Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1896, p. 5

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I BANKING OFFICE OF GBO. MITCHELL ~~"^ FLEMUEKIUX ^ijiiural haiikiiiK biiaiiii^Hs transacted DrafU U»iiJ 1 aiKi -jhe.iiiui. cashed at usual mtes. Ujiiey alw.iy.1 airailublu for Iei;imat$ bmwnuBB •utee,<riitf. UtUcu two lioora uorth ol iticUarii- Mu i:fc Ca'a. Vicinity Chips. 0<U.irai;teristics of febc Past Week (^arefiilly Cnllca fop the Curious. Btiiuea iiohcoii airnmg lacah u-ill be chnrged at the rate of lOe per Hue for ftch itviertion. A reductum will he m'tde on cotdractii fur 100 lliiea or over. Millers cannot complain of a scarcity of water these Jays. Division Couit will be he'd in FU'sher- tmi on Friday, A^ail 24. Two goojl carpenters wimtcd. Apply lo Hector McDoniilii, Piictvilip. The small b.>y nnJ the sniailer sucker will soon bo inftopai-ably conn-Dctod once uiuro. Throo th>iuK.-:nJ dolUrs Ins been sub- icribvd towards ercctin'4 a flus iiiiU at Slidbume. RemoiuborC. J. Leitch'H credit nuclii<n (Bile of houselioid funiilure on Scturday next Rt 1 p m. Cattle fur «a!e- Onu cow, one htifer in calf and tliree young cittle. Cash or time. Api'ly to R. Meldruoi, Fevec- than;. Mr. Jaa. Sullivan lias removed liis tin •hop to the building which lip purchased from Mr. Armstrong, next door to Mrs. Bulmer'g pliotoi;rapli |>allery. The trout Bshing seiison will, opjn on Saturday, May 2. Tho tirst Jay of Slay ii included in tho cloau season. Fibher- nien wi:l do well to remember this, and avoid a possible lino. Henry Ward Beecher ot.ce informed a man wlio came to him complaining of gloomy and JecpoiiJunt foolin'.j», that what he most needed wau a if'od cath<ir. tic, nieiinin<;, of course, such a medicine Sfi A^.-r's Cathartic PiU^, every dose bo- ii.g effeclive. The annual meeting of the Mechanics' ll;8titulo or Tublic Library will be held on Mi'irday, Msiy J. at 8'p. ni.. to rtvtire trports of tho woik done during the year and other buKincifS. The balance of th« magazines will be sold by auction on tliat occasiciii. The directors would like to have a few more ininres hiinded in before that date. The tee i.s only 60o. No giiiall objection which young folk" iiail to tho (Id-tinio S|uiiig medicincii was their nauseousness. In our day, this objection la removed and Ayer's Siirsapai ilia, tho most powerful and popular of blood-purifiers, is as plensant to the palate as a cordial. Money at 5% interest, payable yearly. (.iBorge Kuthorfiird, Shelburne, is loaning money in both large and small sums, in. ttresi 't 5% per annum (not half yearly and rii • in ad van -i). Exj'cuses Very low. Write (or p^irl.iculara or call ut his office on Slondays, Wednesdays or i:»aturda}'s. OlSoe â€" Main St., Shelburne, Out. D. Henderson has started to work at his trade in Kimbcrley. lie is a good boot and shoo maker, has worked in Lon- don, Slraiford, St. Marys, i'eterboro', I*erth and other places in his natire country, Canada. Call and see what he can do for your sole on boot or shoe. Pay as you go, it is cheaper than to go ill debt to any man. The price is low with honest Don. â€" adt't. Mr. Samuel Wauchob, of Tyrone, this township, died on Tuesday of last week, aged 74 years. Mr. Waucln.b w.is one of tho earliest settlers in this part, and was always a bard working and much respectetl man. He leaves a widow and seven children (two sons and five dau;^h- ters, to mourn his death. Deceased had l>een an On;n;,'euu>n for 52 years, and was buried in Floshorton Cemetery on Thurs- day liust with honors, by Lodge No. 244. Rev. J. Mahan, pastor of the Method- ist church here, is one of the most per- sistent woikers .'.le Fleshorton church has seen f.T years. For seventeen weeks now he htus been holding special services on his charge, and has mot with a very laigod<sroe of success. The meetiiiga here have resulted in many conversions and veiy great good is being done. The services are continuing this wt-ek and a growing interest is ilill boiug iu»iiife»ted. 'I\i3 churfh is tillsd uightljr. THl FLBSHBSTOM ADViNGB The duiiy dcpartm*'" â- >t Farmiiiit.pub- billed by the Bryant pre.>s, Toronto, furnishes plenty of (jood redding both for ilid duiryin.in and all those interested in tho dairy inductry. The beneti'.s of Hpiuyiiig are deicnlod in the department of horticnltuie, which also contains other intorestimr ai tides. It has been announced that the district convention of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held in this village on Tuesday. SJay lt>. The district orga- nizer is busy preparing the program, which pruinises to be an interesting one. The genial rays of Old Sol have at last mastered the situation and aleiithiug Is a thing of the past. It is with no regret that we all bid it farewell. If over balmy weather and warm sunshine were welcome it is on tho present occision. It h:i3 been a on);, bard winter, but the past week of beautiful weather has caused us all to huavo a general sigh of relief, and eveu the birds appear to be as happy over it as humanity itself. A pjirty palmed off upon our uususpcct- iug better half the other evening three gallouB of v,hii.t he callctl maple .syrup. It was of the consistency of water and black as p'linter'a iuk. When boded down one-third and clarified it could scarcely be di&liiigushed from c;me syrup, such as is aold h\ the stores ac 4 cents a lb. Will the nmn who brought it in kindly in- form us what species of, tree ho siiuecKuJ to got this lush-us fluid ? We would like to have h'm lall in, anyway, juot to liave a talk about it. £ditiii^ a paper is a nice business. II we publish a joke, pe.>ple sajr we aru rattle headed. If we don't we ale an old fiiSsJ. If we publisU original matter, they say we don't give thaoi enough selections. If ws give them selections, we are too lazy to write. If we give a man a " pu?." we are partial. If we Ct-nip'imjtit the laiies, the men are jeal- ous ; if we doa't, we're publishing a p;iper not tic to make a biutle of. If we remain in our ofii.'e we're too prouf^ to uiin){Io with th« "coinuion herd;" if we are ou the streets, we are not attending to our lu-(iii?ss. If we wear poor clothes bu^iiess is dull, if wn wear good clothes wo do net p.iy for 'uin. â€" E.t The many friends ot Mr. W. A. Brown, jeweller, Markdale, were much shocked to learn tli vt he had paisi'd aw.iy ' from earth on Fiiday evening hutt after a shot t il'nesH of pneumonia. Mr. Blown had many warm fnenJs. Ha was a proniiuont niember of the Methodist church and clerk of the vil'ajc. Deceiv- ed was a member of the A. O. U. W., through which body hi/» widow will in- herit ?".'00O. Tho funeral t-iok pl.ice on Sunday forenoon to MaikJale cemetery and was very largely attunueJ. An adopted child and a young widow are left to mourn the loss of a kind and indulgent father and huiband. Very much syinphatliy IS iixpreuHoJ by all for Mrs. blown, who hai lost all her little ones one by one, though the grim hand of ileath, and now is called upon to part with that dearest snJ most nieei<sary thing to her eiirlhly happiness, a loving husband. M«y she be sustaiiiud in lur hour "f sorrow. Died. BnowNâ€" In Maikilaio, on Friday, 10th iuet, tt/tBr a short illiiesn, W. A. Blown, jeweller, aijad 42 years and 8 mouths. WiUOHOBâ€" In Artemesia, on Tuosdaj, April 7, OG, Bamuel Wauolioti, ogsd 71 jsars. Obituary From TIu Peniuiylcania Oem. In Cooper Township, Montour County, on Thursday, February the 13th, 1800, David McMulleii, aged 79 years. De- ceived was the oldest and liuit surviving brother of William McMullon, who died at Fle.sherton Station some years ago. The deceased was a noble, whole souled and brave soldier in the late war for the Union during the siego of Petersburg. He was the teutinate of the Editor of the Pennsylvania Gem. The funeral look place from his Lite rcsiuence ou the Bloom road, and after an elixjucnt ser- mon in the Ridgeville Union Church by Ruv. Win. H. Luse, who cho.se f<jr his text the twelfth verse of the ninetieth Psaliri, the remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. The pall- bearers were conitaJes Jacob Reaser, S. Mottarn, Benton Brown, Dan. Smith, J no. Marshall and K. W. Ejgert, the lat- ter three being meiiibers of Battery F. of the Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, of which the dear old comrade was a member, and now, afterlife's fitful fever, our kind friend lia.s " gone down through the dark valley ai.d ^badmr of death 'â€" to " that b<jurLe fn m whence no travel- ler returns. Our Motto is Cii'mb^ P2«50N.\LS Miss .'>I.iy Wi-ight ..f M'. Clare, N. J. , eldest dauijbter of Mr. A. A. Wri^;lit, is Tisli'ig w.th re'ativM in tonn. Mr. W. Wells has returned from his studies at Toronto Medical College. Mr. W. Irwin Ijft on Monday for MonUma. Mr. and Mra. .\rchibald Boyd, of Omaha, Neb., have been vitsiting with friends in tlii.s vicinity for the p;'.«t week or so. Mr. Boyd left this (jart some years ago, but still owns a fanii on the Ea.st Back Line. It is {wssiblo that he will return to his pnoperty in the couiuo of a short while. Mrs. U. McKnight, of Owen Sound, died on Satuiibiy morning. Fiesherton Station. troxntinr ow correspondent. Mr. Editor, news is a little scarce around hero just now. There is nothing to bo seen or heard tell of but mud. Miss Cuslinie .spent her Easter holi- dayH in Holland Centre with Miss Hus- band. Mi.ss Johnston spent Monday with friend-s in town. Ma.stur .Vrcliic McLeod, of Farwoll, Mich., vifiifced v.ith Mr. McLcod a week or Ko lately. Mr. aiul Mrs. Tucker visited in Dui-- hani last week. Mrs. Egnn retunied Itust week from a prolonged visit with friends in Dumlalk. Mrs. E. White has been very ill for a couple of weeks past. We are glad io hear she i.s recovering. On the 12th inst.. tho wife of Mr. A. Rutletlge, of a son. Quite a number of people ai-ound here are making maple syrup. They say there lA a good run and expect to make lota. AND WE ARE- 6//2^ . / Wo have i!"t nc iily to the top in JOB Wo UK of every description by buyiii:{ up-to-date material and wuik- ii'g it artistically. Tiiis ii tho Keasoti «( yeir when fanners duniie small bills for their t n tiro stock, and also advorlisiog. We will place sni.iU s'lcU advertis.jBient'. in theso columns at lIic lato of ONLY 50C PER HONTH and larger ones in tho sauio rati.. A VERY CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF i^oots dt Shoes FOR SPRING & SLHMER ON HAND For Style, Quality and Price cannot be surpassed Call and ©ee ttierri at . . . CLAYTON^S Xop airing dt custom work promptiif aitertcltel to w We Are Still In The Swim And invite our customers and the purchasing public generally, to iiiappct our stock. We have placed on our coiintei-3 seveiulcrt.se3of SPUING SHIRTINGS, DENIMS, GOTTON- ADES, PBINTS, and GENERAL DRY GOODS. We Have a Few Lines of nillinery .^â- ^^.^Selling at Less tiian Half Price. BOOTS & SHOES ! Our stock is very complete. LIAIS ! A complete stock of Spring Hats just to band. GROCERIES! Our TEAS excftll iu price, sirengtii and flavor. We aim at keeping a good quality at reasonable prices. If you waul a bbl. of SALT we have it. Highest price paid for all produce in exchange for goods. T. HILL. ^^billlllililliniiim.... luunllilllli gpt/Sfei^i:Cgfe%Sgs/::fefefe^fa<^ig^gv. r«ii(a im, • ^ " Qensral ^ Jdea OF WU.Vr YOU CAN" GET .\T THE 'I^lc^lr^ei'ton i\n'i\itut'e Wiifei'ooin^ mid all at rock bottom prices, for cash or dry lumber. l^ov TKe Pa.x*loz> "ii We have Suites in Plush, in SSilk Brocatolle and Silk Tapestry. This month at 827.50 per Suite. Odd Chairs of al- most every description and style and finish. Sofas & Lounges of various- ur.ides, all very hiw in price, besides a nice variety of Cane ami perforated Seat Chairs. Ceiitie Tables iu .Solid Ouk ai..l '.Valiiut tioisli of now and pretiy desiu'ii. A Beautiful New Stock of Window Shades & Cuitain Poles ALL LENGTHS TO 12 FEET. Besides Parlor Furniture we have every n-qui8ite for the Dining-room, Bedroom, Kiiohon or Sewing-room. .•\geiit for the celebrated U.\bri'.luo Organs, K:iymond'» Sewing Machifos, as well us needles for any other iiiacliine. Fi.sher & Pulfords' & Wilkinson's Plough repair/*. Very special attention given to UNDEBT.AKINti De. partment and Picture framing of which we have a bi.uitiful as- soitmeut. J. H. MOORK We also supidy Hokke Bills cheap and attr.'tcLive, with a very largo se- lection of cuts to choose from. :vz to his heart'iicon'nnt, hut facts .spe.ik louder than words. Our work speaks for itself. TIic Advance has a re;nr- tatioii to maintain and it proposes to maintain it. Try us oiico for any- thing in the printing line. We never yet sent a niaii away diosatiliel. Hero area few things which »u in ike a specialty of : Nolo and letlor hoada, envehipes, blank note.s, cir- Lul.Tis, posters, bu.siness and viHitiiii; card.", pamphlet work, etc. Work donu plain or in colors. Samples supplied by mail if desired. W. H. THT,'R8XOItf, Fle»herton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlt-e -H-ery Sest Pii.VCB i:i CAK.\UA TO CET A Tlofoagli Basinsss Eliicalion. vi«)W all otbur BusiuobB Culiu^t's and Take a Round Trip m l,'o..-„-- Comiuorcial Dopartmeulu in C'anaiia.tliou visit the -Sorllieru IJusiuo^s CoIli'S"! ; oxaiiiiiio evorv- tliiUK thoioiishly. If W8 tail to ;iroduoo the most llioii>ui;li,oonipli)to. uracti-'ftl anil oxton- slvoooiivsuof Hluilv ; tho beat colloKu iironui-iis Miiltllo bostanil m;ob' comi'lelu au<l mofl suit- abiofuriiitiiro au.i miliniicos, wo will givo you a full ooiirse KKKi.,. Kor Annual Announce- tneut, giving full partioulavB.fieo, a^ldrun C. A.FLEMING,* Priucipal. H911S8 vk let For Sale. F'or sale ohoap and ou cany torma In Wei>hor- Ion. Siiloiiili.l laiKcsoliil brink iIwolMng. with i^oDil stjna collar, siinmior kitehen «n.l woo.1- houu. also fiooil f!au;o stable, bifck Hue I I' ii'ui'<or. contaiiin IwolaiRoIatsftnilRood youuR iii-clmni. b-ariiiB. Hollo and ou'builiiiDKii are o.\coi)tiou8lly well flui.ihod and very conveiii- buily laid out. Apply *" K.J. Si'noci.E.Flo.ihertoo. Jersey Bull for Service Tlioronf^Iihro-J JoiKoy biilJ for porvico at John H. Uuard's, FIukIiui ton. TeniiK oiiO dollar. Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fins pur- chased, for which hij^hest luarket price will be paid. -- ' Homemade sausages on hand, alte (lO kinds of meats. FI4ISHBRT0K MSAT BMP0KIU|| Fl^SE ! FUlES J 2 TESTING Preserve your eyesight by havinij; them properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN KleshcsrtoM. 5KATING RINK Onoof the vorv host rinks north of Toronto- Open Monday, Wudnundsy and Saturday oven, ills*. Haud in attendeuce Wednosdnys, when 3o will bo ohAigod tor spectators. Loarnors can bsvo nsoofiink Thursday afternoon, fiomStill 3 free, providiny thoyaro tiekot holders. W. J.HOWAIID.pr*. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For sale very cheap and on very easy terms. Timber farm, IMaoros, two inilosfroin Klesb arton, known aa tho Wm. Hokk sawmill pro- iiortv.aiidoii which iaau oxcollent water power, louiidatiou of saw mill, dam and poud sad water whouliu place and all readv for putting mill ou. About 1.5 acres uloarod,, so acres timber, most off, balance well t'-nibered, mixed timber. This farm will bo sold at a barsain U sold at ouoa. Small pay meat down, balance on t%n ej>sy terms, .\pijly to B.J. Spbodlk, Flefbcrton.On Logs Wanted Dot* elm 10, » and U ft. M»ir: *< to t\Mk Maple, 11 ft fl IBS.. •4.U, red biMh. II ft. 1 iiM..«t. . Bawanrr * VaaMatk

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