Jetton TRUTH BEFOIIE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL IV, NO 771 FLESEERTON, OUT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 1896 W.H.THURSTOH, SPECIAL GOODS w s H H .1 H u w ft n NOW or NEVER It is c uly one.- i > a great whilu you can J-t such bargains, and thin in one of the occasion* Wu have m..d.- u special purihftic of Waltham I Elgin WATCHES Of all grades in Ladies' and Gents' size, which MUST be sold in a certain t.u. or ihe p.i.-es will go up. The U'.tlrliam and Elgin waK-hca are classed with the b*8'. liuiekot-pcrs ; t-vi-ryorie that .' Do riot mia* this kale. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweller SPECIAL PRICES M H W > H NOW is tJ*e time to get your .Ordered /. Clothing .*. Cheap Our Business Directory Eugenia. JVom 01*1 men t'urreqmiuiVnf. The concert under thu auspice* of the Orange order hi-1'1 in their hall on Tues- day eveninij of last week WHS a grand success. Dr Scott of Maxwell ably tilled the char, I!,,kt-r, ihf c >mic singer, was 1 1. 1! in;iii) attraction tli-' tilled the house to uvti-fl.iwiii!;. The Eugenia string band, composed of Messrs. Muu- nhaw, NVilliHiiis. Pedlar. Wardrobe, -ind Mc-Callum, nn\e some line of mimic, called fur un encore every time. The two recitatinim given by Mister El wood Genoc were re- ceived with greitt applause. Mr Carr gnve a rending and a song, which were highly appreciated. A grand speech by the chairman, and the singing of God Suva the Queen, brought tliu meeting tu a close. The proceeds amounted tu the handsome sum of M-.40. =====^-=r^=? ??===- BoM-To. Mr. and Mrs. Richard quarter!y MrTJce at Walters Falls last Parks, a daughter. Siim , ay Don't forget the valentine social on the Th(J Rev Mr T } urrv ,, f af( regaid , llace 14th '"" , will preach at Plot on nuit Sunday. Mr. tt. Purvi, had a wood bee on Fri- W<J very g(irry ^ lullrll (lf t l,e , . . . _ day last which was well patronized. Some d(jalh ()f Mr R,,bt. Watson's youngest ! 11 1 1 Q tiy (jOOUS oodly i()n at \ V .,lters Falls on Sunday, the ' Everything at very closta prices now C, J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor j > A CLEARING CUT THE BALANCE OF MY (EattK 5 t ntistuj. U > C LLOL OH 4 YOUNG, Banker*. M. irk I ale. ing ii. Moin,-v lor.uud oo u. >lu a genera! banking bat- at a reasonable rate. Call J P. M AB8HALL, L. D. 8..M. D. 8, Dentist. Visits Haradale the lit and :inl Wednesday of each month. PleKherton Kacb trip on tue day c AS. VANDI I'lerk .Hh I >i v Court, Co Or*r l.tuer of MoriiaKQ Licenses, Coniuiiseioner in II. C I l.i ivuj.tii . .\uatiou er, etc. Agent tor tho Maswy- Harris Agricultural lm|'l- tneiita. Clayton'i HI <-k. Kleiberton. opposite KicbarilMU 4 * hardware stora. TJ EBTS COLLKCTKD. Tbu undersigned it prepared to undertake thv lollictiiu u( all kinds of debts. Not** bought accounU collected, to- ll. N IIKNUKHM'S - FutBMTbli PllUST A UAT80N Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. Office Next to post office. Hproule's block FUiberton,every Thursday until further notice. C. A. Batson J. W. Frost I.I.. B. M. B. Owen Sound office , Frost's block Poulett St. East. 36 cords of wood were cut. A number of the fair sex took advantage of leap year privileges and came in the ev- ening to see how the tioys had worked aud to eC"rt them homo. Sabbath last wan i|uarler!y meeting service in the Methodist church. A good congregation was present. Special meet- ings are now being held by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Balfour, during the ensuing week. '.'tiih ult. Mr. C. C. J nines paid a visit to friends in Markdule lout weilt. Mr. and Mrs. K lit Clark wer lira gueHts of Mr. and Mi* Dan McLean lost week. Master Allie McLean re Pnrovillf. J J. Si'HOLLK, I'oetniMter. Kloh.:rton. ComrulloDr ID B. H.. Liieuud /uctlnueer. Convirancor, A liraisur and Mouuy 1.. urter, HiU 1'itnto aii'l Iniuranru Ant. Iliads, UoitgaiiM, Lwwos. nd Wills drawn uj) a.i-i Valuailoss mads on hlioiti'-t notice. Auction salas attended to in any part of tbe County. Money to loan at low it rati-K of intare- 1. Colloctious sttonJed to with |ii(>iiii>tns!i an I ilespatch Clirge low. A(vnt for tbe Doiniulun btoaiushlpCouipany, cheap tickcti from lleshurtou to Liverpool, (llakX'iw, LonJoc or nnj of th BritUb ports. Turtles intrmlluii to vUit Ktitlan.I. gc illaml or Ireland, will pleaiu a\ rates bofore pure-basing tb*ir tickuU elsewliore AO.t'.W. tiieetH u-.-ery flrxt and third MOM day lu each IIIOIILII, in their lodge room i-tn iti>i'' Hloi-k. Vluherion, at 8 .p. m. A. M. Glbeon, M.W. ; u ..I Hi-'.lan.v, Biisocrer ; W. Iiwln Kocorder. Vi>iting Hretbern invitvd. ROYAl. TKMIT.AHH OP TKMPKBANCE. Kogulsjr Council moets every fimt arul th'i I T'u-l.i. I'Vi-ninii lu each nionlh. in Hproulv's bln.-k at N p in. belett degree iuaurauce) uie*tt. *u. jitlily. tbe Wednesday iutf the 42nd of oacb nioutb. SOM8 OK TKMI'KH \NCK.-Tbls society luuota in L)r. I liristoo Hall nrat Wed- nesday in caeli month at 8 p.m. VIMtUig bretberuu invited, luaurauce In conuacUon. UP. B. A., meet lit their ball. Chrlntoe's Blook every necond Thursday In eaob vnoulb. Wm-bbarp, Master. T. Claytos, 8*a- retary. UCA8* WRICHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen dound, Ont. W. H. WIIIUBT. I. B. LUCAS. H. B.-Flesberton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. From o>r own Corrftjioiident. BNDBAVoH COHVEKTI'iN The third semi annual convention of i h South Gray Local Union uf Christian Endeavor look place in Hanover last Friday. Twenty six delegates from the "Cieiies were in attendance, was a grand success num- erically, socially and spiritually. The turned with Nurmanby. thnu to their home ui Maxwell vi ilur reoieniber the very kind l-'mm \ir i/irn L'urrttpondent. A sluigb [--ad of our young folks (sr.) went o tho homo of Mr. MvCalluru's on the 4ih line on Wednesdsy evuuingof Nst week. Mr. C. M. Field spent Thursday of hist wrek in Itadjeroi*. Mrs. Ttios. Urownridge and Mrs. Wm. Ouy spent last week with friends in Thorn bury. The library for ihe Sabbath school has come and .-til are -very much pleast-d with Markdale, Ont. I and hospitable treatment accorded to them " T\H HUTTOH MDCU. MPPA8 Out. I'rioevllle. by tho Hanover and Hampden Endeavor- ers. The following information from the secretary's report ruy be uf interest: The number of imcu-iies in the Union aro *5, divided as Mlows: Prelbyter ian, 17 ; stteiided county M, -i hod mt. 8; with a total mernburship of Owen S..und. 1010. The officere for the ensuing year Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Guy spent Sat- urdiiy and Sunduy of hist week with Mr*. Guy of Redwing. Mussr*. Preston, Clark and Munnghnn council last week in Office next door to Brown's store; residence ! o { Hainlxl. n: Vice Pres., one door weet ol Motbodist cbnrcb, Kinross at. ' Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, Isaacs of Drum 1 1 re: Tress., Miss Lizzie nu CAUTKU II C P <k B Ont., Phyaician, Burgeon, etc ITIesbertou office Strains b'ock. iUmideuoe MuuBhaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physic. A Surgeona.Ontarlo Graduate In Medlcino of Toror o University Fellowship Diploma, Post Uiaduate Medical are as f. Hows: Pres. , Mr. John Cooper Mr. \Villmm Burnett of Hopeville; Sec., Mis* M. rouiore; Martin of Priceville. A sleigh load of our young f ilks drove out to the home of Mr. Dan (jr.) Me- Dr. Dickson of Uslt and the Kcv. Mr. Poiueroy of Durhnin failed lo put in an appearance. This is the second time the former gentleman IUH disnppoinlttl the Union. We would advise him to be Eacbine .1 wi-i-k sgo last Monday evening. Several from here took in the concert Ht Eugenia a week ago last Tucsdny eveir- ing. Mr. Fred Field and Mr. Arthur Krownridge attended the Epworlh Leag'ie at Providence on Wednesday of last wt-ek. Mr Pidlmter drew the wood for thu school hist Siit in. '..-iv. Mrs. Win. McCalhini of Fleherton ! spout a few day* in town List week. The Foresters will have a concert on more careful in making promises or sp School and Hospital. Chicago. Diseaeesof eve. ' p,,jiitments in the future, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Kosl- A Mr Dodl i g fr ,, m KllOX College, was Thursday evening the flth in tbe Orango a host in hiniielf. A paper on "Intellectual outturn in relation to Christian Endeavor," by Mrs. " d Su " d *y '" Th-mbury. Flsgg of Durham, is deserving of more than a passing notico. We wish a copy of it were in the hands of every young U.AIJ and woman in South Urvy. deuce, Maxwoil, vUits Feverahaiu Tlium-lava 1 V J T tlTTE WKLL Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Beildenoe Kext outfc of Moore's planing factory. door fVK. M AKT M. BKANDRB U DOM. MCP* 8. Ont.. Pricellle nd residence at Uetbodlst parsonage Calls night or dsy promptly attended. Vlliti Flesborton Station 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays P?8?~J ^^Ss^aLL? plC-VILLl AMD DURHAM 8TAQH. b.ror.^.s-S'uirr. ; s^uCoJiVJ r^r^n, 1 .-.!. p's"^."., 8 .):." .^ leaves tbtf an;e ujace at 18.30, returning at 4.46. Fare to Priceville and roturn, SO cents : Durham, si. SO for rcturu. 7>e. single far. Livery In con- nection. Oidomoiay b luft atuitber hotel. A. llcCAULEY, Prop DUKKBKIN LODGK, Xo 1HB, I OOF, meets in Clayton'^ Hall every Tin-s day vuiiiiiK at H o'clock. VlHUiK brethren cordially Invited AS VAxDi'SHN.N M Wx MUOBH. Hoc uutc. U 1*8 EDITH RlCHARDSOg Pupil of ttebt Mahr, of H..illn Horm'xnv (violin); UTS Bi %<l'ey . of Toronto Conservatory Mualc, I Volo* Culture) Prof Surrleon.leteof Toronto, (Plann) wtil receive puulla la HLMULMU, V1OLIH. PI AWJ and O Hall. Mr. John Browinidge spent Snturdny honor Roll S. S. NO. t>, AKTEMBKU Tho order of thu nanx.'g aie determined Some of the delegates from this burg by exltllllI , a , 10MN and by enersj ability in wt not content to drive such a common ^^ VHr j oui subjects: affair as a team, so a livery "four-in th . M;t|;y Cameron, Annie Kmmedy, j J H Benson, S^rah Paul. 3nl--Efn Philli|-s, Eth.-l Carson, Frod Win. Kiu>lih, Oscur Phillips. hand" drew thoir equipage to Hanover, Mr. R. W. Buigoss has orgrardsed largo class in violin music. \Vu wish 2nd, sr. (jarnet Magoe, John Carson, bis students succeis. Leap year has been already duly Uarni't Benaon, Wilford Phillips. oh- itnd, jr. MiiL'gie Milligan, Miiinio Cash : for : Hides! served in this burg. Surely somu of our Hanlxy, VVm. Jamieson, <<eo. Jarnieeon. shy young Uchclora will proKt by it, | P%rt 2 Adu Atkinson, Victor Phillips, Mr. Carr of Eugenia occupied the L. Mllligin. J, Portfolio. Methodist pulpit last Sunday. Mr. C's Part 1 Jennie llanley. Janie Magt>, intereatiug and practical discuurutt was B. Magee, A. Mlli^an. COULTBR, teacher. Sheepskins and nil kinds uf furs pur chased, for which highest market price appretiiattd by the congregation, will bo paid. -pj,, u , Ila i ,|, mr tely meeting of the Methodist church will beheld at the Homemade sausages ou hand. a!no all ,, , v i TI, , . , , Proton ap(Hiintnient next Sunday. The M. WILSON, FLKSHEKTON Owen M*WL Feb. 1 Win. Cramp- ton of Hupp*), while working j;i the quarterly board me.U on tho Sundy "'"'^ *H' w '- Campbell r-st,.r.lay ws ' stuck on the head by a limb of n M...I previous, t h e y were f B l|i n <{ and HusUiiiod a severe EMPORIUM The Uv. Mr. Hartley took part iu the fracture of the skull, AT COST CURLS, This is Leap Year ! Now ia your oppoituuity to get a handttome present fur your " intended, " for yourself, your coMHin, your uncle or your auui at reduced prices from W. E. RICHARDSON Druggie* and Stationer, Flonh<_-i-U;ii TIHELY HINTS^ A wile nmn knn<ts How to take a uiui This is the .season of year wheu yuu are requiring ROBES, BLANK. HELLS. WlilfSv i IEIT SETT OF mm Curryconibs aud everytliiu^ couu.-cii ,1 with the Hiirnt'ss line for winter use. Do - You - Know Where to buy them To thu best advantage ? This is where th hint ernes in And it is a good and broad one : Go to WILL MOOKK. HarneMKiuaker. Fle.sherton. N. B, Cowhide mitts, hair inside, from 50c to 7.3c a pair. Farnjs. . . AND . . . . Village Properties Artemesiawt Glen el g LoUl and Icon. 2N.D R., towiuhip of Art,. me*ia, 100 aores, 7S oloar, with new fame ban 4.nfkj It., atone bd-oviiont. Would rent. Lot 47. oon. 9. townnhip of Olenoiu. 50 ar-. < under good cultivation, wall watered. Wou,4. i "lit reaaonablo. Ijot No. .\Jatnmst, nortb, and Iflt V . R. Mil t. north; aleo east part uf lot 4, Kinrardiue north. Brick liouse pi.l lot ,t Vlu.lmi ton Station known as ih* V,'4,tu property. All tbe above properties will hr> ;,| at Ion Bguret . nd on easy terms. Titles ind,.snutabK Applv to John. McAnhur, HKWEVILL6 9. O. TCHISLKTT Kleeherton Station l'otmn<ter. ConiiulMlouar in H. C ' veyancer : deeds, mortgages. tpaw an.' wit'* drawn. Charges moderate. Tualuess l> writtes. .!{)