Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLBSHIRTOS AD7AMCE of QEO. MITCHELL FLESUCRro* eM transact*! Drift. sou A Co i. Vicinity Chips. riiararj. of the Past VTeck Carefully Culled for tke Curiou*. .< am"*j lixiilt \cffl bt at tht rate uf 70c jv Ii. inatrfi-'ii. .1 rtductia* vill be ON contract* far 100 litut r osrr. '. v; A i [ilic^t of buiineis are doted. ^ day. M. 1 u A L'o'i 'i\ i-rt 3 mnot M irticuUrly woith reading tin* *.-;. D.-g -km, C"on *l>in>, etc., tanned ai.-I .ivil into ini't<. Mitts 0:1 baud t-iT sale all the time. \V. In spite if '... hi,-li price Of leather, boota cheap M ever thin :.ick Ust.v Try tli The Meth.Klmt !..! I'M s'.ytcrmi Sub- ! .i'h ic'uxiU are busily engaged prepuing fr tl.fir aniiual liol.d.iy anniversaries. T.> d.iy, Thurd.iy,is Thanksgiving day. 8 .-e will l<e held by the i. ilmrche* in the lt;,ut chapel at 11 a. ui. Don't IK in it hurry tu buy your fot- c*r until vou have orn Clayton'* stock. Thuy bve got just what will suit you in I'utiiy and price. l>t Fus huunJ, bitch, black and ii tan, ans*cr to the nameuf FlesH. Kinder ; k:u>- oomuuicate with W. U. A lieu, n<*hirton 1' L^W tub* of choice butter wanted at -t n-arket pru-t* for cash. Also roll Lu'ter. hi Jen. tall-.w and (beep kius. John UuiiiudKr. Fleshrr'i'ti Mr. Will Bellamy ha* opentd a sboe- maku.i; h >p at Eugenia, uext d<ior tu U. Hep uring a specialty. Tbe public will please take note. lie iire ati-1 have your sale bill* printed at tin* otfi.-e The free notice uf sale _: vcn with such in tin- paper i* alwars consult red of m>>re value thin the bilU. the author of these tetter* winch have been read with much interest l>y uor mauy readeis. We understand that a movement is on foot to secure a lie* p-ialocBce at Farewell Corners, in Egraiouc That divn.-t appear* to be laboi mg under a i;r<?at in- cnuvi-iii-nce in nut Ii.ivm^ a pottottice nearer than l>n m.i.-.-, f.-ur iiK-s a*ay, and therefor* U certainly deserving of soe consideration in that line from the g.iveriiiuent. Mr Geo. A Watson ia,w belieTc, the prime mover iu thia affair and has *eiit in a petition t ) the Puet- tuaater General a.-kn>_' for the boon. malteea mutt excellent home paper, and u dene! vtdly popular in all parts of th- o untry. Resolution of Condolence Mr. A. >h:n<>!iof I'rot >n S'ati'.nspwfit three day* last wer . near Parry i. While tiavrllii.g thrituh the bunii ue day A'-e came acrost wh r to-.k to be a cw' track. Foll.wiag up the track fur some distance he came md- upon the "en* " It was a huge ni <_><: wliu-h a r nod k>ukiue at him. The animal a not molatd. but Mr. - sou gays it w%a tho temptaticm of a life- time. Tht-rv Wire hre in the I*rty ai.U during three t*}' hunting *ix were ca| turvl. A Uxttl judx-j at SmitL'a Fill* haa i;iveii r!,.' . of that tuwu a hint which it baa acted up<>ii and which ikvly '.i pr\e raluabK-. H 10 auil. ntivi t>> furetall ail actiui.a W damage* from defective s da walk* by ariiiK a (tanding advertiitenieiit ! wad pnpois raqueaiiag all pvm>u* find tig Lr-ikru p'.ai ks to promptly report be fact t" the *trec' ui'^cuir. H< wookl thin plan w.iik with rugard to ownshipa ? Would it not be . owiiabip cvunci's to adopt the taijit >Ian? Tun* loat Lt on Un(Uy cveniug i-n thia office and the pnatoffiiv, a teen Uc'llr.r*. Kinder please leave at Ad- Mr. \ '. Irwin. principal of the public ichon), haa a >ld his l.u* and t<> l-.t-. in this .linnet" Mr. Will Richai .n : I; Hi'iry Uichauls n. f.ir the ^um !( ~700 cah. Tlie I inters relumed fro n M i-k. ka on Saturday, each imlmduil being the proud p isaeasor i'f oue dr. ; H had a very pleasant time. L>oer were plentiful and hunters more so. The demand f. : -lir Vi,- r ;i. Mich wide separated regions as 8ou*h America, Spain, Auatialii. anil India has kept pace with the hi me consuiiiprion, which goee to show tbattheeepcoplo know a goo 1 linn.; when they try it. An-.tlur bee waa held on the agricul. tural gru.nd on Mondiy under tbe f. .n mmsliip of Secretary i>;.toulo i Munshaw. Em)., when a laruv amount of li'U-lhn. 1 . etc., was done. Tins u com- 'al'lr work. May the proiiioteis and partakers reap their reward. You may rat cheap f <-d aud not be mly hurt by it; but you cann.it take cheap BMdwtaea wuhnut p. .Mi 1 ii f injury. If you uc any substitute for Ayer's Sar- saparilli. \o-.i do to at the peril of y >ur licalth. j >rli .: . of your life. I:ii-t on having .Ayer'ii and others. W>> a:? in a p'Mtion to offer lh \Yevk ly ti'oU- and Alvance one year fnt only one dollar and f.>r.y cenu. This is a uurvvloua iMi.ut .in in reading matter nd ith.i'ild biiin; i sulMcribur* by the I .limited. Sew >ub.cribor* net tlie bene- fit of the remainder of thia year free. ^ nmtili -A shooting match will be hold on the premuen of then . lot 101 and Irti', Atteiiw. on the TiTonto and Sydon' niu K.. id, 1% mile* outh of Fleaherton. on V->.i- ne^.lay, Nov. 27. A large .|U <f tuikeyiand other fowl. T. Hutehinson An azent of tbe C-jegrov e Con-art Com- pany wss in toTirn on Fiiday bat c--u!d But get any society to take them ep, - SMjuently the Cosgnive Concert Company will not honor thia town wi.h a wit. rieaherton people have about decide anyway, that thu thin- if guaranteeing gi od round sun for every allow that me* alon j ia altogether a one sided arrangement, and they have generally iacovered that all the money is absorbed .y the show. The show-; . day must thii.k they have lit upnb the _ aite. They can accurately count t!icir gains iu advance and are never haunted by the fear of beiiu stranded at least in c .untry |.' i- f. W'..TO we c!- dli-.p(>ers cheerfully uua.ratre nil expeii*** and a snr; !us. This iliin^ n u.-fmg run to death, and i' is hi^li lime tb.it our peo- ple ruhcd more up -n tlioir own home talent and retained the g >J dimes for home con* u in | t It U with deep orrow we thi* week chronicle the d>>*ih of Mr. Alox.iiulc Brown, f. r m my yeat* [(.wtimur > iile, which i*d went occured on Saturday laat. Mr. Brown was born in Mul'. \r_' . ~ ' : 1 ind, tk*jejn agu, and came tu this ,- -unTv alviut 4.! \ea s . settling in the township of Bam- tinck, inhere he *.vi indent lied with township matter* in the capacity of aaaes *oi a>4 sjulhetiir for several yean, after vihicli he moved into tbe town of Durham, here he kept a general store and after- wards wirVeO in tl.e lecistry office. V' nit twenty years a^o he removed i>h h'S family to Kricrviild where be has l.eld tli*|Mitioii of [H,tui , Of Ute year* Mr Hrowu has been very feeble, an- i the duties of the office h*re djro'ved up -a his daughter, who baa given iiuiueut aatiaf.-iction to tbe public. Mr. Urown, wan an intelligent and well lead man, honest and upright, and a siaunch member of the Pntbytrnan church The funeril on Monday waa Mdtil Th- remiMiu wire in- , iu the Rocky Saugeen cciut whence hi aged partner preceded him ,t few iiion'liN a Cheap RcadiOK Matter V.\ . ,'.n.:-i t u-.ir clubbing list it will be seen that our lubscribera em ift their reading m.it'i-r cheaper thau ever this year. Think of the weekly Olobo and Advance beiu-^ given for only Or the daily World and Adcance one year fur only 92.66. Choi.se your road ing ma'.ter early, becauav thu* you get greater value for your money. A Popular Wekl> Through a typ.tgraph.ical error the last of the sen. of letters from T.nni-naee in U*t week's Adiance waa signed "T. Hi-llainy." It should have read K. i comnioroi*', I'.t'u dun newspaper* lli<> o'in- nutndiny positionoccupiodby The T r. nro IJIobe i iiuiverjilly a<-know!edi{e i. In enterprise it i unrivalled, an a IKW< div tribu'or it has no equal, a* a leader of public opinion it oxercmes au influi-nce that i* felt fr nen<l of the Dominion to the other The We<-kly Ulobe, with its vnrie I departineiitu a^ncultural, ncri.il atorim, cable and 1). IMUmj. Mr. Frank Bellamy WM general news, edit.. rul and -peial articles At the November meeting of the quart- erly official b-arJ of the Meih.,li.t '., Kleahertou, beld N-.v. 4th, 1886. the following resolution wea passed with lattructiou to tbe secretary ta convey to Dr.. J. W. Armstrong : il.-vfd hy W. Douglas, seconded by W i; Simmon, That this (Juaiterly Official Board tender to Brother J. W. Arowiroi g, rvcordiux steward, oar deep syuipaihy with him in his long and severe affl-i lion with the hope that hia life may be spared and th.tr he may bo restored to some SMtMuure of l.i- .r.-ntr>! uxf'iluei* :h which he has served so well. f n'hfully an.. Signed fii behalf 'f ih_- Bard. NViLLiA-M CUVTO.V, Secy pro tern. PEK90NA1_. Master Geo. Berry of Lucknow i* : after Mr. W. Anastroutf's jewel lery busittesa Junaj the Utter'* atseuce iu Toronto. HIM Edith Bannon, of Proton S'.A pent Sunday w-th her lister, Mrs. W. Hias Morrvon and Miss Rineel if Dunlnx.n are the gue-.cs of Mr. D. Mac- the west brck In.c. aaJ other friend*. Mr i pent a few djy last wrck with hi* briber in-la*. Mr Maik \V il.-on. Mis* Sir-^.-u.- if Baurie was tbe guest of her .i.'er. Sir-. U. Klciher. during the past week- MsA (iusT-InMukdal*. oo Nov. 11. Mn Gimbr S*etaerw(Mra.Tbj< BoUad. *(!> vean. ov. U. 14 rsaf* soas. n u nsnu- Lvum-OB wl . No*. *. by Kv. E. A. Bsnisse, at Ike isMM el Ike btUai's aaosbw. KIM KarSMl M. l-yvm t Wss. v. t .hir. Isxh at th Township or Ptstsa. Our Clubbing List For tho convenience of our readers who wisli to secure more than one paper we havr made the following clubbing arrange- iiivnt* : Advance and Toronto morning \\ -.-:d. daily $->::> .-ic>- and ,M<i:.tre.il S;ar ... . l.HO \.KJM-V .1 K.unung. the new farm MS .n.i^Hziiie . ... Advance :n>-l \- ullm' <' in[wnion 1.80 .' :!:, ly Ne ~ 1 80 \ -I U lek'y .M;ul . . . 1.40 Advancv .ind K.-IIIII mid r'n^ide 1.4H ce and VYet-kly Ulubu 1.4" \\ -\ ratcni-n in.niy ,,'il n. -t I'Minvd in iliu U.\i- Let ui know liI vou want. i !i uvj fjr the - . ii u'uds itself t the n f U*ll these C >ui.tie U.-c.-ii _ 't uMl be e<-n 'ucUrd witli aU-r eth.ieo, v iha:in.-|mr ite i..ntut4oi could be iiiAin, half >nties lie ido ly ide i.-m- y * merely imaginary !.-. T :e ' the people 01 ' '. *id xoi KSH ire same, to that s'lare in :'.. > TI -eiiKr Mid in itsauvaiitagsw .it di.li.alty. The . '. and tulMin<-> f. r ll.e united countif* ou!d ' -m tie thauforeaoh alonr. uld be > Kicated as to bs) easy of across from ecb of the counties as there are several locations along or ucir the ditid n< line tn.it could be secur- ed and wu!d pruve uitaMe and salub- riou< ..! itu.letm. it on n.uii'-s in I'o'limjwmttl w.is'iip. Four sect;. n< aro called ss r iltar, Par .d e. O> rmany and V i .M Eunhrasia U a> dia- r i-t ia!!e>: 'loice i iv y vatieil enough, and hould pi ovr ntifac- ry f..r i :ei diiK t. tins'* K\rM the u wl mi. bitiO'Kiniveller should be o ntei t i'h doiiv^ up (.i.bi;i'tar. tJerti anv, r and l.oiiio i.i n day. ai.d - | o\ er HU it .t I' l"e. The Markets. art-lullj iorrrrtrd lla.-li Wrrk lour ............ f3 40 to |tf 4o )ats ... ....... eas ......... ......... {v. f.-i-sli ....... . tag ...... to <>< to U to 14 u> 30 to 4V) to or ton ....... 1500 to Hide* ............ 400 to ~kins ....... STt 4 t 6 ti .H) o 40 to 20 t w et-e ...... Turkey* ckei'M per piir Purkft ber pair Wool . ! 15 I.' SO 4*0 1 i 00 500 60 6 6 60 24 * * Now that winter is approaching and tbe skating sen- sou U at Laud it is time to bny good strong footwear. We Lave a Ursje stcck to rhocse from at prices as low as the lowest. Call at CLAYTON'S O Clearing Sale Ip Hav:i..' deci.l 'd clefcr out my entire slock I will offer you goods at the f )Uowuig diacvuuU until all u sold: 88 % off Mi 15 to SO % < % off B..VI" OvercoiU U tf Koo's A Shoes % off Youth's " 20" ..ff L>r-*4 ioo.td fMeu'e - M -.TV 90 % off Fun -oeriee awa' .i . wn Tea* worth 3Uc for 2Sc . TomatoeM - per can, Black Pef r IV-.. Chnsiie's B -ouin par box. All other line* equally low. Dou'l fail to call and get ba. gain*. NT. Vh book accounts must be settl- i by Dec. 1. - -lesh.Tton TESTIMONIAL m OSPk A, SEPT. aj. 1*95 Mr. I). Ulair : DIAB Sim I am ples>**il tu state that the cart 'ought from you gives sne tittirv aatiafactiou. I '- v- U to be as ea*y ride in a* a bsuqqr. Th sliding sea* n a great sJvautawe as it cai. : . made iu moment to balance with either one or two |ier9>tns, and I can leooinmend it to any person wanting a tint class JOHXCLIHTON r oooooocooooooo We have : THE SNAPS := Qoods lien's Loa>y union si irt* and drawers. 69c. per suit ; men's extra _ siipcri.-r all wool ghirtd an 1 dmwi rs. f 1.04 per suit : men's Scotch all \ wool shirU and draw- 1* $1 S'.l : . These lines, also many oth- * ers, we haw i : ictioti. At the above prices you tr - buying fur ;<. ili.ii) t!ie usual wholestle prices and for IMS than many retail tnercbauu have paid for them this season. Wool i ; higher this ir than last, yi' oar prio-'.< are far below tLe prict-s of lst year. : All wool 5ib. blankots, fl.Tl per pair. All wool factory tlanii, O cts per yd. lin-y d.inin 1 ui all ({tialities at all prices. Couie aud save your $ by buying al Calhoua's. . 'Al.IU >rX'S Dl'XnAl. K O* l. s. Uemember that the above prices include preaentag*. ooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo _ v c = c O ** Parlor . . . . . . Furniture We Lave it iu srcnt variety at the Fleshertou Furniture V> rooms, aud at IS'Jo pnc.-;. I'o not let the cotuniou cry of limes tempt you to d>iik ilrit fit: thor delay is necessary. It is the S, o herv ' we have beautiful p!ush suites such as were iu 1S!M> oxciptioual value at Sri'i, we are offeting today at We have tlie IH?S'. ^r suite ever brought into this section. Would b co: \alue anywhere at |!H). We are offeritnj tidny at $>". \Vi-havealargeliueofUiicyodd pieces of chairs and lounge* in p'tuli. rattau, iee.1 an t tapestry at tqually e'v^e pricis. M iio on-tls. fancy tables, whatnols, organs, piotuivs ntul other [ -!or ro i-iisitvs. all at close ctU price*. I'lcture iVatuiug aud uudertaking a< usual. J.E.IVIOC"* 1\ 10 - t'ksherton Furniture U'arvrooMs).

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