Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1895, p. 4

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THE FL1SHIRTOH ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 WKKKLY AT THK OKFlrK KMUM HTttEBT, Kl !> llhi; I N . <>NT. , V W. H. TUl'KkTOX. M per annum.Mlrirtly In lulvanre Advertising Kates: Oae Column. 1 year, JO ; half cul., 1 year. f27 quarter col., ooe year, *1J. Transient advertUeiueut chalked t the rat f t cent* per line for flrat Innertion auJ 3 centa each lubimiuuut lunertion. A despatch to Tuesday's dailies aays that Mr. Greenway will not com- promise on tlie school question, and will not concede Separate schools. In t'.iis event the government can only go ahead and attempt to pass its remedial legislation. If it reaps tlie whirl cvind i'. will only bo because it lias itself sown the win-1. Perhaps one of the waniy*'. political fights Ontario has seen fur man v years closed yeasU-rday iu North Ontario, where there are Patron, lit- for in and Conservative Candidates in the field, The election takes place to-day, Thurs- day, and is witclio.l wit'.i keen inter- est. Cardwell is undergoing an eruption of a similar kin. I. Municipal matters are quiet in this township aud very liitle is known as to wht the itale of otliiis will be on nomination day. Aspirants for muni- cipal Lonois in Artemeiiia are ex- i..linly modest. They like t.i he lacked by a good stroi g deputation or nuiething of this nature they like to have the mountain amlile unmnd to Miliomet. Then-file no caudiiLt't * Lave as yet tnnouncod theuisth Lc-iug i'i liie field for ret ve or council- lors. Should the mountain jf-t along iu time for nomination il.iy tin-re will no doubt be a contest for the i fchip, aud poBbibly for one or two of the c Mincilloiship*, but at p. . ivthingis outwardly calm. The eld council will all be in the li. I.I again without waiting fur the "iiiouii- t.iin" to come. As the councillor foi ward 2 lately remarked to The Ad- \ance. "Mr. McMillan aud myself are going to Owen tiouiul next year." lly the way, is it not pretty nearly lime that the electors of this township ihould say who will represent them at the County Council, aud who will not ? We believe it is turn-. During the past year a largely signed petition Win presented to the council asking that the ward *ysti in be done away with. It will be well toask the coun- cillors on nomination day what has become of this petition and why it Las not been dealt with, one way or the other. At the June session ol Council it was moved by Messrs. Me Millan and Thompson, ' That the pe- tition of Thorp NVii^lit and eighty otlie.s, asking that the ward system be abolished, be. loft, over until next legular meeting of Council." App cutly no regular meeting haa since IMII held. At all events the petition is still " left over." The Price ville Po*toffice To the Editor of The Adonnrt. DEAR 8m,-- Will you in your vnlualile |>|HT for itiul telephone lli<'.'*, and IIM the ml tuulu^tf of liellirf iiepiirixtu from n toru buiinrtH, iMCuriiiK jiinin-y, a deairuble ioi|iii.Hitu f. T nierehniil* and the public iu lii'in i.il. Anil during 'In- lonx tiiiiu that tlie office bus bun in its ]in-i.m position, iiiipi-'ieiiienrH li\ i- L.-i-ii innilf (i..m tune to (MIIC a! f :< -i-lrnil lj expeiixe to the owner, ntul now it is a credit to lh>- \il Uge, Hiid t" remove it after Kiicl- fiiithfnl tervice would ! most unfair. The vil luge and c. inn.u: iiy il.-iiiMid tlie ii| p.'int- inent for Mins lir.'Wii to the vacant olli.-e. Two potiiiona Live bven eirculaU-d, the one h!< three hundred nai'u- of voters, irreKi'eUivi- ..f p.-irty, uiu] ihc nther with oer seventy, cxcluively Cwiiervniivr, tthowinn tint) her H|i|'tiiiitinent would bo moxt (Kipuliir. Her hoin. l..i- 1" i-n dvvantaled within the U.st four inon'lis \>y tlie lutiid of Jeutli. Her futhtrr nml IM th.-r have botli died, Btul now jjraipii'g av;u ice Hteps forth to wrest the ulti'V fr. .in hur her only means of support. Thu heart is callous indeed that would i ni. -it tin Midi an unworthy project, and it will IMS in the | u' hr in- terest an 1 l<> the credit of the uuitator* of tliiM nefarious ^clu-nie to let the matter drop The uxeiutitu of the Coiiser.atne aisocml I.MI im't in Duilmin IKK! Tuchilay, where it wa< un-1. i -(.... 1 that tile innlter would ho fin il\ mliiiiteil, but i under- stand that tint Hint 1 . -i ^ol a qui-seiice. In the meant line we h"pu that no inti i_'nc IT unfair nuans will hu used to do Mm Brown out of Inrjust ilyhr. \\'e under taml that th" ex cntive Inmrd was A ell repreciitt<l .in<l Miss Hrown'H friendx were in the m:ij"rity. V.'e have, hearl of an nmuHth'j n n IM.-K whieh liap|>eind to on,' .if Mr. M Vrthur's friendN, who thou^'it he had ri^ht to sit on tin- ex- ecutive commitUe. To him and nil such who arc lo 'kinu' for high putitioim. we would refer t.i tlie I I'll vl apter of 1. ik. and fn'in tlie 8th to 12th versRt, and liojie he IIKIV i.-. . ive mini- unml. Av'ain thaiikin.' y u, Mr. E'litor. for space, I remain your .l>ediaiit svivaiit, I'm KMI 1.1: Cni/i s. I'riceville, Dee. (it!i, IS'C. A Letter from Euphrasia Boar for Service TlmroiiKhlirbd llrrkvhlre boar with pedigree, for cr vie.) on lot 106 ami 187. T * H. h. Turin* 75centa. KHAMC Ciiiiin 1'n.p KOTICE Notice I* hersby given that the |>i tnornlnp heretofore existing botweuu the uudrn-iKiird 'na tlim ilas turn ilimiolveil bv m it-i.il ei,n-i:nl. The buHiuiwH will hu carriud on by Mwrr Ittiucn.rt A Talhut. All aocoiinU due no will no payahlu to Mr. Heecroft. arid any IndebtedDess 'I tlio Hrui will bo nettle-. I by the a*mo A. ltr< ll<.rr PlehertOll, Dee. 1KB W. Patron Meeting A mi*etinK of the I'atroQt of Induftrv of tho toHiiohip nf Ait. m. -m will K-li ! I in tn-- Town Hall. r'lonhertou, on Hatni.hiv the Uth iimt.. at - p in., Kir-h organization will Huud two dele- gates. All patrons are Invit.-.l Hi mi IJVMOH, secretary Correction To U" r.tlttoi <>f Th' DKAIiSuc. Kii|.l.i.iKi'.i ^oii j; t" ent. r Mill. ^It.lt ll.li ; . t-T (In- \e-ir I >'!. - they say. Thu couiivi' will refoim a. id pay the farmers' luxes, five fee<l to all the si -.k on thu faun, purchase some hay for the IH.ISC, nml do some g'-nuial clioreH uroun.l i'i' l...ii'-e, \i/.., carry in milk, ...! and w.iter, and kias the Imliy C-l. (\\anili" ls!l r ,;,.! -ii f. -in Wilfred uri*i ') They will I'i .misouriny ihi'iji and p j rfrni very lit:le v. hen iu the duneil Ai''ineii eounril w 11 pny 8 n thu dollar to let a joli of w.nk. >ii| | .- I Aiti -mehia 'Ui s a job i<n na 1 at .'i, your coiiimixri'inrr will r-ciive $1.20 ..r Intin, 1 the j.'li, etc. I. liom i.'l up to |iei!i I;.K 9-0 in Kn| In-.- .i t.i let ?l. r > j.... \Mi\-.' \\.ll. they |iiy .. iiii.-h H dy. That is what tie ie\e i:. I to me uli.-ii I asked him 1 " iniuh lid \\m. til t for Irtiintt to me I,. , .1. ..n :i .u..! I M. It-line, llisai.sw.-r K.IN, "S ..... Ill-lift llay." I IlllVeU"! follil'l ut how inn. h he -..I t.. let llial tflO j !>. That < c. am i. 1 yot <fl only ..r ll e j. ill tln-y 'W. Stuart let me for 910. vet V\ StiiHit in tryii'K lo liecor,.u the ecve "I Kupl.i'.iia for IMN'i. When I t"ld \\ Stuart l i>i-t the felicu removed iff tin- i-' ad ull.iviaiieii hit reply was. let he fence hu lln t. . mid tho fence IH ulill here, and the roiid in e-illain p ! ac i nvured hy some fene 'a, vi/ : l-.l li on Uth in.-. . w. port of 4 "it sideline for 3 and \Vlio in r. .! i oliinii9ioin-i nl pi. ~. ut, t li ? See that jou do ^ our duly, c..nn il.ir, for ickuiii'iro cin't ';.-t if this I line. 1>. lit i ' je, Out. |> fnc'ii reUtlvu to lliu 'In- full., H in.. e excitciiieii in I'i i -eyille. OWIIIK to tlu> ilcHili i.f ilu In'.- Alexander llrown, who Im.s I . . i I'os'nmater fur HO nuiijr years, a net K -|. ointment mint l'<i in. i'li'. Tlimo iir Iwci HJ plicauiH f'ir lli.' ..Ilii', Mr. .lol.i Mi Arthur, inurclmiit, nml .\Im Mary A r.i,.wii, tint ilaii-;lil. r of lint lulu |...M master. Tim lint nun. I u |>l., m', Mr. Ho Arthur, is merchant in H''"l niai,.l in.-, with wi'll dtiirki'il H'..I,.. II|N, i L .,,,.,i firm it. .11 III" villftgf .in-1 U.M -d |.r. f.ir tin 1 luiiii . MIH.I Itinwn, tint otlu-r pplicA'it, lis luiil soli' iii.ui it>t'iiii)t)t of tliu "tliiu for lliu liul iMHi'h yi-Hi-.i or IIH.I-.-, imil .1, ii-ii. u' lliat tinif in I MIIU Coiii|i|iiint lj in liurn in iiln liy tin- |.nSli,- nr lln- | i I'll.' ill |ll|l|lll'llt. 'I I.I' | ..-L.tVlC.' U l I nt centrally niluntei) in tliu villa^i , in olo ctmuv II.MI null bolli le'.ui;r,i[ih In the Gray Review soui six weeks see there splN'srod sn article which was not iMiblUiimJ .1- M' by me, so sn explanstion of thu nutt.-r i- in place. Mr. A. Tucker eam. tu my cliuene factory tolling me he h&d bon accu><Ml in the ehiii.-h i.l hstinii IHISII guilty bvfura tbi o( taiii|KtriiiM with IIIM milk, sitd AM flueh wai* not the <-u I leal that l.c oin;ht to bu freml from ^uch blame. si..l I Kavt) liimthv followli;: "I hereby Htate that nuch rt*urt In repaid to Mr. Tuck.'i Wiit.'rini; hl milk U altogether a fain.- one an 1 have always foun.l hifl milk free of water, sad he wan lined for one uffencn only, 1 U. J. MAIIBII u.i. Droniorr. N'ov. :wth. 18Oi School Meeting Tl.c annual school tncetinc for section .'. FI.'Hh.-it-.ii. will Lehul.l .mTliurKflas, J'.Ui iiKt . at IU o'clock a. in i-ha- p. to receive th ti . ami au.litors' re|iort and to elect a tru>te for . TENDERS will bu receive.! by the nnd.-lne.| for the .1. In t-riny uf 45 o -r.U of KOttn.l beuch ati'l inal'le two!,-. -!i.. irho>i] h .u<'. UMI TENDERS for cat i taking of tbe whuol K".IM-. C. 'trillions known of the urnlt*i Hi^:i-.l. -< t'. i-i.iiuiii n.-.' tilth Janaary, 1NOB All ten.l.TH i<> !>* rec.ivo.1 on or btiforu '..-lii.'.i meeting. The lowest * ~*art!y acccpwd. W. CUMUTOM, Hee. Tru. Bull Came Astray. Catno to the premise* of thu uu.IerslKiie on. IS. Aittfiileoit let l.'il-IVi. e IHth ln> of Nov. Olin y.'i have name b/ ^>rovin^' \p> uaw. or nl..,ntthv li ,K bull. Own. |> . . *> I paving lion- M^crfirr t : -h. .t ,n r.o. Straw Cuttiug by The Pay. Th iiinl< ra'k-iirri h a lurifn straw cnt'lni; machine ami are pr.-pai el to l-,-uw ..u'lii. fur farmers by thu Jar. For i' t i-ulan. apply tu A. HR-tTHAM W .li ... ,. F'ruherton. Doc. :>. 91. Came Astray Cam.' to III.' pn-iei ^-. ..' t!i" tin !er-lc-ie-l,lot 'I an t. run. H. (>>.p, ry. mi 01 ..I.., it Kept. 1st. 0111. KpniiK h,.if, r r ilf TIL- - i i, .-.- I l.i |.|.-vu pli.p, rl,. p-iy .-\|i, -ii.,. mi I lake name sway. \\ ,i (.: i., Maiwrll TO Hogs for Service Th"ioui,lil)ri-l Itcrk-liiiu l:..tr ii-l TI. M hie.l llllpli.v ' lot 10, con, 7, Opre . 'lii..ftrl at tiniv *,/ kurtlm \\. \V. MKIK. Maxwell P () Berkshire Boar f >. Service The uuilerKigned Uos s> ttrtfl*i 1.....I ! . - . I .\ -I. 1'riteu.kur at Kast c.rey full fair. T.-nn- T. unit-. MO. Jim. Thorouglibrod Berkshire Boar The uii'ler-iu'i'il ha it Ihor.. i : I ..... I '; ilc- hlro b.ar n . o I .1 I utrin.. K. T. & 8. 11., ArUuiciia. T.M in ..... I.. liar. JAI-.IH il.n.i.vr for Servic ) lol HI I A .-. U. . lo-\r f'M 'Iciui. *l Ht liui -t - - t'liimiitir nil- ini'n *]Hllnl: III. Thu 111. -.-I Mien and the raitri.n.l i|in-->i..n a-e all the topics that are l..-n _ .1 -.. imsed at premiit. Ootid Wighiui{ brtnRM |oad iiuinhei of f.iinirM from thu surrouiidini; c..iinii> and they are all greatly iu favor of the i idioad .-"inini; ihioiujh Kii'^i ilia. Mi--, l.i/./n- I!..} armed hoinu from Moni.-;.ii , N. .1., ."i Kiiday last. Shr i. - eivi-d a hearty wel ..... ie from a large . ii.-'e of fr'emls, who arc .^1 ,d to Imvc her ainoi'ht ih in nyain. Mr. (iillil u.d has lieen aw.iy for umie time past sur\ . \ i - n. u- I )tta. Mr. Thomas Smart nml Mr. (ieor^e Roy have i;..t lionio from M.nnt- lii. Tliey 8ny they prefer this |irt nf the I > minimi us a place to make their homo in. Mr. Ed. Lu<!ard Inia been sick thu pant week hut i.- now hettnr. Mr. McKee nf ('ollin^Houd is visiting at Mr. A. Mud ill's. Next Sal.lnth is commit-. i- n Sabl alt. with the I'n-iliyl.-i :aii .ni-gi-.'jjiil ion here. Kx councillor IV.ll.n nml wifu were visiting their dmiuhtir nt \\'...n',foid last wrek. Mr Marcoii li-.s ^..,ne to Toioiito for the present. II.- .;-.. i-. to iciiiiii soon. Kieiy .mi- n, M.-m to hear that Mr. I'uidy i- i i hei- pooily at piiM-nt His presence in ureittly misn-d in the I'nion Supday Schciol, where ho 1ms loiijj been a fuiilifid helper. We hopn he will noon be ulilu to take MtaMWtoMvd ) Ui-c again. Farm aii i Mill Site for Sale K ! ,- *\- in I t>n vi-i \ ,--v\ I in i Iu i f < . I w ii mil-. 1 1. -tii Ki>- h kn<>WM ,,-, tli.i \\ILJ HI^K Hwmill I'M- I.. '. I - -i. V. iu.'ll H M! f\C*'lltfUt %%.(!'') )<Ml (Hill. -nil Ml (f AW Illl'll, il.illl MM t (HMItl Mull WAt-r v> in . ! i . )-?oi an lull n H U ( |<nf mx null - ' i II-'.-K n '. Vi.Vttu w. 11 tiliibuft tl, nit \i'<l I :.j I- I M :, " (u'i t i>iif>- hnidil )*** in will ilnMii, Imletiit > cli \'i\ lo U.J. I.K. Very Accomo= dating The new shed for the accomodation of horses is complete and ready for use. Don't be backward about nsinj,' it. Free to all and room for all. Entrance north side of store. But this is only t> side show. The great performance is goiujj on under the big ten'. Here you will find almost anything needed for the adornment and comfort of man, woman and chil d Shawls Ladies' Wool Shon'dcr, wortlr7."c., for 5"c. Lfidi'H \VnoI tshon'der, worth $1, for 87-V. Ladies' Wool Shoulder, wmih SI .'.".. f' r$l. Heavy Wool blmwls f,t 8.. S2 '2',, $-J.50 iud H. Underwear Ladies' I'mitan Yes 1 *, at i.'ic., 50c. and 70c. Men's Wool Shirts and Diawers, 50c., T.Jc., f 1 and fl.50 p?r suit, Men'a Top ShiriH, woitli 7">c . for ^0c. Men's lop KlmtH, worth !IOc , for 65c. Grey Flannels from 1 -i cents u|i. Flanncli tto, 28 inches wide, at 5c. per yard. Tweeds, nice patterns, % 2.>c., ^ ic. and r,0>; por yoid. Groceries Japan Tea, good valm>, t 80<j , 10 Ibs. for S'2.25. Japan Tea .good value. t 2-">c., (5 Ihrt for $1. Canned (Soods, Apples, Poais, Peaclies, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes. Salmon, etc. 90 Ib. sack List Rolled (Kta. |l.!i. Another lot of those 'him Rubbers at $1.'2", just arrived. B. flcDONALD WRIGHT'S OLD STAND M. RICHARDSON &Co. 8PE6IJ1L FOI; .. stor la every department of on r wo have Christmas offering?. CHEAP FRUITS CHEAP TEAS CHEAP SUGARS The biggest basketful I of groceries for One Dollar Von ever took out of a store. Log-s Wanted \\n-it. I I- - - l-nt.-u orqni. kls an i..)**!'.' 1 **. I00.ui>.i lent el rook olui .i I.H;<. -J. 1! an. I 17 feet Innu M >-' i" . '. .< -<f knota UK (HMKihle, sound llmbor, from 18 tiMbsjs ! JiMinetnr up- wariU Hie |HII:.'| Hi, l-.u.r. Tlut Hiuckian i.i- >-h ]'('- I wi (Hn noon an cut. .piiuk return'.. li..i..| pi I . paill I. ii K "'-I. 'i, Ruin.- lliulwr. Illlll ickly. Kll|(. -ni.l fa null, ilt-i. U. 'J.">. V T. Cilin. Haass ad Lot FBI Sals, Ki "Rl. i tu ."i- anil OK eanv turtle, in I- '. ton. h,.!oi. -i. I !..'. -->li.t 1'ii- 1. .Iwelling "ii t n.' t-.tll.vr. ^iiiniin.r kitchun and wo...l- al-o i.-....l I'nin.- fl.il,!.-. l.il.-k lin.-.l. I'.e'niit'H DOBvalns twn lame lotKu.ii ... ..I >..nn(! orehar.l. II.-M. iiii^ MOIIH*. atin t-u'l.. i.tliit^h aru .-\. . ptionnlK , I! tinlvliml aii'l von .'OIIMI.I- mtlj lai.l ..ut. Appi, L.I l: I Sri: " i l ri.-.U-.t..n. Yorkshii e Boar for Service The under* gnsd boa a thor-'iiKlil'i-"-! Vrk- H!IH .- i... o 1 ,i -,-. \ Iu*' ...i lot IV.. 1 ri. \V.. A.t. mutt a, half i.iilti n. rth f I- le In-, ton Cm- Flvkherton IV 0. Ko 1. ll1. liolierl Marslmll einiuuitted snii-iih) nt Orilliu. His wife lin.1 lieen iiwny from li..iun for n few <l,i)s, ami on lier r.-tuin found her Uiitihaiid FOR SALE DuxHa,m Stock Illlll old. Iliiilinnir f..| side Si\ olives fr. in Ifii t.> sixteen luonllis Si\ \eiirlino heifiirN, rc/iilrn .1. Ti-rni-<. I'-' J. C. PtBIEl M < > 1 1 1 1 1 s OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Is the very Best I .. ii i: IN CANADA TO OKT A Education, Take a Round Trip S*.ri!J. I'olli-u.-ii an. I'.'.iiiiuiulal Dvpartuienu In Canada, then vi-.lt th Northern HueiueiM College ; uxanilna every tlnn^ tli .roiiiibly. If we fall to pr.~lm.- tin most th ' ouijli, complute. practical and exton aive con. -e of *tu<H ; the hc.it coll.'ue pieuii a'i'l the l st an.) not* i-oi.ipli.l.' ami most suit alii, furniture and a| | liancu*. we will i;ive you i ill coune Kill... Kor Annual Announce .oent, giving full pa.ticular* .free, aildress C. A. FLKMING,- Prinripal Photos TAKEN AT THE | Flesherton Photograph Gallery ar dnc in nut-clnoi ntylu and nt lowest rules. Special attention uiven to copyina. llnbin' phutos. n s;.fciiiliy. fit tut e funiitttl. MRS. BULMER Silk handkerchiefs, genuine goodc, ir TEN CENT5 Fur C.ipc* and Collais at lower .irices than we ever quoted. COME AND SEE US ...... TI is week we want to give y.)ii something to remember this season by- Qoods 4(1 inch Hack wool serge, 2">c. per yard, wotth 25c.; 40 inch navy > J. r >c., \\.ntli % 2Sc ; 42 inch tweed effeei.i, IHc.. worth l^i- . 42 inch Iwpcd etT 24c., worth 'J4;-.; i>4 inch fancy wool tweeds, elegant goods, ."lOc. to "Oc. Blankets, !>8c. per U.., super wool blankets, 4.*>c. to 50c per Ib. liali-s of cotton graiu bag*, $2 per dcz , worth $2. Y.utl wide union wool carpets, COc. per yard and w?ll worth 50c ; y n d wide, elegant new patterns, carpcu. .")5c. and worth ">">c. Min's top shirts at 45c., 50c , 60c. and 7">c.. fine values. f>0 and "r2 iin-h linen table damasks 25c. and 3()c. per yd. and worth it. We had to buy more overcoats this week tr> keep assortment of all sizes. We sell none but Sunford'i clothing now because we find their goods thu most reliable aud they rvct-ive the en ilit of making best clothing iu tho Dominion. It is going to be a hard winter sud some ptople, are preparing for it by buying our frieze coats to defy tlie cold. AND Faring . . Village Properties For SAlE(rtoRiNTintheTcwDshijso Artemesiawt Glenelg Lot- 1 an.) 4. con. 8 N D II . t'>rn>hlp of Arte- niexia. 1UU ai-re. 7 > clear. With new f.alnv bum 4*>*tV5 It , iitoiie bastttutnl. \\ oul.l rent. ' 47. con. 2, town-hip of (lli'in.lii. V. ninli-r Kixxl i-nltlvatiou well watered. Would rent reason it 1. 1. Lot Nn. .'>. Jam.:* nt. lio-th.aud lot So. fi. Miil at. north, alo uatt part of lot I. Kiiieariline li.i.-k house and lot at KluRlierton Station, known a> tliu Wait piopertj. All the shore . propi'i tlen will he unld at low ml on emy toi-nis. Titlo Iml .put it.lu Appi , to John McArthur, PRKHVILLB P, O. We carry the biggest stock aud we think tho best selected stock, and if you will call and lee our pi ices we will allow you to bo judge of the values we offer. We claim to boss the boot trade in Arlemesia. In rubbers aud overshoes we have an immense stock comprising nearly every style made. -mas Some most beautiful China with photographs of the churches on it. YOU OUGHT TO SEE ft A piece of it would make a very nico present to give to your visitor on leaving as a souvenir of Flesherton. . . Other Goods . . Such as novelties iu Glansware, Cutlery, China and Silverware, are just the things most suitable for Xuias presents. CROSS-OUT SAWS AND A1ES Our stock vas n. ver so complete as at present with the very best goods that are made at prices which aiu will in the reach of every one. Pee them. Skates ^\ r e have a line of Genuine Acme Rpiing Skates iu uickelled and plain steel. II].

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