TBI rilBEBRTOK iDTAR6l \ Oa? I. ! ] i BBTABLIBBBD 1881 ^Ke Advance rVVUSKBD WKKKLY AT THE OPKICE, SYD- ENHAM STaeST, rLKHUERTON, ONT., BY W. H. THURSTON. $1 per anauin,8trictly in advanec Advertiaing Rates: Oaa Ooluma, 1 yoar, «M : half col.. 1 year, <27 quartur col., oue year, Hi, Trtnalent advertiiiurnoRt cbarRed «l the rate • ( Soentapur liae fur tlrsC insertioo and 3 couts each subsequttDt iDsertioo. As an item of good news we might incidentally refei to tLe fact that Holmes, the murderer, was suddenlj' removed at the end of a Philadelpiii i rope last week. Let us now forget that such 9 monster was ever boin into this world. The SLelbuvna Economist editor gravely explains fur our benefit that he is not the author •oi* tuc ' ' M. I. Cawbcr " pot-pouri now running in that popcr. Well, great smoke ! The EconomiRt man must have a niiglity poor opinion of our literary discrimina- tion. Why, Mr. Cawber's articks arc quite readable. As a sample of campaign ex- aggeration, we mij^ht refer to the â- tatement which was telegraphed broadcast oyer Ontario last week to the effect that Sir Charles Tiipperhad received an exceedingly eutliusmstic rcoeptio'.! at VVinnipeg and that 5000 i people formed a procession in his hoior. Tlie fact of the matter is tliat S'r Charles received a very coul re- ception and that the procession was I made up of something under fifty people â€" one despatch says there wert'| not half a dozen iu it. He was greet- j cd at the meeting witli a mixture of I cheers and groans and hisses. iVhcu | Mr. Macdonald mentioued " National ichools" lie was cheered, butwhen lie i proHOUiiced himself in favur of the j government's position on coercion | there wert groans. It in taiJ Mr. Macdonald has no ehuiiue of being I elected iu Winnipeg, and by people] who ought to know. lienor Kolla> Flesherton ichool for April CUaa 6 ar.â€" Ernest Armstrong, Fraiik Irwn, J no. T. Beeoroft. Cla»8 5 jr.â€" Jno. Hill, Zilla Trimble, Florence Hicbardson. ClaaH 4. â€" Clara Strain, Hatlie Sullivan, Ethel Trimble. Class 3 sr. â€" Teenie Smith, Minnie Munshaw, Arthur Wardrobe. Class 3 jr.â€" Hert Barnhouse, Minaio Bellamy, Miiia Bealty. Claei 2 sr. â€" Catlton Bellamy, Linda Fleaher, Wilda Cnmsley. Class 2 jr. Harry Steeley, Willie Hales, Albert Legard. Part 2 sr. Walter Loucks, IdaSuUivaii, Mauuie Moorhcuae. Part 2 jr.â€" Ella Barahoase, Lottie Moore, M'llie Croailpy. Honor roll of S. S. No. 10, Artemesia, for the month of April. Clat48 4.â€" EvaRutledge, Geo. Cairns, Allie Ashdowh. Class 3 sr.â€" Gordon Mullen. Cla-ss 3 jr.â€" Clarence Thompson, Will. Sarjfent, La>«i9 Rutle<lge. Class 2 sr.â€" Annie Chislott, Albert Hogarth, Maggie McAuluy. Cltttui 2jr.â€" Ewait VVansbrough, Charles Jones, Miiggio Itutledge. Sr. pt. 2.â€" Irene Legato, Annie Strobell, Beatrice Lawroiieo. Jr. pt. 2.- Idii Jones, Fish VVarling, Huhhiu Tucker. Sr. pt. 1 â€" Roy Wansbrougli, Roy Piper, Freildy ChUlctt. Jr. pt. 1.â€" Rohby Spicer, Stanley Mc' Mullen, John Tucker. A. I. CusHNiE, Teacher. One evening lately three aatives of America, Germany, and Scotland, respectively, foregathered at dinner in a hotel. After thoy had done justice to the taity viands that lay ou the table, they be^ian to wash thera down with the liquids, bo to say, and, durini{theproces3, to wax eloquent, each over hia own country. Said the Yankee, who, with characteristic smartness, was the first to brag : " Here's to the land of wonder, the sun of the world." TheGerman, not to be outdone, next rose and proposed, "To the Vaterland, the monn of the world.'' The canny Scot, pausing for a little to think what toast could wipe out the other two, at last got up and said : " To Britain, the Joshua who comtniiid- ed the sun and moon to stand stilh"-Ex. CHAMPION STALLION Of The Dominion The Prohihition questions suhmitlo to the judicial committcn of tin Imperial I'rivy Council have huuiil answered at last, and accordii''^' t( cablegram the decisions arc clear ai uiud mixed with printer's ink. It will probably require a cathode ray to dis- cover what is actually in them. Ill however appears to be conceded that] the provinces cannotpass a proliihilmyi law. It cau prohibit the iiiaiml'.iu-l turo but not the sale of iiitoKi'.:atiiig| liquors within the province. It cai] pass local option laws where riicIiI laws would not conflict witli thel Canada Teiupenince Act. Tlii.^ to ua appears to be a heavy blow to tlut cause of piohibilimi, as the fieUI in lioadeucd to Buch an extent that it will be practically impossiblo to covit it for many years to coiuo.' In this icspcct, if the above announced decis- ions prove correct, wo are away be- hind the United Stales, where •aoh Htate lioldn such matters iu itp own hands. Bir Oliver sliould hv happy in this judgment. It lets hitu out of several deep holes and in addition gives liiin a good Holid " cinch " on the brewers. Bii ,lars efToclod an entrance into a ilMhuriie store Saturday evening wuek and c*rried o(f quite a quantity ot dry gouda. Dr. Ueid of Horniiiga Milla had a valuahlu St. liurnard dog poisoned the other (lay. JiiinuH Woohier ot Culliugwood was terrible Itentun snd stabbed on Siitiiiihty in that town by a nuiii named •Lumon Me-^ I'huiHiin, and in now lying in the lumpftnl kovering between life and duath. tfu- Phei'Hon had his jaw brokeo, hy Wuol^er AiUu> m<ale«.. Equal Rights House WE LEAD, OTHERS MAY FOLLOW PRINCE ARTHUR IMPOKTED JULY. 1899 Wiu»er at tJi« Worlis Ffcir, Chicago, New York, ami Ottawa; flrwt at Toronto Hpriug Show and KwvupHtaket* for best KtuIHon any ago, IHu:); ihtit and BiUor mndal at Toronto Industrial, 1HU:|; iHt aud tweop-^takuB at Toronto Siirln^ Show. I8U4; tlrst \>rizu anil siivei uiedul aUo KwceputaktiH for btst Btallluu any age at Toronto Iiiau»trial, 1BU3. Vrlucti Arthur rt'cistbied No. 1H:>2 Y C H S No. lUUU A C li & Cait«(t btates btud Bouk. R0UTK-1H<J6 MONDAY May 4tb. will leave his own stable, lot 16, ucu 10, Kuphrasia, aod procued to Mr kilbourn White's lUb lino 8t. Vincent, for uoou ; thence by way of Hay View to Woodford for thenttfht. TUI2S0AY, will proceed to Warrllows Hotel, Owuu Hound, fiir noon, where he will remain until 9 o'clock, ilio following niuiuin^. WKDNKSDAY. will i>rocued to Jackson House. Jacktiou. for noon; thence to Guy's Ilutiil, Tara. for the ui^ht. THUUBPAY. will proceed to Mr Goo Heuder- son'H near Kendy.for n on ; thenco to Campbell HouHU, (.'hatAworih, for the nlKht. FUIDAY, will proceeil to Mr Win KoBtoi's 0th con Holland, for noon ; thuiico to his own btablu wiiuru ne will reitmin until Monday. This route will bo continuod throuRhout the season, health aud weatiinr permitting. DKSCUII'TION Trinco Arthur is a pur* bred Yorkaliire Coach Horbe and royiHtereti in the Yorkfihire Coach HorHu Soc iei> of Grt-at l^ritain and Irelaiitl No. IK.V2. Color, hay; black Iv^n, niaiM and tail, aud pnrfcctly free from white, a((fd yoara, standri U\^ tiauds hi^h. wolults I,40U lbs , has the best uf action and la entirely free from blemish. TKUMS I To insure a foal $15, to be paid let February, I 1HU7. For the seariou *li. payable the la-tt two I nmnda. Uint^le leap #10, to bo paid at time of • H I vice, Insuri'l mares must be returned ^rfHtulavly to the liorso duiin({ the seaaou or thiiy will be cliaruud full aKduraiice, in foal or tryiui4 mares to the hurHe aud them will he charged for the ioa diHpoHin^ u( their mureK before coUactiuK time will bo responsible for insurance. All accidents to mares at riHk of owners. J. AUNAREY, naaager aad Collector Z/o the jCadios of S'lcohorion Leave your ordtrs iit this store and your goods will bo delivered to the furthost juirt of thu town promptly on short notice. Then' is some electricity aljout U.S a.s we have .^ucured the power from Kugenia Falls. Wo Holicit your good will as well a.s your money. Uo tAff jCadies from the Country Drive your horse and rig to thi front of this store aud it will bo taken t:i our now shed aud c.Hied for while yi-u »i.> your shopping. We are eirijert horsenicM' and caii IkaiuUu the luixit Ei-!U\tiu luiimah-i. . iil « i We begin this week to CTJIAR OUT hues of PRINTS .\t cut prices. We do not ))urj)ose to carry stock when tho Bea,son i.s ad- Tfinced, our stock is largo yet but niu.-*! lie rciluced one half this month. We are clearing out choice patterns Our lady friends should see our dis- play i;f SILKS tlii«wcek. All ticketed with prices in plain figures. . White Blouses are in fashion and Silks so cheap why not have a SILK BLOUSE. See our table of double wklth DRESS GOODS, 40 to 42 inch. Regular 30c, 35c and 40c all at One Price, 25c Per Yd Why do WB do itâ€" don't ask but come and get a tihare of bargaiiiH gouig -time wili be sl'.ort. ^' ew Vhis Week unciy A beautiful range of Lsjcj C'ui t;iiiis sell- ing at 35 cents per |Mir iiud upwaiils. A CARLOAD OF butter & Eg^s Wantec TU^VCK A- WHITE SAILORS. LttJHOllKS & FAXCY STIiAWS, NEW FLt^WERS, RlllLONS AND LACKS. Siaie Ckko and Cdi,ap C-ootb ia now V>'o have rcceivetl auiither eno^ignm*;!* «-f Ladies' BootS & Oxford Shoes nut. I'eruonx i not returniuft COME WITH THE CROWDS""^v B. Mcdonald House aiid Lot For Sale For ftale cheap, on easy termn that comfort- able reaidence on Mary Kt. FleHhorton, contain- ii.fC H rouui8 anil wood iihed, with hard and foft watv>r pumps, both under cover, beautiful garden and orchard also well Qniiihed stable and dri re house 2ft X '24 ft. Apply to J. K. UOUUK, Furniture dealer. J^arms J'or uale In OR TO RENT the Township of Osprey. t The foUdwiiiK in the standing of Ihlox- w«dl iScliool fur .\pril : ('liiss f). â€" Will. ScliBMiinaii. Host .'I in romaiiiiiii; uIukkm, alamling Imsod (in itxiuiiiiiatiou aiiil rliis.i woik. KnIraiKO rliiss. Mivliul Siraclian, Lizzie Little, Liz/.iu (iiiy. CliiBs 4 sr. - Wm. Deavitt, William Wrifht, Kdilli Morrison. (Jliiss 4 jr.â€" Fred LoiiK, Annie Scutt, Lunrn liruniirldue. (;lii8B 3 sr.- Robhy Kinnoar, Edwin MhxwoU, Amiiii Heron. ChiHS 3 jr. -Uavid Ferguson, Minnie Duavitt. Clasa 2 ir.- Juiuea Guy, Chester Long, A. D. Deavitt. (/'Iiias !.' jr.-- Alice Hrowiiridge, Thorn- ton Vallistmr, .Mex. McCaahnie. Cliias sr. pt 2.- - Wm. Little, James Heron, Win. Ilantbliu. •Ir. jit. 2. â€" C«lia Maxwell, Ilnrry Liiiley, ihilin Morriaon. Hr. pt. 1. â€"Mary Madill, Elsie Guy, F.vn Mainlilin. Jr. pt. 1.â€" Clms. Heron, Lizzia Jsne .Stuck, iluth. Clark. J. L. WOOD, Taacher, rAUC.KI. 1â€" Lot numlior ,10 In the 3rii Con'THHion Mortli of tho IMirham Uond, con* tiihiin^ .V) arruh, All of which 1h dearwl nod in n kimmI stnto u( cultivktiou. Tho noil U clay l»aiii. rAItOFliZ â€" I'Ots nnuilmrg Unnd l.'i in tlie 4th OiincuBnlon north of tlie Durham Iloail, eon- lain iiit! 'JOUaoi.K. c' which lODaorw are clsnroil, aiKl tlipro iH Haiti to )>e orectuil tliureou a lou h»iia«, a )!•«â- < trams l>»rD,4Ux 00. .?ith »tahl- \\\V, undtirnnath : a)^(> a ^'oud loR barn and Dtaldu. Tim Kotl ii ria.v loam, watered hy a â- lirinR cruKli, uud woll ndaiitiid fur craeinK, dairvinii. etc. Thri nncluared liind. about lOO scroB. is tiiulxirud with ci'dar, hardwood, ot;. Itoth inoportiofi nr« pltiiatod in a wol] Hiittlud iiflKlibiirhoocI oontfiiioiit to churcliBn, HtdiooU anil luarkvtH. and will bn nol 1 HBparato- Jy i»r toiirthoron very eaBV tin-inB of |â- ^VlI»«nt, or will lio rontud for tlie iiroseiit v*iar or f.ir a abort ti:rin with the privileKO <>( inirchasing. For futhor paviicularK apply to It. J. Hi'Horiji, Uaq.. VUilierton, Ont. SW? Jjouch Tjhe Spot/ ^ On FO]R PRIC£:S seasonable goods, and nnghCaruiielmel, an Kiist Lutherfarm- cr, 45 jrearsof a^ie, hanged himaelf iu his bam tlk« other d«jr- No oauae ia a(iiu{U- td. fur bi» »at. have full supplits in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTElia, Rl'HHEU D.\8H APRONS, mNDEll WHIPS, HIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE. Coiiie in aud Exairjiiie "Â¥7moore HaruDssmakfir, Flctshofton '' Xing !Pm ' ' 10005 I>T Rnlckorbockor 900. the eiro of ten in the 2 :I0 Hat. and the dire of the dam of Alar i.W. Clironort 2 \i\ and eleven otlierH. Tbiit Bhowi* that hlH fttock is breeding ou and in flie very front rank". Knickerl r^ei r is by the king of aires, Han<> bletoniau 10 Kin(! I'iii H dam i« Topsey l>v Kottuckv Trincu 1!4.":0, Hire of tinv. S.OUJ, Kloise. 815, and over thirty otlierF in the list, second dam by Korent Kint;'l7.'>4. the hire of Ii-. ly HasBct, iiaOJ. and utherR, and Korevt K'ni; i.s by that f^ruat Biro, Manibrino Pati'lien .SH.c.irc of 'US in theliat. and Hire of the datns of ll'J [aat perfonuorB, includ- liiK Italph \VilkrN,aO«i. Kinn riu»dain,Toiwy, 1h in ti\u Rreat brood niaro list, beini; tho ouin of/.orlan<', i.tA. Kln>; Tin ia S years old, a beaiitlfnl dark bay U°i haiidH high, and wuiKlni KKXi. Ho i»ah rseof Kreat alvlo, i|Uality, and a grand actor, and can now, without trainiu).', flhow a 'J.40|.*ait. He has throat BUb.Htance.Btroiiij iiuild, the make up of a sire, the spood to trans- mit aud the hrecilinK aud blood linos to make liiui prepotent, aud not t^nly a sire of riu-e jiorses but a eiro of elegant carriage and saddle horaea with Rrand kniMi aixt hook autiou. aud laruo uuoukIi for all kinds of farm work. TliiBVounCBtallifin was imported by me last winter, did ft larjie busiiiess last Booson. and U a Buro foal getter, Iti-: Merviee lee will In, within reach of everv I ur. iSee small bills later. Tho principal Bland-- f-i eason of 'OCwill ho : I'rii'ovlllo, at or near Hop. villc, Proton Station, Houth-east Artenieaia, Wareham, Mclntyro, MaxwtU, KuKouia Vails, Flosherton aud tiome stable, Markdarlo. J. E. HARSH, I6M7 Uarkdale, Out SOW LOST Strayed froinlot;W, con. 12, Artemosia, on April 18, one Urge black sow, riyht eye blind. Anyone givins; infurinut.on ImdiiiR to her recovery will be suittkMy rewarded. TIIOS. DnADIU'UY Eugenia, May 6, IHitC. NOTICE The people of Flesherton arc borhy warned to Koop thuir horses and all other animals prohibited from running at larije by bylaw enclosed. All such aniniils found at large will b» impounded and the owners urosocutod, D. MrTAVisii, \ C. J. Lkitch, V Polio* Trusteei. W.J. BgLLAMViJ. May 6tK '90. .'.11.1 u lot of .Mun'i ri'j'Jgii '.uv. !•, Tonjjji;, iiric; ?l.i'5 I'riiii) stock. iLx^ta, ^>er pui'.v We have extraordinary values, niado up to order at $Wm, $1150 $12,50 Nobby choice light pjuitcngs made to onler $3.75. Boys' Wool Tweeds â€" a fine range at 32c per yd- Early orders solicited â€" but don't all come at once. White ShirUi, 36c. r.lack Sateen Shirts, fA-. Flannelh'tto Shirts, UCc. Linen C«>llars, !i for 25c. Gent 'a Ties, Knots & Derhys, 2 Uvc 25c. And tho finest stock of Gent's Hata in Fclt« & Straws â€" latest stylts and lowest jjrices. '%^%%^^^V«-^^^%%^^%^« Hardware 2 Dep't. ANYONE CAN SAY There*s NO FLIES On Us IF THKY GET S0.V1E OF OUR Screen Wire Cloth For Their DOORS & WINDOWS Do You Know Wo can save you money hy buying your NAILS and other HARDWAUE fivm us. Also in all kinds of Fencing W'ir© wo guarantee tho lowest prices. BEST tllllE li m S iEMS lloadiinarters for all kinds of Granite and Tinware. M. RICHARD&ON d Co J