Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1896, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOLE FAVOR " " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, NO 783 N, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1896 W. fl.THURSTON, * "S Something f Something I- Good J< Durable * H Sfiiijethii)" 1 that n]ay& Sonn'tbin."- good as \w knocked about v l time k't W .? o ,.. Al>out L.I 'ie's i.pen face, C -in S.lver \> a-eli. $.'5 <K) ^P < ,eii''s (i .,? i nil-Hi:! canh, Coin Silver Watch, willi :<<! Aiin.ncan f: n,.. v nieiit. $10 (Kl. , (ieni'n S oz. liuuiii:u case, I"*..!!! S l>er W.i'i-h, stem wind, $8 50. r <' < t'" op", face, k.-y win. I, Cum Oilier \Valcll, willi .j-.i d American m.. i incut, ." IK i p Tli -. i . . ly a f. w mil. .1.55 tliu m. my l.ar.ains w. li.'.v.- t . ' r .-r v . 1111 ">ui Jjk III.' Via-ch him. C.dl md x am ne iln-.u. Y.ni may lioeanv nmvit- ft *^ n.fi.t y u ui-.li. l'.. ..e eai ly .is il.c\ wi 1 m.t 'HS! long .11 i|n'>e IT W. A. Armstrong, ^/. " = Jeweller S ' "-.-" i-"'-; "'- ^'"ii'"i 'i'S'i^'W-.:'" :'"'. "- ^k" 3:?'.-."..-? : /l- 7 ... T W '..- ~'i.?'i,f -.; 'm"i\~"%i~ V.v'^i.*'/,? 7 .."?!?-*!?^!.'-/^ -/^ Our iiusincss Directory ilrntbtiu. J P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. D. 8 . Patiti.it. M.JI I I ...fOHft YOl'NU. B.nyer,.Mrkdal..doaeD.lbanl t ln R bu. i ^ m >oj Jid w ^ B-d of .^ iue - Money loaned at a reasonable rate. I all . , . US. - V \ X K I /^ . .Ui I>!T Courr. To Orr III,T of U.irii*^d Lici'ii^.' i. (..lumiMlontr in H.r. I (.' . iTayno*r. Auot|.i-i or. vis. Ati'int (or tli" > y-Hri i< Ati i.'uHinil Inip'o- m:itH l':ytorn Block. Flenliortou. oppoi ii > hardware atoro. Vnit- Mrkrtal inntli. fleitherloa Each trip on the <lav khnhrrly. From nor ow sWM)sJMs>4Ma\ Mr. E'.itor, your Knnl'erley cur. has not lie. n :t.il, ep, or h:ul the chicki n |" x. wl.m p. i. a cotiuli nr any of those C"iil;.g- n. M- ii M-I-I-V He wan merely tnki'i',' a I.-', hut m -w iliaile I'as leceived a ^ent> liiiu from the Editor, lid Imi re- Mi.i.id tl.e Iii e ..f onty iiL'nin. as ilieie m a little t.iti..iii rv and |>osiage lift. Since writing lat we htv hud a Dr. come t.i ruhide in Kinil.erley Tim is a -.'lent ion einence, as we hava alway* hail t" travel cuiht or nine n.ilc* before a plnsiciiui could b leached. While we do n< *t w mil f. .r mckneaa, suit we ish 1 >r. She). held nucci NS in hi-, practice here Mr. Maker l"is l-en ipi te ill f..r M .me tune, l.nt mid. r Dr. Shcpheid 9 tri-atm< nt la leeoverii.g. Miss WnJu Htul Ldv firaham at'end- id tl.e cirinvil in Kl ''iei tun Friday w.-ek Tn.-y n- . r .1 ,< d time. Mr. \\nlier II .-t( of M<af id ejtileq on friei d. lift we. k. Mi A Jlon.s h-ts in. vet) to Kim 1 erley Mini han tain ii i. p his le-nleiue III the I. oil-' 'ippteil *>y .Mr. M.'l> viald. Mr llainm <nd took ill a nip to Toronf.. I net ei k. It '* r n Mined that talfy partiet are highly in favor at pieaent. Now this Wuuld l>e ad rg'it if iliey were cairied out a hi lie differently I aa' 1 . Soya, this is a i. ne nd. d atf.ur. Thu uirls hnve ace'.t.ilit and you had liel'er I e caiefnl. Smely if (lie laili.'H wnv sdmitted I ho t.iffy w.iuld l.e much i-weeter and in evey way. NOW is tHe time to get your Ordered .*. Clothing .'. Cheap. j? at very close pi'iees now C.J. LEU CH, Merchant Tailor TJKllTS l-Ol.LF.CTEO. j-i ,, i ;! ... M!;tii'd i prepar**'! to undertake the i <il < ft ii-n of all kin.: of dcbti. K. N r; SMU- - FLBMIITBTCII PUOST * HAT30X HarriHt0rn. S.ilicitor*. Conveyancers, etc. Office Nuxt to p >t offieo. Sproule'* block Fl h!i-t<ni. every Tbnrid ly until fnrth>-r notice C. A. BATSDN J. W. FIIJ-TLI. H. N. H. i won Bound office, Fion'n hluck I'onictt St. l-'a-t. TCHtsi-rrr KlBBiierton Station misioi.er in H. C. J .Con .'ends, morti!iw;ii leaMS ami willn drawn. Charcee moderate. Bueiueaa letture written dcl p '.6PUOULE, .ii^i^r. KlcHherton, Co:nniiionor in IV K.. l.i. !>. .! /uPtin*er. C'ouv<yncjr. A praisi i- an.l M- i;ey i.ender, lleal Ktate aii'l Inmn:. D Mortuaisia, I.eae. and Will-, .'rawn up an! Valuations made on hute-t n ..lice. Auction ale atttiulwl to in au\ pai t ot tliu County. Honey to loan at l.>w el rule nt inter.-st. Colli-etiona . ttiT.leil to it!i |>n>in--|iieM ami ilen|>alub Char||e low. Agent lor t!ie Uoialnion steauishipl'uinpanv. tieki't-. from Fleshcrtou to Livenmol. Ol--^.iw. '..union or any of the Uriiili ;. Tt Pirn. . mt.i-.i .-line t'i vi;t hni'lanif. Scotlainl or Ireland. w,ll p:.-mt ask rate* bofora p.ircbaaiiiK thuir tick'. IB oUuwliore 1 UCA84 \\U10HT. BarriMtem, Ho'icitorfl, Conv*vancem. etc., Owen .xnin.l. Out. - Markdale, Out. \V II WilL.Hr. I. H. LlTAH. N. U.-Flevhcrton office, Mitch. IT bank every \Wiine<day. I I i Kl K S I'UTKKttUN. 1 Han itei a. nolicitorH. etc. MoNon B Hauk. Uwen Sunn. I. Harrv U. Tucker Ueo. W. Patteraon D K HUTTOX MDCM. MPP&S Out, >;!lci next ii or to Hrown's more: rcni.ii.Mn onedoor wot o' Muthodiat church, Kinross it. Uincu days, Tuesday* a.nl Saturday), D AO.t' .W. raeetHorery drnt and thinl M.. ,ia> in I'lirh nii'iith. in their liKliie room i Hloott. Kleeberloo, atS.p. n. w. ll.\V.i' \l W ; W..I. l'.elhui.>. tlini"- or W. Irwiu Kfcuiiler. N iitiii liiethuin mvi'.od. ROYAL TKMPI.ARS OK TKMPKKANCK. Kegnliir Council meet* every tlrst an. I tlpr.l Tueelay evcuina iu each niouiu. in S)..o i!e' block at H \> u. S.-ii-.-t 'l.-^ree iBiuiai.e) mi'i'ts roontblT, the Wednesday prei-e.litm tbe'JSnd of each month. ts K in T n-"rhr A ' 'i^Br Twtd * '" I I Br^t \\ed rwi.lay iu each nioutb at K i>.ui % siting it r.-n inviua. Iukninco iu touiicction UP I- A., meet iti their ball. C'hriutoe'i I'.louH evor% tecotul Thmi*<iu> in ea . mouth. W u:. Sharp. Matter. T. Clayton. Sue lotai v. PKINTK. M'.TlIt U l.cn.-.r.No SKI. A r 4 AM.i'ieet ill the Maiwric H.t:l. strain > lll'>ck, KloHhertoti, cveiy Kii.'.iv on or bofore tho full moon. Ur Carter. W M. It J tyioulo. necrctary KCAKTKK M O P Jk S Ont , 1'bynician. Sureon. etc vlBHherton uttlou -Strun* bock. Kc8ideaoe tlutel JUUN A SCOTT U B Meiuber ColleKePbynlc. 4 Surcfon*. Ontario Clraduatu in Mrdicine of Toroi- o t'nivursity Kvllownl ip Diploma. I'.'-t (iia.luate .MeJical ^ebool anil Hospital. Chicago. Diseases of eve, oar, n..e KII.I throat specially treated. Krsi- Jence, M ax wo 1, visits Feverbam Thura lav* 1 3 J r r 1'TliWKLL Voteiinary Surgeon. Ornduato of Ontario Veternary Cvlluge. Ket 'deuce Next Joor *outb of Mooru'B )>laning factory. D: FKPltIN I,onr.B, No 1MB. 1 00 K. inui-la iu ( la.li.n'a Hnll uverr Turn- day evening at o'clock. Vi.itnik b.lL.in.oiilla:ly Ah VANDIISIN. N U nit MARY ii BRANDKR UDCM. M C P 4 3. Ont.,PriccTil!c. OIIU-u iinl ruKi.lcnco at MothodUt parwnatju ''^" """" '" '"" '"""" >tlv '"-- : "'- Vii Kk-Hbeitoubtatiou luto 11 a.m. WwluemdayB PRICEVILLE ANH DI-KMAM sr.u;i;. Onrhum stiw leaven Floshertnn SMitlon at 7. IS a.m., ritiiriiH 4.*i |. in rrieevilli. HIM.-.I plaoe at 12~X). returning at t.49. ram to PTleevUle and return. MnenM . nurlinin, ^l..">0 for rcturu. 7^c. ainule fftM'. ' r.'.'.v IM con- nocliou. Oiilerfl tuay btf Ivft at . A. Me< A I l.r.Y. Prop Arum imr Lnst Suii'lay the l!ev. Slahan wan li-ten.'il tn liy a M-mi-wh.it inle h';. nt aiiijieii'-e of nn-Ktly yi'U*>i/ [*ei>pl.', tl.e a.'umr paitof the com. r re.Miion he.ni; de- taine.l by thu i. ..!> wliicll were no lil.uk. ed fiom Kriiiity'a ati-rni. The Re. tfentleiii.il preached * miiteily MTIII -n fp'ti: tho wordii f..iind in .loi.n 4 4 An. r ihe Heruinii a fni'.aci l| li.'ii lit a-< 1 i. 'iind i i beh ilf ..f the e.iii 'ill n il ttindi. $8.j:> w theam. unt nut<ncr:l i d Mr. Nnaluti, who went to TiT-nto alinut nix years a.."., in at | n-s.-iii viaitinu friends in tin* Ii cahty. Will h.it dmie well and liken thu city life. His ti i. inu here are p'eaMil t'i nmet with him a-jam Mrs. Th.iM. Wyviile, Proton siatiun, vihi'ed the parental h e Unt week. Mi Maxwell. 'A-i'n, wan tho uu-.st of Mr .loliu N. rv.ill on Sunday. Mm* McConnel and h- r <. us n.O.i.i dnlk. were at lnitii.e on S.iUbath. Mr. K. \\inyveit was rlin uuel of Minn E Hutel'.tiinni. \n*t week. Mr V. Greer, Bethel, was in thii vicinity a fw da\H :io Tin- S I'M atli schiMil here l.aa secured a M. ck lx>aid which may [.rnve a bonetit to the children. Mist) K'li J.iliiiai'ii , tea, h r. nt No. ^. Ki ui Hi, }i-.ia ; inch is: d an or^an for her- a. If. The Epnoith Lesaue of Christian Knii.-avur of 'Irs place tonk chaige of the iiieeling at Bethel, Surdiiy ei'ei in-.-. Tho church was filled with attentive listeners who seemed to i-i.joy llum selves. 1," (istln<:!i( orth i.jniphy '>f it, ' >l i jaulireakei-M. M J. II. I'.roi.'.s. <i \V P. of the S.O. T., in expected t ill id. In SM nil Thursday cvcniii --k at the..|Hii . ..n of the S O. T. I,i -.1 M. unlay W.-LS fair day hut ImsincsH ap[H'arstn he dull in that line. A ipiartette nf c.imwlmns struck nur town laUly hut we are afraid they wdl have to turn into triyedians if they do not mke iu the shekels at other |H>intn faittor than they did here. PIMII- Frit/, ha^ n.i .1 n'i! r.'ini mlM-r.'d it ia leap year and so he is d.-teniuii' d to hav.- the last w ml. Quite rii<ht, nn I .n ' liny, don't let tin fairtex have ,-v. ntlimn [ their own way in ''.Hi even if leap year |... -n't come "once in four' for a while. Mrs. McAulay uf N'.innanliy it visiting friend* in this community at |irwiit. Mini* Polly Mdntyre of Torontti ia visiting hi r jmrenLi. Mr. (' ' .1. lines |iuid a businciw vusit t > London this week. Cppiuc. Fr<>ia our i)ir< CWnMMNstaVl It in i<h sincere re-let we din in. le ihe deaih of Mr. Huijli Mat! cwon, which event toik plnce Monday, '.'ml in-t. Mr. M. had In en ailing for a leng'h "f time, and his death was i.t uni-xpicted. The funeral to..k place \Wum-8day altcrnoon, and was la",'.-]y at ended. His bereaved wife and au pHrents have the nympathy of ihe cniiie j c. niinunity. Msi Minnie Y. mm IMS left Monday i muni ii!j 'or I'nole S.im's d'. mains, wheie ' lie Ins seciind a if iia'i.-n. Mis Ball 'f Oerm..re visited fiiein's here Ia-t week, having cnma up to attend h- r brother's fum-i i!. CLEARING CUT TI1K IVU.ANi K OF MY Holiday Goods AT COST OIRL5, Thia is Leap Year ! N.JW ia your oppm tnni'.y to Ci'i a Uundsouio prcBcnt for you.' " iuU-udoil, " for jonrsi'lf, yoiu- cousin, your unclo or your auui at ix-diicod puces fr 1111 W. E. RICHARDSON Dnij.'s;ist and Slatioaer, Flcnliei ton TIHELY HINTS^ A W!M man know* How to taku a him Tliis id llio H^ason of year wliou you are |{( )|',i-'.S, BLANKETS, WHIPS, BELLS, I KIT SETT OF IIIIESS and evi-rydiiiiit foiinerttti '. willi the Harness line for winter use. Do - You - Know Where to buy them To tlie best ad van: This is wb.3re the hint cmes la Pric^villc. From or oirn Corrtitto'iJftt. The mercury hits l>cen hanging anmnd ^IT.I of late in tlii.-s liinx. hence cpiaiitity of w.ind is going up in Kinoko I'vcry diiy. Tlie Kpwnrth League he'd a topic social in the parsonage a week a^o l;i -t M'.nday. Tin all'air w-i-i largely ,it,Und.'d notwith- standinjji the tremendous lili/zaul that pri'vaili'd ilin-ing the i-' ning. Tell in- And it ia a good and one : <>o to . . . HI, | (W ,L.ikM MMNM Ml,. W"" KE. Their liabilities wen- over ?"i'(H) and j Harm'ssinukiT. Fie assets fuOO. The crtdilots got 84 cents j N H. Ci>*hidc IlliltS. bair insije mi tho dollar. i from 50c to 75c a pair. The deadly cutting box has been g-tt ' in in i. work again, and now Mr .Inhn I - - - . _ N.-wti'ii minims the loss of Ills r ^'.t h md. < In Tliinaday lat>t he was feeding a , machine in Mr .las. DibMnOrVl bain and I in bru-hn-g s niie clirttl' away fi.'in the I roilem the end of In* mit :is caught and ' before be knew what hail happen. -d Inn | hand W:IH drawn in and chopped i>ia h. r ' FOF SALE CT to BtNT in Ihe TcVrti[S ril.le maiiuir. He was lirm^ht to I.TAII sut 'i 1:1 k'y :is p. ssil.le and Dr. NnlJrie, assited liy Dr. McFanl, of Suyner, amputated the hand at the wiiat. Much sympathy is felt for John in his misfor- tune'. I'reenior..' Star. With tho death of Mr. Patn.-k Noil, one of the timst prntnineut of Centre (JienelK's citiid'iia is removed Fur some time hack .Mr Ne.l Irm been in fading health and on S'uiil.iy lust the end gtu*ir. ^ISH KUITH RICHAKDSON Pui>il of Kobt Malir, tf Hriin Germany, (violin Mrs Bradley, of Toronto Conior> nloi y Munii I Voii-e Culture) ANOaudUBOAM M> t, 'ivsiin- topics w,.n billed for dwcus.,,..,, c " 110 - " l> "'*">" t "" k a '"''''y a '"' '' 1 f iit interest in public attain, am) liii i iflu-nco and counsel wbro much s ucht after. .Mr. Nud served his towusliip for the period of n;ue years as cnum-iilor. Hi loaves a widow, four anna and dau^ht. crs to moiiiu hu IOM. The decoased ai a devout and conaiKtcnt Catholic ud all that went to make up a good but no doubt twice tli.V. number engaged the attention . f the cunvtrviti. nallsu. The L. D. S. held forth in Watson's hall for a few nighU last week. The ; mayor and the jmlitician made it pretty hot for tho elder, who was completely t!. Hired when it came Ui Greek, (.'ome. Mr. M., brush up your chi.vties nr else will buiy you iu a veritable . . AND . . . Yillag'e Properties ArtemesiauA Glenelg I and i con. aX.U.K. towusliip of Arc Iffl) acro. 7S clear, with new I nin u b.in t.'.xiV'i n . si. me bnsommit. \Voul.l IIMII rT. eon. A township ,,f (ilmiulii. .w aerr- nndori i ontUvatton wuil \Vuum n-iit roaaonable. Lot Ho lanms t. north, an. 1 lot NI..S Mil at. north; also uaot part ...' lut . Kim., north. Hn.k IIOIIBO nnd lot at Tli-Iintou Ktaliun known M tho Waite property. All tbe nboTe propnrUes will be M t liw ilgurj nd on easy ternm. Title* !nd.syutub. Appl y to John McArthur, PRICIIVILLH P. O. Logs Wanted and citixen were found iu Mr. Palrivk Xvil. Ucview. i lcs nalil in nash for rock and > |i oltu loif. to bo delivered at our mill LOBjMb* Boos Klm|sudi; feel foil; Holt lai. 10, lil and U feet.

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