Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1896, p. 5

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THI riiiiilffii ADVAUCI CK OF GHO, MITCHELL "^ I I.EStILK I 0\ v . "^junc**.! ^>)-*f*' ii i> muni im.m. 1?* i '; \ *y* avallublo for (fltanat* buhiiiM a.o. . ,-n. uiiluc two doois uoitb at Kicliuril- Boa A i'o 4. Vicinity Chips. t".i.ir ii-lcristics of lh Pant Week <.irefu!ly <'uMd for the t.i| p<l tlirowniK stones at tlu nultan of Turkry for IIIM treatment tit the Armeni- an*." nrifM <i m<i7i'; luruli trill he itt (ht niti- of lOe prr litif fur i-tiiiit. .4 rc./i-(i<m fi'/ ' t,i . /. >i fnntractt fur 100li*e* er over. Yiaitiii;; carls in t.icl< at thin office. \Vlio"p:iii{ cough is prevalent in this village. Envelope*, Rood iitiality, only $1.25 a buz, printe 1. or |2 per 1000. An R T. of T. duttiet tuwiing waa lie'.J at the Station y, stmUy. Sir Cliarlea Tu;>prr wa* i-lecteil in Capa Breton on Tuesday by 700 majority. A nuinlier of ti izen.i attended the L. C. ciiiiventiun m Durham i> Monday. Tbu Outaro Legislaiuie will meet o the- liHh int. f >r the despatch ef business Mr. D. Clayton of Collingwood apent a c-.nple of tiays with hia friend* here dur- ing the pant went. liig s'.ick of lull heaiU, statement*. u.i' heads, letter heaiU, etc., priulitd at lowest living rales at thin office. Ttnj county L. O. L. uf Bat Grey met in Shelbum IMI Tueaday. Mr, J. Beat, Sheardowii and J. Lore wont from 341, Pn t. n Station. AH will be seen by adrrtisemeot eUe where thu LiberiU of East Urey will hold a oouvintiou iu tlie Town Hsll, Flesher tun, on ThuiwUy. 20th inst. At a Ditotin,' of subscribers to the electric railway, held in the Town Hull <.u KM lay cveirinjj lout, Mr. Tliorp \V.i({ht wa* elected pmviuiuaal director. Straw for sale a i)uantitj- of good oat firm*, also oath and [>as unthrreheU for urc-'ii fted. Apply to T. Granger, Klvahertuu station P. ()., lot 133, 3rd rani;.' W. Art.Mii.-~i.'.. At a Liberal Conservative convention for North Grey, held in Owou Sound on Tuesday, Mr. Jame* Maaiou waa given hia walking ticket and Mr. Jan. Mc- LuugliUu minimal, d in hia atead. A lea;> year social under the aubuicea of the* yo..ni; people of the Presliylerian church will bo hold ut the residence of Mr. Geo, ItuiiiiDii T JkS. K. oil Tues- day Uth int. Team will he provided to ta'.i! those going fruoi the villiag-. Ayer'a Clurry Pectoral Uknovin ly its works. The experience cf h.-ilf a cent- ury proven that no other preparation of tlie kiud atop* c. uphill-; utid allays irrita- ti HI of the tlii.at and bronchial tu'-rs so promptly and etfVctually a* thm. A Valentino social to be givvii under the ;tu -pices of tlie ladle* uf the Eugenia P jsl'yrerian c'.urth, to raiae funds for thi- new cliurcli, will be held in the Or- uiige Hall at tliat place on Friday L\< n int; r\l>. 14, St. Valentine's Day. A /rand time is expected. Adnn-ni"ii 20c ;i couple, 15c Hiiuli-, childivn half price. I'nliUe most proprietary uiriiiciiii-h, the formula; of Dr J. C. Ayer'n Siirsaparilla and othur proparat.uiin aro cheei fully acnt to any physiciau who app'ies for them. Hence thu *p?cia) favor ac<:oiduil thec well- known standard remedies by tlu World's Fair conmiunioneM. Next Sunday, the 9ih hist., the Ruv. l>r. Cainplitll wi.l pri'iicli 'he missionary striiiuiis in lh> Me'hodmt church, Hus! urt in, morning a - id eveniuc, anJuttlie .station in the afternoon. C. !! ctious ai.d contridiitioiiH i.i aid of tli- miiwtion fund. Fail not to hoar Dr. Campbell. Ap;no- priat* music by the clioir. No. 244 L. O. L. have built a splendid now li.vl at Proton Station during the past fall, and purpose having a soiree the latter pat t of this moi.tli to assiut in paying off a small indebtedness which still rooia.ns on it. This is claimed to be the finest hall In the district, being large and D dalk ha* a wife beater. The ilsrvld advooatea "horsewhipping the cur," and remarks that "if a brute like that can pummel his wife at pleasure in lUlS chrntian community without a hand Jifltl in hw a.Uuo* u is abvut time wo Thn Hpfcml incctiiiffs whirh ImVe bee" coni;iic'cd H' tliu sfati. .u for the paet two niontlm by Rev. Mr. Mali.in are pioving vo-y sucochNful, a considerable number of people, young and old, huvin< profesned a determination to load a better life. Tlie nicer. ngg aio coiitinut-d il.m week, wi h the exot- ption of thU.Tliu 8 !ny ovuii- iiiX, when the service will beamalgiinmtfil w/li the weekly prayer meeting in this village. A grand maxpierade carni<al will b hold on tho coiiimxdioua Fle->hoit<ui ideat- ing rink on Fiiday uveninif of tins week, wlirn a !..i-.:i' number of really valuable prizes will be given for various cuuipeti- tionti. An this in the first of the season it will of course be a huge success. Skutera nnd viKM.ra should coiue from far and near to enjoy ike carnival. Ifor list uf piub-n aud all pwrticular* sue large poster*. Will our coiir*>poBdriit>i at Kiiuberley, .st.ttton, Mclntyre, ami any who iuay be oot of atatinnery kindly inform ui of the fact if such is the case. We supply all our con, with envoi, ipM, ,P. intake and paper, but we ex|ict Uiom to be im.-l and aot laid away as curiosities. We will be giad to wel- come correaptindeut* from unrv presented poinU and will be only too happy to aupp'y such with the uecesa*riee afore- montioned. Mr. Wm. Johuaton t.f Manitoba wai during the (mat -week with hia brother, Mr. Janirs Johton of this township. It in thirty-six yean since the br.>thra last met, and one can imag- ine with what interact the event* of that long ported of auparation were due us* ad Mr NVm Jolnmtuii i* now * old man. but hearty. He lire* about 90 mile* from Brandon and ha* lived in Manitoba during lha past fifteen yeara. tie *iy* th* crops in hi* dutrict tin* pant year wore mi. -I Inn n grand. In the early days of this townahip Mr. Johnmou kept hotel at Inulioge. A Mr. Oilberaon of (Jricrsyille, a highly eateiiurd and pro^i erous farmer, hanged himself in hi* barn on Saturday. Itotween tw i ani three o'clock Mr. Cul- bersoti remarked to his son, a boy uf Hi: "If you will split *ome wood I will go over to the barn and do Some chorts, and you may follow me." Half an hour after- wards the boy proceeded to the bam, and on entering it found the body of hi* father suspended from a beam, lifeleai. On the day previov* Mr. Culberson wa* running a hone power at Mr. (Jay's and showed no signs of uiental derangement. The motive is a myt'/ry. Mr. J. 'A'. Frost of Owon Sound has presented the p*l lie hbraiy wiih a handmmiely bound copy .f ''Broken KhacklcH." Tlie huro of thi.s toiy is an old uegn. who lived for many ye*.* ii O*eii Sound, and wl.ose agu wa* away up near Ihu century murk wl.en thi* s'ory was published. The stury was the nun union: of bringing together this old mm and hiswifo, who bad been lost to each "ih r fur many years, nod old n..ic Hcnsoii rejoined hia newly found wife in Jor>ey ehor'lj after the book was published. Many people in this section haro read the tale and many more will w int to rend it. It in now on the library ahelve*, thauka to Mr. Frost's generosity. A Joke on the Pastor O.io of ArU-aioaia'aix-footcis was the innocent cauo of an immense j"ke on one of our pastors at the spect-il service itt tho Staliou on Tuesday evi-mug. The /viilleinan stontl l4ifiear the dour and iho pastor thnugbt jt ^*t boy standinj.; on a seat. '"Hil,jis i -rig / l|t, young man," aid he, "stand yu.hl*! ttt)4-i ce what wo are uoing." ,Kvujj|^<iil{irrl<><>kd arourd and Minted, and t^u, ^tulltinan himself smiU-d. This njipeaji'd to nett.lt> the putor, wlio then rein irked, ' Stop y ur Kriiiniiig, young ni.in.'' The "young inaa " stands xomethin^ over six feet a id couldn't huip it. The preacher hid n .t disovervd hi* mistake when tl.e me -ting closed, and everybody who waa p caent ii still "grinning" at bin ridicu- lou* error. Conservation Convention. A Conservation convention was held i i Durham on Monday for the purpose of n tuiijalmi a candidate to uontest S-juth Qrey in the evuiing federal eluctiou. Amoug the ua.iiu. prupoaed weie Dr. Juj..n, Duruaui; I. B. Luea* and W. J. llcKwlanJ, MarkiUe; M. Rivliar^- toil, Floheriji-, aud utlers. AD wi 1 b drew excepting Dr. Jam-son, whr) re- maiiii-c) the unaninuius choico of the meeting without a ballot. The muuting w*s a very large and representative one, Aild there WHB onnsideiaMe untliuniasm ill played. Dr. Ja'neton did not make a political speech, Waving that f..r Meksrs. A, J. Campbell and H. Spence, two guntleiuen who are cxceudingly well niitod with ratoiual powers, and wbo i.iteruted tlie deleyates for some time. Two crtMiks succeeded in awindlinit a Mt. Forot mercliNiit oui of 95 by what m known as lh flam-flam (jsino. The mo lo of operation c >iiKit>ted of ihe |>ur- cliiutu of it plu^ of toliacco. f.ir which they tendered a live dollar l>ill in payment, after winch they got tlie dork to uliani;e them a 910 bill and managed in thu transaction to get away with 85 more than they came in with. Look out for t'lein. The county council convened Tuesday afternoon. U comprise* 66 members, ait additional deputy havmg been neut aloni; from Uentinck and Sarawak. All their names hare heretofore appeared in thesu columns. Nine names were put fniward for the wardenahip Smelaer, James An- derwm, W. J. Graham, D. K Preston, Anthony Shute, James Allan, John Bo- land, John Chuholiu, and S. L Howe but the ballot ing soon simmered down to between Anderson of Sullivan and Smel- >r of Colhnuwood, the f >rmcr winning by two votes. Not anything radical haa so far been luugea'ed just sleepy, old style routine work. We are informed, thouuli poaaibly not credibly, that, of the 66 member*, the reeve ot St. Vincent i* the .inly insn who can really jump up into the air and knock hi* heels together three lime* before again descending to terra firm*. This, if true, speak* volume* for bia health and agility. U. S. Star. At Iron Bridge. Alfoma. Ji). ilt, 1MB. Mary Ana Uutlxtga. >l.tt daocbtar of Wlllism and Marab Ann Hutlli. *ed IT Ti, months ml U da vs. TUCKEB * PATTBB80N. Hrrinti . wliolton. *to. Uoli.in Bank. Uwun Htmiiri. Harry Ii Tucker Qoo. W. PaUnuu Notice to Creditors Iu th matter of tin Mtlo of John Wna Ariustrauii. lt uf Uiavilltgo of FlMbtirtau. la thu Ouuty uf Qry, decainl. Pur>iui<t to It. H. U., chapter 110. and muai lliK *CU, notice 1* hai ebr (Ivcu Hml all purxi tlKVIUU CtallllK a^RttlKt til .-Mtlktl of llltl abu Jncvaaod. wlio n.i.l ,iu ur aliout tin. -JBth daj of November. 1004. are required tu nnd by post. pro;'ai 1, to W. A. Arnmtruug. GiM|inre, jeweller, Kleobartoii. Oat. .acting executor of tlie eetatei r tile aaid decei.l. ou or before the 6th .lit r uf March, A. D. UJ06, a Itatelliunt iu wrltiug of their naaitiH tiuil itddruMaui, witb full particular! and proufi nf their claunii and tbe uature of the aecurity, if an>. bold by them ; aud further notice ii hereby Riven, tbat after aaid la*t meu tienud date, thu ex^vuuirB will proce.fi to die* trilinta tbe ajueta of tlie naiii iteeiiaaed. having regard only to tbe olaiuia of whlob thev aliall time bave notice; an.l tbn anl exeoutora will D t en liable for the aaid aimeU aodiatribute<l by tliMji. ui any part tlierouf. to aoy peiraoti of wlioee claim tlluy allall U.IL have reoeived Do- tic at tbe liuicof aalddiitrilnitliiD. KnuarA rUiaox. Bollcitor* for the eaooutor* Dated at I'lirtherUiu tbn Hh da/ of Kvoruar) , A. b. 1MM. A nioetinit of tlio !. i.ri I's .if E>8( Grey will lie held in ilni T.'-.NH ll.ill, Flesher- ton, .ui Tbuiwl .y, Kl>. ^Otli. 181HJ, at 2 o'clock, for tl.o purpose if nominating a candidate to c. nle t the n.iing at the coining eluction. All Libe!-<i-> .ue iii/i el to aituiid. (J. GUAM AM. CHAS. PYE. President Secretary Lost Strtytt.l f oui p .)iu ]>'MniMtKof tito uiultir-iKnt on or l>oiii Jan. 'JJiit last, a blnck an<l tan hotni-l, itiilmi!i iz, dark * row on fun hgad, HimwHrN ti niiin <if Kail r. Ititni niHtion a to his whmoabuut will bi thniiUfiilly m--ivetl hv jr., K!*3fcLoi ton WANTED 53,000 J<wt soft elm li> for canli. Must be .I. nl la go tjn.li.r, 10 mi.. I I icrt IOIIR. ujiiuiaMW mill. Jan. :i! '.0. F. T. CAHB. Jersey Bull for Service Thoroughbred Jnnwy bull for norvicu at Juliu H Huftrd'ft. Kltihherton. Turiii!* OI.B dollar. Your Attention, Please Having put the Priccvillo Roller Mills in first class order, I am pre- PUITI] to do gristing ami clioning on .sljoitfcct notice. Also Flour. Shorts, I'rit'i, Cliop, OaMiifal, etc , alwnys on lian<] at moilontd prices. Givu me a curl and be euinaicc.l. As wo an; usin^ No. 1 Imnl Mani- toba wheat almost exclusively, you mi. v drpt'iid on getting first class dour. W ,I!FO keep a Bio.-'* nf Gooflu aMd Ontario wheat Flour on liaud to cliant{R for Goosu wheat if customers vu.-.h it, or will Bell it, at a very low price. V u:s ri'ttp -ctfiilly, KOBEUT McGOWAN Logs Wanted Boot and Shoe Dealer IN OUDt-K TO CLKAK OlT x*s, OversHoes, Etc., WK .\UK ,-I.U.IM; THEM OFF AT A VEUV BIG REDUCTION Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to Agent for the Dominion Money Order Bipress _ ^ ffqygSgSgaygSgSQagaQS^^ ,< H ; < < . 4 I I O LJ Lic|uiciation Sale Still Continues 1 I I You can save from 10"( to 33% by purchaainx your supplies from me I am not offering it few odds and ends at special price*, but my xhole slock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, etc. Call and see Our gray Flannel bargains Our grsy Coi ton bargains Our Blanket bargains Our Drt-s* (iiiods bargains Our Tweed bargains Our L'lidurclotlung barxain* q| A fuw meu s and b->ya' Overcoat*, also a few ladies' Mantles left, equxly |t as ood OH those sold. Boys' clothing bargains Don't misa those goods A dollar saved in a dollar made. >/, iQROCERIES Our stock is now fresh. Wo keep the best selectu i Raisins, Wst Cur- ' rents, best Canned Goods, best Teas, Japan and Black ; best Oat and Whe*t Meals. Come in and we will give you the best bargaina. Looking 3 RESOLUTIONS FOR 1896 1st. We intend to sell more Furuiture during 1896 than any oue year of our business career. 2nd To place before our customers the largest aud most com-* pli-to line of Furniture and House Furnishings to be found under oue roof in tbe county of Grey. 3rd. To redouble our efforts to satisfy our customers, giving, aa we have ever ttied to do, tbe very best value for every dollar ex peuded at our store. J. E Moore, - Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Picture Pramiag and Repairing in all Branches I '^ ^y^QPK. FREE ! FREE ! ! OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is thie very Best PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A Business Education, TakeaRouud Trip ;s? w _ fi.ll.-i;.'- ntiil Coinmeroial Dup&rtinuntH in Canada, thun vinit thu Nortliurii Biulaes* Col)ee . ..xnuiiin. thing thoronijlily. If wn fail i" uioet thorough, conililuto. infkrtii:Al an 1 .-M.-n Ireooumeointiiily ; the tirtst C-O||UI;B p: u 1 the liet nd mo*' OompleK nu.l ... >t suit- l>luftirniturniiil ||lianco>. wo will Ki\n V.MI a full oourne Kit hi-.. Kor Annual \nno:moo tnuul.giviug lull iiartioulari>.fi, u l.li.'i C. A. FLEMING,' Priucipnl. tee and Lot For Sals, For f>aJe cheap an.l on nany timn* in Klehur- t..in. S].|i.n.li.l IIH-K.I, Mli.l In i. k .Iwi-llii.c wi'li .llAr, Hiiiiiin.il kit.'li.tu an. I I). une, alit) ."1 fi'mnn i-mlilii, hi u:k r .<'Mi->t-K .-111111. jus tw.) la i <;i! :..l.- vi. I. hem Hi,; Hull . Hii.l iiu'lr.ii'ilii I liniFlu.l u:i-l very couveili- i :it'\ laul out. A|i|>h LI it.. i BPBOCLB. Good Farm for sale or Rent Timber lot for sale I i. TO ii r^tolKn ( i- 1.. niciiii. Tell.iei for Hie purullAMI of Liili. lol Vlll 111- l..~ cuivtwl by thu iiiid. II-MV^IU.' n:i:il the :i.-.l <luv nf Kobi .1*1 > JXWi. DI..II l)lr l.il fm lumlier ilukler wi 1*1-10111 . Ten.).. to Htnte tor inn uf p) uie.it. Hljhent utlo>-i PK!I! 111 oili for rock aud tuft -. .- . elm luic-. to u ilnllveiMl %t iir mill | '1 ill ^ (ice of enuuuibiauue. Ami, to li*Mh* Boek Kit* l| and II feet ful:,8o<t T. W Ho BIIU, 10, 14 auU .1 feet. Hi J. D. Suuji&SbX (tola. Dec. Is, K> 10 York c Toronto ISth U^.uib^. It by Imv.ng tU-in |ir(|n-rly tosled by \V. A. VKM.STKt N<;, . OIT!C1\N 5KATINQ RINK Oncofllle ve.v bt links li.iiM, ,.( . O|'u Moiitla>. \\.-.iiu- .lay ami Hatiii-.!a< iiUjK. Maiiil in atl... .uii.'.c Will llO <ll. .'t.ll.HM. I , Imvu u.ioufrink Thuifc.i:, .'lutii'.iliti tlloj cr tieket h...,. W.J.Hu\VA: .1), pro. Farm ani Mill Site lor Sale K..r ln very uliimp HI,, I :, v... > Tluiber farm, IHI aerea, two mile* i.oui i- uilon, known a< tlio Wiu. HoKnuwiiii:i pi^. perty, andohwblehuian eaeelleutwatoi |. .< IMntiaUou ol SAW mill, ilnin an.l |i ... i H...I wiil.-i wlli.i'l i:i \-\tu: r an.l nil r.-K.lv fu. i'.ill...n null on. MI..IU i .. u -..-s .;ltmr...l. .m .1, . uooi off, bli i.'i.-i . .1 , snix.-.l to.... i 111 . (Mill Will I>u H.'i.l lit It IIKIKIIII, 11 >nt.' Snmll \m\ ni.Mit duwn, balance uu ei> torma. A{>|'ly to B.J. Spn,. H. i kv u )nl To.uuty. Logs Wanted oft elm. 10. It klltl 14 ft. long, 4 I.. 4 . .|ilc, IU . .. I.-L., I4..0. . eu Urtlh. lift. 4 in -

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