Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1896, p. 5

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TH1 FLJSH1RTON AD7ANG i:\NXING OFFICE Ob' GSO. MITCHELL FLKSIJEUION i irl i>*'iki UlJ busmen* transtofeyl Draft. -, r: >ucl rti. I ].., .I.i v ,,! .ble for ; umM lovi-s r.o.-th rf It Visinicy Chipe. ii.-ira.-tri-lnttrs of the Past Work Carefully fulled far the Cnnonft. - ; (i<U? - / ,it f*.' r.U- <ff i* per /ii //r v.m. .< rv-iVd'rm tM bt >. Hay anH R!raw for s!e. Apply to R. t'. Legate, i';-.- l i,-if.i S- i- 1 ..:. (' rdwiiod wante.1, dry or green, in ex- 1.1 fi.-r harness or other good -i, W. M-XIM-, 1' '-'hi rton. i\iisctwii 'ale of farm ituclc and implements will be held ou lot lM', con. S. Arleme*U, on Thursday, Jn. 16, tu d:iy Ksrqur.ar McKinmm, Pr.|> ; D. Mo Cormi-rk, auctioneer. The folly of prcjuiice is tjv.pei.tK fchuwn ly pe"i le !nj prefer t" suffr fur \nrs ra:hr thn try an aJvr vemfiiy. The million* wh- l;ae > such , t*k' Ayei's S.iiM|*rill-i f I , <Jiifsej, au<l ar curwl. S,. inu.-l: f r common sens*. . L. O. L No. 1113are gettiiix out bill* tlii we'k for a grind entertainment < iv n.-i.in.'. .J:in -''< I--'*' r tlie po I>u! ir humorist of T'>n>M" li-s l>cen en , cation and a tic-h | i is ln-inx j-reparwl. L<> ,k out fi-r ilie bills whicli giv* full particulars. The sugar-coat!!.);. whicli iu.ik<? .'. 1'illi in ea>y to tn!,!-. i'.i-.solv ( .iiuiiu-thute ly on marliing the stomach, and \-vr- initi the full kticn.th and bciK-tit of the medicine to be promptly coiumui.; A.k your <lrUL'gu>t for Ajer'i Almanac, just out The periodicals in c.>nnectiou with thr I utlic library were not sold . n l-'iidiy t veiling l.tat owin^ to the iliiu attend mice. Tin- auc'ioit wa postponed for A wri-k. If you wuh t<> buy magazine* or j i| !> ;ii y> nr o\\ iv 'n.-i.s attend at the library l moriow, Friday even it. i;, w!in they will all be auctioned off at 8 j>. ui. Mr. H"W;r<l i,o. hua the ukatiiiij rink in full running orilor. Saturday even- in-; WM the first pay ui^lit and thjre was H large tr.rnou'. of youth, bvauiy and <> fo'tli. Tl.o link will t'O open every Mon- day, Wednesday :tn I S.it'jr.l.iy e vailing, with bund once :i woeU. frtiiv- elsewhere. An oyster HU^per and cuncvrt will !. at KimlK'ilfy to Ljnriuw Friday o, under ibcmispicvsuf the ('. ' K. of that pla-.-i-. Am- ii'j: tb.se to tak part are Mr. TS-*. lUker. ounc, Toronto; Mr. Will Sullivan, vocalic, KU'!n'rto:i, Dr. Li,-.. Cl.rkaburg, und others. See large tills f. r nil pa. : 'ulai, th. Ma.iy people were ahix. .. 1 to leani of fl;e liiaMi of >!i^. \\t-l, v IV.IUr at i!.:iiu on Thutxdiiy last. Mis. 1'ed Inr w i-; mar; i"il Kv<s than a ye.ir n({o. uiar.y fnond* n rapathi^e dw;!y wilh, Uia m -uriinii' fricndi in thi.-. pir- '.icularly tad eri-u'. The art UK* critit-iziui{ "Dot" in IT .!ui in ' this wrelj innkvt guod rvfitlini; WhoK""Uio iiitm-ui is alway* beneti i-inl. Itut it will alsu be of intert-tr to lirir hi'v r'';'y li'-xt week. We await her ri('!y wilh i:i.\i. ty, bccaino lu- <-\\- Jeutly haa a powiTfu^Ktita^onist to cope with, and 01. i- viulutl vthom tmst she the N'lvii^th to ciunli out of ^fr. VniiL) isi n's nsulmoo ha 1 xn !i uly n.'irrow escape fmni bvini{ . -iindjy An -'i barrvl st;i'j.liin; ouUido thr took tire and tl.o !H^!I wiiul f.tnued tl.o jntil they hud Coinuiili " : . and cre bunti i.' b:ik!y, \sheiiii uci^hbur aoctdtn tUjr awak- niel and saw ill,- r. l!,'ti'ii. Mr. Yin- Dusen u i* aw.ike.uil nil it w.-u oi.l. a ii.Vt'Tof :i few ininil'.es lo vxt.i ill.: il.ini' s, tint t. n in::iu:<.'H in >re \v. :i',,l Iwve placed the tiro l>i y^ii'l c<'i)!r..l d jeupcnluud a i MI of tho town. It was not o.niMxi tlm>iigli any careless- IBM on Mr. VanDusenVpart. All fruit grower* and vardencn shoul.I join the Ontaiio Fruit Growers Avsocia- lon, if only to obtain that valuable monkh- tyiaav!aain,the Canadian Horticulturut,'' i* published for the purpote f warning guiust huuibn^*, advuiu^ the bent iniih.<!:< f fruit culture. th bent THr.ouc.tttij.Uitt etc, etc. It i full uf ill U-, tm i >i H .in.) practical hints. Bonidca this vch meiulwr rcceires a bound copy "f 1 1m n-port 'if the discuuioni on the - iluiiu uf fi-u:'s ai.d ftowiri, a vluui of over 300 p*uifl. A itanipU c>-py of the journal will b mailed ftto by the .S. en tvy ij'.i K| .1 f.. Woolterton, I 'l'!'iV, A u- :. -It-man l.r-i-.iil.! in mie uay last *.-U n relic <:f thf reV-iliun of IMitT. 'n tf.ap* of a dollar lull of the t'.iin. int-ii .1 ibnk uf Upper C^iuula, <Ited at Fit E,:..', Jan. lu, 1^7, ^i.d in a re markaUly ;j<! >U s'atc of prenvrvation. Tlii* bank "hrnko ' h'<out tliirty years ago, and m.i j .< nn.T.:! itnt ulonu th.: To- Line has cause to remember ii. In thuM days tiiere w,i mi such thing as rrdecn:in^ pup- r in n -y, and the bills all. .-at wci-3 a total loas. In this CSM a Maple of sharp Owen Sounders loaded Ujem^el ej w th spuriout b:l's -<n the day of t) e f ..! ir>.*. pi", d duwn thi* line be- f .c t'.-' cut-.^rof he w koo.u ajid p.ili.n \ olT tli.- s uff upon uiercluut*. of t!:e merchants in this town have n vr. i I rec'illection if the affair. T;. l.itrst Chiididate for public favor in the l.terary line is Mamcy'* magazine, an exl.ooirly lmnd*me in. ntnly published ly the Ma*-cy Pniis, Toronto, and the lirtt nunihur . f which has just been re- ceived. It is the twst thing f >r the ssvney that has ever been produced in Canada. Tbu c. ntin's of this number include* an article on "Eng'.Uh Cathe- draN," T:.e nrw Canaoian ship canal, *'I:i B- livian nur^g'','' "The evolution <-f : wo of my pictures' by (J. M. Reid, The writers are all Canadian and iu lu.le Pro' \V m . Clark, D. C. I... ,nui,' E. I'.tuln.c -I uiiii n, T. H. ..ivrr, 1'h. D , Cha.lca <i. I'. V" II. lii'i:moiid, (' G. D. Robots an. 1. -':! . I' m publil:ed at the low piict* i f one d<'ll:ir per aunum or 10 mnts per nutuKr. District Lodge. The Orange district lodge met at Flenh- . Stiit i. ui on 1'uenday mul the following officers for the ensuing year : Bro. NViu. McLoiighrfy. W. M. : Hro. J. She.:nl..n. I> M. ; l!n>. \Vm. .t. f!;.,,, . \ I'.:.; . I! lip.. F. '''. CUT. F. - Bro. Wm. Sharp. TreM.: Ur-'- H- Mol^ough- rey, D. C ; UP>. A. Kiitlei!/-. Lecturer. PEK50NAL3. . .luhn lluskin of WoJchouoe viait- oJ frioiius iu this ticiinty lat Snnd.iy. Mr. F. ->'IT "f Mi-1 .ind was a welooin* cul!"i 0:1 S-.rurd.iy last. He hivi tht guust i f !,is uncle, Mr. J. hu C'.in: m of Oi-pn-y f.^r a f.-w Mr. Ralph and M..Mer Wil'.i.. - [i Yisired Mr. .In. n .< > . i Sunday. Mr. '.Viu. Cullen of Calgary, X W. T. s viitin^ relatiic* in il.is vii-ii.iiy. Mr. t'i-.!t' rd Ci'.v.il.y .f Thonibury was in tunrn on Wednesday while M way to Durham. Mm Annie Kichar :>'> h.is r. !un:ed tol.tr ptlit 111 till! T. T"llt.> i i Music. .< Annie DinwooJio rot.- week t'r. in an iltended visit to ti. in Nottawasai-a. Mutton v. James. tri.tl of this case before H. - ' ' .fuuin at Fleslii-rtoii on . .tiim .-ill il/.y Hihl to a Int.- ho:ir in : dtrfeildalit with ciwts. The t \ idBQS) ctnuiter cliiiin. which war. for $llM< agvH for malpractice 1.1 tre.unii plaintitr <'f defindaiit's l:..inl. r '. h*- of his finger and p.n-t i.-il l"bn of i-s gave . il . liquor I'oun.l n. ; of pUi'itilf and no gancv i>n the ('.in >f 1 1 .tiff will llK-rvfore li. ir all * ( witiieu-.us. an. at li'veity to pi. i;t if i ' V. J. W. Front for dcfc:. Conservative Convention. The annual meeting of the East and Centre Grey Liberal Conservative Asscia'k>a was livid iu Markdale on Friday last with a large attendance of delegates from all points in the riding. I'rvaideut IvelU twcupieU th chai The fi>ll'<w:iig officer i wrr* efeeMd Curtis) eiMun.g year : President T. Kails: Vice PtMid^nr, Thomas Gilray; Sec. W. Mc- LnUi<hicy; TreaH , .(.. Brodie, Auditors, \V. A Lrown andC. W. RutWge. C'lrrpspondiuit Secretaries W. II. Dodson, liocklyn, Dr. Boott, Maxwel ; Thoi. Hamburg, Dundalk, C. C. Jane*, Priccville; Edwaid Rorke, Th -rnbury. Vice President Thorub'iry, S L^ M >. : Meaford, John Lon|^; Euphr.inia, C. O. DuTitt; Colliniiwood. Win. Walter, jr ; Arternexia, M. Richardson; O*prey, ./-.hu Clinton; Maikdale, I. D. L Holland, J .hn Murray; Sullivan, J.IH. Pringle; S'. Vinnent, N. Reid; Proton, John Abbot; Me incthon, W. L. R.,U-rti.; Shel'juine, E. Berwick. A telegram was read from Dr. Spr><u'e aakinif the dnlignles to dine at March's hotel at his expense. Th meetinii by resolution reaffirmed its former action in electing Dr. Sproule as its standard benr* er in the coming election. Everything went off pleasantly and satisfactorily to oferylx dy. Railway Meeting Dr. Rolslin of Shelburne, one of the promoters of the electric railway scheme iiow Wore the people, addressed a large i.ui.iher of ratepjiyi n in the Town Hail on Tuesday evening He uii'.liued the scheme ill full fr in its inception and explained the progress which had thus far been made. Fleahirton wan the last place to bo approached, and he wished to get its people interested in the scheme,. The engineer <if tlie r> d *;u also on thu plactorm but did a< s;x!ak, in be wax only upon a tour of inspection and did not wish to risk his reputation by any state mei.t* previous to his hiving examined the rod throughout. T! e quen ion re*-lvL-il it-n If into this: weie the ii,dj\ jlu ili . : .h'.. k.!li-4': r>-:i.!y and will- ii ^ to risk live, or ten, i r lifty do.!..r~. of the.r money tu aismt in t;ettini{ thin atf-tir ui-der way with thj pr< spect . t>\vijii.tt $:?) woith i f stock for every dollar .iub- scrileJ Of course there w;is the nak of 1. sin,' >'. but what busiutr&n man is there who do. M not n.-k mote th..n ten dollars ' A:-l in th.j event if sncctss the advantaxei aru very xreat. Dr. RnUliu hhowud that, should no charter be H. ciiiiil. i lie promoters stood to lose as much or more than the subscribers. Mr Th' r^ Wrk[ht, who occnpie I the chair, was enthusiastic in his advocacy of the subscription. Mr U. J Uoj.', M^r. n .11. (i others were also present and were .:M. . > tu ice the thing a". Dr. ^ i ., i> I if-ei ', filtered ob- is. Fie didn't think the scheme wa> pioji ctid un bunincas principles, ai.d w i^ i . ; 1:1 " uui i.f ir. His was t'.i> only hi wevcr, tL.it raised objections, aiul evudtiially Mr Thorp Wruh: was appointtd provisional treasurer and a II lll W3N o'-VtiUd, ll|" II *!'. -J> t while ami the . i:i Mr. Wruiii.'., han We will piii.t a lit ' Logs Wanted ''UK. fit. ..Hi ad Lot For Sab. . mill, Im.l ou' U.J >vu.>T-i,T.FI.Oi. Qood Farm for sale or Rent .\l'<:.itt \ !* aorea ' urn an 1 '-. 'iiiinu WdW. tin f ilars i\ \ W, I- kshurton* TiiLl)>r lot fot 1 ?.ale 39 I Tw' ' isi. hi- re- MOIjt. ^ I'K 'k i tiiiin! . Logs Wanted * ' U|>- ltRr Iliu Svltcr. Thin M> . . ' .. . i k' ^ ". V. T. CAHH. Logs Wanted H-i.hfc.1 p.ic P*' 1 ! i" o*h 'or rk and no ft Ir.' T >. to OH (ltllt.l *> "ir null I. (tbs sVMk Urn ) ad 11 IM (all; Soft I::. 10, i^lid Hit. J. 11. Si-OAS A SUN Ku, r.i.Uv.S. 1C. ClaytOn, I Boot and Shoe ***~C%-****%<>* ' DcukT . . HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, : Overshes, : Boots, : Slippers : and : Seasonable : Goods. Selling Very Cheap Custom Work to Order Repairing Promptly Attended to ijuuuuuuuiJiA/irLnjiJUij r Jfc Slffe ''- O u Liquidation < Sale Still ^ V:m can aaro from 10 to :K1;. ;, ly purch.iinu your supplies fr-ni me. I am n of offering a few odds and ends at special prices, Lut n. v i.ola Mock of Dry lioods. Boots. Shoes, etc. Call and see Our uray Flannel bargains Our '/rny Cotton bargains Our blanke* bargain* Our Preiis <!oodi Hur Tweod ban<iins Our L'nderc!ot!uiig - A few nteu * and b >ys' Overcoats, also a few ladies' Mantles left, njiiiily as cixxl w thore sold. B"ys' cloihinj baryiins Don't UIUMI thote g< ,,d* A dollar saved is a dollar made. QROCERIES t >ur stock is now fresh. Wo k*p the bent selected Raisins, Wat t ur- -!:, h< it Canned Gouds. lyst Teas, Japan and Black ; !.( Ust aud Who.it Meal*. Come iu snJ we will /ivu you tho best hai-jtn,*. The Snow Season . . * No* that the season .x" snow is her* we wish the put lie to know that if we have a stock of <'uttr ai... n iiaiul that for .juality, Myio and t prii c Jofy compotitiou. (jreat barg<ins lor cnsh at the tint prize carnaga t works. I). Don't Read This If you do not wish to read of ^1 9 - Business \\ . are all btici. '. W !. n y m forue to our store t.i > v ir an,! io ii.it '.ind it iK-ce.-uury to \vaile*\cral Lours i" that wliioli von isli. owin,' w the rush, jnn may conc'iuii-. late \ :'>r muny ni.les :incl *.< i.< mo with the dciivniii'utinii : .n. Wl.\ J i thuv ur abon' tl.i- bulls. I'lici'villi'. L-'.i ,-i.i-rtou to L>u:malk '.' 1'uesMn* tliey Icaru to know that liny tun r their own ii.U'rtaH or bo tlie ouo who pa\s 4U to 100 j)cr cent, on every $ wu tlity buy. Tlie il i ' when stt.-li pro;;: can be \\Hiilil you not rather drivo a few uiiles fuitl. )'ri.-i < t!i:U wiil smrpiise you, tl.,in to go to the atore uear ID you aiul pay old time profit? If > you an- " .1. \\e have uot space to ^ivoyou pruv* and we doiibt yn would boltveve them did wo do so, fur so many tilth's in. ivi.,l tliru;;^h auve;-lidfiuciits. Seeing id believin,', co'.no .:iil see. c \xlhoun':* - The I \itroii THE F uir.'i'rr WAI; y one who pattt and i :T. e'.i .1 wilh i il:is iiioniii. i-ry C'lin iih. E\. ' of . . FURNlTtRE AMD TANCY MC NACKS . . \Yi> !. il in L. i n.i'.t an. I w.i!n:r,, I'm. :i5d not, csj'i'n-iv.'. lines of !' ; Pi .1 I. oiui^i s. \Vuslitan.'..-. I'M-- -. Clothes IVi Uliair*. in fact avcry necessity, couveni'nce or luxury fur the l*Jreoni is here ft* BOCK I'.OTtOM L'lUt. rin..r- I raiuiiiK ftutl I'ndertakinc an I n:il. o. E. MOORE

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