jUtfranix TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. 1 YOL. XV, NO. 767 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1895 W.fl. THURSTON, Vttn f& fm t Is this the Place ? Yei, this if the plsce where you get BARGAINS IN Jewelery OF ALL KINDS Such bnrxains well only last for a SHOI^T PERIOD Come Now \V. A.. -ArmstroniT Our Business Directory Eugenia. Fromonr ow-i currapondrnt. Deer hunting is all the go at present. Mr. Richard Parks shot a splendid one on his own farm last Friday. One waa alao so tame that it came up to James Campbell's house and looked in the win- dow. If one of the other sort of dean would go and look in it would be much better. This one must have known it was a bachelor's hall. Mr. Arthur Cooey and some other ' young gentlemen of Toronto are visit- ingat Mr. Jake William*. Mr. Wesley Latimer of Toronto IN visiting at the parental home. The stone and brick work on the new church is now finished and reflects great credit on the contractor, Mr. George Proctor. Everyone says it ia the hand- somest piece of stone work they have ever seen. Tho Presbyterians had a be on Monday clearing up the refuse (tone and rubbish from around the church. Eugenia has had another visitation of tire. At midniuht on Friday Mr. Peter Fall Woollens . . . ALL IN STOCK NOW . . . FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AND SEE BOTH AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS \Vorkmansh.ip and Prices Guaranteed, r C. J. LE1TCH HERCMANT TAILOR gone to Muskoka to spend a few weeks J with her daughter. Mrs. H. Ellia. HIM Card's. X f AliKIAGE LICENSES. lued day or night at th* Jewulery Store and t rie riwldenoj of tb* undersigned .luilsniouur in H C J, Conveyancer, oto. Notary publlo JOHN VV AUM8TUON3 - FLBSHMTON M IS8 EDITH UU Il.VHDSON ' of Rout Uabr, cf HUIUII Germany, r Mr* Urnliev. of T.-i >nt.j CoiiMirvatury ilu. i*. 1 . VicCiilt KorriMn.Ut* of Toronto, il'iano) will i < in KIN01SU. Vlol.IN, 1*1- Bnsa McGeu returned to Toronto nn Sherwood wa awakened by tho smoke. ' Saturday. Miss Maggie Walu-r of Fortunately the family wa sleeping . Walters Falls is visiting friends her, 1 . downstairs or possibly they might have' No service was held in tho Methodist been suffocated in their bods. The tiro church on Sunday morning, as it was parted in an upatairs apartment, which quarterly meeting service at Eugenia, vyw a mass of names. Some of tho Mr. McQuillan will preach a fa. llfcghbors assibted in removing part of * -rnion at hi* next servico here, as he is the furniture downstairs. Tho house '''"< l" lu(lvu this mission. and contents was fully insured. Mr. M -.rcon of the veneer factory has purchased several pieces of improved machinery, which in boiiig put into the Maxwell. From HI' T!ie K. i '"i (rraham of Shelburne .mil this week. That is a go.nl M. ; , ,),,. .erviee in '!i,- K forthofuture. but, for tho present tho ' chur( . h a i;lst Sun ,i. iy m ,, n iing. A 8. VANDt - Clerk Stb UlT Court, Co Grev lu*r gf Marline Llci-use<i. Couimiston*r in H.C. J, Cunvjyuncar. Auctuu IT, etc. Agent for the M*y-Hrri Agricultural Imple- mants. Clayton'* Hlock, Klesberton, opi>osit Uiuhardton hardware etor*. JrntiMty. to make it |H..-*iblu to ( .,,, M have started an run the heavy machin. ry in the mill. It E|m .,, rth > mmencing at 7.::<i 00 issomethii..; iinti-ual to see such low , ,^ ,; this suuson o, , i ihird line had J P. MAKBH.ILL. L. D.H..M.D. S, Dentint. Visit i MurkJalo tb* Ut unl liJ WodnMday of eacb uiontli. Fl**b0rtou K*cb trip 011 tba dav I.. Jf '. CLLUUOll Jt VOL'SG, UauXers. Uarkflale. do a Rennral banking bin- inei s. Money loaned at a reasonable tale. Call on us. TJEBTS CObLECTEt). Th.underMKnedii praparad to tbe collteiioii of all kind* of ilt bouijbt. account* collected, etc HKNI'l KSON nn'IarUk* Note* J W. FHOST, Itarriiter. Solicitor, Convcanc*r. Etc Flosbertou office Next tba pottoOic* Spronle ilditiK, ou Tbunulays. Uwo SouuJ offlc* . building. R. J.Bl'HOCLE. Potmater, Flenhertnn, ComnilMioner in B. II, Liceoeed Auctioneer, , Conveyancer, A pralser and Money Lander. Real Estate and luxuraoc* Ageul. D*edg. Mortgages, Lewee, u 1 Wills drawo up and Valuationn uia.lo on shortest noticv. Auction >alc8 atton !. .1 to in auy part of th* County. Mouoy to loan at low **t rati of lutertit. Collectioni attou.ltxl to witb promutneu and diwimtcb Cbargoi low. Ageutfor the Doiniinon btoauidliii. '.'. -i obeap tickets fiom Flaehortou to I.ivoipool, Cilaow. London or any of th* Brltiib porti. i.-s intending to vleit England, Scotland or Irwlacd, will plewe auk rati before purchasing 1'ioir tickets elsawbero T\R 1IUTTON MDCM.MPP&8 Ont. Prio*vlllo. Ilefttdeuc* and office one door w*l ol th* Motho liurcb.KiuroMSt. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturday* , TMl CARTER M C P 4 H Out., Physician, Surgeon, etc Fk-sherton offlc*- Straius b'ock. E**id*noo Mmihhaw a Hot. t JOHN A SCOTT, MB Muib*r College Pbyic. A Surgeons.Ontario Oraduat* in Medicine of Toror o University FBllowsLip nii.lomn, I'ost Oiaduat* Uudioa) School auJ Hi'M'ital. Chicago. Dteea**o eve, ear, uos* and throat specially tr**od. Reni- dence, MaxwoM, - layi_18 J I- OTTKVv Veterinary Surgeon. Ora<luato of Ontario Veterinary Collog*. R*ildoneKext door soutb of ktoore'a planing factory. civil. UCAS A WBIGHT. Barriitera, Boiioiton, ConTeyancers, etc., Owen bound. Out. Markdale, Oat. W. H. Wi(iBT. L U. Lccu. M. B.-Flesherton offlc*, MitcLilis Bank very Wodneeday. I'aiiiii-lfiir. AO.U.W. roooteeory flrHt ami third Moil' day in each mouth, in tlieu* lodge room nts.p. lu. V. M. Oibon, M.W. : naocler ; W. Iim Vi..iiuii; 1 .- i invitod. OYAL TtlMri.A 1 MfKRANCK. i ;nlar Conucil lueets eT*ry Orrtand t TIIO* Iny ovenr.j^ in eacb month. block at S p in. Select ir.Miianci-i meets montnly. tbo Wwluctday pi*cediui| tliettadof eacb nicntli. SONS OF '.-This society uieeti in I>r. Chrintoo' Hall ant \Ve-l nesday In each mouth at s p. in \ bretlicreu iuvited. lutuiauce in conuection. Mrs. bell ha* n-inov.,1 i, Maik.i/ , wlw , lliu i Hin ,,.,l . 4 wce k and Mi*t M MM M Gilliland lmvi;g.,no to Toronto for t!u . ro . iml winter. Miss Klla Stewart, of Flesh, r ., i.,inn-.l. Th, .posed t .,,, ,-is Ms.in^ her H ttV, M , J. I , f,,,, M ,|, ( \Wlliains, ' Ker- Another of those [>U*i.-*nt event; in of Flc.shcit.n S;.,:i,.ii Tin of a w.ildm- t.Mjk placo in the \. iiing with Mrs. J. K. Hog-. Mr. M,. t h,,di H t church hei n \\Ydii--;.. A.L-.m Hi.nlop i.t rather p.M.rly iU. i wllt . n tll( . |{ L , V Legate I in holy wedlock Miss Kli.-.il"-th Jane Mr. \V,n. John \\line. The watt assisted by her sister. M - . . i the groom by Mr. \\ 'hi' n Station. Wo wish the yoni"j couple every success. M .-M-S. Long, Fairey and McDonald left ..n Moiulay for I5y Mills. We are Thursday s " n '^' '" '" so l ' 10 " is hut hopj t. hear of their success. The i|ii:u'terly bnsiiics.s meeting of tho dist church took place on Monday of tliis week. Mr. ThoniiLi Guy and little Robbie went to Ingei-soll . n Monday. Miss Tuck vihitod with Mrs. Clark this week. fariii'-r, much f:'il U 1 P. B. A., meet in tbolr ball. Cbrlstoe's block evert second Thursday in eacb month. Vt m. Bbarp, Uastor. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PBINCR AETHUB LODC A P A V M. incut in the MUHOIMC Hall, Strain's Illock, FluHliortuu, every KrHy^i> or bforu tbe full moou. Dr Carter, W M, 1; J s*'' DUFVBKIN LODGE, No iM. i oo r. !i.uot ii- From iir .."'n ''>/ Lovely -.veather. If it i will be a great benefit to ,vt there has not been very plowing done. Tho Rev. Mr. (Joldbt-rg preaehed at Mr. i ' ' hins, --r. evening. 1 understand .ay !R re- engaged an teacher for the ensuing Miss Sarah Sinclair gavo a hallowe'en party to a number of friends la>t Thurs- day evening. A very enjoyable time wau spent. Mr. Y >'; K-.-hanls.-n of Chatsworth is vi.sitiii!! friends hero. Mrs. John Hutch- . jr., preHi-ntisl tier Iiuslnind with a ..n la.-st week U.nnor says there is to bo another wedding in this vicinity shortly. Mrs. Silcox of Meafonl is vis- iting at ht.T sisters, Mrs. <Jeo. Pritchard. I -hanl visiteil in Meafonl last week. Mrs. R. G. Warlin^ is visiting ds in Meafonl. Mr. Walter Crittith and .Ian kirnV -rley We are ' '" Many aro in the ' '' with u gave us a call lout wet k. Mr. Mc- ia-, ..iroiiiid la>i wik and put a into >"o. '.). We are .*irry to learn .Mrs. Joseph Allison is no better. Mr. James and Alex. Strachan left for Alli.stoii ,.n Monday. Mr. McKechnie of this place retunicil In 11110 la'uly from \':illli..l'.-k. Miss Kdltll Ma\e'll of ton has been visiting with relations in this vicinity. Friceville. From or ouJti Correspondent. The lieaiitit'.a eatlu-r "f ' ! few J K HAbiiTKAD M D M C A 8 Out., practices at Klm- berley. RhaamaMo di.aee t speciality. ^ TVK MAKY M. HKVM MDCM, M(JP*8, Out., Prleovlllo, Offlco ud reeitlvDO* at Metbodii.t parouae Call* nigbt or day promptly alt- Station 10 to U a.iu. WoduuaUays md g Clkfton's Hall '..!. Tnoe , day evening at 8 o'clock. ; returned < bruthron cordially . | 4l .| ,vns tl urcai l..,,.n !o tanners a.s tin re lay ( )sprey AS VAN!>I r.y, * O VV'u MOOBK. Seo Cash For Hides ! Sheepskins and all kinds of fuia pur chased, for which Indent market price will be paid. II uneinade sausages on hand, also all kinds of moeta. M. IWILSON, FLESiiKKTUN MEET KMl'dUIl M | 1 -co last wetk. wen. 1 ' - "f turnips m the Ud ; "f the week. || d in tho old ...kK-inen aro liberal- ' t'i.sliio:ie! :,'.. .nthisKi. aldu't DM Other* lu Mirpr I lad, may yet v i a hunting e.\- hav ' tho heal; .'li them. de.-r, and now their friend.. | tho catch un- I , as S.pi aunion. C. II. W m been d..i:i; \ v ; man or Son ..f T chpi>ing in his miU by hiring an engiirc nnn-- to run it for s few days while somo of day evening ? IVi-l.iosH. M .n ..n i li" :-.,.)hn! 'I. Mr. and Mr-. Mae'lon.-iM, ! of this place, 1. (' day morn I the souih l.tu 1 . i: M \. 15. 1'ell of tiiis wanls of .'',001) Now in Stock ATLAS sc I'll i I Kl - with maps of the county of Uroy, On: and the world, only live cents. Buy theao for your ehiMn-n. SCHOOL SUPPLIES of all kind* . in stock. * -TAT10NERY IN ','' \\TTTY- Wu aru headquarters for sttiou- ery of all kinds. VISITING CARDS A full stock on hand for the ladies, Patent riedicines of all kinds \V. Riclia.rcls( >i i vory enjoyable time, last Thursday r ing in their division PM.III m< Kin The lodge is increaf. i in m mbership. Mr. Donald McLachlan returned la it week where !i working during the .uiun Mrs. Tedford of Uundalk i - uf Mrs Grcer at i'i'. M m . Mr. Alex. McAuluy of ' visiting his parents thin w. We are very sorry to li-arn that Mr. Donald Camerou ia smiting very fast willi that dreaded diseiue, o iisiiniptimi. M Fanny Jttme* paid a mil to fiieiids in Hellwoud Us* wi ' .!!, me .t . haa secured a situation in a sch ml Wiarton. Mr Walter Xichol will in- struct the juveniles in v . -. v - 11 ' inont, for 18!W. Prom nut mm CormfHtt Owing to tho snow last wr.-i, th < are very muddy, hut with the pi nico went her i urnier* are getting up tin- turnips in good shape. Thu mill hero is kept vory buoy now. It is running from early ni"i till kite at ninlii . The patrons of the cheeso factory arc very much disiwUstied with th. t he proceeds of t he last <al..<:|' cheese is coming. Quite a number of cattle from i , , ,i '.. iii'teh rip.: 'li till part of country. Mix. Palmer visited friends in Sutyner for a few days la-st week. Mr. Bruce of Chicago is vi-. brother, F. C., at pri"- Miss Bowonrmn of Meafurd wan visit ing at the Beaver lnt week. Mr. J. Sayors is down at Dnntni. i- ! k building sti'im work. .Jim thoro every time with liis work. Mr. and Mr. K M Sun- day at Kuiiyiii.-i. Mr. T. sham, lm\ nit.' ; " \i " , Tin 1 ' hold : Th( . \\.. h|N% i r l f 11 '" '" Ml ' :,d,,, K up- h.i *J O. T. spent a uhuroh. Mr. .1. Paul i: to Ins house this fall.