Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1895, p. 1

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The mtrne answer IP the same to a and Cliri f ma Pri-npnts fiora the store *~. nappy bartjwus for wide awake buyers. C.ANTA CLAU5 | Recommends us to the pnb'ic Cur Holi- day A*ort MTU i replete with all the np a first cl;i*s itoek in the line of Mn. WATCHES, CLOCKS. SILVERWARE. NOVELTIES, Etc. nd tiich r"cle.niarkt)d t a prii-e yinl |.>. l> i-eiKHiid tltfiin*. c.ntiol toll Imlf the bagnio \, a in t-t c in -, in-ik* y..ur aelovrtmna ml he y..ureJI " ' WV know in*' *e nevt-r i. litre, I more for the money than ?h- i" '"'""" A cl.-nd l.ur*t of beauty, radian* with J,d~au-h ..d a^mrklniif with low i.rice* w*it you inspection at 8-hn.-i.nl I-T .i-irnly for you, r afftl) t ,r..ry, -Te , " k ve Te.itlnf Specialty JBWBLLBRY STORE Mute M. JitliiiKton ia in Pundalk thia jrt-k uurain* h. r grandmother, wtiolua cii Unwell for noiii.' linn'. MMH Kichar u.n and Mfca R..biunn, ur atlioul trachi-ra for the preouitt year, their Jutiea on Monday. We Welcome them mm <ur midst. Mr. S. Henderattn. Piivwvilie, vwiteJ nitK'v*. friend* Uat Slibth. Mr. Wm. Hi'-..-. of Man i i', ia the Ul-st (if hi* |mri'i.la her*. :ULLOUGH * TQUNO, Bnko ,. ^ Moo.y loii rt eu u. .rl bkln ^l re. Call A 8. VANDl K.N. J. P. Clerk :>th DIT Court. Co Orf I**ar of Mrri*e Ucen*, B. o. of <Uo. Alionor TVKHT8 COLU6CTEO. Th unrt.r.,(jod I* pr*rrd to u<l*rtk A* collection of ll Uml* ol debt.. NoU* bought. %ccoun*. oolltd. to B. N HKSDBKM A - rLTOi< C. J.. Coo- and will. tol'0-* at H Pr wut and up- VootiuMter. CommlMiouor In H. Ty"<;..; '"'1*. ortM Artwn. M J P MAK8HALL, I. D.s.M P. s. D,oti.t. VMta Merk(U)'- .h* lit MHl 3rd WWnlmy of MCB - GHh trip on tb*f (.<. f G. CAMPBKLU I D 8, t>D H, l>.ntl Sur~n. H*rk<UI. OfflM over Met ' u II uuh * Younn . bu k Hour* S.30 :u to p. 01. ViKJtn PlwJwirton tli MOODil tad tnnrth ThurwUy ot Mcb nxwth. UfDe* * Muunli.w' boUI. HIiNUKKMON D D 8, l(old Iv tn II D St. will iit Dmtl*t of Toronto Plmbvrtan profm*ion of o*eh nionWi *ud Uuoitalk tlw >! lallowiu* iTliurwUy i n J.HPKOULK, PoilmMtvr. Vlwhwtoa. ComylMloB.r In B. R Lio*DMd /uctiooear. Cawy*uor, A Mou.y U.ndr. &Ml Krtat* au1 ' * IIATSOM B,rTiet*m, Solicitor*. Conveyancer*, etc Offlc* Next topo* office. Hproule. block Fltabertoo.every Th ureday until further notice C. A. BA.THON 1. W. rilOHT LI. U N. B. Owen Hoood offlee, Kroi.f* block 1'oulett Bt. EeM. >n .l Will, dra Collctlon attonded to , "! Vulaausii. > . Anotion '" ttMl*a auy part o/ the Coupy. Mon.y to loan a* t rtw of lu wl'.b |ir<n..u Agon: for the Dominion htoaui.hlpCompauy. CUIH> Ukut . from Klhortou Llrerpool. tU(iow,Lio.i.lon or any of b BrltlUi port.. Prtl.. lundin to vl.kt Ir*lnd. W!lt |i' Ml*ii tioket* l BooUud or A O U W mt every rt and third Mon A 4ayti eaelm kb, ' . their IIB room *Striin-. IHook, Hh..rton. . H ,,. ill. SV . Walker M W. W..;. Hlln.y, Du.i'C or W. Iiwiu UeoorUer. Vi.itinK Urwbru luvitatf. ROVAb TKMI'LAUS OF TK.Ml'IOUANTB. Keen '' i''i'ti'V'T ir*and thlf.l Tn.'-la. uvuniiiB In >'" '' 'i'""-' 1 laHuronli-'s >.'. "liKi, H "' Select i1r*e Ii5.ar.li M,.,,,lli)>, tb pr*clii.K tho *iuil of :h month. SONS Or' TKMPKRANCK. u -Tbl9 . ),ri.toe' Hll I'l- til BtHp.UJ. M-IWI. b.-thiruu in arnnoe la CdB Up r A.. int In tholr b.ll, HirUtoe'. Hlook ev*r\ .-<-i>ii.l Ttinila> in uionlli. 1-U. mown, W. II., T. Clayton, Sec- rotary. PUIXi-i: > KTHl'li T,i'pi;'-'.Nii rn. A F A \.M.moi-t in ti:i- Mil' -in if Miill. sir. ill, ' LI, : ; , . . , rv Kii'H.v on or bef >re the full moon. (i.<o Mltcb.ll, W M,W J \ D ; '" I!IN IMfi, ion K. IP, .Me i, Clayton'. Rail uvory Tn* lav 'ovi-nliiK at 1 o'clock Vi^itinx brtthrsucurdially invited A3VAMDUBBN, N Q WH rUv. (J. Arnol.l, who liai buen viait..._ i* uncle, Mr COM. Moore, for the DH*t eig. WB. k. preached a very ahle mud we !l- mi* n Uat Sabbath Ui the . . o i, Monti; everything wild ai Ha value at ... . ... _ *., u LU M i. , i . , i Chri.tmaii with Mr. Futiwick's pnrenia Mr. W. Huh..!!.' aal, winch Wa. h-Wle Our popular ha* now uiven hi Biiwkini. Allho Mr. Shore, an hi be juet, .a'irond he will MUNI urt a x yoiii'g Inciioa. win* w,. thn, road BOW. - Mr anJ Mr J W. a>ath, for. I, npi-nl Clirl.lilliUJ VIMllI U-T.-. Mr. and Mm. John Svtiwu'k, .pent church m the 21>ih of lat month. We under Mnd that Mr. and Mr-. NicholU uur- >oeu retiring hi Proion tatiMi. Mr. Howard AiiuatniiiK li** returned o Uwen e"und. after (pending Xniaa with liia parmta. ivc. UCAS A WB1OHT. Barrteeer*. Solicitor*, Conveyancer*, el*.. Oweo Sound. Out - Mark.lele, "ill. W. H. WaiUBT. L R. Lccu. K. B. KleehertM. offiee, Mitchell 1 . very WednenUy. IX'M.K * PATTKRHON. H*rvi"lw*. Mnioltorff. *4c. Molmu'i Hank, Ow*n Hound. < le wTPattenoo Barry O. Tucker UACKAT * IUTTON Bapriete**, Vollclton. *to. Office* M Poulete* M. Owen Bound . and Main Mt. Dundalk, every Hatnrrtay Dun<talk Dlvlaion Court*. A. (i MAC KAT. M. A . County Crown Attorney. axwell From our own W are |ilad t h<mr that MUM Aggi* Sirachmi m ttimr bettr agxiu. Mr Lin'.-y nd family from here f pent Lli.-ir Clinntinu with their dauyhtar.Mra, John rUakelev of Dundalk. Mr. Hairy Owu front Bay Mill., riaited thin vicinity recently. Mr. Ki.ld.vid family from Tara ipent their XIIIHH with friend* hum. Mine Autfie Okiuy returned hnm fn>m Toronto last week. Mia* Ella Kurr from T-r-uito vmiU-d a fuw dnyn with friend, in this locality. Mr. Pepper from Heatlicotu took ohariie of the wrrtce in the IHihodiiit church but Sunday uveuingv, We am mrry to hve to report tht Mm. Win. Stock ia vvrjr ill with diphtheria. Hr younicaat son dw4 with it mi Wedneadny and * buried n Wedn d.iy nubt at 11 o'clock. Our ulimil reopened on Monday with an attendance of 4". Kpplnil Prnm our mm Qorrtxpundent. The rather aeenty Hlnnhuii,' which oame :n time f .r Chr.tiii*.i haa taken i' lavii|g man of mini. 8urry w cannot ?iv< your ra<lcra ttie namea of ihiwn whv will rvpreneut u. at Lady Bank W. J. HiTTOK iHcdiral JjRHUTTON M D C M, HP P * B Ona, FTlc*!n. OfBfo n**t duor to Ilrown'i Here; rwldeuoe .netioor WMt 0' Metbodl.t church, Kiarow**. ODIcc day*. Tucnday* a,n<l Baturd.y nil CAKTKK M C P 4 B Out., l')ivi Ici.n, SnrRcon. etc fluiiliurUin oltlo* HtraJn* b'ock. Heidaaoe Munahaw'. Hotel Mr. Richardson hela) a meeting in the) circle of Uu Orange Hall here on ThurajUy evenhig boiviivenient. surW Ut. U wan larui-ly att.-inl,-<l. aa Mr. httlow.Sn- . Uichardaon is very popular at Eunenm. %f sotne e who h m srook Mr. Martin, a .tntient fiom Kjx'X col- hi foot, kjif- .irlminl aim , If-ue, Toronto, luu proncli.,1 in the hell resu.r.-.; chorerVom, of i.. the laat tlirve Sahbatha, Large iMinber* patu-nt UieeV. It every p. raou win . ctine out to li.ten to hia diawuraea, i uf a rviuedy for all Hu,:h wound, and which w-re practical and highly ap- won. i apply it,, then all auuh rrporta ' DM* i <HIM*. The remedy ia aAnjile, at- ; *<! ilwiiya uu band, and cat, b>- ipuliisi ' bfnyune and what IB tn-ic.-r. . . I fallible U ia niniply to- amoke tho wauiiil, or any hruie that IB iiiNanioo!, New Year'* veniii| at Providence, 9 ^ numing wool or one of thr mow Huucejiaful t,-a ui,-etin^ | T WMII , niianee m the < that we have had, came off. The <nnd ^ ukailiu pain om of the thin^ndmpoM)d of were notaecond tu any rt .j^e4,. ( t LWO or llirne ti in thn nuiyhlMii hiMiil. Sni-evhel, sonua, ^ lc ..pat oa*e of illlln readiniti and reciiii"ii W.TB well from tin; wnana.- n-uiliTiil. Nt.raWy of .uvuchea by Reva. \ cturuyinau whoae %. LeKtend Mr. Pi-|.|.er ,i "Work ", I be,, u ,ia fa,- aeveral ami a retitHtion by Muw H. W-. Stafford. n aa tr, ihnl he munt hail more khan uau^l un-rit. The um <>f$37wa* realiaed. Mr. Chariot Neil ftitHi-j HMi-hitirman with hia iinual utfiimnl ability. Thoiiish tile road* Were bail, the lion-f waf full, and teemnl wi-11 pleaavd with the table and varied prn- grain* Vanelrlear From our own Orrjp<mai*it. The election puaed off ry quietly by the the council b.nl for '?, alw> at onuwty ] vtrmlmg school council, bat at preaant wr:tin it it ini- Sihool opened nn former tracker, StiM Ru*4H-l I'OH;IT, of hevHeville, i* visit- inu with hie mint. Mm W,,,. KIN. Miss Sarth ,lolintoii, who IIHB been 4^ .[lent Xtnaa Sunn le. However, them U iiine') infer. beinit takun in th election and n il.-nlit a large vor>< baa eeen polled. Miaa Miller uf Toronto i* tuendiaK lha ' holnlays with her grandfather, Mr. K. Gilrsy. The new mail oarriera began their dutiea on tho flt.t. It n-euia rather on I Prncwed. ftl. fortunate tliac tUry -ahould h.ivo tu aliirt in Much mad*. Tke new traehur took charge of our holiday .-n home. A number ol friends ai.d ncquninrance* |icnt a veiy pleif>ant iim at Mr Sew Yer> evenini.'. Geo. Oilray visited rhw ajirenUl home la.' week. The Ladlea' AM aodnl h.1,1 in tin- church oil Duo. 32 waa a decided *eat of Monday. Miat Oilry will not touch thia year, but will remain JOHN A BCOTT M B Member Coll**rbyalc. A RBttjeou.OnH ' (lr,lnate In ModlotB* of Turor UniveraUy PellowHljip LMpliuna, I'"t Uiwlat Mdl*al School and Kepit*!, C1iloo. l>l*ae*of *vo ar. iu>*e an-t throat n|()Ully treated. K- duuco, alnxw*'!, vinlt* Fovrtli*iu Thur*'UvNt J P OTTKWKWj Nina Minr, of ChMsworth, vinit mother, Miti. Sanun-1 Duuidao, lav, li.ulii' iil biti t. wait in Im Hio wlnl, iwl ri'ii- eye ;i >|<rl I hm Tue ."|*r hup incl: 4, 1 " 1 ' 1 " find owe"n tlot* nt hoine. Eppillll people nt tended the . , Mi Kniylit wi'dtliny at f'uu c-ui Now Year'* Eve. Rev. Mr. Brown of Wondfe.rd inll preach a nuwionnry aurmon on llu- morn- ing of Sunday Jan. 17th, in tlim chuil>. Frommir ir cwrciy ml- nt. Mr Gcor^n ml Anitle TJuhiJn vUited | l!ll> . J in Mrs. Korost IrtHt wi-i-U. mi- 1 .liui-.'h 1 !-,-, of Dun : " her 1 ,,,u, wit U M-K ,t m oug' I (lilt ftllTlLlll Inn i}).ainl ;t r. [ii dnlk, vi.itud fficiulH in f JJIH plai-i-. fu Ma , r ,, r T |h . g ^^ ,. ..... , \ i cnor( , frieil(j8 MrK. Mor-o.m. of lininl-ilk, is viMtiii-: hor dtiiiL'liter, Mm. .). B. K-^an M. Wnnaboro and lam 'y ntnrnid o. k From ovfotan \\hat wondcrtlil wther W<WBO liavir.fr at jretf!ir. ta<pd*U<in in bUom, tho Monday from their tliernu>niotcr doWii aim>ni( the ixiy. Mr. CtltX-er li-fl Tuewlny Veterinary Snrgeoa. Oiadiiat* ot Ontfrio > How i tbet for the lirnt week ill Jan. Alumna to Ins mini* Vterry Ccll. n.iHh on ruu. u>utb (row 8econd door Tbt. Ktrwt }Urtao .hurch. ! enin^ <ir \Ve wie,h ; fir thia so called frecen Canada ! him every suecour Timei are p/eity dull at preaent, in Mis. Cuahnio opened tohool Monday . eyi M. I.--1 fr hia for iiiiiin-v / 1 <l(e fond of "So I A-.d if I ^ uc\ an yoimt t-< iuat-i-i. . wore .f life, mo of the tru "31 JoU thuuuhr yi'ii f nHU ' The miniat* d , I Hit I can't MI U would a make a .:,*!. Acc<)"iig to the they hal i lit lief u tin, I. M l M-'* tli il : "T . fiiHiai.d |-'ll|.|l I UK-' I'l 'WtOWII llitll.ll' '.',' on H- Jy to i-lcct tlit.tr Kitn. mil inriileBi.iiiv to !mvi- tun "iy hiul lolc) II kindn of fun. ' In' i;iiilidni - k*l mid thn tli, ft v adjourned liln tern | )C ()l el** 11 ' ted i l/l'l' f..|llt4.-l lit t" 'I'P !llt 1 .. to 1 !ak linn lon t') hi- could lick > lie hided lh.it that w "' urn. Tim Owen - ui.ike a Hitmll i Ttlel_ ,1 ii.n t'l-.'uilMT ani he m l^ of till loctor ! .iroHn I to Home. ! "-i ux " " t-'l* Bcribes t^l tliciill'.iir v>-:,s over, that's lint oF killed Clubbing Li; t and diiily \VoilJ J2.80 Ji*w 1 80 Monlroul H.TH.O :.. l.KO " Wittieus l. H Yoaths' Companion . r 2.:(f> vVeekly Ulobo l.M 8.u 1.4t \

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