Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1896, p. 4

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THI FLISHIITON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1881 i Advance ' WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE. M l> KXUAM STREET, FLKNHEHToN, (INF., BY W. H. THIRSTON. K'. per aniiuin.Nlrlrtl) in advance Advertising Rates: Oas Column, 1 year, S&O ; half col , 1 year, *97 quarter col., one year, S15. Trannlent advertisement charged at the rat* I ( cents per line for first Insertion ana 3 onus each subsequent lunertion. With this first usue of The Aivacce 1:1 18% allow ui to wish our readers a happy and a more prosperous New Year than the one which lias just gone overboard. While the hard times have touched everybody The Advance has not gone unscathed, but but we have felt gratified duriug the past waek at the Urge number who have made it their business to renew for 1396. but expect the great ma- jority will visit UB duriug the next two weeks. We have tried to publish t newsy paper during the pnst year and our subscription list, which has been steadily added to, denotes that wo have succeeded fairly well. The c liter of this paper, too, is somewhat optimistic and believes that times are not quite so bad as some politicians would try to make us believe, and that they will be better. That our read- ers will enjoy a rtry prosperous and happy uew year is the sincere wish of y editor. The Dominion Parliament meets to-day, Jan. 2. It is thought that the session will be a short one this time. Should the Bowell adminis- tration bring on iu the early stage of the session drastic remedial legis- lation, or such as in the position it Las held it would naturally be ex- pected to introduce, the session will undoubtedly bc> short, for it would go by the board as sure as fate. It will not be for want of sufficient warning, however. As the Globe points out, ' Of eight constituencies iu which bye elections have been held this year the government formerly held , seven. They now retain only four," The hardest blow was dealt in Montreal Centre, a Catholic conatitue ucy, where Mr. McShane was elected last week, this instance alone showing a loss of 1700 votes to the Conservative party, and that among a people who, as one paper say, would put to shame ever the Orangemen themselves. We believe the representative* of thin county are to be relied upon to vote against the intended compulsory legis- lation. Mr. Bowell will be foolhardy to introduce the contemplated jncaa ure, bat repeated warnings appear to have taken no effect upon him, and now let us have the Waterloo if it must come. Since the above was in typo Jacques Cartier has had its election ind the liberal candidate has been returned. The scat was formerly Conservative. And thus one by one Mr. Dowell's props are falling under him. When Quebec does not support him his hope is a forlorn one indeed A riuniclpal Dialogue To Ou Kditnr of TKt Admnee. Knowing tlmt Mr. Jones in well ported in townnliip affairs I thought I would drop in and have hi* opinion on municipal mattriM concerning the prtxpnt contest. S'l.it/,- What did you think of the cding* at the nomination yesterday? J:,w. Well, it was niiTe amusing than interesting. Hut I think I never aw the hall so well rill. <1, tvltich would %< to nliow that the ra'epnycrs r taking an interest in muniii;.iil matters, &nitH* Whai ia your opinion in re- gard to the candidates for tint reci PS!H|. ' ': They ore both very good men. Mr. IMand has a very g>od record but I tm inclined to think he is just poing a little too fast considering the bard linn-* As fur Mr. Wright the line lie has laid 9 ^^ duwn M to cutting down eipunses ought i Uko i-ll with the ratepayers at preent. Smith: You think, then, that they could run it un a olui|>er icale ? Jon**; Well, yss, 1 think both town- ihip a.iJ county cuuld be run <>u a cal tniit would come much lighter on the t.i'i> |yi'r's pocket and it will come to that through i inn 1 . Smith: What did you think of our l-i i vu's uJdress, anil the explanntiou lie gavo in regard to hii itowardnhip 1 June*: I do not know ax 1 could call it an addrvHH. I cannot say that he faced the question xjuaruly wliun put to him ; if repartee m goud for anything we had enough yesterday. Smith: \Vlio doynu intend to support 1 Juttei: Well 1 had intended to have ftupported Boland until yesterday but I think I will cut my 1*11 it for Wright. Smith: For what reaaon ? Jun: A* I ttated before, I think tin-re could be more economy used and I waa really disgusted with bin sallies of so- called wit. Too much of anything ii good fur nothing. Smith: What are the chance* t Jontt: I think Ilolaud will take two- thirds of hit owu ward and grant that he takes half of Eugenia ward. I think he will poll a small rote in Fleahertou ward, arid ai for Price villc, Wright has always polled a large Tote nud there U no reaaon why he will not do it atrain. Smith. Then you think Wright will go in 7 Jam*: Yea. Mr Wright will bo all right and Mr. Roland will be bowled out. I will be greatly mutaken if such is not the case. Smith. Wai that your opinion before you changed your mind ? Junti: Vex. but nevertheless i would have voted fur Uoland. Smith; What will the result be in ward No. 3 ) Join*: The run will be a close one considering the small majority Mr. Beat had last year, unless a great change has taken place in the opinion uf the rate- payers. Smith: Your opinion in regard to the aspirants 7 Janet: I do not see why either of them would nut make a vi-ry good councillor. Mr. Hest has had some experience if that goes for anything. As for Mr. Boyd he ha* UIMH! business ability which should recommend him to the ratepayers as one Mia 1 would take care of iheir interests. Smith: In regard to the other coun- cillors 1 Jvtitt: Well. Kelts Mul MeMilUn are safely selected for another year, they take well in their different wards. As for Mr. Thompson I am not prepared to gay ohether or not lie will get there. Smith : Well good day. The Nomination* The Town Hall was crowded to the doom on Monday with intelligent and in- terested electors of this township to listen to the nominees Cor the Council of 18%. There; was plenty 'of fun, too. The nomination* as received by Town- ahip Clerk Bellamy were as follows : For reeve John Boland, by James Brodie and John Snell; Thorp Wright, by Jos. Pedlar and R. Oenoe; Dr. Chris- toe, by Joe. Pedlar and Goo. Park. The Utter withdrew. For councillors Ward 1, D. McMillan, by R. Oliver and Jas. Vauae. Ward 2 T. K.-lln, by Jag. Brodie and Q Wsrling. Wafl 3 -Js. Best, by John M<- Arthur and T. lUnnon ; J. A. Boyd, by A. Nml- son and Gen. Swanton. Ward 4 A. 8. Mndill, by Jas. Magee and J. A Jamie son ; Geo. Thompson, jr., by John Mar- grave and G. Swanton. The speaking of the afternoon, which WSK presided over by Mr Jas. Brodie, was of the usual ardor, conaJHting of speeches short and long by the candidates. For Police Trustees The nominations for Police Trustees of the village Flenherton were as follows : D. McTavish, Chas. Leibch. and W. J. Bellamy by Geo. M \ttliell and M.Uichard s in; J.I'. Ottewell and Kobt. Whitten by P. Holman and Jnhn I'ullamy. rrpHKAKIA NOMISATMN1 Reeve T. Gilrny, are!. First Duputy John Davis, Pat torso M. Second Deputy J. Krskin.W. C. Kerr Councillors K. Fawce'.t, C. Kiiott, .I.ilm Ku ton, J. W. Shuro, John Miller, \V. Fawcelt. Oftl'EIY NOMINATIO.N Reeve D. K. ProHton, acrliimittion. l-iini deputy John Clark, John Uud mm. ftecnnd dep-jty W. J. Monagt.an, a<v tarnation. CooieUJotf-\V. D.Allan, Jot. Brown, John Brown, John S|>vera, Geo. Whiteoak. MM The old council has all been roturmd by acclamation. Cash forOld Stamps. Will | my from one rent to one hundred dollars each fur ol'l canci-Urd Canadian stampa iMiued prcuoiiN to J870. Some U. S. Hutui|> also have liiu'i values. I. .ok over your old letters and brinK or send tin-in (with eiivelopoc if [i .isnihlv) to this nth ! and get cash lur tin-in. They must be in K'xxl einidiHoM. Eight and six cent t Bump* of the prevent issue also purchased by the !()(>. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot??, con. 0, Artetnesla, containing 1PI acres more or le u s,*0 acres cleared, about ^ tulle* from Kloliorton. There area finod Ion I HI n aud stable on the pn-nn-n-. iii..| running water. For futbur particulars apply to W. A, ABMSTUOKO Flmhirtun Timber lot for sale Lot 99 In Twxirth 'oi.ci>ion. Arti-mvsla. Ttmdwt for thu purchueof thU lot will h* re- r>ive>l liy tin- iii'iT*iutM"1 until th*- :ir<! day of t- , In imry 1MUG. Deeirtble lot for lumber dealer or fanner. Tender* to utate ternit of |i&yineut. Title free of uucuiiibrauce. A|iuv to T. W 1I.IWAHII, Karrliter, 10 York Chamber*. Toronto. Toronto 19th Decrniber IBM. Boar for Service Thoroughbred Berkshire boar with pedigree, for tervlce on lot 106 aud 167. 'I 4 K. h. Terms 75 cents. KHANC CBABD Prop. Farm and Mill Site ior Sale "* For sale very cheap and on very eaty terma. Timber farm. IMIaoren, two miles from Kltxn- erton. known u the Win HoRRuwmlll pro- prty. and ou which iaan excellent water )>W"r, fuundatlon of saw mill, dam an I pond and water wheel Iu plaro- and all ready fur putting mill un. About 1'iacrea olearwl. JO aonm timber. mot off. balance well tiinbort it, mixed timber. Tin* farm will l> >ld at a har^aln If >old at ouee. Hmall pavmont down, balauoe on vary e^ay teriun. Apply to K. J. SPROI'LB, FlenbCTVon. Ont. Logs Wanted \Vantl, Immediately or quicklv as poimlble, 100.000 feet of r.ifk elm sawing*, ^, 18 and 17 feet long. Mut bn clear of knot* as poible. sound timber, from Itt Inobes lo diameter up- wardu the larger the better. Tbla itock can b* shipped Kreen aoon as cut. quick returtm. Good prlee* paid for good, suitable limber. Call aud se me nulckly. Euevnla aaw mill. Oct. 31. IB. P. T. CABB. Logs Wanted Highest prices paid In cash for rock and soft elm log*, to be delivered at onr mill Lcngthi-Hork Flin 8) and 17 feet full ; Soft Elu, 10, 14 and 14 feet. J. B. SLOAN 4 SON Eugenia Dec. 16. W Logs Wanted. We will ooninienre to take log! on the flrit of January next. I.ORII mQ't b oloar and nound. soft elm, for which we will pay K 00 per tlnmmmlfmit. DAMI-DE A Win. .111 Cattle Wiutered Parties donlriiiR tr> have rattle wintrn-d. head for head, will rlea*s oornapund *lth W. U. Kusr.i.L. D .ndalk. OR1U.KTT > Xleiuorloo Htatloo fostmaster, CoinmiMilor.er ill H. 0. J.. Con veyancer; deeils, ninitKi<i leases and wills drawn. Cuargus oioderate. Hunlness letters written. dcl To the Electors To tkt Klec\ori of the Tovnuhip f Arte- metia. I, ii, ist AND (lr.NTi.rnsH,- I liave now i. -pre- sented yoa as reeve to the best of ray ability, for the past three yean. If 1 have given satis- faction In that capacity (and I have yet to hear of anv complaint) I would ask your support for the comioff year. Trusting von will see yonr way clear to a continued confidence, I remain, ladles and g nlleinsn, Your obedient servant Jonx HOI.AKD To the Electors To the Eltctor* of tlit Ti/inmhip of Arte menu. LAIHXS and GKKTLRMKN, in compliance with the request of a number of ratepayers 1 have ilecide I to run for tbe offloe of Keeve of the TowMhlp of A temesia f>r the year IfMR. Should you ! fit to elect me I will attend to yout huoincdt to the lisit of my ability. Your vote and Influence reipnctfully Nollrlted. Yours turly, TMOHP \VIIIOBT To the Electors To tli<- Klrrtitr* of th.' Ttn'>i<hip iif Arte- I<AT>IF.S AVII OxtmKilfjs I have now ropre- f anted you fur tin- pant two yeiu u us coiiiicillor or wiuil :1. If I liavt Kivn fla iHfacsiun in that <;K|ia<'.ity, and I havu not lloa d any complaint. and on t! ...... ; nn-nl- i \\> rl I iu-k your vote and influence for the coining \car. Tinntlug yon will soe \niir way clunr to uloct inn fin- IK, I remain, ladlos and gantieun u, your obedient norvmnt, JAUKS lltir To the Electors To the Klffturt <>) Ward No. fl, Artrmrxn LADIP.S AND OBNTI.RITEH I have oi>co more denlaod to offer myself a candidate forthenffl-e of ennnclllnr fur Ward No. 3. Trustl g to b- favored with jonr liberal patrona<i. I asn your obedient servant, Jut, A. Hon. Fle.be, ton, I)*c.JM'.,-j fi 1896 M. RICHARDSON &Co. The year 1895 ia now a thin;; of the past. We are entering pn the New Year ; let m do so in a more hopeful and buoyant spirit, making the best use of every opportunity odered. This store begins the year 1890 with re- newed energy and hope. We wish to thaok the public gener- ally for paat fa/ins and ask a cou.nin- unce of auine. It U to own As well an ouro. You may be able to b:iy as cheap elsewhere biU the ohaiices are you wont. The mild weather has to some extent interfered with the sale of Winter Goods thereby causing us to hold larger stocks at the present time than we would wish, and in order to reduce goods we will offer for the MONTH OF JANUARY unprecedented bargains in Overcoats, Caps, Underwear, Shawls, Felt and Long Boots, Overshoes and Rubbers. Bargain 3 iu all departments. Come and see. Try Oir 2k Tea "Special It's a dandy. B. HcDONALD II OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is th o very Best PLACE IN CANADA TO OE\ A Business Education, Take a Round Trip SS? W ' Coliegoi Commercial Department* In Canada, tbiu visit .he Northern Holiness College ; examine every- thing thoroughly. If we fall to produce the most thorough, complete, practical and extD- live course of study ; the best college premises aud the best and tnos'. complete and most uit- ablef urnlture and a||liances. we will give you a full course KRKb. for Annual Announce inent, giving full particular* .free, address C. A. FLEMING, 1 Principal. Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro done in first-clans stylo and at lowest rate*. Special attention given to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. Picturea framed. MRS. BULMER Paring . . AND . . . .Village Properties For FA1E or to RENT in the Township s o ArtemesiavA Glenelg Ijotii I and a. con. S N.I) R , townnhlp of Art-- niMila, 100 acre*. 7"> clnar, with new fiainn barn l.">x(Vi It.. Bto-in baffeinont. Would ront. Lot 47. ron. t). towimliip of Q)nelg, BO aeTwS indiT KOOI! cultivation well watvrea. Would rent niasnnnblo lat No. S, James it. north, and lot No. 6. Mill t. north; also east part of lot 4, Kincardine lorth. Hi irk IIOIIHB and lot at Flesberton Station, known ai the Walte property. AH the' above properties will le Hold at low 1gure nd on saiy termi Title* ludiiputabla Apply to John McArthur, PRICKVIl.li: P. O, SPBGI^L I .. In every department of our a'.or wo have Christmas offerings. CHEAT FRUITS CHEAP TEAS CFIKAI' tUGAf.B The bijgcst baskctfull of groceries for One Dollar You ever took out of a More. HEREITIS !i\\> Currants 5lb Ilaisins 5tl> Rice "illi (ian. Sugar lib Figs lit) 1'riines Jit) 1 ,1'innii Prcl bample p'k'g Tea J This lot for ONE Dollar Silk handkerchiefs, genuine goods, for TEN CENTS Fur Capos and Collars at lowir prices than we ever quoted. COME AND ?C Cr I. <^ ...... Tliis week we want to giro you something to remember this season by. We had to buy more overcoats this week to keep assortment of all stzcs. \Ye sell none but Sanford'a clothing now because we find their goods the most reliable and they ri'ccive the credit of making best clothing iu the Dominion. It is going to be a haul winter and some people are preparing for it by buying our frieze coats to defy the cold. We carry tbe biggest stock aud we think tho best selected stock, and if you will call and see onr ptices we will allow yon to be judge of the val iu-s we offer. We claim to boss the boot trade in Artemesia. In rubbers and overshoes we have an immense stock comprising nearly every style made. Hardware J Dep't. From Germany Some most beautiful China with photographs of the churches ou it. YOU OOGHT TO SEE IT A piece of it would make a very nice present to give to your visitor ou leaving as a souvenir of Flosherton. . . Other Goods . . Such as novelties in Olansware. Cutlery, China and Silverware, arc just the things most suitable fur Xruas presents. CROSS-CUT SAWS AND AXES Our stock was never BO complete as at present with the very best goads that are made at pricts which are \\ itliin the reach of every one. Bco them. 5kates We have a line of Genuine Acme Spring Skates in nickclled aud plain steel. 60...

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