Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1896, p. 1

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â€" «•• i < . ii l i r ii ' i i M txlon Xhtiantz. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, m 790 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1896 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR k PROPRiETCR r^ ^ost J£.is Z^S^^ Attention Las been recently drawn to the sad condition of Capt. Audrew.s, of Toronto, wlio lost liis siglit by saving tbe lives of others, haviiiK roBCued from drowuiii;,' cif.'litfi'u pe-soas. An appeal is to be jj made to the K"verna>cnt to firanlhim a pension, with which it is to Is be hoped they wiil comply. UiiruuinatHly, ahall we say many lose their siijlit, not as C.ipt. iVnd/ewj has done by saving a score of lives, !)iit by li;e disiio to savi- a iew ccn's ly wearing cheap or other sptctaclfcs that itre of inferior matciial, not properly ground, or that are not the proper coneelion. Ot;i?rs injure tlieir sight by not wear- ing spectacles when they need tlit-u, thinkiug the longer they can do wiilimt them t'-o b+tier. whereas it is the reverse. We rccoramend that yon do not allow false pride or oilier reasons to keep yon from weaving sptctieies when you need liiotn, and when you do begin ui.ilie sure ihat yon are wearing the right kind for you. There is no way of knowing this but by having yo'ii.- eyes properly t.sted and glasses fiiven according to the uoeda of each eye. I have made a study of the testing of .sight by improved methods, and guarantee a perfect fit at reasonable prices. W. A. ARHSTRONQ, Jeweller & Optician. I \ J Eugenia. Fiom out own ('•irrenpoiident. Alchuugh winter lias lingered past his ttii>e and held on with au iron i.'ras[>, at last he is forced tu resign and nu one is sorry to bid him go<d bye. Sugar making and taffy parties are now claini- iug the yuuiig peopld's time and atten- tion. M-8. Sloan, ST., and Mr. James Williams arc still seiionsl* ill. i Mrs. E. D, Le-iard is goins this week tn join her busbimd in CrcIo Sam's duniaiiis. Her many f:tend) here are sorry at her depiiniu'P, Iiut ho|M she will enjoy abappy time in her uewhouie. Visitors are ralhrr scarce in our town &t this tune, as it would take some oi:e with a heart like a liuu to reuture uii the roails at presoMt. Mrs, David Smith has been very poor- ly for some time. i Mrs. Joseph WiUliams h:i3 been rery sick the past week. ••%^%^%K^/%^ %^^%%^%%^%^%%^%^'«^%%«^%^ -%%-%.^ NOW is tiriie tixYie to ^et youx* .Ordered .*. Clothing .'. Cheap, E-xrerything at "very close prices rLO'w C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor Our iusinoss Directory gcntistni. ! busia< ss we wish you proupcrity in life, i ,, _, the c iiisolutions and guidance of the | Mr. Editor, you must excuse r.y poor Comforter, a..d in dea-h the dawn of ai. I budget this week, !U news uf irterest is eternal morn re8|leiident with Divine' at present. But I will glory. We trust and pray that l-oih of work in our lively. How .8 It about that railway ! I ..^.^^.^^ ji^h,, - i„,^ ^ world of dark ue.^, hope there will soon be some account of liohtiui' some traveller back to God. it We ard wai ting patiently for it. j Signed on behalf of tlie choir. j" A. B. Beli., FIELD so very pay up scarce for this AND tu.$iuf]&!S (tarilji. M CC LLOCOH * YOUNG, Ban'tors. Msrkdalc. do a, Rononil banking bus- I P. M.UtSH.U.L, tlie 1st and 3rd Wsduusday of each Fevcrsham. The youn4 people of Feversham held a couple of concerts la»t week fir the purpose of ruisitii: funds to luy sidewalks in town next suuiuier. They did not get i -, M. A. Thikstos,! (. Lily Gkauam. I County and District Money loanwl at a rcMonaWe rate. Call Fi„»i,ertoa-K»ch trip on tho day R. S. McLaughlin of Harkaway has a L. D.S..M.D. 8 , DontiHt. Visits MBrlH»le the help from the villaso they deserved, ; *'"">P "''"*•'' S'^"" ^'"'' *>** V^" "^ '""'*'*• i« in bad need of sidu- ' AS, VANDUSKN. J. P. Clcrli JIb Uiv Court, Co Groy l^sner of Marrlnjo Licnuses. CommisBiSncr a. C. ol Justice, Auctioneer, etc, ri,ISBZRTO!< p. O. In T\EBT8 COLLECTED. Tbo iinil«riiignod Is iMopar«4 to undertake tbotollectioa o( »11 kinds Of debts. Kotes bOu»;l<t. accounts collectod, etc' B. N. UESDEBSO:* - Fl,EBBIBTOt< uioutb, Winn. ^rottU ilKOST Jc BATSOM riarristors. Solicitors. Coaveyancers, etc. ploi,tv of water Offlceâ€" Next to post oOlce, Sproule's block j u "ii FUsbcrton.everyThuradaynulilfurtberuotice, ' "• "6"'""" C. A. B.\TSON J. W. FUOST LL. H. I N, B. â€"Owen Soand oQce, Frost's block I'oulett St, East, < 'â-  as Feveisham i* in bad need .,f sid„. ' one -f wbich wtiuhtd 10 lbs., has tvro walki, but we hope this will ouly be the ' ^"l'«^ uniteJ, 8 legs, 3 tails, .3 heed* two start in the woik that will be doi.e this j "^ "'''»-â- â€¢Â» '""" 'l"'t« natural while the gg,jj,„„_ third is as mund as a ball. The owner Both inUU are running full lime these ' "^ this moat wonderful »tiil born creature, days as the thaw last week gave ,hcra *" ""'^<-""'a'''l '""{"'''K l" bave it stuffed -Cor Staod- H. C. J.Cou. TCHlSIiETT • Flesnerton Station Postniastar, Comuilssiouer TSyaucor: demls, ir.ortBaBes. leases aiid wills drawn. Cbaiges uioderato. Business lettots written. dcl9 E J. 8PU0ULE, B., l.lcoloieJ pvaisir and Miucy lusurivuce .^jzcnt. and Will* drawn up aud >»itu.a«ter,FlQBhevton, Commissioner in B. /uctloueer, Conv«>aacer, A • Lender, Keai I'.state awl DiA'ds. iSortBaKCS, Leases, Valuations made on ,horto-t notice. Auction sales attended to in any r»rt ol tbo Co».>ty. Money to loan at low e»« rates of intorsst. ColUwlions attended to Wl'b ,.rouo.ii.oH.i and du-patch Cbargos low. AKonttoi- tiio Dominion bteauishipCo-oipauy. cheap ticUets fioui Fleshortou to Liverpool, Ola^'ow. London or any of the British ports Parties iutondiu« to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will plea.-, ask rates before putchasiug their tickets elf swbore 1 UCA8 A WBIUHT, Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound. Out. - - Markdalo, Out, W. H. Wbioht. L B, Li-CAS. N, B.â€" Flosherton efBee, Mitchelle -Bank every Wednesday. Garden SEEDS ^^^^.^ in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's TL'CKF.U A PATTEBSON. *â-  b&nUtets, HoUcitors. etc. MoUou's Baok, Owen Sound. Elarrv G.Tucker ti«o. W. PatUrsoii pdtral nu HUTTON .M onsco is a tfoiHl man for the job. Miss Marga'et Crawford is. spending a few weeks with fiiends in Toronto. Mrs. Juliii R. Lush of this place died on M< nday, 13th iii.st , aftor a sh.^rt Ul- iiess, aiied abuut 3d years. Deceased left a husband and throe snia'l chHdren, for whom great sj'nipatl'.y is expressed in their very sad D C M, M P P 4 S Out, Priceville next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ol Methodist church, Kinross st, i fiiueral toik place on Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. CAltTKK MCr& S Out,, Phveicinn, Surgeon, etc I Cleshcrtou oSiceâ€" Striuus b ock. Besideuceâ€" Muu,.4haw's Hotel and titled up fur exbibition- took a business trip to j *'''^- *''''-'' »"<* hauled his wife to Whitby, ' the city last we«k. I -^ church congren^ation down in Bay- over the snow. For humanity's takd â-  Geo, Whewell, while chopping in the i '''='''*"" '^'*'"'**'^** ""'°' *'"""'"'"''y'"'®'' <-''ii»'f ^^"'istable CalvHrley lodged a c< m- I bush one day week before last was ! unpleasant circumstances two Sundays plaint ajjainst Mrs. Oaiicey for vaKraucy, I struck in the eye with a chip. It is fear- i *'"'^'-'- Right in th« middle of the preach- and Pidice Magistrate Harper sent her ti ed the si^ht will be somewhat iujured. 1 ^'â- '' ^"**'"'"*'' '''ere bolted into tt.e half naid for two «eeks, where she will re- I Mr. iihtrmnn Coliiuett bas ,ecured ' "t""* ^""'" *'"'' *PI""""""^ '" ^ ' black ceive i(ood care and iiiedicid attendance. ' the job of engineer in the Inkstor & *"^^ white cat closely followed by a , Dmicey will have to figure around fon.s- McCallaiu ludl for this season. Sherman ; >''""" '^"*^- '-'"' and dojj ran swiftly I how and Hud a living until bis wife can down the middle aisle to tho plal form, walk, when they will a^'aiii se' out o:i 'The prvacher t:iken unawares did the' their jounrey east. I natural 'hinii kicked, at the cat, hit it, Mr. J. C. Widerholt a fewdays ago re j and landed it squarely in tho middle of cevied a dog from his brother in New ' tlie coiigreijation. Then it turned out Hainljunj, tho iininial luing forwarded I that the cat was a skunk. â€" Delhi by rnil. It slayed around for a coiiple . f I Vindicator. Unys, but aever seemed to be at home. I .\n ameudinent to section 531 of tho It wa.' thereall riiiht on Fridiiy morning, I municipal act, which came into force; but that was the last teen of it, a^thouijh Tje^diiy to the '''"' Tue-day, provides that notice of . search for it wns made a'l over town. Buckingham cemetery. Deceased ^^^'^ *ciMti mast he <i\^^n U, the municipaliiy The mystery as to the whereabouts of staunch member of tho Methodist church, ' ^^ " l'«'*"" '"J>"'«1. tbrnugh a defective und was a favorite wiihall. â-  highway.iB cities, towns, or iiico; poratcd ^ocicticji. An U \V -meets every Qret and third Mou • "ay in ex?b u.ouU.. iu their lo^ge room Ch/i»"oo-» iilook, l.k«berton, at 8 .p.. i.i. W â-  « Walker, M.W.;VV..>.l'ella'"y.'>r"^'i"'5 I^wlu ll«Jo."er. VialJlug Bxetberu Invited. R' OY\L Tl'.Mri.AUH OF TEMPEU-XNCE -Jlegu lar i:onnc.l meetsevcry Uret and thini Toes lay ev..ni,.« i",^*^, X™„- In Sproule's block at K i; "'â-  . ^ItJ'A ..'I'-Jiv iSsuraneo) meets u.onll.ly, the Wednesday procedintf the SMnd of each mouth. SOKS OF TEMPKRANCE.-This sotlety meet" Iu Br. fhvistoo' Hall first '^\ed- „««lav in ewh month at p.m. V isitii.g bretbeieu iuviteU. Insurance in oouuection. rOUN A SCOTT M B Kiuibcrlcy. Member College PbyRio, ft Surgeons.Ontarto Graduate iu Medicine of Toron o University ^ l''eIlowahip Diploma, Post Oiat'uato Medical i "f which both are UiOttibors: After an ichoc < and Hospital, Cbicafjo. Diseases of eye, : hour had been Spent in 8( cial chat, ijanu'S cr.nosoand throat specially Ueated. Kosi- | ^.f spef ol es and ica.'ii gs were in ord- donce, M.^xwoU, visits Fuversham Thursdays 1 'i the doii; W!u» solved by a |)o3t cnrd from the New Hamburit brother, in Saturday villages, within seven days from tho ac- niiht, which stated thnt the dog haU cideiit, instead of thirty as heretofore, come home again .tnd that it bad arrived As this act is now in Tuce it m.iy become! about dark tho day before. Tho quest- ion is, how did tho dog liiid its way baoU ? E' idently it had h at no lime J 1' liTTliWELL Vutoiinary Surgeon. Qraduata of Ontario Vetev'nary College, EosUloncoâ€" Next door .4outb of Moore's planing factory. D« , MABY M. BRANUEIt UP. B, A., meet iu their hall, Christoe's block ovor> second Thursday in each month. Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. r ,INCB.ABTHCKLODaE,No838, A P 4 A M. meeo in the Masouio Uall, Straiu's Block. Fleshertou, everv FrWay on or before tho full moon. Dr Carter, W 31 , W J Spioule, secretary DUFFKRIS LOnOE, Ko 18«, I OOF. meets in Clayton's Pall every Tues- day evening at B o'clock. Visiting bretbreuoordially invited ^ M D C M, M C P A 8, Ont.. Priceville. Otfico and residence at Methodist i^arriona}{e Calls nltjht or day piomptlv attended, Visita Flusherton Statiou 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays Last Friday eTcning tho borne of llr. ' importHUt to any person who lu.ty be in- and Mrs, T. B, Carrulliers was invaded juied, in cities, towns or villnscs, owing by the membeis of the Methodist choir to want of rcp.xir of streets or sidewalks. In the near future Claiksburg will hare its streets, ilwiUirg biiuses and bui-iness plact's li!<btcd by electricity, Mr. Thos. .\ndrews wi'lruna wire from Thornbury ; he has secured a dynamo capable of ruiinius; 1>(X) incaiidiseent lamps, .\lieudy about sixty lights have been ordeied for er, and in responce to her name, Miss Lily GraiiHUi lead to the gn.iial hosts an appropriate address, and Miss Myrtle Thurs'on, on behalf of the choir, present- 'â-  ed tbem «ith souiti beautiful spoons as a slight expiessiou of their gocd wishei Mr. Canutliers made a suitable reply, , especially appreciating thespiiit in which '• the gift was |;i\eu. The following is tbe addies.<) : Mr. and ilra. Curruthctf. • C ark.sburg, .ilid it is expected that in tho fidl "lud winter moro will be required. The lights are so eheiip that nearly every house iu lown wiil have tbem. OiiO cent u night for each will bo the cost. â€" Ro fleeter. DsAR FKiENi.s,-For the past ytai.l S">uo ti.no ago an unfortunate couple'' our ass- iciiit ions with you havo beou the named Dancey, started to tramp their PRICEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGB. ' VMA n^o' .v.i», 1' -(lo .T1I.I, Durham Stage loaves Fleshorton Station at nio.Ht pleasant, but perhaps in no wiiy w;\y from Owen Sound to Montreal. The 7.l,i am., returns 4.-«> p.in rrioovillo stago have they been bap;>icr than in those of \vi,:,l,v- i^hroi.u-la siv- tl-it wlo-n th loaves the same place at 12.;10. roturuing at 4. t', , , - w ' . â-  ,<• i c ., ♦• liitoj t nroiiiLiO s.i)sri.a(, Wlien tn FaiotoVrioevillBandretnvn,50cont»; Dnrhaiii, the choir. >>e aro i.ot uiiinUMtful of the *1,50 for return, 750. single fare. Livery in con- cheerful, agreeable spirit which you at nection. Ordei-s may be left at uithor hotel. ... A. McCAULE'V, Prop |IRu$w. MISS EDITH KICHAKDSON Pupil of ey had travelled as far iis Clareiuont, Mrs. wayamanifesed, ncu- h.ivewo allowed to Dancey made a mist-fep in a deep pass unnoticed your exemplary christian horse-track, and broke one of the K'>nes character and your devot:. ii to our i ,,f ,,er leg holow the kii.-e. They Heeded Masters cnuse. >> e wish to jtive to , , , ,, , , . . , , . tbeselho»ghHanK.retam:iblom.Hnifesta- '-"H' b'^^'iy. but claim that their tion than that of mere woiils. and would bff'iit to stir upeymathy for their piu.ib!* therefore a,<ik you to accept these spoons condition failed. They say they tried to M a slight expression of our good swishes, i ^^^ ^ y^^^^„ ^elp to psv tbeir w\y to some Rpbt MahVs rf Berlin OerT.iauy, (vioHa); vy- ohprish »h« hniia tl at the lifa of KerrTson, making inquiries along tho way, for the disUuico from Walkerlon to New U»m- Imrg is 72 mflos, not a bad, day"s journey, â€" WalkerUii Telescope. We would call our readers' attention to t\\3 splendid new engraving, entitled "Canada's Glory." just issued from the ollico of the "Farinei's Advocate," London, Ont., and \Vii:iiipeg, Man. The artist and engraver havo alike excell- ed theiusuivcs iu this great produoiion. it rej^resonts eleven of the very tincst light liores in the Dominion, each stnrtd- ing out so boldly from the ba<'k'.iround that tboy seem instinct with li'o and motion. To it lovers of horse ties h will prove a most valuable possession, not only beautifying tbeir homes, but educat- ing the popal.ir taste for good horse. Certainly the ufnn-st credit is dje to .-ir'.ists and engravers, whilst tho l.beral- ity of our Indispeimible old friend the "Fttrmor'a Advocate," shows tlio truly public spirit which ha« alwuy distingiiisl.- ed this adniii'iiblo journal. Michael I'rcnnan was found i;uiltv at Prof Kerrlson.laM of Toronifc (Piauo) A S Tai«Dub»k. K O Mli VeMi v«~j>«p«»" ia BLKOENK VlOtm, ?N UooBS. SveA.lO aocTuaaAX Wm 1 __ Birrie of the murder of Mr. John A, have so leceutly entered, may be replete of Pickering being appealed to without Sti'uthy, and wat seutouced to be h.mged with joy and heaveul/ blessings. Iu avail. At a htit res'-rt Daucuy got a haud. j on liay 2U.

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