting out of season or win , slock or assortment is much reduce!, as fur example, the lot of suumi. v gloves now offering at half price*. Children's Gloves 5c per pai| Ladies' Gloves lOc pr pair Gents' Summer kara, 25c line. for!2c Millinery at hall priw Mantles at half prices , Do we lose money on these lines well, ym. but you 9** w* made some on the early stock these are rem- nants of the season and we are not decirous of packing them away. Von can have some if you wish. Som lucky persons will get them and chuckle over bargiins. \Vl.wi your bicycle is ut uf order send it tn tin- BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OWEIV SOUND, Whsr* jou c*n hre it put in ((OIK! shap. All Itiiulft <>f repair work atteiidvU tu at ratea. Jis. n M n >o v \V A \'T It" h * 00<1 lnmn ' T0ar *rt * l t\ II I Tilt ri>ro*nt ttir Ki:!n:II N inner ! of Ctua.la. Over TOO acre* Tim Icrgxat lu tli>' 1'iiiini.iou Fonlllon |>eruiaueut. SaUiy 01 cQiiHiilstou lo it/ht mau \Vitl, the iiicruaftlng iluinaml for fruit a poe * lloii with ua .lV-Mi.ii willhayytul linn vnij.KiMK iii farm work. KuA an >our a|>|'li"tiuu aud we will H)IOW you how loeain >uuey. Sclnxii lrach.ru! its juet the thing for yon ilurmil Ihe -mum. r Wm. f,,i iiartUvilar* HTC.NK A WKLUXOTON. Toronto, Out. Flesherton Planing It now in a'-tire oppratinn nnd prpiMtr I'd to turn t-ift RUV quunlity of lint olaaa work, inch aa doo,a, utouldinga.floorings, i-t- I3o n d so. w i n $, l>one to i>rli-r. We ilo iM Hefhirtvi. (!ivi UK jour order fur any- llunx in i ur line. Beecroft & Sloan. FIESIEBUI SHIH LUJHY. I h r,|^np,l nn . voo>p>et 'fu) laiin-li v In Klibvrtn. aitd au >ir)mri touke Ui an; iiuaiility of Initmti v wiirk at 1 thaii arc rhiig.xl i.UcH)u'rr I kaVe put In tli lalet ami moat IM>|HIITI-I| nuil.jirry to that enil Kin. II > KIV uie . call. ' bM.Vg aatlnUotlon Kuai auU l . and |>i ioe>* low. Mu* r>m are importers of tea and have tluru packed to our order in pacha^s to suit families of 10, U and l>t> lb. eacli with our own name and brand put t:i iu Japan. NVe challenge test i parisou with the teas we offer, (lot our saiuplus, it costs nothing tu try them. Japan Teas 14, 20. _>&, SO A 86 pet Ib. India Teas ^0. 85, 10 A 50c per Ib. Fintst blinds choice CVjIon tn\- (iiinpowder Teaa lllaek T. We -till give 25 Ibs. No. 2 granulated Sugar for 81, or U Ibs. for i!5 cents. H. K'lOl \KD-M 'N & Co L>opt. BARGAINS :: IX :-: HARVEST fllTTS Prices from 18c a pair up (irain Cradles*, Rakes. H v, Fork* aud Scythea, at the very lowest psices. Binder Twine ll i.M I.I.I. AND m KM AM 8TAOB. pul Durham t\n* leatea Pleahprtoo Uatlon at 7.19 m . reltirni Iii u ul. IMoevlllv lai(a I. ?m tlie Mine plate at IK Hi. retu.-ulnu at 4 ii Kami" l'i i.-t*\ I In ami return. Sl>c*iita. Iliirhaiu ei W for i .turn. 7 >c ilogle fate. Unry In con' acttlou, yiJei J ua; be left at either hotel A Golden Opportunity To any intruding ju elusor of dishes. A 41 piced Tei Sett fot U 9s, reguUr price |J 73. They are uew ifouds. 4 hitndgonie pink and gold Dinner Sett at *TI 00. i)ju ; &| to are them. XI,. Richardson tg

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