Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1896, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOIiE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MB.NY VCL. XV, NO 577 FLSSEERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 1896 W. H. THCRSTON. w a H H W ft (0 SPECIAL GOODS NOW or iNEVER It i" m - and tli.t i "i'v >' i'..: you ca:i get ancS bar. \ c hutu i.. ill.- a ipecial t> Waltham \ Elgin WATCH ES Of all I-ai! cV mid Grn'*' * XT. whuh in a certain tune r :. . uji. The \Va!tham .ti\mtc know* ibal ,ile. W. A. Armstrongs Jeweller SFECXAL PRICES i. w 13 H H H H 2J JVem vnr oi/-.i Cormpotufcnt. Our correspondence thil week cu'isists mainly of society items. TLe full-mint: re the officers uf Ihv. '.48, S. O. T., for the rosMiug term P.W.I'. I' ; McLean; W. P., John on; W. A.. Mius Agats Bui!; ! l-i.-.iUu McLean; A. K..S., Mis E. J ..hn i ~- . Allan McLean: Trrai. , Jas. Our litisiiicss Direeotry M fjcutUtiir. CULl. :'.utr". Mtrkfol*. Jo a pci-norl banking bu>- i aeta. Ueoey ljnJ at a rmwaabl* rate. C:i on u v r U.UUHAI i.. L. D8.M P. B. DMttet VU1U h lit ml :-.,l Wc.iu.-kUv of Kh month. riahrtou- Kch trip oa tu -U> <...<<ria. As. VA: r'.c. k .v.h Wf Court, Co Ory Inucr of Marri v Llecnioi, CommiMloncr ia H.I' I . <" >.iTf/ocjr. A'a.-ti^n r. etc. Agut f r tiio Mj)-Hnri Aricu!taral iiu-nu Clayton^ Hlock. Fl*ibrtoB, HirharUaon'a l;rJw. Chaji. , Bwbt. McLachUu; Alex. McLachlm.; A.C., MM J. Lea* , M. S5t,,thart: U S , J,, ,. d. Thu seuii ai.riiiil election of officers at 1. look place ia>t week with, the Ilias M. A. Brown; Vice 1're*.. Joh't McKectinie; bee., Hu^ti M ..-j* , M ' "ii. Ti.e annual uiett.ng of the Artctaesia ilruial Soti'ty waa c u>end on Tuesday of last week. The f >..., w.n- gentlemen wiii officer the 4tK.iv.-ly for ihe o*" /. : Prat., Mr. D. M Oanii. !'.- - . \!. ! .. : N. 8ns., Mr. Jacue* Watson; Tr-as , Mr. Jam-. Un-die A* far a* we can Irani tie nuances of the society are in a very fair i- A : '. . ok aiiet.dc.l ilie F f. : i.v, '.-Tl'i n*shertoii la-t VCCK and were highly [ IA.-CU with the days ; r c-...- .:.--. 1 - ii-rrit.vrs fri/m this vie nit y atteudeo a county nievtii.g ia Maikdale iday. If any. lie was disturbed by that terrific ho* ling <>u main stivvi lately it will per- hapa allay their troubled feelings to know that it waa only some ne ijii: n^ one ol rs t \Micted. Mac. Ci>u.di,'l stand it aitd su h ul t<i cUar out. A Fall Woollens ALL IN STOCK NOW FALL AND WINTER FA5HIONS ''Ul. \M> "KK !"FH AM' MAKE YnfR sELkXTIt 'N- \Vorkii.. m-liii > iiml I Vii - C. J. LEITCH MERCHANT TAILOR fr in Michigan owinj to the dullness of t pnaMot. Mr Will Tun.er is hale and htarr. - return from P'lerboro. Mm. Thotuai Sherwood ia at prevent uffVnm from a very vere attack of Mure throat. Mr. Ar N n is holidaying with fnei'd.s in T .r into ari'l Hani ''..n. [Tl.e s!>ov iltiiiil .i are bCfl written j.nii.'thi..^ like a fortnight ago. They arrivetl at this office . n Tuesday. In the ri;ciurMt whore hare ih -y been ' - i ] CLEARING OUT THK BALANC K OF MY Holiday Goods AT COST QIRL3. ThU is Levp Year ! Now ia jour ofpotu. )(e( ft baniloome preseut for " iuttuded. " for voa: cousin, your nude or jonr auv : at rcduci : -otu W. E. RICHARDSON BkOKT * BATHOS " ' aniiton. Solicitor*. foBTcyaoccr*. Me. Offl .-*- N*it (o POM aflea, SprouU'i Mock Newt lather scarce thi* wetk. Plenty stanU it and o hid t.i cUar out. A ,,f n uw and c..ld weather. We are [ rj ru ggi 3 t nd SUtioner, FIcrthertoa , hyena o uxln't hold a candle to it if we thankful for 'he . il health. >f the people I are rightly u>(. 4-ui. 1 ,,| tin* ci mmuinty. Other yearn at this A j.lly sleigh load ol Jcun^ people iei*on hi'f "f us were sick with la IOIXBCTED. The ond*it:ned U prepared to --ij*rtak tlj. collrvti. u if all k!u.! of i'.bt. Not lioui:!i: r, .naits c-'.:v.le>!. fie i: N llFNina. - FLBMUTCX C. A. BaUoa K. -Owen I IVulr'.t I froiu t! ( |id a ruit t Durhaui tr jv*. *o we all out(ht tu be grateful for J. W. Frot LI. H cttoe . FMMfa block lt Friday eM.-i.ii.-. They made the TIHELY R ..1.-LE. rotQ]aat*r, Flotbertoej, Co^imlnioorr in IV R.. I.u-i-i:*r<l /uctionecr. Coavcyaucor. A |>rUor an i Mony l.u.Ur. Ul Estate au-1 ii!C Agent. rv<la. Uortcafea, Leaae*. K'il Will* <lrmwuup an'. Vluati->n> ciaJ* on khcrtMt notice. Aoet|.>n sale* attntlvl in in any part of the CoLuty. lloncy to loau at '"w (it rate* of iutvnM. Cull.-ctioui tttnJd to with I'ri.uiKtnc o . 1 .lci>atch Chart;** low. Afent (or tlia Doniialoo 5>teinhii> Company, cheap tickets fron Flrhrtou to Lirvryool, Ulaiuow. LoniloD or any of tho Kriti>h port*. r^rtio* nii-n.U:v to\i*it KnuUnJ. Sc .tUiia or Iicltiid.wlll pleaM n'i rate* bofor* p irchuiag t.K-ir tifUvU ltwiic.-j fCAS* Wltl'-.IIT. Owrn ScuaJ. Onl. W H. WMUVT. X. B.-Fl.hroM \ xlaxday. CenTyancn. etc kl&ik )!. Out. L B. LI-CM. office. Hitch.!!* Bank froaty air nug with their cbDrnses and ilua. We WTU much auiujeJ .it Dut'a i-' Thu factory is wi.rkiiw this week and we ho-e to see it running steadily. Our *aw mills ar Iayi"K iu a good 'and lamhai.ir i!i-^rii>tioii of the "RoU.-rl sup; iy if l^s > that tiuita are pretty ') rrj! * M D C M. U P r 4 8 Ont. Priftvill.' O.TJeo next d. or to Hrowu'i (tore; riuu - onvdoor . o> Mctho>li>t cburcb. kiarouit. O&ee day*. Tueadayi aud Saturdaym. ni. I-\I:TKK AS Ont.. rimiciin. Surwon. *te KlMhert.ni oflc Strain* b'oca. lUiJ*noe - >t an 1 third Mou~ 1 R'i\ \l. Tl Ki.i]r \>iuoil eet* every Ant aod , Tu*lv TninK in each ioiuh. ., i s |. lCri iniir..,-. tlilv. tti Wedneattay .jl th *.'uil ol i'K>h nux.th. i>\S OK TKUPKK VNCR.-TbU .ocl.-iy ... Hll ftl- . v in cicli month at 8 p.m. - x ifii i:iTitd. lakuraacv in connection. UA.: mnt In thi-ir hall, Chiutoe'C X \rt\ MoonJ Thura> ia each . \\ m. Sharp, UUr. T. Clayton, See- rtary. N A S, UTT, U B aletnber Coll<^tPbTlc. ft Snrvcr>-.iiulii l> Graduate in Ilolioino of Tun- o L.'uitcr.ty t'llowl i,< Uipl.-ina. Pnat (.1 t.'t: -.ti. llrdtoal Sctool an I Ho| Ital. fMcaco. l:--vot eve, ar. noM aud throat >prcilly ti<-a!c.l. Uf"i- deoc*. V>\v,- 1. riuu Feveribaui Tliur^ lavil 1 J. .iins and Sary Janei'' cuivly throwing qualities. They have IM douVt :it least recei\eil a well meritrd rebuke if not a salutary lest. n. If !>..( would t.. w tin '.i . o:k so r!l lieguu by expoaiu^ many of the fijually (but re- tii.i-d . . iitma-'ly and unladylike actions of x>nie of the "Lili.m Mauds and Cluwles .\ at Kiniilar nathcr- m^, -t wi uld be a :i to chair- raciu i:i [(articular, and tociety in gen- eral. There are than cumly tbrowin i IMI! enough. Wr I K * of Kin.-stoii u homo st lirialc an.ur.d at present. Mr. .1. \\. H. .r!i an.l *if. furd are riaicing friends at Miaa S^rn Tedhtr an.l Mr. Luther IViiUr '>f T i..n: hare been t tlmir ;aient for the rxut week. A wiee niMI kno< Row to tak* a hie- FroiH another Conttpoi. . rse ititetrup'i..us Tcaih lias agaiu vi:texl our village. a, which, dear knows Thin tiuie it ws MM. \\eley This is the season of year v, re reqtm. nor/ - ;!. \NKKTS. r.Ei.i.s, \v mi's. i KIT SETT IF MESS Currycombs and everything connected wuli the llartii'-i liue for wiuter use. who waa (aVen. Mr- " She was only sick about one week. All was done that present on account of the very ill nets uf bin mother. serious h..nds and doctor's cure could d- . I ut on Thursday List h* passed peacefully away. The fuueial pto.?e*ion on Saturday was the larfeot e\>.r seen in this irt, there Do - You - Know Wlioro to buy i\.- To tin.- best advantage ? This is where the hint ca 3 3 ia And it 13 a gootl aud broad one : Go to WILL UOOKX. Harnessmaktr. Flpshrrton. J l tJTTKWKl I. Kiiutry Surfeun. Gratuat.' ry (.'pllfux. ki.-'.U'iice Nft door wath ol llooro'* plauin factory. rjK M :t\ M. l.KAM'KB U D C M. y C P * 8. Out.. Prl.i:io OSli-e and rwi>lnce at alcthoJivt panonaita Calls ihi or Uy prompt!* attundu.1 Viitt* tou .st.nn.ti lo to 11 a.m. \Vdaeday* PK ARTHUR LODOI. No M. A F * n R AM.mi-et Iu th MawLir iu:: Strain '' r AND DfRHAM S I . H!od;, Kl.'<lu'it,.ii, every t n Uv on or l.if..ro b full uioju. Or Carter, \s M 11 J H|>i BUFFKIUX IXIPUK. N\. 1NV 1 oo K. iiireU in <'!ayton'> H ill tvi-ry T-.IC* day uTeiiinu at o'clock. ay uTeiinu a ococ. Vi.iviux brethren cordially iaritwl AS VA\!'V - x N .. \Vv Moouii. Soc M ISS EDITH Kk'll AUD80N Pupil or Hobt Mahr. . I l>r. Im all* Ilia llt<\. of TorouW Cou*r\*.tory Music, t^oice Culturw) i'rot K. ii iv,.;i. Ut,. of Toronto, ll'iano) will rocrlvt. vniiiU iu glXOJXa, V1OUX, PI" \NO u. . Olll. \S P. 11 ham ti! > laTi> t'lMhrrton Station at 7.1> am. rrtui-n* 4. pin. Prio*lll< *t*fie aiuc |'!.cu at W..\ ivtu: nrw *t I I .. UK! rvturn.90 cttnt* ; Duiha>ii, 1.50 f A. klniiUUrc. Livery Ur\l*nuiay bo lft neither botrl. A.IMCAl'LEV.Vn.p Cash : for : Hides! Mr. iinlMn. J. K.'^ler ..f IVnetanjj ri 1 viailiup with Mr. John Ota Mrs. J. Pal BUT w m vwtin- friei me larvvni vicr *wi ^ , - N. 15. Cowllide tllittS. 1: kU i^roron nimton* , i ... ^- being over I.'* 1 c i.veyances ui tho | ro- from 50c t :;.os. sre busily ergsged at ce-v-i. n 'o the c.-meterv- in M^xwvll. Kr ...vii.rf tie old saw mill. ' ago w;is only -.1) yeai - *n 1 : < n-nths. The k- . Ml] -ochaa sawmill, to beieave.1 husband has 'he heartfelt sym- ihettnndof the one which has laUly i'l y of th ^ oniire c .iniiiuiiity buttled. The holidays have !'isel very quietly in this locality owing somewhat we MS 10 the geueisl haid tinus. S'lyner last w However, then- .re a few who believe in Mr<. A. Mcdir visitsnl fciemls in making the mit of the present and en KlenheHoti la' j,.y themselves accordiiix^y. Mr. Martin Butk IH hum* for a short A very nuiet, yet we trmt a pleasant, tune. t.H>k place on Xmas eve at tl.e Mr J. M.i.ldeii. rho ' reaul^uee. of Mr. lliiiui<>, tha bride's (*ftry fiiendn for a couple . f weeks, b;u father, where, by a few mystic words, returned to his home ib Thic . Mr. Win. Hoyd and Miss Ix-i.a Uliinie The annual incut, 11,' of t>s;.rey Farm were nutde one. Immediately after the ' Milling IV. n held her* list week. Ban . . AND . . . . Village Properties ForSAIEcrtcFIMintheTcTtsV ArtemesiavA G level g . iul icon. 4 V.DR . town-hi;. of ArV- with iuw i 4.1. ... ton ba*ui<Mit. \Vol<l n-m. .r. con. . town-hip of un<lr eotxl cultivation wull wal- rant reasonable. Lot No. :>. Jauetit. nmth. an.l I. \... i. Mi. I st. north; al*u at part of lot [ north ' coruinony the newly wedded pair took I am not able to ^ive the names of the ltl . jck DOOM ,,,,, )o , , rtaahwton Statiui: . the ercniii^ train for the city. We wish officers elected for the curreut year, but " I the saul c.'U|.l c .ii^TAtu 1st ions. 1*. Ottewell is a^ain president. Mr. snd Mrs. H iwell Pjient Xtnas - ei -- Sheepskin* and all kinds of flits (tur for which higheat market price will b iul. Uornenmde aaukagen on hand, also all kinda of inei'U. M. WILSON, FLE3UERTON MEKT EMPORIUM with friends in 'fonmto. William K.\vu, wbo sxMiie six weeks Owin< lo inclemency of the weather ago eloped with Mt. Richardson, taking the entertain nieiit given by the Pu-sbjr- a |vn of horses bt>lot>Kii<g to the hus- terian Surday schin.l was not a success band i-f his irniur, nml who was tiiiancially. brought here frviu Trut Oreek by l\ (.' Mr. John Howe'l s[>ent a fe* days List Shuuldicc and reiuaiKled on a charge ef wetk with friend* iu Allutuu and Miua- theft, came hefi.ro P. M. Spencer Satur- field. day uiumui", and was aci[iutted. O. 8. Mi-. Robert Lyons has returovd huuie Advertiser. All th boe provxrtte* will hol.i t t.,, ours uj oa Miy wrmr Till** ikJ >p. . Apply to John McArlhur, PRSCEVIU.E f. O. T. CHISI.KTT Fluhrton SUtiou l'<..*tia*ter, Commuwlocer ia H. C. J . T>ancor: ilexl*. mortgages, leasta anJ will* drawn. CbargM moderate. U*UM* l.twrt written.

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