Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1896, p. 4

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-mmtm THI FLIBHIITOM ADViNei %i- ?, .J* BTABLisara 1881 ^lie ^dxiance P'.'BLISnKD WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE. 8YD- IMHAM 8TaBRT, ri^SHBRTuN, OMT., BY W. H. THUB8T0N. about 67 milei, and in all that diBtance saw no evidence of any gam- hopper plagae anoli as wai fearsd. The crops, too, looked very fair along most of the route. The hoppers, no donbt, are pitntiful in some sections, and have damaged some pasture and oat fields, bat we do not tbink any general plague of the beasts need be feared. Qrahatn vs. Qrabam. tl peranuuiii,strictly in advance Advertising Rates: Oa« Colatua, 1 year, $60 ; half col., 1 ye&r, •27 quarter ool., ooe year, Hi. Transient advertUement charged at the rate 0( ( ceots pur line tor first insertion and 3 oeuts aaoti subsequout iuKertlon. Tupper is Out The Reform Party Sweeps Country the Afld Will Havaa Clesr flajorlty n< 2«-Sproule for Baat Qrcy by 6jo, Landerkin tor South aad Clark for North. Notwithstanding repeated warnings from friends in the House and throughout the country, 8ii- Charles Tnpper persisted ' in hid Btmedial measure, and on Tuesday he reaped the whirlwind which The Advancu predicted when the measure was be- fore the House. It alone wrecked the party. This is an epoch to be re- membered in the history of Canada. It ia au epocli which brings out clearly the fact that the priesthood and bishops have lost to a great ex- tent the powet wliicli tliey JiclUin past years over temporal matters, for Quebec itself has given them unequiv- ocally to understand this fact, seat after scat having been gained by the Liberals in that land oi the mande- ment itself. Full leturns place the Liberal majority over all at t&. In Bast Orey Dr bproulo has been mag- nificently roturne'l by the large ma- jority of 050. North Grey has retali- ated upon the guvorumeut by electing a Liberal with a u:ajority of 7-). The thrce-coruercd figlit in iSouth Grey has resulted in Dr. Landerkin's re- election by a good majority Follow- ing are the returns for buulh Grey : BY TOWNSHIPS. Artembsiaâ€" Allan 132; Janiieaun 33C, Landurkin 3(Xi. Majority fur Jaiiiiuson, 33. Ulinelg â€" Allan 162, Janiiuoon 322, Landerkin 177. Majority fur Jaiiu«»un, 145. Durham â€" Allan 19, JnniitiHun \T-i, Landerkin 77. MAJurity for JaiiiieHun, Norm A.Nnvâ€" Allan 171, Jnmieson 426, Landvikiii 375 Muj. fur JaiiiiuHun, ul. Korehontâ€" Allan 474, JuinioHon 110, Ijaudurkin 290. Majority for Allnii over Landerkin, 184. Mnjorily for Landurkin ovur Jauiienon, 174. Bbntinck -Allan 274, Jamiusun 294, Landurkin 508. Majority for Lmdcr- kin, 274. Markdai.e- .Mian V, Janiic8on 05, Landerkin 40. Majority for jHniiei>«n, 49. RECAPITULATION. To the Editor of The Advance. Sir, â€" As in your last isaue there ap- peared a letter over the oignature of John I, Uraham in reUtion to the alx>ve action which niakeB ruf eronco to me, I respect- fully request the insertion of a reply. Mr. Graham practically admits the correctness of the newspaper report of his case excej>t as to ])aynient8 niode by him since the family settlement in 1893. If he i» correct in his contradiction it is strange he did not say wliat ainouut he (mid in casli and m supplies. This would have made his objection much more valuable. He claims to have asked some one to buy some supplies, but nothing more. His letter nuppreases the fact that his offer of settlement in luy office had the condition attached that his mother should accept supplies instead of the 9100 annually in cash agreed upon. This she objected to. Tlie same thing was sought to be effected by the family settle- ment which the court has disallowed. Mr. Graham ha« been incautious in re- fomng to the amount of judgment re- covered against huu by way of com- promise, first becausu he resisted payment of the chatties reserved by his mother on the ground that he was protected by the statute of Liinitatiuns, and seoondly becausu of the information given by his solicitors as to his financial standing and evident effect of a large judgment. The Biiialler the amount the more readily paid. He should not have complained of this and it caimot of course be the oc- casion of an advertisement for the sale of Ilia property now published. His letter is also incorrect as to costs as he jmys his own costs under any cir- cumstance. His " lack of good advice," or rather of his ahiUty to take it and of filial con- duct aru conspicuuualy displayed in bin continued neglect and jwraiNtoiit refusal to (Miy his mother her annuity for 5 or years jMtst, during which as ho suggests she has grown older. I do not understand his closing sentences and have only to say if he refers tu me it is a piece of i{ratuitous impertinence without foundation and that your correN|iondeiit should have plenty to do altending to his own affairs without liothering with more. J. W. FROST. Uwen Sound, June 22nd, 1896. On motion, the Council theM odjoffrned till ten n'vlock cm Wednesday morning to allow ctmimitteus time to consider matters referred to them. wednbsdat mornino The Warden took the chair at ten o'clock. Members all present. Several communications were rrad and referred. The County Clerk presented and read his report nn matters referred to him al last session of Council, which was referr- ed by the Warden to the committee on communicatir>ns and memorials. _ The report ststed that the two roem6riai» which the Council had requested the clerk to draw up an 1 forward to the Ontario Legislature, had been duly pre- pared and transmitted. The first memorial uftks that the Industrial school at Mimioo be made 3 provincial institu- tion free to all municipahties. T''e second asks liiai (he municipalities be relieved of the expense of psyinft for the pollinK booths in provincial elections. The clerk's report also stated that a bond for the deed for a road deviation had been ret;i8tered in the registry office of S<iuth Grey in accordance with instructions ; also that an index to tlie bylaws of the County had been pre{>ared and printed in accordance with the instructions of the Councd. Mr. Howe presented report No. 1 of the finance committee, recommending that the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital be ((ranted t200 ; that the presentment of the Grand Jury Ini filed ; that a bylaw bs introduced to ap- point a high cnnstable fur the county ; that the application of C. C. Pearce and Henry Taylor, Uweii Sound, and Oeorxe Noble, Markdalx, for Char position bs re- ceived and filed ; that the anditer's re port be filed ; and that all accounts amounting to $10 71 be paid. The re- port was adopted and read. Mr. Binoie introduced bylaw 671 to appoint a high constable, and Mr. Gilray bylaw 618 to fix the fees to be paid by county pupils at the high schiwls of this county. Both bylaws were given a first and second reading and passed through ommittee of the whoh-, and the former was filled in with the name of Geo. Noble, of Markdale, who therefore be- comes high constable of the country. Mr. Thomson, chairman of the special committee re the heading uf the court house presented his rep4irt of samr, ac- companied by plans and estimates pre- pared by Mesais. W. J. Burroughes A Co., heating engineer*, Toronto. Council adjourned :ill 10 a. m. Tliurs- day. Conuty Council Bir Leonard Tilley is dying. James Thompson was fonnd guilty at the Orangeviile Assizes of stealing 00c and got six months. After two and half hours' delibera- tion the jury in the Agnew murdtr oaBs. found the prisoiwr* John Kear- ney, gniliy of wilful mui-der. Mr. Justice Street sentenced the prisoner to be hanged on October 1 . TIE â-  ClllPIOI - STllUOI Of The Dominion ALLAN .lAltlBSUN LAN'DKRKiN Artcmcsia i;t2 ;{;«« ;«).! Norniunby 171 426 â- Mi, Kgremunl 474 110 290 Beutinck 274 294 mi8 Olenelg 102 .^22 177 Durham 19 173 77 Karkdale 9 95 40 1241 1702 Majority for Landerkin, 74. 1830 notes. The election was marvolloua in many waj ». Ouo joniig man cuiuo from Owen Souml to vote by the afternoon iraiii. lie was five minutes late and lost his vote. lie had pur- poHi'd cuniiug in tlio moining but an eineny tunitd back his watch and he missed his train. Euphrahia rolled up a big majority for Dr. Spronlo. It is suid tliat uvci y vote was polled in that town; hip with fine exception and that man was in Montana and sent his regrets. The vote in this riding was alsj veiy l»rgo. })v. Landorkiu'd old majority was 8- Claik, Osier, Lonnt and Robertson aie tiic mcmbors for Toronto. MoMnllen wan again returned in North Wellington. Urandon relurn- fld McCarthy. The Advance editor took a jaunt by wheel on Saturday aftonioou last by way of Markdale, Qoting, Rooklyu, CWltsburg, HestboQta aad Kimbarlaj,, Tlie June Session of the County Ciiuncil opened on Monday eveniiit( at the(.'<>urt House, all the inciiiberH being prtsi-nt except Mr. T. I. Thumpson of Owen Siiund. Tlie Warden took the cliairat 7-30^p. m. and after the uitual T'lUtine busine(>H li.id been disposed of addreSHod tht> ciiiini'il liriellv. IIoSHid it ntfiirded him i;reat pleasure to meet the nitiiiilii'rn of the council in ^cmd health Hiid spirits. They were all pleased to see their (dd friend Mr. Chishohu, the reuvo of Owen Sound, back iii his place after his serious illness. Nxhinft of imiioitiince had occurred since laat sess- ion. Uin work had boeii entirely of a riiiitine nature, and he was glad to saj the country was Ht peace with its uei;:li- bjrs. He had signed a few small orders and he hoped this would bo satisfactory bo I lie Council. The troosurer'Hestimates would soon ho bmuglit down. They would be found iiither hiylirr than usuiil,. owini! to the increase of i xpendituro fur judicial purposes, I'he faniifrg wera to be coii);ratuluiod on the progpocls of better crops than they hnd last year, iillhoUL'h pHits of the CDuntiy were tlueaienod with a vcrnsAhopper plauue. Ir wonlcl not he nocesKaiy for him to advise t'Ooiioniy beeiiuao he knew they wnuld piactisu it without such advice from him. The warden oimcludud his address amidst applause. A Isrire number of CKinnuinicalions were read and referred to the various committees to ho dealt with later on. The treasurer's eKtiinatea were present ud showini; an estimated expenditure of 832,188 for the voir. The cxiincil adjnurned at 8 o'clock till 10 a. in. Tuea.lay. TUKHIlAY MOHNINd. Oounoil met pursuant to adjournment. The Wardoii in the chair, members all present. Alter routine business, several acoouiits and ooiumuuicati.ins wsre read and, ufecreiLto tha resoeotive oowinittaM.. " EQUAL RIGHTS HOUSE" nam C 'Z> TOO BUSY TO WRITE AN ADV'T. juys PRINCE ARTHUR lUrOUTED JULY, XSOS Winuor at llio WorU's Fklr, Ohioago, New York, and Ottawa; flr«t at Toronto Spring Hhow and HweepBtakeB for liest atalllon any nse, l»t):i; flmt aiid silver iiindal at Toronto liidimlri»\, IBUI \»t and »w»ei>-.t»kea at Toronto Bpriug Hliuw, 1801; fli St liriio and silver medal aUo Hwuu|>ntak<is for l>e t â- talliou any ag* at Toronto InilUKtrial, IHSi;. Piiiioe Arthur regiattrid No. 1859 T C H 8 No. 1000 A n a united Htatcs Btud Book. BOUTEâ€" 18U0 UONUAY May 4th, will leave bis own stable, lot 18, con 1(1, Ku|ihrasia, aad iirocuad to Mr Kilbourn White'n U»h line K». Vluoent, for noon ; thonco by nay of Bay View to Woodford for tbeniglit. TL'BSUAY, will proceed to Wanilow's Hotel, Owen Sonud, for noon, where he will reiuaiu lentil 8 o'clock, the following moruiiig. \VF.D:iKSnAT. will proceed to Jackson House, Jaukaon, for noon; thence to ui Hotel, Tara, for the ulght. TIIUKSUAY, will proceed to Mr Oeo Hender- Bon'H near Keady,for nt.'ou ; Ihniioe to Campbell House, Cliatsworth, for the ii^ht. KU111AY, will proceed to Mr \Vm Foster's Otli con Holland, for noon ; tlionce to his own stable where he will remain until Moaday, This route will be continued throughout the Boacuu, health uiid weather pormitting. DKSCKII'TION I'rlnce Arthur is a pure bred Yorkshire Coaota Huina snd registerod in tlio Yorkshire Coaob Horse Hoeioty of Qrcat llritnin and Ireland No. lH6tJ. tlolor. bay ; hlaek lBj!e, mane and tail, and peifeotly free from white, aged years, stands IBl bauds high, wuiulia 1,4U0 lbs., has tha best of aotiou and iseutiruly free from blonilsh. 1BHMB To Insure a foal $16. to be paid 1st February, 1BU7. For the season Sli. payable the last two rounds. Hlntile leap aiO, to be paid at time of Borvioe. Insured iiiaros inuat be returned regularly to the horsu duiing the season or thuy will be obarced full assurance, in foal or not. Versons trying mares to tba horse aad not returning them will be charged for the season. I'artina disposing of their mares before colleutlug time will he respouslble for luBurauce. All tcoideuta to mares at risk of owuars. J. MANAREY, Cellscter. COME! B. McDonald Trying to beat the record we have added to our Dress Goo<la. We have secured a lot of Persian Silk and Wool mixture* which have been sold in Toronto at 75c to $1.00. We offer them at 35c and 40c. Our stock of New Figured Silks at 25c., 30c and :!Bc per yard should bo quick sellers. They are very httle above price of Cotton Goods. We eipect more of those beautiful Bloire Aiiti(iue8 which sold out so quickly- last week at 10c per yard. These goods '~' •"-*>>'> 'r.,roi»to Bspart- were sold at x-a*' *•• -"- - mental Stores. Groceries We keep fresh and fully assorted and believe that quaUty sliould never be sacriticee for low prices. We give prices of a few lines : ' â€" 5 Cans Best Com for 25o â€" 5 lbs Sago for 25c â€" 6 lbs Rico for 25c â€"7 lbs Tapioca for 25o ' â€"6 11m Raisins for 25o â€" 2J lbs Baking Powder for 25c â€" 3 Cans Sardines for 25c â€"2 Bottles Mixed Pickles for 26c â€" 5 Ibti Prunes fi r l5c â€" 1 Gallon Can Apples for 20c We might continue the list to foot of this coiuiun on this scale of prices. We warrant all our TEAS to give jMirfect satisfaction to purchasers or may be re- turned. SAMPLES FREE. In Boots d Shoes, HATS, Clothing Wc are receiving constantly iuWit?on» keeping stock aKsoited iu size, fresh and up-to-date in styles. s. I rr Jli'n^ ff^in 18G05 OUR N^EW Black - - Worsted Suitings Are the finest values in this line ever offered here but must be seen bo be k^ predated. Wc Have a Novelty. BRACES That never pull buttons off. Every per- son who wears pitnts â€" (and who does not) â€" should wear our new BR:\.OES. Bt Knickerbocker 800, the sire of ten in the 2 36 list, and the sire of (he dam of Alar 8.U, Cbronos % \1\ and eleven others. This shows that his stock is breeding on and in tba vary front ranks. Knickerbocker is by tba king of siret, Ham> bletouian 10 King Pin s dam is Topaev bv Keiitncky Prince g4S0. sire of (iuv, 9.00J, Kloise, 915, aud over thirty othera in the list, sucond dam by Forest King 1754. the aire of Lady llassct, 3 20), and others, aud Forest King is by that great sire, Mainbi'ino Patchen 5S.sire of !£> in the list, and sire of the dams of 119 fast P' rformers, includ- ing Kalph Wilke<,'iOA) King Pin's datu.TopHy, is in the great brood luaro list, being the daui of Zerlanf*, 9.95. King Piu is .I years old, a beautiful dark bay IP) hands high, and wrifhs 1300. He isah^rseof groat st>le, ijuality, and a grand actor, aud can now, without training, show a 2.4U gait. He has groat substance, strong builil. the make up of a >>ire. the speed to trans- mit aud the breeding and blood liues to make iiiiii prepotent, aud not only a sire of ruL-e horses but a sire of elctaiit carriage and saddle horaea with grand kui-o and hock action, and large enough for all kinds of farm work. 'I^is voung stallion was imported by me last winter, did a large busiiioss last soason. and is a sure foal getter. His service tee will be within reach of every tartner. Bee small bills later. The principal stands for season of tl6 will be : Priceville, at or near Hopeville, Proton Station, Houth-east Arteuiosia. Wareham, Uclutyre, Maxwtll, Kugeuia Falls, Flesberton and home stable, Markdale. J. E. HARSH, ISMy Markdale. Out Gent's Ties, ColUrs, Cuff-. Shirts, (White and Coh)red). Wuite Un- laundried Men's Shirts, 30c each. WE WANT YOUR TRADE IN Butter, tggs, d Wool And will aim to give you biggest and best value in exchange^ c I UCi HardAveire } Dcp't. 7l/e Tjouch TJhe Spot^ naaaor aMl On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- k>wing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APRONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLS GREASE. Konie in aiid Exainine IV. AIOORE2 Htrnessmaker, Fleshetton ''l^Txai'Q Jn ^Ji 0»TCIQ Not much in some â€" a good deal in others. Sidid Cast Steel Forks or Scythes don't count for much now-a-days. You can get anything labelled that way, but when you get the name of RIXFORD On them you can rely on their quality. Don't be persuatlod to take any other kind. Black and Galvaniwd Fence Wire, Safoty and 4 tioint Barb Wire and Ilotha way's Patent Wire at lowest prices. Our Special / In FENCE WIRE is tlie McMulWs Netting. This makes a strong durable fence and is cheap. J^ Call and see it. YOU WILL MISS IT if you don't get a Samson Shovel. Price only 65 cei ta. T \ \ : i ^^^^ kM. •««iWW«W

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