Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1895, p. 8

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THE FLISHII'ftl IDfillB D. ncTavish KEEPS ON HAND airs Fi>r Mttiey-HArrH, an 1 Noxon, Flrnry and Wilkinson farm implement*. Floury *'i 1 Verity plow*, on baud all tin time, also all kinds of repairs for iiiu Mma. We manufacture Wagons, Huggies, CUIU-IH, Sloiglis, etc. 11 i. j -sii'teiug promptly attended to. bpecial allealiou to tender, cou- trade') feet. Lodging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. FALL SALES . . NOW RUSHING! This n the season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have them hi-aiitii-N - and will Hull on your own terms if they arc not all one-sided. Painting and re-t rimming clone to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my sampleH and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN J. H. HEARD FOK THE >i liiilKS, Wii^,>n, Csrts. Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows. Fruits and Woods' Bindi-rs, Mowers. Hone Rnkes and Ploughs. Kleury Plouuha, Scuffl.-ni ami Tuiniii S,-,,l Drills. Dick's Plough* and Lunl K .il-r-v Shares for all kin. In of Ploughs. H >rw Sim.-i'u and al 1 kind* of Blackaiuithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Puata B a.id Khiiitfles. BARNHOUSE The Floor and Fruit Man \\i4ias to draw the attention of the / public to the following specialties : !**'..*>$& ^biZ3r<fc 'rt\.^-yftf Photos HiMiSKIX MITTS and LEGGINGS '. saade io order, or mil sell out of Stock. TAKEN AT THE *RUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYTTEKH IN 8RASON Try our ur*akf*st CEREALS. Flour of H k-rad.'ii in atock. Boot aaJ 8hu bunineta !" attouded Io. as usual. W. liarnhouse. I'lesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. O rn.mng m.i'le and Ilapaired, aUc f i : infant! Matctoini?, Baiid Saw- tag, ^/ood Turning of every ds O'-iptloa. Planing and Or.^in Chop oiu;< iloiie wlille you wait, forth" (; ivor tarns the wneel. T. W. WILHO* Manager TRAOf fSAHRaV DMICNS, COPVUICHTB *. Anroneiandlns- a aketrli and dvenlptina mar em.Vi. aeeertaln. free, whether an li,Ti,li..n la arotHtblf Mlentable. < imimunlratlon" at/Hi * nVYioTrKe. We hafe a Waehlnaton "')'_. l'ainu taken tbrooiik Muuu a to -eoem special ntitloe In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tiuo lS BOIltbe. hwclnn-n ooplM i'"l OM FATBMTS tent free. Addroea MUNN sV CO., Ml Ureod.a, New Ycrku Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-clan style and at l.iwt-st rali-M. K|c"-isl sttenlion ITOH to copying. Kabie*' phutos. > specialty. Pictures fiaiiuJ. MRS. UULMER ftfttf -i.o -7.i",.- -ii.- 'itf -Of 1,f '/if '-JR 5 '/." lot For sale, For le clinan and on oanv tormi In Flcxiher ton. K|,lBii.li<1 fii.. - I, 1 l.n. k dwelling, with ,,IM| utitnv cellar, iiiniuer kitchen and wx>d> uoute, alia good f aiiio >l*ble, hrlck hnml I' f>'i,iM contaln>tw<ilarK l.,u anditourt young orcbarrt, I.. , m Hmme ainl . ..'I. ill. tint, are eioe|itlnnsllr well nnl>hod and very conieni- mU) laid out. Apply to K.J Hrauri.B.PIetherton. Cash : for : Hides! fthecpukins an, I a'l kinds of fin*, pur I, ,--il, for which l.ii<ln'-t market prior will b paid. ll'imomsiK* tautagea on hand, alfe all k>inli of meats. M. cfiliri ton M pel Emporium lil, (A ll.l.l: AM) m:KI!AM HTAOR. liniliani tai(. Ivavoi Flenlirrton Ktntlon at 71'. am. iriii.n ii", pin Prlawflllf utave Ivaren Hi" n> |ilre at W.SO. ri'ttr nn, it 4 4.V !>rc tr<1'ii"cvill> ii'i i '"' " .SOoentt : DorhajD, tl Mlfnr r-ln/n.7X.. lnln fsro. l.lTer In cou- niKlien. <n.li"uia \H> li'fi atelllier hotrl. \. UoCAfLF.Y Pro OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is the vevy Best, IN ' 'AN U).\ TO CET A Mm Tiko a Ruuod Trip S^ttUS L - nor.-,... and Preaorve y-ur ejraaiifhl Of l.itv.ng tliem mis) l> ip-\rin<-^t' In r j.iopi rly lusted by iii.rrn ll'i.in'i-il-.ili .;.. i- -i MI t ilat tli irnuiilily. If we fall t" priMiucn tlie ktittlioronsu.eom|iieu nraotlcal am) ex ton Mve oaneoltadf ; tbs be>' (ollese nraml > Baul the best and BMM stmipleis ana raos* enit- ssle furniture ami al I llanoea. we wlil give you a full eourae KHKK. Kor Anniml Aunniiyoe Blent .(I ring full pitrtlonlara free. aiMrea C. A. FLEMING, Principal Lucky Jimmy Burn* The Orangeville Advertiser Ihos tell* of an Albion ninn'i tfixid fortune : Jainea Burns in (he name of a farmer laborer who lives in the township of Albion, one -.-iiii-iii raMt of Palvrtve. He ia 40 yen,ra of e and a good Grit. Barns is a man of family but n^ne too rich in this world's rfAu.S. Hot lui.y No. 8, born in June of this year, was nuiio thu less wel- come and tlie Father went forth to his dsily labor with increased pride and vi, t ivy. For Baby Bums waa a b-.uuc- "K "y ai| d what dad does not welcome the image of himself. S.im there wss alk of a christening. Mr. and Mrs. lluiim are derut Roman Catholics and n accordance with the leachin/a of their liurcli, believed in eiirly baptism. B he go<id priest was called in oue day about lie Jrd of June, when liaby Burns was mi a f.- days old, and tbe riuht uf wan {Mirform.-4t. And 1'. ilily beinx a uood Orit, called the new Wiltn-d Laurier Burns." Un day it occundrothe wortuy couple to write s lui'ei u> the grt*at msn aftor whom hey ii.nl named their child. It was a leavy latk for poor Burns, accustomed ir>ru to the urasp of the plowhandles than tliat uf the pea. Mai.y were the letleis that were written before one was found worthy of deap.ttli. Finally it was cd, and Bunu wiped the preapera tioii from ln furrowed brow and sighed in relief. It w the hardest day's work lie had done in many a lung year. The contents of the letter were simple en oagli Tlie st..ry vf Baby Burn's birth and 1-apiUm was tuld lu simple langua-je, and the Honorable Wilfred Laurier, Premier ,f Canada, waa respectfully informe<l that the baby had ben named n* ir him, at hicli it was humoly hoped he would take no offence. Then, by way of pi- acrip, it was added that the Burns wer. but proud of the privilege of naminy their eighth child after the greatest ol Canadian statesman, 'llio answer wan {innnpt. The Hon. Wilfred Laurier tendered bis rouiplioients tu Mastoi Wilfred Laurier Burns, wishing him a long and happy life, and promised to remember bm dud. And Premier Lauriei kept bin promise A few days ago Daddy Buriis received official intimation from Ottawa to the appointsseot to the posi- tion of uiessenuer in tbe Parliament >' Ottawa, a position said t>. be f 1,500 a year. Burns csn scarce!) Iwlieve his good fortune. He WAS at firai afra:d tint he would lie lonely amidst the (.pYiidnrof the Capital but that feeling i beginning t<> wear otf and a few wevk' timo will (l,,uljile>shinl biro comfuriably in-.tall.il in hit a<'ft job st Ottawa. I ana lui-ky day fer Jimmy Burns when he decided to name hm hoy afUr kind heaited Wilfred Laurier. W. A. AKMSTKONO, OPTII-IAX BOAR FOR SERVICE I have a wull bred l'erkliire Ixiar for ..,.-. nn lot ITi, T. S. B., Arteuilii Terms Tft ,,uts. UUT OUM for IMOft in the Weatarn and th tatiacl had fl.OOO on th conUaiU. - Bbelburac Free Pn-ns. John Crate, who was cnnricted at the !-' sei.-n of stealing fr- in Eaton's brewery, Owen Bound, haa been let go for 01. e yivir on suspended aentence, to gite him a cliance to ref rm A serious accident occurred at Roae- mont on Christmas night while the parties were returning from a lecture in the Methodint church. Mr Job Par*ons had but team and wagoti, which contained Mr* Paraona, W. 8te*ena, and Mia* Hockley. Shortly after Itsaving Rone- mont the trii-co of ono of the horxea be- came unhiiched. Mr. Parw>ns atnppcd t4> fii the trxces, and while doing so William nnd Samuel Lemon drove pa t him in a buggy. A dog that wan follow- ing the rig bit on* of Parsons' horses < n the heela, causing the team to run away. They ran into the bnggy in front and de- moli-hed it and injured the occupant* badly. Mr. Paraona received a had cut on the head, which required sereral ntirdiea. Mrs. Paraona waa also severely injured, and Stevi n had hi* nose broken. Mias Hiwkley fell on her head on the frozen ground and ia yet in an unconscious condition and not eipected to recover. 8helburne Free Press. Time Table KOVTB. Mark dale 6 40 a. n. 4.40 p. m Klesliertou 6.63 a. m. 4.63 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Kleaherton 11.48 a. m, vlaikdale -13 04 p. m. 9.1? p. m. 9.30 p. m FLESBEBTfil STEtl IIOIIIT. I he n|<iiful up a coupleta itcaai laundr ID Flonherlon, and am pr|ia *d totakvioaay iua tity of laundry work at lower i*rfe<i than are charfod alKwher*. t havr put In tb* la ant in. I moat iuiproYnd maebii.erv to that end Kiuilly give tue a call. Kntir* aatUfattloo uaraatd,>Bd pi lew low. Mas. Oso Mooaxiovir Public Notice! Resolution of Condolence Mved by John Hudson, seconded b\ oide Allister, that , the ratr|Myen> of school section i,umU-r iev<-n, of the Township of O-i'try, tske this oppor t unity to express our condolence with the low and f.uiiily of (lie lat* John Buck- ingham, who was a trustee of thin seciioi. for the !' three jears. During th> years lie filled thv office of tiusiee ba w* was remarkable for his ability, cheerful neaa and courtesy. N man ever posses sud more thoroughly the ett" -m snd con bdence of tlie ratepayers, and no man was ever more tincercly mourned b\ rin. To the widow and childien we .in only i M. ml .in heaitfvlt sympathy in their bvreuvemsiit and commend ihfm to the 1-nic * ml keeping of their Hem only Father, who knoweth what is boat for tin-in, and whoa* ways are not our ways. liicHAxn HAWTON \ JOHN HIISTBR > Trustees THOMAH Ji IMN ) Signod on hi-lialf of the ratepayers this .'Mltli day of ll.v -miier, 188(1. On Sunday evening laflt a lamp ex- |,li..l-il in tin IMMI on the farm occupied by ,|H,I CM StiiiM'ii, at ('ainilln, and re- sulinl in the t -Ul IOHH of the building anil c nt.'iii -i. Thu lutrii was in u of the In -i..| ic plaoiH ill Can, ilia and HBM built by tin- Into Hugh Currie at a cost of alo'.i! ?:i,l Oil. It came int.- prominence a number of yearn ago when the Inland It \-nuo officers <liscov-ml a whiskey .si ill in (!n- hiiHonn-nt. The an'nnuements in tliti lif.> mi nt were HO complete 1 that it WH.-I almost iiLpowil'lo to detect anything wr ing. The I'.IMH- Iviuling into the |irt UNO I ana dit-lillery was |iart of the wull -n., i.i, i of a large flat stone KO nicely arrangi-d that it defied detwti, u. The farm IH now owned by Mrs. Mary Jack- son, of Orangeville, and U 1. .isnl to James tinaon. The Sbarn waa insured NOT1CK la hroby Riren (orblddini anv nerion or pvnoiit trevpaaain^ on or cultinu ntrferinc with or removing any timber off lot* Al, ou the Vtb id lutli eouceesiou. Artemeela. and lot* lit. 144 and 146 ae any an.l a I panon* loiBf ae will b* prosecuted according Io law H J. BfROULE. Aj.nl. rieeherton. DMBbsr. U. 1*. Cttme Astray Came to the |rerule of the unUerilxneH lot 1M. K. T. B. H.. Arteinenla. rn or about Nov. ft. one tpnng caif. Tbe owner l requeetet) to prove property, pay szpeoeee sod take tljr aiue away. W. STKWAHT Klesliarton P. O. Logs Wanted Kel Roek eliu lo(a are a* follows 1ft Inch in email en.l ami cut II !. IS feet. II feet. 1 leet ani ! fet. Price. tJ per 10OU feet. Ma|iu- <t* III luclieeand upwanli. Hmall end eat lit *-t plump. Prloe of maple. $6 per 1000 ft. Cab paid for logi- Loga iuut ba perfect* KDWABD gAROEMT. Flenhritn:i Station. Mo{^ fox* Service For lerrlre on lot I'M. T. ami M B.. Artevmla * ttu roucli bred reglter*d berktbire boar if I i'ei in. SI at tin* l f nrvire JOB. CLARK. WF WANT 1 " 1 '"" 11 ' uhlith * <1 trmiU '" ,.,..! tine, whole or part Male AucNTo this county. Cana<IUn tloek k'uarantted t toll*e. Perniaiieni , I.I|IITI trma. You . s 1 ' make t- n dollars a Wfiwkor hettcr with u*. for eTery week you wuik. No ixpprl-nee neosssarv. Brown Brothers Company, 'ontlaeutal Nureerlns. TORONTO, ONT 15 Meh. Properties FOB - SALE -BY- B. J. mm, FLES1E1T01 IT YOf WISH TO B-T rBOPRTY CONSULT THIS Hl'AOB FOR 8AI.K ch.utp SIM! on easy tvnna, ono inilo from Khmherton, S| acres land ami mi which in a good 7 roonw frame ilw i-lling, well and comfortably tinishcd st. mi; ccller underneath, and K<M| wall Binl pump in kitch-n, gM>d frame sUl>l^ and driving houne, slno hriuk lined hen li'uiHf, small on-lmnl ci.iuiiu'i <-inx to bear. Apply to R. .1. srUtU'LK. FleHherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if oUI during pri-R. nt month TV" iniprovt-il fauns, one a mile from Priceville iinil the other name distanoe from Wan-ham. Small |mvm>'iit ilown, lialaiu-D on VKHY ray ti-iins. Also a hundred and tifty acre farm and mill nilc out- mile from Kleaher- ton, prinoi|ially hHrdwo<>d bush, 25 ucrvn cleared and frame d'llin|( and nthlt-. Any pi-i'Mon -wnnting a decided bargain apply quio>. tb above. chitis, Sore throat, etc. ftlNHV. WATSON A CO P.O...TC. The Markets. CarefallT Corrected Flour ................. f 3 80 Oats Wheat ----- ....... rUrley ... , Peas Butter Egus, fresh 1'o'ati.es bag P.Tk ----- Hay per con .... Hide* Sheepskins Turkeys ........... Chickens per pair ..... Ducks per pair _____ Wool ..... 16 76 20 40 11 J.j 25 460 7 00 4 00 26 5 7 JO 40 17 v rk to |< 4* to IT to tu to tu to to to to U to t io 80 :#l 40 )r 1ft i* 74 1 8 q 5 OP) : '< Farm an1 Mill Site lor Sato FAT fale very ebeap an.* on very ear tcrmi Timber (arm, ISO scrs*. two ml lee from Kln.u nrtnii. knowt- a tbe Win. HiiFgiawmill )>i *! tv. *n<i oil which {* an wit rll*-ut watt-i puwry. f.>iiT. !tlon of w mill, <lam an.) |>r>inl >n<4 wt, i wlirel ID place and all ready for pnttiex uni on. About 13a<-iee cleared. MOacrri* Uiul*i , MI. wt off. balance will t.inh. n .!. nine l limlxr Thin (arm will be i|.| at a bargain if olil at .nice Hnmll I'm , ui-nt .lowii, balaooe on e .ay terms. Apply to R.J Pritonr. Kleehetton.Oa is The Winter Of Our Discontent Pays Shakespeare. There will be no discontent if you oral will) me, and Shakespeare won't V* in it. TIMELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Rnbea, Bells.Blanketg.CircitigU*, Whips, Curry Comlta, Brushes, Cow Chains, and everything in harnesHmakera' tfoudn. AM. eleusnt GOAT KOUE from 47 50 to $0. other roues higher if you a. it them. Co.,.o and look at my ihinirs, anywty. Always ^l.i.l to i|Uuo p^ icea. A Dry cnrd*ood and stove wood take in WM. MOORK Harnessmaker - - - Flesberton. Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned arc placing in fw iition a first class sawmill for custont sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion io Jauuary. We Lave also addvd A CHOPPING HI! L For tlie cot>venieuco of farmers. Choppiui; doue at any time at 6 conu per 100 Ibs. The prisn and door factory, band and --icroll Mwinx liisiei>8 rootinocd as naual. Pile in yonr orders. BEECROKT & TALBOT Mnil - - C\>n tract ! 8FAI.KD TtUTORW. addTMesj] t . tbe Pot- Massr Ocaksral. will b . i - .<ttwa iw.'il 'i mi. on Frldoy, llw. j ind January ,iHV7 . for the c<>tive> SHCB of Her A:JIFU iiiailn, on -^ .1 r..:itj . , .niBiM timaa |i*r w.'i'k rx'-li . 1" ;'.." r i"-hi-ii>n and rail- way ntntion IrolM th- lit AIM il n- flioi (>iive>aiK' to b iiiaclH in a vehicle 01 oOii>i wise I*ria%s4 notlsas eoulaluiug f utb^v informs* tlou an Io eniulHlous ul |>ni'O*o / l oohtrad may ir an<l biauli I.tin-^ of Toit.icr may b* ohtaiund at tha font <':nee at Ft. slierton anit Ht.. burton btatiou and at t!il office. II t. ROKKIHK. P .t Cfflc* Innpeotor. Post Office Ini>pctnr'(i office, st-atford. lUh Ueceuibvr, 1680.

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