Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1895, p. 5

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THE VKSHIITON ADVANCE Vicinity Chips. *to4iractertalic* of thr Past Week Carefully Called for the < urious 1*1 nra aotte>a timing local* will bt at the rate of lOe per line fur iwnrrtwrn. .1 ret/lotion trill br in.*. . o>i r-mtnifti for 100 Hue* or aver Boy wanted -to lestn roller null. /. Address G. H WalU-r, Horning* Mill- A limit d quantity i>f dry wood will I*- taken for new *ub>criptiou* to the Pleeherton public lilnary. Public sc'rO-1 opened on Monday under the IK-W t. aching staff, Mr. Tomlinsoii and Mi* Iiwin. Our Eugenia correspondent semis 1.1 Simple of damle ion blooms. TliflM) are eu.'i.ities for this season of yar. There will be a reception service in th Methodist church after the regular a.-r vice on Sunday evening next. Last ek's Du-hain Chronicle o ntmn ed the farewell of Mr. Mitchell and Mr Irwin's unhratory. The Utter ia now a< the helm. Kimbtrley Methodist church ill h"lil I'* anniversary on Wtxlntxdity. Jan. 13. A K<*<l it* and pl.itforui meeting, tuuaiu. etc., will ke given. The annual meeting of the Oiprev Agricultural Society will be hold a. Fevernhsm on Wednesday, Jan. 13, '97, at 1 o'clock p. m The anniversary i>f the Meaford Road Methodist churcli Sabbath School will he eld 01, Jau. 13. 1897. An excellent program ia being prepared fur the occasion. Artemraia L. O. L District Lodxu will meet in the hull of 244, at Prutnn station m Tuesday, Jan. 12, *t 2 p. m. All member* are requested to be prevent. Wm. McLaughry, VT. D. M ; J. A. Duddi, Out. Sec. Chan. Sheridan of Warvham, who haa lived in Toronto for dome time, conumtt- ed luicidu there laHt week at the *e of SO. Ho had Inen troubled with dementia fur aoiuu lime. The body wan brought homo and interred in Ml. Zion burml .'round on Saturday. The Advance eonU .Irs with Urn. A. R. Fawcctt, of tht? Toronto Jui c i >n Leader, who got defeated in hi candi 4aluru for school trustee. Keep up yuur apintH, Jiar b*>y, few men no ruixesful in their liint essiiy lowardi a public p*ition. The annual meeting of Kiist (irey Ag. ricultur.il Society will bu held iu the Town Hall, r'li-ilierton, uii Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1H'.7, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving the directors' and treasurer's ii>orr, election of officer*, etc. R. J SI-RO; LK, Secretary. Mrs. W. and MIM Kl-.rie Ricliardaoii entertained their Subbntb win ol classes on \\Hliujility evening of last work (hie of i lu< piominent feature* of ihe evening consisted of solectioim by the gramophone, which was a m.aiu of niu h additional pleasure lotho little people. who thoroughly enjoyed themselve*. The Mt. Forest Confederate aay* : Rev. Robt. Keefer of the Linwood MeihodiM church, was matried on Wednesday to Mivs Carrie Slack, Lite of the KK-s'i. rt. 'ii puiilic M'ln ol stll', at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Kiaser. who resale about five miles fiom town. The ceremony wa perforated by Rev. A. Ton^'<-. of Arthur, assisted by the Rev Mr. McKclUr, Mt. F..rest. The assist ants were Urv. Mr. Zt-ilur and Mi-s Proud. A large coinitany witnessed the ceremony and extended In-arty oon- ltratula!i"im to Mr. and Mrs. Keefer Many vnlimble presents were received." Court Flesherton, I. O F. No. S)5, have elected the following officers foe the corning year : Court Deputy, J. P. Ottewell ; P. C. R , W. Buskin ; C. R., T. Henry ; V. C. R , M. Wilson; Rec.- Sec., A. Cullen* ; Kin-Sec , R Waller ; Trwu., F. Cairna ; Clip., J. Adam* ; 8. W., F. Kentedt : J. W., J. W. Talbot ; S. R, Fred Bunt ; J. B., W. Armatrong. The Independent Foresters are becoming a ttrong fraternal ociety, having on the tint of January over 100,000 members, with a reoerve fund of 12,000,000. after p-v' ^4,000,000 in -GOING OUT OP- BUSINESS THEEE weeks ago we advertised as above. We cut off all profits and in many lines a part of first cost. Results : large quantities of goods have been sold and customers well pleased with the BARGAINS they have received. We he yet a large quantity of goods to ran off. just ai good and good value as those already sold. We have kept our word with oar jnstoniers and hate sold the goods at prices advertised and we ihall continue to do so oniil oar whole itock is ran off. Don't fail to get some of the bargaius before all ia sold. Auction Sales will be started latter end of this month. BUTTER, EGGS, HIDES and SHEEPSKINS . . will be taken as cash . . ACCOUNTS mtaat be paid by 2Oth T. HILL The Bolton Enterprise says it is umored tht the C. P. R. will take off ne 'rain a day on the Owen Sound >raich. If the C. P. R. would take I ffui.e third of their overgrown express ate* they would grt more buiinesa in hit line, at least. As it now is it cost* ;."> cent* to get a pound parcel from Owen Sound. Both express and frieght rates ave bren advanced during, the past year they are Siamese twins, one travels wh.-n other does) and still it is a mutter of wonder to the company 'nt business ia getting less. The oinpnriy shoald try another tack and ;ive us cheap rales ss an experiment. Fruit grower* and gsnl-aers should lave the Canadian Horticulturist, pub- by the Ontario Fruit Grower*' Association. It contains pictures of ruit* and flowers every month ; is*truc- ns about cultivation, pruning, harvest- tig, packing, shipping of fruit*, etc., etc., and is in charge of a practical fruit grower. This is a monthly journal of 48 and contains numerous illustra- ; it will he enlarged with Jnnuary number, to contain a floral department. Cach subscriber will also receive the \nnual Report with report Fruit Experi- nent Stations, bound in cloth, all for II per annum. Sample copy free. Ad- dress : L. WoiLTBaTOM, Secretary O. F. 0. A., Orimtby, Out. Here is a bit of interesting news from he Duluth News Tribune of the 31st st : The emaqemetit of Mia* Clara 'aimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D A. "aimer, to R. .T. Baskervtlle, is announc- d. Both young people are well known n Duluth and have many friends in the ity who win extend there coiiRratula- ions. Miss Palmer ia OSM of the most accomplished violinists in Duluth and -i prominent both in musical and social circles. Mr. Baakerville was uriin-ilv coanectod with the faculty of iyh school, but left Duluth last fall to Uke charge wf the Grand Rapid schools, n his werk there he has been most uocessful, and is attaining a high posi- on M one uf the prominent educators f this section. pail twelve years, prospecting and min- ing. He acquired avveral mineral claim* and in the fall of 1896 wi-nt. te Scotland with the purp<Me of interesting uapituliHt* in a tunnel and mininu whfine which he had on fool. In this he succeeded. A JMint stock company wa* formed, with Mr. Coat to of Paiitlry, the great tlirend msn, as one of the *yndicate. An ex|*rt a* sent out to rxsmii.o the | roprrtv, who rrportml vvry favomMy on the scheme. Tim outcome him hnen tlmt Mr. Mt- Idrum receive* 9175,000 in ca!i and paid up stock to the amount of 9300.000, r one-tenth of the t' t.il smount of 13,000,000. \Ve have bern favor.-d with a (ilunceat ihe conlideotial report of tlm expert tent to investigate, and from it we gather that tin- schrmu inu.hta the btring i>l tuiiin-l under H niount.'iiu some 22,400 frit in lonulh. to connect. two Inn s of railway. The tin nut will cut a number of veins of gold <|'i u-t/. which have been locsti*d, and the mining privileges extend 1500 fi-rl on any vein which may be Htiuck and which has not been taken up. Mr. Andrew Mulilrum i* a son of t.lie poatmnsicr of Eueenin nnd brother of Mr. R. Meli'rum, the popular Feversliam stayc driver. Tl.i.iisa |>rcity slick thing, and The Advance extends its felicitation*. Christmas R Wedding {Present IS ALWAYS BETTKK APPUKi 'I ATKD if the article pre- sented be of rual umi its well us oriiHiiieotal no more ap- propriate GIFT coulil lit.' iiniilu thnn a nive Easy Chair or Fancy Table We havo a Urge .tssortment of thooc gnods which we are Helling at lower prices tlivi over hounl of l)fore. Our snlcs of cheap K'iOtl SI ITKS, BKDD1NO and SIDEHnAKDS still continue till XIIIIIH if pnwent stock lanU until then. COMB ALONU AND SECURE SOME OP THE GREATEST BAROAIN5 EVER OFFERED J. E. MOORIB Tb People'i Home Furnisher, Lnitcrtaker and Picture I ramcr Struck it Rich Mr. Andrew Meldnim, a native of this township, has been m Culorado fur the Sunday 5chool Entertainment Tie opening of a new year to the avrrsge individual is generally C'liixidered lime for a reconsideration of one's p:i8t year of existence- -a sort of stock taking time- and the surcem>a or din8tnrn us they may have occurred are used as hea- con lights 4 experience to guide tlie individual orer tlie shoals and bilUwn. For S4 years tlio Flefcherton Methodist Sabbath *chool has adopted the in- dividual phn, and every New Year's evening the scholar*, teachers and of- ficers, gather for a review of the past twelve months of Imrd Kbor, to get en- couragement for the coining year, and, incidentally, to entertain their parents and friends with I heir gladness. The anniversary Ult Friday evening was given under slightly altered conditions from other years, conditions, however, which rather added to the attractiveness and pleasure of former yean. In place f the long ropes . evergreem wWh uiusDj ened to iboorat* 'fie arch and w.nd.ws was the artistic work of the) " pieces " well and to this school we- punter, and instead of the alcove being I ""V look f " r our ornlor * nd - |l>cu - Hited with beuche* and children the new ""'< T' Re- Mr. Balfour was and beautiful organ alone stood solo unexpectedly clled upon to give an ad- proprietor of the recess. The etiti.e dn-NH - " nd * vo tlll) y"U"(S"tors tone slwenue, too. of anything like cantata or valuable pointer, for future indittion. i,i.,dnll, wss another notable fent.ire of Tlio most impotUnt part of tho enter- this years anniversary, which was per- '">"'"* be '* liorver. was- haps corgenial to many, .specify to ""^ for Mr ' ' l<lH> *- Bullller who th. e -vho always have to hear 'he btunt Wlis * lleii U ^ >M for tlm <"y'* of the tl in prepanng such thins. The fe l' ort - Hm V**"' 8how<!<i lhe sch "" 1 to extra time devoted to the singing of the ^ '" mwtt "'' U ""'K condition. At children in consequence, more th , (I1 thi. anniverwry, ns in former yea,*, the atoned for t!ie lack ,.f any such perform- tl liu '" ;u " K"" d . **" '"numbers ances. This yuar the little f.,lks,, r p,is,.,l " ld 'l" 14 '"^ Btld *" 'n he styled a thems-lves. Their Hinging of the cho- ' ucce88 - T1 " nel P'"**^ wer " ruses would havo done credit to a choir fift r e '8 h 'J ''" ^ cin posed of much liirgcr pupils, pro-. duuing as they did A good round full UcItlLLAK Iu Artcmmla, on Thursday. Jli inst., of aooer, Uary A., beloved wife ol Cba>. McMillan, *<! tone, and takinu the high notes with .in sccurscy that was unexpected from such little ones. The youthful songsters un- der the direction of Mr. Barnhouse and j The members of the new Grey County Miss Christoe may be said to have given Council, according to returns received the best part of the entertainment. The from Monday's election, will be a fol- lergthy prgram, of which Rev. Mr. lows : Messrs. Bishop, Gordon, Ander- M'than had charge, consisted mainly of : son, Pringlo, Binuie, McKinnon.Schenk, the usual "recitations, dialogues, etc." I Allan, Richardson, Watson, McColman,. If clear and distinct nunciation counts Preston, Sing, Brown, MoDouald fee nay thing, i*>. children said their ' Quanoe H, .

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