Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1895, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. McTavish FLI KEEPS ON HAND airs For Massey-Hani.-i, and Noxon, Flcury and \Vilkinnon farm impleioentii. ! l.-iii _. aiul Verity i-loxva on hand all the time, ulso all kinds of repairs for t!n- same. \Vu manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Hurs< shooing promptly attended to. hptcial itlk-iition to teuder, con- tracttil Ret. LlggMI and Plow Chaius constantly on hand. About Cutters and Sleighs QBNTLMEN--At the aeaion of (Mghfaf i j.-iiin np|-roai-liini; I would call j."i: . i! in-iit :ttu-ii' inn to my wint. r t.-rk in Hindi I am pro- pan .1 t.. '^ivi- y >>i entile atifaction |M.||I in .|ual;ty and price. In cutter* I have a k to (elect from, u.iulc - t i-. -I of material u:.d liilvnt .'. M^::-. in rinisli. I mil B-_-C"ll<l to li"ii,. Ill ].-i^l,s.l cftll ai-. oiiim. il.it.- you, ti'lii-r li^lii -T In ivy I'n. nipt attention -JIM n to re|miiin^. paint- inj; in. I iv'iiiniuiii.'. fail, whutlier y.iu want to purchase or ir>i, and l>o ynr own JM R.T.^THitten FlesHerton . ..$.&. -FOU TI1K [alters, : Sliijhs, : iss : and : [arts riw and I. "^ ( '!i 1:11- S!i.-n-s nnd Kepaiin f.-r t-v.-iy kind of plow. \\ . l.iiiiibi-r,.SIiiiii;li-ii, Straw I'ntli-iH, l.or.i'powt r, for Hale. Come and m-e llu-in. John H. Heard - Flesherton m a ruvm nn/xn nnnr nnn/ifl Be Happy i uuiAiuvuui/isuuuiruut] , nnn/uvinnri/v\nrinrinnnnni With Others r uiAruuuuuuvuuuuvuirLrLTiri Rrerythni-,' fn-.-di in ihu ny of lemon*. oian/<>, nut* nil kimls, c mfevtionrry "f thf c!ioic-t varit-ly. ti^;-. lUt.-a, prunen. . i inU-irii-i. l.iHCuiu of kindn, CIIIIKM! t- ..ii^.inil '.-.' .Sil.K. t.:.s. Kii.'.trH anil all i Hoik all fix-sh for the l.oliiUy tr.nl.-. (\m. w .|/>r>ca l-"i-i->-li nil t In- ' - >r>ca I r- l'...-l flour and feed conntantly on hand. APPLES U *mll Quantities or by the Hmtrtl \\'m. FlesUrton Har-iware House! o Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karstedt's. S-.-.-t Ka-ig- H, t'ant llanjoii, S.|'iarc .ni'l Kxti-ii'lril * 'ook Sloven, II .x and Parlor St..xe", which we .iin! to ..Her cliM|i for i-nth,"r w.- mi- pr.-p.iii 1 I t" j:>xe one t-. two yuai*' nme if ri-.|ii r.''. 1'oinu aud (-l o-ir pneiN ! . : -in lp.i)in;j. II. i-l .|inrti-rf.-r I! nl.liny II. nil- ware and liindi't P v ne. F, t, Karsleit o Almost Passes Belief Mr. Ju. B. NtchoUon, florncnvill, M. B., Strug-ela* for B.T^U Lone TMLT* with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IM CUBU> BY AYERS Mr. Nirluilsnn MV<: "I eoMulnM doe- tors who |M't-s. ilt.l for in.-, but to no purpose i the cancer bcgau to Hat into the Flesh, pn- nl to mj rhln, and I iuff'-ri-.l In Ronjr tor neven IUIIK yrr. Kn.nll), I I beg.-in I ikinc Ay.-rN Haraapaillla. In week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement by thli remit. I pene- verr.l. until In a month or to the lora uiulrr n. y chin I..-K.IU to heal. In thrr niontlit my Up IH-K.ID to heal, awl. adrr U!>lnR thn K.-xr^aparllla for sit month*, the lati trace of Uto cancer Ulaappcaretl.' 1 Sarsaparilla Onh A^mlttgd at the World'* fair. A\KH * 11 LI.-, Otgulal, Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. f t nages made and Hepalred. also I*. u:m< and Matching, Band Hiiw. ia>, Wood 'i'uraintf of every dea- 1011. Planing and Grain Chop u :; <li-ie while you wait, for thi Baaver turns the wheel. T. W. WII.SO.X WE ARC S'lll in the l.iiidof the living, ........ i/ude Flour, guile Tea and Suvar ami oilier (irocenes. We have some lulu gude for atlhl and rale K, and if you want a Trunk Satcliel braw nnd m.xv fre the manufacturer, junt ^auii t. : ' \\illie Hendi-rKon in Spr..ul,-'H blnok, iinil hd will upply you at 'owenl piico*. WM. HENDERSON Time Table. '.o|\.. ~.|l III. M nk.l.ili r. in , m. .tl loll (..."'II *. III. i Km. 1-1. <'u-iioii -II 4-s a. m. >l...U.lu -U'.Oi p. m. FLESHE8TOH 'Am L1IID1T. 4.40 I), in. !, I hve<.|>en,,l iii. a ixiiiiplet.. nli.iiiiilniiii.liy A. Vt |L K lhiTt.in. '"' *'-i l"l> 'l lotiki. In an> 4 JJ p. III. .,, tit, of U.iiHlrv ..ik it U.wr i.rn... tlmi r.i i-lnni:,.,! ol-,. !,,,. I |IHV put In tin- U ! oil i.niHt IIII|.H.M.,I .,..,. M.,,-1 > t.i thai i-ii I 11.17 II. III. Kllllllv ylvH III,, k i, ill. |;i,ii| ti.liicllu. - n i lu ill.... ,iUo. UvMllLUutta. County Council County Council met In Uwen K. mi.l on Tuesday of liu>t week. After council hail ron \uned Warden Ifinnie weloonn-d the inembera back toVuty. He wane*trrmely H.nry ilia 1 thvir number* weie a.'ain hroken, tbi* tUM )>y the doath of. I. dm Klyth, late rt-t;vu of the Township of Noinmiiby. (in-y Cuunty had li.Ktone of her most valuable citiieim, a.niitn who was above thu at era^e intelligence ami ability. Ho wan ccrtnin that they would HUM Mr. Hlylh. who WIIM liked by all the Council- lor*. The Warden then rofe rud In the Duin< cli nii-etiiiK* re the poor ciopM and scarcity of fudder, aud (aid that tin- out- look tlnn apjwared to be Mciioui, ottm<; to the drouth and (he hravjr Itnd of that tecilon. Heavy rain* foll-.wcd, liowever fodder became more plentiful anil the calamity wan averted. Mill the n. unity had uttered to Home exit-ill; making it iit-coaurj for tliu council to he IT. uon.i- c.il at the present Ms.-ion. Su.ce ihe last n some dauiH^'e has hoc-n Huittaim.! hy the ct-li-bn'u.l Tligrnbury btiduf, and tin- ( oi. n'.y would in all probability have to pay a i-l'.ite of the U.;ina^es. ir. v (''nniy was at peace with all hi-r nmgh- lj..rt. Jlr I, oped that tile nirliibt-m Wuuld pi-rfi.rm the n-oik laid Iwforc them in the b.^t intere>ti of the County and in a . I. li nilili- u . .niii-i- . V.u ! liy Mr. i ti tli.im.K.-r.iinl.-d by Mr. .l.-liii Clark, tliaiMfKnn Head, Cochmne, .Mui.l.i k, ftlriuingir, the warden and t ho mover, 1m a committee, to draft a resolu- tion of .rondoli'iictf to the hotrait-d widow and family of Mr John Itlyth, late Iti-uvo of Nornianby. Mr. (iialiam, in speaking to the mo- tion, fi'i-lin-.'ly referred to the deceased reeve. Mr. Ulyth. he xuid, wan a lnpi- tahle man, mid a whole w.ulod, pleanant Tc-llow. HIM Mid.leq death rennuded us all thai here we have no abiding plan- \\nnli n Itinnie then asked tln.se in : avi.r of the motion tu nriav, when every ncmtier s!o.,<| up. In front ai.d a little to the right of 'U-rk Ku'lii ifor.l'n desk, waa where tin: ate John Ulyth, the otuemtd reeve of Normanby, uced tu u. From that Npt u |^wt M.ssi.1115 he c >nld IK. henrd in Ins i.i.vincing ar^uiiioiilH of what he deemed was fair and v^i in- dualini;, which ar-ju- nent* were III.L m-d tu with pleasuru )>v he nii-ii.li. i>. Mil .t and desk Tue*- Uy .'\. mi..' were heavily diapuil. and r.- iiindtd those pruNent that the Coiinly .'ouncil of (irey had another vacant chair. Moved by Mr C'<K.-hranu, Sfcomled by Mr. Sl.ute, that Mr. Widumer be plait-Jl m the several committees held by the an- John Ulyth - Carried. These CINU- inttecu were the tin. inn- and railwuy, de (i (I Iwilijj chairinin of tin- former. The linanre ronimitlee it-tired to ap- tint n i-liairnisn to fill the vacancy, and when they lulurnt-il it was ai.noiinced that lame* C-H limne. levve uf Derby, had K-en appointed. \\urd.n liun.ie then read severs! com - niunications and account* which were re- M- .1 I., their respective eominitteen. I'onii. il adjourned at 9.15 till 7 o'cl.ick Wnlm-wlny evening. Honor Rolls B. S MO. ti . . i i v ; . 6tli~ Floasie Stone. Meda Whittaker, Lizxie McArthur. 4ih - J.*i Butler,. Sr. 3rd Annie Harruw, Koy Kl.-t.-lnT, II. .-LI. 8toue. Jr. 3rd Margaret A. McArthur.Uichie Stone, I !eoi|>e C'airilV -'n.l Frank Harrow, Wellington Whit- taker. .).... pli Sni-ll. Kt Katie Fletcher, M..1..-1 .M. Ai thur. Uosaiv Itobuou. . k, SO. 1 Kl l-llll l-l I IXJ. Ull KMK.sH "ill Eugene Huiubenlone, 1U71; Hat- lie Walton, H18 4'h Mary II. HumbvrHtone, 1478; Msy A .Mi-I.,-1. 141V. Si .'lid Nettie Martin, 77; Fred Martin, >...' Jr. :tid Mary Kiauitf, I'js-.v .I,,l,,, M. UiaiulK, 1115; Myrtle Smith, IIIWI; IVriy Smith, 600. Sr. 2nd -Carroll Humberatouo, WK!; l//./.i Itrai.ilf. H.I-J. Si pt. 2nd Alma HuuiheMtune, 1474; Mabel SUM 111, !)7U. Jr. pt. -Jnil .loh.i O'Hrien, IW.'I. M Cnarli* Martin, 7; Willie Me I, .1. 41; At (ii-uat-nt tlu-ri are thirty -four pi i.Hon- .r. in the county jail, two of that liumbur being femalett, vagranta. Two are ins.iu, , olio in nmlergoing aunteiice for thoft, and onu IM under ruinaiid for theft. The ru- ni iiinl.-i. thirty, ai- vayraiit.v Tho latter will Hix.n bu intnxllK-ed to Kt<me piliia.- Advertiser. A respi-i-tabh- l>oon family lived in a eoi. suit-ruble statu of alarm for a week m-cnlly, owiii). tiiasknnk having pushed it* way through a screen in thu window into the cellar. ltu^h on rain mid I'aru green wen- pn-p.iii-d and laid wheru the iininval .-. til.l net them. Mr. Toll-cat ate of them IK. ih but WUM not I'enpntcliod by . i In-i of Ilium. It was lord i. f I he cellar and Ihe fnmily were b.-i reduced to snort millions when the annual Mailed out of the opun window out) evening after iHMily a vik' sojourn, ai.d the family buw tu..tl.i The Markets. i:ji-ii >v. , u Klour ' . ; ..: JO to "at* I'ea* llutler Pork Hay per ton .... Hidos .Sheepskin* (iee.se Turkeyn t'li'i-Kei.s pi-r pair. Duckx b.-r (Hiir . . , Wool.. . .X) to r, :,. i-") in :.) r.i 400 to 15 00 to 400 to 25 to 6 to 7 t.. .<) JO t,. #! -10 24 51 1 1'. M 4.C. 1000 5 00 50 M M Cash far Old Stamps. Will p. iy from 01. i- ivnt I" one liiin 'i< il Ji'll us i- h fur old < in. .-II.-.I Can niiuti Man pM itiMUed |>rt-M> Us t.i 1.V7II l.S Sr mips also h\ i- li: .Ml \ a! l.-,. L.O-. . nc-r yn n o'. I lut'crs mid hrin_' <T mi '1 .-in ) tu t'>i a. Tbty ni'ist be in g."l inn.!. HL K.^'hl and six c-nt stain [H of tin- pit-sunt iss'.K 1 ,il.> pu.ciia.stil by the 100. Acrostic Mnr are two oerojtios. Wuicli of them better descril*'* t!i i-n T.ii!iu;> trait* <>t tie people of thl vill.ij.i-. mill in which ilo you find tlif predoiuiimtini; feature of jour rhnracter, i FrieuJubip Lore Enterprise Sympathy lluiinr Endurance Riglii. u Truth Orthodoxy Fraud Lying i'uvy to* M Kltortluu a . .by Tl'iv.ry Olwovnity KsrroHmii.dMturss mis.slim.inr* in ASIA Till- Aiii.-ii<-.ui Minor aro nsportvd safe. Report* <>f the eiiginefi-.s who ran the record break! i ig train from N.-w York to liutfulo on Wednemlay (440 mill-, in 4!K) ininuu-s), indicntu tlutt tiny >-\p. ii.-nr.-il no dirtkulty in hohling the ii.mi to 53] iiiilufi an hour average. Tin- last n.t time, thu 81 miles between SyrtiCUMu mill Hi-ch- osU-r, wan mudu in 80 niniuU-x, or over a mile a minute. One day liwt week Mr. Waller l'...i,ili, who h ..I just bnished loading up hi* hutisehold i-ll.-cU preparatory to inove- iii 1 .' to a farm HI Melanctlioii, dropped in- to the house o( II. Yt'eWtor, a u.-ulilxir, loaay goodbye. Noticinga revolver Iviiiu on thu window Mr. lt<x>th picked it up, i-.H-knl it anil laid it i!wii again, ivm.uk nr: tli it liu had t:i.s in bit pocket ami Allowing it. Mr- Webster picked up the the revolver lying on (lie window .sill and accidentally discharged the weapon, the bullet (a 22 calibre) striking Mr. tiuolh'* chuek and h. Hitting * imsly llesh wound. Dr. lUrr failed to locale thu ball, ami il in snp|i<>seU that Mr. It.*.tli (till curries it with him. helbume Kcouunnv. The Toronto Evening SUr it in the Imbit of (tying g'>oi! thing* occuMonally. ll.i,- ia an example : "The fact that a large assemblage of pooplt) in London presented Dr. Hanmnlo iih a ti<*>,000 purst- a a rvtounilioii of IIIK work in the exportation of waift pro\ua that tin- Itrit- ixh know a go>l thing when tin y < it. If they were 10 auxiou* to hulp lUnrirdo reform the ottiuouiim.' -f Unnlon, and if the product of tlie witifcluaniiix facti>ry weiu really reformed, they would not b aomixiouH to export thu P>IM|I for which they are getting no |*y- The fa. t is that the pople of U no. .11 ivoi4iii/.r! tliut lliry M* n*tthi( rid of ItunUtHNM clam f population, anil thry aru wiilni); <> pax unylMidx wlio itliipji ilo obji>ctioiiuble in Oividuuiitout of the country." Shu hutl yielded to the faHuiiiHtion of tl.u n. w noiinui i.li'H, and win at IwtHt a nvi'k ahead of thu nu*t atlvauced. Her huiband *a inci'k and lo\ly, ai.d they I .I out on I- .inn in btrevt. Al'tonup^M-i ahu put on her bloomur*, got hn hat and cane itn.l Mtid she wiw uoing down to tliu club for an hour < r two. ll.-iny had gone to bod, :m.i wai living to timiruout why he hud tiwn l'..in. Sin- re.ulied up tu I'rm biirni'r and tuti.l: -' Is there any- "Inn,- 1 i HII do f..r you, Honry, bvforo 1 put out the light I" ''Yes my dear; I'm feeling rather iu-t ions t<i ninhl Would you mind lookiiig under the bed to Heu it tlu-rc-'s a woman tin i>- !.>(.. n- you go out. -Ki. Read our clubbing list ond select your reading matter lor next year now. Daily World and Advance one year only $2 55. \V"kly Glebe an.1 Advance cue year only $1.40, Our Clubbing List I ' ' ' ' ' II W'H> wisli ' ,. i|.< r huve made i!i>- follow; ui^e- inullt* : Advnnri-mid T 'lont'j 1:1. rniiio; \\m-.l. ilaiiy -J..',.". Advance and Mont i ual Sr:vr ... . 1.80 Advance and I-'.iuning, tlic ; f.ti UK-IS' ,11 i-azine !.-'! Advance an 1 Youtl.x' Cmip-miou (new) A.K.ti.cumi.l I>.i ly N,-s 1 80 Advance ami \\'i-ek!y Mail ...... l.iiit Advai:i and Farm aii'l I-.. Advituci; an.! \\'c-t;l<ly (j!o',.c 14'' Almost a Hopeless Case. Terrible Couffh. No Beit nor Day. Given up by Doctor*. A LIFE~SAVED BT TAKINO IVFD'C CHERRY A I ER 5 PECTORAL "Several rear* ago, I caught a severe cold, attcmled w till a U-rrlblo cougb ttut allowed me no rest, either clay or nl^tit. The doc- tor*. after wurkiue over me tu the best of tlielr at.ility. prououiicoil my case hopelru. ami *aid they could do no more for trt. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me a bottle of A jrer's Cherry Pectoral, which [ briran to take, and veryMMii I *: ereally relieved. By the time I had used the whclo bottle, I wa completely eurwl. Ihnven'-rer aad much of a cough alnco that due. and I Irmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral taved my life." W. U, Mr**c, 8 Quinity Avc., Lowell, Ma*s. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD S FAiR. 4.ytr' 1-tit family Fhytto* SELLING OFF 1 have ilctide.l to clear ..I) my entir* s'l.ik of Ik Hit* aiiJ Shoei at Sacrifice Prices. M. n. y I want and money I limit have. Therefore tltosv wanting Boutt or Sli..e-< will coimnll tht-ir own intercuts by liiiyniK wlnlc my prudent >tock Uot, u I .I. nut intend to icplace it. Great Bargains may he h.t 1 now. The same induce- mi'iils may nt-vur .x;iun be given. Call mid t. st my statement*. JOS. StTlith, ncsherton Custom work and. repairing .-xttendtii to AM ii.n il Flesl^ert.on ROLLER MILLS Aru now cotuplet and arc luuuiug regular. done every lift i rn n on US l.Mllll. F>. LOUCKS. CHOPPING Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned an> placing in po- sition a fnsi el*VM cawtiiill t'ur custom sawiii};, wliicli will be ready for ojvra- lioa in Jauuavy. \\\ Lave also adcUd A CMOPPINQ MILL For tlie coiivtnifuce t-f fuimcvs. Clu'l'l'ino ilcnic at any time at 5 emts per 100 Ibs. Tim SMMI and door facloiv, band and .i-ioii txt\vint{ busiuuorf cuntiimcd UJ llbilul. 1'llt 111 )UU1' Otdclb iT & TAL15CT

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