Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1895, p. 4

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THE FL1SBLBT Ni A D A N C EBTAI1USHKD 1881 r: m.HIIKIi WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE. 8YD- KNUAM TKBBr, I sIlRRT'.N. (INT., BY W. II. iHI KXTON. Ill IMT nnniiin.su icily in ;nhan< < Advertising Kates: One C iluuiu. 1 year, 50 ; half c.>l , 1 year, *27 quarter col., one year, t '.5. Transient adrrtUmnt chart;, i a* 'he rati f 4cnUperllQe for flrit inter!: .1 auJ S cent* aaob tubawqueiit luimitiun. Bottlers in the Nipisning district appear to be res)>ecting the ga- 1 laws firly well, if the story tolti some of our returned hunters is any criter- ion . We are informed that last winter, owing to the snow being very deep, many yonng deer perished through inability to Rtt a living. One settler in Pringle township captured alive six feeble young dr< r, and an- other four, which they pi cd in their Kit us and ful until the : le animals able to forage for : nenm-lves, :ifter which they wer< lowed their liberty. Such instance- f hnniane treatuicut of wilt) auiuiai is vet y rare and is worthy of ben > i.eralucd to the world. Many i arc not so I uiiiiin- even with t'..'- r domestic tiiuuals. A writer in the (' / ' >! Entor- prikC advocates th< [ -c of atone breaking machines b) . > ncipalities, with a view to having . es removed fioiu farm lands ami < J for ose >n the roads. Tl >uld answer lite double purpose of < !, ..niug furnix and making good loa . . The writer Koes ou to say : >nes could iiKln-tl in the wur > iinl hauled by tin- farmer* and [ ; . -od in heaps ionn the roads while U.e sleighing wan good, anil they hu<i i.u oilier cir- plovuii'iii. The inoi.i y eip' , would ht'iu lit all tho&c ugagcd, be- removing from tin n- farms great heaps of stones which occupy valuable Hpaee and des! .y the hand- Homo apj'i araiici- if 'heir l'n-ld>. Anil further, by doing t woik in the win'.rr, it would be dm very much clu-aprr limn in the sun;: ler, when ul arc busy with their o-vi: work". /' ! Thr Ait fluff. Sport Near Parry Sound To thr f'llitor of The DEAB Km, To while away an idln hour I will, with your permission, air, give a synopsis of my n cvnt : -ip and iln Tillage ol \Vuabaiiiok, in\ desti- nation. while in tl.c Parry Sonml distnut, wliii-h may givu a nh.-lit i I. . f Wua part of Ontario to thoatt of jour readers who may not have had tin i'1'p n lutiily of visiting ii in ]> TN in. \\ i left ColliiiKWiiod on tln> vili on 1 the neat little steain -, the I'ily nf 1'itrry Bound. After .t stop jvnr of about two houi'H in the town of Mulliuid ! an i vcd witliunt acci- it. nt in Puiry Maibor. Parry Bound is a town of about !(,'.()() inliabitun'H and is at present the teniii.nis of .1 branch of th.; Grand Trunk lUilwaj, .tnl i- i|'i.|,..l with a (.plrnihil \\,U. i workti, a IHU the vlcolric li^-lit hyRtera rim I' indiiKlry (if tin pi liiliilxTin^, winch iri ciiiiii-il nn on a Uif i ,11 I arrived at Waubimick, a tlnivin^ hitle village ion mil'-H fiom the Sound, up tiie iMiih i >.i I \viiicli iiiimto D'liicjiiirch Wanb.iiiu'k i.s noted foi its niiin'n which arc 1 ID turn out vnry hand K > Duly for their owners. Tliere are four nun' . bunx' worKvd at pi- two gold and two MIU--I nnin . Tlu> (cilil H\CIU^I> thus far is $7 p.>r ton. (f tlic mif.i tin ir nin thmielansei 1st. '2nd and Did. Tin- lii.-t in mini at 17 |"'i ten, 'Mi ' 'I , ftooiind, f 2 75; third, 75c. These ini.irs hive pint l> < n 'MI "in il ilininx the past summer and tin- governiniMit in>pi>ctor wim in C 'tin-' in/ IIIH roport wlnlo wd VMi i!: ir unit delifbUfl the owners of the iniiiiK by u-iMin.ii.' tluMii that lln> inir.i ip.ait/ which was siip|ion> I i > l>. valuuloss.w.kS woit'i $10 PIT inn ul the pit Olio mini* has over 100(1 i UIH of ihe said quartz, which is to l>n ship- pe I lii Toronto, whore it is to be in um into China waro. The load has also been siuveyed for an electric railway which is located to run through thu village. The work of laying the track is to commence two yeiirs from next spring. However, it wttd neither railroad prospecting nor mining which brought me here, which fact could be detected by the rifle and a hunting bag over my shoulder, aud iny lucky star was in its zenith, we having about four iiiclifH of snow, which made excellent tracking. In company with Dan llHtherell aud Will Land, two sports and dead shots, we started ou Mon- day morning for a day's pport, re- tin nin- in the evening after bagging four fine bucks two antlers aud two spike horn and ou Tuesday after a five hour run we secured three more. DM Wednesday we had the pleasuie of Ming a moose of majestic pro- portions, wLich I was informed would tinii the scales at 1500 Iba. 'J IK tempt jtion was very nearly too great for us to resist, as we had about 75 yaris between us. However, when we discovered that we had not the iv.|iiuLil ? >U to spare we forebore try- ing the target. This, with thu ex- ception of a few brace of partridge, en. lid tuir hunting mid at present we arc waiting for the boat to carry us "over the river, Charlie." Ar.K SIIKRHON. \Vanliauick, Parry Sound District, Nov. 14th, 1H05. Pncoillc i.i f'r uir.i ('on l'nilr'1 service* will U' held b Prenlijtuiian church mi Iksakksgiving 1 1 iy ci'iiiiiH-iuMiix lit 11 u'cli.fk. Thr Iti'v. Mr. MittliuWHon nf Tormilo in cx- pfilnl t.i ili-liM-i an aildrt-fa fi-r '.lie A l*rj;i' niinil.or of caltlo were offered for iwle last M-.ndy it the fair, but fr aiiiniitix eirlian^'eil hand*. "It never raiim but it |x>'in " A week or o ng'i th-jie were no liutchpr* in <'Ur burg ; iiuw tlien- re tlirce, all in ro*. Kindly inai-rt thu M!*inx correction : Mhi Funny .l,ine' anlary for m-tyi'r ia f.'!7J iimle:l of t-'7."< u rejK>rted in last week'* imie. Mi<M McG'Xran of Oitkvillr nnirrd in town litit week In kwp h'.inf f.>r hr father, wlio lia rented Mr. William dinkey'* ren 1^ n Mr. (iinn, who ha* been ill, in tome- what t.rlter again. Revival NurTicet rc nuiii^ euadsMted in the Bleth.idmt oliuri-li thu week. I". :ilh ha* a^tin I'l.U'i'iil niir t.. Ulting with him thu time onv nf itno!J.-t anil iii' u i ii'oiiU'tit* in i!n- |< r -"ii "I Mr v \li XHinler |!ri'n, jtustiniuter, at tliu ue of in. A It In iiu It tlic ili'cuased li.us Ii.' -n nilii .a f<>r W.IIK' ''me ill" u- iiiiiiiiceiiifiit i i Im ileKlli luKt SiitnriUr kln'iil n... n . ,a *lii>ck tutliecoiniiiuni'y Tlie film-till took place mi Mmi-Liv to the Km ky N.I ;.!. , .eiiii-i.'iv, n larye nuiuU-r folluwiiiit the UMiiainx to llu-ir lt reH(iiiK (ilnoe. Tlitf ayutp.i'liy "f 'li- m-ii-Miir- linn.l IK . xtrinleil in the l.eiene'1 family Him liaxo bi-t-n NO Horcly fllictxl of Ute, r*'.nu l"*t their mother it few month* ag"- Mr. .1. D. Brown re'urm-il frmn tin- p. n IIMI! on Kiiil.ty. Hi* p.iity g"t tl.c mi, i !. r <>f CheeM Factory * . Tin- annual nut'ling nf tht< pR'nutt ol lln- Klexliurton I'liet-Kti Inciory - held in M. li.fi. n on ilio J(lh Hint. f"f tl.e pur IMMU of winding up the pant lent ma liu- ineaii an>l the elei linn uf ntli' ers fur tin ocninii^ yimr. Thu autliloii' report slum- eil lli 1'itiil ieroiptol lli ..OIIIOII'H output t" I'll a* follow* : Mill lee, i\ei!, C.-ll.M'j; Iliv ; clu i-..- itiii.l.., .'7,4.'W lit*., which c|,- s..l,| fi,rfr4,4.VJ.Hi;; i-xpi-h.MK of iif.ictu;'iiij nnlL, Ii-., fl1!'7."d. f:t,ViVi.,.il in In iliv.ilej nui"iiR the pnl pin*. On nc-eoiinl of tin- ex^remv dry Miniiiier lint) tin) (.letnry liein-' do-,, it on tliu limt of S,.j,t,.|iilnT, Iho total output wa* lielow thu nvern^e of f, inner yenm The folliiu mi; wetc elni.il i.tlio-m fin (In- i-iiMiini; yenr, \\/.. ( '. ,. Slewurt pritH.; A. JohnttoH, vie' puK. ; '. Iliiiilie U. \\ i.ilniy iii.il .). I. IliNl.itiii, n\nh tor* ; A. Muir, A. Mcl'licrnoi., i}. War! inn, W. lUicliHiiitn, \V, Wri^lit, J. Me Niohol, H. Waller, It. Stevrnrt, M. O Hir, .1. Itraeii, S PInllipH, J . lUrp.ir.. I'. Teller iu' (!. .Swaiit.in, ilirecloiH Tin in M milling, f. r lhi> ptit| on u leiimx mi U routi anil other ./mitral Im- i lie**, will l>e lie'il on the that Tueml.iy n Mtn-h, 1896. -COM. Yorkshire Boar for Service Tin- ; linn a ihnrou 'l.li r I Vurk him i i !. ..n |..l I4A. I H. W.. Alt* in n. h',K ul" n I Hi ul ! l.'i I i i . TW11T. t'!piii t'in r o . NO* is, ii Executors' Sale OK VALl'AM.P. FARM PROPERTY it the Township of in the < mini > of <.r->. by virtue of llir power* rtatwl in be exocutorsof the lait will ami t. si. uirnv of "Im lli/.aril, late of the towQnhi|i of Arte- iii!. ia. in thu county of Giey. dec u null, there will be offered by public auction by 1). Met, or nek, auctioneer, al Munshaw's Hotel, IN THU VII.HGI: or FLESHES TON On Wednesday, Nov. 27th, A.D. 1895 t tin- hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, lie following lauili anil promUe*. vi. Dmber t. In the fifth colicen* on ninth 01 tlie )urhaiu Iloa.1. in the township of Artuieia. n the Co uity of (i,, y. containing one Im:. ii. I cres, ruoie 01 le. fb< rt.is MI.II- te about four Dillon from 1 !< -IK 1 1< n. rv about fort, - ti v.> aun> i-li ur..l luiuu, iiiiliiT.M. on tli.' I'H'iniie* are a lug dwelling 'nble. I in pr coot, to be paid on day of ale ami bilauce in thirty d } s Uivruafter with- >ut intprt-Kt Kur further particulars apply to Jno. Mo- Arthur. l.*. t . l l rn-.-vill. W. J. flellauiT, Ej , , exventori ; or to I.I c\S A WRIGHT. ri'tollciton.Oweii Bauad aud Plesberton l)at'l Nov. Int. 1WA. House and ten acres to Rtnt Small farm coutaiuii.ti about ten acre*, good louse, mule, mimll bearing orchard, good wittur, i'ti\. one luilu from r'lenlHirtou. Alitilv Fleahertou P O CARD OlMTHANKS . hie!. . ,in tl.. I I!,, |. I i July IIKJUI on tni . :< il ! . aon, wno dlaa ou July .nt ha*- b*n niadn proi:tpt]v aii'l withoiil . tliri'wn in fin w*v. a.id I (> ! t!'t 1 cii 1 : trotoruM fMlMj t,, all. HI..II\\A. Kiinbvi'ler. Unt . Nor. 7th. ISM. Came Astray Cam* tr til* prem;tof th' .!, lot vii! 'Ji, one :iif!beifur. i u.'u. i* n-tiu*-i.t. <i t, )t..\ [iroperty. pa> cipi'i.f - .,.. 1. vi :-ii.i ( . 1 i., :.i P.O. Came Astray .nl. ..'..!. lot *.0u. I line ea>t of 'i... ,,t.. an I .n or al/cul let. 1, peveo calvt. Uw'n. i fiu l:aTearu erty aud (tavln,; cipcntw. >A i oiiNri\i.n Strayed Steer tra\ i 111. Ar : lilHli.'li . t., i ilia:ik(,ill> nx-cu ! In- . Logs Wanted \\ . ' i i- .:--. r <j i : i ' 'sil,li>. - Feet lone. M i.i>- i :i Hljd h. ' , Iv KueoU.I . in', i K I lAI.H. Toucher \V.Uited Tn -trti, ' Thoroughbred Berkiblre^otr Tli' 1 1\. ik-:.i . I.... i i \i-.i . . (I. Ju i-e ar,l Lot For Sals, I ( I . .h-l!l'.t Willl 1 r < . ai II "iili, . II i.nilii..i ., .yanl- < nil) Ini.l I'tit,. A|>|'U '-I Ii. I : i M itou. Farm lor tSal 1 Sir,. '.cm for nala in (I Sir,. . 1 fill .tllCt (( l.ll|'lnK.|,t. l"t I ' 'I H'-IH^. all , email I Fa: m For Sale, > nf i t '[ tut 1 hi* l>. u* in i !- l"i |-i n * aii' t*j| ir. 1> I \s r STRAYED. Mill I -f nn y*, tisji'tliur nitlt HtiMirly >|ninu of I .Mir t *.' mop! 1 ' < Am ii f M u. V in at ' A ill I tu*nk!iill) rceolv.'ii li\ t .ial'.O. Came Astray ('nine t ' lli- prnii-i>* v,| Ilic l ' 01 ' rai llllHtnll. Tim onir IR liKjuent- ly, pay niueniM and take tin- im> away .1 J KI-4TINU Camo Astray CmiHi tn (!i jtr*'ini'T>* of lh<* iin(Ji t r*ittn'i1 1 lot 19K. vrvM link Inn'. Aitrini<tta, ftlxuit iVt lit two yriti iitiK nit 1 *, hvtfar ii'l ..t- . i 1 he own ri Ii i- il> i'ar oij>*it .n.t tfiho th BAIII* *wy. H UULLKT k'luthuituu r O. Very Accomo= dating The new shed for the accomodation of lioi'8('S is complete and ready for use. Don't be backward about using it. Free to all and room for all. Entrance north side of store. But this in only u siile show. The great [Xirformanco is ^'ii'.:^ on tin!; r the big tent. litre you wi'.l find a!:. anything needed for t!;e sdoniiucnt and comfort of wan, woman aud child Shawls Ladies' Wool Shoulder, worth 7".c., for 50c. Laili'-s' \Vool Klinnld.r. worth 9 1, for 875c. Ladies' Wool Shonhler, worth 8l.'25. fortl. Il.a\v Wool bhuv.ls at 82, $2 '>:>, $-_>.50 and $3. Underwear Ladies' Puritan Vests, at "">c., OOc. and 75c. Men's U'ool Shirts aud Drawers, ".Co., 7.^-.. $1 and $1.50 p^r suit, Mi si's Tup Shirts, woith "-"ic , for 50c. Men's '1 cp Shirts, worth !0c , for G5c. Grey Klunnels t'r nu 12^ ctntH up. FlaniU'lftte, IM inches y yard. Twetds, nice pallet ii::, li.'tc., S5c. and iOo per y-vnl. Groceries Japnn Tcs. good va'np. at !)0c , 10 Ibs. for $2.2."i. Japan Tea, good value, ut '.Tic.. C Ibs for $1. Canned Goods, Apples, lY.us, Peaches, Corn, Peas, Tuuiatoej. Salmon, etc. 90 Ib, sack ..olied Oats. $!.'.(. Ar.nthc-r lot of those Gum Rubbers at tl.'J.'t, just arrived. B. HcDONALD WRKiHT'5 OLD STAND OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, IM r l"he A'ery PLACE IS CANADA TO OKT A tough Business Take a Round Trip Education, In ti*-U, Uit'U visit it""- Ti'lU^n , exaiiuuo every- If WL> fftil tu ir(Hlui- ih* .:(.!. 'i, -, i>ri-tu'ft1 and exten- C<>iirn'.ril 'Lt-ru Hit i thing lliitroiiRlLU . . iv6coorm of tii(l 4U<I thu ticMt AII.I ii os ".-I'lotr ftiiit inottt uit- lt< furniture mini || liai.ct**, we will give you a full coarse KHKt. Y"\ Anna*! Announce- meul, giving full partiou-lan .free, ad<lrs C. A. FLKM1NO,* Prlnriiml. Photos TAKEN -AT THE | Flesherton Photograph Gallery ro tli mo in li'st clnu* ilylo anil nt l.m-est ralfH. Si-iviM nltriition Klton t" r|iyint!. IViliii-s' photos. i. illy. 1'ictures t'imiifi). MRS. BtLMER . -,,.-...-,.. ,,.- Bamp . . AND . . . . Village Properties ForFAlEcrtcEINTin!heTcwr?k ; {so Artemesia and Glenelg I mi,) 8. ton t S.U K., town-Lip nt ArU- ini'Kia, 1UU > i. with new I ainc bar* f>H<V> U., HtOlll' bftMlMni'lli. \VtMllll IMll. l.i't > . i, -iii), ol uloncilf;, sn acre* UM l.-i i > >.l i-iiltivation wull watrrvil. \\,,i:l.l , I . I , I .nt V,. i Um.'iit. 1101 th. tn.l lot No. V tli.l t north; al'> *alt pail of lot 4. Kiurariliu* IK Mill lirnk li.i'i... nl l.-t at r'lushorton Station known ai (ho Wail* pfoi<*rty. All tli* abovo properkiti will Imnolil at low Of urat na on aay torin* Till** hid ipuUble to M. R. & CO. oue duecmenti for their trade. HlHKSGIYDrG Day th s wco!i i lid we call o:f day fiom ai.rl r thinkfni, \- . fr.r our many cus'cmei B and th-'ir constant pa t ro n a t; < . go in in y i:i- John McArthur, PRICEVILLE P O. Look at our Prices Women's all wool black hos=<\ 1 "to. lair, wi.rth l~>c. ; woi.ietif fiuc ribU'd CHSiiuictc ho*' 1 , 2"tc. jtcr p:iir, worth 2."o : women's silk aud wool ho*e, ~'ic. pa pair, wo:th 7"'O. s Qoods 40 iiiL'h Mack wool serge, 2.ic. per yard, wcith '!':. : 4'i inch n. k \\ vortli 2Sc ; -12 inch twr. leta., worth iHo : 42 inch tweed effict-. 24c., worth 'J4c.; S4 ir.c'n f-uicy wool tweeds, I'hynit L . Blankets, :-.8o. i . i I"., super wool blankets. 4">c. to .''(K- p<r Ib. Bales of cotton grain bag*, doz , woith ^-^ i* ard wide union wool carpH?, C0<-. i i-d and well worth 6Uc. ? yii.l widt>. t!. -iiit new patterns, car :htl W.irtll .*")C Mi ni top shiits at 45c., 50v , ' and T'IO.. lino values. CO an 1 .V2 inch linen table dirnisks 2^c and 30c. per yd. and worth it. QROCERIES FRLITS Evaporated apples, eva- porated peaches. C^s, prunes, rai.- ctu rants, canned plums, canned ap- ples fin. t, jams and homy. Canned salmon, lobster, iivsh I'lichrliil!--. I ulines and hi iiiii^s in u .inato .<auc . Teas aud sugars at wholesaU pi We had to buy more overcoats thi* wei k to keep assortmeul -f all sizes. \\ si II noii" but Sanford's cloil now bocanae w^ rind their poo(i> uiosl reliable and they rn-. iv, thr credit of making best clothing iu the Dominion. It is going to be a hard winter and some people are preparing for it by buying our fiieze coats to defy 1 1.. cold. We carry Hie biggest stock ai.d we think tlio bt si selected stock, and if you will call and see our piici- will allow jon to be jnd^t- of : we otter. We cUiin to boss ttie boo trade in Arlemesia. In rubbers aud iiors we bave an immense stock comprising nearly every style n. If you are alive To your own interests you will see our stock of Stoves and'Tiuware, (.'ow Chains aii'l K. p I ':, .Ali - :uitlSa\\- Crocki-iy and Glassware and vV llaidware. All Spoons, Knives aud Forks stampe.i "M. RICHiRDSON & CO." i'.' fully warrant.'il, beiiii made of iilu.e silver. \Vu have rcceiuii a large stock of tlum and the p arc right. 1 doz. Tea Spoons at $1 " Desert " $250 " Table " $.1 " l>i-.i it Forks $.' Every article has tlie above st.unp on it anil will bo replaced if found il live. LAMPS As tlie season for lamps has again arrived we me showing a very large assortment of them in banquet, bang- ing, vase and shudo lamps at pi which will suit everyone. I --itiv. ly uo coal oil sold afur lamp li^lit. l^icliarclsoii 60,

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