Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1895, p. 8

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THE FLRSHBRTON ADVANCE D. McTavish I I.I-;^! 1 I.K'T( >N KliOPS ON HAND airs For Magsey-Harrin, and Noxon, Flcury and Wilkinson farm implcmenU. Floury and Yttity plows on L.md all the lime, also all kinds of repairs for thu same. We manufacture Wagons, Huggics, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseghoeing promptly atli ml^-d to. bpccial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. I.OK",hi", and i'low Chains constantly on hand. About Cutters and 5leighs NTLEMEN--As tl e . m of sleighing in ujjain approaching I would call your oarnent ati. .< :.m to my winti r st. rk in which lain lie- pared to i;ive you t-ntiie K;I(I . tit.n l tli in <)iinl:ty and price. In cutter* I have a lare K(. ek t > in, n..-ni" . i be*) > i i-..'eii.-il mid latent denigns in finish. I am see . - H'.IIK In (.le.-h* I can ac oiinn. tl.ite MHI, either hitht or lie.ivy. 1'imiipl iitlei'ln.n mvi-n to repairing, | iiint in^ and rctriiuiiiiiig. Call, v 'hur you want to purchase or not, anil be your own judge. x R.T.^Vhitteti FlesHerton . Jfeard Ftm |; hi'-T Cotters, : Sleijks, : Wagons, : Baggies * and * [arts | I'low nd Log Chains Shorea and Kepaim for every kind of plow. W{"iJ Wood. Luiiibfr,Shin^le>, Straw C'utlets, horsepower, for Bale. Come and ee them. John H. Heard = Flesherton K ( < | > . . ON HAND Flour anil Feud, i.'onfe.- Potatoes, 11,1 xll.l S;iUili'U, tl.. 8'de Me.-it, Canned Mesta, Fim: Ve|i;tabli!*, etc. Give us a Tri Wm. Barnhouse FLESHE\TON ii<w Jt. -VIcA O. Fl8s ! ertofl Hardware Hoase I Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karstedl's. i it.. s, c.i.t r.n/, v S.|.i.ire .."! J'l'.leii'ii'tl 1,'ouk Sloven, Box nnd I'.ii'lor Sl..\ M, wln.'ti we are go'iiu to .ffer che t|. for c;is'', or w. itie ji:->'|> lied to [ vr one I . Uvu years' ti.no if rei|ii'ii I. Coin.. :i it! get our p. ici n !>cltiio I. living. 1 Hi-id <|iiartets for It d linjr ll.i.d- ware mid Hinder Tw F, G, Karstedt Prop, Almost Passes Belief Xr. Jax. E. Nlcholaon, i'!oronovllla, N. 11., Struirgles for Seven Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 18 CURED BY AYERS Mr. Nicholson say*: "I eonsu!t<1 doo- tors who prescribed for mo, bux to no purpose ; the cancer begaii to t: at into the Flesh, npre;il to my chin, ami ! saffenul In . for sev< n Ionic yi-;ir<. Klnnllj.I 1 i.csan takuiK Ay.-i'a BaMhparUla. l o a week or two 1 nutlced & Decided Improvement. liy thli result. I twnn. veicil, until In a mouth ui so the soro untliT in) dim tioK.-in in heal. In lin.-a moniiu my ll|> t>p Ri in to bi-al, and. ader iislnn the :irupurllla for six month*. ' 1 . Uio last trace of the caucer disappeared.' 1 Sarsaparilla On) at the World ' l-u.l..-, Begulut* tJt Ittmtll WH ARE S'dl in lltH linid of the hviir.', sellin 1 ..-iitle ! lour, tfinle Tea anil Su^nr and other (iroen-ies. We have Home rale gude "!Jugenia Mills ------- AND - Carriage Works. Cnrrmijes made and Rflpnlrc.i PlanlOfKOd Mutohlnu, Hand Huw. in?, Wood Turninj; <)f ovury des- o'-iptlon. riftinng aud Ormn ChoiJ ou^doiiu while you wait, for tho vor turns tha wheel. for auld and young, and if you want a rale ^ud Trunk tne' keep your elaue in, or n yiide Satchel br 10. 1 now frne the tmiuifiir'nriT, just .jniH! tnu' Willie Mender- in S|,roii|u'a ld..ck, and he will supply you at luwest prices. WM. HGNDERSON T. W. HI I.SOX Mdiinarr FLESDEBTOII STEI1N [MM. I I hivr< npn*d up eni|ilet kteain laundry PiirliSin (t.iK" lixvon Hnlii-rton si*li<.n tl In Klrnliortiin. slut m pr|nin.<l tt> titka Iu any Tl'. am, I..IIII.IH ii. p .1 I rtoi'vlllii Kia |iiaiitlty of laundry work at town prlOM thn lav tlm nni ple ' -i. i ui. r .,t i i. mi- 1 im, . i ,. ., i i.i . I Imviiputlu thclatml Par* to PrtTin aad ri t,, tii*t uuil 1JO for ratarn. f)*. alDff fart I.ivorv In cou Kln.lly xlvu me a nail. Kntire SKtlsfaotlon Dilution. Uril*ri may b fit nlulihi.i li.itol. gurnled, and price* low. A. ilct'AUt-KY. Prop . M . Qao. MOOIIKHOVU. DOT'S CORNER, Anonymous Letters Thanksgiv ing Of all the vile uses that that term " fiiend" can be and is put to probably tlie worst is when it SLeik at the cud of au anonymous letter. When people have anything good to suy of ua or our friends they don't go out of their way to hide their person ality ; it is only when they wish to give a slab in the dark, whore they themselves may remain safe while tliey laugh in their isltevis at the ruin they cau?e that they take the anonymous letter plan of doing it. These snakes m-the-grass inasqiie- i j .ing under the name of friendship me found (or rather not "found," tuore's the pity) in every community, turning frand against fiiend, lover against lorer, and husband against will', with impunity. The best way to deal with a com- Uiiinicutiuu ol the anonymous Liud is to ik-slioy it without reading one word of it. baiJ a young friend of mine of the legal fraternity on nreiv ing one of these poisoiioud ii:i-.-i\i .- 1 just tore it into htllu bits without, reading it." On some one saying thut he should Lave read it out of curiosity if for nothing else, "No," said lie, "it would huve hurt me, aud rankled in my mind aud 1 should bo impotent to hinder it wounding me." "De- bides," said he, "by destroying it 1 make it as if it had never been writ- it ii ; the M-ndiT is foiled though be does nut know it." A sensible luai- i hd woman fiiend of mine purnu J much the same course with one of these deadly letters which sbereceived some years ago ; having found that that ubiquitous individual, "a fiiend," had Kigred his name 'it the end, she tossed the letter into the fire without any further satisfaction of her cun- osity. 1 l.e person who p-iy.a attention to or allows an anonymous leltei to i't -ct his social relations nu uls only cunieinpt, aud jet, there is uone of us but what would feel the sling, aud ih i [i down in uur consciousness feel a growing distrust, au ui.weU'uti:.- K u that "there might be souie'llm: ; 1:1 it." If we have escaped the anonymous letter fiend let us uo thankful for it this Thursduy and every other day in the year. 13y the way, Thanksgiving Day has rolled around again, but whuther it is i 1.1. mis of grace to us or not depends very much upou our point of view. To the man who has a bill coming due* which he cannot meet on or about that date, the thaiikfgivn:^ is liablo ,o he obbcuied by very pcrbanal cares; to those who have lost their dear ones ece'iilly or daily ft ar then loss, the line can MM ice be one of unclouded ihniikfulncss. True one can always ehYcl in every ill that "it might have >een worse," and even Fcjuee/.e a noilicuiu of sad-eyi-d thankfulness nit of the contemplation of tmch abbreviated joya as remain. Then there is the turkey now from his >ointofview(if he could he in tern >^u ted) i cannot be a time of wildly exhilar- ating joy. \\ lien attending a ladies' college some Jems ago, once a week the ,:i ..il voiced clmpliim usid to treat us 10 a chapter of accident*, siidm n deaths Mill misfortunes, which had come under his notice during the ii-k, when he \vus dkiniiishiiif lound thiougu tho country looking for victims" otherwise pupils for his -,1-lm >l ; all nl which accidents, deaths, etc., had happuni-d to pi'ople in. iving liiiin we were, and for this wo were i \i dried to be truly thank- ful, inasmuch as wi \\eie scared iui.1 the' olheis tuken douhtless as a It inn warning to us. B<it upeii us the warning wus thrown away, as we n'tlected that we were warned at far too great an expense; iu.il then, upon the same principal that wo should give tlmnks fur undeserved meicicR, .siiuly those other people should give curses for undirscved tiibulations. In gnlibh genei oaiiy we mid we had rather be those other people \\iio were furnishing UK. " winning," iima- niueh as they might justly re:' .n tl ilieiusclvis as iniutNrs. And nil the while iu our hot little he:uts \vo dc- s|UM'd the man who, with unctn'ms, oily tongue could imtuli unr intelli- gence with cuoh iwaildlu. I', i. They Will Not Pay Taxe Down in tho tnwn.ship i.f I. ( m>. C^ue Im -, iieur Otuwa, the et tiers have fur <evii.il yean refused tn p:iy iheir titles They don't see any nrcniwity fur it. li. -i | i >i|.le il.., howmi-r, and an ill>.i t iieiny made l>y the authorities to coll -.1 the MMHMtMM amounts due. UmlnN and polic* are uti tho m-enc but 1mm not accomplished much. A telegraphic n- p <rt frtiiii the seine >Hy : It wan at thu old liish name of O Kourko that i lie tint shot wan tiro I. John nf tliut f.iinily w.n a judgment del>t<>r to the county to tho i xtuut of I. .ill a null on tlit doll.ir of lux a*eaa) mont, a sum t"t..l of t'.ao. ll -<.ald n .t | y ; his women olf-iuil t-i * -u!d the wlmle pome of lj.nliir mid poll. ;< men if they dare Ky a li,;ml mi nj tiling ittiout the plnce. Ono uf thu policemen inter- fered, and ku(t a daughter from tack- ling Constable (juni-st with a (tick of lnewu.d AfK'lher O'Kourke wonmii w;ued tier apron at the dour and announced that the neighbor* were coming, to the rescue. Thu place prnveil one if tho unfruitful OUCH ; there *UH really nothm/ which wa I !tt enough and emiiy eiiou/h moved to win nini its being taken away. Up- tii.r and down, outside and in, nothing could bo found, m,d thd farm (till hare to he Huhl to raliy.u tlu< Hiiiount against it. Then (hem will 1>v more fun, for who is (join',' to buy it, much lew; lire upon it, in the present etdte uf ''public opinion' ill that vicinity '. MM. Leonard, widow L>ns.-o]l the used iiefore <;il:in- in In i- with her pres- ent hlHband, w.i.- not nl home. N .< ip. piiifiitly has uoi retumed fn :n her li-n \ - moon, iii.d II.T farm uUo will luv* to bv Dilifm wcru iiit-TM-'wed, with a that llotliinx h:w been lifcoinplinli- ed. S.iiiifwhi-re about {1,500 U ttiu amount involved, for there ;ue -oil debt- or-, lutt only an average of 7 60 is due f i oin eacli. I.iier adrices Rtato that the Ottawa militia Save been called to the - Thin, it i* expected, will have tho i licet of suddenly bringing the settlers to their Thu difficulty which haa rotuttrd iti tli-i irhiitia b nig sent heie date* back for ovi-r 4H year, and there never v the hi.ttory of the township % tune when any Uigc propoitmu of thu aetllers their county taxes I'revioua to several al>-rtiv attemptM ti> collect iniulf, and then the County of Ottawa Council, by resolution approved by the ni'ii.;ei|.al rt-piesentiifn ei of nil the other liiwimliips, inatriiclrd the county othVi >ls to proc.'ed through the court* to yet judgment ii^Hiiwt Low tow.iship, and it la upon this judgment that they are now l>oing. The a unt involrcdal that tn:.e was about 1,500. Some olb-n-d to pay, but were restrained from doiii^ 10 by their more bitter neighbors. After in uv tliieHtu, covering a iieriod of yi-iira, the c uuly i Ihci.ils ten ago taitod to ervo thu le^nl notices of the judgment upon each du- lin>|iient. While doinx ttm the otlicers were chased on fever il occaaiom, ami at last the papers were taken by force from Itailiu" .(iioulx. Then tho Provincial police were sent, and the nee of Fiiday laat took place. Only -ii peraous had been terved up to that tune, ai.d it w.es pr<'}MMed to make sit- mures of tho uoi.ds belonging to u!ie;idy aerved and aervo all the ni hiieoenKMii. Ky that time the |>eii. id provided for by law between tin- notice aud the seizin t* won d have expired, and then tho tticeri could continue the seizure*. Ttiese plans hare i-en all upset by the resist inco offered ;on Kriihiy lam (he troi.pi w. r e.dl d out. KeMilentfl ha\e complained that there was onco a township treasurer who col noted tnxeK and kept the money to p.iy us own salary. County Treasurer I>e8jr dines siys that this complaint has some 'oumlattoii in fart, butnx thu niuuicip.ihcy wua not attlnit tiuipi r_'nniiced ihecounty CKiiuot Nkki* any i.ftieial c gui/niiec of it. In regard to i.noj M'cmui^ suhsequeiit tho judgment notliin^ is now s.iit1, but when this old none is tully Hvttlfd the arrears since 18H4 will he dealt with. It a to establish tho pnnc-ple tint taxen must be p.iid that th present measures wore takon. Two humlrrd mid sevnity ivo dollars per day is tho ei"<t of keeping the mi. it. a here. Tin ro aru 'JtKi uelint|iiontK and they will hatea lar^o bill to foot it th ' thill'.' >i' es on niii.-h longer. Late advicea st.ilo tlml th j dilimpMeiua aro payiiii; up unJer military persuasion. Tho fmaiiciiil troubles of Her. A. Wil- Run .-mil his Alton congregation were v, nhUtcd on Tuenduy last before the Oiangcville T*rrb} rery. The eoinmia- sioneri appointed by the Presbytery to try to patch u;> the differences between the poster and his rebellious congrega- tion were unsuccessful in their miMMon. They f. iin.1 it impossiblo ro r.'llrct the Hne:iis of Mtlnry due Mr. Wilson for the rt-.-notl ream m that the Allen |xjople wouldn't pay for what they didn't want. I'h. v owe Mr. Wilwui n miethii'X over J300 and the IVe-.-'.x ti-ry on Tnewlay Authorized thorn to mort^i^i' the ehuieh to raise that amount. Whrn tin v have Milled with Mr. Wilson by llii^ elever .if tin;incin^ that (teutlennn will doubtless ittoi^n nnd seek patur.-.s new and urei n Kllen U. FiiiJUy <.f Ri Bay, Keppe', is in jail nt Owen Sound ch.irmtl with rmm'ur. A Hariiard.' I. y u unvl litvjrge K. (Jiveii died while ill her employ, aud a coroner's jury found thnt tl o 1ml had IHII t-ilc's deith "from ill tiv.il m -nt at tho li.iml* of Kl'.eu H I'm. Hay and from her ii.>t y^viuu; him proper cnr and treatment, food ami nourishmrnt durinit * ikitMM in her ho m,. " The woman wiv arrested on WedneNdav f Unt wi'ek mid remanded for il woek to si., ml her 'n. il before a magmtrate. Mit V mdlar M .l.'vril.i d Ht- a powerful, and masculiua wouiau t There is aonujthin- radically wr.in,' about th reduction in fret 4 hi ralo o h:iy and straw comii g ii.t thedio<illi Mti districts, a* r. v r : i,y I),-. Mo it Secretary of state, to Dr. JSpi.mle, AI. I'. That Df. Sproulo received liU ini..m .t tiun from Dr. Mmiu^ur! no per ,0.1 quest- ions, but that Dr. MunUjjuu nude the re- ported arraiigeinent with the C. IV I: and O. T. R. companies n > person in t! .i* section believea, aa the full rates 1, i.,- been and are still collected right An explanation by Dr. Montague will iu order. Chatsw,,rth News. AVER'S Hair VIGOR Beatcroa nc-forgj color to tho hair, and aviso pre-r It lolling out. Xr*. H. V/. Feawlck, ei Ulffby, M. 8., .eys: A little mor.! VVYO ye:irs ar i MV linir nirn g r a y' Sad on?. 1 ter tho nse of onn bottle of AVer's Hair Vigor my Lair was restored to its origin::! color and ceased falling out. An ticc.tsinnal application lia. since 1 t'-.e hair in (?ood eomliti .n." Mrs. If. J-'. FENWK-K, I>igby, .V. a. Growth of Hair. "Eight vrnrsiffn, I had tboYario- 1 iid, ami lost my hair, winch previ- ously was quite abundant. I tri< il n variety of ureparation.s, but with- out beneficial re.-mlt, tiil I began to l.'.'.r I should be permanently balil. About six months ;igo. niv inisl>anij brought home a bottle of Aycr's U.ur Vigor, and J began :l t once t 1133 it. In a short tin:?, new hair be|aa to appear, and t>i. re is now < very prospect of as thick .-. growth it hair as In-fore my ill-.cs*." Mrs. A. WKDEK, 1'olyuiuU tt., Xew Orleaua, La, AVER'S HAIR VIGOR US. J. C. A'/TR & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. 'i Pills cure SieJk HeaJaehe. OFF I h:ivi,- ilwitled to eli-..: .'liny entite s'ock of liootu and Shoes nc Sacrifice Prices. Money I unlit nnd n>. _, I have. Therefore th.-n; \v.m ,;i^ It.xita or Shoe* will consult then mvi unerests by buying while my present (lock lasts, a I do not intend to replace it. Great Bargains may b had now. Tl > ni"i induce- inputs may rever a^aiu I* ^iveii. CM!! and test my statemonU. JOS. Smith, Custom work and rvpaiivig tteiidi-l to a.i usicil. ROLLER MILLS Are now compiet aiul regular. Flesherton Planing In now iu active operation Mid p; spar- ed to turn out any i|iutntity nf firs: oIM work.aufh as doors, mtiuldinjjs.fl^opiims, sheetings, etc. Ba ncl sixw i iij^, So x*oll acaviyv in ^ Done to orJer. Wo alco manuf-ictur.. I'.e. hives, flive u ji.ur order for any thiiijt in our line. Peecroft & Sloan,

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