Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1895, p. 4

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THI FL18H1RTOH VADAHCI Ebr.u i.iHHKD 1881 IVHI.Is||M> UEKKI.Y AT TIIK OFFICE. M I> IMIVM *IKKKr, PLRNllKKToN, tT., IH . II. TU1 K.-.TON. $1 PIT annum. strict I) In mlvancc Adveitistug Kates: Ouu ( . ilf ml , 1 <|u * > \t-ar, !&. Traim i i;.-.l at the rt i >ii auiJ 3 ceuU ('.Hilda now has her own canal at the Snult mid upoifi-ctly independent of the I'. 8. ditch across tbo river. The C'aiiu.liau canal is an affair worth talking about. Il holds scvcutf. fret of water, while the sewer ou the ii. in eido only holds sixteen, 'is gmud B\hti in of steamship irri~ was built to emphasize Canud- sau i It cost but hush 1 Thr sum ii not to bo iiu utioiied auiid the yi-nsial rejoicing. It might in of eontMM Toronto had tl:r ini. fortune to be- aonu- b rtfi (.f 1 . r wuti-r supply last Or rmt the source from wliich she has been drawing was sud- denly v.itl. drawn by the; breakage of an c ulnch connects Uic outer hike vuth her water tuns. <>f 'i'uruiiio now have to boil their inij; <>o swallowing, and tin} ;-.- i. "i ii.-i.il tu that. It is : .n of affairs for the . i.f tl.. (Jii. -i -n I'uy. It is au ki: 1.. '.-c of anxiety for them to decide JIHI where tiiij thirst-quench- i cliws of food shouM be placed. An acci K ut hy which several horses lost iluii- lives ou Sund.iy by straying en to tin i ail way track emphasizes Uic fact thiit the regulation guard as ut pixscnl in use is totally unfit to pro- Vct (urinc-rs from loss. Iti this case Umt \uluiiblc young animals lost tju ir Inib. and it is said the owuei can MI-III' DO 00fllpttMtiO> bMMM the go.'erniiii.-ii'.. liud mude legal the ># i: use and railway coins I-. inns nre therefore nirt rct-ponaihlc. Wi helievt cur County Council mem- ulialii.'d the- ^uveriiineiit that the pro- Kent pioticliuii \v;is inud< ijuule, but nothing has bun dm-.o to improve inatteis. The old guards, it IB said, wore much | r> ft-iuble to the apologies ioi protMlion i>ow in u-i-. J 1,1 I;-i--i:ui (i .\v: n incut has Under- lil.i n ;) n.il:i tl.e iiiiiniifucture and aale of into \ic-iiinx li-jnor a Govern mc-ir i. --I ,i|dy. The >>yiitctn will IK j ut iu f-uci- in right provinces in I \\ ill he r UYCI- tht ... In l/\ 1H!)8. Of coin-no tin: t un iii-wspupii.i approve of the tfcliomo, aa t'n-y do of overy othn (jovi inmental decision. In most count!!' s the ' > lit in a part tin- h '.' , t:il;iiio; u .isk Liiuteil j C/ar dui liothin n ' hy h.i. ' ihe. Whiuvaps at Holland Centre. O, n Sound, > ,.:. I One of then tiii in llio illill:ill ilf thi.t unUiity ra ndranci-il BiU.;< yuhlunUy l>> i In un ,i In nch "f Ala^i i trail >. coiiaint'ii^ nl li". ,| _/u 1'iu-e, Hi ,i:g- S|ieiiivr Hiul .1 H. \\ ilki'i ...ii, .1. I'.'i for lln- mill !y of lire), of a ci'iiuinu caMtt ol \\ I.i i..i; IMII. i lull,.. niLht of Angus 1 i i i i -i .III l.iii , who ruitdf* a Holland < tin- lo* uhtiip of II I. ,ii,, . i,|fi,> i hi* ho. in- "u id. r ITU ;; n; nl, il In visit n si. k Wi'il. i i. .K. I I, i k I'll nil, lit, I.!, leu mil'-.t fioli 1 :.', ii IIIL.' l In;; tlii"Wii nViT Ills h,-.t ami I I .< <i Hi- : H- *n.i thru tied t alii 41, il l>i .'iti n inn ii utfuil.v liy JX.THO... wli-. - "f I. is wifu, in.: Vkoatavl I I .'. ..' r <> >n t m.iki ohaiiuu iu il.it ti, '. ' I "f hur, lint n th" c ml ln-ilny I!,D 'Ii pUyeit tlie con taney if a Inn.- utt'i In n tnueliiiiK ili> ( "r h.ul nlw.iys ii - n i, ! in.. I kni.l i.i liur, ainl ti-,i fc.-r 01 y u ulilu linJ i>< i it i .tusul by lu tii.ii n. -..In. Thr ro mil of the pro > ii'igt l"li.T wiw tli.il .1 iii-us II. Ho*i; j^nd Sn/.i.. I l.ory, ti-u f-unu-rH of II , I i Uill' heir trial at the Fall Aanizes on the of conspiracy, and alto on tin- ;o of iMault and wounding. The ns.,ner eavi- ball for their appeariknco i the ,-iiiiniint of $4,UOO, thuoimilvm in he KUIII of f 1,00() and four auruticK, viz., i\ill,iiu N"'*l'iii, \\illiaiu liowey, Ja. In i.-i ie and Henry Norton, in the mini -f 8000 each. The case lasted from lu . in. tulip, iii , and the largecourt room ran coiihtiuitly crowded with intureotud ]n r*:ii ir, nriny if tlii-iu bein^' from the il>rli'HHl nf the occurrence, and the act of their leaving their harvent and ithei hii-vinesa at this time show* moat oiuiusivi-iy the il, cp intui'est that i i>ki n in ihe caae, and general Bfttisf.-ic .ion is expres^ud here to-night at the turn all lira h.ivi: liki n. I'rovinei ;i! < 'unstable C. C. Penrci- has A\ ch.ii^i- ot theuttuir for aoinu ilnyn,and win 1-1 1'.li.i in putting up a atroug e.v-i- on lehalf of the prosecution. JnineH Mas- *, n, i,ii'., -i|>,.i:ared for the pronecution, ami II. <i. Tucker for the prwiinTH, luit rc-itvrveu Ins defuice until next court. Tlie New Canal. M.irie. Sept. 7. The new hip canal w:u> formally opi-ncd at 3 18 i. in. to-ilay umler the direction of Mr 1 ' !' \ 1, l.'anal huperinicii'Itfiit. Tin- ' i -In -in Traii>|M>rtition C-iin- lll\ ,1.1.,: M.-lJlhlll, In-ill^' till) IIUW- iii.nnan-liuilt pasitenger Uiat, WEN li iiu? lint one lucked through ;, .1. n ' ithhtauding the American : r.'j'-'itu to the contrary, and i fell > 'I hy that vcNcI from . i I'aikand return, ]i.ik.-ii,L- ii through the cana 1 . l-'ully |i.trix-i[i*cil in th i x, in sum. ni<l I'M ^n-.iti-kt eiilhuaiaKin pruvuileil tin, u.'lioiit. Vwawli now utin^ the Ain- iii only load to ahou) f,,ur v. iiil.it by UHini; the new u ii nieHiM Inn, i . M i un ii. I i han- .,nt, ai.il a dtptli -if i wa!i-r in Init 1 ! :i|.p!i..-i.-li- - Tlic canal will I i ully i p-nii! fr liiittio on Monday i next, r.inl all-ecuien will be paau-d through. The Markets. ruiclullv 4>rri*rlrd Knrh WM Klour f3 60 t. U I lUrl.-y iiu, ' Iluiter . . . K^L'-. fresh ci bai r,-ik :> t'. 31 to ;ci to to LI to 10 to ("lO to 500 to Hay (,cr ton ....... 900 to II,,! , Miu'p>kins Turki-)* ............ vkei' |.i r p.iir ..... Dm k< t.er pair ..... Wo, I .......... 300 25 V (to 8 to i."> ' 40 to 17 to . n ti 10 i i:. 10IKI 3INI I M 40 50 20 ertoa Hardware Hoase ! Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. I i ;".;.. s, Cast 1: iii'l K.\t<-inlud Cook Slovi"-. ItuX anil I'.uliT Sti-viw, whieh we in I- j_',,iii_' in .itrer cheap for r:ish, or \' ill I- pi ,:ltl-.l to J{jl 0111- til IWO jriiiiT ti:in- if n-iiir.ivil. 'tin! nml MI i" i, i !,i-f'iri) buying. ' i I'.-.ilJinx Hard i Twine. F, G, KarsWt - Prep, < > AT TKE- Woolleri NORTH GREY pall j Exhibition OWEN SOUND Hon., TIB,, Wei,, and Tiiurs t. 3. 17. i: : ., i . $2,500 Cash in Prizes SSnilSPEClllTTUtTmS Tba Collowlog ipectal artlsta liav be, gurii II. -II Kri,-. ' I (iia'.iHin I'.t i -Cyreni 1 ii* lex- l iit. litlii 1 . litsuitie. HU baa 11 i-'jiml I... LI- "Slie IK iniii(iii- jroaafl and paoaful. She bai no rival.' N, * V l,j. i , paM.it us vrapte ],i i ,i D I 1 1 ' --ilia. Illlll .. , ['.I - .lll~-Cll M bijjll wi-i- at t The ful'iiwintt PK.KIIIIII will IK) followed u r i v N-. ii w. aclnfj exhibit-. ini .I*. n i -tl^^. rth.i HII.I A-ti-l :..H.:I. 1 ! licata .> - < truj-OTi- l ' I'.V' Iii f^ . -il* lit I T.l . wire Ull'l t, - V. h N. (')ill Iren un , ,'i,.n Ml i , - I*IK' - : . i . n nil- rl..u Till K ' ' ' i'AV Afti-lrnM-1, i I II t i, 1 1, . ., ivhuui ' ItU II ir.i-lu of all i't, Kill- In,) . 1C i form 1 i H, X. At I |, , . train ant) I N. < toc'<< nmt b i on ICriimiil I - , H 111. N N n. a t. HI - . r .I,,.- an. I N. . -h lit r i .Tlu-ulam fc... bllli. J. H. McCullouKli, E. Umon, W. A Urlcr I'M". Manager Trot . i A. U.rUK>, AVER'S Hair VIGOR Rstores natural color to the haUr, .nd svlso prevent* It taUlnv out. Mrs. H. W. Fenwiok, ol Divby, W. 8., smys : "A littlo more than two years ago my hair 5o,ooo ibs. WOOL WANTED tlm hiu!i<>t |'- i'n i. '!<, full el -th, kind uf yiirn, etc. p ! |'-iM in e.i-h or li;nle in ail UiniU 111,1 li JIHIlls IK'!l .n tWei-. rico will f blinkuU anil all CUSTOM WORK bri in,', Will he p-oinptly altundud to in all iU S, i .inn'/, roll cnrding, we.u - ,, li-llui^, dyi'ii,j{, eto., etc. I..VE US A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. xeF- ^^l , and fall ! out. Af- tor the use of onp ' hair w:n reatored tu its original color and oi-.-isnl fulling out. An >nal application haialnee kept tin- h;iir in ^iiiiil coneutlon." JUrs, Jl. K FENWICK, Digby, N. 8- Growth of Hair. " Eiffht yonrsapo, I had thovario- loid. and mrt my liair, which prevl- (nisly \\it.s quite abundant. I tried n variety of preparations, but with- out l ..... lii'ial ri'.-mlt, till 1 Ix-gaii to fear I shotilii 1- permanently IwUd. About nix months ago, rny lnis>and brought homo a bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vipror, nml I bepnn at once to use It. In a xhort tinio, new hair l.H-R.iii to appear, and there la now '\crv prospect of as thick a growth of h:iir (is bi-fore my illness." Mrs. A. Wr.uLit, I'olymuia St., Now OrloiiiiH, La. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR DR. J. C. AVER A CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. 4vr' fill* <mre Siek FARM F )R SALE. I(X) trrrii HI tin- :! lil|i nf ArL'tntthla. 11 ir.llna from n.i- . -illume of Klontn-rtun. Oooa l>nlliliiifi n ,: -i n .ivcry linhl. Sinail orchard. TarauaMj. \|,|>l.tn l-l^hi.,1. mi> .s, W. T. D. LKUABII. FOR FRESH Lemous, Flour. and I ota.to<^s. - oivo- W.BARNHOUSE A TK'IAL. To Smokers To ouct the wlibM ol their cuitomcr* The > E. Tucketl A >on Co., Ltd., Hamilton. Unl.. have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO Tl.i.-i snppli< s a long fVH want, ing the consumer one '20 cent i or a ti-n cent pi r co or a 5 i of tin- famon "T&B" brand of pure Virgii. la Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. PtRSONSTO TRAVEL. WANTED ScMr.J faitl.fu! .mil l.ii lu.s t,i ti.i\i-| inr i-stah'i.-hi ii IH>U-M'. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. I'^itioii pcuiuneiit if suited ; also in- iiul enclose self- tnmpi-<l finelop.-. THE NATIONAL Ji6-Ji7-JiHOguha Bid*.. CHICAQO. BICYCLE . . REPAIRS. \Vhi-M your liii-ycli i> out if order scud it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY. OWEN ^ \\ hi-ie joii c.iu have it put in gin.d h ipe. All kinds f roji.ur work aiti-inlt-d tu at ivaHonaUe nitus. J AS. <H. WII.SO.V Flesherton Planing Is now in in-live opuration anil prepir- nl to tum '"it any iiu-intity i f first ,-!i< 8 work, such us durs, iuuMiiig*,floorin^, , etc. a,nd Turning 1' ' ' r. \Vi-.-iljo ! M-S. (iivr us your order fur any- tiling in i.ur line. Beecroft & Sloan. Farm for Sal" 1'v in,|, . ( . not . "Ill" I ,.f |:,i| |i n i. i.uii; 100 n i !!!- , i rnl , , > i i.-:i -i- ( KOO<| hartis ami ou A great ! _i!i. I,-, t. inn, itc M K,l,lrn or t -.\ll on tliu nw u-r. sXfllUUT, kppin| 1 Hli'i-n,| Ill" FLESflEilT3H STHI LUII1T. I li.i' I te Rti-an: lanintry ui. Mul am |-u-|,i i ! to Ink,- in .iiu ity uMauiidry work at lowar in i . , th.in an- i-l, I havi- |-,i PI I'm li-et aint iiiont h ,.-.-> to ih.it . i . givu in* a i-itll. Kutlre I! ultra u turd, ami i-iicen Inw. Wi tatinfartkm pltlCBVILLR AND DURHAM STAOK. Piirliain stUKt loavon Klu~ln'itn Station at T.I3 a. in , ii-tuini < 4."i i- i.'. I'rirovillu lla^e lca\.i>. the NAIII* plac-0 *t l'_!.:*i, retuiniuu at 4.i',. Kro tu I'rKWilU and rutnrn. 50 ctmtl ; Din hin, 1.50 tor iluru,7"io tini;!'' fare, l.ivury In cnu occtioii, Urd*n umy bo loft at eithr liotl A MeCALUa, Prop. n. R. & co, \Vi- have received nd opened HJ) our iin|>orted Mutitlus for the fall ai.d winter and auk our lady eustmr.e:* to lixik throu.'h our stuck. AVe have some L'ui.t styles f' >r this season aud nt price* to insure itukk sle. Heavy tad LM Unties Far Trinnsd Hanllss Mantles ft-.in ?2 to f20f-e'i. M.r in blacks, bluer,, bmwns.fawno and grejri. Full mi.-- :il?n a good ran^re ot Winter ClothC. " ;r new fall ft- ck of Overcuats is just pi'tied and we sdrise early purchase* of these goods aa any repeat orders we may h-ive In jilsc* will be at a marked advance "ii pi esent prices. We bought these gix><t< well and have inaikcd them at popul.ir prices. 30 cacs of Overshoei.-viid Rubbers lmr> been tuwsed into stock this week. AM: Another coii'igiimcnt of 50 pack- ages of Choice Fresh Tea direct imp. irt. If y u npi'reciate a fine flavored tea try sample package. We warrant all our t?at. M, Richardson & Co. DlliECT I M POUTERS. I I ;ir< I ware J Dep't. Something Special $12 In A lo-.v i riceil g,>ml Cooking St. hi -H will i h M-ixiJ niul hvi i p>"l i/e 1 n\en. It U very properly liHiued, THE HUSTLER ami we intend to rnmlle i f , alonsf with an- other line of (.'"'iking and Box st which we have ju^i &* m DIAMOND FIRE BACKS At 75 cents each, they will 6t n^mly any e.>okiii'.' R'.UVB nml are tery haiM'y : put in. Try oi:u :ind sco. NEW GOODS A row line nf Maple Leaf stovo board*. A 40 inch Tin Baby s Bath. A new lot of Granite YVanh BoHiii!i. A linn of FavoriU) b'oven for heniiii'.'. Curling Tongs at 20 cents each, see thfin. II}. Richardson ^ 60, .

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