Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1895, p. 2

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PA PIS OF LBiraei, DESCRIPTION OF BATTERSBA. VIC TORIA AND FINSBURT. A Tralard llr Imlturlti* baevvatleas In Kseenl tun> BmiBilarr Bead* M.nk'd Wlik l.rb. mm* Irees- tauple turner for Herreallva tlremads 1 1. .in., I ...k .i.kuirui axl II* rr*U7 Ulll* tiaretcaa. On* day toward tb* olo** of June I took A ran throagh throe of the London parki, via., Batteriea, Vutoria aod Finibury, **yi An American correipondent. Tb**e AT* wide Apart, but having a friend with me quit* at borne in London, we were able to vint th* three in on* day. Tb* drouth before ipoken of itill continued, to tbat the flower bod* were luflerlng very much, notwithstanding the evident efforts being made to inpply them with water artificially. In all th* parAa that I have *oeo a great deal of attention ha* been paid to creating A beautiful natural scene. There ar* good r oads, masses of shrubs and tree* and bread Atretche* of lawn, but little different from well kspt country reti.leoo*. Th* boundary road* and paths AT* nearly Alwayt hiAvily Sensed with shrub* an* tree* and often with a border of herbaceous Plant* between tb* path and the ibrub*. Along lorn* of th* wide drivee shrubs have been uied in clumps, but All *et clot* en- ough together to form a oootinuont line of fre*n. Then park* hav* lakei in their tmdit in Which are uiually leveral imall iiland*, heavily wooded alwayi, acd proving a nice halter for the many web-footed occupant* ot tbe water. Boat* are for hire at the** place*, but when uMd their occupant* ar* ot permitted to land on th* island*. Tb* whit* flowin of th* elderberry were oon- picuoui on many of th*M ulandi, a* w*r* thoie of a herbaceoni plant of tall growth' tb* Hiraolsum gigantsam, an umbellifer- ous plant, well suited to tbe sr nation. Tb* two polygooum* mentioned above were aiso hers, flourishing finely iu damp place* near the water** edge ; and here, too, either naturally or artificially planted, were lot* of the colt's foot. Tusnisgo farf are, forming a green ground to the shrub* aod trees. The matrimony vloe, Lycium narbarum, seems wsll in place, forming a low dens* matt o! green. There were many olumps of the dog rot*, ROM canine, and the** Were full of the single li.'ht pink floweri. Battersea Park is A favoril* place for women bicyclist*. At th* time of my visit THE BHOAD ROADWAY* were throned with them. Hut tew gentlemen riders were there, though plentiful enough olsewbere. I have leen the weeping elm and weeepmt ash :n much better shape in these parks and in other grounds here than I nave ssen them wtjtolt i* net *o eateaUal here; thoogk I am cure, were to* heat of Ihtt mm-r to be the mle here, there would b* a call for bed* tree*. Th* thermometer ha* ranged above 80 degree* for a day or two pait, and it hai been warm for weeki, tiling "warm" in it* American ieu*e. Having an hour to inare on Another day ia London, I went out of my way a little to ** tb* Tnaine* embankment aod It* WUttfT UTTLX ilARDES* near Waterloo bridge. Small A* theie garden* an, tb* mo*t poibl* hai been made of Ihsm. Tree* an 1 thrubi planted tome yean ago have grown up and now afford cool retreat* aod mad* ; and it we* a plea*ur* to se littl* children getting the freih air in such pretty placet in th* heart of London. And drinking fountain* are there, a* they are in all paru of Kng- land, with all conveniences for the public. Along the embankment drive Are two row* of plane trses, one on each lidc. The tree* AT* Already of good six*, and in time will be a oonipicuou* feature of tne place. Richmond Park, near Mortiake,is a place worth visiting. It i* grown land, I under- laud, and n maintained by th* Govern- ment. It we* evening when I eaw it near 9 p. in., io fact but here at thi* *ea*on it 11 not quite dark at any time of the night, and at 9 It it quit* light. Thi* park indeed wa* AD imnienae tract ot iward and tree*. And iom of the irrove* of tree* were grand. Containing hundred* of tree* each, with not a itwk on the ground and no limb* / I uvu . VP> WU bUV HIUUUU *UI. IMV IIUII'B df lower than about 8 to 9 feet and a perfect aod of green graa* under foot, they formed ideal placet Tor picnic partiee, for which THI VERT LAT1ST PRO! ALL OVBR THE WORLa l"'r- .(I., I, -,!., Our 0.r...lrr (treat Brllai*. ih Uaii.4 Males, end All Paris ef lh* tilee*. rad*at*d and Asserted for KM/ Kradiavc. CANADA. i* becoming prevalent In Scarlet f*v*r Winnipeg. Tbe Mount Hamilton Incline Railway n open for traffic. Shipment! of Ontario cAttle alt arriving in tbe NorthwMU Tbe C. P. R. it rMtoring it* official!' wegee to tbe former rat*. Th* Ottawa river ha* risen Mvtral inche* ia consequence of the recent rains. The Quebec Legislature will probably b* CAlled together for the end of Octo- ber. The late Mr. Warden King of Montreal left Mveral bequests to Presbyterian Church chtmM. A canal scheme along th* watercourses from th* head of Lake Winnipeg to Hudson Bay it being promoted. Th* contract for th* mason work for the Burlington bridge at Hamilton ha* been Awarded to Mr. Usorge F. Webb. Mr. J. M. Gibsou, Provincial Secretary ha* decided to hold an open investigation purpoi* they Are largely n*d. Deer rotjn j into tns management of tb* Central prison about under them and over tbe broad field* at Toronto, of grass surrounding thsm. .Home ol the largest trees I have seen in England to far' *"* > J"fy London was elected were at or near thi* park . On th* road to H 'e> Chief Rang-r of the Subsidiary High it from Mortlake one pa.se* Sheen House, C 01 " 1 8 ' * Anci.nl Order of Foreeter*. occupied for a time by the Oomt* d* Paris, alter hi* exile from France, and about 1U Court of the Ancient Order of meeting at Uuelph. Mr. J. O. Labodie, one of the oldest and ground* aad 10 the vicinity are some exceed- ; bo*t known notari** in the Provide* ot ingly large tree*. Some of the fineet elm* j Quebec, i* reporUd from Montreal to have imaginable are there ; norne that I paiied were eeaily 4 feet ID diameter aod were very high. In many ctMi luch tree* lined yiteriouily duappetrtl. Canadian Pacific railway receipt! for the ieTeu month* ended July Slit ihow a gam tbe road oo each side, aod m som* mstan- in net pro fl ti o , fr tno4e of the ,, perlo a oee, ai the road* were ol great length, they plena ted a (rand appearance ADVENTURE WITH CONVICTS. ew Off last year of $333.352. Mr*. Kennedy of South London i* anx- lou. about her husband, who, shs tsar*, i* th* man reported to have been killed by falling off A Manitoba harvest incursion train. rreath atr,r Saved Ike Uves *f j Accoralrg to th . nport ot tk . Oovern . elftiid lieo Arab C.avleu. m . Dt Engineer, Mr. Scbr*.ber, satisfactory th* coast of Frsnch UuiAoa, or P ro af b*ing mad* on both tbe Peter- borough and Balsam lake section! of the Cayenne, there liet a group of throe island*. Tr . Dt Valley canal. Professor John Fi*tch*r, M. A.,of Queen'* College, Kingston, hai been Appointed to the profeMonhip of LAlin in I'mversity College, Toronto, snd Mr. F T. Swale, M. A., t'h.1)., ha* been appointed lecturer in called by the French th* lies do Salut, Or Salvation lilsnds, which have long been used A4 a oonviot station. Her* ar* lent oonvict Arabi from Algeria, negroes from | Seoegambia, Chinese and Aonamit<-s from , ^,1^,',",^' , Tonquin and Annam. and not infrequently j GoT . rDO , Hattmg., of Penniylvao anarchist* from Paris. Lately the di*. who wa* in Montreal th* other day, ex- palche* recorded an insurrection among pre*Md th* opinion that Holme*, tbe the** motls> prisoners on tueie lonely Alleged murderer, ought to be tried in . , Canada, where the methods of administer- itlanda, which wat suppressed with a heavy ( , ng J^ ^ mor6 , lmp , e M( , ^^ JJJ hand. It waa not tb* first mutiny at thu la the United Slain. It i* understood that Poet- Office Inipect- covering of building! the oomm-.n ivy i* moit ued ; next to it our Virgioia creeper. Trie vine *o univerially u**d with u. Ana- peloixiii veitchii, I* ien, but not to a great extent. The bedding in them parki i* looked on A* the great feature for the Utter month* of station. The islands are not regarded as a or Sweetoam.on behalf of the Uovt-rnment. hat madt offer* to divide every dollar of th* ngcton An burial can b* found for th* convict* who to the loser* about fifty cent* on th* del- di* there. A little spot of sarlh is, indeed, . '" Ml Apart for the buriAl of orBcere or keeper* ' At Is"' night'* meeting of th* City Council o- Hamilton, a letter wa* read from who succumb to the climate, but when a lh , Mer . ury o( lh . Toronto. H.milton. with us. They a,, grafted high say 8 to | d*rAbl. plac. of r.,d.nce, ev.n by con^ s . foet from the ground, so tbat a* th*y ir " ! vieu. Th*y are mere rocki, covered with j^ r D tna m%1 j ro (,berv At K tl,. y form A beautiful and ooxy arbor. fh.y ^^ % ^ u ot M ,| that no place of l..t November Thit division woul'dT are much uied in all cemeleriet. r or the , , , . .._. A'.. (ummer. There are not too many of b*ds. Th* greeneward, leafy tree* and nat- ural soenei predomioate. What bed* there nre add to the charm, without giving too artificial a look to th* whole. I am afraid the plsnti used in many of thorn oould not be turned to the same purpose in ours, our greater heat forbidding it, but I will mention what a few of the bedi contained. There was a bed of double-flowered fuchsias, with yel- low panme* between them, and having for An odgmg Coleue varschaflelti. Another bad oarlet geranium*, with variegated corn IntersperMd, and edged with variegated- leaved geraniums. A third had for It* bate wnite paniiet, with red-flowered fuchiiat intriptMd,and for an edging blue lobelia. Another wat of Coleus verschaffelti, dotted with white fuchsias. Following this was one of tall fuchsias, carpeted with a dwarf, one called gulden gem. A bed whicli I would like to see later had as a groundwork Plum- ba.o cspensis, with plants of KrythrmA oriita gain standing well abov* them ; a row of Coleu* verachtfTalti was outside these, and for an edging wa* Kchevena ocuuda glauca. A b*d of Mrs. Harrison Weir, a bronze geranium, wae intermixed with (irevillea rolmste, and sdged with blue and nlao pansiee and blue lobelias. Mst of these beds wero in VletoriA Park, which, I am told, contains 2<K) acres, Thjre i* A large oonnrvatoiy, which It a great attraction in THE WINTXA IIASON when outude flower* ar* at an *nd. At the preient time the planti in bloom were of commoo kind*, but nicely arranged io that niitorn found munh to admire. Kins- bury Psrk, which is on the north of London, n on quit* elevated ground, af- fording tine view* for mile* around. Th* general liaturee of it are tbe tame at of the others. I taw here an avenu* lined with fin* tree* of our Carolina poplar, and nicely the tree* *eemed to suit the situ atioo. Then- was not the too rapid growth it makei it home, aod it wa* more spread- ing. I have seen the tree in other places ere, behaving in the lame way. Perhaps too. In this cooler climate it will hoi I us foliage later io the isaion than it does with ui. In all theie and other parki ample space i* afforded for recreation around*. There I* the Held for cricket and other gamei, an.i thire It the place for children, am evn one (or young children under 1'J yean of age, where older one* are not permitted, And All the groundt are ocnilanlly filled with occupant!. Plieie park* Mem to have been well wooded, ss a rula, before i bey were used a* they are, for they con tain very large trees mostly of the Koglish oak, which by the way make* a i.obl round-headed spreading tr**.. Shad* trees about dwelling*, as we have ihwn AT* unknown hire, nor are street* lined with trses a< many ar* with a*. Of cotirce. though it add* to the beauty of A city, w lani 'o screen euxaslvM from the *un oonvict diei hi* body 11 rowed out to sea and Buffalo Railway Company, aikmg tbe and thrown into th* water, to be quickly taken care ol by the iharki. Ktoape is u-aoucally impoatihle. Csyenns U tw*oty-MTen mil** away, and there is semaphore commuuicaluin with that point. city to grant a bonas of $25C,nOO for a djuble irack line between Hamilton and Toronto. Th* letter wa* referred to th* Finance Committee. Mr. Wm. Harty, Commiuioner of Public Works, when interviewed last Saturday A convict who attempts to get to shors in a ''V a Kingston deputation regarding Sunday lr*t cars, suggested that deputation! from very city in the province meet and arrange a date OL which to wait an the Ontario Government, and thu* hav* th* matter dUcusied from a general stand- point. Ution at tbs lies du Salut. who beppsued , Mr - Harrison Watson, curator of th , b* an oil sailor, was Mnt from the . AnadiAn Motion of the Imperial Init:tnte> ainland to th* isiau Is in a mail sailing. London, has arrived in Mcnireal by the use), tne crew of which consisted of in- All ' n llner p r il n - Mr - Wation'i 01 j. ct U*n Arab convict*. Ai second In command. ln ^siting C anada is to secure better boat or on a raft i* perfectly iure to fall intn the handi of the more or ee patrol, alwAyt on tbi watch. Some year* ago, acoor ding to a report made by Mooneor lionuetam, a French admioiitrator at Cayenne, a warden of the i warden had with him a French convict who had reached the grade of "iruity," nd in whom b* had complete oon- deno*. Th* Arabs were docile enough, but on a* way the French "trusty" excited them o mutiny. At a signal from him they nshed upon the warden, bound him and ltd nun fast to th* rail. They would undoubtedly hav* killed him ut for th* (oar that they would be recap- ured, nod that if they had added the crime f murder to their mutiny they would all hanged. b* Brazilian ihoree, but t norm came up nd blew them in the opponte.or northerly, irecti n. The itorm moreaied, aod tne onvtcti, not one of whom had any know e banged. They ma Ie the boat of their way toward ?** exhibit* of Canadian proiiu-t* at th* institute than at preient. Mr. WaUon say* that .luring tb* tw*uty->it month* th institut* ha* been open l.luO.OOO persons have visited it. URXAT BRITAIN. Mr. John Morley is said to be writing a history of the present century. Queen Victoria and Princes* Beatrice h*ve gone to Balmoral from Osborne. Hive men were drowned ofl the | coast of England by tb* upsetting of Pltttburg has b**n **Iet*d a* > place (meeting of the usxt triennial neatupuxxil f Knight* Templar. Th* report of the United Statee Board of Engineer* oo the Chicago drainage oaoal reveal* that it was constructed without the permission of CVmgre**. Th* Univertity of CAliforniA hat been bequeathed $400,000 by Mr. J. 0. Wilder- ming, for the purpose of establishing a school to teach boys trade* by which they can earn a living. Henry D. Fitxgerald, A well-known Attorney, aod for many years United Htatei Commnsioner, was kidnapped At Buffalo last Saturday night and held until he paid $60 for his liberty. An electric ailway, at an estimated cost nf fftKl/iOO, mAy probably be built between Detroit and Port Huron. The projected road will run through a territory not tributary to the Grand Trunk Railway. The United States Treasury Departmen 1 bat decided that material! uted in the construction of the new tnipention bridge at Niagara Falli uii to the United Statee Shore may be imported from Canada free of duty, PflUaV Governor Robinson of West Australia has resigned. Eight women were burned to deAth in * fire in the convent of Riberone, Italy. Tbe Duke of Urieao* has abandoned all efforts to main in hi* claim to the throne of Franc*. A German torpedo boat capsized in th* North sea on Wednesday, and thirteen ROW HE WON THK& eaa rbarefs A*B* M r of ' H* ore lucb a gentleman, an4 h* oar*d tor . so," wat the |kwi*. by wtuon an old woman of WkatUy daMrfWa) tW consiiierateoeM and courtasy W her leovor, woo wa* subsrqueotly Dean Cbur**> of dt. Paul'* cathedral Whatlay was a village of two bondred p*opl*, wholly agricultural. Th* vaBager* were loipicioo* of ttrangtn, and lived almost exclusively within the rang* of tneir own liltl* occupation* and interestA aod fendi. In the deaii'i "Life And Letter** tbe itory ii to.d of how h* won th* lov* and confidence of thi* suspicion*, **i> absorbed community. Hisearlteil eilort* w*r* directed toward th* parish school and the Sunday-echooL and in the winter to tbe night-school, where he gathered the men and elder laH* lor instruction. Out of school hoars, h* instituted psper chases for the boyt. And long country walkt for the elder children in summer, when h* encouraged them ! March for wild flower* Jo be looked a* a/terward with hi* rr.icroeeope. The men and woma* w*r* won hw a lympathy which entered into the homely detail* of their (very-day life their work ; their children, their garden*, and van their pigs. The hesitating welcome which greeted a* A stranger patted into atfecuonat* hi person* were drown* I. { confidence. This o'ld, th* sick and Th* Commerc.al Bank inarehold.rs of I dy'"g *frly looked for his vi*iu. Again Newfoundland hav* been called upon to : "d again he would be ronwd at night, by their r*Mrv* liability of |200 per tn sound of pebble* thrown up aguner hi* window, which ummooed him in Masts to some oase of *udd*n illne**. Th* Eogluh p*a*AB>t, when sack, drrad th* turn of th* night." and th* rector inari. The Armenian monaitery of St. John wat attack**! by armed brigand*, who bru.al.y ma.tre.Ud th. pilgtim mbl.d ; ^J^ZZ S** .toMM. | of a nek perioo, and watch with him till Th* Preeidinu of th* Hayti And San , th at dr*adful hour had patted. Domingo lilaods hav* asked for Papal | jh* roughest and moat turbulent men of medislion to regalate the delimi ution* of | tne ,,|lag* respected him. and even (eared those two countries. ' nlm> though h* wa* th* gentleet of por^xi*. Dr. Schnurderchcr, of Prague, aod two 1 "A man dnrstn't any longer beat hi* wif* Italian guides, while atoending Meant Blanc else the parson will be down on him," wa* t fsw days ago, were killed by falling over a cammoo saying among the rough laborers , precipice, of What ley. The Porto ha* complamsd to France and In drunk" brawl it WAS the pareoo Russia of England's attitude on the Armen- who WM * (o * P"* tn eombetanU. o queiuon. No encouragement w** vin to the complaint. The United StAte* Cental tt Beyrout hai ben inetrncted to proceed to Tartut in order to open an enquiry into the attack re- One night, very late, be wa* sent for to top a fight between two men, very druok aod very qnarrelaom*. Tb* rector .aid hold of th* more daiigerou* uf tb* two sad walked him up aod .town the rood an ill nil " "> Mbcra<1 "' i 4-" 1 * 4 - lorn ' 1 ""* c.ntiymad upon th. American Coll.g. ^ hof ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ mg . A deepatch from Well, tir, I ihmk now I'll go to bed." It wa* jn*t 10 ml Oxford while be wa* A Hong-Kong Mat** ' .. that th* investigation of the Ku-Cbeng j !a tor of Orisl. Says Canon Scott Holland : commission is making satisfactory progreM. I "Men of every typo and party, whatever Ten Vegetarians hav* already been convict- their quarrel* or differences, ennehow d, and o.hers are being tried. alwayi accepted Chorch of Oriel.' Round Jule* Mtnon's real family name i* SIUAM, , *very other name there was hot debate, which in France i* an equivalent for con- { attack aod defence, challenge and counter- cierge. When bis first book came out Victor ! challenge. But no one ever dwoussed the .'oui.n advised him to drcp it, *_no man { worth or th* authority of thi* nan-e ; it wa* couid hope tor fame with such a name. , an established matter, about which there The Duke of York hat a valuable col- lection of postage nemp*, which h* i* dcurous of disposing of. The Lancet ssys there was nothing to edge uf navigation, began to fear for their , pr ,, e cholera io the case of tbe n aa who ives. | uied at Wandswortb, a suburb of London. A day And a night had passed, aod they were out of food. In their distress th* Arab* liberated th* warden. They were tumble enough now, and were willing tbat i* should take them anywhere. "Tbat remain* to be Men." aaid tb* warden. "I think it would serve you all right if I let you go to your death." "But how abeut yourself T" "I am willing to go, too :" The Arabi were at their wit*' end. They begged the warden to wve them. 'Will you do.ttieu.juit what I tell yon!" 3<>,00 periont tie now idle became of thi* tie asked the Arab*. strike. "We will I" A British order-io-Counctl has been "Very well, then ; 1 thall spare your pl .,d, prohibiting tns catching ofiral* by livee, all you Arabs, but this Frenohmao Vtntuh *>'? within such parts of the sea* to which the >eai Kisherit* Act of 1S<5 applies. This order will atiect s zone ol ten marine miles on all Russian coasts ol the Bearing Sea The annual report of the Registrar Gen- eral oo the vital statin ic* of Ireland estt mates the population to bs 4,600,399. Thi marriage rate shows * slight increase on the annual average fir the last ten y< ar* The marriage of President Sir Charle* Riven- XV ilion ot the Grand Trunk and HOD. Violet Moityn n announced to take place in November. A Berlin journal revive* th* rumor that Prince*! Maud of Walet will b* betrothed to Prmc* Cn-iman of Denmark, her Brit count) Four thousand additional labourers have joined in th* Duudee (>cotlaoil) w, rker'i strike. It ii Mtimated that fully Thro? here I condemn to a deierved death, him overboard I" The Arabi obeyed, and the French betrayer of the warden went over the rail to hi* death. Thu warden then gave direo: ion* which saved the boat.Aud brought it into in* harbor of Demerara, whence all on board were taken to Cajerue. The warden found the Arabe docile to the end, ai be knew they would be after th* ei.impls iiuada of th* Frenchman. But hi* confidence one* tostm the troated man, b* bad felt certain that Ae MOO as vh Koglich coast WAS approached th* man wonld lead a new mutiny, whieh probably would reault m th* wardaa'i lenin. A resolution has been presented by the municipality oi Panama, asking tns oilier mumcipaJitie* of Colombia t* join in a petition to the Government to recogoue tbe Cuban patriot* a* belligerent*. Tn* correspondent of tbe London Pall Mall UazelU at Shanghai telegraph* that, according to advice* received there from Cheng-Tu, four of me ringleader* of th* recent tuauacre of miatieoariM have been executed. Capt. Quick, of th* British steamer Stuart, claims that be was driven from a guau > island in th* South Pacific ooan by th* Chilian ironclad warship Ksrmralda. Tb* rsaAon aasigosd wa* that Peru owned th* M. and until a short time ago, when it WAS Mixed for a war debt owed to Chin. How little the population of France moves about u shown by the last census. Out of 38 million inhabitants, '.'1 million live in th* town or village iu which they were born, and 3"J millions have not moved out of their native derailments. Only a million and a half have ei ngrated to France rin coloni** or foreign countries. Prof. Rich*t publishes some figures of mortality from diphtheria in the Revue vnMiufii|Ue, which seams to show tbav r.her the disease has this ysar taken a milder form, or elM lh. Roux't serum natment effective. The deaths in 1884 n Paris i.otpitals wsr* 1,400 ; from H-7 to H91 thry were from 900 to 960 a year ; rom l9i? to IS9+ they averaged 733 ; in 895 they were L'39. Corns as Weather Prophet). "Do )ou know thai the best weather predictor in the world," says a physician is a well-developed hard corn oo any one of the principal toes !" I have one on the turd toe of my right foot that informs me of a coming chsogs in tbe weather far more reliably thao the ngnal service man with 11 bis wealth of scientific instruments. If coarse, 1 keep the corn well pared, but that doesn't make a particle of difference with the merit of it as a prognosticates Iuit about twenty-four houri before a change 10 the weather the corn begint itt prediction* by a tharp pain that I co suly liken to a redhot needle being tbruit into ti e joint of the toe. The pain n luternutuiit, and for toil 1 am thankful, (or if U should pain without paus* it oald drive me daft, I can assign no cauie for the phenomenon, n >r have I ever been able to get. a reason from th* hundre.li of doctors I know, many of whom are sfflicled the Lime a* myielf. A great many ef my pal-.ents are possessed of A similar infallible barometer, and mauy of them have come to me for relief. But the only relief 1 can suggest is to remove to a country where tbe weather never change!. " Bad Wreck. I* Jorkin* a pretty fair yachtsman ? I wa* DO diversity nf opinion." .S ion men | exemplify Christianity And win hjn for j th* Master they serve. th* diath rate, a slight inoreate ; and the birth rate, a small decline. rNITID STATtj*. The Montana Methodist Couference hu decided to admit Women ai members on aine foottng aa men. PEARLS OF TRUTH Nature 11 motion's mother. Juntoo. What a power there U in inooceooe. Moore. Good nature it the beauty of the mind. ) (Han way. Strong reatoo* make strong actions. Shakeepeare. Dreame are rudiment* of the great stale to COXA*. Bailey. That lue is long which auawen life'* great end. Young. H* who undervalue* himaelf i* juitly uo- dervalued by other*. Hazlitk Patience w th* lupport of weak****; impatience nth* rum of itrengto. Col- ton. All thing! ar* artificial, for nature nhe art ot ..i.i. Sir Thumai Urowo*. By th* very oooititution of our nature moral evil i* iti owu oar**. Coalmen. Good humor i* one of th* beet articles of drat* on* cau wear in toci -ty. Tbaukeray. Come and take a choice of all my library, and 10 beguile thy sorrow*. Shakecpeare. XV here love u there it no labor; and tf there be labor, that labor IA lov*d. Auitiu. When true friend* meet in Advene hour, U* ilk* A *aob*ain through a shower. S,-e-t All preMutiment* that Are confirmed by events give a man a higher idea of kissif. (lijsth*. Malice and hatred are very trotting, aod apt to make our mind* sore and uneasy. Tilloltson. Scorn no mail's love though of a mews degree ; ove is A prvMOt for a mighty king. Herbert. 1 ow little do they see what is who fr**n* thnr i .ast.y judgment upon tbat wbtok *ems. -outli*y. t'h.lonophy, when superficially itodied, eiuiles doubt ; when thoroughly explored, it Jupeii it. Bacon. A word unipnken it like the word w the icani.ard, thine ; if vented, thy sword it us another's hand Quarl**. Convict Farming* Pays. The managers of the Miatiatippi oooviot farm announce tbat oat year'i experieoce with it hat Dteo thoroughly satisfactory and it will turn into th* State Treaaury o.no $60,000 net over all exp*A*e*. Thiu A'l.ouut would have been twice a* large if tne farm bad been largo enough to give employment to all the convict*. MioiMippi abandoned tbe iy*tm ot working out of C mviou, to general in th* South, lit! No. He struck A meg early in the season j year, and purchased A lAnn of 10,000 and ba* itaid thtre ver lire* So? That'* too bad 1 Yei ; he'i (tuck on himMlt Not the Wires. thai "Central" girl Broker What'i the matter with telephone ' Are the wire* cro***d t Ciik No, I |A*at th* BAI been oroaeed. A--rei, the convict* luraiihing tbe laboa, Th* experiment h*s been a lucoeu in aJI re-pect*. Th* ooovict* ar* b*' tor treated, the fatnt produoea a haadeotne reeua,, nd there u no objweuou from the people, a* th* production of cotton by ooaviot labor deai not afteut ire* labor unfavorably in any way. Authority will be atk*d from the LegialAtnr* for th* purohat* of snotken farm.

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