"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL, XV. NO. FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1895. W.H THURSTON E3ITOR* PROPRIETOR Now's Your Chance \\"e have purch.-i.-v.tl ;i [x/rtj.u ui the bankrupt stock of The Chas. Stark Co., of Toronto At ii vi-rv low- lij'sr". aii'l -p- .-nil.K-d -.hereby tu ictnil these goods at a very In* price and nin.il) pn.lit. 1l<-;il.u-l It.ia.l. The\ Must ll<r Sold j mm e,lmUly ; in fact we don't ex .iect they will lust long when the palilic know that there ar- --nch Imrttanis right itt, their home, juwellry. (.Vine in aa soon as you reid thi.s aniiouucement anil be one of the tint to get the bargains ..ffjn J. We have C lOC k 3 I 30 hours, spring from |2 30 to fj. VV cllOilCS; Lad ms' nickel nnd silver, stem wind, open and huntnn: case, from $J.5U to f6. Just received a full line of Dueber- llani[>leii watched, I.S and 6 size. \ LOllIlSS \Vith c.ie, bow and extra set of spnnj*. from $2.50 to $3. These and utlier lines mut go to make room fr fall and winter stuck. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL W. A. ARHSTRONG Our Business Directory Canb. 11 T AUIUAOE LICENaEtt. ! dv or ulgut at th Jwelry Store auJ uoo of tbe UDdni<nd. , , in U C J. Convuyancer, 4o. ' . Mil Uiv. Conrt, Co. Gry, ones, Comniiuionar iu i . . ... \ i. ihe Uau)-llariii Agricultural tu Clayton'* Block. Flc.ii. rt..n. o^poniM - hariltvarustar*. M, Cfl.l.lH (ill A: YOL'XG, Ha- ' -! doairaibaoli,,. ioU at anuonablu iU'. Cull The - I i pr*rru.l to undertake all klo<l of c'.ebti. > . .-otad, etc' I,I:M>I:I: - R. lOULK, herton, O r In H ,,- nM >uctiouer, CouTyanc. A praiuor aod Mcuey Luinlrr, lu-ul tN:t* ! JnnraDce A;:--nt. 1'- KM! \VilU .Lawn i:r> a,;.! f !j.,le on n SeJ.-sttiiMnlcil to IP .<rt ol tbe County. Mom-v to I -a:i at !ow CSl 1.1 U ''' tu witU i ' '* lo - Ai;out ui 1- i.^lu Glxow. London or anyofthe rtritii-'n 1'arlicM iliU-il.lil:^ to vi<it Knuliiii.l .- purcbasintt tbeir tickota riMVlMM. TJU. Hf TTON. M. D. C. M., M.C. P. 4 B.,Ont., Pricovill... Rasiiloncu and ofTlce one door west of tbe >k-th odist Church, Kinros* St. Office days, Tuunday* and Satur.lars. TJU. CAKTEK. U. C. P. A S., Ont. Phyniclan, surficon, tc., Flombarton ofBco Uttaim b'ock. Keuidence llunabaw's hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member CollcRorhynic. A Surgeon*. Ontario Oraduat* la Mudicina of Toronto I'nivemity, Fellowship Diploma, IVi-t Urn lnntu Hedioal Hcbool and llu,|iital, CbicaKO. I)isuaof era, car, noeai:d throat spucially tr<-utwl. K- -i dtnce Maiwell, yiit Feversbam Thursdays 1- J I 1 . OTl'UNM-XL, Veterinary Kurgi-on. Graduate of Ontario i lence Noit door south of Jliieu-'* piauiuii factory. J f. HAl.yn:.vD. M. n,M. C. ft a., Ont.. practiced at Kim- berley. KUcuuiat ic diseaw* 4 speciality. r\H MABY M. IIKANDER M.P.O.M., M.C. P. A H., Ont; Prieovllle. Cfflc-o and r !.* i- net- at MoUiodtst pumon-iKo. Call* niijlit or dy. promptly atUndod. Visit* Iu to 11, Wedueedays. M ISS EDITH HICHAJiDSON. fupil uf Mahr. of nerlin. (inruianv. (viollni- Bradley, of Torouto Cunwrvatory Music. I'ruf. Kerrison, late of Tornnt.o. I'innoi will re.-, 'v.- |--i|i!ls iu NIMiINU, MUL1N. I'I AND a . |.'i|>ils ! Jcutiotiu. The harvest aruund here is about nil in, We will soon Uuar the huiii of the thresh- er. Mrs. .1. V. Ferris is wry ill at present. Mr ItoU-it \V right lost,i valuable mare with paralysis. Miss Libby Pritchitrd spent Sin.day friends in (Jhatswortli. Mrs. IIi2vhinsi.ii, sr., who ha.< visiting with her sons for the past year, ; hns returned to her home in I'xbridg.'. Mr Win. H.-ath and his son. Willie, .ire vi-tifin^ friends in I'xbndge. \S i- are glad to learn that Mr. .lohn Bnchaoaa is in-ctriing from his iccidunt. Mr (ieo. \\.ul-i,- b.i re.-med the con- tract f.ir .rarrying tin- mail between Van- deleur and Flesherton for this next four years His duties will commence, oil the tint of October m-xt. kimlx-rley From oitr "ioi Currrtpondrnt. Harvesting ii about completed and now the fanner ai.d tradesmen take a holiday and wend their way to the great Indust- rial exhibition in Top-nto. Mr. Win. Stew.irt find Mr. <',. Walter left this afternoon for the city. Mrs. Proctor left Kimberley for the ."nine place. Mis. Haniniciid and Mm. Gilbert an; visiting tri.-i us in Meaf-.rd. Rev. Mr. (ioldlH-rsf of Mnrkdale held service in tile hall in the absence of Huv. Mr. (Juil!aii. \f were sorry to hear of the burning of Mr. J. Martin's burn on the townlinu of Kiij'lira-ia. We uiiderstrnd it was pretty well insured and Mr. Martin H loan will be comparatively sin. ill The Kickapoo Indiana are goiin.' to kick in K.uioerley next week. \\ e bfl i-vi; t lii-re was .|iutc an neitina time l thresh: i ,' abi.iit two miles north of Kiinbi'rlev lust Saturday, when two well-to do farmers got .piite warme<l up over m>me dispute and were not very cnreful how they handled each otln-r. Tiie res. lit in MI.- dental work will bu ipiit.- neeessary party is a appear before t!i , un. Proton Fall Woollens . . . ALL IN STOCK NOW . Also-^" FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AND SEK BOTH AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS \Vorlcmansh.ip and Prices Guarantee* 1 C. J. LEITCH HERCHA.VT TAILOR J V. UAUSHAI .(., L.D.b. M I', (i. LVntist. Viiu Markdalo Lliu Ut and :ir.l W,-.lunJay of uacU nioath, Cle*bertou Eucb trip on tlio Jay IO.. J. v> i'UOST, Etc. tofflce Sproiile't i Tliurnilayi. Owon Snun-l office b ; I v \\uiciiiT. I:r.rri8ter, Solicitoni. Couveyancon, etc., Ow. ii Snipul. On.t - - Markdale, Out. W. II. WTO I. B. ! N I'. I '.-! ,.r'.on office, Mitchell's ILmk. very Wednesday. AIV.\V i-acb _ _ _. ... _ v. aibmu or; \v. Irwiu Hecorder. Visitiiit; HH-HHIM mvitu.!. / 11^. Owing to tin !!y tin-- i. arrest ooriion of the 1 in tde ^urnurn. Tli. 11111. .nut of ^lr-l^v. !. .. V.T. i> nine!: B, ii !*o th- -.mill li.-us Inrn Jl'li,., I tills s. It haa been much br'.kun ilo'.vn. II .11 > iii:i;iy wli.. I'ol'oiito : Mr. .). V. In' .. M. T. K l....-:,liiirt. Mr. :ui:> Mrs Il.,-ll. Mr N .M.-Le.m, Mr. T. . Mr. Kuilsl- :id, etc. Tin- \l I*M Mi- x l.iiii-i>, wli'i have bi-en visiting ill lliL-ir IUIMI'M, Mrs. Slienis Mi.f. i the (Jii^t f.iw necks, Inn- ret uniud to their h. me i'i flu- city. M-s. 'I. LockhlTl is xpeiidini; holidays in her p renhil (vine- in Alli>l-iii. Mito Jennie Nixon of NV.iti-rloo, who w.w visiriii.' liur ninny friend H hi-ru, ha returned In-me. Tin- eiitfi-'.-iiiinieut ^iveii l-y th.- nieni- ' bcrsand others of the IVesbvl.-riaii chuieh rhinontb, in tbeir ndi*o room , ..- n i Ili.vK. ;....), i r.V pleasant aliair. Uad It l.ot In-, 'ii for tin- .eriible night fuller hoiiso w mid Inive been th.- result. The Rev. Cainpiiell of Dundalk ifftve the first address. His subject was 'Tobacco .in-: I'.s eil'ect upon tlio system. .murRucui. meets 'raoiit'hlv"' th.- " \, 'Hie n.-xl was Dr Spioiile of Markdale. Durham. The Fleihurton bm-is band, eu route ti.r the aniuc place, wakem<i up aorue of our citizens with their f.rriii-^ IIIIIMC. Wo notice that our townliiu lathers have appointed Mr Di'.'ald McCormack tax collector for this wnrd. They could not have made a butler eh Mr. M. Scott him the tinost (lower and vegetable i^anlen in this eommunity. It in a fe-iist for the oyea to pan* by his r.'fti,lene. Las' week Mr. <Jeo. Tryon's horw jumped over a fence when lied down and 1-1-1-01111:1^ cnUnvlwl in the ruin, an in jured i*M-lf that it rtiod sliortly after. There IUUHI uetunie ki>ul of .1 wilJ be -ist show or a menauerifl on the north line if tlic "M .pie Drove" i-. rrrs|ioi.,l.-nt t.. tin- Review ean be relied upi>n. W trust tlie "wlmle" will not cross over tin :ind s*:illow the "goat," and we wouUI ;idvn.e .Mr. "Mink" i- "hv| n -I si ' forfi ar he m:iy be mesmerized A ';in.!i buytr frcmi Dnrlntm bouuht up ; . i. -I: ad 'i th;> diii- trict !:- - I k. The [iriv-ef ringed from ..rh. Mif-N I-'|--N.I.- Hartley in viaitinu' fiiends in N'ev 'i.:iil;t-t at. present. Mis- M.irv .tones of Dromorn IB the I'i I'll.-l .1 illl.'H. Mis, Kntie Mclnivre it Toronto u holidays. Mr i i Mis. Win. Conkt-y paiilavuit; to Cufl|-h last w.-uk. Mr :iinl Mr*. Simpson ro visitiiii; fri- mis in I'm .to l present. >! r jiiid s visit to !-, I v thu torepait of tins Me r^ li.-o. Dean of H.-pHVtllu md \li Arthur of Mielii-.'nn -I Mr. John McArlliur HUH >\ I'.IIITII i hi Tiiewlav tlu- 10th 'nst , the i M M i' .clii.ine. t i I "i -ver Now in Stock ATLASSCKi: naps of the county of 'Irey, 'MI iri.i nnd the world, only fir.- Buy these for your children. Si'lIOoL SI I'l'LIE- 1 * <f all kinds in ktock. >T \TIoNEIiV IN I.M -'- m Wo are ln-aiL|ii:i ery of all knnls. visinv; .:- : on hand for MM I Patent Hedicinesof all kinds ROYAL TKMI'I.Wts '<.-i;uInr < rei in S|irmile'H blocks) H |. ui utt-i Dieeti monthly, thi- lie tlie iiu.l of .-a.-li iiionth. UK T: MI-' RA>CE nu-ei- .-VITV i'i Mob mouth. S- OP TKMi-i:n \vcB.-Tbls SEKv '" , I ac 1 . l ,:;::,r:',',":, t l I ;,'! 1 , fl ' brctbireo invited. lukumuc i-j conuectiou V., meet iu tbeir hall, CbrUtne's Block cvr> second Thurda> in each mouth. W m. Sharp, Manter. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. U 1>RiSC15 AKTHITK IXJDOE, No. :s, A. F * A M meet In tbo Masonic Hall. Strain -, lllock, Klenherton, every Friday on or before tlie full moon. Dr Carter W if It.. I. Sproule, Sui-rvtary. DUFKKIUN LOD'. 1'-. I n <1 K, in.. -is in , Cluyt tn's lirtll every TlK-B- day ovplilnu nt H Visiting bix-tbreiico (lially Invited. A. 8. VANDLSKS.N i; WM MOOKK, 8'C. Cash For Ilitfr.s! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur chased, foi which highest, market price will be , H.s topic, was, "Variety i the fpL-e of ' life," which, owing to the Dr's. talent, society was very ably di-eusstd and much appr<-- !*ii>lu"i<R c ''' Uc< '- ^ m ' '*' ' iut ""' I ea8t i W!>s ''"' Rev. Wells of KleHlKTton, who directed hm remarks chiefly to the young in an in- structive manner. The Dundalk silver Land gave some very choice selections. Mr. .lames Hod^iiM, one of our enter- prising cMi/.'.iiis, lias budded out into a full fledged barber who is prepared to shave the innocent as well is the guilty, all for the small sum of tell ctiilts. Messrs. R. and B. Hoduins, who have just n turned from sp. -tiding some time with friend* in Sniinidab-, re]mrt having had >i pood time in the denr ones' com- pany. Mrs. (ieo Williamson leaves this week for the city to receive treatment by the ban 1 of a specialist. N. '. n T.ros. arc adding an addition to tlii.-u- store. Mr. Robert McNea loft last week for tin- Sault, where he intend) to make his future home shortly. Mrs. Thes. (.'n.-ii.-k of Toronto, who has beou visiting old acquaintance* here, has said good bye for the present. Homemade ssusagos on hand, also all kinds of meals. It*. WILSON, FLESHKKTON MEAT EMPORIUM. From our otcn Ct>i-it*)>oii<ltitt. A number of Furoiters passed through this burg early last Friday morning on their way to the big deiiiuiistration in < i untyand Di.ttri-t. Tin- !i:tl.- .liuuhterof N '.V r .i,, ; ,bi-ll. I'MJ.. [' S. I , Durham, fi-1! from ;i Ii mi- ni. i k mil reeeivisln vi-iy . d i-iit. on her lii-n!. A diK-tor wax calleil in who had t-> put in several stitches. Mnrkd.ilu tax rate for ls'.iuh.4s |.l.,-e.l .it tt'ii nulls .. n tile d- il.-ir Tins is I one lower than last year Si .-i.lsrd. C.oi-yu Hurkliolder. \\>\\ .sound, ,it- ' teni|'tfil to pound his brims out with a lar^e stone but only succeed, d m .n.ik-i:^ lllinr.l-lf !!ISl-ll.Slblo He said llO V. t.n eseape domestic trouble. S.H ill P.aker of Enrenioiit f \--ns!i p, a woman of ill repute. n-.v lies in ( >w. n Soiiinl i{oal ti> await tiial t'..r periurv. She was sentenced by Mauistiate S. i.iiin-u and t-xorttd to tin- Muler castlu liy ('.iiistables I'.iown and .1 ",iiu . -i. a I u-.'e crowd uatheriiiK at Id !tem Rtmion i , to SCH the trio start on their jou 1 DnriiiK the tria! Mrs. H.tkcr ln-enme ill, 1 so that a medical certificate l-ccninf n<-r e.tHiiy before she could be n ni-ned. This ease arose out of a chr','<- m .d<- by this woman against Ihroo Ktin-inont - men of rnpv, but it was proven nt tboi t-ial before Mnymtratu QllMn t!i least on..- <if them w\ n milt, away from her shanty on that particular evening. II the jutcoine i* that the t iwnslti;. it t.. 1-e d.-privnl ot Mrs. Baker for a h-i.^thni- ! ed term it will be a ;j--.'d tiling r in rd.s of the coinmuniiy. ' 'lironiele. Henry GihKoti of List rel fore .Iiid'^o \V..i.ds in .Sti.iit'nr,! lut.ly , ,, nilia-if-j of |K-rjury, <-n wliiebb '"en ciirjimitted for trial by I' M. T.-i hiinc of Lixt-iwrl. It iipp.Mis i!i.n Cil) .'on obtained a msrri.i ! Thomas Kiillarlnn, at A'.vood, r -ntly, toiniriy Mabel Mskcr, "t I-.'.M,! H niailt- rtidavit that he was ;i resident of the township, and that the girl was 18 yearn of age, whereas she is, n-t yet I <i is unwilling to marry. UttsJw tht his anxiety to marry her wss because he hiul tmii8grotfcM.-d the law aad which leaves him am. ings of the Charlton \ ! '! ' *.i8 a party to (iili-,.,.. iimrnago consuiiimated, iiid i iiinner, .-t I., .\ . ,\ . perform the ceremony. the alfiur <impiei..u. he Irii-ii hef'ire .Inn Mr. and Mr-. I 1 Lake, n u. -id. -lit "ii Friday Mi,, I.- Vall.v. I su bleu n, mp and who w.-ro silting .-n di-ino, !', were thr-- - '-1 s. McLean I: cover. Mr M shaking u Donald McKiniion. a ( tiers of Of law residence on tin; si :n!i line n \\.-l II sday of last week, a/- 1 7''- ' II' 1 leuv.-s a wile, .-in- KMI ill grown up. II Kitin ui, iiu-ivliaiu , . Ills .ire '-. <l:ilk. Mrs. .IHIIU--. I '! Mis. C.ilihvel] n. 'ii, teaeher.of Woston, form- blirne. "I" n'y l , rs now livn.-; in thai ^l -in. Wm. < iii.s.. n 01 1 Wrn of Maple Valley >ln-ll nnio Ki ; , Tlio wor^t dlhiister ni tin- I .;e,,. r inmmg history uf Michigan ..I.IM-. c> |'| .i-r mini-, where tlu i prisoiu.-d in a burning I CSCU|M) Cllt otl'. ! itiiiiig kdleil Mr. .l..hn I'n. k--rin3 of C.i'eiloii and his ilof while . -lit III He w. nt in'o a vac ml in.' to Mr \ Hillock dining i|-e -,r ifra in f mnd later by Mr. Hi, I:., k, dead 1' CO is. -d resided with Ills f.ni.-i it' Forks. An exchange Hays: The L.-ieb-n town- ship man who was jdlcd by a widow will h. ri'y petition th.' (--.in . her n the plow and lakes aa.i hoei ha '_' IM- Ii IT during the i-ointir;- .! i . -. : an- a!! inipli-meiits of Ini'.l. ni.-in who was to hnvv I eeli tile ln:sbni.d - to In- eiituli .1 t.. iMi-m II ' -iidn>. l-i-ap .-my bcnplit fr llie ial.---.-ii' -i as h<; couldn't I in-.l-r, and wli; may have something to do HI. the widow's weeds, it was .-: who .lid the weeding. I-'. i . ing. iu> SAU.VHKIIS At tlio rsu'd.-nco of Jor- I p'l i'.||d|{iiiw, "II tlio Ull John Minllin if tbo town." Wii.MAUS"-hiw*BT At 111. - r.-i.b.:icn I/.: i./s "iM-int.oi. Tunwlitv, null invt.. ' , Hev. John Well*. M. A., Jacob A. \Villia-- Eugenia, t-> Blizalxtb, i.uu;l.:ii .if MI Mm. Oeo. Suwai-t, I-'leabcu t...