Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1896, p. 4

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fHI ngSHERTUH IDTAHCff ESTABLISHED 1881 1 K- BUnllLI) WKEKI.Y AT TI1K OpriCK. hVI>- I .IHM .iTKBKT, rtBNHKKToS, OM BY W. II. THl K.VTO.V &l per nnnuni.slrlrtly In :t,l . .im Advertising Rates: Gat Column,! var. SO ; half ool., 1 ynar. tf? quarter col., oue year, 81i. Trauiiant a<lrtUnnt'nt rharqi'.! at til* rt* t <out< par huutor flii iti*urtin and 3 centi aaub lubavquaut IUACI tloa. THE OTTAWA FIASCO. ': vras wit'u feeling* of relief tbat C'oc&tTvalivcs read on Tuesday thai a compromise liail boon arranged at Ottawa and that six of the seven boltiug ministers hid returned to tin ir allegiance, thus raising the blockade which has been in progress for a week 1 .1*1. And yet'il is with a sense of chagrin to many, as it is felt that men who have been guilty of the act tlitt these men have, should be relegated to oblivion and not allowed to ri sumo the important functions they held previous to the difficulty. Had they irmained at tlair posU in the hour if danger and fallen like heroci if i, red bo under the lock they him poised OUT their head*, their names wuu'J at luast have been honored; but to play tlie part of craven at the critical uiouient. a.id invent to paltry au excuse as was put forth, ii to i'ia'.v ignominy upou theinsiilres. Sir Mackenzie liowell lias acted the part of a hero, and i* honored for it by both fiii ml and foe. His dogged resi8ltti.cc ill t!.< face of such ditticnl- ties as were placid in his path duriug the past week will be giuu-fnlly re- lutuibered by his party, even should lie sink back into senatorial oblivion. Thi-. whole trouble has been c.> by peisoual ambitious running wild ; and while these " ainbiliotis gcious of a noble race " have been plot'.ii:g per- sonal gain the country ha U.u nail- ing tin in, and all lino C '.msi -i \utiv.-ii and l.wi.L-sl men must have corno to thu coucludi.iii il.ut Mum; \\lin have held the hi^la si pl.ici H UK- not to bo n lied upon wheii putriotiitui is de initialed ; that some of tln.se Wen lire little belter than mountebank* and do not know what loyalty to principle meaiiH. Whatever the iiimi. outcome of tl.i i ii -I iil condition ol ailairH may be, the time is nigh at l,.unl when ll.i M individuals can bo singled out uii.l ijiiu t!y leiin.l into the lidt of disrndiiid poliiiciuiiR who have diopi.nl In ti.emu in the few pant yearfi, an 1 HOI nc thing 1>> :t. ; and nobler can be brought forth ftom the chaos of con nption and bicker- ings which I....-- In in too plainly ap- parent of late. \Vulookto iliu dm :itivo party, too, to clTect ilns (Mirilicalion, b.r.iiiso it is a duly in- l-lllilbellt lip Hi il ti pi- fni 111 It id, -. hopr, capable at least of some thing more noble an I edifying tli >n the distressing exhibition it has ^iven nit during tho past week ; ifil .itoi- of this papor, for u not prou 1 of being called u C'onsi rvative. Tho Voull.B Companion, in nn it<ui i the Munition uf affairs ip th<> iJUtts and Cmuiila,Enyn: "Al heart tl;.' ,. ul Canada, whatever their ;. l!y to thH connli) ; ihoi'.j,'h somu of our po'.iliciang blunt, r, \v arc nil friendly to- ward Canada. " Tl.i-i H si,'in; > ' ii by MIII in on Thursday 'n.st mid heartily \M !c ,ui. d hy our peo- l'o. The Louuo is a n.jblo iustitu- '..on and i doing n K"m 1 work. T.icro was a dugree of tuitluisiasin hue which is seldom HOOII at any conven- tion, and those present received much iuspiraliau by the proceedings. This Jv; Ui-st cnu vsuti-ju LhJ iu the Owen Sound District and marked an era in church work. It is the young people which the church of to day must rely upon, and as a training school the Epworth League and Christian Endeavor Societies hare no peer, ThriT Was a veiy full rcpic- seiitation and it ia cafe to say that the added fne received that day will be felt throughout tho entire district iu more earnest and persistent cH is- tian The A fiifan war scare in Great Itiituin is again said to b<> subsiding, although naval preparations are still in progress. It is a long time since the war rpirit has been worked up to such a pitch as it is in England to- day, showing that in whatever elite John Dull may be lacking Lis cour- age is still unabated. He is ready to fight the Whole Civilized world if need be aud tho United States at the same lime. Leaguers fleet And Discuss Important Church Questions A .loci KnthuilaMIc Mlln( -A l>let of the QuMtlunt DliCM>Md OHIccri Elected, Me. The Kpwi.rlh League cunvfiitioti of (lie ((in Sound dmtrict of tl.o Methodist chureh, which WKH hrlJ in Klunhertoii un Thursday lux', was a ^raml nuccuu. The day was |>lea<uiiit and ninny member* of tli varioui li'ayuei . it .-i. tl..- .. itfd il. ir^iiti-s made it a point tu bu nt anil cnj.iy the treat. At ten o'clock . in. licv. A. liiow u, chairman uf lh JiKlnil, ..p, mil tin- ci.i.ti niioii with KHIIK and pi iyer. AUliough iluro welt! jll-l ,i frw I .Ii">flit ut till- i.pflilllj, Mr. lirown uxpivMMid In* aahunuicx that tin e .iim-ntii.il in going tu l.c a HUCCUH in i-xrry w.iy ; a<id we liclit-vo it o.n After ihi* uknratioe and KHIIO word* of . 1. i..' anil intfiit the chair- man callvd upon .Mr. J. K Cn.ira of M uk'lalc to givx hit |UI|MT on ''Tin- Ep- worth Lvalue a branch of tb*J church As a tree oi u. i-. ->-ny inunt huvu branchea tu bear fruit, said Mr. C'lone, PO muat t!|i elilll.-ll Imrliel I 1 illllluK. '1'lir i laMI iiiOftin/, tin netkly | I MUT nn i-:in.;, tlie S.ililiath M-h'H.I, the !!,'..: t!i 1,'Hjjiic, aro all l.r.iiu-lu-H, ivinl iiecisMiy HIIVM, tix>. Thu Lein/ui', HI u liMntli, li:is a lux wmk 10 Uo, lots nf Ji.un,' shoot5 to DiHl.Iln nil 1 i-iH-iiura.'u ti. ki-i-|i cluvii from fiillui.' oil The ^pe.^klr m-iili- n-frivnci 1 tu :ho l.'illi ili|.t.i 1. 1' . Vl .li.lin'r, t;'-'<i | wl whrre ( liiinl H.iyn, ' 1 jiu ilie vinv yi- are the liranelii'H ; lie that iilmltlli in me. ninl I in him, tin' K.IIIIH liiiii'.'eili forth uiueli nut ; .or * ilhou! me M- i in iln ni'thing " ('In i- 1 ill, e arc to ileveliip It ninl caru for n . Tin- elmivli in a l.rnnrli of t 'hunt, anil tin I.IM^IIO a liraiich of the i Ion . Ii, al.*i of I'hr^l. \Vu WITO ill ;eil l.i I., r, .Mi" A h in', I.IMI inn luiinch. 'mil 10 1. 1 . niir li'iil In- gi'oit liioiiahly if smull in i|Uiili'y \V. ar.- to | ray often ..n with much iiutli nml expretancy if we wou'ut In- a help to nthiTN, to. .in- anil booume k bntnoh ol nmeh and L""-il fruit In :irm^. I lie hlllij.'L't '.i" ile.ilt with, liuirh i-aii- i.i-lll^ t.ik.ll III H^ .illtli'll 10. il . If. >.. < h!J'.l -in., in) ..I hem i l. n-tf ixpiuaiivil n. i ' reli l.'lliiK of It. "The Av.r.i^e l'.|i\*oi th I-ra/iii..' fiM-o hy Mii.s Clirixtoi', waa to llu> point uol e. I l-i . 1110. :i v.ili,.ll.;,. Hit. .in.. i ..n noil uilviif I.e .1 i;iven 111 a few nmiK. Tin' ri'aaoii tho iixer i^. le;i^in r i';d Mil It-Hell nhovn tin- inn u. 'H wan I. . 1.1 iiv .1 -he In. .In -il iipiin II!.' ninl III v.u iL an a ilreiiiu oi lir.int^ iiii.l pie isnre, or mm i rating tl.ei' 1 i-;i|i:ilnliiy. V\ e |,.r.'.-t ami .1 tlif lit. Ihingi ami tire our at- teiilii.n too mill li I" "lilt Hi-< ins j;ni.t.-r ninl hi)(liur iilliiii.im'iits. l>.i not i. (lie hull' tlnni;*, which, \ihen put t. >; llu-r ninoui.l I.. -.n,:riliii.;; larger Hliti llOile hlMIHH.ll .v.i I III. il.- ;! ill. lilt. Tfie'e . Illlli-ll In' III Illlli 'lot I'llollifll I'iri.CSt wolk. If we ' oil' I -'" alii e I lie in . ll,'i e mil I I..' .1 e.'li-.Tintioii of nil . I.. I . \M in, I'ltiiiixt ini'l aincrro w.irk un.l ..n . \ii I. i.iMn^' ii|> I" I>IM| iii jiniyvr. lly-n reali/.' I In I e I 11 e. It. 1 1 II W ol I, t i il', .11,1 i tin- though) of iiiL'uj'iil.iliiy eoniiK t I.M.k to Cl.ni', <".! il,o lliMiulii ti'' m \" i in ni i<" toith r.i t lie ntri'ii^tlj of Chi':tt iiipl t.. .l.'loiy m Ill-Hone. 'i'liiTr i-> Uli.ie Illilll Mil UVilli;;!' Wolk III ill) Mil' I to l!" I hit w.nk i' mil it I'onii' I., the a.ini.i evil it i\ . \vonlil do i i i\.l! We ariMill iloii.y n w . .ik of 11. me Uiml, for H'i. il or for evil, Imt let in IIIHI it i" l..r to ul. \\'li an; K..wmk> ..in- t.d n.its, uml 1ml meil, anil r 'npiri{ n i >*, HI xlu.ll \ e re.l|. til I i'lli 1 1.0 'I'.UI.^ ". . J M-eil lllil Kill l.i inij .1 hill Vent of lif.y, , Hllll Ollll Illltlll'V.I I'olll. < in- .1 .1 MI, )i inlnii'iit wan shown wl.eti it WMK aiiii.'Unced tlint MIHI TI il.l \ an unalilu to IK; present tngivu her pupe "S. i-nil \\oik." Tie i|iieiioii drawer riilituilKil ninny i|ii"ln im nil tlie snl, j,, t n: Mnei.ilnlity, I ow to im'i itain proli 1 - alily and for thu welfare of the l.uii^no. But tins KM nul.Hl Uuted by Miaa Millur, who (javo a ppr nn "Ii temporaiico, ' ahnwiuK the rout, tl.e aud d-.grailing ii.fluetice uf liquur. Intemperncii not only dentroyi home, lakea away all happiiiMt, l.i m_'.i poveily Mini HuHering to n:any a permm, tuin tl;i- l.oily, but daniTM the noul, which m lost furefrr. Liquor it not the only thing in which ititm|>erai>ce ia prevalent. We differ grunt pain in in- temperance in entinu, which ts !(/ 'lamngmu' to thr healih of the hodjf. In- tenipfrancv in npeei h i nln > another harmful iiidul(!Uilc, not only to other* hut of tun to our.-< hf ; creating diwoid in tl'i* family, enmity am'inu neighbor* and friends aud bringing dideapect tu imiselvea. Let us weiifh our worda he- fore wu H}7<-nk, let UK take the second thought riy M7doiiii( we nave our con- sciencea the trouhle many a time from BiuitiiiK ui. Let our lives he inure up- ri^ht and consiKtunt, of a higher atmid- ni'l. The upeaker went on In allow what a damauin^ and detiiudin^ < tlect and re full li.|iior h.id on hunmnily at lar^e ; lleW llle j.lilt tllU |Tlnnll, ill'' IIMllItni, iind other inhtitutn.iin were (tiled by |>pr noil! of over-ill lul){ei.c<- ; the cost f.. tin- e-.utity, the Mimll ptotit the uoveitimeut received and the mi* li (miller prohr (.. the fanner. In thu, fcaid MISB Miller, there i* a great work for the chureh, for individual in'liivuctt and teiiipeiance BO- cu-tict every wliore. Lem.UncK ! ijin T tl' all it* damaging forma, insist on thoae ar .un.l you drmmiicintf it. An iniercHt- iUK diKCuaaion f. II .we. I Miw Miller'* p .per on tlie ii'lv 1-ilniit of IIKIII j liijuor a a medicine. Thuru app irrd tu be a runftict of npiiii..ii on thin p.'inr Mr. A. U Itutherforil, in deal.ng with " Lenniw finances" urged very atnuiglj Hyttematic giving. Mr. Kuiheiford dovi not believe in u*ttiui; up an cntertiiin- m, Mir which involve* a lot of baking, when money IM to lw raued. Did you ever, laid he, entimnte the coat of junt one eake 7 After ur.ui'.' <-' ntly inati-riahi, the liiUir, perhapa spoilint; m. or two, a> .It. !! is tin- < MI' ; taiing yeur temper iind l.isin-j e nil. 1 of ii. and in the tnd von I iv L'.'i e- nil for the privilege of eating it. Do away w.tii all this bij; expvi:so and l.'.tB>r. The aftemn rittaitm opeutd with rle- votioiMl ex n sen e. mliirted l.y K. v. I): '.imp'i.'ll, after which Itev Mr. JVInlian deliver.il a few oril* of \\i\ e to lie M. Re purl* ol ll.e lne.;'ii-s ill the ihatrti't were ihm rend, winch slmw.il that t'o-io wa* a t"liJ uiemU rsriiji "f '.'T*) Twenty h, Veil l.e.-l^lle< np.'lted. Mi- MI i.-e .- | apvr en "Junioi I Work" was liitened o witli mn.-h in lena* Mia* HiMite'.s wotk in alii' "_ 'I little pe |>'", f'ir winch her lalenta | (n ,ir t.. I.e pi'i ulmrly ailap'od. She di'ain'.ed her me'Ji'Kli and txilervd a *:r 'ii.' pli'i for junior l.eii.'il"* at hem^ the oiiiirrt- ni'^ link h-tWL'L'ii Sunday sehoi.,1 nd I^-IIRUO. M Pop M of I!,.Kikli..lio tvad all . \ .'. I!, i.i | .1; .T on the "I'.ilil.' 111 the ..-," and Dr Mnnio Brainier <if l'n...r'.' a moat u, ten --tii. i.; nml in- itructive paper on " Medical Mition," sli..w.nx' the I're.it need f. T medical liiiiMioiiaiieB to he Mill out. Shu aavf fuel* and fi^'ire^ lo ileinoiiKtiate thu low runhtio'i of lli.T.ipeiinc* in heii'li.'i. lin.ii She n:.nl tlii-re wern 4.'." I e p!.. in Imiia who were l.li'id, nud Tli. INM) deaf, eiiK'-l l.ir.;ely liy nenle.-t of >nnitrv Uuiiii.d inalnh'y to got proper i .: ll llilS.lnll .-.:> i.ulil l.n.l i.r."st wh-i'i otherM muld i.ot 'I'liuit? were, (. I ' ''''>' ri a<ly to K ., l.iit i !n, 1,1 ( . ii,ii .^ i,,,i .! ul wntt inorey. The i-i.-.iinii .trmer wnt then ik-'ii up hy K -v. A <' .-^ eral secretary "I i i.e K|-..i'l. I >H ue, Ti.ronto, and a liirt;i' l.itrli of ip !! i" .leilt wi'h. Mr Clew* M 'i I'e '..K''! I ' ' - CO|| i. i MI. 'i f r PI.I.'IH pi:i ;,. * . llo roiild : i il.ntriiTt \t on iliiadisti :il. li n:i. h Inrjf in i ne.ii, ii.-.' In' I nil M >'ii :.' '. m. eiini; in C.i.n '. It had aK . i|,.i lnr^i>t nil iilii'i of r.'i'ort* lie hn I ii liel.l IM hm hand the l.'linl.er of ijll '. |i III ll. .1 I. .nl i'M-1 hewn t:n il nt l:iin. In 1 1 p' v ton ipn-ii rwlntiiiL- t . li'i'iatnri- Mr. t're .M madu a utri.ii-,' pl"-i f r Mi tli.nl; ilo k i. om sup- p rt Mi u, I., i- . >f ii'l oil., r ih iioinina- tun.* p iirm.!. ed it, and hi aolually In 1 - lieved tl.'-y nppn . i i>, : it ii oi, than the i.ai 1\ u-. At tl s'"',i tl.e elmivli w.n |i|.-i.e.l I i ihe il < aiel t nt en H lilll lre.lt. Tli" ll eakcls rteli' Hex II. I. lfUM S ..inil'. llev. C. C nr nml l{ v. A. C. Cnx\s Tho foiiner ileiiveri il a veiy ciuefo Iv pie pnn-d noil ilioii^hlful a-lii.e n "('IHISII- eiH 1 i"ll," fr I'omnus 1^ 1, and Mr. l'.i!f..ni uai e .01 e i . -..MI "The i- h.. Ii I..- x HOMI i."!y upheld in it. i n'li, ty, ami l.eiieveil it to a dixine i h'ru'i.'ii. I'.'x . Miii, 1, nji hU ad- drn on i'i e i ;..i..i'.l I. i ue, ila aims Hint meihoili ll' nn. I ci nnminiU n |>.'\\, i ;.il vo ; i; . |{,a ,il,lri-.i x-/- o SeiUvi.iiil wi:ll 'pii'y ,n I toi-iili ii', l.ieh iimdn it i:n^!y inter, in." ' . h;i IUHUIM !! ili il down, I 1 ' in. I aim it' ill:- H e.e'y x.-n to s:ive so iN and duvel.'p p i -i. .;il xvir k nii|..ii" y iimj penplu ; to xx. n k l.ir tl.e i hiiivh: I .' nihel' to hiT.imti nil ll.'lue i l.r iiio winker. Theii> xx'eie h.'tween f .11- a ol l.x iol...ei \i.'ii L' |>eop!u in .\m MI. .1 IM. .!, I I.. . !. : in tin* wnik, ul il t! e \v,le IVilil x'..lin ; tii.'ii ni.il wni'ieii in i ur colleiim ri-ndy tu i o ai n it si inr.c , but the o'iu r ch could not s. i.il them ' i Xkiiol of fu '<!< I'lie 1 i a^uu xv in a n,l o him nt of a^rotaive Wolk III Ml tl, ..11-011 Aftur ("lie liynin "(!oel lie with you till we im et Him" the gaUiming diNpers-d. During tho evening the choir Ran/ an ant' em and Mr XV. Sullivan s ,.!,, hi li were much appreciated. The coll ctioni amoualrd to 11(1.50. The following diairict "tin-era wr ap- p .inted at the afternoun svasioii: . Prea., A M. Kutheifonl, Own K<.und; First Vic I'rek., Ueo. Am stion'j. Mark-dale; liml Vi.e Pun., Mian Pepper, r.n.ol<lioliii; :<rd Vice T. )!... I. K C ..... e, Markitale; hb Vice I'ren., MinK.h.liiiMon. Duiiclnlk; 6th Vice Hrei . Mr. 1'eiitlanH, Kiinl-er- lej ; Sec-Trean., Minn Chi i^tite, Fleahe-- ton; leprettuiiU: ixe on tl.e diKtrict 1.11 the conference eieciitii'.', HOT. John Mai. an, Kleslo rlon. Conimiitee, John Ijove, Heikel.x; I.est.r I)avi, Dundalk; Dr. Miiinin lirander. I'riceville; Win. Ander- aim, Oven Hound. nnnxTsninoB-AI ths Mtlnxllst parsonage, llurw -II. .;n ChilstuiM rt*v, bv tlia R, r T I.Kt-. Vr. W. J. I'.ro* i to illtt Carrlin* Uro*niM(. He< xi\oH4U- DAripscwAt tlie rral'ic ' tb brl le'i fatliur, Oprajr, l>y t!ia Kv T. Loitatx, Dec.e'., 183B. Mr. Henry Hm tliixlian. '..i Bias BuaiDiia DaTl lop. MoHimox -1'ALi.n.if.B -At tli rMldeucr ' bri l .- |iiie'it. V.:;woll. oil Jan.), 1IM. l>> tin Jlev T. I.uKt. Mr AIIKIH alorrinon to Ml Sarah Ann HallLUr, cldmt dau t UUi of Ur. Geo. 1'alilct .-r. &Co. WU-d. l'M>i in -tn Fevvialiairi, On TliunJaj , Jan. '". b lovnd wife of Wwiey I'wlUr, age '. CO This u llif n, I). C, <>f ail .iilvei lining up : " Oli, i: eicliiiiil.in your life of ece, if on tl.iH i' i IT }o-.i Nl.ould ccc, m.d would Le l.i! y k.-|il r.t lit li. r nu ml>er that with all 'li- uaui | |.>;,|Mn/ U|> with chunks nU tina.i. .1 il. 'in l.usiii'^ M. >i, dkkk. Yuur tliaiik* lo imvrill !. |ir..fuuu, if you "ill conv t i UH vij tnui our |.r:nt- STI iiik tu cure the lilunu. So *l,::i; lh^ reHt :ire cu'i lm._' tliii, you II tiiku i-i.r council tf Jon re j yy, <d come utrai^ht ay ami .nlv.-r MI. ' OUR __ .* WINTER SALE.. January and Febinaiy are always considered the dull liloullis el ye.tr. lint we ai p o ni"^ to in. tins (.t In i f tliin.,'8 nud tins it the \vy \\u do it. 30 day sale l-'i.im tlie 15tli of Jani'.niy to JS'li of h'i bnwry we will oiler Bpuciul induce- ini'iits in i very department. | XV e have put in tlic knife and when we cut wo cut i!i eji. Space will not allow us to Miration ail tlio baioaina in xtore for those who attend tins ntxnt siile, but we will en- ileiivor to ivo you a few units of how tilings will go. Boots & SFioes This depart incnt is well worthy of special all. uiion and sales havo been i icoptionally good this fall but we \\iint to keep the ball rolling. Here she yiib : foiTarr price now Cl.il.lrrn'i) slices COo S>c (i Ills' llllff sIlOCB 7~>C oO.' Hoys' do $1.0U 70c \VoiiK n'sO U.hid 1 40 $1.19 Men's heavy buots l.-J"> it.io M< II'R lun^ boots $1 90 aud npwnrdit. Mi in's uiiiii rubbers SI boys' rublu-i s 'Jde. Mm's ovt i>) oi s, 91 _'.",, wo- iio n's oviivliiiis. Sl.l.l. Oveicoats, ', $2 60, $1/25 and *:>- <K, i- ccal.", Men 's ulsters, $ I 'JO, $5.75, $7, clcuiini; price*. Mi n V all \\u-jl shirts and drawer*. 7&o per suit. Men's union shirts and dra'vcrs, 50c per suit. SU II'H boavy hrnccs lOc pi r iiir. Mm's astra^huu caps, S5c encli. r>ry Goods 28in. Flannoletts at 5c per yun'. All liin n table diunnsk l!(c per yard. All linen tuwellitiK lie per yiird. S 4 iil.Hclied sliei un ; 10o per yiilil. 1> .uiblo fold all wool ONM serges 2lo p i \iiril. Groceries Iii t our prices on those goodi. \X'o lia\e tlieni down. Noxv ia your ti.uo to hit t.. in. (iooil uecominoilalijii for hovses iu our liexv . MoI>onaldL ..:../ 0\.'CN SOUND, ONTAUIO, Is i*a very Eost IN CANXHA TO ci'T i EiiicatioD, Take a Round Trip ^/.Su^i UttlllMi n i.il l>"|>aitniunU In l'M(nU,Uioll M-T III" Nurtliurii Hll>llH"(" Cnllivo , I'x.uiilin- thing IhorMHdilj, if (ail to i>ri..m< tin looat thoi uiign, oonipli iti, prn.-ti.'Ml Anil rxtt'tt Iveroiirivof iliuly ; the bent oolloin |>rvniUea an. I tho lmt u.l n oi' ooinfilaia anil nioal mot- atilu f uriutur ami 1 1 1 lianoat. wo will ^Ive yon a full ooiirae KHK,,. For Annual Annoouoa- meal, tlvlut,fujl particular* ,fre. aildr*aa C. A. FLEMING,* Does This Interest You? ^e offer U uTcrcoa'.e itioe f5 if> fn* $3.73 f ach. We offer 8 overcoats price $7 for SI 75 <-Hch. We offer C ove; coats price $7.50 for $4 75 ea-h. We offer I! ovicoata piice $3 for S"> (ach. We offer 5 overcoats pii:c $10 fi $050 edcli. BfwrjrlbiBg in viaUroloibing, hat?, ccps, fuip, maiillfcs at Reduced Prices A nscf'il 24 inch Giey Fhinicl for 10 rents per \t\. All XV ool ("Jo!f Cloaking, 51 ii: ir $1.15 for 7." renin. A few VVool Shawls nil at $1 eacli. A lol of millinery Kelt flats at 10 gents Qach Only a normal price to clear them oat. Misses- and children's overshoes 50 gents Heavy all wool ladies' black hoa 50 cents New Tartan fabrics for blouses lOc and 15c Jff. R. & J Hi-p't. TO START OFF WITH THE NUW YEAR XXV hi\v<> decided t.> reduce the price on our Heating S'.oves follows : V U"> inoh box stove $4.28, regular piici A l?8-incli box stove $3.15, regular $3. A L'lUireli parlor stove $S Si), regu- lar prier- $10. Cooking stoves at equally low Do you need A cross-cut Saw XVc ore selling iho i Syuvinds') I/nn'o Ton ,11 ut SH.T'i coinple'i \\ith lianill. s Ititta splendid saw and fully war- muted A line if tie best Elm AM- Handles now on bund. Diamond Granite Ware is the Best Wash basins from 25c each to 40o Tea Pots " GOc each to $1.25 Bauce Paul " 20o each to 4:'c

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