Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1896, p. 8

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THE FLISHKRTON IDTAMCI D. ncTavish FLBSHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND airs For Ma88cy-HarriD,and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkiusoa farm implements. Floury and V'erity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for tho samo. We manufacture Wagons, Bu<;;gies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Hursesliocing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Lodging and Plow Chains constantly on hand 'm About Cutters and Sleighs OENTLKMKN â€" As tlie season of sleighing iH ngnin appruBching I woiilil call yi>ur oarnust atientiun tu my wiiitrr atuck in which I am pre- parod to n'we you entire Hatiiifactiun both in quality and price. In cutters I havn n Iirue stock t<i select from, made of heat of material and latest ditsigns in tinish. I am second to none. In sleiglm I can accommodate voii, either liaht or heavy. Prompt attention civen to repairing, paint- ini; and retriinmiug. Call, whether you want to purchase or not, and be V'lnr own jud^e. R.T.WHitten Fleshei^ton I i^.TlJiT^^-U^'IiV /ift^v>v;Yittw:;v;;vyiiS£ GO TO J. H.HEARD FOR XHE BBS' UOOIES, WagBons, Carts. Spring T....tli and Iron Harrows. Frosts and Woods' Binders, Mowers, Horse R»k«H and Ploughs. Kleury Plouphs, ScufBors and Turnip Se.d Drills. Dick's Ploughs and Land Rollwrs. Shares for all kin.ls of PloU'.'hs. H'>rse Shoei'iu' and nil kinds of Blacksmithing. Wood, Lumber, Codar Posts ^^j Ai a.id Shingles. ^^„« J | a nririnftrinoivvinfiruMifUMUVf> I With Others (t .jQu£h>inh]xtruvnJiJUUui!njfiui â€" ^ Everything fn-sh in the way of lemons, i orMM^^ej, nnis all kinds, cmfectionpry of the choicest variety, lign, dut.'S, prunes, | eranlicrries, biacuitn of all kinds, c.inned ' fruii.s and vei;er»l)ltt^, teas, sueani and all i other iirocerics ; stock all fresh for the ' holiday trade. r~\irGii- r^fd KroHli nil the ' K^y^\,\,^l >3 time I Best Hour and feed constantly on hand. APPLES In Small Quantities or by the Barrel .4. L^Aar. Eugenia Mills -AND- Carriage Works. Owriages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw- In?, Wood Turning of oviry des- cription. Piantn,'; and Gr^-in Chop- Din^doae whllo you wait, for th'i Beaver turns ttie wheel. T. W. WILSON Hannxer OAVKATB. _ TRADK MARK*, OESiON PATINTS. COPVRIOHTS, AtoJ For iurnrmatlnn anil free Handbook wrlio to JIUNN * CO, n I )iiioiDw*r, New YoBit. Oliloft litiroau Tor sc'.-urlnf; pat«nU) In Anifrloa Kvi ry T'Kt^'iit tala-n out l.y ufl Is troiicht bcfuro ttie piiMlc by a noflco ulven tree oXebart;o Ija tlio lArxot olpniilatlon of ony •rlpntlflr' p^P^r !n tho worl4l. Splendidly llluntratod. No Int^-lllKciit mail ahoiiid \x: tvliliout It. Weekly, M3.a<>a rear: tl.S')"lxinontlia. Addrras, >IIIN>r« CO., PcnuflUEiia, 80 1 Broadiray, Maw York City. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Whieh Doeton Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKING l\ I I^IV O Pectorai. •* I contraettd a severe cold, which settled on my lunfcs, and I did wh;il Is (<(tcii dmie In iuch CUV9, neelectod it, tiilnldng It would no away »9 It camo ; but I {ound, alter a ttle Willie, that Uie allgtitsst exertion pained me. I then Consulted a Doctor who found, on eiamliitnR my liinps, th.-jt tho upper part of tho left one wait Imclly aflecif-d. lie gave mo some medlclno wliirh 1 too'., ?.s flirected, Imt It did not seem to do any K'"''- rortiiiiatel)- I haiincneil to road In Avci'j Almanac of the elTcct lliat Ayer's Ciieriy Pcctorsl hnl on olhcru, nnd I determlnetl lo fivo It a trial. After talilnKalew jIoso.i r y rouble was relloveil, Knd IieforB I had f.ii- Ishcd tlie hottln I wa.i oiired.'"â€" A. LEFLAit, watoiinuilter, Oi-angeville, OiiU Ayer's Cherry Pectcral HljrhBst Awarda at Woria'a Fair. Ayer'a J'itla Cure Indtaeatlon. Good Farm for silo or Rent TjotiT, non.fi, Artoiiiosia, ointoiiiiiig HI acrnii mire or 1) k,1 ) a;:ioa ulearad. aliniit Hi niilur if'im KttMhrirtoi. Tlieru aro a (.'ood lo|^ I arn a>id Ltiibio o'l tlio iironiirtOR. Uood I'linamx Wiiloi'. for fut'ior piitlnuliira apply to W. A, AliMaiRoNO FlaaliurtoU' ~ L0a3 WANTED flpruco lo',M,aTi\- »l7.u over ton iiiobea, I'2 feet loiii;. Ili^livrit piicoa. nSECnOPT & TALIIOT ATXRNXION To those Contemplating Buildins: Flavinnidat rat'.irned from New York, where, to paat oxiJiMionoo, I liavofl<1 lod n vciar's eourao of inetniiitiou'i iindur tliu personal iinparviHlon of Jlr. ('liii'iti)i>l)'ir Myuro. nrciiituct in cliiuf to the SuieiiUllc .Xin«''ioun, I am better than over !>rJi)A)'e i to asMi..sC tli.)i<o coiitunipiatiiif; biiild^ nil, and b.iviTit,' f.ninad a coiiml'liiK partner- • 'lip with Mr. Myur», mv oiiaiita can aooiire bill vaiiiab:a aarviuus nitlinnt extra cliarua. Flans, etc., nroniptly furniahe<l. JV. U. ULARK, FlofhertoD WE ARE ««». Still ill llui liiiid of the livin?, sidlin' ifiulf I'loui', gnilo Tea and Sii-^ar ami other Groceries. W'u have Home rale .^ude S WOO lies for aiild and Jonii<r, m.d if you want a raid ;;iide Xruiik IW keep your clnea in, or a ^ude braw and new friie the niiiniifaclurpr, just ^ausj tno' Williu JJenderKon in Spioulu"* hlock, and he will supply yon at lowest prictw. WM. HENDERSON Coanty and District In the coiyae of a week or ho Clarks- burg will have its residence and business places lii;hted by electricity. The Ohesley sensation, which we copiad from a daily paper last week, appears to have been much orerdrawn. The coroner's jury decided that the girl Catharine Koch came to her death by iuflammation of the lungs brought on by exposure, and no blanie was attached to any one in the 6ndin:;. A report from Quebec tells of a fariuer in thu whiskey smu^'glint; buiiieas who had a tin can made in imitation of the fi>;uio of astout lady. This he 6lled and mufUed up with ahawU and carried in the Heat beside him in trips from the laland of Urleans to Quet>ec. An upset the other day revealed the fraud. (Dr.) Billy Falls has returned from his winter's snjourn as the cuest of the county at Owen Soui.d. As an old man, unable to work he bitterly deplored hav- iu'j to associate with hardened criminaU ill the county gaol. â€" Thornbury Stand- ard. A Nebraska man who had a car or two of horses to sell wrote a friend in Wash- ington, a«kiii){ whether it would be ad visable to try to sell tliein thert. The friend replied : â€" " The people of Wash- ing ride bicycles ; the street cars are run by electricity, and the government is run by JHck-aRses. No demand for horse- flesh. " â€" Exchange. David Cathcart ig one of the oldest Urnngemeti in Canda. Ha hss attained hia 01st year and has resided in St. Marys ^illcu 1842. At the age of oifjhteen Mr. Cat I. curt joined an Orange Lidt;e and has been a member in gnod sianding for the past seventy three years. Uu has few of the infirmities of old age and can read the sinallest print without spectacles. Alexander Jamiesun, a fellow townsman, is the same age as Mr. Cathcart and join- ed the Oiaiige body at the same tiiv.e. A Sunday school teacher was telling the class about the devil ijoing around like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. "How fast can the devil run ? " asked one of tlm pupils. "Huijh, •lohiinie." aaid the teacher, such questions are veiy profane," "Well, I don't care," replied .lohniiie, "he can't outrun pa, anyhow, because I heard pa tell a man on the street the other day that he eH:ii<lit the devil the night he came home from the lodge." Ridgoway will have a bicycle electric railway. The Ilridgeburg Ueview de- Hcribcs it oa follows : Polls 5x5 are pl.'iccd deep in tho ground u;uch tho samo JUS fence ]Ki.stH. The posts aro 6 feet from centre to centre, and on these aro placed ,-k timber, which is tho bed for a single rail on which the cars run. Uenco the name "bicycle track." The roiul in nb- Kolutely luifu ; tho inventor claims that it is Kifer that a tnilley or a Ktuaiii road. No trolley or overhead wires are used. I'^ich car is independent nnd run by a Kluiago buttery. Stiturday being a holiday from school, IViey Bieckoii and Mack Doddii, agt d respeitively 12 and 13 yoais, got npeaily in the inoining detormind to have a good day's fun. They burrowed a trap and set It in Mrs. Ureckon's bush, i.i tho sand baiik. They viviled the trap in two hours time and tu their delight found a fox ill the trap. On looking around they found two young foxes about as largo an la'H and secured both and put tlioin with the old fox in a large cii;:;o lilted up for t e purpiite. Thu boys Ret the trap again and about ei'^ht o''.;lock an un- earthly Niiund was hoard in that direction. Tno boys accoinpanied hf Miss D-jdda nnd Miss IJrecki n, armed with pitch- f<'ik<<, «o:'t tu llie winxlx and found all- ot Iter lai;.'e fox in the trap, wliioli was easi'y secured hi d added to the iiieiia- gorie. The bi'ys have had such f^n^.ld luek they intend to foil w the business dui'in;; th'.s seiuon.â€" Shell lUrno Free Press. FIESBEBTOH STEM ItDUDDr. I have opened np a eoinjdoto atoani laundry In KloHliorton. and am piepind tntalioinany quaTttity of laundry worii at lower priises tiinn aro obarKod elaewliero. T bavupntin tliola'CHt nnd moHt. Iiupi'ovud nmoblnery to that end. Kludlv kIvo nio a call. Entire satiafaetlon in]arabtaad,aud pilcoa low. Mas. Qbo. MooBsaovsa rrs«'cvillc. Frarn inn uwn CurrtHiiondcHi. The piililioal jiot is beginning to sim- mer oven ia tlii.s cpiiet little buig. Tho fiinnevN of this vioiiiit.y aro mukiiig excellent progrecR with the sjinng work, owing to the very hoautiful weather we are having. It is reported that some of tho iSoutli Lino agiiculturists are almost through Bowing alrtady. Mr. John McLean of the North Lino disposed of his stock, iinplomonts, etc., last Thursday. Mr. McLean intends leaving for Dnluth in n few days. The small boy, nnd tho big one also, is yearning for the second of May. No mis- takes this year. James Tryon and Bert Wateon have gone to the township of Whitby, where they have secured work for the summer. Mr. A. Butters was taken ill last week, but we are glad to say that he will soon be around ugnin. '"'â-  Mr. Angus Kennedy in visiting at the old homestead after an absence of a num- ber of years in Manitoba and elsewhere. Mrs. McKechnie returned to her home in Georgetown last Friday. Mr. Robt. Blakcaton left last week for an extended visit among friends in Wing- ham, Mitchell nnd other places. Mr. Robt. Riley is home for a few days. R. R. intends going to Parry Sound in a few weeks. Mr. Hugh McArthur is tho happiest man on tho South Line. If you don't know tho reason why, <i.sk him. Mr. James Innes is back to our burg again after a Bomov.hat lengthened ab- sence. Mr. Peter Mo.Vrthnr is spending a few days in Durhuui this week. MiB.ses A. Cushnie and Ella Husband of Flcsherton Station and Holland Centre respectively, were the guests of Miss Bertha James b.tely. Wo are gla<l to loavn tliat Mr. M. Can> eron, after weeks of intense siifForing, is now able to walk .-viiiund a little. Mrs. Munn, who spent the winter with friends near Staynev, Ls homo agiiin. Dr. Sproule Welcomed Home The Markets. Careriiliy Corrected Each Week Klour $4 00 to $4 .Ml Oats '^l to 2S H«)as . 48 to M Butter 13 to i;5 Eggs, fresh 8 to 8 Potatoes bag 30 to 30 Pork 4 50 to 4 50 Hay per ton 15 00 to 16 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 f« Sheepskins 25 to 60 Osese . . 5 to B Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair iO to 2.5 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Woid . . 20 to 24 Time Table. OOINO SOUTH. Markdalo â€" 6.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m. Flesherlon â€" U.5u a. m. 4.53 p. m. GOING NoRTir. Kleshertoii â€" 11 48 a. ni. 9.17 p. m. Maikdale 12 04 p. ni. 0.30 p. lu If Dr. Sproiile evui hud any doj'.ts a* to the rece[)ti-n 1.0 w.'iild receive on bis arrival home they ihuhi Tinve been happily dispelled when tlie evening train diew up at Markdale station on Saturday evening. The people had turned out in such force to welcome him that ihe station yaid was completely packed with a ni.tss of humanity. The Dr. was escorted to a carriage in waiting, and headed by Flesh- erlon band and an immense torchlight procession a start was made for up town. Rousing cheers greeted the Dr. on every band, and the procession was the rinest ever seen in Maikdalo. When the Maish house was reached Dr. Sproule mounted to the balcony and gave a short speech to the large crowd, after whieh by personal invitation the members of the Fleshorton band and torchbearers adjourned t<i the Dr's spacious residence, where lunch was served. It was a happy home coming, and everybody, irrespective of politics, vied in doiiit; honor to the now ex member but shortly to-be again member for E^st and Centre Grey. The whole nlfair was nerfecily spontaneous, the people of Mtrkdalenot even know- ing that the Flesherton band was to tike puit in the welcome until it arrived there. The Markdale b.md is just at present in an unfortunate position, being wiiliont a leader, ami was consequently Miiabli! tu taku part in the OTation. At Duiidalk the tiain waited twenty minutes, when a hearty reception was uiveii the Dr., who made a short spceck, nnd the Dnndalk band rendered three or ftmr p eces in spendid stylo. Our band boys speah vnry highly of the ciiizen.s, and s.'ty it was the must en- joyable evening they have spent iu a long time. Baseball Schedule. At Markdale on Monday the Georgian Bay BasoUill Longuo met, when the olRcera wero elected and the schedule for the season arranged. Only three teauis, Meafonl, Owen Sound anil Markdale, are in the Leagiio. Tho ofiicers elected wore: President, J. Fairer, Meafonl; Vice- President, II. Wilkin, Owen Sound ; Sec- r<'tiiy-TrenHurer, W. L. McFarland, iMiirkdalo. Fcdlowing is tho schedido as, arranged : May 18, Meiifonl at Mark- (irtli) ) .Vl.iy 20, Owen Sound at Markdale ; Juno 3, Me.-iiord at Owen Si'und ; June 8, Markdalo at Owen Sound ; Juno 17, Owen Sound at Moaforil ; Juno 22, Moaford at Markdale j July (5, Markdale at Owen .Sound ; July 15, Owen Sound at Meaford ; .Inly 27, Markdalo at Mca- foid ; August 5, .Meafonl at Owen Sound ; August lit, Owen Sound at Markdalo ; August 2(i, Markdale at Menfoixl. Uorii. ARMsTRoNO-At Lucknow, Out., on Monday, ilTtli Inst , to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Armt:trou|;, a dsuKhtor, Smarms J^or Oale OR TO RENT In the Township of Osprey. â- .•AUOKIj 1 - liOt nnmbor ilO in tlio 3nl Con â- o.^Riiin nortli of ttie Durham Koad, con* iuinin^ 50 AcroN, all of vbicli i9 riesred anti in a KOO'l state of oultivation. The soil in clay loam. VAUCPIj 3 â€" Ijota numbora U and 1,1 in tb» 4tb (loneeRsion north of tlio Unrbam Road, con., talnntf; COUaoics. of wliicii 100 acree are cleared, an.l there in said to ho erocted tlioreon a Io(j bon^e, n ((oo I frame burn, 40 X 50, with stab! - iiip underueatii ; also a flood loit barn nnd staltle. ^'he soil i.i clay loam, watered by a nprtn)! oreek, and well adapted for yriiKiuK, dairying, etc. Tbu uncleared land, about 100 aoron, is tirobHred with cedar, hardwood, etc. Iioth ptopertlot are situated In a weil Bottiod neitjbhorboGd oouveniuiit to ohurcbeii, BchoolM and mnrkets, and will be Bold separate-, ly or toKBtber on very ea»y turiua of payment, or will bo rented for the prosant year or for abort term, with the privilege of purchasing. For futher partfoniari apply to B. J. ttrsoutA. Ek),, rlashertoB, Ont. VhwHuu A. John*, A Common Affliction PenauRtly Cired b| Taking Saraa- parilla AYERS A CAB-DHIYPt'B 8T0ST. "l was afflicted for eight years with "Salt Bheuui. DuriiiK thHt time, I trliil a great many ni^'d;, ines which were biKhly lee- omniended, but none BSve nie icllef. I was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parills, by a friend who told ni.3 that I must piircliasc .«ix botiies, and u.se them accoraing to directions. 1 yielded tohU persuasion, liought the six bottles, anil looic the contents of tbree of these bo^ ties without noticing any direct lienrfit. Fefore I li.td finished the fourth bottle, my bands wore as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My business, whioh Is iliat of a rab-drlver, requires mo to be out 111 cold and wet weather, ofieo without gloves, and the treuble has never returned."â€" Tuomas A. Jouics, Btratford, Ont. iJUfi. Sarsaparilla 9 Adgdttg^a^h^Worid^^Falr. . 4ver'« J'Uia Cl«an«e *Ao Bo%0ei», Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tno nndoraigncd are placiii£; iu po- sition a first class eawmill for custuni sawing, which will be ready foropertv- tion in Jainmev. We have ulso added A CHOPPINQ MILL For the coiivtiiieuce of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 5 ceuta per 100 lbs. The sash and door factory, band and scroll Biiwiiig bnsiues'.s continacd a.s usual. Pile in your orders. BEECIlOyT & TAL150T â€"TAKEN I â€" AT THE IP Ik Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in tirst-clasa style and at K<west rates, Speoial attention (jiven to copyins. Babies' photos, a epecialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER

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