Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1896, p. 3

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•n^^fr^smi AN OVERSIGHT. As lulaaec •€ Ufe In Kacland Before i^lram and Trlrxritphjr. In hU "Forty Years in the English Post-Office" ISir. F. £. Ba-iuea teiU a «tlrriDg story which illostraces lbt> dif- feiVQce between the slow-pacinif old Hai-^ and the swift-going new. Sixty years ago the maiia were car- ried through England by ^coaches. At the princi{>al tuwna, four hijrsea, har- Hesaed, and tw^o-poet boys ready for the coai, weje aLwayi in waiting in caae of accidenC4a. On one ouoaaiou, when an important bill respecting the West Indies was be- fore Parliament, the packet (or tboea colonies was detained at Falmouth un- til tho decision shoold be niached. At last tike vote waii taken, and the baga containing deapatcbea and instructions from the Colonial office to the West Indian governors and oonsoJs came dow-n to Exeter, and am was auppoeed were all sent on by coach to Falmouth. In the middle of the night a porter was dismayed to find a huge leather portmanteau in a dark corner of the office. It was the tiag of despatches. In a twinkling a post-boy sprang on one uf the wailing horses, and ihut for- ward to warn all the poetinj? stariona on the hundred miles of road to Fal- mouth. Behind him followed at break- neck pace a c&aise and four with the liag. The mail coach had four and a half hours the stirt. The post-boy iasbed on, sounding his bom. Toll-gates flew open, fresh horses stood waiting for the chaise down through Devon and Cornwall. When the ihaisH reached Falmouth it had made up the four hours, but in the odd half-hour the mails had been carried on board the ship, and she was now under full sail, leaving the harbor. The post-boys flung the bag into a boat and gave chase. Pendennia Cast- le fired a gun. The packet unilerstood the signal, hove to, and the bog was Clung on bo&rd. This seems slow work to as now, when instructions can be cabled from l,ondon to the other side of the world In an hour. Yet away bock in still â- lower days we read of a monarch who, w^ben he would make known La halite an ewitct to hie kingdom, caused letters to be prepared and sent them by "rid- ers on mulee, camels and young drom- edaries." But after all, it is precisely the lama human energy that uses the cameL or the mail-coach, or the lightning. We have better tools than our brother one century or twenty centuries ago, but are we any better than bet Are we â- erving God or our fellow-men with greater devotion and keener perceptions of truth and lighl tluin h»' served rh'tn? That is really the important question te ask. ScotH Snuilsion, is Cod-liver Oil without the fish-fat taste* THE MISTEEY C^" PAIN. What Are Its Causes And Why It Is Permitted ? The Crea* Work That to Belnc Dane by Brisht HladJ la AUevUUac â- â- â- ua Stitirrrtiiit-A Case Air*r<Uji« s MrUUiix UlniitraUaa. From the Erin Advocate. From the time when man first peo- pled the earth down to the present day, the mystery of pain has filled all hearts with wonder and terror. What are its causes, why is it permitted, and what its uses are m the great economy of naturef All these questions men have asked of tbemaelves and of one another, but the question has found no solution. All that can be <ione ijs to devise ways of relieving physical suf- fering.ond mimtB have aasisted tender hearts in bringing 9id to the afflicted You get all the virtue of the oil. You skip nothing but the taste. 50c and li.oo at all drng^giiitA. Ryoloiian's Wenay Ome. Positire Care r»r Rheumatism and ParalysU. S. S. Ryckzoan, Dear Sir â€" I had an ulcerated leg for four years, treated with doctors and tried all kinds of medi- cines. 1 was cured by two bottles of Kootenay C-ure. John .Da'vvson, Fs<^., 77 John St. N.. Hamilton. Boston, July 10th. ISBB. Mr. S. 8. R^ckman, Hamilton. I>ear Sir: \ have no hesitation in re- oommending Kootenay Cure as a great medical discovery and a first-class med- icine for Rheumatiani. Scrofula, Ecz- ema or any Blood Dlsurder, as after several other medicines failed to give any relief to my. brother, who was suf- fering from a very severe attack of Rheumatism, your medicine gave him almost instant relief and effected a cure. Your, etc., Alfred M. Taylor. With Methyl, Dental Co.. 181 Tramont St., Boston, Mass. THE SECRET TOID. Wh.y S outh American Nervine Never Fails to Cure. NervoM Prostration and Dyspep- aia Loie Their Terrors Under Italnfiaenoe- IT MUST CUBE. The leoret of the wondarfuUr lafloaMfBl r»- Kolu that follow the iua of Bomh Amarlcaa Ncrrina ii u> be tnuad In the fact that Ihia medicine 01 orateif dlreoUj, :mni«dUiC«ly and liatJnoliTeij on thoDorT«o«ntre^uf thartTritem. Othsr medicines. becauDu of aoma stlmaJ&Mag 'lamant thaj pot^^^Mi.. willnon;etima giro i«in- .lorary raiiaf. but South .'â- . marlcaa .N>rTtne not klono acUi flven more npaadiiy on tha ayatem Lhao parhap«t any othar inedioiua, bal It aoU ^aaClnKlj. .'3uien<-a hoa proven, beyond anj pendvuatura. that the Ufa Suid dnda Ita oiicin la thau narr* contrra. iBdiganUon. uerTuaa- neaa, a debilitated oonilltution. la only trifled witliwh«Bth«ma<liciiiaaHttd Kivaahut pkiialng ^aiua tor satUfactloo. ThLi ia aerar the oaM vTitJi Soath Amancaa Narrina It oan be -ooatad oa srery time to perform an effaotlTe ctu*. W.P.C.81*. • ooooooco MAKE UP YOUR ^ fiCcbigan land held for three years by the State for non-payment of taxes be- comes subject to tuimestead entry. Any citizen may then take up 240 acres ot it, by paying ten cents on acre for five years. There are Diotionariea and Diction- aries l>ut the noldeat Koman of I hem all seems to be \Vel»ter. It is Mill easily in the It&d In the great rjuM for popularity. LOOK OUT toT breakers ahead when pimples, boiJa. ' caxL'uncles and like mauife:itations of impuTB blood appear. They wouldn't appear if your blood were pure and your â- vstem in the right condition. They â- now you what you need â€" a good blood- purifer ; that's what you gut when you take Dr. Pierce's Golden 5Iedi«4.1 Discov- erj. It carries health with^ jill Blood, Skin and Scalp Disease ^arom a common blotch or eruption to j^ie worst f rof- uUl, are our<»<l by It. .< invigx>ratejt the liver, purifies an<l iu.A°icbea the bloo4 •ixl rouses every, .*gan into healthful •ctioQ. In tile Jost stubborn forma b( Skin Diseast^, tiuch as Salt-rheunl Eozeiua, Tetter. Krysipelaa, C.irbunclee, fcnJ kinfftwd ailraenia. and with Sirof- Ula in.avery shape, and all blood-tain t% it ef£r\ls perfect and permanent cures ot i'j worst cases. ^hys GET THEM LATER. >â€" This physiognomist says that aggressive, impulsive people generally bave blaok eves. Knowsoâ€" If not at first, they get >|iem later. Ihe says she can't afford a cab â€" li.\pense3 she mu.st eurb. #et when she walks upon the street Her carriage is superb. The Only Great and thoroughly r©. liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story : â€" Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar- ations and prescriptions fail. "The face of my Uttle girl from the time â- he was three months old, brcks out and was covered with scab*. Wa gave her two bottles o( Hood's aanaparlUa and It com- ipletely oared her. W* k« glad (o ngobb- nend Hood's SartapaitUa." Tho*, M. OAKUNa, OUnton, Ontario. B« am* V> C<et Hood's Hoi 4's Pills â€"T*'*'^ aaartatak* All the vast resoorces of nature's lab* oratory have been pressed into ser- vice to the end that tortured bodies might strroeaoe from anguishand know the peace that only health can bring. And what more natural than that these poor victims of disease thus released from suffering should deeire to aid in the extension of the knowledge of the means whereby they have been bene- fitted? Such a one is Miss Druscilla Shingler, of Krin. Ont., who tells a tale of pain endured through weary years, ana of final relief and cure through the use of Or. WUUan*' Pink PilU. the greatest medicine of the age. Mias Shingler 'says: Twelve years ago I became af- . flioted with rheumatism, from which I ' have suffered greatly. Two years I later this trouble was aggravated by a growth which starttsd in the throat. I and which each year became larger and i larger, until it finally l>ecame so bad I that I could hardly obtain any sleep, â- a when I would lie down it would fill my throat, causing a feeling of suffo- I cation. What I suffered is almost be- 1 yond description, and a!! the medi- cal aid I bad did me no good, and I was I told that I could only hope for relief I through the medium of an operation. I I dreaded such a cour.se and declined undergoing the operation. All this I time the rheumatism was taking a firmer hold upon my system, and I felt like giving up in despair. I lost the I poweir of my limbs and my hands got I so bad that I could scarcely hold any- thing. At this stage a friend, who i from personal erperieiice had strong faith in Dr. WiUiame' Pink Pills, bought me a supply and urged me to I try them. I thought I felt an im- provement after 1 had used a little more than a box, and after using them for a few weeks there was no longer room to doubt that the^ were helping me. I was taking the Pink Pills in the hope of finding relief from the rheuma- tism, but to my great joy I found that the medicine was not only driving this painful malady from luy system, but was also driving away the growth in my throat. The result was that after I had used about a dozen box^s of Pink Pills I was completely cured, and, al- though a considerable time has now elapsed, I have not had a recurrence of either trouble, and am enjoying the best of health. For the help my statement may be co others, I am only too glad to add my testimony to the lon^ list of wonderful cures, such as mine, tliat have been wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PUls. This greatest of nineteenth century medicines positively cures all troubles arising from a disordered or wo.ik state at. the blood, or shattere^l nerves. If you are fueling weak or depressed, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act as a prompt tonic, and if seriously ill no other re- medy can so promptly restore you to health an-'l strength. The genuine Pink Pills are put up m round wooden boxes, the wrapper round which bears the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. WEST SHORE THROI'GH SLEEP&fO C.4R TO NEW YORK. One of the haindsomeac sleeping cara that had eveir been turned out of the factor; is now running CrumTonnto to New \ork without change via the po(K ular West shore route. It is a buffet car, and refreehments can be obtained en route, if desired. This car leaves Union Station. Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- ilton only, conuectiug with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Urand Trunk office in Toronto for Information or sDiice in sleeping car. Reservations can oe made in advance If desired. In Soap •* wall ] %t IB arerytblag eUa. 8 0ld-la«hiaaad Soapa and aid- ^ faahlooad drudclnc wesb-daya era oot ^ food anoncta tor ap-to-data paople. ••^*' ^ un light ' luing Soap \ aad are kaaping thair homea clean, ) bright aad cbeerfal with very llttia kor. To all wba aaa this world- j lamed Soap It meaoa USt LABOR CBEATER COMFORT _„ / For erzrj 19 Sanii{ht )B00iC5 for] wnppeo sent to L.»ar ) WRAPPERS ( Broa.. Ltd., Toronto, a ' ^ ateful paper-bouDd book '' ) will be aenl, at a clotb-booiid for 90 wnp- ( )peta .... A clergyman In Murray County, Ga.. occasionally preached temperance in bis congregation, and then neutralized bis pulpit teachings by selling liquor clan- destinely. DOUGLAa BROS, Slate.Gravel and uieca rocfern. metailic ctri.inifM, rtkyligbt rtaett metal workers, lu .AdelaiuoW.,'rorocti A BWctly Hl>b QraOe Wbeel at a 1(90! RATI PRICE. U. T. PiNuarrH, Mauaf.'iclarer, r3 u> U Adelaide St.W.TorenU Ho w'l This ? Ws offar One Hundred UoUara Reward for an/ caaa ot Caiarrh lUat ran cot be cored by UaJl'a Catorrli Cure. F. J.CMKNEY *CO..PropB.. Toledaa Wa the uadersiKBed, bar* Icaowa t. J. Cbeaey for ibe laitt 15 years, and believe bin parfcctljhoDorabie inall bii.lnnaa trati'Dctirnt aodSnancioiJrable tocarrjouianyobiUalions mada by their Urm. WasT & Tkuax. Wholaaale Drugglata, To- ledo, O. WaI-DINO, KlN.NAN ft Masvim, WholM U* Uru^gls!a, Toledo. Ohlt). Hali'a (..'atarrb Cure la taken Intaroallr, aot- Idh directly upon theolooii and mucout sur- faces of the syatem. Price 75o. per botUa. Bold by all Drasg'"'. TeaumoBiaia tree. For the opera of "The Magio Flute" Mozart received only on^ hundred duc- ats (-ibout $113). The manager of the theater at which it was first performed made a fortune out of it. CDCPI A i __ For a limited time I will In- OrCUIflL MirCTournnme In my Acent^ 'Mrectory. cuid ffunmntae reaaits. for nix ceata. J, B. JOH.SsON. Box 1«, Ua^ River, N. S. Get mr daaerlpUTa aOaloaaa abuui y.TU -kii t •ffona lo do witbout itipin , C.T. Psndrith. W1r.,'''"-A'J:.t^^.i'n'i. BAKERS- Dough Mixen •A9N I wteh to porcbM* •a klsdi of u«d Po*tao PAID SiMnpa. Look up old letters su^ t*nA is* th* f^ â- Iwnps uB ilW Mivalop**, fttAtmc whftirou waul for taem. KipedftUyuM Oaitr.<l &d. New Hntn»> wlek, Nwwtoiiadlftnd, Br tirii < oIumbiAf Uniud Otd ^j - - v»m». A,^ wiVIVHUuaBaii^a i>i Lirsa â-  uiuauUlAa v(Ui4ll â- H!!!E*Scstaa, etc JAMKH BCKKKTT, WatUnstoa i aad Jordao 8U., Torooio, Caa. Rough on Rain. Thia u«w prepftrmtion whan ,li:'tK"l to jr-l.imty .'l>th!n« wdl mAka ^1 PEKriCTLT U.\I.S PKi Hjr. lud wUI uu« ^ tur th« f*«l It appearftnaa jt tbe soiaIa Infaluabta to J7chet«, jp-irtsturn, rarmffra antt oib«ni. A fortuna for U;ljr» ..n 1 KlH.~T Cl.AH* Ai.FNTH. Prtparwt for R. W. ajLSHJLU, TuruDto. Reclpe-For Hakiner a Delicious Health Drtnk at Small Cost. Adnata' Huot Ucor Extract cue bottle Klein'.hm: n i'h Voast half s«>alt« giignr two pounds LnKewartn Wator twotcallom; DiaaolTetho sugar and yeaa* in (he water, add the extract. :ind bottle: place In swarm place tor tweoty-tour bouraua^il it fennenta, then placo ca ice, when it will open aparkling and doUcioti..). The root bear can be oblalned Id all ilrug and grooery atorea In 10 and 25 oant bottlaa to make two and five sallona MATTER OP LIFE OR DE.A.TH. Johnny Smartâ€" What does b-i-e-r spell f Old Smart â€" That depends, my son, on who is S(x^Iling it. If it is a German it is about the first thing he wants ; if it's an En.glishuiau it's the last thing he wants. Sixty-four performanceis of Padere- wski in 1893, netted him a profit of J175;000. Supposing that at each con- cert he played for two hourai his pay was at the rate of $22.61 for each min- ute he was at the piano. An unusual sight was witnessed not long ago, in Churchill, Nevada. A flock of 2,300 sheep were stampeded, and soon afterward two columns of them madly rushed together, causing the death of 360 of them. Their bodies lay in a pile six feet high. The biggeat hnd strongest man in Maine, John Moriarty, a lumberman, died recently, of typhoid fever, at Old- town. Hi.'i height was 6 feet 9 $-4 in., and he weighed 245 ^unds. Notwith- s^nnding his great weight, he bad Tery li"l» flesh <>n his lx>uea. A PIG M3LKS A COW, Mr. V. Turner, of JIarysville, Ohio, is the owner of a fine Jersey cow. Of late she has failed to supply the nor- mal quantity of millt; each morning she appeared to have been milked. Mr. Turner was inclined to attribute tho thieving to tramps, so he established a I watch with th>* following result: One ^day. while the cow was lying down, placidly chewing her cud. a little sboat was seen to walk up to her and delit>er- ately uruceed to nurse, with no signs of disapproval from tho cow. Other pigs near by, »e«ing what a cinch tho first one had, at once proceeded to em- ulate bis example. This rouaed the old cow to action, rihe eviilently rejected a syndicate. Rising to her feet, and lowering her horns, she drove all tho intruders to the other end of the field. Then coming back to her favorite, sh« stood directly over him so ho could ex- tract the lacteal liquid with more ease and without tear of distuj-t>anoe. UlS \\ ORDS STRUCK HOME. Tha temperance apostle was walking alon..'; the sidewalk, serene in the con- sciousness of his own goodness, when a well-dressed man stopped him and shook his hand. Guess you don't remember me, said the well-dressed man. Why-ah " Three years ago I attended one of your meetings, ajid heoxd you draw a graphic |)iotuTo of the able mechanio whose children went ragged while tho children of the saloon-keeper, with whom he spent his wages, were dress- ed in silks. The story fitted my case to a T. And yott reformed? Should say I did reform. Went into the saloon business myselt. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Old Metals "L°- Coppar, Braaa. Laad, Zino, lr«n, Find 1 CASH BL'YKKla W. G. HARRIS, M-31 WiUlaaa IM.. T«*«!«TO, •â- ! Taiaptaoue ITStl HAVK YOU TASTED "SALADA' .T.. CEYLOIITEA.3.^^^ MueMva. la LM Woman ShouM Enjoy Ufta How Many de f Mmmj tn oiiaarftbljk wmk ftod Miakif. kaa 0uflar untold m i mri^ tbroucfa \i!m*oup«ciil- wto iJifir MS. IT IH wRosra. Th» of sou ftU theM 11.1 IB ekiily raftched. id ttt totlrmij rw&uf ea IMPOUND ^JJ^*^"^* IIIUS- (Can.) VICETABLI eOMPOUlU and miM' Sanativ* Wash. Prlaaa TSa and 'itc. rb«r impan riulltr u4 aoaaay. aad maka '.ha llfa if the " Mutber 9«^ woTullvlAS. Tor Balt> brkil D:'.igll»t«. faplaaatOfT pamphlat, "WumaAi Triilwpa," laal fraa oa ayplioalioa. •â- A. M. C." nEDICINB CO.. 87S St. Paul St.. .^fantreal. WHO WOULD SUFFER Tha •zemclating paia ot RMKUMATISM Oil MKURALatA When yoa caa l.ar aboiu* ot â- l'b;V*ai XKXx ^xaKcaaa-kolM For ti oeDt< and have Iramedlata relief. BOLD BT DBUGOIBTS. NURSERY STOCK. m APftl, PCACH, rtAR, CRAPf, PLUM, COOSEBEMT, CHERRr, CURRANT. VUT UkiiM (TOCK OF NATIVE miia. •UBUHQTON, OHr. The B«4: Bicycle is None too Qood For You. RIDE A STEARNS 'Mtaru OM ruana Ma fmaa a ariAatia, AMEItlC/tN RATTAN CO, TOIODTO, ONT, Webster^s [International Di<5iionary Tbc One Gri^at Standard Authority, So writaa Hun. I). '. Ilnwrr. ^^ Ju-tipo V . ?*. .•<iiiti,-ai* ( oorl, > IV ^ud a PoaUl tor SpecimMi Pagas, ate. Hucetunr qf tlu "Vambridgad," Standard otihe Knallali Hort la tl)« I'oMaTTaW DaDC Mher. s. •;o»'t Piint. UiKOfflca. tlia f S. Su. ^r^ine Court, all tha Stata Saprema Courta, an<t or naarlr all toa .'V^hoolbcolca. 'Warmly Comniendaal by «tate !*iip*r'nt«Tiil- ant« of .-*( hiMMt, anil other KdiK Hlon alincat wiUjuul aiunbar. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY â- tcauai \ It la aasy to And tha word wantad. I It la eaay to aacertaln tha praeunclatloa. , It la aaay to traca the growth ol a word. , It la aasy to iMrn what a word maana. > WKBSTKH THB^TANOAIIO. I Toe Toronto Qlobo says;â€" I Tha International n rapldlTt)«c.imiiig raoognJteJ , u tha mtwc rellalila stan.lani dicli.mary puhllthifd. . In.^Mttlonto fiilrtlllngthopnmr^rvinnrtionofn.llc- r ttonarytho IntontiiuonAl contains.^ vft,.tHinoiiQt ol > nanantl liifomuitMn of grrtl vnli:!^ Jnn. 11, IW*. G. cC C. MERRIAX CO.. PtihUsbera, SprinftnoM. Maam., V.S.A. E. & D. Bicycles GENTS' FRAlStE. LADIKS' FRAME. Have many important improvements, covered by patents and found in no other wheel. They are : â€" Absolutely Oust Proof. Absolutely Oil Proof, Aheolutely True Itearinsa, Blorsa Roller Chain, requires nu oil. Cyclodial Sprockets, Pedals dust proof at both ends. Interchangeable Sprockets, Beveraible Handle. Crank Bearings removed without dis- terbiug adjustment or balls. They are all fitted with Messinir** Saddles, the mtist expensive and beat .saddle ever placed on the market, TheJ are worth two of anj wheel. They aiii geared to 80 and ride as easy as others at 6S. Send 3-cent stamp for catiM logue. MANUF.\Cr» t?.ED BY Cauadiau Typog^iaph €or (Ltd.) Windsor, Out â- "â- {â- wi*

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