Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1896, p. 8

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THE FLISHIKTOM ADYiHCI *smmmB^ffmm D. ricTavish FLESH EI^TON KEEPS ON HAND airs For Massey-Harriii.and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Floiu-y and Verity plows on baud all the time, also all kinds of repairs for ilic same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleiglis, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. {Special attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. ^-Y- i SUMHER SALES m:. •^T^ ^•^ i '^^^^^ NOW RUSHING I '^^'^ Thin is the season of year when you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I hiive thcni â€" beautios â€" and will sell on your own terinH â€" if they are not all onu-aklud. Painting and re-triinming dune to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my saniplus and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN v%^%/%^»%%^/»^%/%^%%%%/%%%%/%^«/%%%«/%4k^«/%'i rS^^ -^ â€" GO TO ^. J. H. HEARD FOR THE BEST â€" ""^ nrE?, \Va','!jiin«, Carts, Spring Tonih and Inm Harrows- . , Frosts miJ Wofxls' Bindors, Moweis, Horse Rtkvn And Plniighs- Jam Kleury Ploughs, ScufBiTH and Tuinip S«.d DiiIIh. Dick's Plouglia and Lund K'lllHrs. Shares for all kin<lH of Ploughs. H irse Sliofi'iu And al! kiudi of Itlackiimithirig. WimkI. Luiu'icr, Cedar PoiitH -R' LO ^ a. id Shiiifjles. I' I Be Happy I With Others ailiriiiririi&iJinfQiiiiiiiiu' Ereiylhinj; fresh in the way of lemons. uraiii^Hs, nuts all kiiitU, cmfectioKpry if the cholueist riiriety, tig^. di.t<>*, prunoa. ornnheiries, liiicuiia of all kinda, citnned fruliH Htid veuetablu«, teuK, Hiiuars Hi>d all' otlit-r i^rouerieii ; slock nil fieah (or I ho I holuUy trade. ] Oysters '"'â- "t'lme' """ ' Itest flour and feud constantly on hand. { APPLE3 In 5inall Quantltln or by the Barrel ' Wni. Barnliouse Eugenia Mills AND- Carriage Works. OArriages made and Itopatred, alfo Plauing and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every dos- orjptioa. Planing and Gram Chop Oiu<; doae wbllo you wait, for thi Braver turns tJie wheel. T. W. WILHOX MaiiiiKfr OAVUTS, _ TRADB MARK*, DKtION FATKNTS. OOPYRIOMTS, Mo. For Information and free Haudbwik wrfe« to MU.NN A CO., Ml lliiniuwAY, NBW Yona. OI'lfKt hun^au for sccilrlnsr paumta In Auicrlfa. Kvvry pnt4'ht lAki>n out liy uh Is LrouRtit Ixtforo the public by a iif)llc«i{lvun frvo u( charge ia tlio n»«t cimilnlinn of any xrlontlllo paper In the irlU. Kiili'iicllilly llliislraKiil. N<i liili'llli.'i'iit JHy«. May .TaaiiMH. Ayer's Pills " I would like to add my testimony to tliat «)l othors wtio have nsed Aypi's Pill*, and to «»y that I have taken thnni for many ynai s, and always dorlTed the beat resiilu Irom their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the ciirn of lioadaclin caused l>y these derangements, Ayer's I'llls cannot lio cqiialod. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders ol Hio stomach. Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer Is, Ayer's Plllv Taken ui hkhsoii they will break up a colli, prevent la grippe, check fever, nml rcitiilste the diuestfve orgaua. They utu easy to take, and Are the best all-mund family medicine I have aver Known."-Mi». MAY JoBNaoN, 368 Rider Ave., New York city. AYER'S PILLS Mlghe«t Awards at World's Fair. Oyer's Sartaptirillafor tH» Mood. Ui worl nan hhoul.l l» wlUioul It. Weekly, «3.4Nla fo»ri»i,'<):ilxmoiah«. Aildret», MUN'T* Co.. DkLUMKUM, SOI Uiuailway, Muw York City. OWEN SOUND, ONTAUIO, Is the -vei:*y Bes-t PiiACK IN OANAUA TO (II'.T A Tlioiough Bijsioess Edacation. Take a Rouud Trip «li?e.. '.l;;ru.„\': .â€" â€" CulloKuH and Itninniorclal l>opartn)ent« iu l^aimda.lliiiii visit tna Northern UiiaiueHK Colltvn I (ixtniiiiu ovary- tliluij IhoroiiKlily. If w« fail to pioiliioo the I'loHt thoroiiuh, coiiiplutu, iH-atitical a\u\ uiteii- aivanoursoolstiiily : Ilia host coll»);ii preiniKet •ui (h» liiiiit and nioa ooniplute iiiid iiiohi anit- •blofnrnitnro and ailliiiiicea. we Hill rIvo you A full ooursa KliKI.. I'or Anuiial Annuubce. Btaut.giviuu full vartloulara ,frue, addrea C. A. FLEMING, Priucipnl. WE ARB_____â€" a. Ktill in Ihu hinddf the liviufj, Pflliii' tfiide Klour, Rude Ten ai.d Suuiie a'll other (irouei'it'H. We liuv« umi^ti ndu ^\idf. for »uld and youi k, "bd if yt'U wunl « rale |;Uilo Trunk tiio' koep your elin'8 in, it n iLiido SiiLoliel binw niid iniw fr.io tliu nmiiiifaclurer, just ^aui/ t;io' Willie Ilcnili'isoii in Sjnnule's lilYek, and lid will supply you at Imvcst pricoa. WM. HENDERSON FIESHEBTOI STEll! lliaiDBlf. I have oponed up a coiiipletii steam laiiDdrv Id Kloslioitoii. auilani |iiiipi>ed to tako In any qnai'tity of Isiiiidrv work iit, lower prieoH thiin arc cbaigod ulni-wlinio. I havoput in the la B»t and inoat iiuprovud machiiiorv to that iinrt Kindiv Diva ma a call. Kutire aatisfaotion guarautaod.aud piic«i> low. Una. avo. UaoiuiBovMi Corn, En5ila£e and the Silo BY O. P. MAK8U, B. 4. A , THORNBUKV. The Urge number of silos wliich liav<s been built in Ontario of late yeara has ureatly incruaiod the acrea);>4 of corn and uauh succeudiuu year fHrinura win- have never grown oorn beFnre fur fodder will urow it to a greater extent and thore who hove urown it for years are growing more, and thia will be especially true t%ftor the unprecedented droULdit of 1805. Whekk to plant. â€" Tj answer this que kiu.i â- alsFiictorily we nu.it know some thing of the life hiHtory and iieeda i>f ilie corn plant. >Ve loa'ii ih.il it in a native ol America ; that its original Innne is in Ouatenmla wheie it Krows as of old. From hero it was introduced by some Indian or early traveller into every atito of the Union and Canada. Thus *e per that it is a native ><f a tropical countiy. and to grow it to perfection we must yive it as near as po.ieilile the sanie cunditio;n that it enjoyed in its native country. We cull obtiin thus .• cunditions to the greatest extent in a decaying sod, clover sod is the liest, and a warm soil, k de- caying Hiid Slid will be from nix to eisjlit degrees warmer thai) stubble land. There must be a fair de;{reo id moisture but nut too muidi aet. The land nui«t be thoroughly prepu'ed. and to do ihii it should bo plowed ill the fall. The iiiaiiure may either he plnweJ under in the fall or dr.iwn out through the winter Slid then iiiixi^d with the surlacu soil by cullivjilion The land shoulJ then be thorouiflity cultivated in the spi iiii; for a sutiicivnb lenuih of time to start every weed seed. It is far belter to plant u few days later and have the ground in pel feet condition. It IS better to cultivate in the »j)rinj,' rather than to pKiw, for any urass nliich has not been turned uudnr the year be- fore will bo mere easily kepi in cintrnl and instead of turning up tliu deep, cold subsoil, wo L'et a deep, warm sred bed, and are enabled to plant a week I'r ten days earlior. Also where the bind is Worked up in this way it is better pre- pared til ititlistand a drougli. Time to .sow. â€" Sow as s.ion as iho land is tlio>oui;hly prepared and when all danger of f I ost is past. Sow with a coniinoii ^rain diill, two spouts to a dnll, or if the ciTii is of the smaller larieties three may be us^'d. Sow from three tn live g aiiis to die foit oral the rate of a peck :o a peek and a half to the ivcre and put it in at least two inchi^s deep. A few flays after it is sown a lijiht har- row shtiuld l)»f run over the field to break the cruHt and to kill any weeds which niiy liaee staitad. U-peat at intervals until it becomes too high. It u better to drag 111 the aftarnoim, as the stalks are then tougher and less damage will be done to I be corn. If a suitalde harrow is nut nt hand a liay rake may be used to :.'Oiid advantage, or oilu may I'U ci'llslVUC- lod by taking three 2x0 inch pine or lieiiilouU boards seven and half feet biiig and bolting thnni tojether in the fia-iii of a triangleaiid llion diivingseventy, einlit- ilieh wire nails in this up to the head in two rows, if the ihiIh are slanted back they are not ho likely tn tear up the coin. \Vi en too lii.:h til haiT'iw stait the Ip'rae hue and koi p it giiiinr tlirmi'.;li the sum nier. III t only as a weed killer but also as a he sener I'f the soil, an tlbit it will re- â- ain iho niiiisturu. The cultivation hliould be halliiw su that the roots will not be iiijuieil. A hai row made similarly in the one d.'C i' t.:l, but smuUir, will be found one 111 the bunt tools tor ciilliratioK ii wit'i. The difleiint uiak.a of wcuders with long vibiatiii).' lath aie er.eelletit and are inpidly onniiig into use. Whither the en: n ciiii be raked uii'il it is at least two feel high, and ibis |r<inioiea (;reat ecoiioiiiy id labiir In its enltivaiion. "iVhat we iiuist aim al, is !<• ki'l the weeds and kei p the ^;r•â- ulld iiioi.t by I'r.inieiit stur my wi'b a I gbt harruw or cn'tivatm, and to dn this wu nuist keep the ci ust bnken, and eipecially after n rain, hu that 'lie -.nil will lelai-i the mnlstuic. When the ei.rii i-i.'^ix fiet i.r so high it is n.seless to I oiiiione workiiit.' it and it is better to siivv lye nt the rate nf two buahela per lore and work it in with a lijlit harrow. 1 ho ry'" will <{iow rapid'y whin the corn is reiiiiived, »« 1 will atlord a yi.od fall pa.<tiiiu::o, prevent leaehii'i.' and naahing aws) i>f plant fond and forms a nici* rye xod totuin under in the spring, which will 'e of gi eat use in supplying hiiiniis III llie tiieceeding ciop. In sinie places eriiiHi'ii elovtr is u-e_d for ihis purpose, and if it is aiiecessful in Onraiio ii will ansvvir very well and in udditinii wi 1 add til the niliog^ o emitainod in iliesnil. Vabiltibs â€" The best advice to be given is to \iluiit the larn-r part of the cup of some variety which has been •ai'gi ly le^ted in ilio m ij.btMirli.iod anil fiiiii d KiiCiHfactoiy for ihat ilisrici, and then I ut 111 the d'U'-nnt vaiieiiea in -inii'oi plots as a tost. Vv'iien I he season is liir/ Maniiniiih S.iutliern Sweet ainl lied Cull KiiKilaye ai« gmid and wid niiituie sutSeieiitly fur ll,e siln. M.iii inoih (."tiban is tnoliably the best 1 lisi a^ie cm fnr H miildlo ilistiict, Siilzvra Ni-itll Daeola, Lutigfollnv, (liaiit rfi.li- licei, aie also nil tried variolies. For fniiiiir iiorili an lailior vaiiety, as C i.ipl. lis Kaily i v I.eaioMig would pro ba I 1> ;.'ivo betiir eatisfactioii. b:.v.^li.M;K. - T.i make a vod ipiality of ensilage ilio cnrii should bo put in the si o jnst as iho oais begiii to glaze. It cut earlier ll ahoiild he milloil, or if liper or 1.. lulled with friist it would be well to add water i.s it guis into iho sibi. The niajunfy ui men eir i.n the side of having their com loiigicuii rather than too ripe lieiiio the lesult, niiieli Stur ipuiled eiii-i age. The corn and alalks â-ºhould be wtdl iiiixod in siln ami if in the right oon- ditiiii.H the tilling may be continued until Hi ixhed. Siui.â€" A silo is a box, tub, bin or ether rBceptacle fur sturina fodder in the greon state. It .shmild be built of sound timber and may be build round, siiuare or any other shape so long lu it is air tight, make of two ihiekoesnes of goixl lumber with tar paper bd ween. If out- aide th'j barn it rh-Hild have another layer of psper and a thiokne?<s of sheeting on the outnidu. If bni.t H(|iiar>! it will be neccssaiy to lid ibe coniera either by pl.ieing a thee Ciinered stick <if tiinbf.r in llieiii or by settiug a bi>i<id up on end. A gill ll cheap abi may be built i>f '.^ inch plank set up tink fsMJii di, with imn rods as lioopM made in two or three sections, the •'inis run thr<>u.;li an up- right seniiiliiig and the nu'.i >>ii the 0'.id> t ghtened lip This may lie taken np or !â-  oselied at will. Such silns built nut side the barn with mily i. board iimf havi given exceil. lit s.ii hf.ic'ioii the pas' severe buason, the aiiiniii.t nf frnzoi' ensilage ainountir.g 'oabiiost i.oihii:2. Oi.e of the b>-s' silin i» in.ide of h.ilf inoli srutf bent and i.a''L-d mi 2*4 Btud> set tip in a ciicl-. Two thickiesics of iunilier and one of pA'iei' i.s u>i:!d on i: • tide, and if bni't outa de the burn the same ii usid on me o.itsde. Thi-iii:;k s .111 excellent silo, but i.». i-xpcimive. Ceineiit makes a t:iM>d siln but Ills t!>e fault i.f heiiiL' Either cxp- lisive- One re dcoiiiiiig fialnre i«, Imwever, that a ctnient silo i» alnn i.t eveihiKt.ng, as il will never mt, Mid if propoily bull ai.ould I >st a hfetimii, U-'bert .^rni^trniig, of Kiiton, Vns ai equine curiusity 'o Ins stable. It is tt bald UK-ire, ii such a i>aiiie cnii be up- plied til a ni:,ie with ahaoiii ely n â-  i ai on her b idy. The aniinal, a Clyiei'alo, if abiut 7 eiun, ! •„'«•! til lose h-r ha r two 3'cars »g 1 iiiin in «pite if uii effortH to pie^riVK it thia spiimj tinds her enlno'y Jiurntr. nf ni'uru'.-% ;;arineiiti. !*!iu 1 mlv^ lil^ a riiijU'r In rse ra klie ^tunl^a in In r snitiynkm It is an afH cti'.n, Imweier, iliat AriiiK'r'i;ii.' can air.nd to jmt up wi.li if the maioo.n, for the disappear. li'ee I'f liie hair Iiks i>.- crenii-d the aiiinnl a value frmn pri.hal ly $100 to an unknown sum us a circus I freak. Alread ^50 las been ofl'.'red for her. A clergyman nf Listowel lelatct an IncideLt which hapjiered lately, is an illnstraiinn of the lintjuislic oltliculty and lii't of iirevirei.ee. IJilievini; it his duty to look after the heathen at In one as well as abriiad he railed st the Chiotse laun- dry hero and anked Ch'iiig Leo if he knew anyllnnv nf ihe C'lnistian Uod. Af- ter consulting his bmiks Cbin g innnceiit- ly replied : " Xot know; he no get no wasbee here." A Haiinver ash man ft:^ head (ir»t into an a»h barrel the othee day and would have been i<iiintlieied but fnr the timely asfistauceof the woman nt the house, Willi t,Mabbi d lilin by the heels and yauk- »,-', him out. The Markets. Carefully Corrcvtfd Ea<li Wrrk i'iour f.3 SO to J4 4f) O.its •>! to 23 (•'•as 48 to 60 ;5utler 12 to \% ''','!;», flesh 8 ',o }< Poiatnes bag ;!0 fo . 30 Hnrk 4 .W to 4 50 Hay per tmi fi 00 to 1(100 Hides 4 TO to 5 tiO "Sliet p.skitis 25 to off 'â- 'eese o to 5 Turkeys 7 ti 7 '^^liiekens per pair JO 'o SS iJiicks pel pair •40 to f>0 ""â- ^'onl.. 'JO ti, 24 Time Table. COI.NO .SOl'TH. Markdaleâ€" G.40 a. m. 4 40 p. in. Fleshertoii â€" U.53 a. ui. 4.53 p. w. OOIXO >ORTH . Kleplierton â€" 11 4^ a. m. !).17 p. ni. Maikdale--12 04 p. in. P,.".0 p. in BULL FOR SERVICE. The uiiilorBlcn-d hns u tiuo Durliam Hull fer ••ivico ou lot XM, \V. T. B. It. Temis -.'â-  con:» W. DATI3. BULL FOR SERVICE The under^iiinuj has a thorouglibrud rcuisti r od Durham bull for sorviue on lot ^4, cou. IC, Arteuiesia. Tonus 75c, payable Ist Fct., uftar tliat*!. SOLOMON lUKNUB. iiriiii TII«IISeiP~ OF MIElESli Notice ia hnte^'y given that the first sitting of theOonit of Revision, Township of .\itenifsia, will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton -ONâ€" . Monday the first day of June, 1896 AT 10 o'lLOOK A. M. All Parties iiiterostod will govern thorn. selves aecordi.igly. Dated at Floherton this lOlh d<iy of May ISb'G. W. J. HELLAMY, Clerk of add Court. THE BEST OF â€" *^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ()N HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of fln>cerios, Lemons and Orniigcs. 2 bottles Pickles for 25e -best bland. Don't buy anything but the LKADKR CHURN, it fa the best. ' I .sell it. A clioioe lino of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PEDLAR t>r. B. r. Jr«rr<U. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERSS A MEOICINB WITHOUT AN EOUAL Statement of a Well Known Doctor " Ayer's Sarsaparilla H without an equal M a blooU-puriflcr and Spring ineUlclae, and cannot have praise enougli. I have watobe^ Us effects In chronic cases, where other treatuiCDt was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood meillcino that I have ever used, and I hav* tried them all. Is so thorough tn Its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."â€" Dr. H. F. Ueabuj., Augusta, Mo. Onli Admitted at the World's Fair, Sarsaparilla Avar's nil* for Uv«r ami bowtttt Flesherton 5aw & Planing _ Mills Tiie nndersigued are placing iu po- Hilioii a fn.st cluss sawmill for custt lu sawing, wliieli will be rrady for opera- tion in .Jiiiina-v. We liavf alsoaddtd A CHOPPING MILL For llic coiivenieucc of farmers. Clioppiiis? done at any time at 5 cents per 100 lbs. Tlio sash and door factory, land and scroll suwins; business coutiiiiU'd as I'lSual. Pile in yotw orders. UEECRO'.'T & TALBQ-J 'A Photos -T.4KEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery | aro done in fii-st-olass stylo and at £ lowest rates. Special attention ff uivoii til copyinc. Babies' photoi. fe a dpecialty. Pictures framed. £ MRS. BULMER | â- ': :_.â- ; ;^KV.:;iSan

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