Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLESHIRTON ADVANCE Ofllce ol QEO. MITCHELL t M.MII.K: i> Mral bMhtaf fcuiBH* Innuetwl Uifu tiuc i mi i cubed at usual koum- lva>n available for legfinat* buninou utui i-riMi. oCice two doori uortta of kicbud> ou A (..>.. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of (he Past Week Carefully Called for the riiriouv among latalt i -./ <tt titr rut' n f We per line fur insertion. .1 f l',--ti>m vill >>e eimtruclt far 100 Una er over. Mr. F T. Carr wants lug*. Pee sdvt. .- iturday's Gll>o IMC) a photo euyav, ii-.f of tbe victorious Thornbury baseball CUb. 200 tubs of choice butter wanted at .it market prices for cash. Also pill butttr. hides, tallow and sheep .kins. John Utinstulli-r, A cough which peninti day after day, nh-.uld not IM nexloced any longer. It nicaiii s<miething more than a uieru local jiritation.aud the sooner it i relieve 1 the letter, lake Ayer's Chrry Pectoral. It 11 pro apt (o act and sure to cure. Now that the Fri'St King will ho'd aay over this country for awhile every <nie should have g"oj footwear. 1'ooln, ru'.bers and overshoes that will kc- ;- -ur feet dry and warm, a lot of them f r sale at Clayton's. S.S. No 6, Artemesia, wants a -ch< ol teacher for nest year. 8 advt. Tti trustees hare also decided to let certain repairs, such as whitewashing, fixing punip, bi aiding outhouse a '.draining, by .. ict ion At 2 p.m. on Saturday, NOT tf Toronto is visited this week by Trilby and is drawing crowded houses, and th ]>enpli> sre much delighted with the play > r the people much pleased who buy boots, shut* and rubbers at Clayton's. In deference to a largely signed petition from the ratepayers nf ward 4 llm bylaw limiting the uumber of tavern licenses in this township to five wss repealed by the township councillors on Monday, and now thurc is no limit to the number allowable. Mr. P. Hunahaw thus has his way cleared to obtain]* license from tbe commissioners fur his new Eugenia hotel. The imly permanent curt* for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the poison from tlie system by the faithful and per latent use of Ayer's SaraaparilU. This wonderful remedy proves successful when all other treatment baa failed to relievo the sufferer. A heartrending yarn about a young man being killed by a bear near I'roto-i Station was apruug on the defenceless people of this section one day lost week, and even got into one of the Toronto dailies. It u aaid a Urge crowd of people irere assembled at the Union Station t meet the manned remains. Tha said mangled remains, however, stepped off the car, quite innocent of the joke which had beeniprung, and horrified '.he mourn- ers by shaking hands with them. A lot of people are anxious to make acquaint- ance of the man who started the sensa- tion. T. B. White, an old and much respected resident of Cullingwoud township, iir <! suddenly of heart failure last week just after aJUre*sing a public meeting. Mr. White was a prominent and succesfu) farmer and an essayist of considerable ability on farm matters. He took a keen interest in farmers Institute meetings a] though in his 7 1st year. The editor of this paper visited Mr. White at his home a few weeks ago, when he appeared strong and 111 ^ixid health. Hit death was a gteat shock to his many warm friends. PERSON A 15. Ms.! Aikonheadaud Mr. Aikenhead, ar. , spent a few days of last week v. ith relatives in town. Mrs. Fuller . f Hastings is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. Hill. NVe neglected last week to mention the return of Mr. T. Hill, merchant, from a three- weeks' t lip to Manitoba and the Nipiasiiii! district. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green and Mr. Win. llri'i'ii of Heathcote are the |<uei>ts of Mrs. 0. Legard. A Fifty-Cent Calendar Free The Publishers of the Youth's Com- panion are aending free to the subscribers to the paper, a handsome four-page calen- dar, 7x10 in, lithographed in nino colors. It ia made up of four charming pictures, each pleasing design, under each of which are monthly calendars for the year 189tt. The rolail price of ill i calendar is 50 cent*. New subscribers to the Companion will receive this beautiful calendar fsee and besides, the Companion free every week until January l.lHtHi. also the Thanks- giving, Christmas and New Years double number* freo, and the Companion titty twc we ks, a full year to January 1 1807. A'lihesK, The Youth's Companion, l'.5 Columbus Avenue, Boston. Some i.f toe youngstcri bad a little fun on l&it Thursday night, Halloween, but t!it:ir drpndatioua were not of a serious nature. A very sad accident happened in Arthur to Uv. Mr. Tonge'a yi.iingent child.a little girl about two yuanold.lt seems that this little one wan carrying dishes to die cupboard a.i they were In-ii.g washed, and while rul timing, mt-t the hired girl with a P"t of boiling water. Both wore hurrying along at a rapkd rac, and the little one came full tilt with her head against the pot, cutting her now and spilliui; the water on her f.ice and down the front part of her body. The yjirl was oveicoino with fright, while the mother rushed to the child and tore off the clothing, tnd Mr. Tonne ran for a physician, who found the child badly burned about the face and body. She i progressing favorably to wards recovery. Our Clubbing List For the convenience of our readers who wind to secure more than one paper we have made the following clubbing arrange menu . Advance and Toronto morning W.r'.d, daily |2.56 Advance and Montreal Sr.-\r 1.80 Advance and Farming, the new fanners' iimcazine ... !.*) Advance and Youths' Companion (new) 836 Advance and Daily News...... 1 80 Advance arid Weekly Mail 1.40 Advsuce and Farm and Fireside . 1.40 We can also give reduced rate* on many periodicals not named in the above lit. Let us know what you want. Presentation and Address At the tegular monthly meeting of L. O. L. N.I. 883, held in their l<xige room at FleshertnD Station on Wednesday evenini;, the 30th ult., the following ad- dress and testimonial waa presented t Uro. William Ross on the occasion of liis removal to WRton to fill a more lucra- ive position Mr. \VMiam DlAK 5>IH AND ItKoTHIE We, tile Ull dcmuneil, on behalf of L. O. L No. 883. desire to tender y >u our coikgratulations MI \.iur appointment to your present XMitiou. Still we feel that your removal rom our tuidat will bs> felt by every brother in our lodge. The place you have eeopieil among. l us during the last nine rear* *ill form a vacancy which cannot .-ill to arouse feeling* of rt-grtt, when we ook aruaiid and miss your venial coun- x-iiance at our fraternal meetings Yet we rej 'ico to know that the loan sustained >y us will b for your gooil. Still we fe 1 couvinced that although you are abnui t n body you will be present with us in spirit. We also demre to express the >est wislios of this lodge towards your amiable partner in life, whom we trust will U> spared to yu through many years of domestic felicity, and that your fauiily circle may ever be replete with harmony IMci OnlltOlltlllUllt. ^> sbo take great pleasure on behalf >( the lodue in preseiitiue you with ' . m xx-ket Bible as a very slight token of iho esteem evinced towards you by every member of this lod^o, trusting that it nay prove to be the icuidinx star of y ur "uture life; that your children may b rained in us precepts, and live to be a ill-twin'.; to their parents, and finally m.iy we all be prepared to meet the Supremo jrand Master in that Supreme Drat d dueslxjve, where parting is .10 more. Signed on behalf of tho brethern this JOthdsyof October, I- NOBLK LAWRENCE, W. M. JAS XSHPOWN, 1). W. M. KKKH OKI, Sec. pro. teui. Harried. Wnrr*-SHiB On Wnluesdar. Oct. 30, at tho Mi-tli'-.H-t cburcu.Maxwell. by Bev. T.Legat*, Mr. Willin John White of Artcmwia. to Min Eliiabeth Janu Bbire of Oifrey. QIIAIAM MCIKNIS In Fitoeville,ou Wtdnimraj Irt-h li'*t, by the Uev. U. McL*o- ,'lr. Uou&ld (iralmni, Huuouan. to Miss Aniii* Me I juis of rncevillo. II-.OWN HINBT Atllie inldenesof tna bi (tie's father, oil wtxJnoid*?, Oat. 30tb, by Kv P. UcVirar, H. A.. Tbom>|Krowi , Pq , to Katie J niith daughter of Mr., H. Henry, a!) of SMintou Park. fV"i OKI <jicn Curresfwitili nt. Winter U disappearing again and warm weather in making its appearance. Peer hunting is the order of the di\y. Mr. John Haw shot a deer OB Friday and Mr. Archie McWillinm shot one on Satur- day. We c .iigratulate our two young men on their ituooeM. Threshing is ended for this season and we hope some parrties will be more suc- cessful iu-xt season, as they broke their machine four times in live days and Lad to borrow a neighboring horsepower to Ciiish up with. The revival service* in the Methodist church clotted last week. Seventeen per- sons have added their names to thechurch roll and a number more are expected yet The Revs Hartley and Mathewson intend to commence special services at Ebeuezer appointment this week. Mr. Win. Sacket is rejoicing since his wife presented him with A son. Mr. and Mrs. R.Neithercut of Melanc- thon spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Magjie Hargraveipenta few days with friends in Egremont. Master T.,n> Tusdale of Liittowell is the . lest of Mrs. Hurgrave and family at present. Mr. Arcliio Burnet of Mopeville is very low at present with fever. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Miss Carrie 8 pence uear Hopeville, who paused away last Wednesday afternoon. Her remains wer? taken to Mount Fore*) cemetery on Friday. The Markets. Caretall* Corrected Cark Week Flour $3 40 to $3 4<j Oats 23 to -j;i Peas 48 to 50 Butter !_ to 15 Ega, fresh 13 to 13 Potatoes bag 30 to '.ft Pork 4 75 to 5 00 Hay per too 15 00 to 1500 Hides 3 00 to 3 00 Sheepskins 25 to (* 4 to B Turkeys 6 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 30 Ducks ber pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 U 10 House and ten acres to Rent Small farm contminUg bout Uo acres, food nouM, ittble. small (Marina orchard, good wttvr, etc., ou mil* from FUMiurton. Apply to Mas. J. Lr,AMD. FlwhertoD P O SELLING OFF I have decided to clear off my satire stock of Boots and Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. Money I want aud money I must have. Therefore those wanting Boota or Shi** will consult their own interests by buying while my present stock lasts, as I do not intend to replace it. Great Bargains may be hail now. Tbe name induce- ments may i i-v,-r uaiii be given. Call and test my JOS. Smith, F'"herton w >rk and repairing attended i a., n W. a. Nartf. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Coach. No Rest Might nor Day. Qiven np by Doctors. A LIFE~SAVED BY TAKING IVm'C CHERRY AltnOPECTORAL "Soreral ye.irs ago, I caught a sever* rr] 1, atteiulr-d with a terrible cough that Allowed me DO rest, el f?rlr.y or night. Tl;o doc- tors, after working ovi-i licit of their ability, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could do no nioro lor me. A friend, learning of my trouble, scut mn a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and very soon I was greatly relieved. By the time I hail used tho whclo bolllo, I was completely eured. I havenovrr had much of a cough since that time and I Irmly brllevo tliat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved My life." W. U. WAKD, 8 Quimby Avo., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral M8HEST AWARDS AT WOflLD S FAIR. Do You Want. . . . Footwear? Now that the wet season is on and Winter in approaching it is time to eft good, strong footwear. We can sat'sfy you in both style, Duality and price. We have a large range of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS to choose from, at prices as low as the lowest. Cull at ('lavton's . Clearing Sale Having decided to clear out my entire stck I will offer you goods at the f illowinu discounts until all ia sold: 25 % off Mantles 15 to 20 7 off Tweeds 26 % off Boya' Ovwcoits 1JA off Boota &. Shoeii 25 % off Youth's " ) ' off Dress Oooods 25 'off Men's " 5o off Millinery -<) off Fun (irocerieM away d'own Teas worth 30c for 25c , Tomatoes 8c. per can, Black Pepper Uc. per lb., Christie's Biscuit ... . per box. All other lines equally low. Don't fail to call and get bargains. N.B.--A11 book accountsmust be settled by Dec. 1. T. Hill - Flesherton TESTIMONIAL OSPREY, SEPT. 33. i93 Mr. D. Blair: DEAR SIR I am pleased to state that the cart I bought from you gives me entire satisfaction. I believe it to be as easy to rule in as a buttxy. The sliding sea*, is a great advantage as it cau be made in t moment to balance with either one or two persons, and I can recommend it to any person wanting a tint-class cart. J<>HN CLINTON ooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo o We have =: THE SNAPS := Qoods Mi n's heavy union si .iris and drawers, C9c. per suit; meu's extra superior all wool sbirts and drawers, $1.04 per suit ; men's Scotch all wool shirts and drawers $1.39 per Hint. These lines, also many oth- ers, we havu bought at a big reduction. At the above prices you are buying for less than the usual wholesilc prices and for less than many retail merchants have paid for them this season. Wool i.i higher this year than last, yet our prices are far below the prices of last year. All wool 51b. "blankets, $1.74 per pair. All wool factory Hannel,23J- cti. per yd. Grey dannel in all qualities at all prices. Come and save your $ by buying at Calhoau's. CALHOLJN'S - - DUNDALK L'. S. Remember that the above prices include presentage. : o o o o -* o o o o o Q o o Excelsior . . THE FLESHERTON Furniture , . . . . . Ware rooms Have always aimed high, but for this fall's trade w are aur^i-wi:);; :ill previous efforts, and notwithstanding (hat then in a yi-neral advance of from 15 to -.!,"> ..n nearly ;ill i-l.isses of furniture, espi-i-mlly on tin- brtti-r i, wi- h-ive purchased ntir fail ..'oi'ds at n:u:-!y the old pr.ir.-N, wlii eh we shall continue to sell at, our iiiiial close nir.-s for this ninth of (V-iolwr. That means you cm liny t!ii-< ni"iitb at the old priciu. For all kinds of F'lirnifiiri!, Kitchen NMf*jailMS3,DiliiB|| Room Specialties, 1'nrW Luxuries, Bedroom Comforts, or Nursery ConvenUncieo, all at rock bottom prices. J. E. flOORE Flesherton FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER PICTURE FRAMING <k REPAIRING CHEAP, N1AT A QUICK

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