Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLI8H11TOH ADTllfGI < uli< ,- <>i QEO. MITCHELL -' FLESUEKTON A gniiwej bank! UK busiusM transachxl Drafts i.iuu.l ind :bu.|ue cubed at unual racu* Muuoy alway* arailable for Injun*'. : butinmM eutorprUti. Office, two douri uurth >l llichasd- sou A Co's. Vicinity Chips. VharartrriMir* f lh Past w , w Carefully Culled for Cue 4'unoiiK. lntal vM 6e eJuryr.il at Utf ratr of lOe per lint fur etiek uuertion. .1 rnliiftum tcill be malt tm contract* fur 1'JU Uiut ar over. PJ .h ~:bMil will r. ']in n Monday i*xt. 19th mst. A emr load uf line wk expected nest we.-k. T. Hill. JUKI received, a hundred package* <>l tea diiect fn>m .lapau at M. Uichaids-m * C ... Sow iathe time to buy your *tog!booU f. r winter. A taw case* to hand bought at i. Id price*. T. Hill Light spring deuHxrst. secoi.d baud, newly i>aiiiU)d aud in good repair, fr a.le chciiu, or will exchange fur a buggy . .f. E Bakervill, Fleherton The garden party at Mr. Brown's on Friday evening last was fairly well at- tended, notwithstanding the threatening weather, and a pleansnt time wa* spent. Mr. Win. Blair, weal back Eue.receiuly ..11 a hore t<i the buyers at Markdale for the handsome sum of f!40. Thi* was the highest price paid. The animal wa* a 6ne one. Master W Beutham brought iu a man- ii.licunl specimen of Conner's hawk which dad been caught in a trap on Monday. It will be mounted aud added to our col- lection of stuffed birds. Soft wood sawdiut is best for bedding purpose*. Mr. F. T. Carr, Eugenia, ban [uau'itivs of this on bai.d and wiabcs the farmers to come and take it away at once, "without money and without price.* Thu hair, when not properly cure 1 f'>r, lose* it* lustre, becomes crisp, harsh and dry, and falli* out fieely with evrry comb- ing. To prevent thi, the be*t dressing in thu market U Ayer's H.ir V igor It ir;Mrts that silky glos* * e*8eutial to t beauty. Pro;ik fruin the surrounding country should avail themailves largely of the opportunity of hearing the grand band c .iKvit uf the Dun.lall, Markdnlc and F.i'M'-rion '>arul on Wcdncedity evening of next week. Mr. Nsthanwl Mortons.ii,a well known citizen of Iihpeming, Mich., and editor Superior Posten, whv,, for a l-nn time, sufferud fnun tlio m>it excruciating |>*ms cf rheuwaimu, WM cured, eight years ai{o I y taking A}cr'Saisai>rilui,haviiig never felt s. triu::U' of it siuce. Old stamp* wauled, Canadian <>r Ameri- can Must be old ixsucti. Pricu* graded aceoriliiig to axe and value. For instance, &n old half p-Tiny stamp in woith from 91 00 to $2 50. If you have sny old stamp* in your |>"SM'M"ii^ biinu tlieiu in and we will pay yu fair p'licw*. The honte thief w'a<>^av his name a* JoWum mul whoH'leah..r*e and buggy fn.ui Mr. McAulay at the station, W*H tried in ('wen Souiid last week on minor cli.irge* aud will feed on jml porridge fi>r the next three inonihv at the erul of which time he will be called upon to answer tor the t'i-ft of the hone. Tweiity-lhro* excursionmts tuukUn the Nor-hwest U-n-dulUr excursion from t'i& alion on Ttusday, and about as many weiit from Maikdale, wlnla Dundalk tmne<t nineteen out of the country and Oi:Hworth fourtien. Thia will make h.trvett hands >c axe in Ontario if the exodus w.<s an generally great all over the province. The foi:ftwinti i-rBceii W"r< elecUnl at the regutar ineetnu f Fleshortoa U. P. II. A. on ThuncUy eveiiuiK lat : W. J KCormck, W. M , R Whitten, Dop. M.: J. Mrown, Chsp.; W. J Dwm, Kiu. Seiv.T. Bulm-r, Kt-c. Sec. : T. Ol.yl n, Treii.; T. Whittwi, Lc ; K. Run'., Con. : A. Ma'alm.n, St. M. C. ; H. Jr. M. C . ; \V. J M.'ore, In S, Mawn. W. ft^iiisM-l l>. ts*W re- turued la*t ^k fuuu a bicycle trip to Siuton, WwKlvUle and Lmdiwy. Mr. \Kii|(ks alw.i whciil out t\> Unlsaiu lake ^|:d luc.U-d til* Mvlkt now uaJur prv- grew ou the Trent Valley canal. He apeak* m glojng terms of the beautiful Htretch of country between Holland Land- ing ami Suit. -ii, and thinks it one of the iii"t ferule and pruapemua section* of Ontario. The. annual niuxical carnival snd proinuiiii'le concert under the au*nicu* of K'. slit-rti'ii bund will lie held on \Vedni'S d:iy, 'Jlit insi , on the aitriuuftural so- ciety a 'j-ound.'i, Kleslierton. The follow inu land* will be present : Markdale ('i-u.-in Band, Dundalk Silver Band and Fleahert'tn Band. A grand musical program will be rendered by the united luiiuls. "Mu.a; liatb charms" come and bo cliarnied. Thi* will be the musical treat f tfie season and should not be HH4.-0.1. Adniwaioii to the grounda only 10 Cfiits. Concert to l>egiii at 7 p. m. A W arning to 5mokers. For some time pant certain dealer* have been soiling inferior brands of tobacco when -T A B" I* asked fr, thus not only trailing on the reputation of the manu fac'urvrs but also injuring the aale of the article. The ;<;.-.,. E. Tuckett & Son Co , of Hamilton, have taken the matter in hanii aud intend prosecuting the otTeiiden. Smoken should be careful to sue the *T <& B" stamp oit each plug a*, to gain extra profit, unscrupulous dealers tear the tag off other brand* ana say it it "T A B'' and ''just a* good. " A New Dictionary. The publication ol the new Standard iiiary is a noteworthy event m the speaking world. Thi* magnifi- cent work in two volum* (or ono if desir ed) i* now on the market, after having been many year* under compilation by an eiioruiou* staff of editor* snd specialist" iu the variou* department*. It is pro- fusrly illustrated tbn>ugh<jut and is eni belwhed with a number of beautiful col- >red platt*. It i* cUiined that mure than two hundred spxculUu and ofher schol- ar* have been engaged in its production. It i* truly, as the title page suggett.t, "a dictionary of the English language upon original plaui.% designed to give, m com- plete nhil on-urais statemiit. iu the light f the uio*t recent advances in knowledge, aod in the readiest form for popular uae, the orthography, pronunciation, meaning, and etymology of all the words and the mai)>ii ; ot idioiuittic phrise* in the Hpevch and literature of the Enxliah speaking people*." An excellent feature l the work u the large number of synonym* in. I .kii'onyma (liven, which nru more nuinerou* than in auy other ork ! nre- tMMion*. Fur the editor on hlcrury man of any kiuJ it is a mine of gold that Done should fail to secure. Thi* grand work i* published by the Kuuk A \V agnails Co., V w York, London and Toronto. A nani[-le may be seen at this office. PER5ONAL5. II you art vUltiuK sway (i um bom* ) as know I*. If voubax visitor* fruui a ititlauo* a* yo ir plac* tall OS of it. It u a u.suk k> b star alit iluiii,! tbia bvcauiM frioiidaju-o always anxiuus tj \: <w of auch uiovuiucnia. and tb peixuiiikl con.ar la DOW oue of thu rcuguiil dcp&i luivuU uf >ei wull rrgulaUil uw>- l>ai'r. Mr-i. A. Mullen and Mu* EUuche HuU li-n. of Toroiito,are viiuiing at Mr. S. Col quet's. Mr C. J. Leitch is attending grand lodge 1. <>. <>. F. at Hamilton thu week. Miiw I., l-ine. of Bri^lu <n, i> tlic guest of fneiiiU in linn viciimy. ^l -. AiLcnlit-ad and children and Nits A Armiin-iij; haic returned from a visit to thu Miwkoka lake*, where they spent a very pleasant fottmxht. Mits Mary Tucker of I>n more is the g'leat of Mi*t Hattie Le^ard, east of the village. Mr. Jolm Biadley snd hi* i(ar Louie of Orchard P. O , visiud friend* here for a o'ii| ! ot dys last wevk. Little Sara M '.'oivhouae returned with them. MIMH U ..-vH-Lia Uobnntoii f Stcne'.H Mt- t 1.1 viMling her aun', Mrs. John Mi.<u Gi-eei.laiiil of B i>-.klyu, N.Y, is visiting with friecids here it. company with MIS.H (.lorJon. M -frs. J. MLaujhhn anil .1 W Smith M. for the Noidiweat ou Tues- day. Miss Liaie <<ird''ii of Br-H.k!yii, Jf.JT , is the gue<t of the MIAW-K KichArdn. Mr. R Kwfer o^Piwt-on spout Sou- d-y at the uAtbutal home here and occu- pied th* Methodist pulpit in the morning. Bev. Mr. Browu ol Owen Sound wa* iu t'n ..n Tuesday Mr. Brown i* chairman of thu district KEHU -At t!i roal.ieno of bar .lauehter, Un. H M. Bowarinaa. Kniitjiiia. on Mouriav. 1'Jth iot.. Mary Kw-. xtad Bay*an. The body was talUu to furrnUi for luurnlnnt. R hruin.it IMII <ur.il in a Dy Soutli American RhifUinaMMii Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically curen in 1 to 3 days. It* action upon the systoiu in remarkable and mysu-ious. U removes at one* the cauw- and the dis- ease immediately dwappcsrj. The lint do*e vreMtly benefit*. 75 cents. Sold by W. E. liichardson Dniggut. N man is t-xi poor to take bin local newHpn{Mrr, says an exchange, and it is falae oconomy to Ket aloi.g without it. Hardly a wevk passes that wiii.uthing doa not appear in it* column* that will be of financial benefit to the .sulncribrr, and by the end of rhe year he ha* made r aaved from 0410 to twenty limes its subscription price. The city paper* d.. not take the place of Tour local paper, al- though some people seem to think they do. The city paper* are all nyht in rheir way but they don't give you what y..u ar* moMt interevted in your local and country news. You cannot liarn from them when public meetings will be held, who are dying or who are marying. who are moving oat, court proceeding*, who wants to *ell land in fact, hundre-l.i of ttcnm which ought be of particular im- pnrtance for you to kii"W. Such matter city pauor cannot furniah, but your local paper can and doe* Maxwell. Fmm our men C'urmpondent. The Methodist quarterly sacrameutal service wa* to he held iu Mr*. Long's zr-.ve a wek *x last Sunday, but . n account uf the wet weather the m ornini; Service wa* held in the church. The afteruoon meeting, which wa* conducted by Mr. Matthew Richardson of Flusher- toii. wss in thf gn>ve. There wa* s lan;e turnout. The serviceii commenced at 10.30 and 3 o'clock Mr. C. J. Sproule made a flying visr to town last wevk. Mr*. Crawford and family have re- turned to their home iu Paria a week ao laat Tuesday. Mr. Thomas Madden had a raUing a wevk aiio Uxt Fiidty. Mr. Sieplicn I'restou left here on Tuesday for Manitoba. Miss Pnsiun of Notlawa is visiting hi r friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Field aod Mr*. Wright spent a couple i-f days at Horning* Mill*. Mis* Kuher was viiliiii> friend* in thin town recently. Mr. FenKick Heron ia busy painting the sell 01 1 houae. Mis* Campbn spent a few days here Ust wet-k. _ Mr. Robert Hen>n cauie home la*t Monday after viniting friend* in Bulfalu. Mr. Aithur Biownridge is home after viaiting his friends in Shelburne. Mr. Will Watson wait spending a few day* iu thu vicinity. Mi*. Edward Linley has been spontling a few days wi'h her daughter. Mrs. John Blitkl-y of Dundalk. Mrs. Ward gave ua a call a week ngo la.- 1 Tuesday. Tho Maxwell foot-ball team played with the May bin no team lust Saturday aud it came out 1 tol) in favor of Maiwel'. THREE DOLLARS REWARD For the pc*rfx>u that CAB RI vo inforni*%Uou ftbtmt a bla<k curl*y du, part Spanu-1 nn-l t>ai Nuwfouoillaiiil, with a |Mwkl*Ki i|ray aiiu wnit to thn brwat an<l front feat, Kido. Tbit dog either fiuin the hott shtttl* in KiMitMrtoa villn^v u or about th ttnd of Jan., 18M. The aboff* re- ward will bciv bv anulyiajg to U. MiLLRB. . Out. Sheep Strayed Ht T1 from the prwuiaiM oftbandem god, about July W. thrvw and iwu Unibt. \,. uiarkwil with itcAlAi'jt 0* nndt bj t of left *ar. An) p*iut) knowing of their whrtahotitM will . n fcr a favor by oorat>.u titrating wiih h . T. Oft*. Kuxtim* r O. CATTLBITRAYED. Krom the i rws of th ntti*rtigiil, li 1 14. coo. IU. tuw iii-hip of Oaprvy. about tho liih ot Jivia. 4 two-rrar-oM rttu lrii ainl ft l wo yuar LI rod bailor* >t i tliree-t a -t*)<i rw.1 bi Her Any |>enu> fun.lsliiniJ iiifnriu.ttlon Vuat will load w their rt:ovry ill be Hiiitnbly rowi.lHl. WILLIAM 1.. Hi txoN. tevermhain Out Sheep Came Astray. Omuo Iu tb*prBilM <>f the nn lr<>i(-ie ' lot i r <>. 10. Arton>*.la, in July 4T>. on* ahnei* abtl amb. The owttar. > toqlMsteil to prn* |iro|>- . \> . i>n) t*\uutH>9 aud tas th# ta'ii* awnv. Ku k nia F. O. D Came Astray. Cams to the pr*ml*sof the un<tnig i*>) about the 90th mat., four tpriu caKw. Tin owner ia rp<iuinKl to proe pio|wrty, ^*y puaee ai. J taie Ui same away. W CJWSLL. Lot 1T1, Uuibam Cornell. Get The Best For Your Honey f ^ We are now offering a well selected antortment of Ladlt*' ami <Jen'.-. Fine Foot wear in Oxfordn, Balmoral and Button Bol and Slipper*, also the heavier grade* which we rv olferinif at bottom Hnce* notwirb- sraiiding the recent rise in puce of boot* and leather. Call and jjire UK a trial. Cuitom Work anil Kppairin.' attended to promptly *t CLAYTOX'S JM RUQQIES & CARTS. If you want a nice light road cart or a good serviceable butrgy we can supply you with it. All custom work in our line done in first daw style on shortest notice. .Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. iruiA;u\riX;i^^ .EVKKY DAY Every day a busy one, and yet we are offering some Tery special inducement* iu Plusli Parlor Suites, and an exceptionally uu assort^ ment of parlor sitting room odd pwoes ui pliwli. ragg, silk, nunie and olber covi-riiifj*. 'bles t "ery low prices in solid oak is. alo in walnut aud auti.iue finish. Our line "f tHniua llooui Furnitnre was never more complete.sbow ing a large vaiiety of d.-sigiis iu Extension Tables. as MB as Fall aud Side Table. 'Our TCW pattern Dining ohairt we at otice^ clitap. comfortable and psttsfAsf t.*-J A ^cial line ofpicturvs ami picture frames 1.1 slan-bter prices Also nome very pretty \\aidow Shades aud Curtaiu Pole* to be cleared out at cost. Our iiudei -taking departweut is a* uusunl first class, aud prices well ask thote we have S4_* 1 V L' J C 'Mi'^r.DC' Fmture Dealer J. fce I llJv/rv.ti and L mlcrtakcr. * Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: Out DO such word is heard from tlio L>VXI>ALK : r.VrK'ON' : ^TOKl-:. Aud why not fiom them as w-ell as from otlier places of business, bccunst thv are selln.g at prices that biins! ihc cu.<t,iui for many miles around. The $ ami cu. are $ and cU. with those that have buying to do this season. ll would be 'iniU; c**v for us to quote t> pr. ladii- hoso fur 25 cts . is. 0. cottou for $1.0J. 23 large size handkerchiefs II. etc . bat our aim is not to give yon a lot of cheap goods for tl, I tit to give \ou good goods which ytxi cuuuot buy in other stores for the same aniouul uf monev. Although Boots and Shoes have aJvatiaed wholesale 2o > we.gull sell Uienx at the old pdlron price. We are enabled to do thU IMVIMI; to a I.u\"' sUxst beiug bought before the advance. You would do well to get your siijjn.y be- fore the assortment is broken Womleiful low prices for readyumJc auJ ordered clothing. Meu's all wool siiits.for $5.'J2. etc , etc. The highest cash prices for all kind* of pjroilue*. Saw your dollars by bnviig at CALHOUN'S Flis' rton Mmn Hoise 1 Car Load of Stoves Arrired it F. Karstedt" s. IU .-. ("sut S.|ilre ami Kx<eitd R>x mid Parlor S:o\u, which we siv goinii 'o 'tfer cheap fur rash,nf we an- prefaced t" g'o one to two ja-s' tune if r<|irvd. Cirnie and gtt oat ?J.'e* Worn baying. I Haadf|*)Krr*fi>r Bnilding Hsid ware and Binder Twine. F, i, larsWt - Prop, Q? r Your borr (r** from flies br getting tbein s net of leath- er. so doing Ya mill save m.iut v. Yur horea* arc nut so apt t<> nm awav wheu they sre-not irrtl*ll by the diw. COMB3 AND BRUSHES til the best kimU. that ill auict von irroatly in k*piu^ your borso* inf slle.k- Carriage Oil. vVaffoa Gnaw, Hoof " niiiifiit. |{Hroea*Oil. lltruesa 3o*p r I'.-lisli. and everytbiug tbat ill pre- serve v.iur barnessv Binci o r V%Th i p BmUi Wh pe, aud Whip* of *T*r* <l*rii>tiou *ud prien t)i HMOM. all kiuda uf ligiit and Ijesty Luuuea*. WALL

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