TRUTH BEF01.E FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, !W 772 Mi, COT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 1895 W. fl. THUBSTON, optics ard V.ive passed my uiainiu- Kti.-ii ! y. -ind :im now, by a thor.-ii.h kii" all enors nl re- fnu .in und convergence. i ii and in' " ' -t l.'i.scs, 1 can ^uaraii- . ct tit i:'.a.-.-e*, 11.1 master liour tri'uUc.sonie ir defective the Di^ut may appear. The house- 'o-hoBse pii!;ir will :t tliir.-y i.f the past and :li* graduate op- ti i.iu w.ll l>c the o.Jy one who w.ll bo isted witli thu correction <>f defective SCIENTIFIC Testing By a (.Ttduateof the Optical I-.i-tr.utv of C*n..iia. Ke. ling the rvcessity and iiii|<.irtiiiice of l!ie prnpt-r care ;iuJ treatment of the >v-, 1 have uktn a thorough course iu Oculist's Prescript's W. A. Armstrong Optician - Eye Testing; Free Our Business Directory Ynndrlviir. From our HH'II ' Vr?v<i/<i. We ire havii.g n:ce winter j.res.-nt. .i?iia and Dcp.- R*t.u Davis of Eimhraaia attended Ci.uuty Council la*t week. .Mr. David lirahitiu ut home after a three months' stay iu Manitoba. He rep.. its bus crops, but haa decided main iii Ontario for another year at leant. Mr. T. Dunlop i-i up >u the juiy (ilia week. Mrs. J<>! n Ill.i'u i very ill at present. While Mi*. Geo. Hutu' inson, sr , w:ia liuuii <<gK in a li It .she full through a hole iu i he floor, a distance of ei;ht but exci ptiui; a kcvere shaking up she aui.ttii.cil ii<> werioun injury. Mr Win. H. ilK,n luu left for Parry S,.iiuJ l>]-ti|.". r.. ,. ; .r u:, w.,rk. Miuter Erne, t Siio->x is vrn.ti:^ at bin aunt'*. Mi- '. -..IJH I'niclm J. - ! of the Ijiiya uruuiul here had a l..[i iit Mr. William Uolly'a laat Friil.iy liight. I |iresume, .tucrduijj t all ac- counts, they eiijoyeil lliuuiavlvea iiU- nietwoly. TLBuv.Mr of Hra'hcote, very ably tilled the pjlpit here on Sun- day Uat-. H" np.iLo frmii .> Jiiiui .'f li>. HIM duoi'ir .: ** p'ain a>id |i>inteU. Fall Woollens . . . ALL IN STOCK NOW . . . FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS \I.L \M> -:>; a MAKE v'i it S \V< : k imui^liip and Ouun m '(<< I C. J. LE1TCH .TERCMA.NT TAILOR Jcutistty. CULLOCUR * VOL'NO, llan'iera, klark'ial*. do a genera! banking bua- i i> a. Hooey loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on u- A.SDISKN. Cleik.'nl' IhvCourt. r (ire v I*uer "I Marriat<i> LlccnwiH. Coiiiuiiaalonar In IU' I . Co IT. riuco.-. Au.lion er, etc. A*ut (or tli llaxwy-IIarri* Agitcuituial Iiii|iK<> menu. CMaytu > Block. KUnbrrtuu. opposite Kichartlaon i atdwarv nture. J P. MAKSH VI L, L. D. *., M. D. * , Duntiat. VUiti Mukitaie the let and Ird \Vlli< clay of each Floau..<rto.i -Kacb crip on tu day L....WIII,. J. w \KltTS COI.LECTKD. Harriiter. Solicitor. Convnyaneer. Etc i F'eabertou offlc--NcKt tlie uut ofllc* Mproule ] building, ou Tburadava. Owen Sound oJaa rroefs uuiJ.liu.. Tl:t undcralKned i* prapar*! to tbc collection of all uf dibu. Nut<< boutfht. account! collected, uta it X. p J.SPBOLLE. rontuiaater, Klv>brtoB. Co:nnjMtioa*r In H. R.. Licvutrtl >uctiooear. (.'oaxyauoar, A praiawr aad Mcacjr Lcudcr. KM! KtaU an-l luaurauca Ajt-nt. D*U. aforteagM, Liann. aud WI1U ilrawu up aji<: Valuations rua>U on iiortert uoUco. Auction aala attondod to in auy part of the County. Money to loau at low l rate* of iutucaat. ColUctiuaa atteixlaa to ilh promrtnca* and d|wteh Cbar( low. Axvut for tb Dominion btoaiuahip fouipanr. chaap UcktfW from Floliurtou to Livoryool. ltlaKow, Londco or any of tb Hritinh port. I'.irtlva Intawling tuvixit England. Scutlan.l or Ireland, will i>:rar axk raus boforu purebaiiug 1 tX'AS* WBIGHT, Harriatvn. Roliciton. CoaTyaoen. ate.. Ow*u aound. Out. - - llarkilala. Out. W H WIIIUMT. I. B. LI-CM. X. H. -Flaaborton bfflc*. Mitcbcll'i llauk aTry ^ttcrtiral. r\it HUTTOS M D C 1 M. M P P Jt S Out. PtinvilU. OBcu uit door to Hrowni >tor; reaidenc* on* door wwt ol UatbtMliM cburcb. Kiurowt. Offic* day*. Tu~lay aiul Saturday*. r\K C.VIiTKll M C 1' A S Got., I'liyaiciail. Surgeon, u Klabi tun offlce- Stralna b'uv-k. lUi luc Vlumlukw'a Hotel / AO.L'.W.--mretarry &nrt and tbir.l M.-n day iu eacb mouth, iu thvir liNl^tt room Curiatuu lii.i.-k. Klm>hrlou. at N |>. in. A M (.ib.oi,, VI. W . \\ .). Hellau.}. nuauc *r ; W. Ii wm Uec'juU-r. \ ,-ttiux 111 ttl. 1 1. iuvitvd* ROYAL ThXIl I AHS OF TKMPKKANCK Kc^iilar I'liiiiu'il uieU evry flrnt and tbiril Tuoa lay HTUUIIIK iu racb uiunlh. in S|>roal-' bloi'k at M |> ui. Sclwt iuKuraucn oicttn inoiitblv. tb* of ach uiontb. JOHN A SCOTT, M II Ueuibcr ColleKoPhyic * SurROOun.i'in oi.i Graduate in Vc*diciue of Tun" 1 o L'aivursity Kllowbip Pl|>!uuia. l'ui-1 Ciiaduate Mvdlc.vl School and Hoxpltal. t'liiea^.. I'isvaaeeol ere. car, none and throat a|c<M> li.^tvd. lleai- denov, Maxwv 1, vimta Fev.-iriaui Thunlavil 'i "" w U SONS OF TKMPKIIANCB.-Tbia aotlety in,-. H in !>: < brito' Hall nnt Wa iicatlay ID oaob uioutli at * u.iu. Visiting uiatbtrcu iuviud. lukuiauco iu connection. I'DTTKWKLL V Veterinary Surgeon. Cita>l>iar of Outario Vetcr-uaiy Ccll(e. Ko'rteuiie Next door ouib of Uoota'a ulaulng factory. UP. II. A., niat iu tbeir ball. Chriatoe t block ver\ pocou.l Thurada> in cacli uiuutb. W m. ^harp, Maatvr. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. r\K MAUV M. BUANDKR XIDCM. M C P * 8. 0t.. l'iicille. Ofiico an.l reaideuce at Methodist |i*r^ou.iriti CalU iii^Ut or day pruttiptlv atU'ii.KM. Viisis riuabortou Statiou 10 to 11 a.ui. Weduvadaya I>UI 1 INrr \UTHIK I.01H.K. No AM. m..-t n tli Maaotio. lilink. FI'-brM(u, every* ou or before th full uoon. Ur Carter, W M, 1C J ,ICEVU.I,K AMI Ul'liHAV STAtJK. DIKKKUIS LOIHiK. No !. I 0(1 K, mevta Iu Cla%t<iu Hall TW> Tue mix at H o'clock . * brvtbruu oordiall> A r * P KIC1 Htraiua Durham ta- K-KVCS KI>h.Tt m Station t 7.1. a ui.. rvtiiriM 4.*.'i p.m. l'i i.-evilln Ntai;u li*av<ni tin- amu plate ut Ii. m rtu. iiinn at I 4.1. Kurt, to I'rict-vjlluaiid roturn . limn. !.. for return 7 c. alniltf fare. Liv.-i \ in con noctiou. Orders may be left at dtlivr liotwl. A. aicCAl LKV.l'rop n.\ it- 1 A 8 VA\DII>KN. M U MOOHB. Be 1J 1KH KU1TH KU'lUKUSON l'ii|iil of Id-lit Mahr. cf I i.rlin Cirnnauy. ivioliui; Mm HrKdle>. u! : iitnUii\ Muaid (Voic-e (.'nituii-i Prof K<:IUOII. latu of Toronto. iTianol will riH-.-iv. pupii. uj SIM.. IMi, Mt/i-lN. Pl ANOaud C..OA.> Cash : for : Hides! Sliti*>icms anil !l kind* of fins |iur ohaaed. for which ln^ln^t market nnce will be paid. Il.iinemade lauaagcH on h.ind, also all kinds of mwts. M. WILSON, N MEET EMl\>UIUM From intr men ComtpoHdeii t. N. \V. CainplKi;, I'. S. \i.t- xl our tchool tha week lx.-f.irn liat and found everything in ; mil .njer. The Hchol.-irswerc very lunch jileiuutd to SUM linn. M*ier (ieorxu Linley is i-upr. \ in^ very fiiej. He ia able to walk aruiinJ on crutche*. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Davidson of Feverlim, took i-h.ti^u of the E(>wrth Lfago twowec-kaj(o!ai>t Tuemlxy eveiiiiiu. Mr. F. A. Haker, tailor, of Coldwater, )I.U-OM-J into tbeEnu'liab church rectory. He work* in the front of Mr. Thua. Mainhlin'* houne. The Mchiulist S. S. are g->ingt have their eutefUiiiJient an.'. C'liiHtini* tree mi Chrialina* Eve. The j'ounj; I f'ple t* buy practising for it A numbtr fn<m here wenc to t!.e EJJ- jrottli League at Fevershnni a eek ago lant Moinly cveiiiujj. lleeve Preatoii weut to Owt-n S.'tiiid 1 u>t week to iittcn.l County Council. The Rev. Lf.;te and w-u went tu \\ n.idfoiil Uat Thursday. The Miaaea MuLoan of Molutyre were in tuan lust week. Mr. (Juy of RoU Win.- spent Saturday iu this vicinity. Mis* A. Hull ninl her brother, fn-ru < >*vn Sound, visited friends iu thii vi- cinity lat week. Our lixi^e purrxuto having a u]>per mi ihe evening of the 1'Jfh. Intel i*c. Fltlilt illn .-IM unit ut. The .uiuiul ine< tint; of Victoria chet'W) fntJory IIR hrlil in ihu sch<M 1 houae ou X..v. yoth. The four routes wero well rf|irusebtetl. It was very gratifyinj; tu hwtr the manager, Mr. Cowan, siiy that tlie (Hitnuis i.f the factory were li-.iivnt men, U-cause IK) milk w;u t:tni;uTfd with lut season. Mr. Thomai> ltaniii.ii was elii 'ol I't.-^i V-nt f. r IS'.HV Our aniiiversiiry, which U to be held on IH-V, j:i, pn>iuisH to bo 'lie b^t ia the history of S.iU,nih school eiileitninuiviiU Iiii-ti.-j.'. No little etioit is being put f-ii'ih to iii.iki' it a i;rand suocoait. The iiiciiil'. i> i.f tin- E. L. ti ok ad of the plt*na-iiit Heather and good 'a--f iStin.l iv oveniug to attend thj revival ini-etun;* tli.-it rw being con- ducted by Dr. C.-un^bcll at Xion. They were In- 1.: i \ welcomed by the Xi..h con- ii, and at the close of the M einvitalii.n: "l>on'tfuil to c*>iuu ausiu." Mr*. Keduiond, who had her thumb crunlied between t'.ie cn-s of a fmni- null, n si. iii-iiit^ (.ouMuuniblc. Ti.u in *AMM*>aWM IM y.-> ihu thumb my t i ot. uiii| u.*.d j,: il.o brat joint. He-it. lluUuM>n, who ., ok ia thv ,.^r vest excuuinn IM t!ie N - '. tan n-turtiel Mr Tlnm. Muljuay had a h"re kil'ed r.-iilwiy truck by a II.UKHII-.' trim. J.ilx-x Wakely. K|.. 'ii [i..It ;!. is via- n.jr. Mr- \'.H\:ini!vr Fo^er, who has beeu i alowly rvcuveiing. xui.n..!i Park. P- .... The Rev. Mr. li.iif.-ur .t Eu^<-riia de- livered it very t mcliuu ': 1 rxiivricial M-niMo in tlie Meihodiai cliurcli liit Sah ftt-rii "'it ou i.iiai-n..ry -.v i H, fruit , the text : "Tliy L.nyiloui come." 1 We are i{lad tu *Mm tWl Mr. Th-nnas , i'nni|>>i-ll is nvivi-i'ip;- Ii .:M 'r.i :'ilne>. lv> .M - Miii^ie FiTvufiii tint Mr. I) >uyl. in IMVM recovered fr"in their illi,- We are very aorry to learti that Mr. Win. Haw ia\ery ill at pi. i.'uite a niniil-er of uur cm n-ns tiMik m tin- I'. S. o inert ui Mow Ki.^laud laat He. k. Mia* Nettie McMillan spent Sunday at h.'ine. accoinpaaied by the Misaen ('Urks n! l*roliiore. M *.- Lieaoie Kii.neil spent Sun.liy at her ho'iiv. Wo under* and that 1'.. ie ia ' envHgtd. to teach in tV S. No. 8 for the neat KUIII of $_'. J.'t. Miaa Mary Me" irt-jnr of Duii>la!k ient y .uul Sunday with Miss Annie - S mo of i.ur youuu pe-'plo liave been s'vi-^li riding and trying *n i -.-t. How- ever, n ithiii^ mi. re seiious than .1 black eye and a scnuhed nose has resulted. -iiicbiidy nil! be IU-TJ c :i f .1 next time. A concert will b given in P. S. No. " .n Due. the 20ih to which all are invited to Come. Christmas 1=8=9=5 Chimtmaa comes but once a year, and ! it m commit this year of our Lmd. ll4'J5, to the olil store uf \\ . E. Ric'iordswn. whei - .luaalwaya . load up his >leti:li with hut ti-aiu of tun deer, .ind wlieru lie will Kii'l al.r.-. r .tii.i Iwtter aaejtrliiient of presents for hi.(li youi % and . !!. 1 i-lu-s ami .'eiitleioi-n. bo> au.l gills, than :iny!ure ebte, and at pncti '.. suit 'he li.ird '.linen. I have lova, all . Jew's h.ii ; s. tin nliisties, -. and milxicjtl u> Ii * I 'you anj kind of music y>u ih ; !->-. I truiuj '., ihu puzzle*. u^nicH i lajpend a socnil evening with, caul from !.-.! .TII'S ii|i. panics of f-irt, 'if cr . imc of iinitriinony, tlu j ciick'n> ^.tinc, .-'i-.. toy Ixxiks, a uer j selection . f _;..! icadiiiK bka, U-oks of ' tlie leading |>-t. music buoks, hyut. Hooks. Bible* for uocker, family BiuUe, i Bibles with, lance punt and .-.mail prur, itvachen' Kiblea, almanacks; puiae-, p< >cket book M, cr.l caned, dolln, Clrii.i dolln. [intent doll*, and rubber dolla, < all kinds and sizes in dol's. All thd latuat iliingi> in photo albums celuloi.l and plush bindings, very cheap, ladle*' cstnea, manicure aettn, jewtl , glove and handki-rJnui bies, boxes, wmiiiK case*, aruin^ ucaka, di-essin.' ciues. DlHtcu handnl uil*. liair j bruahos, nail lu-ualies, paii.t jof brush'.**: U>y paiiirs and ca toy ten v-'ti", cups and .*utuct>i statuetts, knives and, ' pencils, paper and vlirelopua, uncon, j i nvfdlrs and ciiator nil, |-rfuiu..nd piil*. i beautiful pipe*, splendid ciiiar*. s*ti , by the cot. T l>y the Mi.. seU by tht> ^rooK IT by the dozen, and wt.c.Ii carts, allsizeg. bule*. t"..t i aud r It- short on Station. . f.'ui'rtipi'it M'M Cuahnie. stvn-dauu'hter of our tnwiiMiiin, Mr Tucker, has been unpaged to conduct our ;icn U-iuy for l^iHi. and our late teacher. Mis Jolinston, will take a ci'insr at Owen .Sound'! 1 .!< ;utu Iimtilute. Mr. Mahaii held special services ocry night lat week in the hall here. Mr. Rod. McLed intends remodeling his carpenter sli..p,;,' a blacksmith's shop in the basement and carriage and paint chop nbovu. W un..l,M stmnl the new bhtcksniiili n a Csmp's dvik man snd no iliscrnlir to "Id TubalC.uii.uitlii-r Our ini'.l in -.A liifl son e bad luck with s car of lumber lately, Imvin;/ shippjd it to s party who failed to pay fur it when itariived in Toronto. Hut we under- stand Mr. Legate intends t.i l>uy more li>ijs this winter ever lief.. re. Mrs. Aslid'-wn Ix-eii sick l.itoly but we ar gW to rej-<it her nil ri^lit Sglllll. Mr. John WliittHker, jr. diM^oaed o' lii.i utock by auction two Hecka ago. iaiiKedawa> down. Tli^ lintels i.f linn place mv doing a lively uavU- tlu^e ilii.v-. in t.ict it could hanliy ! otherwise, as bolii uic-n are \iry ! ,>nd .-l.lun ,- .ii.J keep their linuaea 411 lui and oi u, i ly . Msii JAM. Ai>li>li'Wii ia at lUe v Nut* and oOMijCt-^ walkinit kticka and 'air gun*, in f.ict hcaily evn ^ilniiij '.1m t in wanted to uiaki- the h<-iu-'!i of \ uni{ and old K' i,l. and cement friandnbip in crockery ware, and u>ind feiinonh p at <.<! uf the nld yenr and to br ^litu.i t!io Cuniiiit! HI :!; new. Uishin^ all a mei ry Chi introa* and a Iglad and h.ippy New Year. W. E. RICHARDSOH TIHELY HINTS^ A wiae man know* Huw u> :ak a li.ut. Tliis is tbc season of year whcu you are rt-qiiiniio; RODES, r.LASKETo, HELLS, NVIIIl'S. 1 1E1T SETT OF D13IESS Ciurycoml's and evtrjtliijig coliUectcJ wuli the Iliu iiwss line fur wiuUi- use. Do - You - Know to buy theiu To tbu bent advantage '.' This is where the hint comes in And it is a good and biuuJ oue : Go to HILL HOOKL. Ilariirtsuiiikfr. Flvslivrtaa. N 13. Cowhide uiiiU.