Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1895, p. 5

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THI FL1SHIRTON ADTAJfCB Oillce of QEO. MITCHELL ^ FLEStlERTO* Aii'-ni:. tl I'.uikiui; bn-.i:. ,. u,i....ru'te.l Draft* Iftued an<l :he>|.i>-- <-,; ,,.il at usual rattt. Mooay alw>HfilHble for lenlmat? In. nUrpriixt. Offloe two iio.;n uoctii of U.oliinl- lou & Co'. Vicinity Chips. < liar trieristlr* of the Past Week run-full) Culled for the intit'i amomj liirul* wi-'l I* rhiifjfd at thf rat'- "f I"' i" i' i imtrlion. A rnlurtiitn mail* mi nmtrti ' /iiua or over. Kli.ur 93.00 per lil.l. at BurnliouKt's. K. -ir only gi.60 per l.'.l. at R. Pe<l!;ir . roller flour .inl r bbl. 1'. LniK-ki. ( fid stamps bought --issues previous to 1 -?i. Lea ro on envelopes and ciul i i ihii ii:' Mr. \\'m. Strain U aiMini; another ttorey to liis residence and I ri.-k ve-nrur- in? the Alex.-iiul.T Scut I, weaver of rai} iil v i .lien carpet*, <{iiiitN, tu >>!, f':vu;:eli, etc., \vn"llrii mill, r'!e-!.ert. 11. Mr. I'niwu, jewel.. -, M rk<U cejit-il.ly fUli-il the pulpit i.f the Metho- dist chiiivli here on SimJ.iy morning. The annual lnrve>t Ii 'ii'e . f The hytct _;:iti..n at Hi;.. i in the Orangu Hull K.< r-- n the f Thursday the; :'r I Sir. n;id Mrs. T. Hill wen; a' sent from town la-.r week alte'l. th* tatter's father, Mr. J<mat;:.ti, fuller, .1 ..f Hastings, who Jie.l <>r. rhu rdy previous. V.'e roceivfU a c>|>y u; IV t..u \_Ti-nl-ural Society'* [in/ li-i , liich WM neatly pnutexi at the Herald olike-. The fair will be held at Dun u!k n i let. 10 and 11. Mr. Kl. Thompson, !. -i em- ployed with the mettt [tacking company, Collin;wo<xl, enlistetl under iho 'mnuer of the bone-diets last week. \\V In learned the fortunate lady's n.-i:n -. Meaford and Tlmrnbury ue-t]u[<r limn are x>ur on each other. Tin; i|iium<] it all over baMtba.ll matters, Mid each party appears tu be dreadfully ia earnest. ''Let thu old cat die, gwiiiln:en. Thu Durham Chronicle cama out last week in a new and unproved form, h is now a twelve page tire column paper. I'vo. Mitchell in certainly ^ivii'tf tu Ins sulucril-ri thu worth of their inoiify. \V. C'iayuiu has been appointed agent for the Dominion Money tinier Kxpi"<< Cunipany for Fleshup. un ai:d noi.-hl>.r- houd. This ia th belt aiid cheapest iv f r lending money by mail to any place iu the world. K.>r stile on time or fur cash. Thf undersigned haa for sale a i;.>od service able horse, one good/iiew denux-rat ..: jjoti. complete with pole (made by 1). Mc- Tjrish) two aecjtid hand busies, one double sleigh and two cows. John W. Arm-t oiig, Heihcrtoii. Ayer's Hair Vigor tonu up tlio weak hair-i-'.'ts, stimulate* the v tissues which supply the hair with tiou, strengthens the hair itself, and adds the oil wliich keeps the shaft* soft Ins- r.'i; ., and silky. The must popular :u,.l valuable toilet preparation in tin; < rM. Mr. J . T. Bwt of the < 1>. U. h.vl three young horses killed on the railway track on Sunday moroinx, and one Ixuily Muunde'l. Tile animals were all living when discovered, liut three of tiiei.i liao tu be sh.it. It ii thought tho f. urth will recover. There in nothing to prcveiil any. :. c.icting a mixture and calling it "sursa- panlla," ;uul there is nothing to \ uiy.iie spending ^ooil money tewtin,' the stuff ; but prudent people, who n be sure of their remedy, t;iko only Ayer'.s Nirsi'iinili, aud ao gut cured. Al:houi(h a large numlwr h.ivo visit*] Toronto fruin theau parl.s dui ; week, the ntiiuber has - -, to that of last yei r. On Monday inoiu ing, th tirst day of the cheap ;-vur-i<i:i<, 40 tickets were sold from tin* station. On the correaponding day uf la.st year 48 were disposed of. \\'iia i. ur Eugenia correspoadent uway to tho fair all last week and ilu- iuipui-Unt metropolis like what KngrnU U Ittcoaiingsluuld have lire correspond- ent. If our est jtmud cor. out there d.>en not wake up he will, we fear, find him- self superseded some <>f those days by a inorv enterprising and loyal citizen. At the annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Meeting mi Thursday last the following iitlie-eTs weru elected : Pres , Mr. \V. H. Thurston ; 1st Vice Pre., Mi.i. t.jer.lruin ; 2nd Vice Pro*., Mrs. W. \V. Triinl.le ; He.-, bee., Miss Slack; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. \V. ArnutruuftTreM., Miss Belle Christ . All the local Korretera and their friends, ucconip-iiiied \,y the band, drove orer t Durham on Kinliy to attend the duinunatraliou in honor of Dr. Oronhya- teklia. Tlie iitfuir HIM a bi;{ success. Mr. I. 1 5. .yd of tliia place tixik second in the live mile bicycle race. A WaJkertoa man ifol h'rt. Tliere were five ImmU at thu ilein. .ir Ir.i'i.jh, Aii.l we are pluu.ted to le-irii that i.urown played second fiddle to none >'f them. The '.eiiiis trump is a freijuei.t visitor in town thcjo bt-aiitiful days. It is the sum- oM tale : "I 'oiild you help a jmor man a little. I can't i_'*t iv./rk." Why can't . n;tl and net up lOiiu-ihiiiK new in ^liape of a story! M ot tin-in u.- strong, able-hodicd men, ai.d ' i- -tit. of tin in have strong, able- vaths when they arrive in our sanctum. Cur wood pil.', however, of abou' H, ia rather viierv.-itiii'j to .Hip. Sir .1 -ihu ll.ile-i had a narrow e::i| e from a fi-iitiua .-i.-cidunt on M ^ ii.itu.l on n ladder taking "(F V - n. n s resideiicu. niiW Wider repair, he was stiuck on the ii by a i . iiioiher workm .u. Tho III. w cut a gatih in Mr. Males' i.-a,!, iU/.u>',' him somewhat, ljut not i(tiir .: lii.ii . i!' Iho ladder. II d thu blow bteii a little mure severe Mr. H .! -A. '.! I.. i' .- in. "i : .1 li:s l.-i.^tli op the I;M-J:I 1 and |'.- .ilily The A.U an-o would have had a death tu ehnmiclo. l!i-v. Mr. \Viln., n. r'lX-abyterian minis- ter at f'altdou and pastor of the KI. ton c. i..o-M:it:..ii a few years ago, is hav- inil some difficulty with hi* Alton emigre- itaUoii in the matter of salary. The Alton people owe Mr. \\ ilaon about $-'*) at d appear to be in no hurry to settle. The -i --ret ul the trouble in said to lie in tl e fact that tl.e preacher haa made himself obnoxious to m my of his pirishioiie ) I y an a.-gn-aHi\e p.'lilicul p(jlicy Mr. \\ il > wlut is soinct lines called a "red hot Tory." The matter was before Oi villo Presbytery on Tuesday werk, when Uiv. Mr. Boll of Uurel and Kev. Mr. Ureekeniidije of ('iled.ni we.e instructed to inter>iew the Alton I'resbyKTia-'S with a view t.. cffe'ctiuj a aettlemont of the dirhculty. PERSONALS. M >" ^ ,i-:di Strain left on Fiiday t<> take ac ursc in Alma college, St. Tlioinns. Mastirs \V. Thompson and K. Tayl. r for 1'ariy Harbor, where they expect te secure woi k . Mrs. >.. \\-ilterof Kiml>er!ey*in visit- ing with H' i 1 r. ther. ye editor Mi-. A. s;,e . s HI, Prot.'n Srati.m, wa a c.iller (in Tuesday. Mr. D. llowell of tl place wa^ a! -o in town. 1 i-y Ni'il lin leturned b"U after a three wtcka' \ j.s,t to fiiend* in Fcve-rsh;il ami C.'iliii^wo.nl. Miss Aniiii Pinwoodie left last week to 'lien.U in ' . . .eland >:ayner. r i ., Ida Diiiwoodie has returm-d h. :nu after a | roi :iyid visit to friend* in Oolliiii{Wiiod and fSinynor. Mr. JMMB (MfcWM of S f yner [laid a \ i^it to fiiendx in town ! > Mr. Albert Ueeciofi paid his frivnds n Stayi.er a chorl visit hut week. '!""-' i :; of Nottawa in tho KUcst of her si-' er, Mrs. \V. J. li.-liainy. .Mi>.< 1. /./.K- Kiel. Is has l'i- n M-. in f. r some time with her brother John at Bchonberg. North Grey Exhibition. V/c are in ruct-ipt of complimentary j,re r thu Hb.ive exhibition to 1,.- I, cl.i on ill.- plmsnro (M 'iiml<. O-nn SniiiiU. next Monday. Tuesday. \V, ihiv nnd Thnr.-.day. Tn inMiiion to nil all i active m.il rangy ?2,."<KI ,-asli pi-i/o l.M, llie- in'i-l nii.iill^ illleciors haVO 86 cured it niMul <-r of liiit elaHj attractions, the programmo which appeirs in our d- ver'ising c. luiiins shows the following: Spoednii in tho ring, bicycle races, band cuinpetitii .n, Ln l!ulle Hios., the cele l.rai i.l tra| e/.e performer- ; C'yienf, tha world renowned character and acrobatic dtnccrand slack i.e aitiste; Uiaham IJroi., the h : gh wire walkew; I'r. f. Mun^oren, the celebrated stilt- wa'k ng acrobat and comedian. In addition to all this ther.; will be a brilliant diaplay of fireworks every afternoon and evening under the nkilful management of Prof, Kuvaii. We have no doubt that the activity displayed by the directors will secure a tremendous attendance at their fair. Krjn of Montreal's hiiKinesN men hare In i n arreMMd on the charue of setting tire to their stores. Fall Fairs. East Orey, Flesherton ^pt. 2(1 27 Proton, Dundalk Oct 10 11 ArirniLsia, Piiceville Oct. 8.',) North (ii ey, (Iwen Sound .. Sept. If, ri iod, Clarksburij. Sept. 19 20 , Varkdale Oct. 1 _' Steer Came Astray. Came to the premlaei of th*> onderniKCed, lot "i, ci'ii 'ii or nti.Hit lull I uliI ir.-tjr. Tb owuur m r-.iu, M.. i r propet ty, pay oxpeiuM and taku tliu same away. HRK mi) i. in HT- KM-r: li.iui P. O. Came Astray. d to the promiKHti of the nu'l-mi,ened. lut -J 1 . 1 , CI.D. (i, ArUuut"m nu ur.abo it ; (till --t'.T. 'It!.- .,WHf> to prove property, pay exp* 111 "'* --m-l t.ikf ttauiti away. i't, KEEP Your horsps free from IlieH by getting them a net nf le-ath- so Y'ou will nave ni.nifv. Y. ur horses are not no apt U> run 'v>\v when they are not irritated by the '' COMBS AND BRUSHES Of tli- l'e>t kniil-. ( . -' yon trrostly in keeping your liur-..'s look nig slick. Orenses ms-e Oil, VVui.">n Hn-as*. II f OintiiM nt. Hani -< < Hi. MarneHs Soap, I'olinh. .in. I i-vrrytirii" t.i.it will pre- serre your ban. Binder* WHips Lung Biul'i \'> I WhipM of- rveiy ilei riiition sii'l pr;.--s the SMIIH- All kiu. In of light ami heavy li.un.s-. WILL NUORE. Propriotiir Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctors Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKING Cherry AVER'S Pectoral. "I contracted a soverooolil, wli;. Ii settled on mv lungs, ami I dlilwlia: i" .-iteii ilnno In such rssp-i, nenlectcil it. tliir.Kiii^ n would BO nvay us it .'am.-; but. I found, after a Uttle While, thai Iho slightest, cxeiliun pain. 'I ii.i-. I Ui.-n Consulted a Doctor who founil, on <>xriminln(r roy lunin, that thn upperpart of tin- left one was l>.nlly affected. lie gimme somo mwllcliio which I took :\t directed. l>ut Ii iiil not sm-iu tn lo any good. Fortunately I happened to read in Avcr's Almannp. of tho effect that Avi-r's t'lierry Pectoral !m 1 on ethers, and I deterralnea to ive it .t trial. AMsr taking a few doses mr rouble was relieved, ami Before 1 haw fln- Isliod thn nottlo I wan cured ' '.V. LEFLAK, watclimakor, Oramiovlllo, Uut. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World'B Fair. I'lUn C'uro Indii/estio*. gi tr Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and l\op;iire<l. also Planing and Matching, baud Saw. ln#, Wood Turuing of every des- cription. Planing and Gnun Chnp. ping doae while you wait, fur th^ Beavor turns the wueeJ. T. Jf WILSOM Manager Get . . . The Best . . . For Your Money _ We are now otferina a well Hrlectud .i>s,.i-tmeiit of LadicH' ano Fine Foot wear in <l\!..nls, lialinoral ami Huiton linota and Slip;-er*, b also the heavier grades which wn nre otrerini! at bottom I'ni-rs notwirh- Htanding the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give us a t? trial. Custom Work and Repairing attended to promptly at ^ C KAY TON'S I .- w " : OUR SALE . . . One ton of Dry floods j IM received, such as Dress Goods, Flannels, Cottonades, Blanket*, Shirt* and Drawers. In fact, to make it short, wi have a tul! raiijjo of Fall & Winter Goods <i.ir prices are always low- <> h.\v w; don't make much m. i, sales are more satisfactory, and small | r.liu are neceHsary these u I;. .. . ;n.( Sh(ie urrivim,'. Teas coming in imported for our -., 'rule. Please call and ai-i- an. Butter, Eggs, Skins, etc., Taken T.HILL, HELLO THERE! Do you want ; t r,, , i.i..s ,-.-irri;ii:e ' Then go to D. Blair he can supply y.. u. Il.n , \..n seen our "Eclipse" Cart? If you h. iv. not i hens | !>urchamn|{ and yon will buy no other If y,,, ;in . , lt ,|,, . , .,. ,|,, , ,-. (|1 , '"' ill lie pleased t.. meet yon. Remeinl,, manufacture evtryrlm,- m t 'ie ca;Tmi{e line :md iwtiM.u-t ion guiirunt -e.l Shop me >miectioii wrli .M.-Tavi>h'H lilne-k-iinitli .lir.T D. BLAII^. iL*L3'* J)ay Every day a busy one. and yet we are offering some very inducements iu Phish Parlor Suiti's, and an exceptionally lino assort- ment of parlor Hilling room odd pieces in plush, rugg, silk, ramie .uri other coverings. tViiti" Tallies at vciy low prices m solid oak as alao i:i -.valnut and antique tin'..-h. Our line of Dining Ko.nu Fiiniituro w is never more completi-. show- ing a largo vaiiety of djsigm in Kxtonsiuu Tables.as well as Fall Leaf ili; Table. Our ni'W pattern Dinin;; ciiuirs aiu at once . comfortable and [>\< A .-pccial hue ofinciu; picture frames Jit slamj'iUT |M *'" Also some very pretty Window Shades aud Curtain l'-)li s to bo uhan;.l out at cost. Our undertaking department is as uusual tirst class, aud prices well ask those we have MTVtsV i c nnnDP Furniture Dealer J. t. i lV/UKt and Undertaker. < < * < < < < 4 < I , ' f: .'-' ^"^j 7r*T*r*7 r 7^r .< Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: But no such word is heard from tho I -I'NI >A1.K : L'A'J A u.l why not from thorn as woll as from other places of business, because il.k-y an' 1 Nellit,t; at prici .1 that biiiiLj tlio oustoin for mauy miles around. The S and cts. are $ mid cts. with thosn that have buying to do this season. It would btf'pitc easy for us to nuote (! pr. la, lies' hose for 25 cts , Is. O. cotton for $1.00, -j large sizo handkerchiefs 41, etc., but our aim is not to give you a lot of cheap goods for $1, but to give you good goods which you cannot buy iu other stores for the same amount of money. Although Boots and Shoes havo advanced wholesale 2fc>/o wo still sell them at ihu old patron price. We are enabled to do this owing to a largo stock bciny bought before tho advance. You would do well to get your supply be- fore t!ie assortment is broken. Wonderful low prices for roadymade and ordered clothing. Meu's all wool suits for $5.22, etc., etc. Tho highest cash prices for all kinds uf produce. Save yonr dollars by buying at CALHOUN'S

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