Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1896, p. 4

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THI ILI8HI1TOH ADVANCE ESTAVMSflKD 1881 #* vance Wr.KKI.Y AT THK OFFICE. HYI>- CXRAM KTHEKT, rLKnllKKTuN. OCT., BY W. H. THriUtTOS. M per unntiin.slrirtly In advanrr AdvottiMiiiK Kates: OM fulamii. 1 vr. .W ; lilf col . 1 r. 27 i|urior ccl., niitt year, 9lj. Triiint IvertU.-iniinl cliri-.| tlm rti. f *out<|xir linnd.r rb-t IM-..-I tmn mi. I I cents nch >ub>queut iuwrtii.n. Hon. A S. Ha dy lia " oduccd bill in llie LI p,M*Ulnrc to reduce the r.uuibei of county councillors. We print elm-wln're a nyuois of the bill. The new act would allow this county a repiuHeiilaiioii of thirteen oie i.b IH, which would bo quite Kiifticient. Tlie adoption of i!ie nieasiire is optional witli any couniy. Webi lime it to be nn itrprovemrnt on the old plan, but whether il will prove quite nation- loiy or not leinams an open question UIKll i' 1^ ! -! i The Ontario Le^iaUturo has been nt RCKiion during the pact week but the proOMiiofl l.avc not been at all L-xcitiiig. Kir Oliver, however, not to l.i b.'liitnl the Duiniiiion Mouse ycntlc- ni'.'ii, brought on a loyalty resolution which wun caniid willi fl.ing rotors. It *vai all well enough for the I)o- :iiiiiinn Mouse . xviiicli rfpiexentB the whole of Canada, to oflcr itelf noon tin- altar of loyally, but U there not a lander of the old flag hanging UK bead in dix^nst if every |K.liy li^isla- Hire, couniy and township council and grocery chop coiiuuiii'O pass nch resolutions. Tht* sub liiniin- Mties are fully represented at Ottawa ..id their effusive |ialaverings are en- lircly tiniiccessaiy, a I no one in days iookg upon us with During lliu course of tlie annual debate on tlie poor huiiav question at Uwen Bound, one gentleman wlm Hpoke in oposilion to it ttuid that tlie towtitiLipB sliuiild look after tlicir own |ioor. Tbat is where tlie difficulty lien they do not look after tlieni properly, but ill many instanced pack tin in oil to j 111 Illie eiilnin.il'. 'l'li cohl dollar and cell's manner rn wlijcli Home people look upiu tins question M not, we Impe, a lino c> iti'ii'inof our iiiinti i ntli century humanity. Tiieic are very ninny benevolent people through nil tlie country xvlio give all ;ln > iiie uble to assist the poor and fur otber good causes, wliil > llieie arc O'.IM is who never give a cent. 'I In slimild bo forced to do no. These an tin- nun, too, as a rule, who niv lniit'eHt in tin ir denunciation!! of u .< >.f ni'lilntry, In cause they v. oiilil i i billed lo assist in supporting it. Wlien the people get to lindciHland tin -ii' f.iels it Illlle mure tliOlullgllly the pool linn .e will come. Fritz Must r./ Ihf K'Ht'ir of Thr Admtirr. DKAK SIR. I IIIUHI congratulate you ii,. "ii Intvinx so > II p,ist.-,l a writer an !>..'. Ii. In-r eonlroteiHy w;lh Mr. Km/. tl ...d'e fiere in i--i d -ulil tliat l),it eiiinu off victoi ions. I nniKt not nay nioie l.i- in. i' Ini 'on i.'ener.iiis rufuielirc li, my. If would , in-.' my honest opinion In in hl.i an II i ' M. i piy HI oinplimulit. \\linV I it iinit thai the liiht ItiM fimn t' i /. H iinewl.at itii'/i n-'l in. I ,. n K IL an,;' led iinu.y oilier ii-idi-is I ihu Ad- . . \. < I nn.-. 1 no* any ili.il 1 h nn il lo l-.ii- ai d ciilet.ni linn ua it I, in i nl l i.'n 1.- ii-u 1'o.sniu |y he rn t I,. 111 e.iini'i.r. II i . "i i .'(H " are JI.'-IMI will, a keen eye to ihu |.. 1 1, , i alisimlity of the (d'noial elli i In en i a. .014 with him I fuel that I cut some nil. h lijure as did I*, n (juixote when ho i ua.yed n ill.inlly upon the windmill. H.Atorcr, wbiln a windini I, if you will I'MII'I vo it in action, doM nut li^l.t \e-y cn ntitically, yet il deals out amue hard knocks- and always kotos its temper. It iqsy buffet ma auvereljr, fot the supre- of tlio windmill in personal combat IKS klwaya U-un due lo the fact thai it can use iia arms constantly in lui'm,' without ever defending itself, having n.'i'l er 1.!. i. ill or brain In loan in the HI rife. \\liat is lliu 1'niied Htaier trying to si He I That school teachers arc paid higher tutlariu* in tl.e United Siates than in fan ..la I We all admit it. Their teachers deserve more pay. The man who laugh'. Fril7. his history earned extra pay for warping il into a special shape. And, Mr. Editor, surely a man like Fritz cannot reaannably expect to have his children made intelligent for what it i-otts a neiiHiliIe father in Flesherton. H'isiness is huniuefs tlie world over. When n leather bun to niirau n faint gluam of intelligence, has to fan it and coax it, and sit up n ghts ifiiarding i'H ik and fitful flicker, I.e mii-t l-i- paid a--, niilini'ly. He uifiitiwiis thu Trent affair. If the Advance were a t t '-hundred pa;. o niaga- itinu we might thresh tbis ipn-.-.ti.in out if his eiicyclo[iedia and mine yielded ua iiif.'iiiiaiiou upon the sul'ject. 1 1 IN encyclopedia ap[H!ar to he it gnml on-, for it has en. tilled him to make hi* li-ttei.s very imposing cat ilngue* of names, titles and refeiencea. Frilz is keen a huiiioiist that I HIII sure lit in familiar wild Dickens and must ninemlier how Mr. I'oi's houaied lo Mr. Piel.wi. k h"W hm frond, tliccrinc, liec-ame itu aiitln.ii'y U|in Chli.ee Met (physics hy readin-,' tie Encyclopedia ItiiitanicH. ''He re. id f. r MI-I.I! liy Men under tlie bill M, and for China under the leiti-r C. it'i.l combined h'H infoi m-iiii.i., i s.'i. Mr. 1'ntU. 1 am loo l>usy with p.-tsle pot and H -i ,is hi enter into any such cmupt uinni vAi Fritz He wairs lo prove that t!,i- 1 nitnl Status C"inp-.M> llie yrealel nation on earth, whilu (ireil lU'itaiu is u bully. Nnc.- his Srat letter ,;>r*'.ired St-i-n-iary Olncy ('he same Olney who wro'eil.e f.iimms Clcve'and mess ij(e of which Wiliium I>c.in II ivti'lU n-in.n '..! that (he I ieM lei I - uld n- I MI fiire-mcede In the enemy us ercl. to wiile U..IH! Kn-jluh) ihu same Secretary O!ey inl.-mo-'l Con- gieiw Ilia* Jonepli ( 'liitmlieilaui, in reply In a question, had it'i.li'd Imck that (irtal I'.i. i nn wi.nl I protect the lues mid plo- p inea of I' lined Status citizens in the Ti i..-..i il n.i tli'.nji they MUIK limixh sulij.'ctM. This a-iiuiaiice receitrud, Con- I'H'" and the Senuii- resumed the in'ir- ruplrd aniu^i iin-iii of twining the lion 'a tail. D d any na:ion, in the Inaimy uf the wml.l, rver, at a time of strained re- lations with another power, nnk of it such a service ss thia T In fact, J->ii*lhan has always jirennu- d upon ihe family li i liiiK" --f .Inliii 1 in 1 1, mill ha.H hlioHii the fffiimtrry and cluinnil the jnivihgus of a way Ward S, Hi. Any -latenn-i.t made liy me could to foi tilled hy the <|iiotniif ol aiiihoinii-, aid if h'litxihrowaSitladi tlie Knjl.nli hi-tui in, at me, I xhall resale ln:i with that el.is-.ii- wink, the lirick Top Illiloiy of Ameiii-.i. What all'nglit* me IH, that 1 HIH- no end t-i llii wranyh 1 , unlesn the rdi'or and Ins aulttc iiiuia USD uj> and run ns nil lh, sceno. Il is a inn tier for private p. ill nn ill. Flit/, must tin S (.lilted Slalel ju >;i.e.' f "III hi" a'ti mania, lit* apeiikx of U'ing "hern" and this is e-.iifuaii K. Wn know tli.it in Ihe civil wir f >u\ ill. iii-ain I t'an.n'nini fun.'lil ill llie aitny nf ihe North, whi'u doulih- that unmher of V t'lkeen sought aafrly in < .u Tn- i ' nl war scare, ahlioiigli ntuts. surely di-l not C.-MIMH Yankees (Kiilx ii pariii'iil:ti ) to h.ek aafi ty IK hind 1-111 ihii red lines. l|,. eln.- can a man Inddiiig Inn HI nliinerl* he l.i-u-' ' As I I .> Mi'd.lliis lisputei-i for juiiati Krlll. -1110111. Tl i Id inai.K used to put up one or limit ch millions against liko nunilier o 'I'.i i .n. -i or L ill- r rnein i -, a id KO con clinln a war that would otherwise lie IOIIR drnwii out In the injury of l.u-inrKi Kill/ has n!.oll H ({lent Wlllin|{lll"ta ll sin . I ink llai lie itnytliinK ulax to sl.ei lor In. country's snko T 1* he willing t< liiin;; tins mill will' to an end ninl le iii ,- in-;- il pi :i- ! n;in'.i,l n pinion f ni 1 1 r i \ , i tl I-MI l n i.-ti ...t 1 1. t ions ? 1 he wiling lo ulit-d llo- |.:i e of a -..il* i; ticket lo one p int on thu fi<n i- l.i-ii- he will inn t tin- in l.itile itrniy Iraoding shoulder Ul s!.-'ii'der, nw.i::nu him.' Any p.init on i li l>. , in t nr Ni a Mia rivers will Mnl mo ( % lin-nisini II, Jits puiferied. It v.nuld lie n..lile for Kiil/. to die for hia country thai l.i wn'e for it. I am hine l!it< edin of the Ad . ani'e, wi'h hii nsiiil e<niiie- .ni.l .o.'ji lejj.ird for hi.s readri'M, will 1 ln|);iy lo orianKO a incetin^ lei wren i itml to I ad our weapons tu lln:ir nni/./les A.s the challenged pirty, Kill/, i.s entillet t i i-lion-i' of w.Mp'in- \e! iii fairness ti inys.'lf and to that gn-nt enipire who;\e army and ny 1 sbnll be in tht- matter I claim the right Ui bar tin horns i>r other wind instruments. Eiu-lo-ii'U my i -.in'- i itildifi>.i l . you. Mr. Eililor, so that you limy telegraph me any urines- s.i^f, 1 lulwcribe myself to Hro.d cm fusion, sincerely youtn. KonlNOOB. Dr. Sproule and Remedial Legis- lation OUR 30 day sale E At a iccetit ineetini! held in the Op -ra llon.se, Ottawa, to pioleKt against re- ine-lial Itgisbtiioli, theie wt re six Con- servative IIIC:::)MTH on the pla'form Among ilia hpe-ikers win Dr. Sprmle, who i-. reported tu have spoken an fi-ilona: After C"tnpluneiiiin^ Mr. Clark Wallace, who bad beun nialiirned for merely i':irry- ing out nell yndersiood cnli-l ltiltn.n,il rrmciplu.s, hu said : Them WHS a noldu li^ht liefo.i' him nnd before every Orange- m. n . Thcru W.M no power in Canada could overcome 'hum if they sto d m n fully tojeilnr. Canada a-> wining an imp -i i.n.t pa.-e in her hintory. I-. nil cnliciil national junctuiea men wi.uhl come to the front not heard of I i-f.-n-. So it Mould Im lo d.iy. T:n- ui'i-a' pillici- ple at stake was wh.-i In r rduut'l-.i. sliould be cunir .lied hy the chuich r tin- Sl.iie. S r .mini M. ml. maid had set hiliiHelf ajainat ii,ii i fernu-e with I'lovinnal school leji.sl.itniii It wan s-nd that t hare was a friuvanco. So, t-.<>, the M.. l M ions said when p dy.'.-nny wa.s tin i atem-d, U-railHt) lh. y had i-eliled in Am -iic.t lii'iieMii'i it was a land i f fiue- oiii. Ii tin-re WHH a "tievaiicw iii Mit'.i- iba, tlie amer t>h"ii|.| lie, "Appial in ' in l.-niUline, ajitate, and replace oh- .1 .iiabhi leaders I y ulectin;; others." Ilitvritcy. he . aliiM<: o..ing in - ,-, r.ni.-, but that would lie too far, 1-...d stained tlie I'.'iniol nf scht>ol< by tht: lini.-h of Ifo.nc in eiiry p.rl of the orlil. Thu N.'itliweiil achool bill had well rei.rvel l.y tl.e (oix-.rnor and it waa llin a'ei.e.l l.y It s^op Litn^rViii. I'liix i|ins'i..n wan, tin 1 1 fm e. a lirmider inu ill ni the .Maui'olia i(in stiiin, nnd if In-y Von m Manitoba they m'-l utriy thu tight into tho N'-rlliwiKt Hii'l dack to Sew liiunMvick, and shortly tin y would in 1 i In- i nucalion nf a laige nuinhcr of outbi in Canada undei tlie doiinni'.u of he Chutcli i l Komi-, and they knew what that ueai.t. 'I hey had, tli.-u- fore, c'.ine to the parting of thu ways, and lar.'.- heaited, Lro. id-minded stales- men were iiuetbxl. The ti^hl aiu;i -n tliem and they most Like sides. Dr. Spi .ule was loudly i -I i-. led. i . Reducing County Councils Hun. Mr. llurdy'a bill for reducing the nunilier if C I'.inty Couiicrlor.s m a very nnpi r'.inl n.e.i-uir. Thu kd ia ilitnled i two pai i.s. The first part dinlswith the sulnni>ssii.n of the ipn-sti ..i of leduc ng the i.mnla r of C..ui.ly ('..m.i ilU.ia in a-iiy c-nii'l) lo ll.. elei-t'iri, in d inakis prot isi-.n ti.at in evciy roirily wh-n- iln- Coiioiil if Ihu county is tomp m .1 of ure than iMenty nn in' i r-, and in oilier counties wheru (he Council is eoni|i'i<d of twei.'y n,i i.jin is or li-s, if i In- Council i\ n -iiiiuiioii so direct", the Cl.rkoflhr coiiiily sluil. ni the inner*! inuioeipal :rnMi to Ui h .li.'en in Ihe y>ar l.s'>7, Klilunit it lo tt.o local e'i'i-tiiiN of eierv mimic, |ulity in lliu cmmiv the I|||IMMI-.: nf > iii ill. i they are (a,',n,il I" lo thu Hil'.ptii.n nf the act or oj [i< s,d tin le lo I '.ii I - ..I ll.e it -1 lel.itiH lo the c insti- tution of Ci.tin'y Councils ttfier llui act into i. j. ei.ii ion. Si ii.in'_'J d olaren iti .1 Cnimiy Ci.nneils si, all, in e unlii-a co itainiiiif not nn. ii- than 40.000 inhahii- an'.s, I.e ciniip.-seil of nine nn n:l i r- ; in eouiitii cniilit:ii'|.^ inor.- than 4i','KK) n.d h-'> t!,an (il),l"i', i,f elei-U'i mmnlieri, nil in e.i-.i.tns contit:ii ; iii;UO,(M)0 or a (n-atei nuinli.'i. of lliiiteen n.einlii i>. S.eiuin JJ ('. .e. iles t'ntt iionnmtii us ''ill ' . nn: Ji- in writitik!, signed hy at leust I wuiity live nun i ipd eleei, is m the cnunir. and di'|n.n'led with llie Cleili on or lujfoie tl e 1st il :V nl l'i i-'-n.liei . If lll'H i' l :>lullit :te ale no 1 nir ivd lh in the li iiml.fi if C .tinty Ci'iiin .-lot -i in I i- . h .1 il :n the Coinry, ,. I i .-it -n I y t 1 i- I 'i'i:n'\ ' of ill I'.i ii.ii-. it ns m -'I , nn I. t,.|< n I il lo b.' N'lit to thu Cleik of eis.-'i of the ! vit 1 n . i.i^v'her wit'i voting pa pan, ill the foi 1.1 p. i ;, l m d I y lli. At i\ in. tliiij; of until loeil Muiiictpal . il, l.i Id . 11 tKe llnrd Monday of .lannaiy, the I'.eevo and Pt-puty Keeve am to til) and i-un the voting pnpets. Kai-li lieen or Deputy m In I e cntnl.'d lo a niiinlier of totes ei^ual lo the number of County C-.uncilloi-s to be elected, and may uivx nil hia vi-ti s to olid candidate, or may dialrilmte them, as he thinks Intat. Tlie Clerk uf the Mun cipality is to transmit the voting [inrwr to the clerk of t'i county, who la tu open the pack- Was a grand miccoss, far esccwiintr our expectations. Almost, all lines of WINTER GOODS liavc been cleared out or greatly rr- 1 in i|n;i!iti:., . Jlnt tiio balance IIMIS-, go, and go quirlJy. \\V- want the room for spun.,' .--lick. Nothing must be can ii-<l over lliis i.rxt neaon. A few Men's ut.d JJo\s' OVERCOATS Mefl's Underwear Flannels, Gloves Shawls, Mitts HEH'S FELT BOOTS & IDHEiS will wave out at LOWER Prices llntti you IIKVC ever b.uylit tbetu In fort. Aic }o interested in Boots &, Shoes? If so wo want you to see our dock and i,'i I pik 1 . s. \Vo bundle nolliinx but reliable >>onds. and lots of them. As to value. \v e uill let v.m decide. ('nine, tally and often. B.MCDONALD received H cus. 1 of 27-iucU ',1!;,''l>li I' iitlinelirlU 4 at 6 l , cenis Fall sized Men's Flannellette 15 cents each. Men's Heavy UY,:>! mitts 15 cents pair. 'Ml'li'rl II a\_\ \V, .,1 tjocl.8 15 cents pair. Job lot of 50 cent Tweed-. fir 32 cents yd. I Ml of 70 cent Tw. 55 cents yd. Jl in. Grey Flantiris nt 10 cents yd. iO Ib. original pickaxe fine- Japan Tta 3.50. 28 Ib. Box ItaiMns $1.00. A I >t of Dross lengths in Calmer*. , Mellon, Twccuj and Soiree & Concert Greatest Event of the Season . O. L. No. 244 To he uiveii in tlio NEW ORANGE HALL Proton Station Tin- r.llnwirg ahli 1 |.-aki-r* have lin Hfciired fm thu iik'i-asiuti : li.-v V \V IIMIII. tMiArlvKton ; llnv J Ma an, Klimliertoii ; lulm I.vous, Mark ,lale. an.) llr. J. A Hcott. Max -i-ll Tra to t> mirvi"' from i :> tn 7 :> p.ni . nftor uln. li I In- i-lian w'll IIK taken In Pintiict M>- i'-i I'.i.. Win. Mrlui{lirv. an, I an rx-fili-nt ni L-rwiii will hi" ill veil coimUtiliK of C'tni i- BOIIK*. . . . atti.iii .ii.iloi: i.-- an 1 |..-.- M--- . Hl.s.i int-tr'.l mental nn.ni.' In tin- riotmi l in-ln-tra, 1'aik-. llrjn , Minn Kuril. MarkiUlr. anil others. til ll> MAVl; TH i: < )l I'M- X Tea and Concert Admission 25 Center u. llnwr.l.!.. lUc. Soo. \\ \i sit Aid 1 \\ M ago HI d counts the votr.H 111 I lie urchcme of the County Judxe or Vi.Titl, or in h aliHfiice nf hoth ol thoM! olticala, in thu ine<eiii'e of the Couit t'lork, and i.-t to enter the vote* u.ten for eitch landidate <n a ho L kept for that | MIJ ...-e. and foilhwilh declare the piTkonH el> cted wlio hate recuivrd the hi^hen numher of votes. t* Haiti. n and h.-r c-.Il. .. of tho Aiui'ii'iui II ! t'ro s Society have arrived at i'..iij aiitin-.ple. Mr. J.'imuH McDonald, (\ i'-!f, was lout m the -torm wlnl - * ilk inu; ho nf fr, in II, K|>. h-r, and se ;; . !i f,n him has proved fruitless. All investigation oy Jud,{C Joh:i?t.i|i of AU'oira in'o iiMtierx eoniui-ied \\iih llie sei/.uie of tlio ti.diin^ til.'s of t!u- Nolihl KroH. Will bf'^!U nt ('o'!:r.;-o.nl on I'Vli. '_';"> \noldman iMincd ' d.n \Vintcrsof Arthur went to feed !i:.< :,to -k tvli.-n n utrawhtni'k fill over on li:m. He was released in win. lit half au hour, hut hii spirit) was sorioiisly injured. Mr. Riohard It l-n.d, n fanner living near Hnnovur, cumnntted suici.lu hy hai gine. ll- had lost his reason through wmry orer the scarcity of fewd fur Ins cuttl. . Dress Goods at uturtioti prices what, you like. U'ooicn'd 91.50 Winter Hoot, at $1.00 pair. Men's lleavj NViuter Uootd at 1.00 pair Winter Milliuery. Felt Hali 10 cents each. Furs at half prices Overcoats d Mantles at cut prices. U1.IIIS ill nny KFHTHIT I K-p't. STOCK-TAKING BARGAINS 2 i!.'/. cups and tauuvn, shell pattern, at 7Hc ilox.. lido/. 9 inch platua, brown pattern, at 7-'e dojj -'i (h*. 10 inch plates, brown pattern, at Me, I,'/. 11 d../. 9 im-h plates, m..ss rose pattern, alsUJOdoaV , r > li 1 1 /. 10 inch plato, m<im rose pattern. -i l.W. lid.-z. mmp pU> es, brown pittern, at 80C llll!!. HI.U;I plittiu, ii.;orn i-:iil,:in, at 75c il. ,/. -' do/, ci.v'il veuctablo dishes funn 36 to 50c eaeli . 1 only '.'T ji ; ,-,-,-,l dinn-r Kett. nnxs r\> pattei n, for III IS, regular 1 I only l^,) pi,- , ,1 dinner M-II, limUUnn I, ' i -'Ml S... i.-.-ular pure f!6. li'innie ti a s'eepets. 1 ipiari, ai Jocravh. (Jiani'e tei |> ..!.. _' ipi ,ri s, nt .Ml,- each, (iiiinite |ii plates, 10 me!., al 1 " ,- 1 li I only 4J inch baby's tin hath t f 1.4a \ H r.'.Hion Climax ax-H at 56j, regular pri.e T.'H- . Shni.ty King axes at 70c, rocular prk- nJo . linprotvd Champion saws at 36o foot. Keen K-I.e X eut aas at 55c foot. in h Kloronco box stove with swm<( top for t4.'JO. A splendid conkini; Rtove with 26 inch tire hoi i;d 24 pieces of furniture f> 2-J.ott . Richardson

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