Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1896, p. 8

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THB FLI8HI1TOM A D V A KC I D. McTavish KEEPS ON HAND airs For MaiMey-HdiTi.i,iuio! Noxon, Flcury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fli-iiry and Verity plows on hand all tlie time, also all kiudg of impairs fir the same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, 81oigbs, etc. Horxesliocing piotnpilv attended to. Special attention to tender, con- tractid feet. Lofging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. About Cutters and 5leighs ; v (iENTI.IMVN As the season of ilei^bin^ IN again approaching I would call your eirne.it atiention to my wintir Murk in nhich I sin pro- i. n.. I t-i j -. \- u c ntiie aatiiifaction both in quality ami price. In cutters I I.*VH a Uije stock t . m'le,-t from, ir.ade of l-et of material and latest .- in finish. I am second to none In sle.gbs 1 can ac ominodate von, rithcr 1; j!it or heavy Prompt ktlei'tmn KIVI-H (" repairing, |*int- i.tg and :eiii-in:iiii.'. Call, whether you waut to purchase or not, and be your IP n j FlesHepton Go to Jfeard h.Hl THK I.E8T Elites, v Sleijhs, : lajons, : Bodies aod -J- [arts Plow and Log Chains Shen* and Repairs for *ery kind of plow Wood, I. milder, *!>ui'.:lm, Straw Cutlets, linre|H>wcr, forsil.-. t'ome and see them. John H. Heard - Flesherton U nnnn wrtn nnnn ruin/vp q ' j i Be Happy i* nnrvrinnnn nnnnrLn nnnnnn [ I With Others i Fverjrlliin,' frc!i in tliu way of lemons. 1'ian.ei, uuls all kinds, confeclionrry f t!ic I'houe^t VHin-ty, lix<. Hit<-, prunes. i.aiintiiiiea, liiacuiti of all kin. IK. cainiid fruits and venetalilo*, teas, sugars and all <her i:r.-ceriui ; stock all fresh for ) he 1...1 <Uy trade. I- H-K!I Ui Mil till ll'- }iel flour and feed cotiktantly on hsnd. '. APPLES In 5mll Quantities .r by Ih. Barrel \Viii. I JitrnlioiiHC Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. made and Repaired. al*o ria.:,ii ,' an.l M. itching, Band Saw. lag, Wood Turning of every des- sripUon. Planing aud Grain Chop o.iig rjoae while yon wait, for th^ , Beaver turns tho wheel. T. W. WILSOX Manacrr SELLING OFF I IrivH dr, i.l.-il t.. clu.ir nfT my entire '<>ck nf li.inii, ni.il Slioi-s at Sacrifice Prices. MniK'y 1 ant and nmnuy T mud have. T'lervfiin- I!HMU wanting liouis or Sl,..r, will r.iniiili tlii'ir IIMII iniereits by whilu my pruMfiit *tck UsU, as J i not intend to iu|>!ce it. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Cough. Mo Roat Nlcht nor Dajr. Qiven up by Doctors). A LIFE~SAVED BY TAKING ft Vm'C CHERRY A I tno PECTORAL Several vcanafo, I caught n severe col.l, atlen.ie.l wlib a terrible cou^h that allowed me no rest, cither day or i.l;:!it. Tl.o doc- ton, after working over me to Die best of their nlilllty, pronunnccil mjr cn^c hopelrK, and said they ronM do no nine for n>. A friend, learning if my lN.nl.: . sent ir.a a bottle of Aycr'i Cherry t'ectoi::!, wliieh [ hrgan to take, and very soon I w.i* greally relieved. Ily thetlme I hid n'.nl tl-.e h lo bottle, I wai completely rured. Ihnvonrvcr had much of a emir;li tlnro that tinid, and I firmly I cii, ; vo that Ayer'i Cherry I'octoral saved my llfx." W. II. WARD, 8 quluitr Ave., Lowell, Mnts. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WILTS FWH. fill* IHt llcst IVitni/i/ Great Bargains may l>o had now. The snine inilnon n.ri.i. may never attain IMI given. Call kiiil tuat my atateuiciilM. Jos. Smith, C'usUtm work and ru|iiring attended .i as Our Clubbing List ruiiviinipiii-ii nf i Hi r readers who wisli t Hcure nuiru tlmn on |>*|>er we li> n*du the follnwiiij clubbing arrange' mtuts : Adr.nc and Toronto morning W,.rld, daily ................. f3.o6 /id. tin-x ami Munlroal Si ir ..... 1.80 Advance and Farming, the new firiimra' iiii.'uxlna ......... 1.80 AJvunco and Youths' < >iii|uiiiuii (new) .................. 836 Advance and Daily Newa ............ ^ 1 HO Asv.no and Weekly Mall ....... 1.50 A^vsue* and Farm and Kirusiile....- l.M Adraae auJ Weekly Ulo. ....... 1.40 WE ARE Still in Iliu lnd of tliu living, sellin' ide Flour, gude Ten and Suuar and other (iroccnoa. We Imve sonic ralo gude Sweeties for auld and young, and if you want a rale gode Trunk tr' koep y.iur claea in, or a gude Satchel braw and nw frae the inannfiu-lnrrr, just pug tau' Williu Henderson in Simula's block, and lie will supply you at lowest price*. WM. HHNDERSON FLESHEDTOI STEJS UD3III. I h njiohcd nn a aniuril.t* utrum Unn.Uy ID Kl.nhnrlon. IMI I urn |im|>a nd to Inkn In anr qnantUv l laaudrv worh m lownr |irlcttR lhao aia ahftign I Ni whtu 1 limvM |mt in the !% and moat nopr.ivi<l mftelilii.rv io (hat wild. inrllr fl*. i a null. Kollrs aatUfiatlo* t.v4,tud piiv> low. Mkl.Uao M^OKMBODM DOTS CORNER. The Controversy Rndd. Really, Fritz, you hecm to )> jittt A little lut mad about rvrmcthlng. Tlie first thing that happen* to n man when He i. in I- hix | - .MI i.. n weak or untenable i* tr IOHO In-, tvinprr If you will r< ;1 my article again you will find that iim Ii- n have 1 insinuated that you lack braina, but (|uite the contrary : "I credit you, Km '.. with having enough bruins. " etc., wais what I Haicl, BO you needn't gut your hack up nix. ut Hint, for I axauro yon, Fritz, it tnken bruini to gain accem t(i thin column. Your ingenious distortion of the nn-.-in inn uncl npplicution of the vn.nl "time server* " i> really not worthy of a soriou.fi reply. I think, myself, that you meant it for a joke. Hut you nlmuM l.il.rl your jokcH, Fritz, ox, Iwing from a Ouniuin, they are apt to be a little involved and a trifle heavy. If you nre not joking, it look* very much a* if it in you, Fritz, who have iH-en dipping into that old Al- manac, for Imi AM <{i nl ycnnt ago " time WIWT" had an honorable mcnning, Imt its niixi.Tii Rcnso, as you very well know, in the sense in which I uned it. Your wilful distortion of ineaniiigH IH all on a par with your ridimlotm insistence that "Dutchmen mine from the Gfnnan em- pire." Any schoolgirl knows they come fnnn Holland, ami ate ih-itbtr Cimma Mr German ntfcjeets, nor do they n|M-ak the (.icniiMi language. If you desire ruf- erencoH, coiiHiilt any first clam dictionary <>r the American encyclopedia. Thto are the only "old EuglitU almanac./ it ruw IMXHI my privilege t" study. Now, Fritz, if you will not accef/t irjy quotation (rum the N. Y. Fining I' '. what hJiy you to Harper's Weekly I Have you any objcctu >tM to the Now York ll.-r aid .' Here is a heading from the Herald "Merely for effect." ' 'Senators want to talk on the Monroe doctrine only for campaign purpoe," "To twist the lion'ti tail," "Jingoism to ifn.nr louse*." 1 would also oomDieiul your very carnrst attention t.. Hnr] i ~ W.-. Ulv. Jan. 18th. There you will find an article headed "Jingo Nt;itesni;iushi[i." showing how I IM-II- Sam yeauiH to cut a figure nmong the n.-ttions nnd to have ax active a for- eign |M.h, y an any : how he would dearly love to take the Hawaiian Inlands to his arniH nnd to possess other "uutpunta," "strategical keys," etc., but he cannot afford it, an ho haa not the arms, nor the ip*, nor the money to keep up Mich M yie. jmying, as he doe*, UK) million* yearly * a farcial |M.>nnion list, which in . . n, : mste.-id of diminiahing, and haa In-con .e a subject for the witticianm of wagH thj world over. Then turn your t t t-iit- in to an article, "The senate and the pMiple," if you cnru to be enlightened on the subject of representative govern in. -in, an practmed at the great fountain h *il of democratic institutions. If HJMICO would |xTiiiit, Frits, I could argue out the connection of Hritain with the Tin d. . Ui, -si u, finbrugliu of 1870-78, but will inrielv nfer you to JuNtin Mc- Carthy's "History of Oi:r Own Timea,"- he is an authority that you will not hu inclineil to dixpute. Then, l-'nt/. you take mo back to 1740 -Id (you might have kept thin aide 1H12) to find a HUp|H>He<l reverae I" Brit- ish nuns under Duke Cuinlierlaiid, which was nothing aft'T nil but a conation of 'IM.-I ilitie- brought alxmt by the treaty of Aix la ( 'hapelliv Forwanl into the pren- ni you rush, nnd inform UN that the llelmng Sea award lias not been mode. H.nv i.- it, then, that Pnuiidcnt Cleveland wo under such a falsu impruHHion when le gave that now fnmou* message to the ii 1 1 ill i To cap your reference to Burns' too late appreciated giniuH, it is only too oiwy to find nail examplea in every land ; mlr Mozart in Oermany, Poe in America. 'live wan a brilliant aoldier and a gener- nn man, and affortU one of the many in- tjniers in Kngliah hiatory where a man ian rinen from the lowest rank to the ligheat honon in the nation's gift. To ay that he and Wellington committed all ho n inies iii thu calendar in what some teople might term extravagant language. .Im.t. to show thu worthleaiineafi of many of your asaiiinptiotiH let IIH examine that ao-callixl "maaaacro" in Maucho8ter(1810) .'pi. n the intriMluction of machinery 00,- )<N) opera) iveN revolted, and asHombling n Mum iieKt.vr not only demanded logis- ativu redrtKH. but lieconiing excitetl men- aced thu liven and property of the citi- -.1 us UcfiiNing to ilinpei-i.,: on thu reiul ; ; of the not act, the conatabulury fail- ing to restore order, in the intereHts of the public safety tho cavalry wero called out. (lut nl that vn;)t coiiraiurw?, but eight live* weru loHt, rvnd tunne of theno were nirinbi-rs of the con r .t;ihulary, killed 'y tlra mob. Itut why go 1,,-n.k KO far ? Why not recall the way I'ncle Sum treat- ed the nrcliv-l in fhiongn a few rear* ago 7 Mttltrt-nfeil I should ray, nnA aftvi-wardu limited' (he fletch liaders. And so divided U public opinion as to the righteousness of that act that the judge who sentenced them wrote- several Articles to the Century in Ins own defuncu. In Chicago, two yearn ago, the |x>licoclubl>ed to death ntniiii; lilniriii^ men who rose in revolt at having iv> work to do. How alxiiit the Homestead note, when Pinker- ton'n men a sort of private military vvhi.-h w. uld not ! t. .! i t 1 in liritain kdled a dozen or KO of worknun ? Hnxiklyii was rndi-r military -vv.- for BCV- era! dnyn, only a year :i;; >. Ii.it why multiply inKtancgs. Theu tmt i ".,'r. into insignificance in a country where Judge Lyncli (lisjx-nsc-s juMicc i.i :i 1:1.11 nur more satisfactory to rho people tfcan tlnir own comtjit cnrt.-. As for Ireland, Fritz, in no country on earth aro the tcuint laws w. f.-\\. i:tl>!e to the tenant, but whnt they want is t . ti'in the whole of Ir^-lamf ii to one Ini^ T;u. - many Hall, and that (ireat Britain will never permit. Well, Km/, we l.aTo wandered a Ion? way from VrMezu'a and the Trsnsv.u I If we keep on, I y ummrr time we shall bare about covered ths wliofu plane of history, ancient and niolcrn, and i rxt fall nould find u |*ei<giiig away ar pie- adaiuite man and arguing as to whether he wax a Dutchman or imt. I think we'd liettt-r <|uit. So with a Woma.i's privilege of having the lii-t word f will il< se t' e diicusaion right here. D(>T. In Broad Scotch. K.-v. William Wye Smith, of St. Catharine", has translated |> .rtioim of the llil.lr int.. KroadSc.itch. Hureuth -M.d ptalm. ''The L->rd IN my nhepheid." 1. The Lord in my herd nau want aal fa' nir; 2. He louts me till lie amanit L'rcvn howea; he airU me atuwre l>y thi town walin; 3. He waiikenn my wa eaen saul; he wines mi- roiin fur hi ain name's sakr, intil right nxldini*. 4. Ma ! tlio' I gang Uiro' the dead mirkdail, e'cii thur, sal I dread iiae ftkaithiu; for verael are i.ar l>y me, yer stuk an' slay haud mo baith fu' cheerio. 5. My buird y chic Imnsell'd in face (i, my fate; ye hae dnmkit ma he id wi' ovle my 1 icker is fu' an' skailin. C. E'en sae, aal gude guid>n and gudofrrve gang wi' me' lil a day o' my liviu, nu evir; mair syne, i' the Lord's ain howff, at leug last, I tul mnk by dan. A Hard Time Trade An niiiuiing incident showing the keen mpvtilien pxiatinij between some of our town merchants incurred last we*k. Trouaer* which kro saul to eoHt 75 cents par I'air wholesulo were ticketed at tv\o of tho stores at 25 and 30 cenU re*]'t ti vely. Another merchant porn-Mini; a keen eye for buainev, wa< desirous of securing these troui-rs brlow cosi, and secured a confrderate before whom he laid his plan. His confederate, a re- spected citizen of Cen'reville, s e'n _ at a glance theto was money in it for him, ahm took the "p^ut fever," and forthith visited the trouacr merchants. ecurini{ the two pairs for 05 cents. He then went back to his friend w ho paid him tl for them, making a clear profit of 46 cents, wliieh Tom thinks was imt so bad these hrd tin. is Tom's friend subse- quently sold one pair of the trousers for more than the two cs) him, and there is Itreat jubilation over the reiult. Theie some talk of an oyster snppar on tl.e lead of the deal.- Meaford Mirror. A costly and remarkable accident oc" u. md at Wils-iii's mills, Fergus, a week ago Thuritlay night, when one end of a rg stone grain storehouse at the mills AS crushed out by the pleasure of the grain stored therein. There were about (0,000 bushoU of outs in the storehouse at the time, and tho crushing out of thn end of tho building reiultvd in about 30,- 00 buahels inuring *ut oil the ground and into the river alongnidethe storehouse. The building was strengthened by iron xl, both aeroas and from each end, but liey were Dot strong enough to hold up Againtt the imme.i) pressure of such a arije quantity of prain, and hence one end was crushed out, right from tho idgo of tint r-n-f down. The Ion* to Mr. i\ lUon will be heavy, us it giK.d dul of he graiu was damaged U> a greater or us* decree, und quite a Urge qutiiitily 1 it was lust alU. K t)th<r. The Markets. Carefully <'orr. < tl !.] H>fk Flour ,", <W) to $4 40 :._ _:{ ri) t.i ,M in t,, jri Ktf!!*< fresh )fl 10 15 p..'. t..es brt;i : ii to :io l'..rk 4 67 t., 5 15 Hay |>er t-m liiOOto 1.1 (*) Hidus 400 > JOO Shoi-|Nikiiit '.'.:> t'> W) (lIM'SC 6 tO ( Turkey* 7 to Cliifkri-n per pair 20 ><> 2*> Ducks per mi r 41) to 60 Wool lo M Time Table. ITU. Mikda!c ft.40 a in. i. ".: | HI. DM .-"HTH. i : I i - >. in. -- 12 04 in. 4 40 p. m. 4 53 p. m. 0.17 p. m. !. m. 3 Aomo* A. A Common Affliction hriiHitty Cured bj i skff.g AYtllvS PariiU A CAB-DRIVES'8 STORY. I was afflicted for clcht yeun with S Kheum. During that tune. 1 Ir , . , . Many mrdlclnes which were htgiily ttt- emmeiidoil. hut none trarc mo relwf. 1 was at List ailvl^ed to try Ayer't &inui- parllla, by a Mnd who tola me tint I nmt purchase ii liotllcs. iinil IIH ikoin aecordliiK t > ittrectluu. 1 ; i.-i<i, .1 to In Krsiuulmi. hniiKht th.- six t.ottl i-. aii'l ok the contc'iits f tluee of tlinc bot- tles without iii'tlrlni; any ilircct i.fnrf '. Before I had Ouislied tuo tuurtb IN>U>, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as rrtr they were. My t uilties*. whu-ii It that of .1 eatMlrlvrr. requires me to be out lu roM and wet we.ttlnT. ofirn without Klnves. and the troiilile has never returned." TuouAa A. J'ju>.', Stratford, Ont Admitted al th World Aver'* fill* llaattse Flesherton Saw & Planing _ Mills The undersigned aiv placing in po- aitiott a first class cawnnll for custuiu sawing, wliieh will be itmly fi)i opera- tion in Ju>inarv. \\t- linre also added A CHOPPING MILL For tlie ruiivcnit-uco of farmers. Cbopfiini; dune at any time at 5 ceut* per 10U \te. Tlie snsli and door factory, band and wi-oll Miwiiiu- biigineHs cuntii)ii<l ns nsnul. I'll., in ynnr uvdcrs. Mr. Sloan will still be retained as manager of the wooil-working dt-parl- Ultillt. BEKCROFT & TALBOT Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery | are don* in first-class style and at 5 lowest rates. Si<i -ial uU.ntn>ii * given to copying. Hahies' photoi. J| a speiaity. Pictures framed. ^ MRS. DL'LMCR *

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