Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1896, p. 4

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p wum ii ^iin" P ll! m » II |U il*ilW mf** '' li Wi* ' â- â- " ^^<''^ wmismmKm'wamw'w^.. * '"•*.â- , â-  r-^*r--«'v-' ESTABLISHED 1881 ^Ae Advance riJlHWUKll WEKKLY AT THE OFFICK. SYP- HMH.VM STHEET, KLESUEUTuN, ONT., UV W. U. TUl'KSTON. $1 per annuiu,slrirtly in adva.ice A.dvotti8ing Bates; Ouo Column, 1 year, i^'iO ; half col., 1 year, 627 quartor col,, one year, itfls. Trauxiont advartUoiuunt charged a', llie rate { Sceut:) per line fur Oral iiiBertioii aud J cents each subsequeut iu^ejllou. WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE ? " What will the harvest be ? " is still the ciy which purmeates the cir- cumatnbiciil attuospheio uf this great country, and whtspeis its wuiid query througliout the corridors and halls at Ottawa. Ill all likolihood before this is read by the people the Keiuedial bill will liave pusnud its second read- ing. But " What shall the harvest be ?" will still be a pertinent, (jiiury, No living man can answer, humors are as plentiful as bald heads in the front row, but facts are shy and are keeping under cover. Ko one appeals to bo able to get at ibem. The thing which troubles us much is that the goveruiuout has actually made rumors do duty in passing the second reading of this obriuxiou.s bill â€" rumors that a aettleiueut would be arrived at so sojn as that was done. Why have insisted on It passing the second reading if a scltlemeiil is possible ? Tlie answer is that Mr. Lauder's amendment for u six morths' hoist would Lill the Ke medial bill beyond hope of rcsur^ rcclion. In passing the second read- ing this dccideratum is frustrated and tlic quebliou can remain an open one for time to come We, for one, and one who claims to have the best in- terests of the Conservative party ut heart, would rejoice to have seou the goverumeut defeated on this second rcauing, believing that in that event the party would have an opportunity to pull itself together lor a united for- ward march on the old linos, which have been sadly demoralized (luring the pas( few monlliii. But we were duouied to disappoiulmeut in this. NeitinT do we wish lo nee this school qucitliou made the policy on which thu goverumeut will go to the couii- . try, but ill this wo also expect to be di&ai)puiiil'jd. 1 1 will be a very cold day for Conservatives if it does. In fact wefeui uiid bciievo thai a fiioni wave is approaching for lliat party, and all because of the miserable iii- deuibiun and old-man. aiid-his ass policy of the cabnut when it was approached by tiio clerical delegates ill favor of the Manitoba minority. It is a great pity that matters of paramount importance in the building up of this young country should have lo be assigned a subuidiiiato position for the sake of a tiivial church de- mand; but our lulers have made it • 80, and as liie Good Book sayi., those who sow the wind must reap the whirhviiid. A systoiU of terroriziiijj appears to haw vogue at Ottawa, of wijioh liiose Couservativea who will not uphold the g >veniiU(''iit iu IJjeir uclio:i are the vii);,iin», and L)r. Sproulo appoais lu bo getting his full share of the noxious Ireatini'iit. Dr. Kpiouledoea not represent Macken/.io Bowell or liir Charles Tupper, but K.val and Ccntio Qroy. In opposing the ^overnnioiit in this mtvlier ho is voio- lug the desires of nine loutlis of the faltictorato ill liis riding. Wo bciievo ha wil) bo quite capable of conduct- ing himself with pruiacworthy ii:- difference to the cowardly attacks of tltoBo nnaorupvioiB politicians who iMtve been,pu»ppiifg at iiis keeU. Tii« |t^pla are wikb him, anit Upoor liia Of FLE8HERT0N ADVAN CI Home writer lias iiaid that the year 1896 will be remembered as the year of tho great ''wind," but that there will he no war. Tho wmd started when Tucle Saui began monkeying with the Lion and had liijfuatherHdeaaoralizedby nm<,'naiiiin. ous treatment. A stray whill toneli- ed tlie Transvaal and herr Kroner's dominions were somewhat ruflled. But tho greatest bulk of this vviiul- storin \\xa been central over Ottawa for llicjpast few weeks, with a pro- spect of sijU'diiig from the Atlantie to the I'iieific, very shortly. The Globe would pi'obably add- witli the po.ssiblt' result that tlie Conservative party will be blown into shreds. Mr. Foster's lecture on loyalty to party was a grand forensic effort, but not calculated to carry the weight it should, because Mr. Foster does not practic.e what he preaches. One does not have to go back further tiian the beginning of the present fesKion for proof. Mr. Foster is a wind bag â€" a very s'veei toned specimen of Cauud- ian-manufactured bagpipes â€" who cun play Bb) tune, depending only on the quality of air which he breathes. It was a vitiated almosplicre that he had imbibed when he deserted the government altogether only a few short weeks ago, but ho appcfara to have sailed into a healthier latitude of late. Hiinbericy. From our oiv â-  eurrnm/ndent. Tlie KiiiilKTl«y pt»>p1e wuro very iiiucli pleased to have a ifisit fnmi "'^e Editor, )f The Advance " on Saturday last. Mr. U. J. Spr.iule, of Flesln rtun, wad a i;uo»t At tho " Traveller's Home " on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carruthers are iiiiw quite sottle'l in their new home on CVntro Street. A lai'.'e quantity of ico has already been tukun out froiii the mill pi.nd, liut the ({uality of the ice is hiferior t« that of oiher yuara It is til be hoped that the youiii; la'lica of Kinibci'ley, will not iniiiH tho onpur- t unity of attending the tno lectures to he Kivun ill the iieii{hliorh(iiid, one on " The Wedding Ring," the other on " CourtHhip and MHrriage." Ueiiieml)«r girla, this is lea|> yiar, Tl.cro «nn n slight niist^ike in the Cor. of latt ttfik. It Has the Miuses Millie and Clara Huid that accuippaiiied Mr. ruiitland on hia visit tu Heathcolc in attml lis of Mir. Hurd. We are pleased to note that the worthy Priiieipil of our i'uidia Scliool has quite riC"V«rud from liia lecfiit ilhiHss. Ll Grippe is an unwi'lcnino vititor in iiiiiiiy uf the hoinuH of our villa>;e. This Siilvalioii Army caiiio to <mr vil- lii'/i' on Sauiid^iy and r.'iiinined (ill Sim d;iy nttiTtinon. Tho St'ivicea luilil wore of III) i.id.rly and liii;hly »piiiiual iiali'.ro La.sl Kiiday nftiriiomi our viliu.ie hh- nuini'd quitu a holiday appearan<;o. On enquiry «•« learned that tlioii" »iis to he a HJuiuh-ride for (he Salitialli Kchoul sclio- Inn. About two o'eloi'k n number of sleiuliA liiiidt'd with (he youth and lit-auty of Kiintierley left the church Tiny (lro»e Id Ku'.jeiiia and on their arrival there found thai tlio g'iod frieiidsof that village hud had the Mxihodi-t Chnreli opened and wanned for thuir rctvption. After Kptuiiintf a very pleasant hour the pmty Hut oiii for lirm<'. All were loud in their praioca of (hu courttisy of the Eii^ioiiia frii'iids who had lukhd to iho oiijoyinulit of a nioKt oirjoyabie ride. Ill the eveniiiL' a concert wa» iijivuii by the pupila of the ^ablialh School. Tl:« progrnniniocoiiaifited of niuiiic, recitation*, dialogues and addreisseg. Another well loiidered and iiilunKting number whs the liililoau, "(iiiierva." Miks Tnui'.ston ast (lijii rvH looked ehaiiuiiig, as did also the bridoKinaid, MinH Annie Wicke^ia, ivhile MiH.-t Nellie Wickena made a pietty little maid uf hnniir. Mr. Hum lit, who took tho purl of Oinorva'M InishanI, loukod e.'iooediiiKly happy in the lirat scene, but proved iu thu second aoeiie that he could readily astunio a giief-alrickeii altitude tno. Mr. Burrilr was supported by Mr. Jainot* Wallace, who Uioked haiidsoine in hir ouatutno of " Y« olden tyine." Mr. Uei^ Carrutheraiisalergyinaii looked eao«ediu){- ly witll h) hia,cloiicaliobea. In tli» tliird aceiia Miai Millie Hurd appeared iu.the okaraoUr uf " Himsenn.id " and showad more tban utmil ability in tit* way ibe did her part. Takonaltogerlierthnconcert was a dtcided Ruccers. Proceeda nine- t«un dollars. Tlie programnie was inuuh Jtoo long to ifivo in detail, but we mieht '; mention n fen of tbe morn iottn^attoK numbers. One was the ' Marehini' Soi'g " by n number of boys and girl<, this was pni ticularly well rendered. Tlir-n the •' Tenriiia Scene " whs (juite intere-tiir , This repre.feiited a scene in c-iinp during war. Thj soldiera who had been butdy | eiii$iiged ill tho fray were reu'ing. S'>nulurn!wa-th a scene that oneconld hI- moHt hear the r^ar of the uaunoii, and HS .your Cor. looked upon tl.esr; slal«ait redcoats he felt th.iiikful, 'liat if he were ever cnta'.'ed in Imtilu, the proba'iility was that he would not be on ihe opposin" side of such a forniid ible ariay of soldiera. Eugenia. Fi-oin oai own Correspondent. Winter appears to be determined to pat in full lime this year. Let ua hope it will not m:<ko any over time. Mr. David Wriulit has returned to his home in Emerson, Man. Miss Artena C.irr and Miss A:;iie» Hislop ace unpan- ied him lo try their furtuiies in the Prai- rie provinci!. Born â€" To Mr. at d Mrs. J R Hoi.".', on the lOth inst. , a son. Mrs. Ruthvaii of Clarksburg is the jjuest of Mrs. FIoL'g. Mr James Willianiu, Mrs. Jacob Sloan, »â- '., and .Miss Lou Uuckett are on the aick list. A nightcap social will bo held at tlio residence of Mr. J.icidi Williams, Eu geiiia, undiT ihe auspices of the L'tdns' Aid of the Presl)yterian church, on Friday evening, Match 20. Adnii.Hsion 15 cents single, 25 cents double, childreuone half. Mr. .luiiu Gourley has returned homo from Uncle Shihh domains. Mrs. Adam Smith has gone to Lindsay to visit her mother, who is very ill. SabI alh last was coinmunioa Salibath ill the i'rusbyieriau church Rev. Mr. We'ls pre.tchedan uxuelletit aeriU'>H to a latgu conyregsliou. .Miss Slenart of Fleaherton and Miss Muir of the Station were viH;tor» at Eu- genia for a few daya last week. Don't forget the nightcap social on Friday night. We will not commencH our end of tho electric railway, Mr. Ed, tor, until you Fleshertoii people l>egiu yours. BS" .L,£^ OUR 30 day sal At a moeling of the Patrons of In. dustiy of St. Vincent it wni movtd by Win. Kelley, second by Duvnl Boye!", " That we the Patioiis of Industry of the T<>wnshi(i of St' Viticent, County of Grey, in session afsemblid, t'o iinanitn- ously pi'itott against the remedial school bill nour before the Dominion Pirhanient as injurious to this her M ijes'y's Domin ion niid ai t.n.lii g to raise I'iKs.-nt nm<>ii!{ Inr hyi.l kuI jert?, mid we bi 'iev» in our Public an I National Sjlmoli i rri Hpeclivo of creed or sect " Fii;k in Maiikdalk - Shi-rily after threo oMotk on Widnesdav morniiic; tl e (i!aio of iiuhl upon the windows of slei-p iog oj partiiieota oiaitled inmates and lire wan itcim i.isuiiig from iho riKif of Mr. U. .McNally'sciirriaire buildiiijt. Tlia al.irm was proniptly i;ivcii and the lire bell lold ihe stoiy which bronoht Ku.ires hurriedly to the soiMie. Tiiis I'lir-' wooden Btruelure was rapidly consumed with all its conlents exce|il a few b!ack- Huiith Ipols buli>n};ing to Fred T. Jameson which weie with ditHculty aaved, .A s'able H( tho rear h loiigii.i; to Mr. S. Hill wat also ci'iisuined. A hard and Huocessfiil ti;.;ht was wajjed in iirdor to save 8. Hill's wooduti warehouse which stood iiloiii; Nido the cartiign fmtory, not over 2 feet space belwwon. TI.!h build in:; rontaiiiud o\cr !iO barrels of i,,.,! nd, whiidi weroruUiid out upon the sireel in front of of tliu Maikda'o house., and by well dlrNclol efTorts from within and wiilioui ll e wnnhoUKC was aarod, tho' badly rcoivkcd Mr. MeNsll> 'm loss will foot up to about (-iiOOO, in.snred for ft".');), P400 on lliu buil.lini; ii'id SioO on coiitei.tf, whi'o Mr. Jiimcson, who oc oupiod part\,5 a bl..;^l{8ujillmh ip, will be a 1 luser to iho nnuninl of $109, wi'ii no in- surance. Ttio origin of ihe tiie is a uiyat ry,â€" Standard. BULL FOR SERVICE. Tho midurali;iied has a niis Durham Ilu'il tor aarvlvo oti lot iX, W. T. B. It. Turina 7.1 oonta. W. DAVIS. LOGS WAMTED â- in-u«a !(<(•, any six* ovai t«i iacbea, U f««t long. Blghaat prloea. otccnoTT * TAiavt. Was a grand success, far exccedinaiour espcctatioiis. Almost all lines of WSNTER GOODS have been cleared ont or greatly re- duced in qiiantit\. But tlio hahuice nins', go, and go qiiiekly. We wunt the room for spiing- slock. Nothing must be carried over this next season. A few Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS Mens Underwear Flannels, G laves Shawls, Miffs HEH'S FELT BDBTS S E8BEEBS will movs ont at than you have ever bought tlieiu before. Arc you interested iu Soots ^.Sliiioes? Ifsowewuiit you to see our stock and cet prices. We handle nothing but reliable goods, and lots of them. As to value, we will let you decide. Come early and often. B.McDoNALD I5UB1L.IC jCiberal 97feeain£^ A meeting in tho interest of the Liberals of South Grey will be held in the XJown JVttli 3'iesAerion -ON- FBiMr, \m m, m AT 2 P. M. When the followiiej gentlemen will bo present and address the eleclora : HON D. C. FHASER, M. P. OF (UYSliOKO, NOVA SCOTIA, AND DR. LANDEUKIN, M. P. OF SOUTH (lUEY. All arc invited to attend. Ladica are cordtidly invited to be pieaent. E VANZANT, TP. I'KES. God Save The Queen. Uil! (( JCena !Pn IHOO in 9 > kS> nT KiilukerbookoT 'Jt}(>, tha ftiro of ten in tho 'J:lO IlKt. niitt tliA »ire of the iiiii>i of A}ar 2.11. ('htOMUri 'i 1>2^ aiMl itlfVf-ii ot)u!)H. Tbin hbowf that bin tttocK is brvcttiii^; on and in thu Viry front iHiiks. Kiiiohevhockei* Ishythokln^ of siro?, Haui^ hlutouiaii to KtiiRlMn M dam Is Top.suv h Kot.tnckv Princ** a*H).Biro of (irv, a.*'»2. Kluh-.e, -J l.V And ov«r thit'ty others in iho hst* 80(.:ond dam oy Kori'Ht Kinu l7iH, tliH Hii'u of Kady HasBet, 'A'iiS\, and iitliuTH. uiid Kovttst Khn; iH l>v ttiat Ki'*^''^t sire, Mninbitiin Hatulien r^.Kiro of ii.'> in libhst. and ttiru'if thtf dHinn of ll'.t (as^t i> ifonnuiti, inc,!ud> inu Kalph \\ IMio ,2(HVi Klun IMh'h ilain.'l'opr'y, \* In tliojivoat hrootl mare li't. hoinR tlie dmn of /orlmu', 'J.'J'). KinK I'iu in 5 >«ai's old, i hi«Autifiit da: k bay \t\ handtt htijh, and wt-lK'ts 1:K>U, Kti Uah IHO uf ^rout Ht-h*. qnallty, and a ({I'and ac:tor. and can Hnw, wlUi'^ub Uuinio^. t«how a 2. 40 ^'i>.it. H« hni ur<>iit HUb.4tanct^^:tl on;^ bniM, tho iitako ia> r.fa ^ii(\ tho spettdto trariH- iiiit a id thu broct^in^ aiH( blnod linoH to ntuk« bini iiroitotunt. an:l nnt inlv ft fifo »tf vjiuo hot SOS l>nt a kIi'o of el«ii:ant carrlafpe anti saddle horset with ffi-aud kint* and hock hotiuu. and larci* euonKh foral) kinila of farm woik. TliiH voting HtaltlGi) was intt>ortfd by me last wiiitor.did a lai'fjt* biiHitip»H luMt .soHHon, and \^ a Kure foal gettor. Hi<i RarviOH tee will bn ivithiii reaoh of ovoiy faniifi'. tieoBuiall biltH later. The priuoi)ml stands for BoaRou of '90 will bo : rriuuvlHo.nt or iioar Hopeville. I'roton Htatiou, South-east ArtuinoBia, Warehani, Melntvre, Maxwell, Kuguuia Follti, Floabertou aud home atablo, UarkdaW. J. E. HARSH, 15Ur Markdala, Ont Hay^iuid Gnin for Sale. Tha and*nlgna4 la aalltng bay, aaad and fsad oaM Md ata<ro»a4 barlay at markal priaa. A, UlATir, Oranga ValMy IOC PRINT Wc a.'j opcniii-; up Spring Goods d.iily and are now showing nice lines in new Prints, Chillies, Gingl.ams and Wash Dress Good-. How are you fixed For Preserved Frint ?????? Wo have struck a bonanza in California Pkims. They are fine »ar.,'e fruit and cheai) We also show fine drieil peaches", EvaDorafecl Apples, Bosnia Turkish Prunes And Eleme Rgs We have a few Winter Goods. If you are open for any bargains in that line we can give them, but Spring Goods are rushing on us and we are g'^ing for spring trade. We want ycu to see our dress ^oods before you decide what you will wear. Our " 7/liiiiner^ Will be in this month and we will have the correct styles and a', prices to su't our cus- tomers this seas^on. Hardware } Dep't. LOOK NO MORli BKEAKAGE.S of Cliina Cups and S.ntccra, Mugs, Pie Platea Hi.d Tuaj'ots by using White Enameled Ware A LTaiid nss.irtfuent now displayed in tho window. All articles mtirk- cd in (ilain ligurci ami i;t lowcat Vriuea. -dfei^.i^CALl. Sap Buckets ONLY «8.00 I'ER 100. Horse Clippers AT $1 25 ANL> §1.60 A PAIR. X-Cut-Saws AT 40 AND 60 CENTS FOOT. Chopping: Axes AT 65 AND 65 CENTS KACH. nj. Richardson ^ 60.

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